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School Board Mintutes 1880 - 
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I've tried to type these minutes as they were with original spellings, punctuation, etc.

Esther MAYS Harer February 2007

These are included here because of their close proximity to Liberty township, Tioga County PA. This is part of the same larger area and includes the same families. JMT 

Page One Two - Teacher Contracts Three - Teacher Pay records

Jackson Township School District Minutes (Lycoming County)

Continued From Page One

Agreement between Directors and Teachers
It Is Agreed, By and between   Mys Sally Bird Maneval Teacher, and the board of directors School District, in Lycoming County, that said teacher That shall, under the supervision and exclusive direction of said Board and their successors, but subject nevertheless, to the visitation and lawful authority of the County Superintendent, teach in No. 5  School House for the term of two months, at a compensation of Ten Dollars per month & Board to be paid monthly if possible; reserving the right to the Board of Directors for the time being to dismiss the said teacher Bad at any time what ever, for any other causes specified in the twenty-third section of the Act of May 8, 1854, entitled "An Act for the Regulation and Continuance of a System of Education by Common Schools."
That teacher hold monthly reviews on or about the close of each month.  (Handwritten)
 It Is Further Agreed, that said teacher will attend the District Institute, when one is established by the Board of Directors, and so report on the monthly report book, or for fit one day's wages for each day's absence without a sufficient excuse, which shall be accepted by a majority of the Board; and shall keep the book of monthly reports, and return the same at the end of the term, in good order, subject to a fine, at the discretion of the Board, of not more than five dollars for the loss or abuse thereof.
 It Is Also Agreed, That the schools shall be closed without loss To the Teacher On Thanksgiving Day, Christmas, New Year's Day, Washington's birthday, Good Friday and the Fourth of July.  Also, that the fire shall be made or cause to be made, and the floor be regularly swept or cause to be swept, in said House, during said term, by the said Teacher, the said Board providing the fuel and brushes there for; and the actual possession of the School House and premises before mentioned shall remain in be considered by all parties as remaining in being, at all times, in said Board of Directors and their successors.
 In Witness Whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals
 on the 5th day of May, A. D. 1879.
     JR Sechrist (seal)
      Sallie E. Bird (seal)

         Levi Miller
                Secretary of Board

Agreement between Directors and Teachers
It Is Agreed, By and between   Mys Rolla Sheffer Teacher, and the board of directors School District, in Lycoming County, that said teacher That shall, under the supervision and exclusive direction of said Board and their successors, but subject nevertheless, to the visitation and lawful authority of the County Superintendent, teach in No. 6 School House for the term of two months, at a compensation of Ten Dollars per month & Board to be paid monthly if possible; reserving the right to the Board of Directors for the time being to dismiss the said teacher Bad at any time what ever, for any other causes specified in the twenty-third section of the Act of May 8, 1854, entitled "An Act for the Regulation and Continuance of a System of Education by Common Schools."
That teacher hold monthly reviews on or about the close of each month.  (Handwritten)
 It Is Further Agreed, that said teacher will attend the District Institute, when one is established by the Board of Directors, and so report on the monthly report book, or for fit one day's wages for each day's absence without a sufficient excuse, which shall be accepted by a majority of the Board; and shall keep the book of monthly reports, and return the same at the end of the term, in good order, subject to a fine, at the discretion of the Board, of not more than five dollars for the loss or abuse thereof.
 It Is Also Agreed, That the schools shall be closed without loss To the Teacher On Thanksgiving Day, Christmas, New Year's Day, Washington's birthday, Good Friday and the Fourth of July.  Also, that the fire shall be made or cause to be made, and the floor be regularly swept or cause to be swept, in said House, during said term, by the said Teacher, the said Board providing the fuel and brushes there for; and the actual possession of the School House and premises before mentioned shall remain in be considered by all parties as remaining in being, at all times, in said Board of Directors and their successors.
 In Witness Whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals
 on the 1st day of May, A. D. 1879.
     JR Sechrist (seal)
      Rella Sheffer (seal)

         Levi Miller
                Secretary of Board

Agreement between Directors and Teachers
It Is Agreed, By and between   J.C. Harman Teacher, and the board of directors School District, in Lycoming County, that said teacher That shall, under the supervision and exclusive direction of said Board and their successors, but subject nevertheless, to the visitation and lawful authority of the County Superintendent, teach in No.4  School House for the term of two months, at a compensation of Ten Dollars per month & Board to be paid monthly if possible; reserving the right to the Board of Directors for the time being to dismiss the said teacher Bad at any time what ever, for any other causes specified in the twenty-third section of the Act of May 8, 1854, entitled "An Act for the Regulation and Continuance of a System of Education by Common Schools."
That teacher hold monthly reviews on or about the close of each month.  (Handwritten)
 It Is Further Agreed, that said teacher will attend the District Institute, when one is established by the Board of Directors, and so report on the monthly report book, or for fit one day's wages for each day's absence without a sufficient excuse, which shall be accepted by a majority of the Board; and shall keep the book of monthly reports, and return the same at the end of the term, in good order, subject to a fine, at the discretion of the Board, of not more than five dollars for the loss or abuse thereof.
 It Is Also Agreed, That the schools shall be closed without loss To the Teacher On Thanksgiving Day, Christmas, New Year's Day, Washington's birthday, Good Friday and the Fourth of July.  Also, that the fire shall be made or cause to be made, and the floor be regularly swept or cause to be swept, in said House, during said term, by the said Teacher, the said Board providing the fuel and brushes there for; and the actual possession of the School House and premises before mentioned shall remain in be considered by all parties as remaining in being, at all times, in said Board of Directors and their successors.
 In Witness Whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals
 on the 5th day of May, A. D. 1879.
     JR Sechrist (seal)
      JC Harman (seal)

