Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
1880 Federal Census Records for  Chemung County NY 
Town of Elmira (Including Reformatory)

1880 Town of Elmira Census

State Reformatory, Elmira NY
Postcard from Collection of Joyce M. Tice 
Over 1900 People in this Census Transcription
For Town of Elmira
Do NOT Confuse with City of Elmira which is a separate political unit
Comments and "Corrections" to 1880 Transcription for Town of Elmira
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Transcribed by Carlton Wolfe
Town of Elmira
1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
11-12 13-14 15-16 17-18 19-20
21-22 23-24 25-26 27-28 29
30-31 32-33 34-35
36-37 38-39 40
Big Flats
Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 -
Do You Know that you can search just the Census Records on the site by using the three county level Census  buttons in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page

You can further limit your search by choosing the find all words option and entering a year or township name along with your surname. Remember that alternate spellings of surnames WILL affect your search results.

Census records are very often difficult to read because of handwriting, microfilm quality, and spelling issues. Our early census takers were not as well educated as we'd like them to have been, and even the people bearing the names often could not spell them with the same consistency we are accustomed to in this era. The census taker wrote what he believed he heard as well as he could. These have been transcribed for you to the very best or our abilities given the difficulties mentioned. Please be tolerant of what you would consider "mistakes." If you can recognize the names you are looking for, then it is a success. If not, then you may want to find a place where you can view the originals so that you can judge for yourselves. Excessive attention to outmoded spelling issues is the sign of a beginner in family research. Those of you who have been at this a while are well aware of the "spelling errors" in our early records and have learned to deal with them. 
New York State Reformatory at Elmira
36     Murphy James 21 S brakeman NY Irish    
      McDonald James 23 S hotel waiter NY Irish    
      McCormick Charles  23 S cabinetmakr NY Irish    
      Malone Harlow 22 S steel polishr WI  Amer    
      Marsh Henry 20 S cigarmaker NY Amer    
      Muntz George 20 S shoemaker NY Germ    
      McManus William 24 S laborer NY Irish    
      McCarthy Martin 27 S laborer NY Irish    
      McCann F. J. 24 S laborer Ireld Irish    
      Moley Dan 22 S peddler NY Irish    
      McQuire Owen 21 S glassblower Durbin,Ireld Irish    
      McCarthy Michael  17 S none NY Irish    
      Meissner Paul 26 S porter Germ Germ    
      Mason George 24 S farmer NY Amer    
      McDevitt James 16 S none NY Irish    
      McGlynn Francis 19 S telegr. mess NY Irish    
      Morgan Frederick 21 S oysterman NY Amer    
      Moore John 28 M butcher NY Amer    
      Mechan Martin 22 S boxmaker NY Irish    
      Murray E. J. 23 M druggist NY Scot/Amer    
      Madden James 19 S painter NY Amer/Irish    
      McQuire John 18 S errand boy NY Irish    
      Mahoney John 18 S paper seller NY Irish    
      Henshaw James 30 S unknown NY Irish    
      Meier William 21 S tailor NY Germ    
      Murphy Frank 21 S tailor NY Irish    
      McMillan A. 24 S shoecutter Rochester Amer    
      Murray James 20 S painter NY      
      McKenna W. J. 19 S printer NY      
      McKeon Frank 21 S hotel boy NY Irish    
      Maney Thomas 24 S jockey NY Irish    
      Mitchell William 22 S laborer Binghamton Africa    
      Merrigott Mathew 21 S file cutter NY Germ    
      Martin James 21 S groom NY Irish    
      Miller James 17 M plumber NY Irish    
      Miller William H. 19 S waiter Poughkeepsie Africa    
      McDonald John 20 S butcher NY Irish    
      May E. H. 18 S errand boy NY Amer    
      Meyer F. 20 S cook Mulhausen Germ    
      Moses Theodore 25 S lithographer Boston Germ    
      Meyer Isaac 29 S watchmaker NY Germ    
      Menken William 23 S waiter Hanover Germ    
      McKenna Michael  18 S stocking wv. NY Irish    
      McAneny Michael  17 S waiter NewOrleans Irish    
      McGuire M. 18 S boot black NY Irish    
      McCloy J. 17 S porter IL Irish    
      Mitchell Fr. 18 S   Plymouth,NY Irish    
      Ma-to-w   19 S hostler CA N.Amer.Ind.    
      McKinney John  19 S driver NY Irish    
      McBirney I.  25 S farme Smithville,NY Irish    
      Merkle John 20 S tailor Rochester Amer    
36     McGloon John 20 S gardner Geneva Irish    
37     McGregor William 23 S boilermaker NY Amer    
      Murphy George 22 S tailor NY Irish     
      Mabar Frank 22 S miller Utica Irish     
      Maney Michael  16 S newsboy NY Irish     
      McHale Thomas 18 S jeweller NY Irish     
      McMillan William 17 S book keeper Brooklyn, NY      
      Madden John 22 M bar tender NY Irish     
      McCauley Thomas F. 24 S secretary Liverpool Eng    
      Muldoon Benjamin 17 S shoemaker Syracuse Ireld    
      Newton George 20 S laborer NY Amer    
      Nugent C. H. 21 S laborer VT Irish    
      Niles George H. 24 S painter Oxford, NY Amer    
      Ode Louis 21 S moulder NY Germ    
      O'Day Michael  17 S errand boy Ireld Irish    
      Orvis Ward 19 S farmer NY Amer    
      Oney Lyman 22 M farmer NY French    
      O'Donnell John 19 S waiter NY Irish    
      O'Brien Jeremiah 17 M errand boy Brooklyn, NY Irish     
      O'Brien John 26 S carpenter NY Amer    
      O'Connor Mathew 19 S oysterman NY Irish     
      Patterson Joselyn 23 S bricklayer NY Amer    
      Palmer J. Nelson 21 S laborer Corning, NY Amer    
      Pierce Henry 21 S silversmith NY Amer    
      Pipian Frank 21 S bell boy NY French    
      Petitjean Justin 30 S engraver Paris French    
      Palmer Jesse 18 S waiter NY Amer    
      Powers Eugene 18 S farmer NY Amer    
      Penny Maurice 16 S painter Boston Germ    
      Pender Thomas 25 S laborer Stanford Amer    
      Parker Robert 21 S brass fitter NY Eng    
      Parker William 16 S brass fitter NY Eng    
      Reed James 21 S upholsterer NY French/Irish    
      Roth W. F. 20 S woodcarver NY Germ    
      Reilly William F. 24 S book keeper NY Irish    
      Reilly Ed  20 S clerk Brooklyn, NY      
      Ross Frank 28 M book keeper MI Amer    
      Reamer Frank 18 S farmer Germ Germ    
      Robinson H. 20 S farmer PA Amer    
      Ryan John 28 S painter NY Irish    
      Reddy J. F. 16 S bronzer Ireld Irish    
      Ruttan Frank 20 S farmer NY French    
      Race Andrew 22 S shoemaker NY Amer    
      Rudolph John 19 S tailor NY Germ    
      Rudolph Fr. 16 S clerk NY Amer    
      Raushert John 23 S brushmaker Germ Germ    
      Ryan James 21 S laborer NY Irish    
      Reddington John 20 S broommaker MD Irish    
      Redner John 19 S farm laborer Perry, NY Amer    
      Reddy John 23 S stone cutter Eng Irish    
      Risbey D. H. 23 S book keeper NY Amer    
      Reilly John 19 S moulder NY Irish    
37     Reilly James 17 S boilermaker Brooklyn,NY Irish    

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 03/14/2002
By Joyce M. Tice