Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
1850 Census Records for  Bradford County PA 
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
1850 Columbia Township Census

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Transcribed for Tri Counties by John Hoff III,
formatted by Linda Zapf Cracraft and  Joyce M. Tice

Overview of Columbia Cross Roads
Taken by Joyce M. Tice August 1999
Index of Households 
Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 -
Do You Know that you can search just the Census Records on the site by using the three county level Census  buttons in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page

You can further limit your search by choosing the find all words option and entering a year or township name along with your surname. Remember that alternate spellings of surnames WILL affect your search results.

Households 1-50 Households 51-100 Households 101-150 Households 151-200 Households 201-236 Index of Households

* Indicates a questionable reading. … Indicates an illegible letter or letters.
The writer sometimes used ditto marks to indicate the state of birth. When no ditto marks were used, I left the space blank.

Alexander 46 120 129
Allen 96 161
Anderson 232
Andrews 145
Austin 146 153
Ayres 20 32 52 98 107
Bagley 52
Bailey 8
Baker 172 178 181
Baldwin 65 66
Ballard 31 73
Barnes 51
Batterson 119 125 128 143 220
Baymans 100
Beeman 175
Benedict 132 158
Bennett 225
Benson 127 150 152 157 162
Besley 119 128 129 138 139
Billings 142 143 149
Bixby 13 22 72
Blood 145
Bosworth 147 157
Bradford 9 32
Brewer 182 184
Briant 5
Bristol 102
Bronson 161
Brown 52
Budd 131
Bullard 104
Bullock 92 102 107 109 111 112
Burritt 16 19
Burton/Barton* 139 140
Bush 81
Button 12 13 202
Calkins 61
Canfield 156 157
Card 54 55 75
Chapman 24 28 72 79
Clark 48
Cobb 116
Coffin 70
Collum 77
Cook 172
Corey 189
Cornell 43 93 101 214 217
Coursen 190
Covert 21
Cowen 11 22
Crane 194
Crediford 109
Crippen 146
Dan 6 7
Davis 106
Dean 69
Degraw 214
Dewitt 134 188
Dickerson 3
Dodge 80
Dunning 135
Edsall 196
Fairbanks 130
Farris 195
Ferguson 171
Ferris 175 197
Fleming 174
Fox 220
Fries 119
Fuller 144
Furman 48 82 97 117 230 232 234
Gates 69
Gernet 122 123 126 218 222
Gifford 199
Gigga/Griggs* 197
Gladding 106
Gregory 144
Gustin 191 195 208 224 229 233
Hagaman* 207
Hager 5
Hagerman 228
Haines 35
Hakes 124
Hall 123 161
Harkness 138
Harrington 31 202
Harris 151
Hart 138
Haswell 177
Havens 163 164 165 166 169
Herrington 155
Hickok 68
Hopps 176
Howland 71 219
Hulburt 110 223
Hull 215
Huntley 63
Hurlburt 67
Irish 154
Jackson 2 92
Jeroliman 213 231
Johnson 159 216
Judson 176
Keyes 34 36 40 41 87
Killgore 20 35
Knop 135
Larcom 62
Lay 47 76
Lilley 103
Longwell 205 206
Madge 72
Marcellus 162
Mason 215 218
McClelland 117 134 235 236
McDowell 29
McKean 59 60
McLane 183
McMahon 175
Merrill 97
Merritt 48
Miller 56
Moher 45
Monroe 74 90
Montanye 149 204
Moore 89 125
More 83
Morgan 98 99 142 143
Morse 84 113
Mosher 14 15
Mosier 27
Mowers 160
Nash 76 83
Newberry 217
Parcell 188
Parsons 220 223
Peard* 88
Pearsoll 106
Peck 33 37 49
Peckham 102 105 114
Perry 141
Pettibone 106
Pierce 235
Potter 1 227
Preston 65
Quigley 136
Reve* 222
Robbins 150
Roberts 188
Robinson 49
Robison 30
Roe 189 229
Rosell 173 174
Russell 26
Scouton 17 18
Seymour 159
Shattuck 44
Sheldon 38
Sherman 120
Sherwood 110 115
Shives 187
Slade 95 118 145
Smead 64
Smith 25 42 62 65 87 103 121
Smith 148 214 220
Snyder 143
Soper 4 10 21 53 178 179
Stevens 31
Stillwell 187
Stowell 186
Strait 28 52 92 94
Sullivan 180
Sweet 131
Taber 76 78 79
Taylor 57 58
Tinkham 38 39 52 86
Vandusen 155
Waldo 85
Walker 134
Ward 221
Warren 168 198
Watkins 100 141 170 225
Watson 91
Webler 185
West 211 212
Wheeler 156 169
Whiting 120 121
Whitney 113
Wilson 133 135 136 137
Winstent 132
Wolf 200 201 202 203 209 210
Wood 23 25 72
Woodard 108 133 225 226 230
Woodward 127
Woodworth 45
Worden 50 220
Wright 192 193
Young 72
Households 1-50 Households 51-100 Households 101-150 Households 151-200 Households 201-236 Index of Households

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 8/30/99
By Joyce M. Tice