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Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008
Do You Know that you can search just the 700 pages of Military Records on the site by using the Military button in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page

Biographies from the Bradford County Edition of Presidents, Statesmen and Soldiers - Page One A - Br Biographies from the Bradford County Editon of Presidents, Statesmen and Soldiers - Page Two
Adrial Lee of Albany Township 141st PA V.I. - Civil War Chronology
Biographies by Lyle Rockwell Chapman Papers (includes reunion notices and poems)
Civil War Soldiers of Sheshequin Civil War Soldiers of Wells Township
Boys in Blue 1 Boys in Blue 2
Civil War Soldier Photos 1913 Troy's Civil war Veterans
See the Tioga County Civil War Page See the Chemung County Civil War Page
Letters from Civil War Soldiers (DS Collection) James McNeal of Towanda
Ralph Towner of Rome Allen Phinney GAR Certificate

Tim Traver- I have noticed there is continuing interest with the 141st Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry on the list. I have the book "The Regimental History of the 141st PVI", written by Rev. David Craft. It has a list of the soldiers who served in the 141st in the back, they are listed by individual companies. If there is any mention of the individual soldier by name in the text of the book, then a page number was placed next to their name in the company list so that one could go directly to that page and read about the soldier. I would be willing to serve as a look up person for those wishing to search for relatives who served in the 141st PVI. I have my name listed on many Civil War sites on the internet as a look-up person for the Regiment and I'd be happy to do it for guests on this site as well.

 The Regimental History of the 141st PVI by David Craft

April 2005

I am doing research on Civil War soldiers from Owego, NY. In researching the Tioga County Clerk's deed books, I have come across four entries for men from Bradford County, PA. I wanted to pass on the information for your records, and for any interested researchers in your area.

After the war ended, many soldiers were encouraged to record their discharge papers with the County Clerk. This didn't always happen, but a fair number of discharges can be found in county deed books.

I examined Tioga County Deed Book #70 (1848-1863) as it appears on LDS Microfilm # 0818005. The information for the men from your region is as
follows (and page numbers are the stamped page numbers in the deed book):

p. 198 is the discharge for Hiram R. Smith, who was born in Bradford County, PA. He was a Private in Capt. M.M. Van Benschoten's Company C, 23rd NY Volunteers. He enrolled 16-MAY-1861 for 2 years, and was discharged 22-MAY-1863 at Elmira, NY at the expiration of his term of service. At the time of discharge, Hiram was 22, 5' 7", light complexion, grey eyes and brown hair. When he enlisted he was a farmer. When Hiram had his discharge recorded by the county clerk, it was 16-FEB-1864, and he was living in Barton, NY.

pp. 412-413 is the discharge for Matthias H. Hollenback, who was born in Bradford County, PA. He was a Private in Capt. Zelotus G. Gordon's Co. I,
109th NY Volunteer Infantry. He enrolled 17-AUG-1862 for three years, and was discharged 15-FEB-1865 at a camp before Petersburg, VA by reason of chronic diarrhea and concussion of a shell received before Petersburg, VA. At the time of discharge, Matthias was 37, 5' 9 1/2", light complexion, blue eyes and brown hair. When he enlisted, he was a farmer. He was paid in full in Washington, DC on 16-MARCH-1865 by D. Taylor, paymaster USA. When Matthias had his discharge recorded by the county clerk, it was 16-OCT-1865 and he was living in Barton, NY.

p. 524 is the discharge for W. Augustus Meeker (who I believe is the Washington A. Meeker who later worked as the Deputy County Clerk for Tioga County, NY). He was born in Bradford Co., PA, and was a Captain in Co. F of the 6th Regiment PA Volunteer Infantry Reserves. He enrolled 23-APRIL-1861 for 3 years, and was discharged 11-JUNE-1864 at Harrisburg, PA at the expiration of his term of service. At the time of discharge, W. Augustus Meeker was 18, 5' 6", fair complexion, grey eyes, and dark hair. When he enlisted he was a clerk. When he had his discharge recorded by the county clerk, it was 12-MAY-1861, and Meeker was living in Owego, NY.

