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Esther MAYS Harer February 2007
Jackson Township School District Minutes (Lycoming
Page One | Two - Teacher Contracts | Three - Teacher Pay records |
Jackson School District Lycoming County PA
Monday, June 7, 1880
Board met for organization four members J.R.Sechrist Michael Mitstifer
Israel Forer and Samuel Miller present Keagle was elected
in place of Levi Miller for three years. That Ephriam Smith was reelected
but did previous to the meeting of the board whereupon Jacob E. Smith was
chosen to fill his place. One call of the role there were present
J.R.Sechrist M. Mitstifer I Forer J. Miller J.
E. Smith & A. B. Keagle.
On motion the board proceeded to elect per Officers J.R. Sechrist was
Elected President A. B. Keagle Sec.
It was moved and seconded at the school term be five months commencing
the 18th of of the act Oct- Carried
Moved that a tax not to exceed 6 m be levied for school purposes Carried.
On motion agreed that teachers salaries shall not exceed $28 per month
and that the best teachers to the head be employed.
On motion agreed that each teacher be required to enter into an agreement
before Receiving the Report Book and Key to the schoolhouse. And
teach 22 days for a month
On motion of board adjourned to me the first Monday in September 1880
A. B. Keagle Secretary
Jackson School District Lycoming County PA
September 6, 1880
Board met pu May, 1854, entitled rsuant to adjournment. Present
at Rollcall Sechrist, Mitstifer, Forer, Miller,
Keagle & Smith
Moved by I Forer & seconded by A. B. Keagle that we procure outline
maps for the school's carried un-
Moved & passed at Each Director " be authorized to procure needed
repairs and furniture for the schoolhouse in his charge unanimously
Resolved that the Secretary of Liberty school board be notified that
the contract between the two districts out of Jackson and Liberty, for
the accommodation of Liberty pupils is annulled by the school board of
Jackson District Carried Unanimously
On Motion the Secretary was instructed to have the school tax collected
according to the Sec 103rd of the school law Carried Unanimously
On Motion adjournment to me at the House of John Beck December 4-1880
A B Keagle Sec Of Board
Present at rollcall Sechrist, Mitstifer, J. Smith, Miller,
& Keagle minutes read & approved Resolved that the Secretary
notified William Landon to finish the outbuildings. Of District No.
1 immediately, Carried. Whereas J. R. Smith of Pine Township has applied
to us for admission of his children into school No. 5 Resolved that
we admit them on the terms specified in the school laws of 1879
Page 52 Sec 59-117 and that the Sec. Send a copy to the board of
Pine Township Carried
One Motion the contract for start maps for the land over for future
Moved that we allow the teachers a days time for Ins- withdrawn
without a vote
Adjourned to meet here at Mr. Becks on the first Saturday in March
at 9:00 a.m.
A. B. Keagle
Resolved that the following communication from Liberty be filed and
agreed to Liberty at Fulkrod's Hotel by the Liberty school board in regard
to school privileges of Liberty pupils attending school in Jackson District
Lycoming County. On motion of Daniel Bryan resolved that we pay Jackson
school District the same per capita that it pays to educate their pupils.
To go into effect June 1, 1881. And that the Sec of Liberty District
ascertained whether any from Jackson had been attending school in Liberty
District with a view of making proper deductions. Carried On Motion
of Krise resolved that of no pupil from Liberty be admitted into the school
of Jackson District without a written per met from the Secretary attested
by the President and that such scholars and no others shall be paid for
a per capita and further that the school board of Jackson be notified not
to accept pupils from Liberty except upon the same terms he doubted it
was also agreed that the children of Abram Artley David Landon and William
Landon be admitted into the schools of Jackson District if they requested
upon the above terms
G. A. Smith Sec
The following resolution was then passed by the Jackson School Board
Whereas, there are certain families in adjoining school districts and
adequately supplied with school privileges to wish to have their children
admitted into our schools therefore be at resolved by the school board
of Jackson District Lycoming County PA that at the children of such families
be admitted and granted all the school privileges our own children who
bring with them a written pernit good for at least one year properly signed
by the officers of their respective school boards. Paid school boards
to pay per Such sums as it may cost to educate our own children.
Per capita said costs to be found by dividing the total costs of all the
schools in the District by the number of names on the rolls for each school
year. A. B. Keagle Sec.