         Levi Miller
                Secretary of Board

Agreement between Directors and Teachers
It Is Agreed, By and between   L A Horn Teacher, and the board of directors School District, in Lycoming County, that said teacher That shall, under the supervision and exclusive direction of said Board and their successors, but subject nevertheless, to the visitation and lawful authority of the County Superintendent, teach in No. 1  School House for the term of five months, at a compensation of Twenty Dollars per month & Board to be paid monthly if possible; reserving the right to the Board of Directors for the time being to dismiss the said teacher Bad at any time what ever, for any other causes specified in the twenty-third section of the Act of May 8, 1854, entitled "An Act for the Regulation and Continuance of a System of Education by Common Schools."
That teacher hold monthly reviews on or about the close of each month.  (Handwritten)
 It Is Further Agreed, that said teacher will attend the District Institute, when one is established by the Board of Directors, and so report on the monthly report book, or for fit one day's wages for each day's absence without a sufficient excuse, which shall be accepted by a majority of the Board; and shall keep the book of monthly reports, and return the same at the end of the term, in good order, subject to a fine, at the discretion of the Board, of not more than five dollars for the loss or abuse thereof.
 It Is Also Agreed, That the schools shall be closed without loss To the Teacher On Thanksgiving Day, Christmas, New Year's Day, Washington's birthday, Good Friday and the Fourth of July.  Also, that the fire shall be made or cause to be made, and the floor be regularly swept or cause to be swept, in said House, during said term, by the said Teacher, the said Board providing the fuel and brushes there for; and the actual possession of the School House and premises before mentioned shall remain in be considered by all parties as remaining in being, at all times, in said Board of Directors and their successors.
 In Witness Whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals
 on the 5th day of Oct, A. D. 1879.
     JR Sechrist (seal)
      L. A. Horn  (seal)

         Levi Miller
                Secretary of Board

Agreement between Directors and Teachers
It Is Agreed, By and between   Daniel Delany Teacher, and the board of directors School District, in Lycoming County, that said teacher That shall, under the supervision and exclusive direction of said Board and their successors, but subject nevertheless, to the visitation and lawful authority of the County Superintendent, teach in No. 3  School House for the term of four months, at a compensation of Twenty Dollars per month & Board to be paid monthly if possible; reserving the right to the Board of Directors for the time being to dismiss the said teacher Bad at any time what ever, for any other causes specified in the twenty-third section of the Act of May 8, 1854, entitled "An Act for the Regulation and Continuance of a System of Education by Common Schools."
That teacher hold monthly reviews on or about the close of each month.  (Handwritten)
 It Is Further Agreed, that said teacher will attend the District Institute, when one is established by the Board of Directors, and so report on the monthly report book, or for fit one day's wages for each day's absence without a sufficient excuse, which shall be accepted by a majority of the Board; and shall keep the book of monthly reports, and return the same at the end of the term, in good order, subject to a fine, at the discretion of the Board, of not more than five dollars for the loss or abuse thereof.
 It Is Also Agreed, That the schools shall be closed without loss To the Teacher On Thanksgiving Day, Christmas, New Year's Day, Washington's birthday, Good Friday and the Fourth of July.  Also, that the fire shall be made or cause to be made, and the floor be regularly swept or cause to be swept, in said House, during said term, by the said Teacher, the said Board providing the fuel and brushes there for; and the actual possession of the School House and premises before mentioned shall remain in be considered by all parties as remaining in being, at all times, in said Board of Directors and their successors.
 In Witness Whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals
 on the  A. D. 18__.
     JR Sechrist (seal)
     Daniel Delany (seal)

         Levi Miller
                Secretary of Board

Agreement between Directors and Teachers
It Is Agreed, By and between   Van Grafius Teacher, and the board of directors School District, in Lycoming County, that said teacher That shall, under the supervision and exclusive direction of said Board and their successors, but subject nevertheless, to the visitation and lawful authority of the County Superintendent, teach in Independent  School House for the term of four months, at a compensation of Twenty Dollars per month & Board to be paid monthly if possible; reserving the right to the Board of Directors for the time being to dismiss the said teacher Bad at any time what ever, for any other causes specified in the twenty-third section of the Act of May 8, 1854, entitled "An Act for the Regulation and Continuance of a System of Education by Common Schools."
That teacher hold monthly reviews on or about the close of each month.  (Handwritten)
 It Is Further Agreed, that said teacher will attend the District Institute, when one is established by the Board of Directors, and so report on the monthly report book, or for fit one day's wages for each day's absence without a sufficient excuse, which shall be accepted by a majority of the Board; and shall keep the book of monthly reports, and return the same at the end of the term, in good order, subject to a fine, at the discretion of the Board, of not more than five dollars for the loss or abuse thereof.
 It Is Also Agreed, That the schools shall be closed without loss To the Teacher On Thanksgiving Day, Christmas, New Year's Day, Washington's birthday, Good Friday and the Fourth of July.  Also, that the fire shall be made or cause to be made, and the floor be regularly swept or cause to be swept, in said House, during said term, by the said Teacher, the said Board providing the fuel and brushes there for; and the actual possession of the School House and premises before mentioned shall remain in be considered by all parties as remaining in being, at all times, in said Board of Directors and their successors.
 In Witness Whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals
 on the  A. D. 18__.
     JR Sechrist (seal)
     Van Grafius (seal)

         Levi Miller
                Secretary of Board

Agreement between Directors and Teachers
It Is Agreed, By and between   J. E. Harman  Teacher, and the board of directors School District, in Lycoming County, that said teacher That shall, under the supervision and exclusive direction of said Board and their successors, but subject nevertheless, to the visitation and lawful authority of the County Superintendent, teach in Independent  School House for the term of four months, at a compensation of Twenty Dollars per month & Board to be paid monthly if possible; reserving the right to the Board of Directors for the time being to dismiss the said teacher Bad at any time what ever, for any other causes specified in the twenty-third section of the Act of May 8, 1854, entitled "An Act for the Regulation and Continuance of a System of Education by Common Schools."
That teacher hold monthly reviews on or about the close of each month.  (Handwritten)
 It Is Further Agreed, that said teacher will attend the District Institute, when one is established by the Board of Directors, and so report on the monthly report book, or for fit one day's wages for each day's absence without a sufficient excuse, which shall be accepted by a majority of the Board; and shall keep the book of monthly reports, and return the same at the end of the term, in good order, subject to a fine, at the discretion of the Board, of not more than five dollars for the loss or abuse thereof.
 It Is Also Agreed, That the schools shall be closed without loss To the Teacher On Thanksgiving Day, Christmas, New Year's Day, Washington's birthday, Good Friday and the Fourth of July.  Also, that the fire shall be made or cause to be made, and the floor be regularly swept or cause to be swept, in said House, during said term, by the said Teacher, the said Board providing the fuel and brushes there for; and the actual possession of the School House and premises before mentioned shall remain in be considered by all parties as remaining in being, at all times, in said Board of Directors and their successors.
 In Witness Whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals
 on the  A. D. 18__.
     JR Sechrist (seal)
     J. E. Harman (seal)

