![]() |
Sheely Frederick, tanner, Hine n W Hudson h 108 Harmon
Sheely George, packer, 107 W Water
Sheffield Chester C., city express, h 155 Lake
Shehan Mary, dresssmaker, bds 125 Judson
Shehan Patrick, laborer, bds 125 Judson
Sheive George, real estate agent, h 208 S Main
Sheive P. J., widow John L., bds Oak cor E Third
Sheive William E., carpenter, bds 208 S Main
Shelly Henry, shoemaker, 124 Lake
Shepard C. C., (William J. Dounce & Co.,) h 751 Park Place
Shepard John, laborer, h 305 E Clinton
Shepard John, jr., waiter, bds 305 E Clinton
Shepard Lida Mrs., bds 159 Madison av
Sherman Betsey, widow Benjamin, bds 260 W S Water
Sherman Cyrus, organmaker, h 611 Lake
Sherman E. B., mason, h 120 W Second
Sherman Margaret, Mrs., bds 159 Madison av
Sherman S. D. Miss., dressmaker, bds 324 E Water
Sherman William, carpenter, h Partridge n S Main
Sheroch Anthony, teamster, bds 601 E Water
Sherwood Archie, hostler, bds 109 Madison av
Sherwood Cornelius S., salesman, 1 Opera Block bds 160 W Fifth
All new styles of CROCKERY & CHINA, at China Hall, Lake St.
Sherwood Emma, widow William, h 915 Lake
Sherwood Ira, laborer, h 500 High
Sherwood Nathan M. Rev., h 409 E Church
Sherwin William F., ticket agent, bds Rathbun House
Shey John, mason, bds 105 E First
Shey William, mason, bds 105 E First
SHIDLEN ERNST, furniture, 137 W Water h 201 E Gray
Shidlen Louis, clerk, 137 W Water bds 204 E Gray
Shields John, helper, bds 603 Dickinson
Shields John, mason, h Oak n E Clinton
Shields Peter, grocer and mason, 518 Oak h 508 do
Shields Peter, jr., clerk, 518 Oak bds 508 do
Shields William, mason, bds 508 Oak
Shillinger Nicholas, engineer, bds Lyon House
Shimp Mary, domestic, 319 William
Shipman Abram, wagonmaker, h 202 Harmon
Shipman Charlotte C., widow Anson, h 703 Columbia
Shipman Chauncey N., bookkeeper, 110 Baldwin h 517 W Church
Shobleskie Michael, laborer, bds 722 Hatch
Shoeler John, painter, h 661 Magee
Shoemaker James M., (Freeman & Shoemaker,) h 306 W Fourth
Shoemaker J. Monroe, (Bedell, Shoemaker & Co.,) h 500 Baldwin
Shoemaker Lewis, bartender, Frasier House, bds do
Shoemann Louis, tailor, h 565 E Water
Sholes William, laborer, h 318 Hathaway
Shombeaw John, shoemaker, bds 551 John
Shornstheimer Conrad, milk-peddler, h 920 W Church
Short Jeremiah, laborer, h 501 Madison av
Shreffler Levi S., carpenter, 209 W Water, h 116 S Main
Shueder Franz, bartender, 433 Railroad av, bds do
Shuett Jane, widow William, h 210 E Water
Shults George W., machinist, bds 665 Columbia
Shults Idell H., machinist, bds 665 Columbia
Shults John C., machinist, h 665 Columbia
Shults John E., bookkeeper, bds 665 Columbia
Shults, see also Schultz
Shuman Louis, butcher, h 659 Lake
Shumway Herbert, clerk, 110 N Main, bds 120 do
Shumway James C., hardware-agent, h 511 Columbia
Shurts Mary, domestic, 54 S Main
Sibley Frank, shoemaker, bds John cor DeWitt
Sibley Frank W., shoemaker, bds 551 John
Sickles C., boatman, h 406 Standish
Sickles Frank, painter, h Thurston n Baldwin
Buy your COAL of J. H. BARNEY, 110 Baldwin Street.
