DEEDS AND REMINISCENCES OF BRADFORD COUNTY SOLDIERS By C. F. Heverly 1898 Printed 1908 This is part of the Tri-Counties Genealogy & History Sites of Joyce M. Tice No Unauthorized Commercial Use May Be Made of This Material Typed for Tri-Counties by Barbara COMSTOCK Coy |
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MAJOR WM. H. H. GORE Major Wm. H. H. Gore is a worthy scion of a hero of the Revolution. His great-grandfather Obadiah Gore, served throughout the war for American independence, holding a lieutenant's commission. He accompanied General Sullivan on his expedition against the Indians, and after the war settled in Sheshequin where he resided until the time of his death in 1821. It is natural then, when the summons came, to find the great-grandson ready to go in defense of the Union and American liberties, which had been brought into existence by the heroic sufferings of the Revolutionary War there. When the tocsin of war was sounded William Henry Harrison Gore was busily engaged as a druggist in Towanda. He immediately gave up his business and went to work with energy in raising a company of volunteers, which was known as the "Northern Invincibles," and subsequently, April 22, 1861, was mustered into the service as Co. I of the 6th Penn'a Reserves. He was captain of the company until July 1, 1863, when he was promoted to the rank of major. He participated in the battles of Dranesville, was through the Peninsular campaign under McClellan, 2d Bull Run, South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Gettysburg, Mine Run, Bistoe Station, Wilderness, Spottsylvania C.H., North Anna and Bethesda church. Major Gore distinguished himself on many battlefields. At New Hope Church he had command of the left wing of the Sixth, and repulsed two charges of the enemy with the loss of only two men killed and four wounded. For gallant and meritorious services in the battles of the Wilderness and Spottsylvania, he was brevetted Lieutenant-Colonel. While always in the thickest of the affray, he was only once slightly wounded, and during the three years of his enlistment was never absent from his regiment. He was mustered out of service June 11, 1864, and returned home, where he again took up the active duties of his calling. In addition to a brilliant army record, Major Gore has a fine social nature that makes him a valued citizen and favorite in the social circle in which he moves. He is an active member of Perkins Post, G.A.R., Athens, a Past Colonel Commander of the Union Veteran Legion and stands high in the Masonic fraternity.
MAJOR-GENERAL HENRY J. MADILL Among Bradford County's most distinguished heroes, highest on the roll of fame stands the name of Major-General Henry J. Madill. Indeed, the record of this gallant officer is one of the most brilliant and thrilling to be found in the annals of the Civil War. This brave soldier, conspicuous in deeds of great valor upon his country's battle fields, was born of Scotch-Irish parents at Hunterstown, Adams County, Pa., March 30, 1829. His father, Dr. Alexander Madill, a native of Ireland, in 1831 came to Wysox, this county, where his son, afterwards to win renown in the service of his country and state, grew to manhood. Our subject received a liberal education, both from private tutors and at the "old academy" in Towanda. Having chosen the law for a profession he studied with John C. Adams, Esq. And was admitted to practice in the several courts of Bradford county in 1851. He located in Towanda and was busily engaged in his profession when the tocsin of war was sounded. In April , 1861, when President Lincoln called for troops to put down the rebellion Henry J. Madill was one of the first to offer his services. With two companies he went to Harrisburg, where they found the call for three month's men was already full, and that they could not be received; but in a short time, June 22d, they were mustered into the three years' service, as a part of the 6th Penn'a Reserves of which organization Henry J. Madill was chosen major. He served in this regiment with distinction until August 28, 1862, when he was appointed colonel of the 141st Penn'a Volunteers. Seven of the ten companies of this regiment had been recruited in Bradford county, and the "boys" hailed this fortunate appointment with joy, and from that hour until the day of its muster-out there was no command in the Union army that was more conspicuous for dash and courage, as cool in the fiercest of the battle as at the mess-table, always careful of the lives of his men, yet as reckless of danger to himself as a plumed knight, he forged his way to the highest military office every conferred upon any man from Bradford county. His command of the 141st was itself not only historical, but soon made a reputation for that command that was a brilliant as it was dangerous to the lives of the total membership. To show the estimation in which they were held by the officers of the corps, we need but mention the fact that they were selected by the division and cops commanders, in the celebrated "mud march" of General Burnside, to cross the river alone, carry the opposite heights at the point of the bayonet, and hold the crest of the hill, in order that the army might cross to the opposite side, for the purpose of attacking Fredericksburg in the rear. Through thirty-three battles, in which they fought, they never became demoralized, or willingly