         Levi Miller
                Secretary of Board

Agreement between Directors and Teachers
It Is Agreed, By and between   P.S.  Wise Teacher, and the board of directors School District, in Lycoming County, that said teacher That shall, under the supervision and exclusive direction of said Board and their successors, but subject nevertheless, to the visitation and lawful authority of the County Superintendent, teach in No. 4  School House for the term of four months, at a compensation of Twenty Dollars per month & Board to be paid monthly if possible; reserving the right to the Board of Directors for the time being to dismiss the said teacher Bad at any time what ever, for any other causes specified in the twenty-third section of the Act of May 8, 1854, entitled "An Act for the Regulation and Continuance of a System of Education by Common Schools."
That teacher hold monthly reviews on or about the close of each month.  (Handwritten)
 It Is Further Agreed, that said teacher will attend the District Institute, when one is established by the Board of Directors, and so report on the monthly report book, or for fit one day's wages for each day's absence without a sufficient excuse, which shall be accepted by a majority of the Board; and shall keep the book of monthly reports, and return the same at the end of the term, in good order, subject to a fine, at the discretion of the Board, of not more than five dollars for the loss or abuse thereof.
 It Is Also Agreed, That the schools shall be closed without loss To the Teacher On Thanksgiving Day, Christmas, New Year's Day, Washington's birthday, Good Friday and the Fourth of July.  Also, that the fire shall be made or cause to be made, and the floor be regularly swept or cause to be swept, in said House, during said term, by the said Teacher, the said Board providing the fuel and brushes there for; and the actual possession of the School House and premises before mentioned shall remain in be considered by all parties as remaining in being, at all times, in said Board of Directors and their successors.
 In Witness Whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals
 on the 2nd day of November A. D. 1879
     JR Sechrist (seal)
     P. S. Wise (seal)

         Levi Miller
                Secretary of Board

Agreement between Directors and Teachers
It Is Agreed, By and between   Jas Ritter.Teacher, and the board of directors School District, in Lycoming County, that said teacher That shall, under the supervision and exclusive direction of said Board and their successors, but subject nevertheless, to the visitation and lawful authority of the County Superintendent, teach in No. 5  School House for the term of four months, at a compensation of Twenty Dollars per month & Board to be paid monthly if possible; reserving the right to the Board of Directors for the time being to dismiss the said teacher Bad at any time what ever, for any other causes specified in the twenty-third section of the Act of May 8, 1854, entitled "An Act for the Regulation and Continuance of a System of Education by Common Schools."
That teacher hold monthly reviews on or about the close of each month.  (Handwritten)
 It Is Further Agreed, that said teacher will attend the District Institute, when one is established by the Board of Directors, and so report on the monthly report book, or for fit one day's wages for each day's absence without a sufficient excuse, which shall be accepted by a majority of the Board; and shall keep the book of monthly reports, and return the same at the end of the term, in good order, subject to a fine, at the discretion of the Board, of not more than five dollars for the loss or abuse thereof.
 It Is Also Agreed, That the schools shall be closed without loss To the Teacher On Thanksgiving Day, Christmas, New Year's Day, Washington's birthday, Good Friday and the Fourth of July.  Also, that the fire shall be made or cause to be made, and the floor be regularly swept or cause to be swept, in said House, during said term, by the said Teacher, the said Board providing the fuel and brushes there for; and the actual possession of the School House and premises before mentioned shall remain in be considered by all parties as remaining in being, at all times, in said Board of Directors and their successors.
 In Witness Whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals
 on the 2nd day of November A. D. 1879
     JR Sechrist (seal)
     Jas Ritter (seal)

         Levi Miller
                Secretary of Board

Agreement between Directors and Teachers
It Is Agreed, By and between   JW Van Horn .Teacher, and the board of directors School District, in Lycoming County, that said teacher That shall, under the supervision and exclusive direction of said Board and their successors, but subject nevertheless, to the visitation and lawful authority of the County Superintendent, teach in the Kehler or No.1  School House for the term of five months, at a compensation of Twenty Eight Dollars per month & Board to be paid monthly if possible; reserving the right to the Board of Directors for the time being to dismiss the said teacher Bad at any time what ever, for any other causes specified in the twenty-third section of the Act of May 8, 1854, entitled "An Act for the Regulation and Continuance of a System of Education by Common Schools."
That teacher hold monthly reviews on or about the close of each month.  (Handwritten)
 It Is Further Agreed, that said teacher will attend the District Institute, when one is established by the Board of Directors, and so report on the monthly report book, or for fit one day's wages for each day's absence without a sufficient excuse, which shall be accepted by a majority of the Board; and shall keep the book of monthly reports, and return the same at the end of the term, in good order, subject to a fine, at the discretion of the Board, of not more than five dollars for the loss or abuse thereof.
 It Is Also Agreed, That the schools shall be closed without loss To the Teacher On Thanksgiving Day, Christmas, New Year's Day, Washington's birthday, Good Friday and the Fourth of July.  Also, that the fire shall be made or cause to be made, and the floor be regularly swept or cause to be swept, in said House, during said term, by the said Teacher, the said Board providing the fuel and brushes there for; and the actual possession of the School House and premises before mentioned shall remain in be considered by all parties as remaining in being, at all times, in said Board of Directors and their successors.
 In Witness Whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals
 this 16th day of October, A.D. 1880

     JR Sechrist (seal)
     JW Van horn (seal)

         A.B. Keagle
                Secretary of Board

Agreement between Directors and Teachers
It Is Agreed, By and between   J.M./ English .Teacher, and the board of directors School District, in Lycoming County, that said teacher That shall, under the supervision and exclusive direction of said Board and their successors, but subject nevertheless, to the visitation and lawful authority of the County Superintendent, teach in  No.4  School House for the term of five months, at a compensation of Twenty Eight Dollars per month & Board to be paid monthly if possible; reserving the right to the Board of Directors for the time being to dismiss the said teacher Bad at any time what ever, for any other causes specified in the twenty-third section of the Act of May 8, 1854, entitled "An Act for the Regulation and Continuance of a System of Education by Common Schools."
That teacher hold monthly reviews on or about the close of each month.  (Handwritten)
 It Is Further Agreed, that said teacher will attend the District Institute, when one is established by the Board of Directors, and so report on the monthly report book, or for fit one day's wages for each day's absence without a sufficient excuse, which shall be accepted by a majority of the Board; and shall keep the book of monthly reports, and return the same at the end of the term, in good order, subject to a fine, at the discretion of the Board, of not more than five dollars for the loss or abuse thereof.
 It Is Also Agreed, That the schools shall be closed without loss To the Teacher On Thanksgiving Day, Christmas, New Year's Day, Washington's birthday, Good Friday and the Fourth of July.  Also, that the fire shall be made or cause to be made, and the floor be regularly swept or cause to be swept, in said House, during said term, by the said Teacher, the said Board providing the fuel and brushes there for; and the actual possession of the School House and premises before mentioned shall remain in be considered by all parties as remaining in being, at all times, in said Board of Directors and their successors.
 In Witness Whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals
 this 16th day of October, A.D. 1880

