Tri-Counties Genealogy &
History by Joyce M. Tice
Directories of Bradford County,
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Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
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1900 Athens Borough Directory
For explanations, &c., see page 17.
Postoffice address Athens unless otherwise designated in (parenthesis)
1900 Athens Borough Directory
For explanations, &c., see page 17.
Postoffice address Athens.
Ackley, Fred M., carpenter, h Penna Ave.
Ackley, John B., mason, h 23 Center
Ackley, William B., stone mason, h 84 North
Adams, Emanuel, laborer, h Chestnut
Adams, Robert, laborer, h Lehigh Ave.
Adams, Samuel H., laborer, h 56 Chestnut
Adamy, Edgar D., mason, h 84 N. Main
Albro, Irene, widow Samuel, h 66 Penna Ave.
Albro, John, laborer, bds 66 Penna Ave.
Alderson, Mary Mrs., h Welles Ave.
Allen, Eugene A., painter, h 197 S. Main
Allen, Frances S. Mrs., (Allen and Lane) h 100 S. Main
Allen & Lane (Frances S. A. & Gertrude L.) millinery and ladies'
furnishings, S. Main, n P. O.
Allen, Myron, emp furniture works, h 36 Wheelock Ave.
Allen, W. Howard, bookkeeper Farmers' national bank, h S. Main
Allen, Winfield S., painter, h 61 Chestnut
Allyn, Arthur E., prop creamery at Leona, Springfield township and
at Checkerville, South Creek township, and with D. R. Stephens of Smithfield,
Bently Creek creamery, h 46 Bridge
Ammerman, Elizabeth Mrs., h 28 Spruce
Ammerman, William G., drayman, h 28 Spruce
Andrews, William, carpenter, h N. Main cor Pine
Andrews, William W. Rev., retired, h 13 South
Angell & Wheelock, (Henry D. A. and Joseph E. W.) props Racket
Store, Main opp Susquehanna
Angier, Galusha M., supt Athens Lumber Co. N. Main, h 3 Park pl, Sayre
Armstrong, Fred A., musical instruments Wells Ave. cor Cooper, h do
Armstrong, William H., agent, h E. Pine cor Church
Arnold, Addison C., soldier in Co. B 141st Pa. Vols., manuf of and
dealer in carriages and wagons, dealer in agricultural implements, farmer
210, 5 houses and lots, h North
Athens Baptist Church, Rev. Charles G. Dilworth pastor, Elmira cor
Athens Bargain Store, R. F. Simmons mgr., 115 S. Main
Athens Furniture Co., N. C. Harris, pres., F. K. Harris, sec., George
W. Burt, treas. and mgr., manuf chamber suits, sideboards and chiffoniers,
Penna Ave. cor Wheelock
Athens Gazette, Charles Hinton editor and publisher, 7 Bridge r G.
A. Kinney's hardware store
Athens Gold Cure Sanitarium, W. W. Brown, mgr., A. R. Brown sec. and
treas., 100 S. Main. See Adv.
Athens Lumber Co., (Fred Lowe and E. D. Angier) G. M. Angier, supt.,
dealers in lumber, doors, window blinds, lath, brick and turned work, N.
Athens National Bank, The, Vine Crandall, pres., Lawrence W. Eighmey,
vice pres., M. J. Murphy, cashier, S. Main
Athens Post Office, Frank G. Sairs, postmaster, Bank bldg, Main
Athens & Sayre Gas Co., M. S. Decker, pres., I. A. Williams, vice
pres., F. A. Gillette, treas., C. W. Tidd, sec., S. Main
Athens Steam Laundry, Abram Groat, prop., 9 Susquehanna
Atkins, Harry C., emp bridge works, h Hugh
Atwood, William, laborer, h S. Main
Ayers, Herbert, laborer, h Paine
Babcock, William, teamster, h 32 Spruce
Badger, Samuel W., physician, 32 S. Main, h do
Bailer, Joseph, merchant tailor, 141 S. Main, h do
Bailer, Nora C. Mrs., tailoress, 141 S. Main, h do
Bailey, John B., commission broker Main cor Bridge, h 155 Bradford,
S. Waverly
Baird, Henry C., Justice of the Peace and lawyer 193 Main, h Tioga
Baird, Nellie E., h Tioga
Baker, Anna F., mgr. 117 S. Main, bds Maple
Baker, Deborah A., widow Henry, h S. Main cor Paine
Baker, George H., machinist, h Maple
Baker, John, brakeman L. V. R. R., bds Short
Baker, Perry, brakeman L. V. R. R., bds Short
Balcom, John H., laborer, bds Longway
Ballard, Christopher W., boots, shoes and wall paper S. Main opp Hotel
Stimson, h S. Main cor Paine
Ballou, James H. Rev., pastor Universalist church, h 39 South
Ballou, Willard Rev., h 37 South
Barber, Ann Mrs., h Longway
Barber, Jesse, carpenter, h 15 South
Barber, George J., shoemaker, h 43 S. Elmira
Barber, Julia, bds Longway
Barber, Lizzie, emp silk mill, h Longway
Barber, Mary, waitress Hotel Stimson
Barbour, Ellen, widow James N., h 60 Chestnut
Barbour, William, emp bridge works, bds 60 Chestnut
Barnes, Merritt E., mason, bds Longway
Barney, H. C. & Co., (Henry E. B. and W. M. Tisdell) clothing and
gents' furnishings, trunks, bags, &c, 205 S. Main, see adv page 66
Barney, Henry C., (H.C. Barney and Co.) h 17 South
Barnhart, Edith, domestic, bds 19 Spruce
Barnhart, Mary, emp silk mill, bds 19 Spruce
Barnhart, William J., laborer, h 19 Spruce
Barnum, M. Estelle, clerk 145 S. Main, rooms 156 S. Main
Barrett, Edward, bridge inspector, h S. Elmira cor North
Barton, George, laborer, h Bridge
Barton, William E., laborer, bds North
Barton, William L., laborer, h North
Beam, Mary, domestic, 266 S. Main
Beaman, Joseph W., (Corbin & Beaman) notary public, Main, bds Forrest
Beebe, Roscoe C., draughtsman, h S. Main cor Chemung
Beers, George, laborer, h 3 North
Beidleman, Floyd E., barber S. Main cor Elmira, bds 25 Ann
Beidleman, Susan L., widow Addison, h 25 Ann
Bell, Mary, widow Jasper C., h 28 Herrick
Benjamin, Charles A. Rev., pastor M. E. Church, h 27 S. Main
Benjamin, Daniel T., carpenter, h 28 South
Benjamin, David, painter, h River
Benjamin, Edward, carpenter, h 19 Cherry
Benjamin, Gertrude E., bds 28 South
Benjamin, Isaac L., painter, h 15 Spruce
Benjamin, Lewis, emp. Furniture works, h Willow
Bennett, Charles L., laborer, h 65 North
Bennett, Chester, baggagemaster at Sayre, h 9 W. Pine
Bennett, Dillis, emp L. V. shops, h 78 North
Bennett, Merritt, emp D. J. Macafee, h 3 Spruce
Bennett, Merritt, laborer, bds 7 Spruce
Bennett, Thirza, widow Charles Y., bds 78 North
Benson, Harry R., fireman L. V. R. R., h Desmond
Bentley, Daniel N., conductor L. V. R. R., h 53 Desmond
Berghaus, Clayton, sec Sayre Moulding Co., h Locust
Berghaus, V. Hummel Rev., rector Trinity Episcopal church, h Edward
Bermingham, John, hostler, bds 52 S. Main
Bertrand, Jacob L., emp bridge works, h 12 Tyler
Besley, Augustus, laborer, h 15 Ann
Besley, Frances E., dressmaker, h 15 Ann
Bethel Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev. C. A. Benjamin, pastor, Main
Bibbin, Jennie Mrs., h 30 N. Main
Birney, Bertha Mrs., h 81 Elmira
Blakeman, Freeman, laborer, bds Paine
Blanchard, Alonzo S., teamster D. J. Macafee, h 67 Willow
Bliler, John, drayman, h Church
Boardman, Harry S., draughtsman, bds 245 S. Main
Borton, Charles E., h 34 Maple
Borton, Emma, school teacher, h Maple
Bostwick, Lowell M., brakeman, h 35 Desmond
Bower, John W., laborer, h Cooper
Bowman, Frank R., furniture finisher, h 22 South
Bowman, H. Mortimer, brakeman L. V. R. R., bds 53 Desmond
Bowman, James, engineer silk mill, h W. Pine
Bowman, Ulysses, emp furniture works, bds 20 N. Main
Bradford, Charles O., carpenter, h N. Main
Bradley, Frank A., oil dealer, h 12 E. Pine
Bradley, George E., painter, h Wells Ave.
Bradley, George F., clerk 154 S. Main, bds 30 Bridge
Bradley, John L., machine agent, h 73 North
Brady, Kate, emp silk mill, h S. Main
Brady, Maria Mrs., h S. Main
Brennan, William E., conductor L. V. R. R., h 15 Church
Bressler, Augustus E., tobacco, cigars, confectionery, books, stationery
and news, S. Main n Elmira, h 28 Herrick, see adv. page 68
Bressler, Ellery C., blacksmith, Herrick, h Maple
Bressler, Huston B., machinist, h Maple
Bressler, Melvin C., clerk C. W. Ballard, bds 28 Bridge
Bridge, Carrie, widow Emerson, bds S. Elmira
Bridge, Charlotte Mrs., h S. Main
Briggs, Elmer, machinist, h Center
Briggs, John, laborer, bds Spruce
Briggs, Julius, laborer, h Spruce
Brigham, Jessie Mrs., housekeeper Hotel Stimson
Brillhart, Calvin F., brakeman, h Public
Brillhart, Rylan, clerk, h Cooper cor Desmond
Brink, Emmett, engineer, h 55 Desmond
Brink, William, blacksmith, bds Forrest House
Bristol, Elizabeth, h S. Main
Bristol, James A., h S. Main
Bristol, James D., bds S. Main
Bristol, Julia M., h S. Main
Brock, Elmer, carpenter, bds 72 Wells Ave.
