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Obituaries & Clippings Collected from Scrapbooks by Joyce M. Tice For her Sullivan-Rutland Genealogy Project. Please submit any additional clippings that you have available. |
Reading a series of obituaries from a single cemetery, as they are presented here, is like reading the multi-generational history of a community. These people were the local populace at a particular time. The people buried here knew each other, were neighbors, relatives and school mates. They attended church together and engaged in "trade" or business. All people are listed in alphabetic order by surname at BIRTH. Women identified by a married alias only and for whom a birth surname can not be identified, are listed on the last page for the cemetery's obituaries. |
BEARDSLEE, Fannie [SRGP 07518]
died 1865. No obituary. Wife of Perceptor Wood Photo sent by Michelle?? Have lost contact.
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BRYANT, Alma - (SRGP 02228)
Mrs. James McConnell is lying dead at her home near Chandlersburg. Funeral services to-morrow. Rev. King will officiate. 1887 |
BRYANT- Miss Della Bryant, (SRGP 05654) sister of Mrs. Warren Bartlett, of his boro, Mr. Ransom Bryant of Richmond and Mr. Ephriam Bryant of Elmira, died last Friday in Philadelphia from fibroid tumor for which she submitted to an operation at the University hospital on Tuesday last. Miss Bryant’s death, while not wholly unexpected, was a great shock to her many friends. The remains were brought to her sister’s home in this place and the funeral was held on Tuesday from the M. E. Church of which the deceased had long been a consistent member. Her age was about 40 years. The burial was in the Wood Cemetery on Rutland Hill.
Frank BRYANT [SRGP 05462]
In Sullivan, January 3d, 1875, of typhoid fever, Frank, youngest son of
William Bryant, aged 17 years. (Tuesday, January 12, 1875, The Wellsboro
Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.) [Wood Cemetery]
BRYANT, William Whitlock, (SRGP 05113) In Sullivan, January 22, 1892, of the grip, William Bryant age 69 years.
COMFORT, Polly (SRGP 00516) - Obituary: Mrs. R.M.Smith Born at Gilett on February 22, 1842, a daughter of John and Sally Head Comfort, died in the home of her daughter Maude Newell, in the Ayers house on West Main Street yesterday morning March 24 th. The funeral will be held at the Bakersburg Church on Saturday at one o'clock and interment will be in the Hawley cemetery in Sullivan Township. Died March 24th, 1926.
Mr. Daniel DOTY [SRGP 02381]
Mr. Daniel Doty, of Sullivan, died December 15th, of consumption. He
was a member of the Odd Fellows lodge here, and was buried by that order.
(Tuesday, December 23, 1873, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)
[Wood Cemetery]
Miss Emma Holly died unexpectedly at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Nelson Holly, at Elk Run, on Thursday evening last. Miss Holly had been
ill two weeks, of the grip, but her condition was not considered serious.
On Thursday evening, she partook of nourishment, and a few minutes later died.
Heart failure was the immediate cause of death. The funeral was held from
the home on Sunday afternoon at 1 o’clock, the Rev. L. F. Kelsey, pastor of the
Roseville M. E. church, officiating. Burial was in the Wood Hill cemetery.
Decedent was in her 19th year, was a faithful member of the Elk Run M. E.
church, and esteemed highly for her fine character and her daily demonstration
of possession of the true Christian spirit. She is survived by her
parents, four sisters and one brother.
died quite unexpectedly last Saturday morning at 2 o’clock at the home of his
daughter, Mrs. A. M. Crippen, in this boro. The immediate cause of death was
apoplexy. Mr. Holly was born Sept. 26, 1820, at Wells, Pa., and there resided
until 1834 when his parents moved to the county. He remained a member of his
father’s household until the fall of 1846, when he married Miss Mary Wood. The
young couple soon afterward established for themselves a home and for forty
years were counted among the substantial farmers of Rutland Township. Mr. Holly
united with the Rutland Hill M. E. Church in 1853 and was a class leader and
active member of that congregation for many years. He was generous to a fault,
ever willing to do his full share in carrying forward any good work. His health
had been steadily failing for three years, so that while his death was
unexpected the end had been thought for sometime to be not far off. His wife
preceded him to the other shore by about a year. He is survived by four
daughters; Mrs. Menzo Mudge of Elk Run, Mrs. A. M. Crippen of Mansfield, Mrs.
