The History Center on Main Street

61 North Main Street, Mansfield, Pennsylvania 16933

Community Genealogy & History

Explore Local History One Township at a TIme in Tioga & Bradford Counties  PA & Chemung County NY
Rome Township
& Rome Borough
in Bradford County,
Named for Rome, Italy which is in the same latitude. The old name was Watertown.. 
Established 1830 From Sheshequin, Orwell, Wysox
Rome Township Histories
Rome Township History by H. C. Bradsby
Rome Township History by C. F. Heverly ...
Rome Presbyterian Church by V. C. Detty
Rome History from Seven County Outline
Rome History by D. C. Craft
Rome Township Articles
The Willows of Rome (Cemetery Carvings)
1877 Dedication of the Bliss Monument
Rome Township Postcards & Photos
Rome Township and Borough Photos
Post Offices
North Rome PO
Rome PO
Postmark Here
Villages Past & Present
Rome Township Census Records
1800 Ulster, Luzerne County
1820/1830- See Mother townships
1840 Rome Township Census
1850 Rome Township Census
1860 Volunteer Needed
1870 Rome Township Census
Temporarily unlinked - problem on my part
1880 Rome Township Census 1910 Rome Borough Census
1900 Rome Township Directory 1910 Rome Township Census
1900 Rome Borough Directory 1920 (Volunteer Needed)
1930 (Volunteer Needed)
Rome  Borough and Township Directories
1900 Rome Borough 1907 Rome Borough
1900 Rome Township 1907 Rome Township
Township Tax Records
1802 Ulster Township, Luzerne County
1812  Wysox Taxables 1812 Taxables Ulster
1812 Taxables Orwell
Rome Township Cemetery Records
If You can Provide GOOD Driving Directions or GPS coordinates for any of our 700 cemeteries, please send to Joyce
Bidlack Cemetery North Rome (Reed family Burial Ground)
John and ? McCabe farm John and ? Woodburn family*  (removed to Wysox)
McCabe Farm Obituary
Bumpville Cemetery (actually in Litchfield very close to border)
Rome in Rome Boro (old partial list) 
Rome Cemetery 2000 Listing Rome Cemetery Obituaries
Towner Hill Cemetery (Old Listing)
Towner Hill Cemetery 2000 Towner Hill Obituary Page
Towner Hill #2 (McCabe Farm)
William Elliott  - Elliott Burial Ground (Rev.soldier, on Avery Forbes' property)
Rome Township Schools
Rome Academy 1848-1908 Rome Red School 1900s
Rome Academy 1905 Rome High School 1909
Rome High School 1910
Rome High School 1911-1913 Rome High School 1925
Rome High School 1915-1917 Rome High School 1926
1917 North Rome School Rome High School 1929
1869 Rome School Districts
1.Union District 7. East Rome District
2. Burroughs District 8. Morley Hill District
3. Vought Hollow District 9. District No. 9 (North Central)
4. Towner Hill District 10. Centre Valley District
5. Spring District 11. ?
6. North Rome District 12. District No. 12 (North East Corner)
Rome Township Business Histories & Photos
1907 Rome Borough Businesses 1907 Rome Township Businesses
John Moray, Photographer
Rome Township Organizations
Rome Township Churches
Histories, Records, Photos
History of the Presbyterian Church of Rome PA
Rome Township Family Bible Records
Russell - Moore Family Bible Drake - Lent Family Bible
Lent - Cass Bible Records
Rome Township Families & Individuals,
Genealogies, Photos
H. L. Towner & Ella Newell Biography
The Bliss Memorial and Marker
Rome Township Resident Photo Album
Martha Hala MAYNARD Taylor Photos
Rome Township Military Records
Silas Gore, Civil War Soldier
Ralph Towner of Rome
1832 Reuben Bumpan Pension Application
Township Population Statisticss 
1887 Rome Borough = 236 1887 Rome Township = 1045