Brookman, Manley M., clerk 145 S. Main, bds Forrest House
Brooks, Joshua B., emp bridge works, h 16 Walnut
Brott, Edith M., bds 31 Walnut
Brott, George J., bds 31 Walnut
Brott, Norman T., emp bridge works, h 31 Walnut
Brott, Wilbert D., emp bridge works, bds 31 Walnut
Brown, Almons, laborer, h River cor Public
Brown, Arthur, laborer, bds 27 Center
Brown, Arthur R., sec. and treas. Athens Gold Cure Sanitarium, S. Main,
h 53 Chestnut
Brown, Charles, machinist, h 36 South
Brown, Charles E., waiter, h 4 Elm
Brown, Eben D., bicycles and bicycle sundries, wheels built to order,
repairing, etc., Main, h N. Main
Brown, Edward, laborer, bds 14 North
Brown, Emma E., domestic, North
Brown, David, coachman, h S. Main
Brown, Harry C., clerk, h 24 North
Brown, Henry, laborer, h 11 Cherry
Brown, Henry V., clerk, bds S. Main
Brown, Henry V. 2d, clerk, bds S. Main
Brown, Jacob K., mattress manuf., Walnut, h do
Brown, Juniata H. Mrs., h S. Main
Brown, L. S. Mrs., millinery and fancy goods, S. Main, h do
Brown, Lucius S., insurance agent, S. Main, h do
Brown, Margaret Mrs., h S. Elmira
Brown, Montgomery, cooper, bds 65 Willow
Brown, Reuben H., carriage trimmer, h Ferry
Brown, William A., cooper, h 65 Willow
Brown, William W., manager Athens Gold Cure Sanitarium, 100 S. Main,
h do, see adv. page 64
Bull, Cidney, widow Emerson, h S. Main
Bullock, Malcolm D., emp Bridge works, h 13 Cherry
Burgess, George, laborer, h Center
Burns, Patrick, laborer, bds Desmond
Burnside, Andrew, bds 24 Paine
Burt, George W., (George W. Burt & Co.) treasurer and manager Athens
Furniture Co., Penna Ave. cor Wheelock, h 8 Willow
Burt, George W. & Co., (Frank C. Cole) general insurance and real
estate Farmers' National Bank building, see adv page 70
Bush, Joseph H., engineer L. V. R. R., h 15 Maple
Bushnell, William, laborer, h Center
Butler, George W., cabinet maker, h Tyler
Caldwell, John F., carpenter, bds Hotel Stimson
Camp, Mortimer, emp L. V. R. R., bds Desmond n boro line
Campbell, Alexander B., laborer, h 6 Desmond
Campbell, Charles, laborer, h 20 Tyler
Campbell, Charles D., laborer, h Willow
Campbell, Frank, clerk S. Main, h E. Athens
Campbell, Ford W., clerk U. S. Express Co., h E. Athens
Campbell, George A., emp bridge works, h Willow
Campbell, Harry, teamster, bds 40 South
Campbell, Harry R., fireman L. V. R. R., bds South
Campbell, Holly W., manager Cove Planing Mill Co., h 2 Desmond cor
Campbell, James L., emp bridge works, h Maple
Campbell, John D., laborer, h South
Campbell, Rebecca D. Mrs., h Willow
Campbell, William A., emp Union Bridge Co., h Willow
Campbell, William B., miller D. J. Macafee, h E. Athens
Campbell, William H., sawyer, bds 6 Desmond
Campion, Frank, driver, h 23 Maple
Canfield, Fannie, bds S. Main
Canfield, Harriet C., widow Clarence, h S. Main
Canfield, Mary, bds S. Main
Cangley, Patrick J., laborer, h Maple
Carey, Lucy A., housekeeper, h S. Main
Carleton, Ella, waitress Hotel Stimson
Carleton, John, laborer, bds River
Carleton, Margaret, waitress Hotel Stimson
Carleton, Timothy, laborer, h River
Carlisle, George W., blacksmith, h Cove
Carlisle, John, laborer, h Cove
Carlisle, Mary, domestic, S. Main
Carlisle, Mary Mrs., h E. Pine
Carlisle, Susan Mrs., h Cove
Carlyle, George, blacksmith, bds S. Main
Carmer, Bert P., tanner, h 73 Chestnut
Carmer, Clarence, farm in Litchfield, bds Susquehanna
Carmer, Silas B., h Susquehanna
Carmody, Clarence, emp tannery, h 76 North
Carner, Evans B., groceries, fresh meats, harness, robes and blankets,
shelf hardware, stoves, boot, shoes, &c, Bridge cor Elmira, h Ferry,
see adv page 72
Carner, Henry W., h 80 Willow
Carner, J. Clinton, mgr. shoe dept E. B. Carmer, h 91 S. Elmira
Carner, Julia, bds S. Main cor Harris
Carner, Mary F., boarding, h 87 S. Elmira
Carpenter, Charles V. A., harness manufr. and dealer in saddles, whips,
robes, blankets, &c, 105 S. Elmira, h do
Carpenter, Fred, emp. bridge works, h 67 Chestnut
Carpenter, William, laborer, h Wheelock
Carroll, Dennis, emp. bridge works, bds 20 N. Main
Carroll, Mary, domestic 270 S. Main
Carter, Ernest F., (Murrelle & Carter) h Tioga St. Waverly, NY
Carter, Frank E., (Ostrander & Carter) h S. Main
Case, Aaron, emp. bridge works, bds Paine
Case, Arthur A., jeweler and optician S. Main, h Chestnut
Case, George B., freight handler, h 9 Frederick
Case, Simeon U., bds S. Main
Case, Valeria, widow Perry, h 118 N. Main
Cass, William, machinist, h 35 Walnut
Catlin, A. Eugene, h 90 N. Main
Catlin, Clarence E., clerk, h Willow
Catlin, Rose, school teacher, bds 90 N. Main
Chaffee, Ferris E., boots and shoes 141 S. Main, bds Main cor North
Chaffee, Noah P., clerk 141 S. Main, h S. Main cor North
Chamberlin, John, painter, bds 20 N. Main
Chance, Melvin, shipping clerk furniture works, h Elmira
Chapman, Thomas, h 9 Spruce
Cheney, Frank J., accountant Union Bridge Co., h 313 S. Main
Childs, James I., foreman Evening News, bds Forrest House
Chubbuck, Robert H., machinist, h 10 Walnut
Church of the Holy Ghost, Rev. J. Henry Sandaal rector, S. Elmira n
R. R. crossing
Clafflen, Charles E., laborer, bds 55 Chestnut
Clafflen, Oren O., painter, h 55 Chestnut
Clafflen, W. Bert, laborer, bds 55 Chesnut
Clapp, Charles W., lumber dealer, 10 Hopkins, h do
Clark, J. Murray, mason, h 17 Cherry
Clarke, Charles, emp bridge works, h 7 Willow
Clizbe, Clarence, printer, h Bridge
Clizbe, Emily C., bds Bridge
Close, Charles, emp Union Bridge Co., h River cor Satterlee
Coakley, James, laborer, bds S. Main
Coakley, John, h S. Main
Coffin, Calvin T., laborer, bds 43 River
Coffin, Harriet L., widow Charles, h 53 River
Cokeley, Dennis, emp tannery, bds 35 South
Cole, Charles, laborer, bds N. Elmira
Cole, Charles, emp Union Bridge Co., h 31 North
Cole, Edward A., laborer, h Maple
Cole, Frank C., (G. W. Burt & Co.), h Maple
Cole, Frank L., conductor, h 61 Desmond
Coleman, Mary, widow William, h S. Main
Coleman, Thomas, emp L. V. shops, bds S. Main
Coleman, Wallace, clerk Forrest house, bds do
Coleman, William, bds S. Main
Collins, Edward H., tailor, h 292 S. Main
Collins, Isaac W., emp bridge works, h 122 Elmer
Collins, Joanna, widow Jeremiah, h 292 S. Main
Collins, Katherine E., seamstress, h 292 S. Main
Collins, Teresa, h 292 S. Main
Collins, William L., students, bds 122 Elmira
Comstock, Susie M., bds 191 S. Main
Condon, William, emp. Gas Co., bds 87 S. Elmira
Connell, John, mason, h 24 Spruce
Conrad, Sylvester, tanner, h 11 North
Cook, Burt, clerk E. B. Carner, bds 52 North
Cook, Elizabeth, widow Lewis, bds 17 Bridge
Cook, Elliott H., painter, h 52 North
Cook, James E., laborer, h 17 Bridge
Cook, Leon, clerk E. B. Carner, bds 52 North
Cook, Leon, driver, h Chestnut
Cooper, Clarrissa A., widow Benjamin, bds Paine
Cooper, Fred, clerk E. B. Carner, bds Elmira
Cooper, James, emp. bridge works, h Penna Ave. cor Longway
Cooper, Lillian, domestic S. Main
Cooper, Solomon D., hostler E. B. Carner, h Elmira
Copeland, William W., (Sandford & Co.) 193 S. Main, bds Hotel Stimson
Corbin & Beaman, (Julius T. C. and Joseph W. B.) attorneys and
counsellors at law, Farmers Nat. Bank bldg, Main, see adv page 62
Corbin, Horace W., teamster D. J. Macafee, h 86 S. Main
Corbin, Ida W., bds S. Main cor Paine
Corbin, John L., physician, h S. Main cor Paine
Corbin, Julius T., (Corbin & Beaman) bds S. Main cor Paine
Corby, Allen W., cabinet maker, h 21 Spruce
Corby, Fred D., carpenter, h 35 North
Corby, Henry W., architect, bds 35 North
Corby, Sarah A. Mrs., bds 35 North
Cortright, Charles H., switchman, h Desmond
Coss, Martin, laborer, h S. Elmira cor Bridge
Cove Planing Mill Co., H. W. Campbell, mgr., manuf. flooring, mouldings,
etc., Walnut n R. R.
Cowell, Edward M., physician, 92 S. Main, h 94 S. Main
Cowell, Fordyce L., artist, bds 25 Penna Ave.
Cowell, Philip W., life insurance, h 25 Penna Ave.
Cox, Edward, emp L. V. R. R., bds Desmond n boro line
Cox, Fred, laborer, bds 37 First
Cox, John P., laborer, bds 37 First
Cox, Perry D., carpenter, h North
Cramer, Ernest, emp tannery, h 76 North
Cramer, Jacob, emp tannery, bds Center
Crandall, Horace, bds Hotel Stimson
Crandall, Lucy Mrs., bds 8 South
Crandall, Vine, president Athens Nat. Bank, S. Main
Crane, William H., emp bridge works, h Hugh cor Elmira
Crans, Charles W., machinist, h 42 S. Elmira
Crans, Eliza Mrs., h 7 Elm
Crans, Eliza, widow William, h Paine
Crans, Frank, emp Union Bridge Co., h 7 Elm
Crans, Ward, machinist, bds Paine
Crawford, A. Ridgeway, tinsmith, Finch Bros., h 32 Chestnut
Crawford, Dollie L., bookkeeper, S. Main, bds 47 S. Elmira
Crawford, George P., furniture finisher, h Main cor Elmira
Crawford, Eli M., veterinary surgeon, Susquehanna, h 44 S. Elmira
Crawford, Robert M., laborer, bds 43 River
Crawford, William H., shoemaker, C. W. Ballard, h 44 S. Elmira
Crayton, Averill B., emp L. V. shops, h 10 Cooper
Crayton, William, h Center
Criddle, William A., emp bridge works, h Chestnut
Crocker, Ralph S., engineer, bds 1 Walnut
Crocker, Wesley W., engineer, h 1 Walnut
Croll, Clarence D., carpenter, h 55 Bridge
Croll, Freeman W., emp furniture works, h 22 Willow
Croll, Gertrude, bds 55 Bridge
Croll, William, laborer, bds 55 Bridge
Croll, William E., clerk Hotel Stimson, h 156 S. Main
Cronk, Hiram, machinist, bds Forrest House
Crosby, Calvin B., bds S. Main
Crowl, Jennie Mrs., dressmaker, h 53 Chestnut
Crum, Theodore, emp L. V. shops, h 7 W. Pine
Cuddeback, H. Jane, widow Jesse, h 45 Chestnut
Cuddeback, Pearl, emp Union Bridge Co., h 45 Chestnut
Culver, John G., bookkeeper, h S. Elmira cor Paine
Curtiss, George S., editor and publisher Evening News, S. Main, h S.
Dalton, Thomas, laborer, h Susquehanna
Daskam, Abbie Mrs., h Chestnut
Daskam, Alonzo, emp furniture works, h S. Elmira
Daskam, E. Homer, laborer, h 72 Chestnut
Daskam, Fred, emp furniture works, bds 72 Chestnut
Daskam, Homer, clerk, h Chestnut
Davenport, Samuel H., machinist, h 33 Satterlee
Davies, Nancy M., h 88 S. Main
Davis, Clayton E., laborer, h 105 Elmira
Davis, George E., Supt. Union Bridge Co., h 40 Paine
Davis, John, blacksmith, h Tyler
Davis, Robert J., bridge inspector, h 18 North
Davis, Susie E., domestic, h Lehigh Ave.
Davis, William, laborer, h Elm
Dean, George T., h Orchard
Dean, Matthew L., engineer, h 149 Main
Decker, Charles J., emp Union Bridge Co., h 16 Satterlee
Decker, Edwin W., h 14 S. Main
Decker, Elmo, laborer, bds Spruce
Decker, Eugene, com. trav., rooms 27 Chestnut
Decker, Evan S., laborer, h 14 S. Main
Decker, Frank I., emp Union Bridge Co., h 16 Satterlee
Decker, Harley, emp L. V. shops, h Ann
Decker, Jane, widow Hamilton, h North
Decker, John, laborer, h 35 South
Decker, John Jr., laborer, bds 35 South
Decker, Laura, h 14 S. Main
Decker, Simeon O., carpenter, h 9 Cooper
Dedtily, Charles, dyeing and cleaning, Susquehanna, h do
Deegnan, George, bds Forrest House
Deffenbauch, Thomas, brakeman L. V. R. R., bds 76 N. Main
DeGroff, Eleazer, machinist, h 30 Penn Ave.