Charles Sanders, of Elmira, and Mrs. George M. Cornell of Austinville. Rev. Paul
Smith conducted the burial services, which were held on Sunday from the church
of whose congregation he had so long been a member. The burial was in the Wood
MANSFIELD, Amos (Rev.) (SRGP 00192) d. Rutland twp. “Fri.”, b. Dumertan, Windham Co., VT. Mar 2nd 1800, m. 1825 Miss Eliza Thompson of Dewitt, NY., 2nd m. Miss Hettie Dewitt, dau. Of Rev. John Dewitt of Roseville; donated land for Rutland Hill Church | ![]() |
Rev. Amos Mansfield, of Rutland, died on the 7th instant, and the funeral was held at the Roseville Methodist church last week Sunday. It is said that he was the oldest Methodist minister in northern Pennsylvania. An article in the Mansfield Advertiser says Mr. Mansfield was born at Dumerton, Windom county, Vt., March 2, 1800. He was converted at the age of 12, and at 16 he entered upon the work of a circuit alder in his native State. In 1823 he moved to Syracuse, and two years later to Chenango county, NY, where, in 1825, he became the husband of Miss Eliza Thompson, of DeWitt, Onondaga county. Here he remained and preached the gospel for 10 years and then moved to this county. Arriving here he settled upon a farm on Rutland hill, near the present village of Roseville. Soon after coming to this county his mother, father and one sister died of small-pox, and their remains were buried on what is now known as the Harris Soper homestead. His first sermon here was preached in a barn on Burton hill, some two years prior to the erection of the first meeting-house in the township. He preached also at Canton, Monroeton and Towanda. The Methodist Church at Towanda was founded by him during a season of great religious excitement. His next charge included Lower and Upper Ulster, Springfield, Smithfield, Troy, and Armenia. On this charge he received an annual salary of $400. His average salary for many years was only $150. Most of this time he lived upon and worked his farm on Rutland hill, thereby, with the aid of his slender salary, providing support for himself and family. He also at one time preached on the circuit known as Mansfield and Covington. Some time after the death of his first wife, who is remembered as a very estimable woman, he was united in marriage to Miss Hettie DeWitt, daughter of Rev. John DeWitt, then a prominent Methodist exhorter of Roseville. Father Mansfield enjoyed the reputation for many years of being one of the most successful exhorters in the country. He was not an educated man, but possessed to a high degree the qualifications of a successful orator. Few itinerant preachers had a wider acquaintance than did this sturdy son of the long ago. His preaching for several years had been confined to now and then a funeral sermon or occasional discourse from the platform of neighboring school-houses. He gave the land upon which the Mansfield church, on Rutland hill, now stands and himself took an active part in its construction. (Tuesday, December 18, 1888, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.) [Wood Cemetery]
NICHOLS - Mrs. Polly A. Smith (SRGP 00251)
Mrs. Polly A. Smith died at the house of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Brace,
in Painter Run, Thursday, April 13,1893. Three years ago she had the la grippe
and had been gradually failing ever since. For the past two weeks she has been
unconscious nearly all the time and so passed over the river. Mrs. Smith was
born March 22,1814, in the town of Redding, Conn. In 1832 she was united in
marriage with Jesse Smith, of Sullivan, who died several years ago, leaving
Sister Smith alone in the battle of life. Four of her children also preceded
her, one son dying in Andersonville prison during the rebellion. Four children
still live to mourn her loss. Mrs. Smith has been a Christian from early life
and a member of the Methodist church. She was a loving wife an
affectionate mother, and respected by all. May the arm of the Omnipotent sustain
the bereaved ones in their affliction.
1884 22-Oct Mansfield Advertiser Abstracts D
Palmer, Lester d. Austinville (no date), bu'd Wood Hill Cem.
