Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Tioga County Regiments in the Civil War
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Memoirs of the War by General Robert C. Cox
35th - Tioga Invincibles
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 Biographies, Letters,
Biographies of Members of G.A.R. Post 048 , Mansfield PA 
1861- 1865 Letters from Tioga County Soldiers in Wellsboro Agitator
1865 Account by Captain H. B. S. of Libby Prison
1876 Abijah S. Reynolds Remembers Andersonville Prison

Tioga Agitator
April 18, 1866
Attention Soldiers – I will meet all soldiers or sailors who have served in the army or navy of the United States and hold honorable discharges from the same, who are desirous of entering lands under the late amended Homestead act, at the following named places, at the time specified for the purpose of furnishing papers for entering the same:
Cherry Flatts, at the house of S. Kelly, April 23d.
Covington, Covington Hotel, April 24th.
Blossburg, house of R. Farr, 25th.
Mansfield, Stage House, 26th.
Tioga, house of Eli Farr, 28th.
Lawrenceville, house of Clark Sl ?????, 27th
Skidaddlers and deserters need not apply.
Hiram D. Deming
Wellsboro, April 18, 1866 -2t

1890 - TheWellsboroAgitator - 207thRegiment

The Reunion of the 207th Regiment last week.

On the 2nd day of April, 1865.--25 years ago, last Wednesday--The Third division of the 9th corps of the Army of the Potomac made a gallant and successful attack on the works in front of Petersburg and in that action the 207th Pennsylvania Volunteers played a conspicuous and most honorable part.  Mindful of these facts, some members of the Regiment living in this region resolved some time ago to hold a regimental reunion in this borough on the 25th anniversary of that decisive action, and General Cox decided to entertain his “boys” at a regimental banquet to be given here on the evening of that day.  In response to the invitations sent out nearly 200 members of the organization gathered here last Wednesday to commemorate the day so fraught with sad and glorious memories for them.  The 207th was mainly a Tioga county regiment, companies A, D, H, K, and a large part of companies B, E, and G being made up of men from this county, while on the field officers Colonel Cox and Major Elliott were also Tioga county men.  The Regiment was organized September 8th, 1864, with the following field and line officers:

Colonel, Robert C. Cox; Lieutenant-Colonel, W. W. S. Snoddy; Major, Victor A. Elliott; Adjutant, George M. Bastian; Surgeon, Washington Burg; Chaplain, James T. Wilson.

Captain of Company A, Elmer R. Backer.
Captain of Company B, James A. Rogers.
Captain of Company C, J. W. Frederick.
Captain of Company D, S. D. Phillips.
Captain of Company E, Lewis Small.
Captain of Company F, Martin G. Hale.
Captain of Company G, Joseph W. Rutt.
Captain of Company H, Robert T. Wood.
Captain of Company I, James A. Carothers.
Captain of Company K, John J. Reese.