DeGroff, Elijah, h 38 Cherry
DeGroff, George, machinist, h S. Elmira
DeGroff, John L., machinist, h 11 Tyler
DeGroff, Minard, carpenter, h 73 Maple
DeGroff, Robert E., baggagemaster Sayre Depot, h 38 Cherry
Deitz, George, foreman bridge works, h 79 N. Main
Delaney, Lewis E., stationary engineer, h Spruce
Denton, Benjamin, mason, h First
Denton, Oscar, mason, bds First
DePew, Anna, widow William, dressmaker, bds Susquehanna
DePew, Irvin A., emp bridge works, h Center
Derby, John, bds Hotel Stimson
Devine, James, laborer, bds 77 Center
Dilworth, Charles G. Rev., pastor Athens Baptist Church, h Center
Dinmore, John W., billiards and pool Hotel Stimson, S. Main, h 12 Elm
Doane, Addison, emp Bridge works, h Willow
Doane, Fred D., emp Bridge shops, h Ann
Dodge, George, emp Furniture works, h 4 Short
Dohm, George, carpenter, h Frederick
Donovan, James, laborer, h River cor Public
Donovan, Mary Mrs., h River
Donovan, Timothy, moulder, h Bridge
Donovan, William, emp Union Bridge Co., h River
Dooley, Joseph M., brakeman L. V. R. R., h Willow
Doran, Michael, blacksmith, h Willow
Doty, Mary E., housekeeper, Tioga
Dove, George H., emp Furniture works, h 19 Tyler
Dowd, John, laborer, bds 29 Lehigh Ave.
Drake, B. Frank, laborer, h 11 South
Drake, Charles, blacksmith, h Paine
Drake, Charles, laborer, h Ann
Drake, Clara E., clerk, bds Center
Drake, Edwin K., clerk, bds Paine
Drake, Frank, clerk G. A. Kinney, h South
Drake, Harlan, carpenter, h 40 Wells Ave.
Drake, Harry B., com trav, h 44 Center
Drake, Helen, domestic, S. Main
Drake, Joseph, laborer, h Willow
Drake, Laura, bds Paine
Drake, Mabel, h 40 Welles Ave.
Drew, James E., emp bridge works, h 29 Cherry
Drumgoole, John, laborer, bds 101 Elmira
Duerkes, Julius A., laborer, bds Cooper
Dunham, Elbert W., laborer, h 25 Ann
Dunham, Walter H., draughtsman, h 109 N. Elmira
Dunkley, Thomas, laborer, h S. end S. Main
Dunlap, John H., teamster, h Longway
Durrant, Charles, laborer, h Center
Durrant, William, blacksmith, h 17 Maple
Edwards, Roswell, laborer, h Paine
Eiffert, Jacob R., barber and jeweler 171 S. Main, h Milan
Eighmey, Lawrence W., vice president Athens National Bank, oil producer,
h 88 S. Main
Ellis, Alexander, teamster, h 10 Desmond
Ellis, Leman S., barber, bds Lehigh Ave., Sayre
Elsbree, Eugene C., emp bridge shops, h 44 Penn Ave.
Elsbree, G. Manning, elocutionist, h 4 Penn Ave.
Elsbree, J. Leman, real estate, h S. Main
Elsbree, Lou A., bds 44 Penn Ave.
Elsbree, Martin F., emp. Union Bridge Co., h 4 Penn Ave.
Elsbree, Nehemiah P., h 103 N. Elmira
Elsbree Opera House, M. A. Foley mgr., Public
Ely, Joseph M., clerk, h 227 S. Main
Engbers, Benjamin, laborer, h Elmira cor Hugh
Englebrecht, George O., photographer Maney & Page blk, h do
English, Sylvester J., laborer, h 59 Cove
Ercancrack, Cidney C., widow George T., h S. Main
Ercobar, Robert E., civil engineer Union Bridge Co., h S. Main
Espey, Carrie, school teacher, bds 25 S. Main
Espey, Mary L., school teacher, bds 25 S. Main
Estelle, Frank O., laborer, h Frederick
Estobar, Robert, civil engineer, bds 245 S. Main
Evans, Isaac N., lawyer Maynard blk, S. Main, res. Sayre
Evans, Melissa Mrs., h 66 Willow
Evener, Frank L., moulder, bds Cove n boro line
Evening News, G. S. Curtiss, editor and publisher S. Main, see adv.
page 74
Everhart, William F., laborer, h 33 Cherry
Fanning, Peter R., foreman bridge works, h 12 Walnut
Farley, Martin, machinist, h Penna Ave.
Farmers' National Bank of Athens, Job Griffin, pres., F. T. Page, vice
pres., O. L. Haverly, cashier, 169 Main
Farnsworth, Lettie Mrs., dressmaker, Bridge
Farnsworth, Ulysses A., painter, h Bridge
Farr, Vaughn, emp furniture works, bds 20 N. Main
Farrell, Anna, cook, Hotel Stimson
Fay, Charles A., clerk, h Green's Landing
Ferguson, George, clerk, h Chestnut
Ferguson, George W., clerk, h Center
Ferre, Harry C., painter, bds Church
Field, Charles E., teamster, h 15 Walnut
Finch Bros., (Robert U. and Miles) stoves, hardware, tinware, paints
and oils, plumbing, steam, hot water and hot air heating and gas fitting,
Main cor Susquehanna, see adv. page 70
Finch, Charles E., plumber, h 53 N. Main
Finch, Miles, (Finch Bros.) h 34 Paine
Finch, Robert U., (Finch Bros.) h 38 Paine
First Baptist Church of Athens, Rev. C. G. Dilworth, pastor, Elmira
cor Center
Fitch, Cora St. John, school teacher, bds 245 S. Main
Fitch, Eli G., plumber G. A. Kinney, h 245 S. Main
Fitzgerald, Charles, livery, sale and boarding stables, 52 S. Main,
h do
Fitzgerald, May, stenographer Corbin & Beaman, bds 5 Ulster Waverly
Flannigan, Dennis, emp bridge works, bds Center
Flannigan, James, emp bridge works, h Center
Flannigan, Michael M., laborer, h Wheelock
Fletcher, William, conductor, bds Wells Ave. cor E. Pine
Fliat, Bridget, widow Michael, h S. Elmira
Flood, John, laborer, h N. Elmira
Flood, John, emp bridge works, bds Paine cor New
Flood, Margaret, bds Paine cor New
Flood, Peter, emp bridge works, h Paine cor New
Foley, Matthew, carpenter, h 9 Chestnut
Foley, Maurice A., carpenter, mgr Elsbree Opera House, bds 9 Chestnut
Foran, Patrick J., tinsmith G. A. Kinney, h Elmira
Ford, Bridget, widow Patrick, bds S. Elmira
Ford, Hial, emp L. V. shops, h Welles Ave. cor Cooper
Ford, John, laundryman, h Maple
Ford, Patrick, tinner, h S. Elmira
Forrest House, J. C. Schenck prop., Main cor Herrick, see adv. page
Fox, Isaac D., carpenter, h Frederick
Fox, Nora Mrs., bds 112 N. Main
Fraley, James, emp pipe line, bds 40 South
Frank, Adelbert L., carpenter, h 12 W. Pine
Frank, Horace, emp L. V. shops, h Cooper
Fraser, Alexander S., conductor L. V. R. R., h Welles Ave. cor Frederick
Fraser, James S., brakeman L. V. R. R., bds Welles Ave. cor Frederick
Fredenburg, John, bds 8 Maple
Fredenburg, John Jr., templet maker, h 8 Maple
Freedman, Bernard, clothier, h Center
Freedman, Jacob, clerk, bds Center
Freedman, Joseph, clerk, bds Center
Freedman, William H., clothing, S. Main, h Center
French, Charles M., laborer, h Center
French, Clinton M., laborer, h Walnut cor Cove
French, Edward, laborer, h Elm
French, Howard E., laborer, h S. Main
French, Walter H., pension agt., Main cor Elmira, h Public
Frisbie, Ulysses G., laborer, h 12 Cherry
Frost, Clara A., clerk C. W. Ballard, bds 46 Bridge
Frost, Clayton W., h 25 Maple
Frost, Sallie W. Mrs., h 46 Bridge
Frost, Sarah E., widow E. Newton, bds 44 S. Main
Fuller, Bessie L., bookkeeper Evening News, bds 21 Maple
Fuller, Edward W., tel. oper., Main cor Bridge, bds 18 Maple
Fuller, George L., confectionary 14 S. Main, h 31 Susquehanna
Fuller, Herbert, emp boiler works, bds Hugh
Fuller, Richard, engineer bridge works, bds 21 Maple
Gable, Henry S., emp L. V. shops, h 51 Church
Gable, John, gardener for D. G. Macafee, bds 51 Church
Gallimard, Paul, draughtsman, h 55 N. Main
Garland, George H., emp L. V. shops, h Vanderbilt
Garman, George J., jeweler, bds Chestnut
Gerald, Truman, h Willow
Gillette, Amelia P., widow Anson C., bds 191 S. Main
Gillette, Frank A., treas. Athens and Sayre Gas Co., h 191 S. Main
Gillette, Justin E., h S. Main
Gillette, Sarah L., bds 191 S. Main
Goetchius, Ada Mrs., h 169 S. Main
Goetchius, Bert, laborer, h 169 S. Main
Goetchius, Earl, tobacco stripper, bds S. Main
Goetchius, Wesley C., carpenter, h Penn Ave.
Gohl, Euphemia, music teacher, bds 28 S. Main
Gohl, Fred, clerk E. B. Carner, h 28 S. Main
Golden, Margaret, domestic, 296 S. Main
Goodsell, Joshua S., teamster, h 63 Chestnut
Gore, Charles F., supt. Tioga Point Cemetery, h N. Main cor Cemetery
Gore, William H. H., h 33 Welles Ave.
Gould, J. Albert, painter, bds 180 S. Main
Graham, Katharine, bds S. Main
Graham, Lemott E., conductor L. V. R. R., h N. Main
Grant, Clark, supt. bridge construction, h 25 Walnut
Grant, Hallie, bds 25 Walnut
Grantham, Agnes E., bds 239 S. Main
Grantham, Thomas, merchant tailor 239 S. Main, h do
Gray, Charlotte E., compositor Evening News, bds 112 N. Main
Gray, DeWitt C., laborer, h 112 N. Main
Gregg, Joseph C., h 16 Paine
Gregg, Marietta, bds 16 Paine
Gregory, Amanda M., widow Charles W., nurse, h 31 N. Main
Gregory, Benjamin F., groceries and provisions 123 S. Main, h North
Gregory, Charles, emp. bridge works, h Vanderbilt cor Desmond
Gregory, Elizabeth O., bookkeeper D. J. MacAfee, h Keystone Ave., Sayre
Gregory, Lester, brakeman L. V. R. R., h Vanderbilt
Gregory, Valentine, emp. bridge works, h Public cor Maple
Grenell, Harry, emp. Union Bridge Co., bds 45 South
Gress, Edna M., stenographer Union Bridge Co., bds 16 Willow
Gress, George W., emp. bridge works, h 16 Willow
Griffen, George R., laborer, h Bridge
Griffen, Mary L., dressmaker, h Bridge
Griffin, Frank, emp. bridge works, bds Paine
Griffin, Job, pres. Farmers' National Bank, h outside boro
Griffin, John, emp. bridge works, h Paine
Griffith, Elizabeth B., dressmaker, bds 20 W. Pine
Griffith, Harley F., h 20 W. Pine
Griswold, Herman H., (Griswold and Somerville) bds Stimson House
Griswold, James F., emp. furniture works, h Willow
Griswold and Somerville (H. H. G. and G. B. S.) attorneys and counselors
at law 119 S. Main
Groat, Adam, prop. Athens Steam Laundry, 9 Susquehanna, h do
Guiles, Allison E., clerk 147 S. Main, h 44 S. Main
Hadlock, Lawrence, laborer, h Susquehanna
Hadlock, Shepard, laborer, h Main
Haggerty, James, bds Susquehanna
Haight, Edward L., emp L. V. R. R. shops, h 54 Chestnut
Haight, Phebe, widow Reuben, bds 54 Chestnut
Hall, Eula D., clerk 117 S. Main, h 1 Desmond
Hall, John H., brakeman L. V. R. R., bds 89 N. Main
Hall, Mary H., widow James E., h 1 Desmond
Hall, Willard J., fireman L. V. R. R., h 89 N. Main
Hamilton, Samuel, bds Wheelock
Hammond, Charles A., laborer, h Harris
Hancock, Emma E., h 22 S. Main
Hancock, Frances J., h 26 Bridge
Hancock, Mary J., h 22 S. Main
Hand, John T., brakeman, h Lehigh Ave.
Hanlon, Michael, lineman, bds 87 S. Elmira
Hapeman, Andrew J., teamster D. J. Macafee, h 7 Spruce
Hapeman, William, laborer, h Pike
Harden, Frank, emp. bridge works, h Maple
Harden, John, bds Maple
Harden, William M., agent, h Chestnut
Harrington, John, emp. bridge works, bds Pike
Harris, Bigler, laborer, bds Center
Harris, Frank K., sec. Athens Furniture Co., h S. Main
Harris, Lulu, student, bds 89 N. Main
Harris, Mark, laborer, bds Center
Harris, Nathaniel C., pres. Athens Furniture Co., office Main cor Bridge,
h S. Main
Harris, Katharine, h S. Main
Harris, W. Jay, clerk 147 S. Main, bds East Athens
Hart, Dell, painter, bds South
Harvey, Andrew, machinist, h Wells Ave.