Elizabeth Schoolcraft ROSE Wood (SRGP 00255) - Mrs. Elizabeth Wood
Mrs. Elizabeth Wood died Oct. 16, 1898 at the home of her son, Henry Wood, of Sullivan, aged 91 years. She was the wife of Justus Wood who died the same day of the month (October 26) just twenty-six years ago. She had lived sixty-one years in Sullivan. She and her husband settled on Rutland Hill when a large part of Tioga county was a wilderness. The nearest grist mill was at Troy, which they reached by a rough road behind a yoke of oxen. She was one year old when Robert Fulton's first steamboat (the Clermont) descended the Hudson River to Albany. She was a girl six years of age when the war of 1812 began. She was twenty-nine when the Mexican war began. She was thirty-seven when Samuel Morse erected the first telegraph line in the world from Washington to Baltimore. She leaves seven children, four boys and three girls, forty-eight grandchildren, seventy-six great grandchildren and four great great grandchildren. She was converted and united with the Baptist Church when fourteen years of age. For seventy-seven years, like Enoch of old, she walked with God. Her religious experience was clear and bright. Her life was a living epistle, an object lesson, of what the grace of God could do. She died like Moses, her intellect unclouded, her faith triumphant. Funeral services were held at Chandlersburg, in the Methodist church, conducted by Rev. W.E. Sitzer of West Caton, NY. |
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SMITH - Mrs. Damie F. Bradford [SRGP 00433]
At Cortland, NY, July 28th, Mrs. Damie F. Bradford, wife of W. H. Bradford, and third daughter of N. Smith, Esq., of Sullivan, Tioga Co, Pa., aged 25 years, 7 months and 12 (or 13) days. Her remains were brought home for interment. Rev. Taylor of Mansfield, who only a few short months previous united her in marriage, conducted the bridal service. Death in claiming her has taken one of earth's brightest jewels, and one whose loss will long be felt in the circles in which she moved. She was possessed with an unusually sweet and amiable disposition that endeared her to the hearts of all. During her long and painful illness, no murmur or word of complaint was ever heard. She failed rapidly the few last days of her life, and on Friday morning her happy spirit took its flight, leaving her countenance bathed in a halo of radiance as though a ray from the better land had left its impress there. She has left our hearts sad to breaking, yet we know she has only passed before us over the river, beyond which she waits our coming. Her husband, on whom the afflictions falls heavily, has our warmest sympathy. Though he feels his dearest hopes are buried. There is one merciful and strong, who is not unmindful of his sorrow. He also tempers the wind to the shorn lamb, can bind up his broken heart, and comfort him through all the weary journey of life. Damie has passed from earth away; but we know in that happier clime where he cherished ones are garnered, we shall meet again. S. S. (Wednesday, September 6, 1871, The Tioga County Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.) |
Mark Smith, of Harrisburg, dropped dead while hunting about seventy miles
from his home last Monday. The body will be brought to his old home near
Chandlersburg tomorrow (Thursday) morning, from which place the funeral will be
held Thursday afternoon at two o’clock. Interment will be in the family
plot near the home. Deceased was a son of Northrup Smith and is survived
by two brothers, Clarence, of Elmira, and Joseph, of Shippensburg. He was
a member of Mansfield Lodge, F. & A. M.
Elderly Matthew SMITH (SRGP 00017) dropped dead August 24th at the home of a son near Elkrun, Sullivan Township - Wellsboro Agitator 02 SEP 1903
SMTH - Northurp - (SRGP 00188) d. Elk Run "last Thur.", funeral "last Sat.", b. Fairfield Co., Ct. May 4th 1819 to Rufus and Eunice Smith, came here when young, 1 dau. Mrs. P. D. Rexford (by 1st wife) by 2nd wife: Clarence and Mark, at home; Dr. Mary Smith, Allegany, Pa.; Dr. Joseph Smith, Somerset Co., Pa.; Dr. R. Belle Beach, Waverly, Ny.; and Dr. Augustus B. Smith, Pittsburgh, Pa., buried Wood Cem. (Mansfield Advertiser 13 NOV 1895 Abstracted) Died 05 Nov 1895