The Regiment was for a time assigned to the Army of the James under General B. F. Butler and then transferred to the 9th corps of the Army of the Potomac, and was one of the six Pennsylvania regiments composing the 3rd division commanded by General John F. Hartranft.  The Regiment took part in the winter campaign against Petersburg, and when Fort Steadman was retaken, the 207th was the first command over the works.  Seven days later, in the last grand charge, the Regiment, in the face of a deadly fire, carried the works that covered the Jerusalem plank road, and captured five pieces of artillery and many prisoners.  The loss was large, being 37 killed, 140 wounded, and eight missing.  Of the officers, Captain Carothers and Lieutenants Case and Dodd were killed, and 10 were wounded.  General Mathews, commanding the brigade, in his official report says:  “To Colonel Robert C. Cox, who commanded the leading regiment, I owe the entire good success that attended the charge.  Foremost among those who scaled the enemy’s works, cheering his men by his courage, he is deserving of the highest praise.”  The Regiment was in the pursuit of Lee and was within sound of the guns that ended the war of Appomattox.  The gallant 207th was mustered out of service on the 13th of May, 1865, and its members returned home to engage in the peaceful pursuits of civil life in which a fair number of them have won honorable distinction.  Early on Wednesday the veterans came pouring into town and gathered at the Prothonotary’s office, where headquarters had been opened, to register and secure their tickets for the banquet.  Just before noon about 200 men with General Cox and their head and accompanied by the Band and Drum Corps marched to the depot to meet the train bringing the boys from a distance.  The visitors were escorted to the G. A. R. hall, where a splendid dinner was served by the ladies of the W. R. C.  After dinner the members of the 207th gathered on the Court-house steps and had their picture taken.  At 3 o’clock the Court-house bell called the boys to get their quinine.  D. L. Deane, a one-armed soldier, called the meeting to order.  He said that in behalf of his neighbors he welcomed the 207th to Wellsboro on the 25th anniversary of the beginning of the movement that culminated in the fall of Richmond.  He hoped that the comrades would have an enjoyable time and that this would be the first of many reunions.  After a male quartette had sung “The Star Spangled Banner.”  Hon. Jerome B. Niles was introduced.  He said he esteemed it a compliment to be called upon to address soldiers.  Few of us realize what we owe to them.  But for the 207th and other brave regiments who 25 years ago today stood a living bulwark between us and armed treason, none of us would today have a country that is the pride of the whole world.  In no war, in no country, did soldiers ever achieve such a reputation as the citizen soldiers of 1861-5, because no other army ever had bayonets that did the thinking like ours.  The men in the ranks were the equals of those who wore the shoulder straps.  Do we think what this war cost? That on April 2, 1865, 200 of this regiment fell in front of Petersburg, and during the war, 335,000 of their comrades crossed the silent river that we might enjoy this day?  And to day, to the disgrace of the Nation, there are, in the almshouses of the country 11,000 boys who wore the blue--11 full regiments of brave men!  Had he the power he would open the Treasury and take but enough of the surplus to keep those boys like gentlemen for the rest of their lives.  [Wild applause.]  The chairman then presented one of “Sherman’s Bummers” who marched from Atlanta to the sea.--Captain James H. Shaw.  The Captain said the commander of his home issued her orders to him in the morning.-- “Jim, don’t you make a speech.”  and that he should obey.  He drew an interesting and vivid picture of the volunteer soldier on the march, in camp, and on the battlefield, and during his remarks many of the audience were in tears.  Miss Cora McDaniels, a granddaughter of Nathan Palmer, of Co. K of the 207th, who was killed on the morning of April 2, 1865, then recited a poem telling of the gallantry of “Company K.”  Major Merrick was the next speaker, and had his funny side out.  He said he was looking at brave men--men who had faced guns, and more than that, some had their wives, and it required more courage for him to pop the question than it did to face all the guns of Fort Hell.  He proposed to speak frankly.  The boys of the 207th were noted for their running qualities.  They were great runners, but they always ran toward the foe.  Just see how they run yet!”  Look at Colonel Cox, the more he runs, the harder he runs.  [Laughter and applause.]  The Major briefly told the story of the Army of the Potomac and its achievements.  He then called to mind the fact that the present century has witnessed the abolition of the slave trade all over the world.  Hon. M. F. Elliott was then introduced.  He said he felt some embarrassment; a civilian was out of place when speaking to soldiers.  Tioga county is proud of all her soldiers, and particularly of the 207th, for its commander is the only Colonel in the county.  A few years ago he had the pleasure of addressing the soldiers at Tioga, and he then served notice that while the General  and  “old Banks” lived there was no use of anybody trying to run against them.  “Old Banks’s” funeral was too late to make any difference with the vote.  We are proud of the boys because they went out voluntarily, and though many of them fell, the stars remain on the old flag and we own the ground where our heroes lie sleeping.  The soldiers are entitled to recognition, and pensions should be taxed to aid those who did.  The speaker closed by paying a high tribute to American institutions and expressing a wish that the veterans might get together every year. The members of the 207th then held a meeting and formed a permanent organization, electing the following officers:  President, D. L. Deane; Vice-Presidents, Captain E. R. Backer, Captain R. T. Wood, Lieutenant C. C. Ackley, J. H. Miller and H. O. Cox; Secretary, Edwin Campbell; Assistant Secretary, H. C. Cox; Treasurer R. C. Cox.  The meeting adjourned to meet at the Willcox House in the evening, when General Cox treated every soldier to a sumptuous banquet.  The large dining-room was filled three times by the General’s guests and the tables were loaded with all the delicacies of the season, which were thoroughly enjoyed by the boys. After the banquet the boys gathered again in the Court-house and held an experience meeting.  Colonel Wood was made chairman, and addresses were made by General Cox, Captain Rogers, J. B. Niles, Major Merrick and many others, the speaking being continued until the hands of the clock pointed to 12.  Then “Tom” Wood’s voice rang out, “Dry up air, Parade’s dismissed.” and the reunion of the 207th Regiment was a thing of the past.  There were 184 member of the Regiment present at the reunion.  We intended to print the list of survivors with this report, but the Secretary, Mr. Ed. Campbell, did not furnish us the list as he promised to do, and when our reporter asked to be allowed to copy the list the Secretary refused to let him to do that.  It would seem that a man is hardly fitted to be Secretary of an organization of this kind who refuses the commonest courtesies to newspaper reporters when such organizations are constantly asking and receiving favors from the press.  There are many more survivors of the gallant 207th then were present here last Wednesday.  We understand that there are numerous members in this county who were unable to attend the reunion last week.  No doubt the complete list of the survivors will be made up before long and that will be of far more value than a list comprising less than ½ the number of survivors.  (Tuesday, April 8, 1890, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