turned their back upon the foe. Colonel Madill commanded his regiment during the campaigns of the Army of the Potomac of '63 and '64, and was engaged in the great battles of Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor and the siege of Petersburg, and at various times was placed in command of the brigade. For his great heroism at the battles of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg (elsewhere given in this work) he was highly complimented by his superior officers. He was brevetted Brigadier General, Dec. 2, 1864, and by special order of the President appointed to command a brigade. He was assigned by General Miles to command the 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 2nd Corps. In charging a battery at the head of his brigade at Sutherland Station, April 2, 1865, he was wounded by a sharpshooter in the groin, the ball still being in his body, and from the effects of which wound he has never recovered. He had also previously been twice wounded, June 16 and 18, 1864, at Petersburg. One ball cut his belt off and grazed the small of his back; another ball struck him in the leg below the knee, shattering the bone. He was brevetted Major General of Volunteers, March 13, 1865. The large number of bullets that passed through his clothing and the six horses that had been shot from under him in the more than twenty battles in which he had participated, look as though he escaped with his life through naught else than Providential interference. "No officer was ever more loved, respected or trusted by his men. They looked upon him with the confidence and affection of children to a father, and well they might, for by his energy, bravery, consideration and care, he had largely been instrumental in making the regiment what it was. In the terrible battles which had swept is men from the field he had been at its head. In camp he secured obedience without resort to the cruel punishments, which were a disgrace to so many, and at all times was watchful for the interests of his men, at the expense of himself; and to-day, after more than thirty-three years have elapsed since he led them on the field, and cared for them in the camp, every man of the 141st speaks of him with loving respect, and the familiar title, "Our Old Colonel," is uttered with an affectionate regard by those with whom he shared danger and privation, hardship and want. Henry J. Madill must always be inseparably connected with whatever glory or renown was won by the 141st, an integral part of its grand achievements and of its imperishable glory. Fearless of danger himself, he never exposed his men needlessly, and never sought a fight to promote his own interests-in fact, at least at three several times promotion was offered him if he would attempt a desperate charge, when the answer as self-sacrificing as gallant was-'If I must gain a star at the expense of the lives of my men I will never have one." He never asked his men to go where he would not, and his command was always-"Come, boys"-as he led them to battle. When General Madill had sufficiently recovered from his last wound to be moved, the war was over, so as soon as able he returned to his Towanda home, and resumed his practice of law. In 1866 he was elected to the office of Register and Recorder and Clerk of Orphans' Court of Bradford county, serving a term of three years. He was again called to serve the people in 1878, having been elected a member of the State Legislature. While serving in this capacity, he proved himself a true friend of the people, as loyal to their interests as he was brave when facing the guns of the enemy. During his term the famous "Pittsburg Riot Bill," by which it was intended to steal nearly $4,000,000 from the State, came before the Legislature. General Madill alone prevented its passage. Every sort of inducement and any price he would name were offered him if he would support the measure or absent himself when the bill was called up for consideration. He was one of ten thousand "without his price", and like an uncaged lion he paced up and down the halls of the House, denouncing the corruptionists, the attempt to rob the State and appealing to and commanding members to vote against this most iniquitous measure. He won by a very narrow majority and the State Treasury was not pillaged. In 1890, in obedience to the behests of his many friends all over the county, he stood for the office of Prothonotary in opposition to Republican machine nomination, and was triumphantly elected on the Independent ticket. He proved himself an able, courteous and obliging officer. Again, while serving in this capacity, General Madill's noble traits of character exhibited themselves. Both friends and political enemies were treated with fairness and consideration. Great charity was shown to the poor and the unfortunate. Fees were cut down, and in many cases donated entirely to them. He gave legal advice free, and was the first Prothonotary to execute pension papers and vouchers for the old soldiers free of charge. To his country, his State and the people, General Madill has been one of the truest friends they ever had. He is a member of Watkins Post, G.A.R., and a most devoted friend of the boys who wore the blue. He is a hero of heroes, and may he long live to enjoy the blessings of a people, who yet will learn to love and honor him in a greater measure for his great and noble achievements.