Haskin, Fred E., painter, h 80 Hugh
Haupt, Benjamin F., harness maker, Susquehanna, h North
Havens, D. Martin, emp. bridge works, h 17 First
Haverly, Minor D., general fire, life and casuality insurance and real
estate, office Follett bldg., Sayre, h 6 E Cooper, see adv. bottom lines
Haverly, Oran L., cashier Farmer's Nat. Bank of Athens 169 S. Main,
h S. Main
Hawkins, Calvin, laborer, h 237 S. Main
Hawkins, Charles C., h 357 S. Main
Hayes, Charles, blacksmith, bds 67 River
Hayes, Fred, laborer, bds 67 River
Hayes, Henry C., machinist, h S. Elmira
Haynes, Eliza, dressmaker, bds Elmira cor Center
Hazelton, John E., laborer, h 29 Center
Hazen, Paul, laborer, h Elm
Head, Charlotte, music teacher, bds 16 Chemung
Heagle, Anna F., bds S. Elmira
Heath, Bion H., emp L. V. shops, h 24 Elmira
Heath, Frankie Mrs., h Elm
Heath, Melvin R., h 21 Ferry
Heavener, Irene C. Mrs., h North
Heavener, John, saloon, S. Main, h 18 North
Hefferman, Maggie, waitress Forrest House
Henry, James, carriage maker, h 10 Elm
Henry, Lena E., milliner, bds 10 Elm
Henry, Paul, blacksmith, h Herrick
Herrick, E. Francis, real estate dealer and farmer in Athens 210 and
at Wilawana 200, h Locust
Herrick, George E., farmer 60, h Locust
Herrick, Helen C., bds Hotel Stimson
Hibler, Carrie B., h Orchard
Hickey, Lida Mrs., h S. Main
Hickey, Richard S., draughtsman, h S. Main cor Chemung
Hickey, Sarah B. Mrs., h 18 Chemung
Hickey, Zulma B., h 18 Chemung
Hildebrant, Andrew M., brakeman, h 4 Tyler
Hill, Charles J., brakeman L. V. R. R., bds S. Elmira
Hill, Frank, clerk, h Elmira
Hill, Kate, widow George, h 13 Paine
Hines, Edna C., emp. silk mill, bds Spruce
Hines, John L., painter, h Longway
Hines, Joseph, druggist and pharmacist, planing and feed mill and cooperage,
butter packages a specialty, 125 S. Main, h do
Hines, Lewis R., laborer, h Spruce
Hinton, Charles, editor and publisher Athens Gazette, h S. Main
Hoadley, Bruce J., upholsterer, Sanford blk, Center, h Spruce
Hoftalin, Hattie, domestic Hotel Stimson
Holbrooke, George O., h 262 S. Main
Holbrooke, Marion N., widow John G., h 252 S. Main
Holcomb, John T., physician and surgeon, 56 S. Main, h do
Holcomb, Orson, bds Hotel Stimson
Holcomb, Pearl, fireman L. V. R. R., h N. Main
Hollenbeck, Francis J., carpenter, h Church cor Cooper
Holmes, George L., emp L. V. R. R., h Willow
Holmes, Thomas, ales, wines and liquors, tobacco, cigars, etc., 90
S. Elmira, h do, see adv page 62
Holt, Thomas, supt. and mgr. Tioga Silk Co., h Main
Homer, Charles, emp. furniture works, h Elm
Hood, A. William, bookkeeper Union Bridge Co., h 30 Bridge
Hood, Carrie E., widow Andrew W., h 30 Bridge
Hood, J. Nelson, civil engineer, bds 30 Bridge
Hooper, Andrew, laborer, bds S. Main
Hooper, John, laborer, h S. Main
Horey, John, laborer, bds River
Horey, Thomas, laborer, h River
Horton, Frank, teamster, h Susquehanna
Horton, Sarah, h 259 S. Main
Hosmer, Fred, emp. furniture works, h 33 Wheelock Ave.
Hotel Stimson, George H. Stimson, mgr., Main cor Susquehanna
Houghtalen, Charles, laborer, bds N. Main
House, Fred, emp. bridge works, h 45 River
Hovey, Otis E., civil engineer, h 2 Hopkins
Howe, Edward, mason contractor, North, h do
Howe, Edward, stone cutter, h 79 North
Howe, Theodore, stone mason, bds 79 North
Howland, Florence C., 10 North
Howland, Nettie P., widow Reed F., h 10 North
Hoyt, Louis T., lawyer and district attorney 146 S. Main, h 27 Chestnut
Hudson, Lena M., bds 13 S. Elmira
Hudson, Thomas L., blacksmith, h 13 S. Elmira
Huff, Ann E., widow Lewis W., h 62 Chestnut
Huff, Henry J., emp. bridge works, h 11 Maple
Huff, Isaac, emp. bridge works, bds 62 Chestnut
Huff, Walter, emp. bridge works, h Tyler
Hull, Charles T., reporter, h 12 Fury
Humphrey, George, cigarmaker, bds Hotel Stimson
Hungerford, George, cigarmaker, bds Hotel Stimson
Hunsiker, Cornelius, retired, h 259 S. Main
Hunsiker, Mary, h 259 S. Main
Hunsinger, Addison M., carpenter, h 8 Elm
Hunt, Isaac, emp. furniture works, h Hugh
Huntington, Lydia, widow Charles O., h 92 S. Main
Huntley, Minnie K., widow Frederick, h Vanderbilt
Irwin, John, emp. bridge works, h 101 Elmira
Jackson, Edward, porter Hotel Stimson
Jackson, Emma, bds Satterlee
Jackson, Frederick, laborer, h 67 North
Jackson, George, engineer, h 72 Welles Ave.
Jackson, John, deliveryman 123 S. Main, bds N. Main cor Spruce
Jackson, John, laborer, h Satterlee
Jackson, John M., clerk, bds 31 N. Main
Jackson, Lewis, laborer, bds Satterlee
Jackson, Sarah Mrs., h 31 N. Main
Jackson, William, laborer, h Satterlee
Jakeway, Edith, school teacher, bds 35 Satterlee
Jakeway, Ethan, emp. bridge works, h 35 Satterlee
Jakeway, Fred D., car repairer, h Hugh
Jakeway, George, clerk, bds 35 Satterlee
Jakeway, Harriet Mrs., h 10 South
Jakeway, Harriet F., school teacher, bds 10 South
Jakeway, Olive, h 10 South
Jakeway, T. Coleman, emp. bridge works, h 51 N. Main
Jayne, Doctor D., agent, h 23 South
Jenney, Carrie, domestic, 109 N. Elmira
Jenney, Clarence, laborer, h S. end S. Main
Johannis, Mary Mrs., laundress, h 82 North
Johnson, Chase E., machinist, bds Forrest House
Johnson, Clarence, painter, h Ann
Johnson, Earl F., baker, 147 S. Main, h Herrick
Johnson, Edward, laborer, h River
Johnson, Edward S. Jr., clerk 125 S. Main, bds do
Johnson, Elizabeth, h Cove
Johnson, Emery, bds 11 Penna Ave.
Johnson, Francis J., carpenter, h Ann
Johnson, Frank A., carpenter, h 13 Cherry
Johnson, Henry, laborer, h 65 Chestnut
Johnson, H. F., (Johnson & Son) Justice of the Peace, 117 S. Main,
h 20 S. Elmira
Johnson, Perley, brakeman, h Ann
Johnson & Son, (H. F. Johnson) attorneys and counsellors at law,
117 S. Main
Johnson, Truman, wagonmaker, bds 11 Penna Ave.
Johnson, William S., conductor, h Desmond cor Vanderbilt
Johnson, Wilson, laborer, h River
Johnston, George M., carriage making, repairing &c, h 11 Penna
Jones, Benson S., laborer, bds Elmira
Jones, Dell, widow John, h Center
Jones, Stephen O., farmer, leases of Fanny Long 80, h Elmira
Jordan, Charles S., bartender, h 15 Chestnut
Jordan, Orrin L., harness dealer Susquehanna, h S. Main
Judson, Azariah Dr., h 14 North
Kasenow, Walter C., laborer, h S. Main
Kaufman, Barney, clothier 154 S. Main, h 33 Herrick
Keech, James E., mason, h 59 Chestnut
Keech, May E., bds 59 Chestnut
Keech, Theron W., mason, h N. Main
Keefe, Alexander, h 5 Public
Keefe, Anna A., school teacher, bds North
Keefe, David A., civil engineer, h North
Keefe, John, emp. bridge works, h Willow
Keefe, Mary V., bds North
Keeler, George F., painter, bds 61 Chestnut
Keene, Sarah, widow Peter, bds Vanderbilt
Keener, David S., conductor L. V. R. R., h E. Pine
Keller, Electa L., widow John A., h 19 Lehigh Ave.
Keller, Robert, fireman L. V. R. R., h 19 Lehigh Ave.
Kelley, George, compositor Gazette, bds Hotel Stimson
Kelley, Patrick, section foreman, h 93 Elmira
Kellogg, Charles, boro councilman, prop. Kellogg Machine and Boiler
works, Farmer's Bank Bldg, Main, h 90 do
Kellogg, Erastus W., supt. Kellogg Boiler and Machine works, bds Maple
Kellogg Machine and Boiler Works, Charles Kellogg, prop., Main
Kelly, Locern W., h 18 Harris
Kendall, Lum J., emp. bridge works, h Hugh
Kendall, Owen C., cabinet maker, h 49 Willow
Kennedy, George, laborer, bds 55 S. Elmira
Kennedy, John, h Elm
Kennedy, William, laborer, bds 55 S. Elmira
Kerwick, Catharine, cook Forrest House
Kiess, Jacob F., wagon maker, Herrick, h 45 do
Kiff, Charles S., carpenter, h Orchard
Kiff, Horace A., h 26 Bridge
Kiff, Maude, school teacher, bds Orchard
Kiff, Sarah M., school teacher, bds Orchard
Kilholland, Thomas F., bartender, bds Forrest House
Kimble, Dora, bds S. Main
Kimble, John J., blacksmith, h S. Main
King, Fred A., tinsmith, G. A. Kinney, h Susquehanna
Kingsley, Charles B., draughtsman, bds Walnut
Kingsley, Felix, h 153 Main
Kingsley, John F., machinist, h Walnut
Kinner, Charles E., emp. bridge works, h Spruce
Kinner, Charles M., brakeman L. V. R. R., h 63 Church
Kinner, Floyd L., dry goods, carpets, cloaks, etc., Main cor Bridge,
h 14 Hopkins, see adv bottom lines
Kinner, Martha, widow Alanson A., bds 14 Hopkins
Kinney, George A., hardware, plumbing, steam and hot water heating,
paints and oils, Main cor Bridge, h S. Main cor Chestnut
Kinney, Ely M., mechanical engineer, h S. Main cor Chestnut
Knaresboro, John, clerk 123 S. Main, bds Bridge
Knaresboro, John P., bottler, Susquehanna, h Bridge
Knaresboro, Nicholas, clerk, Susquehanna, h 42 Bridge
Knibbs, Cornelius, h River
Kramer, John M., emp L. V. R. R. shops, h Cooper cor First
Kramer, John M., saloon, S. Main, h do
Kramer, John T., student, bds S. Main
Krom, Frederick J., groceries and provisions, S. Main, h S. Main
Kunes, Charles B., (Botsford & Kunes of Sayre) h 76 S. Main
Kunes, John, carpenter, h 10 W. Pine
Kunes, P. Wallace, carpenter, h 93 Wells
Kunes, William C., carpenter, h Church cor Cooper
Lake, G. Frank, brakeman L. V. R. R., h Willow
Lamberson, Abigail, widow O. Daniel, h Short
Lambert, George, compositor News, h First, Sayre
Lane, Gertrude E. Mrs., (Allen & Lane) h 100 S. Main
Lane, Leon K., machinist, h E. Pine
Lane, Noel W., carpenter, h E. Pine
Langland, Ole J., emp. furniture works, h Tyler
Lantz, E. Belle, bds 22 South
Larkin, Bridget, domestic, 270 S. Main
Larkin, Margaret, emp. silk mill, bds S. Main
Larkin, Patrick, bds S. Main
Lauer, Bernerd F., shoemaker, S. Main, h Tyler
Lawler, Thomas, emp. bridge works, h Penna Ave.