Sickles Frank M., clerk, 330 E Water
Sigison Jacob, bds 327 Lake
Sigison Maria, widow William, h 327 Lake
Sigison William, bds 327 Lake
Silliman Charles T., shoecutter, bds 100 W Water
Silverman Heiman, peddler, h 354 Railroad av
Silwood Eliza, widow Silas, h 512 College av
Simberg Abram, peddler, h 712 John
Simmons Frank A., clerk cigar-stand, Rathbun House, bds do
Simmons William L., carpenter, h 716 Benjamin
Simons Josiah C., salesman, h 404 W Gray
Simons Mary A., teacher school No. 5, bds W Sixth n Davis
Simms Susie M., widow Samuel L., h 417 W Fourth
Simon Morris, clothing, 375 Railroad av, h 551 E Second
Simonicht Joseph, butcher, bds 664 Lake
Simons Daniel J., painter, bds Pennsylvania House
Simons Noah, painter, h 366 Pennsylvania av
Simons Pollie M., widow Jeduthen, bds 504 E Third
Simons R. M., grocer, 504 E Third h do
Simpson Elijah, teamster, bds Hart n Elm
Simpson Henry, carpenter, bds 504 N Columbia
Simpson James, teamster, h Hart n Elm
Simpson Thomas, laborer, 602 W Water
SINGERHOFF CHARLES, Mozart Music Hall, 132 W Water h do
SINGERHOFF & LA FRANCE, orchestra, 132 W Water (see adv)
Sinsabaugh David M., traveling-agent, h 611 W First
Sipher Moses, fireman, bds e 220 W Third
Sisk John, blacksmith, bds Davis ab Cemetery
Sisk Michael, bar-tender, 303 Railroad av bds do
Sittenfield Joseph, clerk, bds 113 High
Sittenfield Solomon, (Schwartz & Sittenfield), h 113 High
Skahan Edvard, helper, h 814 Walnut
Skehan James, teamster, h 101 W Henry
Skein Joseph, laborer, bds 664 Lake
Skidmore George H., express-messenger, h 110 College av
Skinner Charles W., (Skinner & Russell,) bds Rathbun House
Skinner May Mrs., bds 417 E Market
Skinner William, helper, bds 411 William
SKINNER & RUSSELL, (Charles W. Skinner and James W. Russell,) wholesale liquors, 413 and 415 Carroll (see adv)
Slack George W., teamster, h 728 W First
Slade Mary J., widow Franklin, h 812 John
The best Imported and Domestic GLASSWARE, at DEXTER’S.
Slair George W., conductor, bds Guiltanen cor W South av
Slasson Abram D., bds 155 Baldwin
Slater Annie, domestic, 657 Davis
Slater Catharine, widow Isiah, h W Hudson cor Hine
Slattary Minnie, domestic, bds 509 Park Place
Slattery John, shoemaker, h 904 E Market
Slattery William, blacksmith, h 356 W Third
Slattery William, stonecutter, bds Davis ab Cemetery
Slee John D. F. (J. Langdon & Co.,) h 218 W First
Slocum Augustus F., printer, Advertiser office bds Homestead Hotel
Slocum Fred J., telegrapher, 150 Baldwin bds Market cor Orchard
Slocum James C., contractor, h 751 E Market
Sly Catharine M. Miss, h Maple av cor Sly
Sly Emma Miss, clerk W. U. Tel. Co., bds 212 W S Water
SLY JAMES M., real estate and insurance-agent, 109 Baldwin h 106 W Second
Sly William H., salesman, 1 Opera Block bds 112 Sullivan
Small George S., fireman, bds 360 E Fifth
Smedes Sarah, widow Levi, h 837 Canal
Smelligar John, carpenter, h 609 E Church
Smith Alfred, blacksmith, bds 833 Canal
Smith Algernon N., conductor, h 105 Partridge
Smith Alonzo C., laborer, bds 1051 Walnut
Smith Amanda C., widow David, 217 De Witt
Smith B. Addison, butcher, h Pennsylvania av n Lewis
Smith Benjamin A., deputy sheriff, h 503 Sullivan
Smith Benjamin D., laborer, bds Benton n Norton
Smith Benjamin F., carpenter, h 654 N Main
Smith Catharine, widow William, h 372 W Clinton