A Reunion of Veterans. 1894

Members Of The 45th Regiment Have A Happy Social Meeting Here.

Last week Thursday some 30 or 40 members of Companies F, G, H, and I of the 45th Pennsylvania Volunteers assembled in this borough for their annual reunion and banquet.  At a meeting in Grand Army hall during the afternoon the following officers were chosen for the ensuing years:  President, J. H. Buckley; Vice President, John J. Rogers, Corresponding Secretary, Eugene Beauge, Recording Secretary, H. D. Deming, Treasurer A. D. Rice.  The banquet furnished by the ladies of the Woman’s Relief Corps, at 6:30 p. m., was abundant, delicious and gracefully served.  At 8 o’clock, or a little before, the veterans with their friends and guests had assembled in the court-house, where, according to the previous arrangement, the “camp-fire” was to be held.  President Buckley called the meeting to order and introduced Captain Samuel Haynes, of Oil City, as master of ceremonies for the evening.  Then followed a social feast of keen interest and enjoyment lasting nearly four hours.  Lieutenant Davies, of Company G, gave a graphic outline of the organization, campaigns and casualties of the Regiment, together with humorous allusions to members of his own Company.  A recitation by Miss Davies, entitled “The Men Who Wore the Shield,” was especially interesting to the soldiers.  Hon. J. R. Niles, Major Merrick, Senator Packer and Rev. Dr. Shaw made appropriate and happy responses to “The Boys in Blue,”  “Some Phases of Army Life,”  “The Volunteer Soldier,” and “What I Don’t Know about War,” respectively.  Each of these a short addresses was a gem of eloquence or humor, and it goes without saying that the speakers were greeted with abundant applause.  The venerable General Cox being called on stepped briskly forward.  After relating a few brief reminiscences in which his own regiment, the 207th, and the 45th were mutually concerned, the General in his own eminent and pleasing style sang.  “The Old Camp Kettle,” to the infinite delight of all present.  Very interesting indeed were some letters of regret and greeting read by Lieutenant Buckley, especially those from Major Kilbourne, of West Pike, Potter county, Major W. W. Tyson, commander of the Soldiers’ Home at Erie Hospital, Steward J. A. Myers, of Columbia, Pa., and John B. Emery, of Williamsport.  Brief but brim-full of personal allusions and happy reminiscences, these messages from absent comrades stirred the hearts of the soldiers with half forgotten but thrilling memories of 30 years ago or more, when they and the writers were “Boys in Blue” together.  A charming message from Mrs. Jane W. Haynes, of Oil City, was read and listened to with rapt attention.  Referring to “the time that tried women’s souls,” during the war, Mrs. Haynes said:  “When a great battle was going on at the front we watched from the old east room in the court-house, where we were preparing hospital stores, to see if old Mr. Kirkpatrick ran the beautiful silken flag (a gift from Mrs. Clymer) to the top of the pole on the green, proclaiming victory for our soldiers, or left it at half mast to tell us of defeat and death.”  Lieutenant W. T. Fitzgerald, of Bellefonte, sent a neat little poem entitled “Beggars in Blue” which was read by Lieutenant Davies and highly appreciated.  W. O. Merrick, of Company F, and J. C. Roosa, of Company H, were called on, and came to time with pungent and appropriate “short talks” in which some good-sized subjects were referred to and handled without gloves.  Lieutenant Buckley responded for Company I by reading a carefully prepared and well written paper dealing some spicy and tragic episodes of the war, which had never been told before.  The music rendered at frequent intervals during the evening by the Welsh Settlement Glee club, led by Lieutenant Davies, was a most pleasing feature of the occasion.  It was well on toward midnight when Captain Haynes, who had gracefully presided over the meeting and who, it may be said, has a warm place in the affections of the comrades in Tioga county, was called on for a speech.  Modestly pleading the late hour as an excuse, the Captain related one or two humorous episodes of war time, which tickled the boys immensely and were a fitting climax to the very happy reunion of “the left wing --an occasion which none of the comrades who were present will ever forget.  The following are the names of members present who registered:  Company F:  Austin D. Rice, Wheeler O. Merrick.  Company G:  Samuel Haynes, Nelson Whitney, T. J. Davies, John J. Rogers, Ephraim Jeffers, David E. Bowen, Eugene Beauge, C. T.(?) Kelley, J. H. Robbins, J. Harley Packard, J. S. English, Ezra Smith, H. D. Deming, D. H. Hotchkiss, O. A. Benedict.  Company I:  DeRuyter Avery, V. B. Holiday, J. O. House, R. Fuller, G. M. Rexford.  Company I:  J. H. Buckley, G. M. Ackley, Sylvester Houghton, M. C. May, T. D. Marsh, J. H. Wood, Warren Lawton, J. A. Fletcher, J. O. English, H. H. Smith, R. I. Reynolds, Wm. Lloyd.  (Tuesday, February 21, 1894, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Wellsboro Agitator, September 10, 1902
Reunion of Co. K, 207th Reg't Pa. Vols.
Nineteen survivors of Co. K, 207th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, attended the Company's recent seventh annual reunion which was held in the Grange hall in Stonyfork. Comrade George E. Putman having arranged for the meeting there. The hall and dining room were decorated nicely with flags and bunting.