Lawler, Harvey, emp. bridge works, bds N. Main
Lawler, William H., emp. bridge works, h N. Main
Lawler, Zilla, widow James, h N. Main
Lawrence, Charles R., picture framing, h 14 Spruce
Layton, Samuel S., h Willow
Leahey, James, emp. bridge works, h Center
Leahey, John, brakeman L. V. R. R., bds Center
Leahey, Mildred, bds Center
Learcock, Mary, cook, 193 S. Main
Leary, Ella, dressmaker, bds Center
Leary, George, driver, h Center
Leary, Hannah, bookkeeper 123 S. Main, bds Center
Leary, James, emp. furniture works, bds Center
Leary, Kate, bds Center
Leary, Margaret, bds Center
Leary, Thomas, laborer, h Bridge
Lee, Eugene, emp. furniture works, bds 50 Chestnut
Lee, Samuel W., h 59 North
Leers, William R., emp. bridge works, h 56 N. Main
Leighton, William H., watchman L. V. crossing, h 24 North
Lennon, Rose, waitress Hotel Stimson
Lenox, Charles, emp. furniture works, bds 50 Chestnut
Lenox, Daniel, emp. bridge works, h 50 Chestnut
Lent, Adeline S., school teacher, h S. Main
Lent, Mattie E., h S. Main
Leonard, Arthur, laborer, bds 8 Walnut
Leonard, Frank, carpenter, h 8 Walnut
Leonard, John G., machinist, h W. Pine
Leonard, Raymond, emp. furniture works, bds 130 Elmira
Leonard, Silas, lumber scaler, h 130 Elmira
Leonard, William, bookkeeper, h 11 North
Lewis, Charles, bds 68 1/2 Center
Lewis, Margaret Mrs., bds S. Main
Lewis, Volney C., machinist, h 68 1/2 Center
Lindsay, Grant W., cigarmaker, h 6 Elm
Linehan, Frank, tanner, bds River
Linehan, Henry, emp. Union Bridge Co., h River
Little, Frank, moulder, h 83 S. Elmira
Little, John, laborer, h S. Elmira
Little, Stanley J., grocer and baker, 147 S. Main, h 193 do
Loan, Agnes, domestic, 270 S. Main
Lockwood, Samuel S., assessor, h 180 S. Main
Lockwood, S. S. Mrs., milliner, h 180 S. Main
Loomis, Eugene J., laborer, h N. Main
Loomis, Mark B., bookkeeper Athens Furniture Co., h Ferry
Loomis, Sidney R., emp. bridge works, h 26 Spruce
Loomis, Winifred, domestic, S. Main
Louden, John W., music teacher, rooms 26 Elm
Loughhead, Esther A., widow John, h 24 Paine
Lovell, Oliver L., laborer, h 13 Paine
Lowe, Fred, (Athens Lumber Co.), h 10 Willow
Lowe, Polly Mrs., bds 11 South
Lowman, Alice M., dressmaker, h 6 Tyler
Lowman, James G., emp. bridge works, h 6 Tyler
Lucas, Uriah, yardman Hotel Stimson
Luckey, Frank E., clerk, h 46 Maple
Lurcock, Elery, laborer, h 68 Center
Lurcock, Perley, laborer, bds 68 Center
Lynch, Eugene T., clerk Hotel Stimson, bds do
Lynch, James, gardener, h Bridge
Lynch, John, watchman L. V. shops, h 92 Main
Lynch, Louise, bds Bridge
Lynch, Mary, cook Hotel Stimson
Lynch, Patrick C., conductor W. S. & A. R. R., h Tyler
Lyon, George Jr., street sprinkler, h 15 Chestnut
Lyons, John, machinist, h Orchard
Lyons, Smith E., Erie ticket agent, Waverly N.Y., h Locust
Macafee, Arthur J., foreman D. J. Macafee, h S. Main
Macafee, Dana J., wholesale and retail dealer in grain, flour, feed,
hay, straw, coal and wood, plaster, cement, salt, etc., also grower of
fruits and berries, telephone connection, Main n depot, h 305 S. Main,
see adv page 16
Macafee, George, laborer, bds S. Main
Macafee, John B., car repairer, h 11 Spruce
Macafee, Judson, dealer in agricultural implements, prop. creamery
and dealer in milk, breeder of and dealer in thoroughbred Holstein cattle,
dairy 60 cows, fruit grower, market gardener and dealer in farm seeds,
tobacco grower 14 and farmer leaves of Joseph P. Kirby of Almeda, Cal.
450, farm in Sheshequin 162, S. end S. Main, see adv. page 80
Macdaugh, Archie, emp. bridge works, h 13 Public
Macdaugh, Archie F., emp. bridge works, bds 13 Public
MacDonald, W. S., mgr. Union Bridge works, h 68 S. Main
Madison, Hardy R., brakeman L. V. R. R., h Paine
Mahaney, Daniel, laborer, bds Penna Ave.
Mahaney, Jerry, laborer, h Penna Ave.
Mahaney, Mary, school teacher, bds Penna Ave.
Mahaney, Nora, school teacher, bds Penna Ave.
Mallory, Frederick, bridge erector, h River cor Public
Manchester, Dora, nurse, S. Elmira, bds do
Manchester, Henry H., tree agent, h S. Elmira
Manchester, H. Harry, machinist, bds S. Elmira
Manchester, Maude, bds S. Elmira
Maney, James B., (Maney & Page) h 36 Bridge
Maney and Page, (James B. Maney and Walter T. Page) clothing and gents
furnishing goods, 148-150 S. Main, see adv bottom lines
Marsh, Claude P., draughtsman, h 16 S. Main
Marsh, Nathan F., conductor L. V. R. R., h 73 N. Main
Marsh, Martha J., widow J. Lee, h 16 S. Main
Marsh, Nettie, bds 73 N. Main
Martin, Charles, laborer, h Ann
Martin, Lena, bds Ann
Marvin, Louis, clerk 123 S. Main, h S. Elmira cor Paine
Matteson, Sidney R., cabinet maker, h 6 New
Maurice, Archibald, civil engineer, bds 270 S. Main
Maurice, Charles S., h 270 S. Main
Maurice, Cornelia, bds 270 S. Main
Maurice, George H., civil engineer, h S. Main
Maurice, Margaret, bds 270 S. Main
Maurice, Marion, bds 270 S. Main
May, Nellie Mrs., h 154 S. Main
Mayhood, Eliza, cigar maker, bds Willow
Mayhood, Leonard, cigar maker, bds 57 Willow
Mayhood, Mary, widow Samuel, h Willow
Maynard, H. F. & Son, (H. F. & P. E.) lawyers, S. Main cor
Maynard, Hiram F., (F. H. Maynard & Son) h 23 N. Main
Maynard, Paul E., (H. F. Maynard & Son) h 57 N. Main
McAsey, John, emp. bridge works, bds Forrest House
McCanna, Mary J., school teacher, bds Vanderbilt
McCarthy, David J., emp. furniture works, h 12 New
McCarthy, Frank W., cabinetmaker, bds N. Main
McCaslin, Albert C., horseshoeing and general blacksmithing Locust,
h Main cor Locust
McClen, George, carpenter, h N. Main
McCormick, Mary, widow Joseph, h Longway
McCoy, Addie, domestic, 305 S. Main
McCoy, Norman, clerk L. V. depot, h 11 New
McCurdy, Delos, h S. Main
McCurdy, Henry, bds S. Main
McDaniels, Eugene, emp. boiler shop, h Maple
McDaniels, Joseph, emp. Union Bridge Co., h River
McDaniels, Willis, emp. Union Bridge Co., h First
McDonough, Francis P., confectionary and shoemaker 181 S. Main, h do
McDonough, John, shoemaker, bds 181 S. Main
McDonough, Sarah, bds 181 S. Main
McGovern, Almera Mrs., boarding house, 20 N. Main
McGovern, Andrew C., constable, h 20 N. Main
McGovern, Girdwin, emp. bridge works, h 26 Elm
McGovern, Harry, laborer, bds 20 N. Main
McGraw, Ella, domestic, S. Main
McGraw, John, laborer, h 79 Center
McKean, Adelbert A., emp. Union Bridge Co., h 17 Spruce
McKean, Amy, clerk, bds 52 Willow
McKean, Deborah Mrs., grocer Penn Ave., h 52 Willow
McKean, J. Fred, emp. Bridge Co., h 52 Willow
McKernan, Mary Ann, bds Hotel Stimson
McKinney, Alonzo, jeweler 8 Center, h 9 Ferry
McKinney, Chester, agent, bds 30 N. Main
McMinn, John, waiter, S. Main
McMinn, Marie, housekeeper, S. Main
McMorran, Elizabeth Mrs., h Willow
McMorran, Elizabeth J., compositor, h Willow
McMorran, George D., clerk, 147 S. Main, h Tyler
McMorran, Margaret Mrs., h 31 N. Main
McMorran, Mary A., bookkeeper D. J. Macafee, h 31 N. Main
McMorran, William A., car repairer, h Willow
McNamara, Charles, bds Cherry, cor Locust ave
McNamara, John, painter, h Cherry cor Locust Ave.
McNamara, Joseph, clerk 145 S. Main, bds Cherry cor Locust Ave.
McNamara, Mary, bds Cherry cor Locust Ave.
McNeal, Lenora, domestic, S. Main
Mead, Charles L., (Mead Bros. of Sayre) bds Hotel Stimson
Mee, John, restaurant, Susquehanna, h do
Mee, Michael, emp. tannery, h S. Main
Mee, Michael F., clerk, 205 S. Main, bds Susquehanna
Merithew, Eva, domestic, 87 S. Elmira
Merrill, Eli N., carpenter, h North
Merrill, Lizzie, bds Bridge
Merrill, Mabel, bds Bridge
Merritt, Gerald, clerk S. Main, bds Willow
Middaugh, Albert B., livery and boarding stable Susquehanna, h 34 Bridge
Middaugh, Charles H., laborer, h Church
Middaugh, Louise Mrs., dressmaker Church, h do
Middendorf, Frank X., carpenter, h Spruce
Miller, Bessie, bds Center
Miller, Charles, emp. furniture works, h Willow
Miller, Charles, laborer, h Susquehanna
Miller, Daisy, bds Center
Miller, Edward, emp. furniture works, bds Willow
Miller, Eunice C., widow Henry A., h 28 N. Main
Miller, Frank, emp. Union Bridge Co., bds 55 Chestnut
Miller, Fred, cabinetmaker, h N. Elmira
Miller, George W., (Geo. W. Miller & Co.) funeral director and
embalmer, h 44 S. Main
Miller, Geo. W. and Co., (Geo. W. M. & Rogers & Taylor) undertakers
and embalmers 108-110-112 S. Main, see adv page 92
Miller, James, h 55 Chestnut
Miller & Pierce, (W. S. M. & C. L. P.) groceries and provisions,
S. Main
Miller, Oliver, laborer, h Spruce
Miller, Willis S., (Miller & Pierce), h Center
Mills, Charles E., lawyer Maynard block, S. Main, h 52 S. Main
Mills, George, emp. bridge works, bds Penn Ave.
Mills, John, cabinetmaker, h Penn Ave.
Mingle, Mary M., widow Henry M., h S. Main cor Paine
Mingos, George W., flagman L. V. R. R., h Hugh
Mingos, W. Leslie, laborer, h 45 South
Minier, Solomon, emp. bridge works, bds Pike
Mitchell, Harriet S. Mrs., dressmaker S. Main, h do
Mitchell, Maurice M., painter, h E. Pine
Mitchell, William A., clerk, h S. Main
Mitten, Frank S., telegrapher, bds 39 Tyler
Mitten, Loula M., dressmaker, bds 39 Tyler
Mitten, Nancy J., widow William J., h 39 Tyler
Molloy, Patrick, laborer, h S. Main
Moloney, James, laborer, h S. Elmira
Moloney, Mary, clerk, bds S. Elmira
Monroe, Frank, mason, bds Willow
Monroe, Reuben, mason, h Willow
Moody, Arthur, painter, bds 20 N. Main
Moody, Frank E., bicycles, bicycle sundries, repairing &c Elmira
cor Bridge, h 83 S. Elmira
Moody, Frank H., painter, h Church
Moody, Lemuel L., brakeman L. V. R. R., h Frederick
Moody, Lizzie M., dressmaker, bds Church
Moody, Malcolm T., carpenter, h Frederick
Moon, Arthur, carpenter, h Paine
Moore, C. L., draughtsman, bds Hotel Stimson
Moore, Fred M., machinist, h Tyler
Moore, James R., janitor high school, h Maple
Moore, James S., clerk S. Main, bds Tyler
Moore, John G., emp. furniture works, h Pike
Morehouse, Adelbert, mason, bds N. Main
Morey, Edgar B., physician 12 Center, h do
Morgan, Fred, emp. bridge works, bds 19 Lehigh Ave.