     JR Sechrist (seal)
     JM English (seal)

         A.B. Keagle
                Secretary of Board

Agreement between Directors and Teachers
It Is Agreed, By and between   Van Grafius .Teacher, and the board of directors School District, in Lycoming County, that said teacher That shall, under the supervision and exclusive direction of said Board and their successors, but subject nevertheless, to the visitation and lawful authority of the County Superintendent, teach in  No.4 (unable to read) School House for the term of five months, at a compensation of Twenty Eight Dollars per month & Board to be paid monthly if possible; reserving the right to the Board of Directors for the time being to dismiss the said teacher Bad at any time what ever, for any other causes specified in the twenty-third section of the Act of May 8, 1854, entitled "An Act for the Regulation and Continuance of a System of Education by Common Schools."
That teacher hold monthly reviews on or about the close of each month.  (Handwritten)
 It Is Further Agreed, that said teacher will attend the District Institute, when one is established by the Board of Directors, and so report on the monthly report book, or for fit one day's wages for each day's absence without a sufficient excuse, which shall be accepted by a majority of the Board; and shall keep the book of monthly reports, and return the same at the end of the term, in good order, subject to a fine, at the discretion of the Board, of not more than five dollars for the loss or abuse thereof.
 It Is Also Agreed, That the schools shall be closed without loss To the Teacher On Thanksgiving Day, Christmas, New Year's Day, Washington's birthday, Good Friday and the Fourth of July.  Also, that the fire shall be made or cause to be made, and the floor be regularly swept or cause to be swept, in said House, during said term, by the said Teacher, the said Board providing the fuel and brushes there for; and the actual possession of the School House and premises before mentioned shall remain in be considered by all parties as remaining in being, at all times, in said Board of Directors and their successors.
 In Witness Whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals
 this 18th day of October, A.D. 1880

     JR Sechrist (seal)
     Van Grafius (seal)

         A.B. Keagle
                Secretary of Board

Agreement between Directors and Teachers
It Is Agreed, By and between   JW Ritter .Teacher, and the board of directors School District, in Lycoming County, that said teacher That shall, under the supervision and exclusive direction of said Board and their successors, but subject nevertheless, to the visitation and lawful authority of the County Superintendent, teach in  No.5 School House for the term of five months, at a compensation of Twenty Eight Dollars per month & Board to be paid monthly if possible; reserving the right to the Board of Directors for the time being to dismiss the said teacher Bad at any time what ever, for any other causes specified in the twenty-third section of the Act of May 8, 1854, entitled "An Act for the Regulation and Continuance of a System of Education by Common Schools."
That teacher hold monthly reviews on or about the close of each month.  (Handwritten)
 It Is Further Agreed, that said teacher will attend the District Institute, when one is established by the Board of Directors, and so report on the monthly report book, or for fit one day's wages for each day's absence without a sufficient excuse, which shall be accepted by a majority of the Board; and shall keep the book of monthly reports, and return the same at the end of the term, in good order, subject to a fine, at the discretion of the Board, of not more than five dollars for the loss or abuse thereof.
 It Is Also Agreed, That the schools shall be closed without loss To the Teacher On Thanksgiving Day, Christmas, New Year's Day, Washington's birthday, Good Friday and the Fourth of July.  Also, that the fire shall be made or cause to be made, and the floor be regularly swept or cause to be swept, in said House, during said term, by the said Teacher, the said Board providing the fuel and brushes there for; and the actual possession of the School House and premises before mentioned shall remain in be considered by all parties as remaining in being, at all times, in said Board of Directors and their successors.
 In Witness Whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals
 this 18th day of October, A.D. 1880

     JR Sechrist (seal)
     JW Ritter (seal)

         A.B. Keagle
                Secretary of Board

Agreement between Directors and Teachers
It Is Agreed, By and between   ME Kulp .Teacher, and the board of directors School District, in Lycoming County, that said teacher That shall, under the supervision and exclusive direction of said Board and their successors, but subject nevertheless, to the visitation and lawful authority of the County Superintendent, teach in  Mountain No. 2 School House for the term of five months, at a compensation of Twenty Eight Dollars per month & Board to be paid monthly if possible; reserving the right to the Board of Directors for the time being to dismiss the said teacher Bad at any time what ever, for any other causes specified in the twenty-third section of the Act of May 8, 1854, entitled "An Act for the Regulation and Continuance of a System of Education by Common Schools."
That teacher hold monthly reviews on or about the close of each month.  (Handwritten)
 It Is Further Agreed, that said teacher will attend the District Institute, when one is established by the Board of Directors, and so report on the monthly report book, or for fit one day's wages for each day's absence without a sufficient excuse, which shall be accepted by a majority of the Board; and shall keep the book of monthly reports, and return the same at the end of the term, in good order, subject to a fine, at the discretion of the Board, of not more than five dollars for the loss or abuse thereof.
 It Is Also Agreed, That the schools shall be closed without loss To the Teacher On Thanksgiving Day, Christmas, New Year's Day, Washington's birthday, Good Friday and the Fourth of July.  Also, that the fire shall be made or cause to be made, and the floor be regularly swept or cause to be swept, in said House, during said term, by the said Teacher, the said Board providing the fuel and brushes there for; and the actual possession of the School House and premises before mentioned shall remain in be considered by all parties as remaining in being, at all times, in said Board of Directors and their successors.
 In Witness Whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals
 this 18th day of October, A.D. 1880

     JR Sechrist (seal)
     M.E. Kulp (seal)

         A.B. Keagle
                Secretary of Board

The following article was handwritten in this record book.