SMTH - Northrup - (SRGP 00188) Mr. Northrup Smith died suddenly last Thursday morning at 2 o’clock at his home in Sullivan. He was about as usual on Wednesday and even as late as 10 o’clock that night seemed to be enjoying his usual health. About midnight, however, he had an attack of heart trouble and two hours later while sitting in his chair he died. His last moments were peaceful and free from suffering. Mr. Smith’s health was seriously impaired by an attack of the grip two years ago, which weakened the action of his heart. Deceased was born at Fairfield County, Connecticut, May 4, 1819. While still he was quite young his parents, Rufus and Eunice Smith, immigrated to this county and settled upon the farm which was ever afterward his home. He successfully overcame the trials of life in a new country. That he enjoyed the esteem and confidence of his fell men was abundantly attested by his re-election to the office of Justice of the Peace and by the large proportion of Masons in attendance at his funeral. He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. P. D. Rexford, by his first wife, also by a widow and six other adult children, as follows: Clarence and Mark at home; Dr. Mary Smith, of Allegheny, Pa., Dr. Joseph Smith, of Somerset County, Dr. R. Bell Beach of Waverly, N.Y., and Dr. Augustus B. Smith of Pittsburg. One child by his first alliance and two by his second wife, preceded him to the other shore. The obsequies were largely attended on Saturday last at 2 o’clock from the church at Elk Run of which deceased was a member. The burial was in the Wood Cemetery near Mr. Smith’s home. (handwritten on article 1895)
SMITH, R. Belle-(SRGP 00604) Waverly, N.Y., Sept 28,-- Dr. R. Belle Beach, a well-known and highly respected lady physician of Waverly, died at the hospital Monday night of shock, following an operation. Dr. Beach had been ill lately and a few days ago was removed to the hospital for the purpose of an operation. Deceased was aged forty-five years and leaves two children. Arrangements for the funeral were made by E,S. Hanford. Services were held at the home on Waverly street. Tuesday evening, at 8 o'clock, and the remains were taken to Columbia Cross Roads, Pa., for interment. (R. Belle SMITH Is buried at Wood Cemetery in Sullivan Township - JMT)
Miss S. Lorena SMITH (SRGP 00431) died Mansfield Sun. at her uncle’s (Timothy Smith), dau. Of Northrup Smith of Sullivan twp. 27 MAR 1889 Mansfield Advertiser (Abstracts)
SMITH, Timothy (SRGP 00189) d. Elmira, Ny. "last Wed.", pneumonia, a native of Conn. And bro. of Northrop Smith of Sullivan twp., 1st wife was Mary M. Pulling, she d. 1867, his son d. 1872, came to Mansfield 1881, m. about 1890 Mrs. Cottrell from Rochester, Ny., and moved to Elmira; buried Sullivan twp.
Tristam Smith, one of Tioga county’s oldest residents, died at his home near Elk Run, Saturday morning, Nov. 19, 1898. He was born in Rutland, June 14, 1816. He had always lived a good upright life, and had for many years been preparing to meet his Savior and loved ones that had gone on before. He leaves besides a wife, two sons—Ira, of Elk Run, Lyman B., of Mansfield, one daughter Mrs. H. H. Wilson, of Roseville. The funeral was held in the Rutland Hill M. E. Church, Monday at 1 o’clock. Rev. H. E. Hyde, of Mainesburg officiated. The sermon was preached from a text found in Job 5:26. “Thou shalt come to thy grave in full age, like as a shock of corn cometh in in his season.” Interment took place in Wood Hill Cemetery.
STEPHENS, Wallace (SRGP 80447) - Died at his home near Elk run, Monday, March 14th, Wallace Stephens, of pneumonia. He leaves a wife and one child to mourn their loss. Interment in Wood Hill Cemetery. Mrs. Wallace Stephens is to stay with Mr. and Mrs. William Smith for some time.
THOMPSON- Eliza Mansfield (SRGP 02256) Mrs. Eliza Mansfield, wife of Rev. Amos Mansfield, and daughter of Andrew and Elizabeth Thompson, of DeWitt, Onondaga County, N.Y., died of apoplexy in Rutland, Tioga County PA., on December 5, 1864. Sister M. was born September 20, 1801, in DeWitt, formerly Manlius, Onondaga County, N.Y.. She was converted and joined the M.E. Church when only sixteen years of age, it is thought, under the labors of Zenas Jones. In 1825 she was married to Amos Mansfield, who became quite widely known as an active and talented Methodist preacher. Our departed sister, ever since her conversion, was numbered as one of God's faithful children, "Holding fast the the profession of faith, without wavering", and was always known as a consistent christian. The voyage of her life was not altogether over a quiet sea, but amid the storm and the breakers , she felt the power of the Master's presence, whose unseen hand we doubt not has guided her safely to the port of everlasting rest. Her last sickness was brief. About a year since, she recived a shock of paralysis that prostrated her for a time, from which she had measurably recovered. On Thursday, Dec. 1, while returning from a visit to a near neighbors, she received the fatal shock that soon loosened the silver cord, broke the golden bowl at life's cistern and gave the happy spirit freedom to return to the God who gave it. She leaves an aged husband, one son and two daughters all married, a large circle of grandchildren and relatives to mourn their great loss, and cherish, the memory of a now saluted mother. Troy, December 10, 1864 J.B. DuBois. Submitted by Elizabeth Robinson - Note: Joyce M. Tice has photo of Eliza.
