Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
1880 Federal Census Records for  Chemung County NY 
City of Elmira  - Seventh Ward

1880 City of Elmira Census - Seventh Ward

Over 2000  People in this Census Transcription For City of Elmira - Seventh Ward 
 Eldridge Park
Seventh Ward Census is illustrated with Stereoscopic Views of Eldridge Park.
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Transcribed by Carlton Wolfe
City of Elmira, Seventh  Ward
Enumerated June 12, 1880 by Orville D. Elmore
1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
11-12 13-14 15-16 17-18 19-20
21-22 23-24 25-26 27-28 29-30
31-32 33-34 35-36 37-38 39-41
More Elmira Census
Comments and "Corrections"
to 1880 Transcription for City of Elmira
Dedicated to the Late Norma Jenkins,
Site guest who provided the 
Photos used in this section
Big Flats
Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 -
Do You Know that you can search just the Census Records on the site by using the three county level Census  buttons in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page

You can further limit your search by choosing the find all words option and entering a year or township name along with your surname. Remember that alternate spellings of surnames WILL affect your search results.

Census records are very often difficult to read because of handwriting, microfilm quality, and spelling issues. Our early census takers were not as well educated as we'd like them to have been, and even the people bearing the names often could not spell them with the same consistency we are accustomed to in this era. The census taker wrote what he believed he heard as well as he could. These have been transcribed for you to the very best or our abilities given the difficulties mentioned. Please be tolerant of what you would consider "mistakes." If you can recognize the names you are looking for, then it is a success. If not, then you may want to find a place where you can view the originals so that you can judge for yourselves. Excessive attention to outmoded spelling issues is the sign of a beginner in family research. Those of you who have been at this a while are well aware of the "spelling errors" in our early records and have learned to take them in your stride. 
37 211 361 415 Jeffers William 60 M   laborer MA      
    361 416 Baldwin Thomas 54 M hus brick mason PA Can PA  
          Emeline 43 F wife housekeeper PA Eng Eng  
                          CENTER STREET
  327 362 417 Bailey John O. 41 M hus laborer NY NY NY  
          Sarah A. 43 F wife housekeeper NY NY NY  
    362 418 Chidester Adolphus 64 M hus carpenter NY      
          Elizabeth 54 F wife housekeeper NY CT CT  
        Totes Estella 24 F dau dress maker NY   NY  
          Claude 4 M gr. son at home NY NY NY  
  331 363 419 Derby Loring W. 46 M hus shoe fac. boss MA MA MA  
          Sarah M. 43 F wife housekeeper MA MA MA  
          James L. 21 M son shoe fac.wkr. MA MA MA  
        Tice Myra 41 F   servant NY NY NY  
  351 364 420 Miller James H. 30 M hus carpenter PA PA PA  
          Flora 25 F wife housekeeper PA NY NY  
          Archie 3 M son at home PA PA PA  
          Lena 11m F dau at home NY PA PA  
  350 365 421 Osborne Eliza 56 F widow housekeeper Ireld Scotld Scotld  
          Susan 25 F dau at home PA Scotld Scotld  
          Mary 24 F dau dress maker PA Scotld Scotld  
          John 24 M son shoe fac. wkr. OH Scotld Scotld  
          Kittie 19 F dau milliner PA Scotld Scotld  
          David 15 M son at home PA Scotld Scotld  
          Adelaide 25 F dau-in-law housekeeper PA      
          Zelma 2m M gr. son at home NY PA PA  
  355 366 422 Rumsey Obadiah S. 58 M hus   NY NY NY  
          Flora A. 33 F wife housekeeper NY VT NY  
          Lee S. 6 M son at home NY NY NY  
          Ray L. 4 M son at home IL NY NY  
  359 367 423 Gregg Byron 75 M hus   NY NY NY  