There were present and enrolled - Edwin Campbell, James E. English, Luther S. Collins, J. Horace Bellinger, Chares E. Kelsey, Orlando P. Jones, Charles Houghton, Robert Satterly, Lewis Kohler, James L. Reese, George E. Putman, William H. Harrison, Calvin West, Elisha McCarter, Abram M. Sherman, Samuel Evans, Simeon Bacon, Robert Kelsey and Clarence Lloyd

There was also a good attendance of soldiers of other companies and regiments and soldiers widows and a good number of the soldiers friends from Stonyfork and vicinity. We were called at noon to a dinner good enough, and enough of it, which we can prove by about 160 witnesses who partook of it. At 2 p.m. we were called to order in the hall, and the minutes of the last meeting were read and accepted. The following comrades had died since our last meeting:- Ex-Sheriff George W. Johnson, Charles Venton, Stephen J. Thomas and William Putman. It was voted to hold the eighth annual meeting with Orlando P. Jones of Crosscut. Music was furnished by the Misses Campbell, Dale and Willard with organ and violins and speeches were made by Rev. L.L. Grover, Maj. G.W. Merrick, Simeon Bacon and Rev. E.E. Jones. A good story was told by Dr. J.M. Gentry, and ex-Confederate soldier, and a recitation was given by Arthur and Shirley Goodwin. We adjourned feeling that we had been well paid for assembling for the day.
Charles Houghton, Secretary