pp. 538-539 is the discharge for Marshal S. Rogers, who was born in Bradford County, PA. He was a Corporal in Capt. M.M. Van Benschoten's Company C, 23rd NY Volunteers. He enrolled 16-MAY-1861 for 2 years, and was discharged 22-MAY-1863 at Elmira, NY at the expiration of his term of service. At the time of discharge, Marshal was 25, 5' 9 1/2", dark complexion, blue eyes, and black hair. When he enlisted, Marshal was a shoemaker. When Marshal had his discharge recorded by the county clerk, it was 8-JUNE-1866, and he was living in Orwell, Bradford Co., PA.

All the best,
Laura H. Congleton

August 2006
Subject: Happy Anniversary and Thank You - a success story
Date: 8/20/2006 11:19:30 PM Eastern Standard Time
Dear Joyce,

Several years ago while sorting through some papers belonging to my great great grandfather - Cyrus Cook of Orwell Township, Bradford County - I discovered a Civil War Pass that was issued to him in March of 1865.  The pass authorized him to go to and from Alexandria, VA.  Reason: Business.  I am attaching copies of the front and back of the pass.

For more than two years, our family speculated on why Cyrus went to VA.  We thought the mystery would never be answered.  But then one day while browsing the Tri-Counties website, I came across this page

DANIEL E. RUSSELL, postmaster, Windham Centre, one of the prominent citizens of Windham township, was born in Orwell township, this county, December 29, 1839, a son of Burton and Sally (Ellsworth) Russell, natives of Bradford county. the Russells have always been agricultural people. The father died on his farm in 1877, having been preceded to the grave by his companion and helpmeet in 1872. Their family consisted of six children, of whom Daniel E. is the third in the order of birth. He spent his young life and grew to manhood on his father’s farm in Orwell, was educated in the public schools, and commenced life on his own account a farmer, and in time became the possessor of 110 acres of farm land and a pleasant home, which, owing to wounds received in the army, he was compelled to sell on account of physical inability to attend to the same. He was married in Litchfield township to Nancy M., daughter of James R. and Thedotia (Merrill) Mastin, of New York and Pennsylvania, respectively. He enlisted in the army in 1864 in company E, One Hundred and Seventy-ninth Regiment New York Infantry. He was in the Army of the Potomac in front of Petersburg. October 12, 1864, while assisting to mount a large cannon at Fort Welch, a shot from the enemy struck the fort, and the shock and fall that he received caused paralysis, from which he has but partially recovered. He was sent to the hospital at City Point, then to Alexandria, where he was discharged March 7, 1865, Cyrus Cook, an uncle, was obliged to take him home, and even when he bought his farm he had to be carried on a bed to see it.

EUREKA!!!!!!!!   Mystery solved!!!!
Thank you, Joyce.

Kathy Manchester Jones

In a message dated 10/18/2010 12:59:42 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
Leland J. Webb who was born in Bradford County on 5 Aug. 1846 and died at Topeka, Kansas, 21 Feb. 1893 is featured in an article in The Journal of the Sons of Union Veterans, Spring 2010, vol. 114, No. 3.  It states in part: ". . . He was both a Union veteran and the son of a Union officer, Col. William C. Webb.  He was a descendant of Richard Webb who immigrated to this country in 1626. A great grandfather served as Aide de Camp of Gen. George Washington."  His father, William, and grandfather, John L. Webb of Ridgebery, are in Heverly's Pioneer and Patriot Families, vol. II, pp. 290-291.  This may be of interest to Webb descendants still in the area. John R. Bond, Jacksonville Florida

Military Files-Search For Civil War Photos and Biographies

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 10/7/98
By Joyce M. Tice

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