June 6, 1881
New members Israel Forer Samuel Sechrist Henry Brion & A. B. Keagle
New Board organized by electing Henry Brion President A. B. Keagle
Sec Israel Forer Treas-
Moved that we adjourn to me at one o'clock Saturday, June 25, 1881
to fix Sal Link the of the act of May 8 term levy. Tax
A. B. Keagle Sec
Saturday, July 2, 1881 Jackson Lycoming County PA
Board Met for the purpose of levying taxes Fixing term of school.
Salaries of teachers. GAC Henry Brion Pres. Israel Forer, Samuel
Sechrist and A. B. Keagle.
Moved and seconded that we pay from $28-$32 per month and each Director
Hire for his own school. Carried
Moved That the teachers be required teach 22 days for a month
moved that we levy 6m for school purposes. Carried
Moved that the duplicate be placed in the hands of the Treas-to beCol-the
according to law Carried
Moved that the following resolutions with regard to Liberty pupils
be adopted
See. opposite page
James school law is Artley Bill for 7 Cords @$1.25 per Cord $8.75 No.
4 School. Order Drawn
Levi Reed Bill for Stove and Pipe 5.50
On Motion the Bargain between Misses. Reed and Ritter Was Ratified
by the Board
Resolved that the funds of the District be equally divided between the
school's each school to have at least five months school during the year
ending June 1883
Carried Unan
Resolved that each Director be empowered to regulate the summer and
winter terms according to wishes out the patrons out of their respective
Carried Unan
Moved that we adjourn until the next regular meeting in June.
A. B. Keagle Sec
The Kehler District
The Treasurer gave bonds for the faithful performance of his duty.
Moved & seconded that we led a seven Mills tax for school purposes.
Unanimously carried.
1. Resolved that the duplicate before they year ending 1883 be placed
in the hands of the Constable for collection. Carried unanimous
2. Moved that we pay no less than $30 or more than $32 per month for
the winter terms for salary of teachers according to the qualifications
of the teachers. Carried unanimous
3. Moved that the words (according to the qualifications of the teachers)
be stricken now of a foregoing resolution. Carried. Ayes
Brion, Raker, Neg-Krotzer, Bastian, Keagle, Raker
moved that the $32 in the second resolution be changed to $35.
Ayes to Krotzer, Bastian keagle, Raker. Noes Brion
Move we adjourn to me on Saturday, June 24 to o'clock p.m. at the Raker
schoolhouse for preparing school houses. Carried
A. B. Keagle Sec
June 6, 1882
Duplicate for the year ending 1883 Tax $857.17
Poll Tax 152.00
Exonerations on Dup of 82
Pr ct for coll
Moved that Daniel Krotzer be allowed $.50 for going to Williamsport
for the unseated land tax Carried
Moved that in order be drawn for two dollars in favor of widow Smith
for pump.
Moved and seconded that in order be drawn in favor of B. F. Werline
for apparatus for schools Carried
Moved at the bill of Narber and Moore for $8.36 B. laid over one until
next meeting. Carried
After the settlement was complete and papers made out the old Board
adjourned sume Di
A B. Keagle
is hereby given that the school Board of Jackson Twp. will meet at
the House of John Beck on Monday, June 2 184
at 9:00 a.m. for the purposes on setting their accounts organize that
he tax to all persons interested with please attend.
Jackson PA May 20, 184. Levi Miller Secy.
is hereby given that the school Board of JacksonTwp. Will meet
at the House of John Beck on Monday, June 2, 184 at 9:00 a.m. for the purpose
of settling their Accts organize that he tax & all persons interested
will please attend Jackson Tp May 20, 184
Levi Miller Sec
Whole number of schools 6
Average number of months
5 ½
No. Of male teachers employed
No. Of female teachers employed
Average salaries of males per month
“ females “
No. Of male scholars in all the school's
No. “ Female “
“ “ “ “
Average daily attendance in Dist
pr ct of attendance
No. Of mills levied for sch pur
Total Amt levied
State Appropriation 1882
Balance on hand from last year
From collector taxes of all kinds
“ all the sources
Renting and Repairing
Teaches Wages
Fees of Treas & Col
Sal of Sec
Other expenses
Amount Due Treas
Amt due from all sources 113.27
Amt Due Treas
Amt unpaid bills
Resources in excess of liabilities
June 8, 1882
A B. Keagle Sec of school
Bond of Collector of School Tax
Know All Men by the these Presents
That we Daniel Krotzer and Isaac Beck, of Jackson, in the County of
Lycoming, are held in firmly bound to Jackson school district, in the County
of Lycoming, in the sum of $2000, lawful money, to be paid to this did
school district; to the payment of which will and truly to be made, we
bind ourselves, jointly and severally, our errors, executors, administrators,
and every one of them, firmly by these presents.
