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Obituaries & Clippings Collected from Scrapbooks by Joyce M. Tice For her Sullivan-Rutland Genealogy Project. Please submit any additional clippings that you have available. |
Reading a series of obituaries from a single cemetery, as they are presented here, is like reading the multi-generational history of a community. These people were the local populace at a particular time. The people buried here knew each other, were neighbors, relatives and school mates. They attended church together and engaged in "trade" or business. All people are listed in alphabetic order by surname at BIRTH. Women identified by a married alias only and for whom a birth surname can not be identified, are listed on the last page for the cemetery's obituaries. |
COMFORT - Lavinia; [SRGP 07901] Mrs. Lyman Reynolds, aged 91, died at her home in Mansfield on the 17th instant. Her maiden name was Lavinia Comfort, and in her earlier life she resided on a farm near East Troy. Her career was identified with good works and strenuous Christian efforts for the good of others. She was a laborer in the temperance cause and was believed to be the oldest member of the W.C.T.A. in this State. She and the late Seth Paine organized the first Sunday school that existed in the Troy borough, and her life all along was identified with saintly living. - Wellsboro Agitator, March 26, 1902
Mansfield Advertiser, Feb. 27, 1901
Her Ninetieth Birthday [Lavinia COMFORT Compton Reynolds, b. Feb.21.1811,
d. Mar.17.1902]
Presbyterian Missionary Society Celebrates the Anniversary of a Valued
The Ladies' Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church held a birthday
reception at the home of Mrs. Lyman Reynolds, in honor of her ninetieth
birthday, Thursday, Feb. 21st 1901. After all were assembled, Mrs. George
Shipman, the President, in words of greeting spoke of the three events which
were to be celebrated on that occasion: First, the ninetieth birthday of a
charter member of the society, five charter members being present; Second,
that it was about this time a quarter of a century ago that the society was
organized; Third, the addition of five new members. A very touching poem,
written for the occasion by Mrs. Andrew Thomas Smith, was read. It was entitled
"Twilight," and described the triumphant and glorious close of a beautiful
Christian life. A paper on the life of Mrs. Reynolds, written and read by Mrs.
D.J. Butts, is, in part, as follows: Our friend, Auntie Reynolds, she whom
today we delight to honor, for thirty years has dwelt among us, and upon her the
pastors, church and temperance workers could depend, for through these years she
has been actively identified with church, temperance and mission work, and by
her presence, deeds, and prayers has been helpful in all. Auntie Reynolds
was, in youth, Miss Lavinia Comfort, and was one of a family of eight children.
She was born Feb. 21, 1811, at Southport, Chemung County, NY. Her mother died
when she was eleven years of age. While living in New York State her parents
were Presbyterians. A few years after her mother's death her father moved to
Columbia, Bradford County, PA, and there being no Presbyterian church at that
place, he joined the Methodist and lived in this communion until his death,
which occurred in 1840 in East Troy. For many years he taught in public schools,
and being interested in the youth, he became an organizer of Sabbath schools.
Our friend Lavinia did not go to Columbia with her father, but remained with
friends in Wellsburg, NY. When she was about sixteen years of age, two home
missionaries came into that section organizing Sabbath schools. They organized
one in Wellsburg, making her one of the teachers, and this was the first Sabbath
school she had ever known anything about. From that time she was always engaged
in Sabbath school work, until, as she expressed it, "age forbade." For about ten
years she was a teacher in public schools, and as she changed her residence she
took her church membership with her, thus identifying herself actively with the
local church where she was at the time teaching. While teaching in Troy, she
assisted Mr. Seth Payne in forming the first Sabbath school ever organized in
that village, he being superintendent, she assistant superintendent. She was
also a charter member of the Sylvania Presbyterian Church. She was
converted at the age of twenty years, in Elmira, NY, and at the age of
twenty-one she joined the Presbyterian Church of that city. In 1848 she
married Deacon Garrett Compton, and was a faithful step-mother to nine children.
One of these is now a respected resident of Troy. Another, Rev. Orville Compton,
is a Baptist clergyman in Minnesota, and Mr. Stephen Compton, of Horseheads, NY,
is a trusted Christian business man. Her husband died in 1856, and in 1861
she was married to Mr. Lyman Reynolds, whom many of us knew for several years as
a church and Sabbath school worker, and who endeared himself to us all by his
genial Christian life. Brother Reynolds died here in this homestead in 1880,
aged eighty-two years. Brother and sister Reynolds had moved to Mansfield
in 1867, and it was soon after coming here that she was instrumental in
organizing "The Star of Hope," and organization for boys, with a pledge to
abstain from bad language, Sabbath breaking, profanity and intoxicants.