Morgan, Harry D., emp. bridge works, h N. Main cor Cherry
Morgan, William, painter, bds 32 Penna Ave.
Morison, William C., bookkeeper Union Bridge Co., h N. Main
Morris, Mary F., bds 30 N. Elmira
Morris, Theodore, driver 123 S. Main, h 9 Center
Morris, Thomas L., laborer, h Elm
Morse, Alvin C., fireman, h 52 Penna Ave.
Morse, Charles H., drayman and express, h 41 Satterlee
Morse, Floyd B., gas and steam fitter, h 45 N. Elmira
Morse, George W., special examiner of pensions, Albany, NY, h 45 N.
Morse, Grace M., dressmaker, h 41 Satterlee
Morse, Milo, painter, h Hugh
Mott, Helen C. Mrs., h 20 North
Mowrer, James, emp. furniture works, h 2 Pike
Mullen, Emma, dressmaker, h 93 N. Main
Mulligan, Robert J., chief police, h 34 Maple
Mullins, Michael J., laborer, h 83 River
Munn, Frank A., laborer, h Hugh
Munn, George, emp. bridge works, bds 20 N. Main
Munn, Guy, hay presser, h Spruce cor Short
Murphy, Eugene, emp. bridge works, h Church
Murphy, Michael J., cashier Athens National Bank, bds Hotel Stimson
Murray, Clinton, laborer, h 70 Center
Murray, Michael J., laborer, h S. Main
Murray, Millard P., (Murray & Sawtelle) real estate 127 Main, h
296 S. Main
Murrelle & Carter, (Joseph W. M. and Ernest F. C.) dentists 15
Center, see adv page 96
Murrelle, Joseph W., D. D. S., (Murrelle & Carter) h 15 Center
Mushizer, Ida M., school teacher, bds S. Main
Myer, Charles M., dealer in coal, wood, lime, cement, lath, shingles,
patent wall plaster and builders' supplies, Walnut n R. R., h 209 S. Main,
see adv page 62
Myers, Ida Mrs., h Elm
Naylon, John C., clerk Forrest House, bds do
Nearing, George, butler, 266 S. Main
Neice, Jacob, emp. Furniture works, h 32 Penna Ave.
Nevins, Alonzo H., emp. Union Bridge Co., h 46 Penna Ave.
Nevins, Francis A., h S. Main
Nevins, Frank H., machinist, h 9 First
Nevins, Mahlon W., commercial traveler, h S. Main
Newman, Ansel W., clerk, h South
Newman, James, night watchman Union Bridge Co., h S. Main
Newman, Thaddeus S., clerk, bds Elmira cor Center
Newman, Walter G., dry goods, shoes and ladies' wraps, Sanford bld'g,
S. Main, h Elmira cor Center
Newman, William C., clerk, bds Elmira cor Center
Newton, Evelyn, laborer, h Church
New York and Pennsylvania Telephone and Telegraph Co., I. K. Park,
mgr., S. Main
Nichols, Albert E., telegrapher, h 33 South
Nichols, Cullen F., city ticket agent L. V. R. R., 119 S. Main, h 34
Nichols, Delia, widow John, bds 92 Wells Ave.
Nichols, Lyman, laborer, h Short
Nichols, Robert A., baggage master L. V. depot, h 12 Hopkins
Nicholson, John, tanner, h S. Main
Nicholson, Winifred, widow William, bds Tyler
Noble, Andrew J., h 9 Center
Noble, Elizabeth G., widow Charles E., h S. Main
Northrup, Anna, widow Squire, h S. Main
Northrup, Arletta, widow Daniel, h S. Main
Northrup, Carl, emp. L. V. R. R., h Desmond n boro line
Northrup, Charles L., carpenter, h 11 Walnut
Northrup, Edward, emp. L. V. R. R., bds Desmond n boro line
Northrup, Elizabeth, bds S. Main
Northrup, Eva J., widow Gordon, h Desmond n boro line
Northrup, George H., (G. H. Northrup & Co.) h Chestnut
Northrup, G. H. & Co., (G. H. N. & F. T. Page) produce and
seeds, Susquehanna
Northrup, Isaac L., h Maple, cor Ferry
Northrup, Samuel, laborer, bds Public
Northrup, Sarah, bds S. Main
Northrup, William F., carpenter, h 47 Cherry
Nutt, William H., carpenter, h Cherry
O'Brien, Daniel, emp. L. V. shops, h Spruce
O'Brien, Michael, moulder, h 39 Walnut
O'Burns, Anna, bds 9 New
O'Burns, Margaret E., school teacher, bds 9 New
O'Burns, Mary Mrs., h 9 New
O'Day, Harry A., teacher high school, h S. Main cor Ferry
O'Hare, Michael, bds Pike
Olendorf, James H., painter, h Chestnut
Olendorf, Winifred, bookkeeper S. Main, bds Chestnut
O'Neill, Daniel, brakeman, h 6 Penna Ave.
O'Neill, Jerry, emp. bridge works, h 2 Tyler
O'Neill, Mary Mrs., h 6 Penna Ave.
O'Neill, Stephen, emp. bridge works, h N. Elmira
Osborne, Elmer L., h 124 Elmira
Osborne, Charles, machinist, h Bridge
Osborne, Curtis R., student, bds 17 N. Main
Osborne, Ira, laborer, h 81 S. Elmira
Osborne, William H., station agt. L. V. depot, h 17 N. Main
Ostrander & Carter, (C. W. O. & F. E. C.) barbers and jewelers,
171 S. Main
Ostrander, Charles W., (Ostrander & Carter) h 88 North
Ostrander, Mary, bds 88 North
Ovenshire, Clarence L., agent, h 152 S. Main
Ovenshire, Maude, bds 152 S. Main
Owen, A. Reuben, machinist, h N. Main
Page, Bertha A., bds S. Main
Page, Charles M., carpenter, h 11 W. Pine
Page, Edgar M., time keeper, h Desmond
Page, Emma L., bds S. Main
Page, Foster C., express messenger, bds 11 W. Pine
Page, Fountain T., (G. H. Northrup & Co.) vice pres., Farmer's
Nat Bank, h S. Main
Page, Louis F., student, bds S. Main
Page, Robert F., teller Farmer's Nat. Bank, h S. Main
Page, Walter T., (Maney & Page) h 51 S. Elmira
Palmer, Arthur P., emp. L. V. shops, h 110 Elmira
Palmer, Stephen R., h 23 Willow
Park, Eliva, seamstress, h 81 S. Elmira
Park, Irving K., mgr. N. Y. & Pa. Telephone & Telegraph Co.
and Postal Telegraph Cable Co., agt U. S. Ex. Co. and dealer in cameras,
kodaks and photographic supplies, S. Main, h Hopkins
Park, Lydia M., widow Dana, bds S. Main cor Harris
Park, Matthew, foreman Gas Co., h Bridge
Park, Robert B., draughtsman, h S. Main cor Harris
Park, William C., emp. L. V. shops, h 71 Willow
Parsons, Alice, music teacher, Chestnut, bds do
Parsons, George W., special policeman, h Chestnut
Parsons, Henry T., physician and surgeon, office hours until 9 a.m.,
1 to 2:30 and 6:30 to 8 p.m., Farmer's Nat. Bank bldg, Main, rooms do
Patton, L. Harry, carpenter, h 9 Vanderbilt
Patterson, John A., emp. L. V. shops, h Church cor Orchard
Payne, Walter M., emp. bridge works, h 51 Hugh
Pearl, Myron, car repairer, h Ann
Peck, Charles, emp. bridge works, bds 5 Maple
Peck, Edward D., pattern maker, h S. Main
Peck, George, asst. foreman bridge works, h 5 Maple
Peck, Irene, bds S. Main
Peck, William, emp. bridge works, bds 5 Maple
Pendleton, George L., h S. Main cor Ferry
Pepper, William J., brakeman L. V. R. R., h Satterlee
Perine, Edward, brakeman, h N. Main
Perkins, Edward H., h 266 S. Main
Perkins, Fred C., sign painter, h 156 S. Main
Perkins, Sarah A., h S. Main
Perry's Fair Store, Anna F. Baker, mgr., notions, etc., 117 S. Main
Peters, Charles B., emp. bridge works, h 81 N. Main
Peters, Harriet B., widow James, h 81 N. Main
Peterson, John, meat market, S. Main, h 13 South
Peterson, Lilly, domestic, Maney & Page blk
Phelps, Adelia, widow Harmon A., h 88 So. Main
Phelps, Bert, laborer, bds Spencer cor Short
Phing, Frank, moulder, h S. Main
Phinney, Leroy, laundryman, bds S. Main
Phinney, Letta Mrs., restaurant, S. Main, h do
Pierce, C. Leslie, (Miller & Pierce), h 51 Willow
Pierce, Ida, school teacher, bds 245 S. Main
Pitcher, Perry M., fireman, h 29 Lehigh Ave.
Pomeroy, Paul W., coachman, h 24 South
Porter, Alonzo, boots and shoes S. Main, h Center cor Elmira
Post, Perley, carpenter, bds 1 Desmond
Postal Telegraph Cable Co., I. K. Park, mgr., S. Main
Potter, Ezra C., clerk G. A. Kinney, h Paine
Potter, Isaiah, shoemaker S. Elmira, bds Paine
Presbyterian Church, Rev. W. H. Sawtelle, pastor, S. Main
Preston, Henry W., civil engineer, h S. Main
Preston, Judson H., draughtsman, bds S. Main
Price, J. Henry, asst. postmaster Main, h South
Price, William, h 26 South
Prince, Albert A., bds 19 First
Prince, Alta A., h 3 Chemung
Prince, Ira W., emp. bridge works, h 19 First
Prince, J. Frank, carpenter, h 3 Chemung
Prince, Lavere W., drug clerk 93 S. Main, bds 12 Tyler
Prince, Mable E., clerk, bds 3 Chemung
Prince, Walter E., clerk, bds 3 Chemung
Purvis, William, mason, h 55 S. Elmira
Putnam, Lewis J., emp. furniture works, h Willow
Queer, Henry E., conductor, h 11 Desmond
Quinn, John, tanner, h S. Main
Racket Store, Angell & Wheelock proprs. Main opp Susquehanna
Ragland, John C., engineer L. V. R. R., h N. Main
Randolph, Arthur, laborer, bds Frederick
Randolph, Charles, brakeman, bds 11 North
Randolph, Floyd, laborer, bds Frederick
Randolph, Lloyd, laborer, bds Frederick
Ranney, Archie, laundryman, bds Elm
Ranney, Archie C., laborer, h 33 Elm
Ranney, Jessie B. Mrs., h 33 Elm
Rasbridge, George C., yardmaster at Sayre, h 74 N. Main
Raub, Charles W., clerk 90 S. Elmira, bds South
Raub, James, machinist, h Wells Ave. cor Frederick
Raub, Joseph U., machinist, bds Wells Ave. cor Frederick
Raup, George H., com. trav., bds 236 S. Main
Raup, Henry F., express messenger, h Hopkins
Raup, Percy M., clerk, h 236 S. Main
Raupers, Charles, laborer, bds Penna Ave.
Raupers, Louis, cabinetmaker, h Penna Ave.
Raupers, Mary, dressmaker, bds Penna Ave.
Raupers, Peter, laborer, bds Penna Ave.
Rawley, Mabel, domestic, 40 South
Reeves, Charles S., upholsterer 44 South, h 46 do
Reeves, William, laborer, bds 35 South
Reilly, John B., conductor, h 292 S. Main
Reynolds, Daniel, bds 18 Spruce
Reynolds, Forrest W., brakeman L. V. R. R., h Wells Ave.