THE NINE BROTHERS Abraham Vansice came to Bradford county from Genesee county, N.Y. in 1841. At the breaking out of the rebellion he had nine stalwart sons and at that time was living in Sheshequin township. These noble boys, all anxious to serve the Union, enlisted and went to the front. They were CORNELIUS, who was a member of Co. K, 109th N.Y.V.; after a short time was taken sick and died of typhoid fever, was buried at Arlington, Va. THOMAS was a private in Co. L., 2d Penn'a Cavalry, being transferred June 18, '65, to Co. L., 1st Pro. Cavalry. He died since the war at Dubois, Pa. ANDREW Y. enlisted as a private, Nov. 2, 1862, in Co. B., 171st Pa. Inf.; was promoted to second sergeant; discharged Aug. 3, 1863; re-enlisted in March, '64 in Co. I, 187th P.V.; discharged Aug 3, '65; resides at Athens. ABRAHAM enlisted as a private Nov. 2, 1862, in Co. B, 171st Pa. Inf.; mustered out with company Aug. 7, '63; re-enlisted in C. D, 1st N.Y. Vet. Cavalry and served until the close of the war; died in Sheshequin about five years ago. WILLIAM R. enlisted as a private Oct. 3, '62. in Co. D, 17th P. V. Cavalry; promoted to corporal, thence to sergeant; was in nearly every one of the long list of battles fought by the regiment, never being wounded, captured or in the hospital, mustered out with the company, June 16, '65, resides in Sheshequin. ROBERT served three years in Sickles' Excelsior brigade and saw much hard fighting; he died in Windham township about six years ago. CHARLES served in Co. D. 1st N.Y. Vet Cavalry for eight months, until the close of the war, resides at Lockwood, N.Y. JEREMIAH enlisted Sept. 3, '63, as a private in Co. G. 49th P.V.; was seriously wounded in the thigh at Spottsylvania; mustered out with company July 15, 1865; resides in Sheshequin. SAMUEL was a member of Co. K, 109th N.Y. Vol. Inf.; was taken prisoner at Mine Explosion, in front of Petersburg, and died at Andersonville. These loyal sons of a patriotic family; their grandfather, Cornelius Vansice, who died in Sheshequin served seven years in the Revolutionary War, crossed the Delaware with Washington and was present at the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown; he served in the Light Infantry and was wounded at the battle of the Brandywine by a ball and three buckshot in the leg. Two uncles, John and Simon Vansice, were soldiers in the War of 1812.
THE FORREST FAMILY Dana Forrest, a true patriot, who was the father of seven loyal sons, was residing in Smithfield when the tocsin of war was sounded. After sending all his boys to aid in putting down the Rebellion, he himself went to a recruiting station and offered his services to the government. But to his deep regret, on account of age and other disabilities, he was rejected. These seven patriot sons, all of whom survived the war, are_CYRENUS, who was a corporal in Co. B., 171st P.V., from November, '62, till August, '63. When he was mustered out with his company; re-enlisted September, '64. In the 15th N.Y. Light Artillery, discharged in July, '65. MARCUS A. enlisted in August, '63. in the 72d N.Y. Vol. , and served until the close of the war. LEMAN D. was a first lieutenant in Co. F., 6th Pa. Reserves, from May, '61., till April '63. CHARLES P. was a member of the 50th N.Y. Engineers from February, '64, till June, '65. WILLIAM B. enlisted March, '62. In the 2d U. S. service from which he was discharged in September, '64. Re-enlisted September, '64 , as a lieutenant in the 3d U. S. colored troops; discharged in October '65. DELANO A. enlisted August '64, in Co. B, 61st N.Y. Vol; discharged June, '65. LOREN W. enlisted as a private in Co. F, 6th Pa. Reserves; was promoted to sergeant in '62; re-enlisted and served as a lieutenant in Co. H. 191st P.V.; was taken prisoner Aug. 28, 1864 and confined in Libby, Salisbury and Danville until Feb. 22, '65; discharged April 27, '65; was a member of the Legislature form 1891 to 1893.