Certificate 2 of M.E. Kulp
                                                                   T. H. Maitland
                                                                            Permanent Certificate

It is agreed by and between G. Gerheart Teacher of the Board of Directors of Jackson school District in Lycoming County that said Teacher Cheryl under the supervision and exclusive direction of said Board and there successors but subject nevertheless to the visitation and lawful authority of the County Superintendent teach in No. 4 or Reed school for the term of one month at 22 days each month at a compensation of $35 per month to be paid monthly reserving the right to the Board of Directors for the time being to dismiss said teacher at any time what ever for any other causes specified in the 23rd section of the Act of May 8/54 and it is further agreed that said teacher shall keep the book of monthly reports and return the same at the end of the year in good order subject to a fine not more than five dollars for the loss or abuse thereof.  It is also agreed that the fire shall be made or cause to be made at the floor to be swept or cause to be swept in said House during said term by said teacher the school Board providing the fuel and brushes there for and that the actual possession of said House & premise before mentioned shall remain in be considered by all parties as remaining in being at all times in said Board of Directors and their successors.  In witness thereof have hereunto set their hand and seals this day of                  1883

                                                                                             President of Board

                           A.B. Keagle                         G. H. Maitland
                                 Secretary of Board                         Teacher

Agreement between Directors and Teachers
It Is Agreed, By and between   Daniel Delaney .Teacher, and the board of directors School District, in Lycoming County, that said teacher That shall, under the supervision and exclusive direction of said Board and their successors, but subject nevertheless, to the visitation and lawful authority of the County Superintendent, teach in   No. 3 School House for the term of five months, at a compensation of Twenty Eight Dollars per month & Board to be paid monthly if possible; reserving the right to the Board of Directors for the time being to dismiss the said teacher Bad at any time what ever, for any other causes specified in the twenty-third section of the Act of May 8, 1854, entitled "An Act for the Regulation and Continuance of a System of Education by Common Schools."
That teacher hold monthly reviews on or about the close of each month.  (Handwritten)
 It Is Further Agreed, that said teacher will attend the District Institute, when one is established by the Board of Directors, and so report on the monthly report book, or for fit one day's wages for each day's absence without a sufficient excuse, which shall be accepted by a majority of the Board; and shall keep the book of monthly reports, and return the same at the end of the term, in good order, subject to a fine, at the discretion of the Board, of not more than five dollars for the loss or abuse thereof.
 It Is Also Agreed, That the schools shall be closed without loss To the Teacher On Thanksgiving Day, Christmas, New Year's Day, Washington's birthday, Good Friday and the Fourth of July.  Also, that the fire shall be made or cause to be made, and the floor be regularly swept or cause to be swept, in said House, during said term, by the said Teacher, the said Board providing the fuel and brushes there for; and the actual possession of the School House and premises before mentioned shall remain in be considered by all parties as remaining in being, at all times, in said Board of Directors and their successors.

In Witness Whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals
 this 18th day of October, A.D. 1880

     JR Sechrist (seal)
     Daniel Delaney (seal)

         A.B. Keagle
                Secretary of Board

Agreement between Directors and Teachers
It Is Agreed, By and between   WJ German .Teacher, and the board of directors School District, in Lycoming County, that said teacher That shall, under the supervision and exclusive direction of said Board and their successors, but subject nevertheless, to the visitation and lawful authority of the County Superintendent, teach in   No. 2 Or Mountain School House for the term of two months, at a compensation of Ten Dollars per month & Board to be paid monthly if possible; reserving the right to the Board of Directors for the time being to dismiss the said teacher Bad at any time what ever, for any other causes specified in the twenty-third section of the Act of May 8, 1854, entitled "An Act for the Regulation and Continuance of a System of Education by Common Schools."
That teacher hold monthly reviews on or about the close of each month.  (Handwritten)
 It Is Further Agreed, that said teacher will attend the District Institute, when one is established by the Board of Directors, and so re a port on the monthly report book, or for fit one day's wages for each day's absence without a sufficient excuse, which shall be accepted by a majority of the Board; and shall keep the book of monthly reports, and return the same at the end of the term, in good order, subject to a fine, at the discretion of the Board, of not more than five dollars for the loss or abuse thereof.
 It Is Also Agreed, That the schools shall be closed without loss To the Teacher On Thanksgiving Day, Christmas, New Year's Day, Washington's birthday, Good Friday and the Fourth of July.  Also, that the fire shall be made or cause to be made, and the floor be regularly swept or cause to be swept, in said House, during said term, by the said Teacher, the said Board providing the fuel and brushes there for; and the actual possession of the School House and premises before mentioned shall remain in be considered by all parties as remaining in being, at all times, in said Board of Directors and their successors.

In Witness Whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals
 this 30th day of April 8th , A.D. 1881

     WJ German (seal)

         A.B. Keagle
                Secretary of Board

Agreement between Directors and Teachers
It Is Agreed, By and between   Miss. RC Peters .Teacher, and the board of directors School District, in Lycoming County, that said teacher That shall, under the supervision and exclusive direction of said Board and their successors, but subject nevertheless, to the visitation and lawful authority of the County Superintendent, teach in   Independent  or No. 6 School House for the term of two months, at a compensation of Ten Dollars per month & Board to be paid monthly if possible; reserving the right to the Board of Directors for the time being to dismiss the said teacher Bad at any time what ever, for any other causes specified in the twenty-third section of the Act of May 8, 1854, entitled "An Act for the Regulation and Continuance of a System of Education by Common Schools."
That teacher hold monthly reviews on or about the close of each month.  (Handwritten)
 It Is Further Agreed, that said teacher will attend the District Institute, when one is established by the Board of Directors, and so re a port on the monthly report book, or for fit one day's wages for each day's absence without a sufficient excuse, which shall be accepted by a majority of the Board; and shall keep the book of monthly reports, and return the same at the end of the term, in good order, subject to a fine, at the discretion of the Board, of not more than five dollars for the loss or abuse thereof.
 It Is Also Agreed, That the schools shall be closed without loss To the Teacher On Thanksgiving Day, Christmas, New Year's Day, Washington's birthday, Good Friday and the Fourth of July.  Also, that the fire shall be made or cause to be made, and the floor be regularly swept or cause to be swept, in said House, during said term, by the said Teacher, the said Board providing the fuel and brushes there for; and the actual possession of the School House and premises before mentioned shall remain in be considered by all parties as remaining in being, at all times, in said Board of Directors and their successors.