Smith Charles, laborer, h 707 Dickinson
Smith Charles, Opera House agent, h 114 W Market
Smith Charles, shoemaker, 111 College av h do
Smith Charles E., clerk, 607 Railroad av bds 607 Magee
Smith Chauncey L., carpenter, h 214 W Hudson
Smith Daniel, (Smith, Lawrence & Co.,) h 661 Park Place
Smith David C., plumber, 338 E Water, h 214 Madison av
Smith Delia, widow Benjamin F., bds al r 359 W Fifth
Smith E. B., baker and confectioner, Corning, h 362 W Church
Smith Edward, laborer, bds 217 De Witt
Smith Eleanor, widow George, h 415 W Fourth
Smith Eliza, domestic, 235 Lake
Smith Emily E., widow Andrew S., h 20 Arcade Block, Lake
Smith Ernest A., clerk, 317 E Water bds 20 Arcade Block
Smith Ezekiel, driver, h 207 E Market
Smith Ezra J., carpenter, h 652 N Main
Smith Fanny G., teacher branch school, bds 513 E Union
Smith Frank, confectioner, 140 W Water, bds 104 E Hudson
Smith Frank, farmer, Maple av beyond city limits
Smith Frank V., salesman, 118 Lake bds 159 Madison av
Smith Fred., watchman, bds 508 Perry
Smith Frederick, clerk, bds 465 E Market
Smith Frederick W., bookkeeper, 161 Lake, bds 309 Carroll
SMITH GABRIEL L., lawyer, 216 E Water h 404 Sullivan cor Second
Smith George, laborer, h 416 De Witt
Smith George S., (Smith & Elliott,) h 109 High
Smith Hannah, bds 105 E Henry
Smith Hannah E., phonographer, bds 1016 East Hill
Smith Harrison, carpenter, bds 904 Lake
SMITH HARVEY, Alderman Fifth Ward, also clerk, 200 E Water, h 106 S Main
Smith H. Boardman, (Smith, Robertson & Fassett), h 380 Pennsylvania av
Smith Henry, blacksmith, h 833 Canal
Smith Henry carpet weaver, 527 E Union h do
Smith Henry conductor, h 530 W Church
Smith Henry, laborer, bds 127 Railroad av
Smith Henry, peddler, h Benton n Norton
Table CUTLERY and Plated Ware, at Dexter’s DOUBLE STORE, Lake St.
Smith Hiram F., tailor, 202 E Water h 216 Pennsylvania av
Smith Hiram T., lumber inspector, E Fifth cor canal h 304 E Clinton
SMITH HOWARD M., coal 119 E Church also (E. St. John & Co.), treas Elmira Slate Co., and alderman First Ward, h 423 W Church (see adv)
Smith Huron O., carpenter, h 206 Harmon
Smith Isaac S., carpenter, h 108 E Hudson
Smith I. S. Mrs., dressmaker, 108 E Hudson
Smith James A., waiter, 140 E Water bds do
Smith James B., sales agent, h 127 W Henry
Smith James H., laborer, h 902 Factory
Smith Jennie, domestic, 115 Baldwin
Smith Jennie, domestic, 212 Gregg
Smith John, gardener, h 616 Dickinson
Smith John S., bds Pennsylvania House
Smith John T., carpenter, h 859 E Market
Smith John W., teamster, h 604 E Water
Smith Joseph, gardener, h 115 E First
Smith Joseph A., tanner and currier, 257 W Clinton h 307 do
Smith Joseph H., agent rolling mill, h 658 N Main
Smith Kirk J., clerk, 149 W Water bds 109 W S Water
Smith, Lawrence & Co., (Daniel Smith, Thomas Lawrence, M. Richardson, B. W. Topping and George Carpenter), confectioners, 151 Lake
Smith Lewis A., machinist, bds 503 Sullivan
Smith Lewis M., (Smith & Hall), h 313 Columbia
Smith Lucius M., sash and blindmaker, h 360 W Fourth
Smith Lucy, domestic, 310 Pennsylvania av
Smith Marie, widow Lewis, h 127 Railroad av
Smith Mary, domestic, 311 Lake
Smith Matilda, domestic, 163 Washington
Smith Matilda L., widow Asa, bds 1100 Lake
For the best kinds of COAL, go to J. H. Barney, 110 Baldwin St.