TERRY'S DISTINGUISHED SOLDIER Colonel Joseph Homet Horton, son of Major John and Lydia (Kimball) Horton was born June 2, 1842, at Terrytown, Penn'a. "In boyhood Joseph possessed a person of rare physical beauty and evinced a bright and happy disposition. He was frank spoken, open, genial and social. His native industry all through his childhood and youth displayed great aptitude for business. In all these respects, as was the boy so is the man. After availing himself of the schools of his native town, in his sixteenth year he entered upon the English and the commercial courses of study in the Susquehanna Collegiate Institute at Towanda, remaining there through 1858 and 1859. He then continued as an efficient clerk in his father's store until August, 1862. The war for the Union had burst upon the nation. His heart was ablaze with enthusiasm for the Constitution and the Union. His father was proud of the valor and patriotism of his young son. Joseph had become as his right hand and was his main stay in business. The fond father hesitated to spare a son so dear to his heart, and so essential to the success of his affairs. At length, he made the sacrifice for his country, consented and allowed Joseph to enlist on the 7th of August, 1862, at Wyalusing, under Capt Geo. W. Jackson, in Company A of the 141st regiment, Penn'a Volunteers. Joseph was a week afterwards (Aug. 14th), elected first lieutenant of this company. In September his regiment was assigned to the first brigade of Birney's (formerly Kearney's) division in the Third Army Corps. It was almost immediately put into active service. Five days after his first battle (Fredericksburg), Lieutenant Horton was made captain of his company. He was engaged at Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. Of his services in the latter engagement Colonel Madill, in his report, says "Captain Horton, though severely stunned by concussion of shell remained on the field, and I am greatly indebted to him for his services, as he was the only captain left with the regiment." On the 31st of January, 1864; Captain Horton was commissioned major, and Feb. 28 following lieutenant-colonel, commanding his regiment until Lee's surrender. At Spottsylvania, May 12, 1864, he was wounded by a gunshot through his left forearm and in his left hip. While convalescing, and not well enough to take the field, he was appointed on several court-martial, and also had charge of several convoys of new men, conducting them to new posts along the southern seaboard. With his regiment he was honorable mustered out of service at the close of war, May 28,. 1865. Of Colonel Horton's old Company A, consisting of 117 members, there were killed 16, died 9, discharged for disability 20, discharged for wounds 15; transferred to veteran reserve corps for wounds 7, transferred to 57th Regiment, Penn'a Vols, for unexpired term of service 14; absent in hospital wounded 4, dishonorably discharged 1, leaving at the mustering out of the regiment of whole 117 only 31. Colonel Horton was engaged in the following battles: Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Petersburg, Weldon Railroad, Boydton Plank Road, Sailor's Creek and at Lee's Surrender, besides participating in many minor engagements. Honorably freed from his military service by the happy close of the war, Colonel Horton hastened home to be the business stay of his aged father, and was actively engaged in mercantile pursuits up to 1871. In 1866 he was married at Worcester, Mass., to Abbie H. Newcomb. Mrs. Grosvenor R. Trowbridge is their only child. From 1871 until 1874, Colonel Horton was superintendent of the Sullivan Anthracite Coal Company. In 1875 he went to Ithaca, N.Y. to take charge of the Lehigh Valley Coal Company's business. He was appointed general northern sales agent in 1884 for the same company, with headquarters at Buffalo, a position he occupied for twenty years, since which time he has conducted an extensive private business as a shipper of coal. Colonel Horton is a member of the Loyal Legion, the Union Veteran Legion, the G. A. R., and is a 32nd degree Mason, also a member of Ismailia Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., of Buffalo, N.Y. He is a courtly gentleman, and has hosts of friends among his old comrades and acquaintances, not the least devoted of whom are in his native county.
