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Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Ashland Cemetery, Town of Ashland, Chemung County NY
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Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 
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Do You Knowthat you can search just the Obituaries on the site by using the three County Specific Obituary selections in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page? You can narrow your search by including a key word in the cemetery name or a township name in addition to the surname you search. Then select the Find All Words option. 

You'll also find obituary and other newspaper clippings using Clippings partition. Additional clippings can be found in the Birth, Marriage, and some other partitions. 

Reading a series of obituaries from a single cemetery, as they are presented here, is like reading the multi-generational history of a community. These people were the local populace at a particular time. The people buried here knew each other, were neighbors, relatives and school mates. They attended church together and engaged in "trade" or business. 
All people are listed in alphabetic order by surname at BIRTH. Women identified by a married alias only and  for whom a birth surname can not be identified, are listed on the last page for the cemetery's obituaries. Please send in typed obituaries for people buried in our local cemeteries. If possible include name of newspaper and date. Send typed in your email or in attached Word files. Send to Joyce M. Tice ( 
Ashland Cemetery Obituaries
 J    T  Ashland Cemetery Listing 1977
While one of the purposes of the Obituary pages is to keep our cemetery listings more up to date, this particular listing goes back to 1977 and obituaries for most who have died since have  not been submitted. Occasionally guests who do not have obituaries to submit want to submit updates, and since we do not have volunteers at present to update the listing, we will add this page for that purpose. Ideally we will ONE OF THESE DAYS have volunteers to record the cemetery again. I encourage obituaries where possible, but if not available you may send notes for this page. Be sure ot rmeind me when you send them what page you intend them for. 
 I would like to give you an update on Lot 338, section 3, Ashland Cemetery:
1. Marjorie MacKenzie died 13 Jun, 1998.
2. Donna June (MacKenzie) Bement, born 1 Feb, 1927; died 25 Aug, 2002.
3. Donald Waterman, born 12 Dec, 1922, died 7 Oct, 2002.
4. Steven Daniel Bement, born & died 1 Jul, 1982.
  Donna is my wife and she & I have a joint stone directly behind Donald & Marjorie MacKenzie, her parents.
  Don was our brother-in-law, married to Donna's older sister, Marilyn. He is buried two graves over from Donna.
   Stevie was our still-born grandson and is buried in my grave site.
Wayne Bement

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA


Published On Tri-Counties Site On 23 FEB 2007
By Joyce M. Tice
Email: Joyce M. Tice

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