Smith Matthias, tin peddler, h 306 W First
Smith Millie C., teacher school No. 4, bds 515 E Union
Smith Minnie E., hair work, h Day n Sullivan
Smith Oliver, laborer, bds 101 E Water
Smith Orlando N., (Mosher & Smith), h 114 E S Water
Smith Otis H., tinware, stationery, &c., 607 Railroad av, h 367 W Sixth
Smith Philip, laborer, h Hall n Centre
Smith Robert, carpenter, h 904 Lake
Smith Robert, laborer, h 662 Dickinson
Smith Robert T., street-commissioner, h 1100 Lake
Smith Robert V., laborer, h r 121 E Church
SMITH, ROBERTSON & FASSETT, (H. Boardman Smith, Archibald Robertson and Newton P. Fassett,) lawyers, 4 and 5 Opera block
Smith Rose, widow Daniel, bds 408 Madison av
Smith Ruth, widow Orrin, h 101 E Water
Smith Samuel B., bds 530 W Church
Smith Samuel C., carpenter, h 1051 Walnut
Smith Sarah, widow John F., bds Perine n Franklin
Smith Sarah C., teacher school No. 4, bds 512 William
SMITH SEYMOUR, master-carpenter, Northern Central R. W., E Fifth cor Hatch, h 658 College av
Smith Simeon T., engineer, bds Benton n Norton
SMITH SOLOMON P., cooper, 321 W Water, h 322 do
Smith Theodore G., deputy county clerk, county clerk’s office, h 124 E Hudson
Smith Thomas, blacksmith, h 715 Walnut
Smith Thomas, laborer, bds Second n Davis
Smith Thomas, packer, h 408 Madison av
Smith Timothy J., clerk, 327 E Water, bds 109 S Main
Smith Walter L., student, bds 380 Pennsylvania av
Smith Watie L., domestic, 104 E Hudson
Smith William, farmer, h 500 Tuttle av
Smith William, hostler, Pennsylvania House
Smith William B., bds 118 W Second
SMITH WILLIAM S., carriage-manufacturer, 448 E Water, h 109 High
Smith Wilton M., student, bds 380 Pennsylvania av
SMITH & ELLIOTT, (George S. Smith and George W. Elliott,) grocers, 111 E Water
Smith & Hall, (Lewis M. Smith and Francis G. Hall,) bankers, 116 Baldwin
SMITH & HILL, (G. L. Smith and David B. Hill,) lawyers, 216 E Water
Coal Oil Chandeliers, Brackets & Lamps, at Dexter’s, Lake St.
