The History Center on Main Street, 83 N. Main Street, Mansfield PA 16933 |
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Scanned & Formatted by Joyce M. Tice
For explanations, &c., see page 13.
Postoffice address Covington.
Anderson Augustus, laborer for Dr Gaskill, bds do
AVERY LLOYD N, barber E State, h S Williamson
BAKER GEORGE H, barber and undertaker, h S Williamson
Baker Parmelia, widow John, h with T M Steele
Barber Lorenzo, farmer, 180, h N Williamson
Bartlett House, G A Spring propr, N Williamson
Baker S Minerva, widow George F, h and lot, S Williamson
Besely Susan M, h Trout alley
Bird John, glass gatherer and farmer, about 6, h S Williamson
Bird John Jr, glass gather, h W Williamson
Blair James S, farmer and laborer, h S Williamson
Blanchard Charles, E, glass gatherer, h W Williamson
Blanchard Clara Mrs, dressmaker, W State, h do
Blanchard Franklin J, glass gatherer, h W State
Blanchard Frederick J, glass gatherer, h W Williamson
Blanchard George W, glass gatherer, h S Williamson
Blanchard & Hager (Solomon B and Hiram A Hager), general blacksmiths, W State
Blanchard Solomon (Blanchard & Hager), h W Williamson
Blanchard William A, glass blower, h W State
Bloom Nathaniel, retired farmer, h S Williamson
Bradley John W groceries and notions, W State, h do
BROWNE JOHN E, justice of peace, h and lot W Williamson
Browne Martha L., school teacher, h W Williamson
Carroll Stephen R., glass cutter, h W State
Church of Christ (Disciples) Rev Leon J Reynolds pastor, W State
Clark Jane, widow Horace, h and 1 acre, S Williamson cor Barber
Cleveland Elias S, farmer in Richmond, 116, in Sullivan, 100, h N Williamson cor Gray
Cleveland Silas T, laborer, h and lot Trout alley
Cleveland Van A, farmer, 70, h W Williamson
Cochran Ezra, emp Glass Factory, bds Gerald
Coe Burt E., glass gatherer, h S Williamson
Copp Fred P,. carpenter and builder, h and lot, West
Copp Harrison, laborer, h West
Correll James W, agent, h W Williamson
Covington Cheese Factory, F E Zimmer of Mansfield, propr, R B Jerman mgr, W State
Cunningham Robert C, emp glass factory, h and lot, W State
Dacey Daniel, glass gatherer, h Gerald
Dacey John, emp glass works, h S Williamson
Dacey Timothy, invalid, h and lot, Gerald
Daly Ellen C, widow Michael, farm, 80, in Covington, h E State
Daly Gertrude L, music teacher, h E State
Daly Mary E, telegrapher, h E State
Darling Stephen W, carpenter, h N Williamson
Dartt Emeline K, widow Eli, h N Williamson
Deming Albert U, principal Covington Boro School, farm in Jackson 30, h Hiram’s lane
Dibble Alvin, widow Orlando, h S Williamson
Doud Betsy L (Mrs Isaac R) milliner, N Williamson, h do
Doud Isaac R, h and lot, N Williamson
Doud Lorenzo, agent fertilizers, h and lot, N Williamson
Dunsmore Jennie, widow John, h with William A Morris
Dyer Francis A, h S Williamson
Dyer Isabella T, h S Williamson
Dyke A Sadilla, widow Reuben, h and lot, West
Eames John H, emp glass factory, h and 2 acres, N Williamson
Evarts Clara, widow John, h S Williamson
Fick Etta E, h S Williamson
Fick Harriet, widow Henry, h and 3 acres, S Williamson
Forrest Arthur H, laborer, h W Williamson
Forrest Emma A, widow Sylvester, h and lot, W Williamson
Forrest Josiah H, h W Williamson
Gaskill Sullivan A, physician and surgeon, Pres Board of Health, E State, h W State
Gerould Otis G, retired farmer, h S Williamson
Gerow Bailey A, bds S Williamson
Graves George G, carriage repairing, N Williamson, h and lot do