THE CLARK FAMILY At the breaking out of the rebellion Woodford Clark of Granville, had a family of six sons and two daughters. All the sons and both sons-in-law responded to "Father Abraham's" call and did their part in helping to put down the rebellion.Three of the sons and one son-in-law served in New York State regiments, and the other four in Pennsylvania regiments. These loyal brothers were; NOAH W., who served in Co. I, 15th N.Y. Engineers; resides in Granville. WALTER W. served in Co. M, 15th N.Y. Engineers, resides in Granville. CORTLAND served in Co. I, 15th N.Y. Engineers, resides in Granville, EPHRAIM M., who served as a private in Co. E, 52d Pa. Vol. For three years, died in Granville. EMORY J. enlisted with Ephraim in Co. E, 52d Pa. Vol.; was wounded at the battle of Fair Oaks in the head by a piece of shell which cut a hole in the right side of the face, near the skull, exposing his brain; after being in the hospital for some time, re-entered the service and remained until the close of the war; died in Kansas. CALVIN D. served as a private in Co. D., 7th Penn'a Cavalry; resides at Wellsboro, Pa. The sons-in-law; S. S. REYNOLDS served in Co. I, 15th N.Y. Engineers; resides in Elmira. HENRY GARBRANT servant three years in Co. C, 7th Pa. Cavalry; died in Canton. Of the sons Noah, Walter, Cortland and Ephraim escaped without being injured in battle.
THE COLE FAMILY There were but few families as well represented in the service of their country during the civil war as the Cole family of this county. WILLIAM J. COLE of Macedonia, took an active part in recruiting Co. C of the 141st P.V. and was commissioned a first lieutenant upon its organization. He had three sons who enlisted, two in the same company as himself. Five brothers also donned the blue. Wm. J. Cole succeeded to the command of the company after the death of Captain Sward, who was killed at Chancellorsville, where Mr. Cole himself received a bad wound in the face. His son, FREDERICK F. COLE, residing at Macedonia, was seriously wounded in the hip by a shell, June 20, '64, before Petersburg. The other son, CLARENCE W. COLE, who was a musician, was twice captured by the guerillas, who after having been released returned to the company and remained until the regiment was mustered out of service. Three cousins of Frederick and Clarence, who enlisted from Monroe, served with them in Co. C. There were CHARLES W. COLE, who was wounded at both Chancellorsville and Gettysburg; ELISHA COLE and ALMIRAN B. COLE.
THE BISHOP BROTHERS Israel Bishop, son of a Revolutionary soldier, who fought nearly five years for American independence, came to the county from Sullivan County, N.Y., in the 30's and at first settled in Standing Stone township, thence moved to Pond Hill, in Wysox township, where he died before the war, leaving a widow and seven sons. During the dark days of disunion, let it be remembered that there were loyal women as well as loyal men, who endured many hardships and contributed in many ways for the comfort of ours sick and wound soldiers. No greater sacrifice was made by any mother than was that of Mrs. Bishop, who, being left alone to battle with the world, sent her seven sons to help put down the rebellion. These notable brothers were-EPHRAIM P., who served for the term of his enlistment in a Pennsylvania regiment; came home and subsequently went west and died at Lake Geneva, Ill. GEORGE THOMPSON, who went out as a private in Co. I, 141st P.V. upon the organization of the regiment; was wounded at the battle of Gettysburg, July 2, '63., and died from the effects of his injuries. He is buried in the National cemetery on the field, where he fell. STEPHEN C. who enlisted and served as a private in Co. D, 17th P. V. Cavalry for three years; resides in Wysox. JOHN H. who went out as a private in Co. I, 141st P.V. upon the organization of the regiment, subsequently transferred to the 57th P.V.; was wounded in the hip by a shell at Gettysburg; discharged on account of his wounds, which ultimately caused his death. FRANCIS A. who enlisted in September, '61, in Co. G, 57th P.V.; served for four years (veteran) and was mustered out with the regiment as a corporal. He was wounded at Fredericksburg. For bravery with others in capturing a rebel battle flag, he was voted a medal of honor by Congress. He resides at Blanchard, Mich. CHARLES T., enlisted as a private in Co. B, 72d P.V., in December '63; served until the close of the war and was mustered out with the regiment July 22, '65. ISRAEL, who was not yet 17, enlisted in January, '64. , in the 50th N.Y. Engineers, was killed June 3, '64., at the battle of Cold Harbor and buried upon the field.