Smith, see also Schmidt
Smyth Mary J., domestic, 403 W First
Snedeker Charles (Pixley & Snedeker,) bds 316 W Gray
Snell Henry C., carpenter, h 415 W Water
Snell William, coachman, 211 Lake, bds do
Sniffin William, shoemaker, bds 232 Mt. Zoar
Snook Alonzo L., photographer, bds 114 W Church
Snook Martin V., engineer, h 367 W Third
Snowden Frederick J., barber, Pattinson House, bds do
Snowden John, laborer, bds 430 Broadway
Snowden Philip, laborer, h 655 Dickinson
Snowden Mary, nurse, h 716 Dickinson
Snyder Charles, bartender, 511 Railroad av bds do
Snyder Elias, truck-farmer, h 522 W Hudson
Snyder Harrison H., carpenter, h Balsam n Franklin
Snyder Henry S., carpenter, h 531 W Church
Snyder Jacob, restaurant and saloon, 511 Railroad av h do
Snyder John, gardener, h 700 John
Snyder Louis, saloon, 330 Carroll h do
Snyder William, millwright, h 357 Elm
Snyder, see also Schneider
Soble Bernard, peddler, h 204 Ann
Solomon Sabba, peddler, h 55 S Washington
Soper Daniel, carpenter, h 454 E Water
Soper Darius, carpenter, h Miller bel O’Gorman
Soper Manley, carpenter, h 309 Washington
Soper Richard R., traveling agent, bds 159 Madison av
Sossong Casper, saloon, 123 Railroad av h do
Sossong Thomas, laborer, bds 123 Railroad av
Sonders Samuel H., clerk Erie depot, h 518 College av
Soule D. E., patternmaker, bds 219 Railroad av
Southerland John, fireman, h Casey n W South av
Southern Abraham, sawmaker, bds Pattinson House
SOUTHERN TIER LEADER ASSOCIATION, James S. Thurston, pres.; Horace A. Brooks, sec. and treas.; P. C. Van Gelden, supt., 153 Lake, (see adv)
Southern Tier Savings Bank, 305 Carroll
Southwick Thomas T., shoemaker, h 306 W First
Southworth Philander B., carpenter, h 102 E Henry
Souvey Alexis, carriage-painter, h 57 South Sullivan
Soy Emma, telegrapher, 150 Baldwin
Spadt Andrew, cabinetmaker, bds 102 W Clinton
Spalding Clarence M., physician, 117 Lake bds 220 W Water
Spaulding Charles C., painter, h 801 Lake
Lehigh Coals ARE THE BEST Order from J. H. Barney, 110 Baldwin St.
Spaulding Charles H., lumber, h 203 Pennsylvania av
Spaulding Frank, carpenter, h Norton n Benton
Spaulding George, mason, bds 60 Pennsylvania av
Spaulding H. C., (H. C. Spaulding & Co.,) h 357 N Main
SPAULDING H. C. & CO., (H. C. Spaulding and C. C. Crane,) lumber, sash, blinds, &c., E Fifth cor Canal (see adv page 2)
Spaulding Katie, widow Square S., nurse, h 380 W Fifth
Spaulding Margaret, widow Sylvester S., nurse, h 380 W Fifth
Spaulding Rose, housekeeper, 504 Pennsylvania av
SPAULDING THOMAS S., county judge and surrogate, h College av cor Broadway
Spaulding William, carpenter, bds Norton n Benton
Speakman Ludwig, laborer, bds 118 E Second
Spear William, laborer, W Water n city limits
Spence David, shoemaker, bds Pennsylvania House
Spence Thomas, (DeWitt & Spence,) h Pennsylvania House
Spencer George S., carpenter and joiner, 422 W Fourth, h do
Spencer Judson R., clerk, 130 W Water, bds 634 do
Spencer Louisa, dressmaker, bds 511 Lake
Spencer M. H., grainer, bds 505 Park Place
Spencer Orrin D., (Clark & Spencer,) h 609 Market
Spencer Richard, barber, bds 522 Baldwin
Chinese, Japanese & Choice Fancy Goods, at Dexter’s Lake St.