Sealed with Our Seals. Dated the 30th day of September,
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred seventy-nine.
Whereas, The said Daniel Krotzer has received from the Board of Directors
of this will District aforesaid a duplicate and Warren for the collection
of school taxes, amounting to the sum of $862.51 dollars:
Now therefore, if the said Daniel Krotzer
Shall Well and Faithfully Collect
said tax according to the requirements of said warrants, and paid the
same into the hands of the proper Treasurer of said, District according
to law, and settle of said duplicate with said District on or before the
fifth day of June next, then this obligation to be buoyed; else to be and
remain in full force and virtue.
Sealed and delivered in presence of
Levi Miller
Daniel Krotzer
Isaac Beck
Lycoming County
Jackson school
To Daniel Krotzer Collector of School Tax
Jackson School District, In Said County.
These are to Authorize and Require You, To demand and received love
and from every person named in the annexed duplicate of School Tax of said
District, this somewhere with such person stands charged; and pay the same
to Michael Mitstifer Treasurer of said school district in his successor
in office, on or before the _____day of________ next,*you will pay into
the hands of the said Treasurer the whole amount of the taxes charged and
assessed in the annexed duplicate, without further delay, except such sum
as the said Directors may, in their discretion, exonerate you from.
And if any person shall neglect or refuse to make payment of the amount
due by him or such tax within 30 days from the time of demand so made,
it shall be the duty of you, the Collector aforesaid, to levy such amount
by distress and sale_of the goods and chattels of such delinquent, giving
10 days public notice of such sale by written or printed advertisements,
and returning the overplus (if any there be.) To the owner.
And in case goods and chattel sufficient to satisfy the same, with the
costs, cannot be found, you are hereby authorized to take the body of such
delinquent, and convey into the jail of the proper County, they are to
remain until the amount of such tax, together with the costs, shall be
paid, or secured to be paid, or until he shall be otherwise discharged
by due course of all: Provided , That nothing herein contained to show
authorize the arrest or imprisonment for nonpayment of any tax, of any
female or infant, or person found by inquest to be of unsound mind.
Hereof fail not.
Given under my hand and seal at Jackson, the _____________ day of
September A D 1879
Countersigned: Levi Miller
Michael Mitstifer Principal and Henry Antes Bail, of Jackson Township,
in Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, are held in firmly bound to Joseph R.
Sechrist, President of the Board Of School Directors of Jackson School
District, in Lycoming County, for the US of said School District, in the
sum of $2000 lawful money, to be paid to the said Jackson school district;
to which payment well and truly to be made and done, we bind ourselves,
jointly and severally our errors, executors and administrators and every
of them, firmly by these presents.
Sealed with Our Seals. Dated this 16th day of August in the year
of our Lord one thousand eight hundred seventy-nine.
Whereas, The said Michael Mitstifer has been duly chosen Treasurer
of the said Jackson school District, for and during the term of one year
from the date hereof. The condition of this obligation is such, that
if the said Michael Mitstifer
Shall and Do Well and Faithfully Perform All the Acts Duties
lawfully pertaining to his office as District Treasurer aforesaid,
according to the terms of the school law, approve the eighth day of May,
A. D 1854, and the supplements thereto, then this obligation to be void;
else to be. And remain in full force and virtue.