When the Presbyterian Church of Mansfield was organized, Mrs. Reynolds was a
charter member, and was one of the charter member of this Missionary Society,
which we today represent. This sketch is like the web of a fabric, into
which has been richly and beautifully woven the woof of loving deeds, kind
words, encouragement to the right, and a readiness to stand in the front ranks
for Christianity when it meant work and self sacrifice.
"They tell me I am growing old, my friends,
That the lines of time are on my brow;
But I'll tell you a sweet, sweet secret,
A strange and wonderful truth,
Though I seem the while to be growing old,
I'm hourly renewing my youth,
I daily drink from the loving stream
That flows from the throne on high,
And those who drink of that crystal tide
Can never grow old or die."
After a most enjoyable afternoon, tea was served by the ladies, and all
repaired to their several homes wishing our hostess Godspeed, and --
"To her whose life of cheerful grace
And patient courage strong and fine,
Has been through all these ninety years
Sustained by Heavenly strength Divine.
"We pledge ourselves in friendship's bond,
We offer love's unstinted dower,
And ask that God may richly bless
With His own peace, this birthday hour."
JUDSON L. DANN (SRGP 13468) Judson L. Dann died of heart trouble on October 31, at his late home in Sullivan, near Mainesburg, after a long illness, though confined to the house only three months. The funeral service was conducted at the home by the Rev. Emma E. Bailey, pastor of the Universalist Church of Mansfield. The burial was in Ames Hill Cemetery. Mr. Dann is survived by his widow, one daughter, Mrs. George Dewey; one son, Ruhl M., and a brother, R. M. Dann of Elmira. He was married on September 16, 1880 to Eliza Squires, who died on May 23, 1903. On September 6, 1905, he was married to Mildred A. Gardner, who survives him and gave him tenderest and unremitting care during his prolonged and painful illness. The decedent was a patient sufferer—no word of complaint ever passing his lips. Thoughtful of others, he only gave them words of cheer and comfort. He felt that the Lord spoke to him and claimed him, and although he had a great desire to live, he bravely submitted to the inevitable. He went peacefully to sleep at last. The great love of God, through Jesus Christ, sustained him and carried him safely through the gateway of death, to the gateway of eternal morn and life. The text for the funeral address was I John 4:16 and the singing was by Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Robbins of Mainesburg. The loved old hymns which they sang never could have sounded sweeter or more appropriately reached the occasion.
Deacon D. C. Edgeton [SRGP 14886]
In Sullivan, Pa., December 28, 1875, of pneumonia, Deacon D. C. Edgeton,
aged 81 years. (Tuesday, January 11, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator,
Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)
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Addis E. GARDNER, (SRGP 09429)of Sullivan, up to a few minutes before his death on Wednesday last was, to all appearances, in perfect health. Coming from the barn into the house, he complained of being chilly, and fell to the floor. His brother raised him up. It was thought he had been attacked by a fit. He thought not, and said that, save for a fullness of the lungs, he felt all right. A minute later he dropped on a couch and instantly expired. He was born on the farm where he died, and always lived there with his brother and family. Mr. Gardner was 53 years old and unmarried. He was respected by his neighbors, and was an honest, upright citizen and excellent neighbor. The funeral was held from the home on Friday afternoon, the services being conducted by the Rev. B. Brunning, of Mansfield. There was a large attendance of neighbors and friends. |
On Monday evening, March 17, the Gates of Eternity opened and the pure soul
of Mildred Dann, or Millie, as her loved ones called her, passed through into
the eternal light of an endless day. The funeral services were held on
Thursday from the home. Rev. Grant Roblyer and Rev. William Hall were the
officiating ministers. Rev. Roblyer’s scriptural reading was from Psalms
90 and 103, and his remarks were largely scriptural quotations and exemplifying
the everlasting love and unchangeableness of God. Rev. Hall made a very
touching and tender prayer and both ministers spoke very feelingly of their
personal acquaintance with the departed and of her Christian character and
spotless life. Mrs. Leah Dial sang most beautifully and touchingly those
old hymns, “Beautiful Isle of Somewhere” and “Sometime Somewhere”. Mildred
Gardner Dann was the daughter of Leander and Fannie Gardner and was born on
April 28, 1877. On the sixth day of September, 1905, she was united in
marriage with Judson L. Dann, with whom she lived happily until his death on
October 31, 1911. Since that time her life has been passed in her girlhood
home. Millie’s entire life was spent in making her family and friends
happy. She always thought of others first and self last. Endowed
with a keen mind, a friendly disposition, and a remarkable amount of Ambition
she enjoyed society and an active, energetic life until failing health
prevented. Several years ago she united with the Universalist Church of
Mansfield, and was a close personal friend of Rev. E. E. Bailey. Millie
believed in the religion of character as exemplified by Jesus and her life was
spent in living that kind of a life. Six years ago she underwent a serious
operation at Blossburg hospital and since that time her health has been failing;
the cold weather so aggravated her disease that she has been compelled to spend
a large part of the winters in bed. But during all those years of ill
health and through her last sickness he has ever been solicitious of those
who cared for her, never once frowning, and ever ready with words of comfort and
cheer. Children loved her and grown-ups respected and revered her.