Spencer Theodore C., carpenter, h 411 Elm
Sperl Christina, domestic, 166 Lake
Sperl John, (Steger & Sperl,) h 206 Madison av
Sperry Aladine, dressmaker, h 714 Park Place
Spickerman Levi, cabinetmaker, 754 E Water
Spillan Ellen, widow John, bds 256 W Hudson
Spillan John, shoemaker, h 619 W Church
Spillane Jeremiah, laborer, h 104 S Walnut
Spires Anthony, laborer, h Benton n Centre
Spitzer Ignotz, tanner, bds 375 W Water
Sprague Charles, carpenter, h Norton n Baldwin
Sprigg Charles, carriagemaker, bds Homestead Hotel
Springer Ann, widow James, h 719 Dickinson
Springer Theresa, domestic, 513 Railroad av
SQUIRE CHARLES L., (T.H. Squire & Son,) bds 409 E Church
SQUIRE T. H. & SON, physicians, 409 E Church
Squire Truman H., (T. H. Squire & Son,) 409 E Church, h do
Squires Hannah W., housekeeper, Elmira Female College
Squires Montgomery N., clerk, h 221 W S Water
Staeker Conrad, carpet-weaver, 111 DeWitt
Stage Chancey, laborer, h 1112 Ovid
Stage Converse, blacksmith, Hoffman n W Hill
Stage Isaac H., carpenter, h 1004 Walnut
Stage Judson, painter, bds 1004 Walnut
Stage Martha, domestic, 110 W Gray
Stage Rexford J., wagonmaker, bds 459 W Water
Stagg Charles E., telegrapher, 150 Baldwin, bds 105 College av
Stagg George W., upholsterer, bds 105 College av
Stagg William E., collector, 336 E Water, h 105 College av
Stagg William E., jr., produce, h 312 College av
Stahl Jacob Rev., h 112 High
Stahl Knight, clerk, bds 112 High
Stahl Nathan J., clerk restaurant Erie depot, bds 112 High
Staley Henrietta, domestic, Hart cor Walnut
Stall James A., conductor, h 517 Pennsylvania av
Stamp Peter P., barber, 607 Lake h W Water ab Main
Stampp Adam, (Schornstheimer & Stampp,) bds 526 Lake
Stanchfield John K., physician, 111 N Main h do
Stanley Fidelia E., Mrs., matron Elmira Female College h 206 W Washington av
Stanton Jerome I., jobber h 364 W Church
Stanton Wilber M., carpenter, h Benton n Centre
Stanwood E. Harriet Miss, preceptress Elmira Female College bds do
French GLASS SHADES & Wax Material, at Dexter’s, Lake St.
Stapleton John, painter, bds 102 W S Second
Stapleton John, tanner, h 102 W S Second
Stapleton Patrick, teamster, h 463 Powell
Stapleton William, fireman, bds 102 W S Second
Starks Charlotte, widow Washington, 205 E Water
Starks Edwin, painter, bds 205 E Water
Starks Volney, laborer, h 207 E Market
Starky Carl, upholsterer, h 605 Magee
Stasch Emil, tinsmith, bds 158 DeWitt
States Sylvester M., physician, 908 Factory h do
States William, foreman, h 605 Beach
Staub John, painter, 712 Baldwin
Stauch Louis, painter, h 307 Mt. Zoar
Stedge Clark, slater, h 50 High
Stedge Jacob, laborer, h 50 High
Stedman Elwin, clerk, 321 Carroll
Stedman James, carpenter, h 509 W Second
Steege Albert, laborer, h N Oak n Harper
Steege Ann, widow Charles, h N Oak n Harper
Steele Frederick C., h 355 W Church
Steele George, custom-house officer, h 611 College av
Steen A. G., clerk, Second National Bank bds 557 E Second
Steeples Martha, widow John, h 605 E Church
Steer Charles, shoemaker, bds 110 W Market
Steese Harriet Mrs., h 308 W Gray
Steger Michael, (Steger & Sperl,) h 166 Lake
Steiger Conrad, weaver, h 111 DeWitt
Steiger Mary, bds 111 DeWitt
Steinhauser George H., tailor, h 108 Orchard
Steinmetz Conrad F, upholsterer, h Oak n Jay
Stephens Anna, domestic, 451 W Gray
Stephens Daniel, h 230 Lake
STEPHENS ROBERT, lawyer, 346 E Water cor Lake h 230 Lake
Stephens William G., carpenter, h 408 W Fourth
Stephens Williiam H., bartender, Hathaway House bds 752 E Church
Stephenson Helen Mrs., boarding, h 417 E Market
Sterling Charles H., laborer, 722 W Water
Sterling Fred. H., clerk, 160 Lake bds 302 W Water
Stermer Mary, domestic, 206 Baldwin
Stevens Arthur, telegraph operator, bds 212 W S Water
Stevens George O., mason, bds 752 E Church
Willow & Cane Sewing STANDS & BASKETS, at China Hall, Lake St.
