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by Joyce M. Tice Reynolds Cemetery Listing |
Reading a series of obituaries from a single cemetery, as they are presented here, is like reading the multi-generational history of a community. These people were the local populace at a particular time. The people buried here knew each other, were neighbors, relatives and school mates. They attended church together and engaged in "trade" or business. All people are listed in alphabetic order by surname at BIRTH. Women identified by a married alias only and for whom a birth surname can not be identified, are listed on the last page for the cemetery's obituaries. |
Mr. William Allen [SRGP 51586]
At Holiday, Pa., April 28, 1884, Mr. William Allen, aged 88 years. Deceased was born and spent the early years of his life in Duchess county, NY. From there he moved to Warren county near Lake George, where he married Prudence, daughter of Sylvester Newbery, of that place. From thence with his wife and four children he moved into this State, settling in Tioga county. This was some 50 years ago when this county was a comparative wilderness. Here eight more children were born to him, making a family of 12 children, nine of whom are now living and with their families are settled in various parts of the country. One daughter, Sarah, lives in Broome county, NY, two in this county-- Mrs. Ann March and Prudence Horton. The rest of them are in the distant West. In February, 1848, Mrs. Allen died, leaving him with a large and almost helpless family, which brought to the surface his characteristic sturdiness of will, industry and diligence in his calling, punctuality and promptness in all his business relations. When in later life he made a profession of religion, these qualities formed a noble basis for his piety. As a Christian he was noted for humility, and was faithful to his Master and to his fellow-men, reliable in every emergency, accommodating to all and beloved by all who knew him. During the 25 years he carried the mail he frequently burdened himself in doing services for nearly every one on the route, and thus all knew him and loved him, even the little ones, for his own mind was childlike. Some 26 years ago he married the widow Bryant, who still survives him, but will evidently soon follow. On the 30th of April we laid him to sleep in the cemetery at Roseville beside the grave of his loved companion and mother of his children. Your eyes, that have been blind for the past few years, can now see. Whatever marred your comfort or gave you pain in mind or body is now forgiven and forgotten in the home of the blest. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. C. Mansfield, assisted by Elder Rockwell, who were old acquaintances and friends. Father Mansfield is 86 years old. He buried all of Mr. Allen’s family who died in this county. The bearers were Roswell Crippen, Seely Frost, George Tanner, Warren Rose, Hugh Artesinger, Zachariah Wright, all of whom were his old neighbors and friends, thus paying the last service they could do him; and thus we will leave him in the bosom of his God. (Tuesday, May 20, 1884, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.) [Reynolds Cemetery - Rutland township]
--Mr. Bennett REYNOLDS, (SRGP 05520) who died in Rutland a few days ago, of paralysis, was in his eighty third year. He had resided for sixty two years on the farm where he died.
The sudden death of Will Reynolds, a life-long resident of Rutland, came as
a shock to his many friends. He had been in poor health for some time, but
was about the house as usual on Friday. Shortly after eating supper he
complained of not feeling very well and rapidly grew worse, until eight o’clock
when he became unconscious and diedat 10:40 o’clock at the home of his nephew
Leon Reynolds, where he had been living for the past few months. William
H. Reynolds was the son of Norman J. And Maria Argetsinger Reynolds, and was
born March 16, 1850. He was united in marriage to Sallie A. Reynolds, who
died in 1918, in the same house where he died, and which had been their home for
many years. It is an historical fact of interest to know this house is one
of the oldest, if not the oldest in Rutland township. A stone taken from
the old fireplace bears the date of 1830. June 4, 1920, Mr. Reynolds
married Mrs. Myra Patterson, who died January 19, 1923. Mr. Reynolds was a
man who was quiet and unassuming in his ways, and was a friend to everybody.
He was a member of the Methodist church at Elk Run. He is survived by an
adopted daughter, Mrs. Emma Keys, of Troy, Pa., one sister, Mrs. Celia Bronson,
two brothers, John and Charlie Reynolds, of Tioga. The funeral was held at
the home of Leon Reynolds and the large attendance told of the high esteem in
which he was held. Rev. Orey Crippen, of the Roseville Baptist church
officiated and spoke from the text; John 16:22, “And ye now therefore have
sorrow, but I will see you again and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no
man taketh from you.” John F. Benson sang “Abide With Me” and “In the
Upper Garden”, both selections having been chosen by Mr. Reynolds.
Interment was in the Reynolds cemetery by the side of his first wife. The
pall bearers were Messrs Roy James, Everett Nash, George Bardwell, Dan Smith,
Frank Williams and B. J. Smith.
Mrs. Bennett Reynolds aged ?? years.
Mrs. Margaret Reynolds was born in the town of Homer and at the age of seven years her parents moved with her and one brother to the town of Hector, Schuyler Co., N.Y. There they lived until the year 18?9, when they came to Pennsylvania and located in the town of Rutland, on the farm now owned by P. V. VanNess. In the spring of 1881 she was united in marriage to Bennett Reynolds and began a new life of womanhood at the age of 15 years. She was the mother of seven children, all of whom survive her but one son, who died Jan. 13, 18??. Deceased was a generous noble and kind hearted woman, and all who became acquainted with her truly loved her. She was one who never turned any hungry or distressed from her door. She gave her heart to God in the early part of her life and lived a consistent Christian through the remainder of her life. She died at the age of 72 (?) years after a painful illness of eleven weeks. Her sufferings were great and she bore them patiently and without ??, while her mind would wander from things of earth and this life they were ever clear on that beautiful home beyond the skies where we feel she is resting from all her cares and sufferings, and while we so much miss her loving counsel and motherly sympathy, we can but say, “God’s will, not mine, be done.”
JOHN SMITH (SRGP 01840) Mr. John Smith, of Rutland, whose death on December 27th was briefly noted last week, was one of that townships oldest citizens. He was one of twelve children of Jesse and Annis Smith, who came to Rutland from Vermont at a very early day. Born on September 21, 1814, he was in his 89th year. With the exception of about four years in early manhood spent in the state of Michigan, his whole life was passed among the scenes of his childhood. As a young man he aided in the building of the Tioga railroad. He married Harriet, daughter of John and Roby Reynolds, who survives him with four of five children that blessed their union, Frank, the eldest son, having preceded his father to the great beyond. The living are Jennie, Mrs. John Styres, Matilda, Mrs. E. L. Nash, O. A. and Emerson Smith “Uncle John” as he was familiarly called, had been in failing health for some time. He last ventured from home to attend the Smith family gathering at Austinville in August. The funeral was in charge of the Rev. Paul Smith, and burial was in the Van Ness Hill Cemetery. (handwritten on article 1903. –top of Rutland Hill) (Note from JMT - Reynolds Cemetery - his wife was Harriett Reynolds)