Reynolds, Frank, machinist, bds 62 Chestnut
Reynolds, Frank, laborer, h 18 Spruce
Reynolds, Joshua S., laborer, h Willow
Reynolds, Theodore, laborer, bds 18 Spruce
Rhoades, Bert, meat cutter E. B. Carner, h N. Main cor Vanderbilt
Rhodes, Fred Dana, draughtsman, h 189 S. Main
Richer, William, laborer, bds Spruce
Rider, Charles F., fireman bridge works, h Chestnut
Rider, Lily Mrs., h 69 Chestnut
Ridgeway, Robert E., fireman L. V. R. R., h 19 Walnut
Rifenburg, Elmer, laborer, h Spruce
Rikert, George W., well driller, h 122 N. Main
Rinehart, Clara, cook, S. Main
Rishel, E. Clark, dentist over postoffice Main, bds Stimson House
Roach, John, emp. bridge works, h 26 Tyler
Robinson, Charles B., emp. tannery, h 72 North
Robinson, David T., laborer, h 63 North
Robinson, Jesse P., principal Athens school, bds 245 S. Main
Rockwell, Edson A., carpenter, h 14 W. Pine
Rockwell, Emmett, laborer, h Orchard
Rockwell, George W., clerk, bds 4 Hopkins
Rockwell, J. Lester, student, bds 14 W. Pine
Rockwell, James W., teamster, h Maple
Rockwell, Lizzie Mrs., h Maple
Rockwell, Paul, wood carver, h 8 South
Rogers, Charles F., (Rogers & Taylor) h 1 Edward, foot of Herrick
Rogers, Lucretia, widow Martin, h Center
Rogers, Mashall S., shoemaker S. Main cor Elmira, bds in Waverly
Rogers & Taylor, (C. F. Rogers & H. H. Taylor) dealers in fine
and medium furniture 108-110-112 S. Main, see adv page 92
Rogers, Ward, emp. L. V. shops, h 10 Cooper
Rolls, Edwin M., wagonmaker Herrick, h 27 Tyler
Rose, George W., laborer, h 9 Wheelock
Rosengrant, James, bds Hugh
Ross, Addie, widow John B., h Susquehanna
Ross, Charles, laborer, h Susquehanna
Ross, Frankie, bds Susquehanna
Ross, Horace, laborer, h Susquehanna
Ross, Laura Mrs., h Susquehanna
Rothloff, Lena, bds Spruce
Rothloff, Michael, emp. Union Bridge Co., h Spruce
Rowe, Bert, painter, h Desmond
Ruggles, Abbie, widow Samuel, h 77 Center
Ruggles, Goodrich, emp. furniture works, bds 77 Center
Ruggles, John A., dry goods, carpets and wall papers 145 S. Main, h
S. Main cor North
Russell, Allen, emp. Finch Bros., h E. Athens
Russell, Warren T., emp. L. V. shops, h Hugh
Rutledge, Sadie E., widow George, h 49 Chestnut
Ryan, Alice, bds 25 Chestnut
Ryan, Bessie, cook Forrest House
Ryan, John E., carpenter, bds 25 Chestnut
Ryan, Mary, waitress Forrest House
Ryan, Michael, laborer, h Susquehanna
Ryan, Michael, emp. bridge works, h 25 Chestnut
Ryan, Nellie L., bds 25 Chestnut
Sairs, Frank G., postmaster Main, h 21 Main cor Willow
Sairs, Harley W., clerk postoffice, bds 21 Main cor Willow
Sairs, Leslie M., clerk postoffice, bds 21 Main cor Willow
Salisbury, Ellen, bds 13 Paine
Sandaal, J. Henry Rev., rector Church of the Holy Ghost, h 30 N. Elmira
Sanford & Copeland, (John T. S. and William W. C.) druggist and
stationers 193 S. Main, see adv page 96
Sanford, John T., (S. & Copland) 193 S. Main, bds Hotel Stimson
Sanford, Leander, h 10 Center
Saphar, George W., laborer, h 30 Spruce
Saphar, Henry, laborer, bds 30 Spruce
Satterlee, Hyatt, clerk, h S. Main
Sawtelle, Addrew H., editor Sayre edition Evening News, bds 16 Chemung
Sawtelle, William H. Rev., pastor Presbyterian church, h 16 Chemung
Sawyer, Angeline, h 304 S. Main
Sawyer, James L., laborer, h S. Main
Sawyer, William W., gardener, h 12 Harris
Schaleitner, Charles, emp. furniture works, h Willow cor Pike
Schaleitner, Frank, laborer, h Pike
Schell, Thomas E., emp. L. V. shops, h 17 Longway
Schenck, Agatha Mrs., bds Forrest House
Schenck, John C., propr. Forrest House, Main cor Herrick, see adv.
page 80
Schermerhorn, Alexander B., peddler, h 54 Penn Ave.
Schermerhorn, Thomas W., laborer, h 58 Willow
Schermerhorn, William A., laborer, h 12 Cherry
Schnell, Frederick J., postal clerk, h 79 Welles Ave.
Schrier, Charles E., (Schrier Bros.) h 8 Harris
Schrier Bros., (Frank H. & C. E.) cigar manufacturers 157 S. Main
Schrier, Frank H., (Schrier Bros.) bds 7 Willow
Schrier, Louis, cigarmaker, h 8 Harris
Schrier, Louis J., cigarmaker, h 26 Willow
Schurig, Ernest G., draughtsman, bds S. Main
Scott, George B., laborer, h Spruce
Scoville, Andrew, laborer, h 30 Spruce
Seacord, Emma C., widow George, h 71 North
Seacord, John E., laborer, h 71 North
Seely, Mrs., h 3 Desmond
Seely, Charles, h 3 Desmond
Segar, David D., brakeman L. V. R. R., h Willow
Segar, Lee, barber, bds Herrick
Sexton, Milo S., tinsmith, h 21 Hugh
Shannon, Patrick J., clerk, bds 26 Center
Shaw, Lyman F., grocer S. Main, h North
Shaw, Myra A., bds 156 S. Main
Shaw, William H., sale and feed stable Herrick, h 156 S. Main
Sheldon, Hiram C., carpenter, h 126 Elmira
Shell, Edward, emp. D. J. Macafee, h Longway
Shepard, Sarah J., widow Dayton, bds S. Main cor North
Sheridan, Robert E., foundry S. Elmira, h Paine cor Elmira
Sherman, Andrew, laborer, h River cor Susquehanna
Sherman, Frederick H., constable, h 31 Elm
Sherman, John S., bus driver, h 42 South
Sherman, Lee, hostler, rooms Susquehanna
Shoemaker, Fred E., millwright, h Hugh
Shores, Charles L., laborer, h Desmond cor Frederick
Sickler, Fred, emp. silk mills, h Penna Ave.
Simmons, Frank, emp. furniture works, h Willow
Simmons, Robert F., mgr. 115 S. Main, h Chestnut
Sinsabaugh, Alonzo M., emp. Union Bridge Co., h 41 South
Sitgraves, Theodore R., bookkeeper Union Bridge Co., h 108 Elmira
Sivelhong, H. F., draughtsman, bds S. Main
Slocum, Andrew J., mail carrier, h Paine
Slocum, Mary A., widow Orlando P., h Maple
Slocum, Susie M., milliner, bds 12 Center
Smith, Abigail, widow Harry, h 49 Spruce
Smith, Augustus B., h 16 Chemung
Smith, Burdett, mason, h Center
Smith, Charles M., sec. Y. M. C. A., bds 25 S. Main
Smith, Dart, emp. bridge works, h Willow
Smith, Emeline, widow Almeron, bds Wells Ave. cor Pine
Smith, Emerson, mason, h Longway cor Penna Ave.
Smith, Etta, widow Ernest B., h r 36 Elm
Smith, Fanny W., widow Harry, bds Center
Smith, F. Dayton, engineer L. V. R. R., h Wells Ave. cor Pine
Smith, Fred, compositor, h Chestnut
Smith, Fred, laborer, h S. Main
Smith, Fred, painter, bds 34 Bridge
Smith, Fred H., compositor, h Chestnut
Smith, Frederick, boat maker, h 66 River
Smith, Hulon C., fruit tree agent, h S. Main
Smith, John C., emp bridge works, h 9 Walnut
Smith, John W., laborer, h S. end S. Main
Smith, Joseph, laborer, h 6 Spruce
Smith, Orlo J., emp. L. V. shops, h Frederick
Smith, Rebecca Mrs., h Elmira cor Hugh
Smith, Theodore, laborer, bds 6 Spruce
Smith, Victor L., laborer, h Orchard n Desmond
Smith, William H., bds Willow
Snedeker, Abraham L., carpenter, h 38 Bridge
Snell, Anna T., bds S. Main
Snell, Charlotte E., h S. Main
Snell, Elmira, widow Abram, h S. Main
Snell, Isaac P., market gardener, h Cove n boro line
Snow, Edward, florist, 121 N. Main, h at Sayre
Snyder, Charles E., emp. L. V. shops, h 77 Wells Ave.
Snyder, Emma N., clerk Racket Store, bds 17 Bridge
Snyder, Richard, mgr. milk station, n Elmira, h do
Somerville, George B., (Griswold & Somerville) h 5 Chestnut
Sorenson, Christian M. A., mechanical engineer and millwright, manuf.
of agricultural implements, engines boilers, etc., Harris
Southard, John L., blacksmith, Elmira, h 43 Locust
Sparhawk, George F., emp. bridge works, h S. Main cor Ferry
Spaulding, Adelbert, laborer, h 6 Longway
Spaulding, Edward, fireman, h 86 S. Main
Spear, Frank, emp. furniture works, h 44 Paine
Spellman, Thomas, night watchman furniture works, h 51 Spruce
Spillane, Daniel James, meat cutter E. B. Carner, bds 38 South
Spillane, John, clerk E. B. Carner, bds 87 S. Elmira
Spillane, John H., laborer, bds South
Spillane, Mary J., cashier E. B. Carner, bds 38 South
Spillane, Michael, bridge carpenter, h 38 South
Springer, John L., laborer, h Willow
Stacy, Edna B., bds Center
Stacy, Leon S., drayman, Center, h do
Stahley, draughtsman, bds 245 S. Main
Stalford, Jesse T., jeweler and optician, 117 S. Main, h do
Stanton, Charles, emp. pipe lines, bds 40 South
Stanton, Larue, laborer, bds 258 S. Main
Stecker, E. Malinda, widow William, h 49 Center
Stehle, Felix, emp. bridge works, bds S. Main
Stephens, Alexander A., engineer L. V. R. R., h Wells Ave. n boro line
Stevens, Charles J., machinist, h 27 Penna Ave.
Stevens, Cyrus Lee, physician and surgeon, office hours 8 to 9 a.m.,
1 to 4 and 7 to 8 p.m., 25 S. Main, h do
Stewart, Benjamin F., brakeman L. V. R. R., h Frederick
Stickel, Harry, laborer, bds 18 Satterlee
Stickel, Jacob A., emp. Union Bridge Co., h 18 Satterlee
Stiles, Milton D., com trav, h 258 S. Main
Stimson, George H., mgr. Hotel Stimson, Main cor Susquehanna
Stockbridge, Mary B., widow George E., h 313 S. Main
Stone, Bennie, laborer, bds 41 Cherry
Stone, Burt E., conductor, h 40 Cherry
Stone, James S., mason, h 41 Cherry
Stone, Peter J., ship carpenter, h 301 S. Main
Stonier, Harry, laborer, bds N. Main
Streeter, Harry, laborer, h Center
Streeter, Lettie Mrs., h Center
Stroud, Benjamin, laborer, h Chestnut
Stroud, George H., engineer L. V. R. R., h 13 E. Pine
Stroud, George W., machinist, h 87 Center
Stroud, Nellie, bds 87 Center
Stulen, Edith, bds S. Main
Stulen, Henry, carriage and sign painter, Herrick, h S. Main
Stulen, Louise, bds S. Main
Stulen, Martha, school teacher, bds S. Main
Swan, George G., carpenter, h N. Main cor Cooper
Swyers, Joseph E., engineer L. V. R. R., h 44 Maple
Tabor, George M., night watchman, h 46 Desmond
Tabor, Helen E., clerk, bds Desmond
Taylor, Archie T., car inspector, h E. Pine
Taylor, George L., plumber, h Satterlee
Taylor, Hollis H., (Rogers & Taylor) h Canton, Pa.
Taylor, Milan L., clerk Rogers & Taylor, bds Stimson House
Taylor, Revad S., emp. furniture works, h Hugh
The Tioga Silk Co., Thomas Holt sup't and manager, manufacturers of
silk goods, Penna Ave.