In Witness Whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals
 this seventh day of May A.D. 1881

     Rosa C. Peters (seal)

         A.B. Keagle
                Secretary of Board

Agreement between Directors and Teachers
It Is Agreed, By and between   FC Ruffhead  .Teacher, and the board of directors School District, in Lycoming County, that said teacher That shall, under the supervision and exclusive direction of said Board and their successors, but subject nevertheless, to the visitation and lawful authority of the County Superintendent, teach in   Kehler School House for the term of five months, at a compensation of Thirty-five Dollars per month & Board to be paid monthly if possible; reserving the right to the Board of Directors for the time being to dismiss the said teacher Bad at any time what ever, for any other causes specified in the twenty-third section of the Act of May 8, 1854, entitled "An Act for the Regulation and Continuance of a System of Education by Common Schools."
That teacher hold monthly reviews on or about the close of each month.  (Handwritten)
 It Is Further Agreed, that said teacher will attend the District Institute, when one is established by the Board of Directors, and so report on the monthly report book, or for fit one day's wages for each day's absence without a sufficient excuse, which shall be accepted by a majority of the Board; and shall keep the book of monthly reports, and return the same at the end of the term, in good order, subject to a fine, at the discretion of the Board, of not more than five dollars for the loss or abuse thereof.
 It Is Also Agreed, That the schools shall be closed without loss To the Teacher On Thanksgiving Day, Christmas, New Year's Day, Washington's birthday, Good Friday and the Fourth of July.  Also, that the fire shall be made or cause to be made, and the floor be regularly swept or cause to be swept, in said House, during said term, by the said Teacher, the said Board providing the fuel and brushes there for; and the actual possession of the School House and premises before mentioned shall remain in be considered by all parties as remaining in being, at all times, in said Board of Directors and their successors.

In Witness Whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals
 this Fourth day of October A.D. 1881

      Henry Brion                   (seal)
     FC Ruffhead (seal)

         A.B. Keagle
                Secretary of Board

Agreement between Directors and Teachers
It Is Agreed, By and between   J.A. King .Teacher, and the board of directors School District, in Lycoming County, that said teacher That shall, under the supervision and exclusive direction of said Board and their successors, but subject nevertheless, to the visitation and lawful authority of the County Superintendent, teach in   Centennial No. 5 School House for the term of two months, at a compensation of $10 Ten  Dollars per month & Board to be paid monthly if possible; reserving the right to the Board of Directors for the time being to dismiss the said teacher Bad at any time what ever, for any other causes specified in the twenty-third section of the Act of May 8, 1854, entitled "An Act for the Regulation and Continuance of a System of Education by Common Schools."
That teacher hold monthly reviews on or about the close of each month.  (Handwritten)
 It Is Further Agreed, that said teacher will attend the District Institute, when one is established by the Board of Directors, and so report on the monthly report book, or for fit one day's wages for each day's absence without a sufficient excuse, which shall be accepted by a majority of the Board; and shall keep the book of monthly reports, and return the same at the end of the term, in good order, subject to a fine, at the discretion of the Board, of not more than five dollars for the loss or abuse thereof.
 It Is Also Agreed, That the schools shall be closed without loss To the Teacher On Thanksgiving Day, Christmas, New Year's Day, Washington's birthday, Good Friday and the Fourth of July.  Also, that the fire shall be made or cause to be made, and the floor be regularly swept or cause to be swept, in said House, during said term, by the said Teacher, the said Board providing the fuel and brushes there for; and the actual possession of the School House and premises before mentioned shall remain in be considered by all parties as remaining in being, at all times, in said Board of Directors and their successors.

In Witness Whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals
 this ninth day of May A.D. 1881

    Alta King         (seal)

         A.B. Keagle
                Secretary of Board

Agreement between Directors and Teachers
It Is Agreed, By and between  Van Grafius .Teacher, and the board of directors School District, in Lycoming County, that said teacher That shall, under the supervision and exclusive direction of said Board and their successors, but subject nevertheless, to the visitation and lawful authority of the County Superintendent, teach in   Raker School No. 3   School House for the term of four months, at a compensation of  Thirty-five Dollars  V.G.per month & Board to be paid monthly if possible; reserving the right to the Board of Directors for the time being to dismiss the said teacher Bad at any time what ever, for any other causes specified in the twenty-third section of the Act of May 8, 1854, entitled "An Act for the Regulation and Continuance of a System of Education by Common Schools."
That teacher hold monthly reviews on or about the close of each month.  (Handwritten)
 It Is Further Agreed, that said teacher will attend the District Institute, when one is established by the Board of Directors, and so report on the monthly report book, or for fit one day's wages for each day's absence without a sufficient excuse, which shall be accepted by a majority of the Board; and shall keep the book of monthly reports, and return the same at the end of the term, in good order, subject to a fine, at the discretion of the Board, of not more than five dollars for the loss or abuse thereof.
 It Is Also Agreed, That the schools shall be closed without loss To the Teacher On Thanksgiving Day, Christmas, New Year's Day, Washington's birthday, Good Friday and the Fourth of July.  Also, that the fire shall be made or cause to be made, and the floor be regularly swept or cause to be swept, in said House, during said term, by the said Teacher, the said Board providing the fuel and brushes there for; and the actual possession of the School House and premises before mentioned shall remain in be considered by all parties as remaining in being, at all times, in said Board of Directors and their successors.

In Witness Whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals
 this seventh day of November A.D. 1881

     Henry Brion     (seal)
    Van Grafius      (seal)

         A.B. Keagle
                Secretary of Board

Agreement between Directors and Teachers
It Is Agreed, By and between  Thomas Buck .Teacher, and the board of directors School District, in Lycoming County, that said teacher That shall, under the supervision and exclusive direction of said Board and their successors, but subject nevertheless, to the visitation and lawful authority of the County Superintendent, teach in   Independent school No. 6 School House for the term of four months, at a compensation of  Thirty-two Dollars  .per month & Board to be paid monthly if possible; reserving the right to the Board of Directors for the time being to dismiss the said teacher Bad at any time what ever, for any other causes specified in the twenty-third section of the Act of May 8, 1854, entitled "An Act for the Regulation and Continuance of a System of Education by Common Schools."
That teacher hold monthly reviews on or about the close of each month.  (Handwritten)
 It Is Further Agreed, that said teacher will attend the District Institute, when one is established by the Board of Directors, and so report on the monthly report book, or for fit one day's wages for each day's absence without a sufficient excuse, which shall be accepted by a majority of the Board; and shall keep the book of monthly reports, and return the same at the end of the term, in good order, subject to a fine, at the discretion of the Board, of not more than five dollars for the loss or abuse thereof.
 It Is Also Agreed, That the schools shall be closed without loss To the Teacher On Thanksgiving Day, Christmas, New Year's Day, Washington's birthday, Good Friday and the Fourth of July.  Also, that the fire shall be made or cause to be made, and the floor be regularly swept or cause to be swept, in said House, during said term, by the said Teacher, the said Board providing the fuel and brushes there for; and the actual possession of the School House and premises before mentioned shall remain in be considered by all parties as remaining in being, at all times, in said Board of Directors and their successors.