Green John D, cured meats, oysters, fish, etc, painter and paper hanger, collector and constable, W State, h and lot S Williamson
Greene Georgia A, compositor, h S Williamson
Hager Hiram A, (Blanchard & H) h West
HARDING GEORGE S, burgess, farmer, 115 on r 15, Covington, 45 sheep, h and 5 acres, W Williamson
Harding George W, carpenter and builder, h and lot, W Williamson
Hartman Jacob (H & Spring) h and lot, E State
Hartman & Spring (Jacob H and George A S) mfrs and bottlers of mineral waters, office Public Square cor N Williamson
HERRMANN CASPER L, glass blower, h and lot, S Williamson
Herrmann Harry, apprentice glass gatherer, h S Williamson
HERRMANN JOHN W, glass gatherer, h S Williamson
HERRMANN JULIA A, widow Caspar, h and lot, S Williamson
Herrmann Rinchart, glass gatherer, h and lot, W State
Herrmann William B, glass gatherer, h S Williamson
Horton John W, manufacturer of brooms, W State, h and lot do
Horton William M, son of John W, broom maker with John W
Howard Frank, porter Bartlett House, bds do
Howland Charles, farmer, 85, h W State cor West
Howland Ransford F, glass packer, h and 6 acres, West
Husted Floyd P, glass blower, h S Williamson
IRELAND CHARLES C, glass blower, h S Williamson
Jelliff Mancy N, widow Benjamin, h E State
Jerman Homer, cheese maker, bds W State
Jerman Robert B, cheese maker, h W State
Johnson Alonzo L, farmer, 50, h W State
Johnson Margaret, widow Anson L, h S Williamson
Keene Katharine D, widow Henry E, h S Williamson
Kelts Ellsworth G, farmer, bds W Williamson
Kelts Julia L, widow George W, h W Williamson
Kelts Roland H, school teacher, h W Williamson
Kendrick John, prest of boro council, meat peddler, farmer 7, h E State
Kendrick Robert, blacksmith, h N Williamson
Kiff James L, grocer and harnessmaker W State, h N Williamson
Kilbourne Kate, widow Henry, h W Williamson
King Ellen D, widow E DeWitt, h S Williamson
KINGSBURY HARRY H, jeweler, sewing machines, picture framing, &c, and graduate optician E State, h do
Klock Cora M, bookkeeper at Covington Glass Works, h S Williamson cor Barber
Klock Edwin, manager Covington Glass Works, farmer 207, h S Williamson cor Barber
Knowlton Matthew S, school teacher and farmer, leases of Mrs Charles F Lutes 40, h W Williamson
La France Dana S, carpenter and builder, and farmer 24, h Gray
Landgraff James B, glass cutter, h and lot N Williamson
Lawrence Benjamin F, glass cutter, h S Williamson
Lawrence Wesley S, glass cutter, h S Williamson
Lee Eugene, laborer, h Gerald
LeValley Henry G, emp of Hartman & Spring, h Hirams lane cor Gerald
LeValley Katharine A, asst postmaster, h N Williamson
LeValley Leonard C, h Hirams lane
LeValley Lynn C, glass gatherer, h Hirams lane
LeValley Volney M, carpenter, h N Williamson
Lewis Catharine S, school teacher, h W Williamson
Lewis Cynthia, widow John, interest in farm 126, h S Williamson
Lewis Sarah, widow David, h and lot W Williamson
Lutes Arthur M, glass cutter, bds S Williamson
Lutes Charles A, laborer, bds S Williamson
Lutes Charles F, glass blower, president Covington Glass Works, h S Williamson
Lutes Frank B, glass gatherer, h S Williamson
Marvin David F, farmer 115, h S Williamson
Marvin Isabelle C, school teacher, h S Williamson
Marvin Mary, widow Hollan J, h W Williamson
Marvin Stillman T, farmer 86, h N Williamson
Marvin Tillie R, meat market W Williamson, h do
Maynard Frank, glass blower, bds with C L Herrmann, S Williamson