Sealed and Delivered in Presence of
C. A. Miller
Michael Mitstifer
S. E. Ault
Henry Antes X
Bond of District Treasurer
Know all men by these present
That I Daniel Krotzer Principle of Jackson in Lycoming County Pennsylvania
and held in firmly bound to Henry Brion President of the Board of school
Directors of Jackson Township School District in Lycoming County for the
use of said school District in the sum of Two Thousand Dollars lawful money
to be paid to the said Jackson School District. To which payment
well and truly to be made and done by bind myself my errors executors and
administrators and every of them firmly by these presents sealed with our
Seals dated the fifth day of John and the year of our Lord 1882
whereas the said Daniel Krotzer has been duly chosen Treasurer of the
said Jackson School District for and during the term of one year from the
date hereof and person in the condition of this obligation is such that
if the said Daniel Krotzer shall and do well well and faithfully perform
all the acts and duties lawfully pertaining to this office as District
Treasurer aforesaid according to the terms of the school law approved the
eighth day of May 1854 and the supplements thereto then this obligation
to be void else to be and remain in full virtue
Sealed and Delivered in Presence Daniel Krotzer (seal)
of Israel Forer
John Beck
Bond of District Treasurer
Know All Men by These Presents
That we
Israel Forer Principal and Levi Miller of Jackson Township, in Lycoming
County, Pennsylvania, are held in firmly bound to Henry Brion, President
of the Board of School Directors, of Jackson School District, in Lycoming
County, for the use of said School District, in the sum of two thousand
dollars, lawful money, to be paid to the said Jackson School District;
to which payment well and truly to be made and done, we bind ourselves,
jointly and severally, our errors, executors and administrators, and every
of them, firmly by these presents.
Sealed with our Seals. Dated the second day of July, in the year of
our Lord one thousand eight hundred eighty-one.
, The said Israel Forer has been duly chosen Treasurer of the said
Jackson School District, for and during the term of one year from the date
hereof. The condition of this obligation is such, that if the said
Israel Forer
Shall and Do Well and Faithfully Perform All the Acts and Duties.
Lawfully pertaining to his office as District Treasurer aforesaid,
according to the terms of the school law, approve the eighth day of May,
A. D. 1854, in the supplements thereto, then this obligation to be void;
else to be and remain in full force and virtue.
Sealed and delivered in presence of
A.B. Keagle Israel Forer (seal)
Levi Miller (seal)
Professional Certificate
it is agreed by and between W. H. Avery, teacher and the Board of Directors
Of Jackson School District in Lycoming County that said teacher shall under
the supervision and exclusive direction of said Board and their successors
but subject nevertheless to the visitation and lawful authority of the
county superintendent, teach in No. 3 School House, for the term four months
of 22 days each and compensation of 35 per month to paid monthly Reserving
the right to the Board of Directors for the time being to dismiss the said
teacher at any time what ever for any other causes specified in the twenty-third
section of the act of May 8, 1854 "School Laws of PA," it is further agreed
that said teacher shall keep the book of monthly reports, and return the
same at the end of the term in good order subject to a fine at the discretion
of the Board of not more than five dollars for the loss or abuse thereof.
He is further agreed that the fine shall be made or cause to be made and
the floor be regularly swept or caused to be swept in the said House.
During said term by said teacher that said Board providing the fuel and
brushes there for and that the actual possession of the school House and
premises before mentioned shall remain in be considered by all parties
and their successors.
In witness whereof the parties have hereunto set their hands and, Seals
this fourth day of November 1882
A.B. Keagle
Sect of Board President
of the Board
W. H. Avery
Agreement between Directors and Teachers
It Is Agreed, By and between R. V. Belford Teacher, and the Board of Directors of Jackson School District, in County, that said Teacher shall, under the supervision and exclusive direction of said Board and their successors, but subject, nevertheless, to the visitation and lawful authority of the County Superintendent, teach in No.1Schoolhouse for the term of four months, at a compensation of per month and Board to be paid monthly; reserving the right to the Board of Directors That the time being to dismiss that said Teacher at any time what ever, for any other causes specified in the twenty-third section of the Act of May 8, 1854, entitled "An Act for the Regulation and Continuance of a System of Education by Common Schools."
It Is Further Agreed, That said teacher will attend the District Institute,
when one is established by the Board of Directors, and so report on the
monthly report book, or for fit one day's wages for each day's absence
without a sufficient excuse, which shall be accepted by a majority of the
Board; and shall keep the book of monthly reports, and return the same
at the end of the term, in good order, subject to a fine, at the discretion
of the Board, of not more than five dollars for the loss or abuse thereof.