In Witness Whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals
 this seventh day of November A.D. 1881

     Henry Brion     (seal)
    Thomas Buck   (seal)

         A.B. Keagle
                Secretary of Board

Agreement between Directors and Teachers
It Is Agreed, By and between  Sylvester Beck.Teacher, and the board of directors School District, in Lycoming County, that said teacher That shall, under the supervision and exclusive direction of said Board and their successors, but subject nevertheless, to the visitation and lawful authority of the County Superintendent, teach in   Centennial or No. 5 School House for the term of four months, at a compensation of  Thirty-two Dollars  .per month & Board to be paid monthly if possible; reserving the right to the Board of Directors for the time being to dismiss the said teacher Bad at any time what ever, for any other causes specified in the twenty-third section of the Act of May 8, 1854, entitled "An Act for the Regulation and Continuance of a System of Education by Common Schools."
That teacher hold monthly reviews on or about the close of each month.  (Handwritten)
 It Is Further Agreed, that said teacher will attend the District Institute, when one is established by the Board of Directors, and so report on the monthly report book, or for fit one day's wages for each day's absence without a sufficient excuse, which shall be accepted by a majority of the Board; and shall keep the book of monthly reports, and return the same at the end of the term, in good order, subject to a fine, at the discretion of the Board, of not more than five dollars for the loss or abuse thereof.
 It Is Also Agreed, That the schools shall be closed without loss To the Teacher On Thanksgiving Day, Christmas, New Year's Day, Washington's birthday, Good Friday and the Fourth of July.  Also, that the fire shall be made or cause to be made, and the floor be regularly swept or cause to be swept, in said House, during said term, by the said Teacher, the said Board providing the fuel and brushes there for; and the actual possession of the School House and premises before mentioned shall remain in be considered by all parties as remaining in being, at all times, in said Board of Directors and their successors.

In Witness Whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals
 this seventh day of November A.D. 1881

     Henry Brion     (seal)
    Sylvester Beck (seal)

         A.B. Keagle
                Secretary of Board

Agreement between Directors and Teachers
It Is Agreed, By and between  James Ritter .Teacher, and the board of directors School District, in Lycoming County, that said teacher That shall, under the supervision and exclusive direction of said Board and their successors, but subject nevertheless, to the visitation and lawful authority of the County Superintendent, teach in   Reed school House or No. 5 School House for the term of four months, at a compensation of  Thirty-two Dollars  .per month & Board to be paid monthly if possible; reserving the right to the Board of Directors for the time being to dismiss the said teacher Bad at any time what ever, for any other causes specified in the twenty-third section of the Act of May 8, 1854, entitled "An Act for the Regulation and Continuance of a System of Education by Common Schools."
That teacher hold monthly reviews on or about the close of each month.  (Handwritten)
 It Is Further Agreed, that said teacher will attend the District Institute, when one is established by the Board of Directors, and so report on the monthly report book, or for fit one day's wages for each day's absence without a sufficient excuse, which shall be accepted by a majority of the Board; and shall keep the book of monthly reports, and return the same at the end of the term, in good order, subject to a fine, at the discretion of the Board, of not more than five dollars for the loss or abuse thereof.
 It Is Also Agreed, That the schools shall be closed without loss To the Teacher On Thanksgiving Day, Christmas, New Year's Day, Washington's birthday, Good Friday and the Fourth of July.  Also, that the fire shall be made or cause to be made, and the floor be regularly swept or cause to be swept, in said House, during said term, by the said Teacher, the said Board providing the fuel and brushes there for; and the actual possession of the School House and premises before mentioned shall remain in be considered by all parties as remaining in being, at all times, in said Board of Directors and their successors.

In Witness Whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals
 this seventh day of November A.D. 1881

     Henry Brion     (seal)
    James W. Ritter (seal)

         A.B. Keagle
                Secretary of Board

Agreement between Directors and Teachers
It Is Agreed, By and between Edmund Shaffer .Teacher, and the board of directors School District, in Lycoming County, that said teacher That shall, under the supervision and exclusive direction of said Board and their successors, but subject nevertheless, to the visitation and lawful authority of the County Superintendent, teach in   Mountain or No. 2  School House for the term of four months, at a compensation of  Thirty-two Dollars  .per month & Board to be paid monthly if possible; reserving the right to the Board of Directors for the time being to dismiss the said teacher Bad at any time what ever, for any other causes specified in the twenty-third section of the Act of May 8, 1854, entitled "An Act for the Regulation and Continuance of a System of Education by Common Schools."
That teacher hold monthly reviews on or about the close of each month.  (Handwritten)
 It Is Further Agreed, that said teacher will attend the District Institute, when one is established by the Board of Directors, and so report on the monthly report book, or for fit one day's wages for each day's absence without a sufficient excuse, which shall be accepted by a majority of the Board; and shall keep the book of monthly reports, and return the same at the end of the term, in good order, subject to a fine, at the discretion of the Board, of not more than five dollars for the loss or abuse thereof.
 It Is Also Agreed, That the schools shall be closed without loss To the Teacher On Thanksgiving Day, Christmas, New Year's Day, Washington's birthday, Good Friday and the Fourth of July.  Also, that the fire shall be made or cause to be made, and the floor be regularly swept or cause to be swept, in said House, during said term, by the said Teacher, the said Board providing the fuel and brushes there for; and the actual possession of the School House and premises before mentioned shall remain in be considered by all parties as remaining in being, at all times, in said Board of Directors and their successors.

In Witness Whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals
 this seventh day of November A.D. 1881

     Henry Brion     (seal)
    E G Shaffer (seal)

         A.B. Keagle
                Secretary of Board

Agreement between Directors and Teachers
It Is Agreed, By and between Ella Dougherty .Teacher, and the board of directors School District, in Lycoming County, that said teacher That shall, under the supervision and exclusive direction of said Board and their successors, but subject nevertheless, to the visitation and lawful authority of the County Superintendent, teach in   Kehler School No. 1  School House for the term of two months, at a compensation of  Twelve Dollars  .per month & Board to be paid monthly if possible; reserving the right to the Board of Directors for the time being to dismiss the said teacher Bad at any time what ever, for any other causes specified in the twenty-third section of the Act of May 8, 1854, entitled "An Act for the Regulation and Continuance of a System of Education by Common Schools."
That teacher hold monthly reviews on or about the close of each month.  (Handwritten)
 It Is Further Agreed, that said teacher will attend the District Institute, when one is established by the Board of Directors, and so report on the monthly report book, or for fit one day's wages for each day's absence without a sufficient excuse, which shall be accepted by a majority of the Board; and shall keep the book of monthly reports, and return the same at the end of the term, in good order, subject to a fine, at the discretion of the Board, of not more than five dollars for the loss or abuse thereof.
 It Is Also Agreed, That the schools shall be closed without loss To the Teacher On Thanksgiving Day, Christmas, New Year's Day, Washington's birthday, Good Friday and the Fourth of July.  Also, that the fire shall be made or cause to be made, and the floor be regularly swept or cause to be swept, in said House, during said term, by the said Teacher, the said Board providing the fuel and brushes there for; and the actual possession of the School House and premises before mentioned shall remain in be considered by all parties as remaining in being, at all times, in said Board of Directors and their successors.