Maynard Orwell W, carpenter, h W Williamson
McCoy Frank L, glass blower, h S Williamson
McCoy Kittie L Mrs, dressmaker, h N Williamson
McGrath Esther A, widow George B, h S Williamson
Methodist Episcopal Church, S Williamson
MITCHELL SAMUEL H, station agent, Erie R R, Western Union Tel manager, Wells, Fargo & Co’s Express agt, coal dealer, office at depot, h and lot, S Williamson
MORRIS WILLIAM A (Robinson & M) school director, farms 160 acres, owned by John Dunsmore estate on r 20, Covington, owns h and store, Public Square
Newberry Ada M, widow James A, h Trout alley
Patchen Christianna, widow Ira, h Trout alley
Patchen Frank H, clerk, son F M, do
Patchen Frederick M, general merchant, W State and Public Square, h and lot, S Williamson
Patchen Lula Inez, clerk for T W, Trout alley
Patchen Thomas W, hardware, agricultural implements W State, h Trout alley
Patchen W Howard, clerk, son of F M, h do
Post Ira, farmer, h W Williamson
Presbyterian church of Covington, S Williamson
PUTNAM SAMUEL O, boro councilman and school director, breeder of Hambletonian and Golden Rule trotting horses and farmer, 75, h W State
Quail Elizabeth, widow James, milliner for Mrs Robinson, bds do
Redfield Augustus, attorney and counselor at law, justice of the peace, Gerald, h and lot do
Redfield Charles C, editor and proprietor “The Sun” and job printer, W State, h do
Redington Edward, emp glass factory, h W Williamson
Redington William, laborer, h N Williamson
Reynolds Leon J Rev, pastor of Church of Christ, bds with T M Steele, W State
Richards Charles E, clerk F M Patchen, bds do
Richards John E, milk route in Blossburg, farmer, 47, W Williamson, n boro limits
Ridge George, carpenter and builder, livery, N Williamson, h and lot, do
Robbins Enos S, physician and surgeon, W State, h do
Robinson Charles C, clerk for Robinson & Morris, h S Williamson
Robinson Merrit L, h W Williamson
ROBINSON & MORRIS, (Waylon W R and William A M) general merchants, Public Square, cor E State
Robinson Warren W, carpenter, h and lot, Railroad cor E State
ROBINSON WAYLON W (Robinson & Morris) boro councilman, h E State
Robinson Katherine (Mrs W W) milliner, E State, h do
Rumsey Philemon, physician and druggist, stationery, etc, W State, h and lot S Williamson n Public Square
Scaif Thomas J, general blacksmith N Williamson, h and lot do
Schanbacher Daniel H, dairy ten cows, farmer, 93, h off West
Smith George W, carpenter, h E State
Smith Mary C, carpet weaver, h E State
Snyder Thomas, h with Mrs O Post
Soper Leland L, portable saw and shingle mill and threshing machine, h N Williamson
Spring George A (Hartman & S) boro treasurer, proprietor Bartlett house, N Williamson
Steele Taylor M, carpenter, h W State
Stickler Gilbert E, emp glass factory, h N Williamson
Sumner Rufus H, laborer, h E State
Sumner Verne C, laborer, E State
Sun, The, Charles C Redfield propr, W State
Taylor Rufus J, carpenter, h W Williamson
Thomas Lydia, widow Sheldon, h W Williamson
Weeks Christiana S, widow Royal, h Gray
WILCOX PARRIS, veterinary surgeon, agt agricultural implements, h and lot, Railroad
Williams Mary, widow Charles, W Williamson
Williams William M, mason, h and lot, W Williamson
WILLSON WILLIAM H, postmaster, farm, 133, on r 26, Covington, and owner with Albert M Bennett of Elmira, two farms, 117, and 136, in Richmond, h W State
Wynkoop Albert H Rev, Baptist clergyman, h S Williamson