Stevens H. Hartley, carpenter, h 1020 Lake
Stevens Maggie E., bds 752 E Church
Stevens Margaret, widow Patrick, h Day n Sullivan
Stevens Mary, widow William, h 752 E Church
Stevens Sarah, dressmaker, h 331 E Water
Stevens Thaddeus, coachman, bds Day n Sullivan
Stevens Thomas P., painter, bds 752 E Church
Stevens William H., bartender, h 752 E Church
Stevenson Carrie M., saleslady, 142 W Water bds 115 Harmon
Stevenson Eliza H., saleslady, 142 W Water bds 115 Harmon
Stevenson George S., salesman, 142 W Water h 115 Harmon
Stevenson Leander, laborer, h Tuttle av n East av
Steves William, tinsmith, bds 376 W Sixth
Stewart Alfred, blacksmith, bds 109 W Market
Stewart Daniel J., brakeman, h W South av cor Lewis
Stewart Elizabeth, domestic, h 902 College av
Stewart George H., laborer, h 304 S Main
Stewart J., machinist, bds 108 W Hudson
Stewart Margaret G., widow John D., h Junction n South av
Stewart Martin, laborer, h 708 Dickinson
Stewart Thomas H., janitor, h 607 Dickinson
Stewart William, boatman, h 218 W Church
Stewart William, paper hanger and painter, h 718 Columbia
Stickler Peter A., laborer, bds 612 W Church
Stiles George, news agent, h 365 S Main
Stiles Isaac, boots and shoes, 202 W Water h 365 S Main
Stiles Isaac P., shoemaker, bds 365 S Main
Stiles Milton D., clerk, 208 E Water h 364 W Church
Stiles Samuel S., printer Leader office, bds 154 High
Still Charles, coachman, 52 S Main
Stillson Jennie, widow, bds 370 W Gray
Stillwell Mary A., art-flowers, bds 216 Ann
Stilson George, carpenter, 368 W First
Stilson William, (Stilson & Fitch,) h 609 Lake
STILSON & FITCH, (William Stilson and William H. Fitch,) boots and shoes, 212 E Water (see adv)
Stilwell William M., carpenter, h 404 W Third
St. John Edgar, (E. St John & Co.,) h 407 W Church
ST. JOHN E. & CO., (Howard M. Smith,) coal, wood and lumber, 102 W Partridge (see adv)
St. John Frank J., brakeman, bds 508 College av
St. Mary’s Infirmary, Dr. Aaron Rice, proprietor, Hudson n race course
Stobo John, boots and shoes, 207 E Water, h 111 Harmon
Stobol Mary, bds 159 Madison av
Stocker E. M., insurance-agent, bds Homestead Hotel
Stocum E. Miller, patternmaker, h 110 E Water
Stocum Emily, milliner, 110 E Water, h do
Stoddart George H., student, bds 705 Davis
Stoddart Holmes, roller, h 705 Davis
Stoddart Robert L., student, bds 705 Davis
Stoeltzlen Zavier, bartender, 330 Carroll, bds do
Stoll Aaron, boatbuilder, h 617 Jay
Stoll Adam, shoemaker, h 600 Jay
Stoll Donleavy, carpenter, h 617 Jay
Stoll Joseph C., h Oak cor E Third
Stone Beulah F., widow Isaac, bds 365 W Fourth
Stone Clara, widow Henry, h 621 W Gray
Stone D. J., carpenter, h 373 W First
Stone Err M., foreman Elmira Car Works, h 313 W Fourth
STONE JOHN K., insurance-agent, 200 E Water, h do
Stone Lewis D., lumberman, h 365 W Fourth
Stone Lorin J., carpenter, h 369 W First
Stone Martha W., teacher school No. 5, bds 621 W Gray
Stone Myron C., machinist, h 357 Walnut
Stone Newton A., (Stone & Bassett,) h 466 W First
Byington Bros., dealers in choice Groceries, Flour & Provisions, 119 Baldwin St.