Thomas, George, night police, h 3 North
Thomas, Ida Mrs., domestic, S. Main
Thomas, Lee, cabinet maker, h 24 Willow
Thompson, Anna, tailoress, h 81 S. Elmira
Thompson, Arthur M., wood turner, bds Frederick
Thompson, Manley P., clerk, h Frederick
Thompson, Mary J. Mrs., domestic, S. Main
Thompson, William J., mason, h 72 N. Main
Thorp, Adelbert, laborer, h Herrick
Thurston, Edward, clerk First National Bank, Main, bds outside boro
Tidd, Charles W., general insurance, 187 S. Main, h do
Tisdell, W. Merritt, (H. C. Barney & Co.) h 15 South
Tolbert, Seward, emp. L. V. shops, h 75 North
Touhey, Hannah, domestic, S. Main
Townsend, Jerry, laborer, h 11 North
Tozer, Edmond H., machinist, h N. Main
Tozer, Guy M., farmer, h N. Main
Tozer, Albert R., bookkeeper, h Ferry
Tozer, Ralph, bds Ferry
Trenchard, John, teamster, h 49 Cherry
Trinity Episcopal Church, Rev. H. V. Berghaus, pastor, Main n Hopkins
Tripp, Dennison W., carpenter, h 34 Wells Ave.
Tripp, Joseph M., carpenter and builder, N Main cor Spruce, h do
Tubbs, Peter, laborer, bds Public
Tyler, Martin, emp. bridge works, h Pike
Umbrecht, Martha, school teacher, bds 5 Public
Union Bridge Co., W. S. MacDonald, mgr., Geo. E. Davis, supt., civil
engineers and constructors of bridges, tunnels and public works, principal
office No. 1 Broadway, New York, shops Main, Athens
United States Express Co., I. K. Park, mgr., S. Main
Universalist Church, Rev. James H. Ballou, rector, 32 South
Vail, Elizabeth P., bds S. Main
Vail, Ella G., bds S. Main
Vail, George E., com. trav., h S. Main
VanDemark, Frank, laborer, h North
Vandermark, Jerry M., mason, h North
Vandermark, John, clerk S. Main, bds North
Vanderpool, Bacon, carpenter, h Hugh
Vandervelde, Cornelius J., bookkeeper Athens Furniture Co., h 105 Elmira
VanDusen, Huldah, h 30 N. Main
VanDuzer, Fred, emp. bridge works, bds 16 Walnut
VanGorder, John, laborer, bds Center
Vanloan, Daniel, h North
Vanloan, Frank, com. trav., h 7 North
Vann, James, livery, Herrick, h 9 South
VanNess, Charles E., laborer, h 31 Cherry
VanNess, Lawrence G., mgr. Western Union Telegraph, bds 39 Tyler
VanRiper, John, laborer, h S. end S. Main
VanRiper, Edward, carpenter, h Church cor Orchard
VanRiper, Harry, carpenter, h 62 Church
VanScoten, Abram H., mason, h Church cor Orchard
VanScoten, George L., real estate, h 9 Paine
VanScoten, Maude, emp. silk mill, bds Church cor Orchard
VanSice, Abram, carpenter, bds Ann
VanSice, Andrew, carpenter, h Ann
VanSice, Mary A. Mrs., laundress, h 12 Elm
VanSice, William R., carpenter, h 10 Vanderbilt
VanSickle, Reuben A., emp. furniture works, bds Hugh
VanTine, Arthur J., barber, h North
VanTine, Frank E., barber, basement Hotel Stimson, Susquehanna, h Herrick
VanWoert, Melissa, widow Albert, dressmaker, S. Main, h do
Vargason, Morris B., emp bridge works, h 38 Willow
Vargason, William J., brakeman L. V. R. R., h Desmond cor Vanderbilt
Voorhis, Emmett, jeweler, bds Edward
Voorhis, Wilson F., com. trav., h Locust
Wait, O. A., draughtsman, bds Hotel Stimson
Walker, Edgar L., emp. L. V. R. R., bds Church
Walker, Elery M., carpenter, h 36 Elm
Walker, Otto, carpenter, h Willow
Walker, Susanna, dressmaker, bds 36 Elm
Walker, William H., h Church
Walline, Swan, wood finisher, h 15 Tyler
Walliston, Juliet, widow John S., h 313 S. Main
Waltman, Artel J., laborer, bds 52 North
Ward, Michael, emp. bridge works, h Willow
Warner, F. Irene, bds 9 Elm
Warner, Harry P., laborer, bds 9 Elm
Warner, Jane, widow Charles, h 9 Elm
Warner, Stephen, emp. Bridge works, h Tyler
Washburn, Charles E., farmer, h Lehigh Ave. cor Cherry
Washburn, Charles I., painter, h Cherry cor Lehigh Ave.
Waterman, George, emp. bridge works, h 26 Spruce
Waters, W. Frank, commercial traveler, h Chestnut
Watkins, Frances E., milliner, bds Elmira
Watkins, Fred, brakeman L. V. R. R., h E. Pine
Watkins, Guy, night operator L. V. depot, h Ann
Watkins, Henry A., fireman, h Cherry
Watkins, Herman, laborer, bds E. Pine
Watkins, Julia Mrs., bds Cherry
Watkins, Katharine W., widow John, h 45 Penna Ave.
Watkins, Lizzie, domestic Hotel Stimson
Watkins, Lou Mrs., h North
Watson, Frank, fireman tannery, h Bridge
Watson, James, merchant tailor, 172 S. Main, h do
Watson, William, draughtsman, bds 14 S. Main
Weaver, Alonzo, conductor L. V. R. R., h N. Main
Webster, Walter D., brakeman L. V. R. R., h 60 Church
Wedum, Hoakon I., civil engineer, h N. Main
Weed, Mary Mrs., h Willow
Weeks, Frank, laborer, bds 52 North
Weiss, John, engine dispatcher L. V. R. R., h 92 Wells Ave.
Welch, Benjamin S., cigar maker, bds Forrest House
Welch, William, laborer, h Elm
Weller, Clinton A., clerk S. Main, h Bridge
Weller, N. Nathan, teller Athens National Bank, bds at Greens Landing,
Athens Township
Weller, Nathan V., wholesale agricultural implements, 185 S. Main,
h do
Weller, Noble, emp. bridge works, h Center
Weller, Zebulon C., bridge inspector L. V. R. R., h 87 Hugh
Wells, Allison L., laborer, h Longway
Wells, Emma Mrs., bds North
Wells, Otis, wood carver, bds 6 New
Wendall, Alonzo, emp bridge works, h Willow
Westbrook, Charles, bds 63 Desmond
Westbrook, Edwin, conductor L. V. R. R., h 63 Desmond
Western Union Telegraph Co., L. G. Vanness, mgr., L. V. depot
Wheeler, Ezra L., emp. Union Bridge Co., h Chestnut
Wheeler, Lafayette, shoemaker, h Center
Wheeler, Sheridan P., blacksmith Herrick, h New
Wheeler, Sylvester, emp. Union Bridge Co., h Center
Whitaker, Dell S., painter, h 56 Penn Ave.
White, Bartholomew, emp. tannery, bds 357 S. Main
White, Bartholomew, emp. tannery, h 8 Elm
White, Charles E., conductor W. S. & A. R. R., bds 14 S. Elmira
White, Hannah, widow James, bds Paine
White, Jerome, carpenter, h S. Elmira
White, John, emp tannery, bds 357 S. Main
White, Patrick, laborer, h 19 W. Pine
White, Russell, carpenter, h 14 S. Elmira
Whittaker, Harry, fireman L. V. R. R., bds 73 N. Main
Wickwire, Jerusha O., widow Albert, h S. Elmira
Wideman, Oscar, conductor L. V. R. R., rooms S. Main
Wiggins, Lawrence, emp. L. V. shops, h Desmond
Wight, Joseph N., carpenter, h 28 Cherry
Williams, Blanche, clerk 145 S. Main, bds Desmond n Sayre
Williams, Edward D., barber S. Main, h 16 Chestnut
Williams, Frank, laborer, bds Cooper
Williams, Jesse, laborer, bds Cooper
Wilson, George, painter, h 21 Tyler
Wilson, James H., h Center
Wilson, Morris C., painter, h 12 Willow
Winans, Rose, domestic, 9 Susquehanna
Winer, Hammond S., shipping clerk L. V. freight office, Sayre, h 301
S. Main
Winters, Clarence, emp furniture works, h S. Elmira
Winters, Eugene, emp furniture works, h 31 South
Winters, Floyd L., meat market Orchard, h 88 N. Main
Winters, Thomas J., laborer, h 32 South
Winters, William, laborer, bds 32 South
Withey, L. Edmund, teamster D. J. Macafee, h 28 Chestnut
Wolcott, Harry L., (Wolcott & Son) h 49 Center
Wolcott, Lizzie D., widow Franklin D., h Elmira
Wolcott, Mark P., law student, bds 26 Center
Wolcott & Son, (T. D. and Harry L.) grocers and market S. Main
cor Center
Wolcott, Sylvester K., grocer N. Main cor Orchard, h 93 N. Main
Wolcott, Theron D., (Wolcott & Son) h 26 Center
Wolcott, Thomas, laborer, bds Desmond
Wood, Charles S., stone mason, h Willow
Wood, Frances, cook, S. Main
Wood, Frank, emp. bridge works, h 24 Cherry
Wood, George, emp. furniture works, bds Willow
Wood, George W., emp. bridge works, h 47 River
Wood, Lizzie, bds Willow
Wood, Phoebe, laundress, S. Main
Wood, Pliny, h Willow
Wood, Sarah, domestic, 16 Satterlee
Wright, Alfred C., iron inspector, h S. Main
Wright, Anson E., iron inspector, bds S. Main
Wright, George, laborer, h Ann
Wright, Ida A. Mrs., confectionery and news room S. Main, h do
Wright, Lester F., carpet weaver 27 Maple, h do
Wright, Robert C., draughtsman, bds S. Main
Yontz, William, conductor L. V. R. R., h Wells Ave.
Young, John F., teamster, h 21 Chestnut
Young, Horace N., laborer, bds 21 Chestnut
Young Men's Christian Association, Charles M. Smith genl sec., Kinney
blk, S. Main
1900 Athens Street
Ann-from Elmira east to Hugh
Bridge-from Main west to Chemung River, crossing Elmira
Cemetery Ave.-North Main near limits north to Cemetery
Center-from Main west to Chemung River, crossing Elmira
Chemung-from Main west to Chemung River
Cherry-from Main east to boro limits
Chestnut-from Main west to Chemung River
Church-from Cherry north to boro limits
Cooper-from Main east to Water
Cove-from Main east to Susquehanna River
Desmond-from Pine north to boro limits
Elm-from Main west to Chemung River
Elmira-from Main northwest to boro limits
Ferry-from Main east to Water
First-from 19 W. Pine north to boro limits
Frederick-from Main east to River
Harris-from Main west to Chemung River
Herrick-from Main east to Susquehanna River
Hopkins-from Main east to Susquehanna River
Hugh-from Elmira northeast to Spruce
Kellogg-running north from Satterlee
Keystone Ave.-running north and south
Lehigh Ave.-from Cherry to Sayre line
Locust Ave.-from Cherry to Sayre line
Locust-from Paine north to Walnut
Longway-from Short west to Pennsylvania Ave.
Maurice-from Kellogg east to Water
Main-principal street, running north and south
New-from Paine north
North-from Main west to Chemung River, crossing Elmira
Orchard-from Main east to River
Maple-from Ferry north to Satterlee
Paine-from Main west to Elmira
Pine-from Main east to boro limits
Public-from Main east to River
Pennsylvania Ave.-running northwest from near L.V.R.R.
River-from Susquehanna north to boro limits
Short-from Spruce north to Longway
Susquehanna-from Main east to Water
South-from Elmira west to Chemung River
Satterlee-from Main east to Water
Spruce-from Main west to Hugh
Tioga-from Main west to Chemung River
Tyler-from Elmira northeast to Pennsylvania Ave.
Vanderbilt-from Main east to River
Walnut-from Main east to boro limits
Wheelock-from Elmira east near L.V.R.R.
Willow-from Main west to Elmira
Wells Ave.-from Pine north to boro limits
1st Ward-All south of the center of Public and Center streets
2nd Ward-All north of the center of Public and Center streets, and
south of the center of Satterlee to Main and LVRR to boro limits
3rd Ward-All north of the center of Satterlee to Main and LVRR to boro
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA