Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
1860 Federal Census Records for  Chemung County NY 
Town of Chemung

1860 Town of Chemung Census

Comments and "Corrections" to 1860 Transcription for Town of Chemung
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Enumerated by Guy Purdy JUL 1860 
Transcribed by Darla Hogaboom 2004
Formatted & Published by Joyce M. Tice 2004
Big Flats
Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 -
Do You Know that you can search just the Census Records on the site by using the three county level Census  buttons in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page

You can further limit your search by choosing the find all words option and entering a year or township name along with your surname. Remember that alternate spellings of surnames WILL affect your search results.

Census records are very often difficult to read because of handwriting, microfilm quality, and spelling issues. Our early census takers were not as well educated as we'd like them to have been, and even the people bearing the names often could not spell them with the same consistency we are accustomed to in this era. The census taker wrote what he believed he heard as well as he could. These have been transcribed for you to the very best or our abilities given the difficulties mentioned. Please be tolerant of what you would consider "mistakes." If you can recognize the names you are looking for, then it is a success. If not, then you may want to find a place where you can view the originals so that you can judge for yourselves. Excessive attention to outmoded spelling issues is the sign of a beginner in family research. Those of you who have been at this a while are well aware of the "spelling errors" in our early records and have learned to deal with them. 
Dwelling 001 019 039 055 073 088 105 127 144 166 173 194
219 240 261 282 304 319 338 354 373 392
Dwelling No. Family No. Last Name First Name Age Sex Occupation Value of Real Estate Value of Personal Estate Place of Birth Comments
261 242 Waldo Lucius 32 M Bookkeeping   250 NY  
      Mary 31 F       NY  
      Stella 16 F       NY  
262 243 Ellis Martha 47 F     40 NY  
      Stephen 22 M Blacksmith   40 PA  
      Mary 19 F       NY  
      Guy 17 M Apprentice     PA  
      Eliza H. 10 F       PA  
263 244 Bagley Jesse 74 M Shoemaker 500 200 VT  
      Emily 30 F       CT  
264 245 Beeman Isaac  46 M Carpenter   200 NJ  
      Emma J. 13 F       NJ  
      Josephine 11 F       NJ  
265 246 Brown Mahala 33 F Milliner 900 200 NY  
      Ella 8 F       NY  
      Sarah 3 F       NY  
    Kellogg Emma 23 F Milliner     PA  
266 247 Gutherie William 59 M Hotel Keeper 3000 500 NY  
      Sally A. 48 F       NY  
      Sarah 19 F School Teacher     NY  
      Emma 16 F       NY  
      William 14 M       NY  
      Susan 11 F       NY  
    Whitney Sarah 36 F       NY  
    Clark Abraham 30 M Cooper     NJ  
    Slade Charles 28 M Merchant   300 NY  
    Sawyer James 26 M Merchant     NY  
267 248 Snyder Ezra 28 M Merchant   1600 NY  
      Harriet 28 F       NY  
      Frank 3mo. M       NY  
    Graham Sarah 14 F       NY  
    Snover David S. 32 M Cooper   800 NJ Buried-Chemung Village Cemetery
      Mary 32 F       NY  
      Halsey 3 M       NY  
      Elizabeth 2 F       NY  
      Hannah 1 F       NY  
    Harris Catharine 18 F Domestic     PA  
268 249 French Samuel 66 M Farmer 7200 1000 MA  
      Frances 62 F       Ireland  
      William C. 39 M Farm Laborer   3000 NY  
      Elizabeth 35 F       NY  
      Rachel 29 F       NY  
      Mary J. 23 F       NY  
      Jeremiah 21 M Farm Laborer     NY  
    Mills John 11 M       PA  
    French Jenny 3 F       NY  
269 250 French George H. 27 M Farm Laborer   100 NY  
      Victoria 23 F       NY  
      Hiram 4 M       NY  
270 251 Hungerford Jerome 35 M Farm Laborer   250 NY  
      Jane 31 F       NY  
      Sarah J. 1mo. F       NY  
271 252 Daly Martin 37 F Farm Laborer 500 50 Ireland  
      Anna 35 F       Ireland  
      Adelia 7 F       NY  
      Margaret 5 F       PA  
      Esther 3 F       NY  
272 253 Depew Benjamin 61 M Farmer 6000 1600 PA  
      Mary J. 38 F       NY  
      Mary E. 18 F       NY  
      Clay J. 9 F       NY  
      William 2 M       NY  
273 254 Bell Jonathan 56 M Farm Laborer   100 NY  
      Jane 56 F       NY  
      Samuel 22 M Farm Laborer     NY  
      Jonathan 16 M Farm Laborer     NY  
274 255 Drake William 31 M Farmer 12000 1500 NY  
      Antoinette 31 F       NY  
      Charles H. 2 M       NY  
      Jane 1 F       NY  
    Comfort Daniel 17 M Farm Laborer     NY  
    Lucky Harriet 23 F Domestic     PA  
    Davis Nelson 15 M Farm Laborer     NY  
275 256 Nichols Oliver 31 M Merchant 3000 1000 NY  
      Eliza 26 F       NY  
      Leonard 24 M Clerk     NY  
276 257 Mosely David 45 M Tailor   200 NY  
      Eunice 35 F       PA  
      Myron 10 M       NY  
      Eddie 3 M       NY  
277 258 Hollister Theron 22 M Blacksmith 500 200 NY  
      Elizabeth 22 F       PA  
      Delphine 5 F       NY  
      Mary E. 2 F       NY  
    Traun George 16 M Apprentice     NY  
278 259 Haze John 40 M Farm Laborer     Ireland  
      Mary 25 F       VA  
      Margaret 4mo. F       NY  
279   UNOCCUPIED                
280 260 Golden George 39 M Master Cabinet Maker   300 England  
      Emily 34 F       CT  
      Jefferson 16 M       CT  
      Cornelia A. 12 F       NY  
      Henry 8 M       NY  
      Emma 6 F       PA  
      Addison 3 M       PA  
      Ella 1 F       PA  
    Crawford Lucretia 56 F       CT  
281 261 Gardner Joseph 36 M Music Teacher 350 150 NY Blind
      Hannah 34 F       NY  
      Anna 6 F       MI  

Published on Tri-Counties Site on 10/26/2004
By Joyce M. Tice