VAN VALKANER, Rachel (SRGP 02082) - Mrs. Rachel Van
Valkanar Styres
Mrs. Rachel Van Valkanar Styres, of Sullivan, died May 18. She was
born in Ulster county, NY, and in 1824, at the age of ten, she moved with her
parents to Tompkins county, where she grew to womanhood. In 1846 she was
married to William Styres, of Dryden, NY, where they resided for eight years,
moving to Sullivan township, to the farm now occupied by her son, John W.
Styres, where she lived 38 years. She removed with her daughter to
Richmond in 1892. She removed to Sullivan to reside about a year ago.
Her husband died 31 years ago. She was the mother of four children, her
eldest dying February 3, 1912. She is survived by John W. Styres and Sarah
E. Smith, of Sullivan, and Gertrude S. Marsh, of Richmond, thirteen
grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren.
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Mr. Wm. W. Welch [SRGP 02376]
In Farmington, February 28th, 1874, of bronchial consumption, Wm. W. Welch, aged 44(?). (Tuesday, April 28, 1874, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.) [Wood Cemetery] |
Mrs. H. Lewis Roblyer, only surviving sister of Mr. S. L. Wood of this boro, died at 4 o’clock this morning at her home, two miles from Elk Run. Mr. Roblyer would have been 71 in June. She had enjoyed quite good health until Monday, when she became unconscious through apoplexy, and so remained until relieved by death. Her husband and two sons survive, Herbert, of Balsam, and Levi, of Rutland. The funeral will be held from her late home on Friday at 1 o’clock, the Rev. Stoker officiating; burial in the Wood cemetery in Sullivan. |
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In Sullivan township, May 20, 1875, Lizzie Wood, daughter of Lemuel Wood, aged 16 years. (Tuesday, June 1, 1875, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.) [Wood Cemetery]
Mansfield Advertiser 4 May 1887- Solomon WOOD (SRGP 00299)
died Sullivan twp. Apr 28th age 85, born Ridgefield CT Jan 2nd 1802; came
about 1820, married 1823 Lydia Gates (she died 1869), one son. Lemuel; two
daughters, Mrs. J. W. Holly, Mrs. Louis Roblyer.
WORDEN "Smith", Annis (SRGP 01481) - d. Jan 25th, age 86 yrs. In Austinville. Mr. Smith d. May 1871. They were pioneers in Rutland in 1806 lived there 2 yrs. Before they had any neighbors. They lived in a log hut without a floor, door or chimney erected at the end of a sled road in the woods. (abstract version - Wellsboro Gazette)) | ![]() |
WRIGHT, Jerusha (SRGP 00530)- Mrs. Gerusha Doty - died "last Sun.", at Elk Run in 92nd yr., mother of Mrs. S. L. Wood of Elk Run and Mrs. A. M. Wilson of Mansfield. Mansfield Advertiser (Abstracts)
YORK, Alice - (SRGP 04143) Mansfield Advertiser 14th Jan 1885: Died Mrs. Edward Jones of Sullivan twp. Jan 11th, dau. of Mr. Galusha York. Joan SAUBERT Cummings notes say she died in childbirth.
YORK, Rosebelle (SRGP 04144) - Wellsboro Agitator Mar. 14 1882 - Died - A Mainesburg correspondent says that Mrs. Rosabella Jones, dau. of Galusha York, was found dead at her home near Chandlersburg in Sullivan twp, on the 1st inst. She appeared as well as usual in the morning, got dinner and did up her work. Her husband went out just before she had finished washing the dishes, and when he returned about dark he heard his little boy, 3 yrs. old crying. There was no fire, and he asked the child where his mother was. He answered, "Ma is in the buttery on the floor, and she won't come out at all." There she was found on her knees, her chin resting on a shelf, and perfectly dead. Mr. Jones aroused the neighbors and sent for a physician, but his services were of no avail. He attributed the lady's death to heart disease. She was 21 years of age.