The beautiful flowers and the tears of sorrowing friends gave proof of the
esteem in which she was held, while the beautiful Easter lily clasped in her
hand was emblematic of the pure soul that had gone up to that home of many
mansions. She leaves to mourn her loss, her mother and one brother, Ward
W.; two step children, Mrs. George Dewey and Ruhl Dann, besides multitudes of
friends. Interment was in Ames Hill cemetery.
Ward W. Gardner, 59, of Mainesburg, died in the Robert Packer Hospital,
Sayre, Aug. 31, 1941. Funeral services were held at the Methodist Church
in Mainesburg and burial was made in the Ames Hill Cemetery at Chandlersburg.
Ed Jones, of Sullivan, diedMonday, April 17, at 2 o’clock. He bore
the suffering of an extended illness without complaining. He was 70 years
old on November 28, and had always lived at the Jones homestead, about one mile
south of Elk Run. The funeral was held at the home on the following
Thursday, at two o’clock, the Reverend Snyder officiating. Interment was
in Ames Hill Cemetery.
Mr. Amos MUDGE (SRGP 00216) died on Monday at his home near Elk Run, aged about 84 years. He had been steadily failing for a number of years. Mr. Mudge was an exemplary citizen and a member of the Elk Run M. E. Church. He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Abram Slingerland, and four sons, Edgar, Clinton and Loren Mudge of Delmar Township, this county, and Menzo Mudge of Sullivan, at whose home he died. He was an uncle of Mr. Stephen Mudge of this boro. The funeral will be held at 2 o’clock this afternoon from the church at Elk Run, the Rev. H. E. Hyde officiating. (Died 29 NOV 1897)
REYNOLDS, Lucy A. (SRGP 09036) Mansfield Advertiser -Apr 29th 1873 - Died Lucy Ann Ripley Robbins Sullivan Township Apr. 25th age 48 years Wife of J.W., Dau. Lyman Reynolds.
Mansfield Advertiser 30th May 1877: Died Isaac RICHMOND age 77 years May 14th in Sullivan of dropsy. (SRGP 05571)
WELLSBORO AGITATOR, 6 March 1880, p.3
ROBBINS- (SRGP 06531) At his residence in Sullivan, Feb. 17, 1880, Mr. Dexter Robbins in the seventy-first year of his age. Mr. Robbins was one of the early settlers of this township, having located here with his father at the age of 14. His life, though long, has been full of usefulness. As a citizen he has always enjoyed the respect of his fellow townsmen, as a Christian he has been loved and trusted by his brethren. by Rev. J. H. Ward
Mansfield Advertiser 23rd Sep 1885: Charles SMITH, Sr. (SRGP 04259) died at Sylvania last Sunday Age 85 y 8 m ddd., funeral Sept 22nd at Mainesburg.
SMITH , D. T. (SRGP 00162) Sullivan Township lost another of its old residents Sunday afternoon by the sudden death, while eating a lunch, of Thomas Smith, father of William and James Smith, and Mrs. Benj. Jones, all residents of that vicinity. Mr. Smith had outlived the allotted three score years and ten. The obsequies were held yesterday from the church at Elk Run and were largely attended. (handwritten on article 1894) [Note from Joyce - D. T. Smith and his wife Lucretia Welch built the house I now live in. They settled this property in the 1840s and built this house in 1858. My grandparents bought it from their son in 1917.]
Below this line are women identifed by married alias only. If you know the surname at birth of any, please notify Joyce
1866 - d in Sullivan 28th Sep Abigail, wife of Mr. Bradford Edgeton, aged 43 yrs. (SRGP 18968)
? Mrs. Rispah Gardner [SRGP 09192]
In Sullivan, November 10, 1879, Rispah, wife of Clark Gardner, in the 57th
year of her age. (Tuesday, November 25, 1879, The Wellsboro Agitator,
Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.) [Probably Ames Hill Cemetery][Own surname not known]
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