THE MURRAY BROTHERS Luman Murray was one of five brothers who served his country with credit during the rebellion. He was born in Troy, Pa., Feb. 21, 1848. In September, 1963, he enlisted as a private in Co. F, 11th P.V. Cavalry, which was assigned to Kautz' Cavalry Corps. At Reams Station in June, 1864, he was taken prisoner, and for eleven months suffered the horrors and tortures of Libby, Andersonville and Salisbury. Only those who were unfortunate enough to have been confined in one of those "dens of hell" can describe what these unfortunate soldiers endured. Hundreds died of starvation and filth, and Comrade Murray says the poor fellows seemed to close their earthly career without a struggle or apparent pain. As many as ninety frequently died in a day. The five brothers and their ages at the time of enlistment were ; Allen, age 22; Alexander, 21; Luman, 18, Edson, 16 and George 14. All are now dead, but Alexander of Ulster and Luman, who resides in Michigan. ALLEN served in Co. L., 1st N.Y. Vol. Cavalry. ALEXANDER, who was enrolled in August, '61 at Troy, Pa, in Co. F, 11th P. V. Cavalry, received a gunshot wound in his left hand at Williamsburg, Va., in August, '62 resulting in the amputation of two fingers. He was detailed as nurse in a hospital at Suffolk, Va, about two months. He took part in the several raids and skirmishes in which the regiment engaged and was honorable discharged Oct. 28, '62 at Suffolk, Va. Being unfit for further field duty. EDSON also served as a private in Co. F, 11th P. V. Cavalry until the close of the war. GEORGE served in a Maine regiment, remaining until the close of the war.
THE SCOTT BROTHERS Henry Scott of North Towanda had five sons, all of whom enlisted in their country's service during the hour of her need and peril. These five loyal brothers were: JOHN SCOTT, who served for three years in the U. S. Regulars; resides at Highland. THOMAS SCOTT, a private of Co. I, 6th Penn'a Reserves, served three years; resides at North Towanda. HENRY SCOTT, who was a sergeant of Co. G, 50th P.V. was wounded and taken prisoner; confined at Andersonville for nearly twelve months; served three years and was mustered out as a veteran; resides at Wilkes-Barre. MICHAEL SCOTT served in Co. C, 188th N.Y.V.; now dead. JAMES SCOTT also served in Co. C, 188th N.Y.V. He went west many years ago.
THE KENNEDY BROTHERS While John Kennedy (at the time of the war residing in Ulster) did not have as many sons as Abraham VanSice or Dana Forrest, he showed as much devotion to the Union in sending all his boys-three-and only son-in-law to help subdue the South. These patriot sons are; JOHN, residing in Athens, who served in the 8th U. S. Infantry; JAMES a resident of Price County, Wis., who was a member of the 86th N. Y. Infantry for three years, and WILIAM of North Towanda, who enlisted under the age of sixteen years in Co. I, 6th Penn'a Reserves, April 22, '61, from which regiment he was discharged on surgeon's certificate, Feb. 17, '62; re-enlisted in September, '63 in Battery H, 1st N.Y. Light Artillery (Minks Battery); discharged June 12, 1865. JOHN SULLIVAN, the son-in-law, served in the 1st N.Y. Light Artillery, and since the war has died of disease contracted while in the service.