In Witness Whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals
 this eighth day of May A.D. 1882

     Henry Brion     (seal)
    Ella Dougherty (seal)

         A.B. Keagle
                Secretary of Board

Agreement between Directors and Teachers
It Is Agreed, By and between Eunice M. Weber .Teacher, and the board of directors School District, in Lycoming County, that said teacher That shall, under the supervision and exclusive direction of said Board and their successors, but subject nevertheless, to the visitation and lawful authority of the County Superintendent, teach in   Raker School No. 3  School House for the term of two months, at a compensation of  Twelve Dollars  .per month & Board to be paid monthly if possible; reserving the right to the Board of Directors for the time being to dismiss the said teacher Bad at any time what ever, for any other causes specified in the twenty-third section of the Act of May 8, 1854, entitled "An Act for the Regulation and Continuance of a System of Education by Common Schools."
That teacher hold monthly reviews on or about the close of each month.  (Handwritten)
 It Is Further Agreed, that said teacher will attend the District Institute, when one is established by the  Board of Directors, and so report on the monthly report book, or for fit one day's wages for each day's absence without a sufficient excuse, which shall be accepted by a majority of the Board; and shall keep the book of monthly reports, and return the same at the end of the term, in good order, subject to a fine, at the discretion of the Board, of not more than five dollars for the loss or abuse thereof.
 It Is Also Agreed, That the schools shall be closed without loss To the Teacher On Thanksgiving Day, Christmas, New Year's Day, Washington's birthday, Good Friday and the Fourth of July.  Also, that the fire shall be made or cause to be made, and the floor be regularly swept or cause to be swept, in said House, during said term, by the said Teacher, the said Board providing the fuel and brushes there for; and the actual possession of the School House and premises before mentioned shall remain in be considered by all parties as remaining in being, at all times, in said Board of Directors and their successors.

In Witness Whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals
 this 15th day of May A.D. 1882

     Henry Brion     (seal)
    Eunice M. Weber (seal)

         A.B. Keagle
                Secretary of Board

Agreement between Directors and Teachers
It Is Agreed, By and between Etta Litzelman, Teacher, and the Board of Directors of Jackson School District, in Lycoming County, that said teacher shall, under the supervision and exclusive direction of said Board and their successors, but subject nevertheless, to the visitation and lawful authority of the County Superintendent, teach in   School No. 5  School House for the term of 2 two months, at a compensation of  Twelve Dollars  .per month & Board to be paid monthly if possible; reserving the right to the Board of Directors for the time being to dismiss the said teacher Bad at any time what ever, for any other causes specified in the twenty-third section of the Act of May 8, 1854, entitled "An Act for the Regulation and Continuance of a System of Education by Common Schools."
 It Is Further Agreed, that said teacher will attend the District Institute, when one is established by the  Board of Directors, and so report on the monthly report book, or for fit one day's wages for each day's absence without a sufficient excuse, which shall be accepted by a majority of the Board; and shall keep the book of monthly reports, and return the same at the end of the term, in good order, subject to a fine, at the discretion of the Board, of not more than five dollars for the loss or abuse thereof.
 It Is Also Agreed, That the schools shall be closed without loss To the Teacher On Thanksgiving Day, Christmas, New Year's Day, Washington's birthday, Good Friday and the Fourth of July.  Also, that the fire shall be made or cause to be made, and the floor be regularly swept or cause to be swept, in said House, during said term, by the said Teacher, the said Board providing the fuel and brushes there for; and the actual possession of the School House and premises before mentioned shall remain in be considered by all parties as remaining in being, at all times, in said Board of Directors and their successors.

In Witness Whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals
 this  1st day of May A.D. 1882

    Etta Litzelman      (seal)

         A.B. Keagle
                Secretary of Board

Agreement between Directors and Teachers
It Is Agreed, By and between F.C. Ruffhead, Teacher, and the Board of Directors of Jackson School District, in Lycoming County, that said teacher shall, under the supervision and exclusive direction of said Board and their successors, but subject nevertheless, to the visitation and lawful authority of the County Superintendent, teach in   No. 6 of Independent  School House for the term of five months, at a compensation of  Thirty five dollars .per month & Board to be paid monthly ; reserving the right to the Board of Directors for the time being to dismiss the said teacher Bad at any time what ever, for any other causes specified in the twenty-third section of the Act of May 8, 1854, entitled "An Act for the Regulation and Continuance of a System of Education by Common Schools."
 It Is Further Agreed, that said teacher will attend the District Institute, when one is established by the  Board of Directors, and so report on the monthly report book, or for fit one day's wages for each day's absence without a sufficient excuse, which shall be accepted by a majority of the Board; and shall keep the book of monthly reports, and return the same at the end of the term, in good order, subject to a fine, at the discretion of the Board, of not more than five dollars for the loss or abuse thereof.
 It Is Also Agreed, That the schools shall be closed without loss To the Teacher On Thanksgiving Day, Christmas, New Year's Day, Washington's birthday, Good Friday and the Fourth of July.  Also, that the fire shall be made or cause to be made, and the floor be regularly swept or cause to be swept, in said House, during said term, by the said Teacher, the said Board providing the fuel and brushes there for; and the actual possession of the School House and premises before mentioned shall remain in be considered by all parties as remaining in being, at all times, in said Board of Directors and their successors. (Hand written-School to begin the last week in Oct 1882)

In Witness Whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals
 this  17th day of July A.D. 1882

    F.C. Ruffhead      (seal)

         A.B. Keagle
                Secretary of Board

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Published On Tri-Counties Site On 02 MAR 2007
By Joyce M. Tice
Email: Joyce M. Tice

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