          Polly 73 F wife housekeeper NY PA PA  
  373 368 424 Miller Alexander 74 M hus   NY   NY  
          Abigail 74 F wife housekeeper NY NY PA  
  375 369 425 Lariew Porter 31 M hus painter NY   NY  
          Fannie A. 37 F wife housekeeper NY NJ NY  
          Sarah N. 7 F dau at home NY NY NY  
          Zalmon C. 4 M son at home NY NY NY  
        Graham Janette 70 F   servant NY NY NY  
                          SULLIVAN STREET
  1315 370 426 Friedman Ryman 60 M widower laborer Baden Baden Baden  
          Joseph 23 M son laborer Baden Baden Baden  
          Emma 15 F dau housekeeper Baden Baden Baden  
                          PRATT STREET
  1320 371 427 White James 45 M hus farm laborer Can Ireld Eng  
          Lucinda 39 F wife housekeeper NY NY NY  
                          LAKE STREET
  1315 372 427 VanCise Murray 21 M hus book keeper PA PA PA  
          Frank 21 F wife housekeeper PA PA PA  
  957 373 428 Diven George M. 44 M hus lawyer NY NY NY  
          Lucy M. 46 F wife housekeeper NY RI NY  
          Eugene 14 M son NY NY NY  
          Alex S. 10 M son NY NY NY  
37         Alden B. 9 M son at home NY NY NY  
38   374 428 Diven Lewis 6 M son at home NY NY NY  
        Brown Bridget 45 F   servant Ireld Ireld Ireld  
        Howard Nellie 20 F   servant NY Ireld Ireld  
        Schman John 21 M   servant NY      
  851 375 429 Hannefin Jerry 50 M   laborer Ireld Ireld Ireld  
          Mary 30 F sister housekeeper Ireld Ireld Ireld  
        Mahony Ellen 65 F aunt widow Ireld Ireld Ireld  
        Hannefin Timothy 47 M brother stone mason Ireld Ireld Ireld  
  709 376 430 Miller James J. 40 M hus watchman PA PA PA  
          Rebecca 41 F wife housekeeper PA PA PA  
          Ellen J. 15 F dau PA PA PA  
          Arthur 9 M son at home IA PA PA  
          Eva 1 F dau at home NY PA PA  
  700 377 431 Seirine George B. 29 M hus driver NY NY NY  
          Susan D. 24 F wife housekeeper NY NY NY  
          Fred 5 M son at home NY NY NY  
  807 378 432 Fish Alfred H. 29 M hus   PA      
          Frank 26 F wife housekeeper NY PA NY  
                          BENTON STREET
  903 379 433 Stickler Albert 33 M hus laborer NY      
          Hattie 33 F wife housekeeper NY   NY  
        Bailey Mary 25 F sister-in-lw tailoress NY   NY  
  908 380 434 Nourse Charles 54 M hus blacksmith NY      
          Elizabeth 40 F wife housekeeper PA PA PA  
        Stanton Della 14 F step-dau NY NY PA  
          Charles 12 M step-son NY NY PA  
  1100 381 435 Wisner Jeffrey A. 48 M hus   NY      
          Junette 43 F wife housekeeper NY NY NY  
          Frank 24 M son brakeman OH NY NY  
          Ann G. 15 F dau NY NY NY  
  1209 382 436 Jones Alfred P. 41 M hus auger fac.clerk NY NY NY  
          Emma A. 37 F wife housekeeper NY Eng NY  
          Lucy 8 F dau at home NY NY NY  
          Roy J. 7 M adopt-son at home NY NY NY  
                          HALL STREET
  1212 383 437 Spencer Burdette 51 M hus reform. guard NY CT MA  
          Emma E. 37 F wife housekeeper IL PA Norway  
          Burr 12 M son NY NY IL  
          Earnest 6 M son at home IN NY IL  
          Lois 83 F mother widow MA MA MA  
                          BALDWIN STREET
  1351 384 438 Lynch John D. 32 M hus miner NY Ireld Ireld  
          Johanna 34 F wife housekeeper Ireld Ireld Ireld  
          Daniel 8 M son at home NY NY Ireld  
          Mary 7 F dau at home NY NY Ireld  
          John 6 M son at home NY NY Ireld  
          Elizabeth 5 F dau at home NY NY Ireld  
          Jeremiah 4 M son at home NY NY Ireld  
          Joseph 2 M son at home NY NY Ireld  
  1212 385 439 Williams Emery 32 M hus shoe fac. wkr. MI NY NY  
          Ida 27 F wife housekeeper NY NY NY  
          Edward 6 M son at home NY MI NY  
38         Eleanor 4 F dau at home NY MI NY  

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 10/19/2002
By Joyce M. Tice