Wellsboro Agitator, September 10, 1902, p.1
Reunion of Co. A, 207th Pa. Vols.
One hundred and five persons attended the reunion of Company A, 207th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, in Elmira on Thursday, including 27 surviving members of the Company. Captain Elmer R. Backer, of Elmira, was the host, and the principal exercises were held in Grove Park. After dinner Hon. H.H. Rockwell, of Elmira, made an interesting address. He was followed by C.W. Kelly, of Roseville, who also made a few remarks which were well received. The election of officers then followed and resulted in the choice of the following to act for the ensuing year: William Gorden, South Creek, president; J.H. Owen, Columbia Cross Roads, treasurer; C.W. Kelley, Roseville, secretary. It was decided to hold the next reunion at Columbia Cross Roads, but the date was not fixed. Among the survivors present from Tioga county were A.M. Andrus, Mainesburg; Stephen Andrus, Tioga; W.M. Bailey, Lawrenceville; G.A. Cornwell, Mansfield; W.B. Reynolds, Roseville; Benjamin P. Sherman, Mansfield; W.H. Smith, Mainesburg; Charles E. Stage, Lawrenceville, and D.W. Stone, William Worden and Horace Thorpe of Rutland.
Wellsboro Agitator, September 3, 1924
Only Eight Living
Co. A, 187th Regt., Held Reunion at Home of Non. & Mrs. H.M. Foote last Tuesday

Burial at Topeka, Kansas
ROOT - The late Harry Root - Former Wellsboro Resident Died at Leavenworth, Kansas
For 50 years a newspaper man, a civil war veteran and of late years bailiff in the State Supreme Court, Harry Root, 83, has responded to "taps", or in the newspaper vernacular, "30." Mr. Root died March 14 [1932], at the military home in Leavenworth, Kansas, where he was taken about two weeks ago. He was born in New York in 1848. coming to Kansas immediately after the civil war, Mr. Root entered the office of the old Atchison Champion as an apprentice printer, and served as printer for many years. As printer he set in type many manuscripts for Senators Ingalls, Plumb and Pomeroy. Finally he transferred to the circulation department of the Champion and for years covered the northwest Kansas territory. Many of the counties had not yet been organized, and during the process of formation Mr. Root saw many bitterly contested county sear fights. He saw Cheyenne, Decatur, Gove, Graham, Sherman, Sheridan, Rawlins and Thomas counties organized. The bitterest struggle for the county seat was in Rawlins county, which Atwood fighting to prevent removal of the records to Blakeman. In writing of his experiences afterward, Mr. Root gave some thrilling incidents of that contest. He served in the 187th Pennsylvania Infantry, which was organized in February, 1864. When he enlisted he was but 16 years old. Shortly after organization the regiment was ordered south and into the fighting zone. Made up mostly of boys, the regiment arrived on the firing line in June, 1864. Twenty-two of Root's company were wounded or killed in the first charge. Before his company was demobilized, it was called to act as guard for President Lincoln's body, after his assassination. Mr. Root was one of those chosen to stand at the coffin, as thousands of persons marched by to view the body. Shortly after his discharge, Mr. Root removed to Kansas and had lived in that state since. After 25 years' service with the Atchison Champion, he transferred to the Topeka State Journal, and remained as agent for that paper in the Sixth district for 25 years. At the end of 50 years' service as a newspaper man, he retired. He was appointed bailiff of the supreme court in 1920. He was a member of Lincoln Post, GAR, and of the United Commercial Travelers. He is survived by one daughter, Edith M. Root, of Los Angeles, California; burial at Topeka, Kansas. Mr. Root, several years ago, wrote an interesting series of articles for the agitator, on early days in Tioga county, and about some of his experiences during the first few years of his residence in Kansas. - Wellsboro Agitator, 23 March 1932

Tim Traver- I have noticed there is continuing interest with the 141st Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry on the list. I have the book "The Regimental History of the 141st PVI", written by Rev. David Craft. It has a list of the soldiers who served in the 141st in the back, they are listed by individual companies. If there is any mention of the individual soldier by name in the text of the book, then a page number was placed next to their name in the company list so that one could go directly to that page and read about the soldier. I would be willing to serve as a look up person for those wishing to search for relatives who served in the 141st PVI. I have my name listed on many Civil War sites on the internet as a look-up person for the Regiment and I'd be happy to do it for guests on this site as well. 

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