THE MERACLE FAMILY Levi Meracle was living in Asylum township, when the war broke out between the North and the South. He was the father of a large and patriotic family. Three of his four sons (all that were old enough) and five sons-in-law enlisted in the Union army and went to the front. The sons are-MYRON MERACLE, who enlisted from Terry as a private in Co. A., 141st P.V.; was taken sick and discharged after a few months on surgeon's certificate; resides in Lycoming County. MERVIN MERACLE enlisted from Rome as a private in Co. I, 141st P.V. and served from the organization of the regiment till its muster out; resides at West Danby, N.Y. LYMAN C. MERACLE enlisted from Asylum as a private in Co. F, 161st N.Y.V.I. Sept 15, 1864. He was in the 1st Brigade, 13th Army Corps, under General Granger. He was in the various movements with his regiment from New Orleans to Memphis, thence up the White river, to Mobile, Red river expedition, thence to Florida and from there back to New Orleans. He was in the engagements at Spanish Fort and Fort Blakely. From July till September, '65, he was in the hospital at St. Louis. He received his discharge and reached home a year from the day he had enlisted; resides in Rome. The daughters of Mr. Meracle had husbands in the service, as follows; Melissa, married ISAAC A. PARK of Herrick, who was Captain of Co. D., 141st P.V., from August, '62 till April, '63. He had previously served in the regular army (1st regiment of U. S. Dragoons) five years, one of which was in the Mexican War, (dead).Matilda, married WILLIAM PLACE, who enlisted from Herrick as a private in Co. F., 161st N.Y.V.I., at the same time his brother-in-law, Lyman Meracle and saw the same service (dead). Alice, married HENRY WALKER, who enlisted from Herrick as a private in Co. D. 141st P.V., in August '62. He was shot through his left thigh at Spottsylvania; discharged May 15, 1865 (dead), Amy, married JONAS W. LEAR, who enlisted from Asylum in a Pennsylvania regiment and served a year, resides at Wilkes-Barre. Celia, married CHARLES JACOBY, who enlisted from Tuscarora in a Pennsylvania regiment, served about a year and a half; was discharged on account of sickness and died soon after the war. Two brothers of Mrs. Levi Meracle (Eunice Cogswell) were soldiers in the War of 1812. Lyman C. Meracle married a daughter of James English of Monroe, who had three sons in the service; Orlando English was a member of Co. K, 50th P. V., served four years and was badly wounded in the left leg. Wm. English was a member of the 10th U. S. I.; served three years and was wounded in the right elbow. John M. English was in the service about two years. Eugene Vought, a son-in-law of Lyman C. Meracle, is a member of Co. M. 9 th P.V., now stationed at Chickamauga Park.
There are comparatively few cases in the county where both father and son enlisted in the service. Overton township furnished one of these. Brooks Epley was a corporal in Co. C, 107th P.V., and his son, John H. Epley, a private in Co. B., 7th P. V. Cavalry. Both gentlemen are still living, the former in Overton and the latter in Towanda township. The father enjoys the distinction of having been the last man to stand guard over Henry Wirz, of Andersonville notoriety, before he was hung.
Wells township had one of the most noted families in the war. Gersham A. Davis of that town went into the 7th N. Y. Vols., for three months to guard rebel prisoners at Elmira. His eight sons enlisted in different regiments. Of these Lewis, Edson,Charles and Thomas returned; but John, George, William and Samuel never came back.
Three of the Waltman brothers enlisted from Albany, and the bodies of all repose in Dixie's soil.
The Brown family of Albany was one of the most afflicted during the war. Two sons were in the service, one of whom died in prison; four daughters had husbands fighting for their country; one died, two lost arms and the fourth a leg.