It Is Also Agreed, That the school still be closed without loss to
the teacher That on Thanksgiving day, Christmas, New Year's Day, Washington's
Birthday, Good Friday and the Fourth of July. Also, that the fire
shall be made or cause to to be made, and the floor be regularly swept
or cause to be swept, in said House, during said term, by the said Teacher,
the said Board providing the fuel and brushes there for; and that the actual
possession of the school House and premises before mentioned shall remain
in be considered by all parties is remaining in being, at all times in
the said Board of Directors and their successors.
In Witness Whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals
day of November 2, A. D. 1878.
J.R. Sechrist (seal)
R. V. Belford (seal)
Levi Miller
Secretary of Board
It is agreed by That and between John C. Hinman Teacher and The Board
Of Directors of Jackson school District in Lycoming County that said teacher
shall under the supervision and exclusive direction of said Board and their
successors but subject nevertheless to the visitation and lawful authority
of the County Superintendent.
& teaches in No. 4 or Reed School House for the term of five months
of 22 days each, at a compensation of $35 per month to be paid monthly
reserving the right of the Board of D. for the time being to dismiss the
said teacher at any time what ever for any other causes specified in the
Act of "May 8, 1854 on Common School.".
It is further agreed that said teacher shall keep the book of
monthly reports and return the same at the end of the term in good order
subject to a fine at the discretion of the Board of not more than five
dollars for the loss or abuse of the same and that the actual possession
of the school & premise before mentioned shall remain in D. considered
by all parties as remaining at all times in said Board of Directors and
their successors.
In witness whereof the parties have hereunto set their hands
and seals this 15th day of November 1882.
A.B. Keagle
John C. Hinman
Levi Miller
Secretary of Board
Agreement between Directors and Teachers
It Is Agreed, By and between J. E. Kimball Teacher, and the board
of directors School District, in Lycoming County, that said teacher That
shall, under the supervision and exclusive direction of said Board and
their successors, but subject nevertheless, to the visitation and lawful
authority of the County Superintendent, teach in No. 4 School House for
the term of four months, at a compensation of Twenty Dollars per month
& Board to be paid monthly; reserving the right to the Board of Directors
for the time being to dismiss the said teacher Bad at any time what ever,
for any other causes specified in the twenty-third section of the Act of
May 8, 1854, entitled "An Act for the Regulation and Continuance of a System
of Education by Common Schools."
It Is Further Agreed, that said teacher will attend the District
Institute, when one is established by the Board of Directors, and so report
on the monthly report book, or for fit one day's wages for each day's absence
without a sufficient excuse, which shall be accepted by a majority of the
Board; and shall keep the book of monthly reports, and return the same
at the end of the term, in good order, subject to a fine, at the discretion
of the Board, of not more than five dollars for the loss or abuse thereof.
It Is Also Agreed, That the schools shall be closed without loss
To the Teacher On Thanksgiving Day, Christmas, New Year's Day, Washington's
birthday, Good Friday and the Fourth of July. Also, that the fire
shall be made or cause to be made, and the floor be regularly swept or
cause to be swept, in said House, during said term, by the said Teacher,
the said Board providing the fuel and brushes there for; and the actual
possession of the School House and premises before mentioned shall remain
in be considered by all parties as remaining in being, at all times, in
said Board of Directors and their successors.
In Witness Whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands
and seals
November, 2nd A. D. 1878.
JR Sechrist (seal)
J. E. Kimball (seal)
Levi Miller
Secretary of Board
Levi Miller
Secretary of Board
Levi Miller
Secretary of Board
Levi Miller
Secretary of Board
Levi Miller
Secretary of Board
It is further agreed that said teacher shall keep the book of monthly
reports, and return the same at the end of the term, in good order, and
subject to a fine at the discretion of the Board of not more than five
dollars for the loss or abuse thereof. It is further agreed that
the fine shall be made or consent to be made, and the floor or, cause to
be swept in said House during said term, by said teacher. The said
Board providing the fuel and brushes there for and that they actual possession
of the school House and premises, before mentioned, shall remain in be
considered by all parties as remaining in being at all times, in said Board
of Directors and their successors.
In witness whereof have agreement set
this 10 in seal this 25th day of November 1882
A.B. Keagle
James Dawson
Continued on Page Two