Stone Roy, lumber, bds Rathbun House
Stone Russell, switchtender, h 240 W Water
Stone & Bassett, (Newton A. Stone and Palmer H. Bassett,) carpenters and builders, 307 W Second
Stonemets John H., pressman Gazette office, h 122 Harriet
Storch Frederick, laborer, h N Oak n Harper
Storch Gottleib, laborer, h N Oak n Harper
Storms William, farmer, h W Hill rd n Carr’s corners
Story Charles F., architect, h 218 Washington
Stout Emma, widow Joseph, bds 216 W Henry
Stover William, porter, 161 Lake h 755 Jay
Stowe Charles W., carpenter, h 403 DeWitt
Stowell Abel, carpenter, h 319 William
Stowell Alexander, bds 710 N Main
STOWELL BROTHERS, (John E., Rufus R. and Henry C.,) hardware and stoves, 328 E Water
Stowell Charles, carpenter, bds 319 William
Stowell Emery, clerk, bds 319 William
STOWELL F. A. & CO, (Frank A. Stowell and Daniel R. Pratt,) wholesale hardware, 152 Lake
Stowell Frank A., (F. A. Stowell & Co.,) h 551 E Church
Stowell Henry C., (Stowell Bros.,) bds 319 William
Stowell James H., (Stowell & Averill,) h 710 N Main
Stowell John E., (Stowell Brothers,) h 319 William
Stowell Rufus R., (Stowell Bros.,) h 553 E Church
Stowell William H., (Stowell & Young,) h 319 E Church
Stowell & Averill, (J. H. Stowell and Levi Averill,) lime and cement works, E Washington av junction Canal
STOWELL & YOUNG, (William H. Stowell and John Young,) merchant tailors, 155 Lake, (see adv)
Strachen Esther, widow Thomas, h 603 Dickinson
Strachen John, blacksmith, h 1124 Lake
Strachen Robert, mason, bds 603 Dickinson
Strader Alfred, cradle-manufacturer, Lake cor E Thurston h do
Straight William E., iron-dealer, h First cor Grove
Strait David, teamster, h 328 Baldwin
Strait E. Burton, carpenter, h Junction n Erie R. R.
STRANG HENRY W., jeweler, 218 E Water h 415 N Main
Stratton William D., bridge builder, bds 104 E Henry
Straub Louis, (John Graff & Co.,) bds 603 Lake
Strauss Herman, (Herman Strauss & Co.,) h 412 Carroll
Strauss Herman & Co., (Albert Samuels and Louis Strauss,) clothiers, 205 E Water
Strauss Louis, (Herman Strauss & Co.,) also (Strauss & Samuel,) h 465 E Water
W. E. HART & SON, DRY GOODS, 325 E Water St.
Strauss & Samuel, (Louis Strauss and Albert Samuel,) dry goods, 189 E Water
STRODE JAMES, master-mechanic, Northern Central R. W. shops h 410 S Main
Stroman Charles B., painter, h 116 Sullivan
Strong Amelia M., teacher No. 1 School, bds Southport Corners
Strong Eliza Mrs., dressmaker, 133 E Hudson h do
Strong Florette, domestic, 513 Lake
Strong James, mason, bds 723 Lake
Strong William H., laborer, bds 133 E Hudson
Stroup Annie, domestic, 140 E Water
Strouse Harvey, teamster, h W Hill rd n Walnut
Strouse Jacob, laborer, bds W Hill rd n Walnut
Strouse Joseph, laborer, bds W Hill rd n Walnut