Bradford County PA
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Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Tri-County Postcards
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Pike Township Photos & Postcards - LeRaysville Borough
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These postcards are being shared with you in loving memory of my mother, Joan M. Gibbs 1937-2007
Kevin D. Gibbs
Postmarked December 16, 1907 - High School at Leraysville
Unused, Undivided back Postcard of the Congregational Church
Postmarked August 27, 1907 – Looking at the Congregational Church from East Street showing the side and back of the church as well as back and side of the parsonage house.

Sorry about the angled blue borders. It looked a bit wonky to me so I just had to give it a bit of realignment. I'm afraid I have a bit of Adrian Monk's compulsion in me - for those of you who watch that.  JMT

Postmarked September 17 and 18, 1906 Unused, Undivided back - Postcard of of the Congregational Church
Above : Methodist Parsonage – Postmarked 1908 – I know where the Methodist Church once stood and I don’t believe, but am not positive, that this house still exists.
Left : – The M.E. Church that is no longer there – I believe it burned down and wasn’t rebuilt
High School at LeRaysville
Detail of Top Photo on this page
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 01 FEB 2008
By Joyce M. Tice
Email Joyce M. Tice

Thanks to Kevin Gibbs for sharing his collection 01 FEB 2008