Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
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1874 Directory Table of Contents
FOR 1874.

Rhodes Silas R., carpenter, h 54 Hoffman

Rhodes & Munson, (Charles w. Rhodes and David W. Munson,) dry goods, 156 Lake

Rhymer Charles, painter, bds 110 W Water

Rhymer Henry, laborer, h 311 W Second

Rhymer Henry, painter, bds 110 W Water

Riagan Richard, laborer, h 200 Park

Ribel Jacob, (Roof & Ribel,) h 412 E Water

Rice Aaron, proprietor St. Mary’s Infirmary, Hudson n Race Course

Rice C. B., veterinary surgeon, bds 121 Fox

Rice Charles D., shoemaker, h 237 W Water

Rice Daniel O., (Rice & Fitch,) h 112 W Church

Rice Edward C., bds 323 William

Rice George, carpenter, h 253 South av

Rice Helen, widow Lucian, h 611 College av

Rice John E., carpenter, h Perine n South av

Rice Kate, domestic, 1019 Factory

Rice Lewis, tin-peddler, bds Perine n South av

Rice Mary A., bds W Washington n Lincoln

Rice Melvin, shoemaker, h 813 E Church

The best Imported and Domestic GLASSWARE, at DEXTER’S.

Ricer Remie C., bookkeeper, 116 Baldwin h 323 William

Rice Rose, domestic, 652 E Market

Rice Sylvanus, bds 253 South av

Rice & Fitch, (Daniel O. Rice and Albert M. Fitch,) grocers, 101 E Church

Rich Delia, teacher school No. 1, bds 654 E Church

Rich Richard H., (Carman & Rich,) h 743 W Church

Rich Samuel, yard-master, h 503 Pennsylvania av

Richards Charles H., (Rapelyea, Richards & Hill,) h 155 Madison av

Richards David D., puddler, h 717 Davis

Richards Frank P., clerk, 112 Baldwin, bds 155 Madison av

Richards Josiah H., machinist, bds 414 W First

Richards Richard, clerk Erie Freight depot, h 414 W First

Richards Samuel, puddler, bds 656 Baldwin

Richards Willard E., physician, 301 College av, h do

Richards William A. machinist, bds 414 W First

Richardson Anna, domestic, Maple av n city limits

Richardson Daniel, shoemaker, h 368 Fulton

Richardson Delos, gardener, bds South av n Perine

RICHARDSON JACKSON, boot and shoe manufacturer, 105 to 109 W Water, h 359 W Church

Richardson John, laborer, bds 368 Fulton

Richardson Joseph M., bds Hathaway House

Richardson Julia, domestic, 312 Lake

Richardson Katie, domestic, county jail

Richardson Mary, bds 129 E S Water

Richardson Michael, (M. Richardson & Co.,) also, (Smith, Lawrence & Co.,) h 311 Madison av

Richardson M. & Co., (George E. Carpenter and Benjamin W. Topping,) wholesale notions, 104 Lake

Richardson Samuel, bds 129 E S Water

Richardson William J., bookkeeper, 104 Lake, bds 311 Madison av

Richardt George H., brakeman, bds 457 Sullivan

Richart Abner W., blacksmith, h 244 W Water

Ridgeway Moses, coachman, 115 N Main

RIDGEWAY WILLIAM, barber, over 146 E Water, h 615 W Church (see adv)

Ridley Barzella, carpenter, h 714 Park Place

Rieble Sophia, widow Gottlieb, h 700 Jay

RIEDINGER HENRY J., grocer, 651 Lake, h do (see adv)

Riedinger Joseph R. R., postal clerk, bds 651 Lake

Riedinger Philip, clerk, 155 Water, bds 651 Lake

Riedy James, laborer, h 511 Logan

Riese Frederick G., gilder, h 1122 Elm

Riff Catharine, domestic, 437 E Water

Riffe Ann, widow Cornelius, h 106 E Water

Riffe Michael, tanner, bds 417 Railroad av

Riggs Edward H., yard supt, 102 W Partridge h 113 do

Riker Henry M., blacksmith, bds 505 Magee

Riker John K., saw grinder, bds Day n Sullivan

Riker Samuel, h 308 Baldwin

Riley Anna, domestic, Homestead Hotel

Riley Elizabeth, widow John h 250 W S Water

Riley John, carpenter, bds 656 E Clinton

Riley John, laborer, h Lewis n Northern Central R. R. shops

Riley Kate, domestic, 211 College av

Riley Maggie, domestic, 511 E Union

Riley Mary, domestic, 957 Lake

Riley Michael, shoemaker, bds 858 E Market

Riley Nora, domestic Hoffman, n Washington av

Riley Nora, domestic, 608 W Water

Riley Orson F., carpenter, h Norton n Lake

Riley Patrick, shoemaker, h 214 Chestnut

Table CUTLERY and Plated Ware, at Dexter’s DOUBLE STORE, Lake St.

Riley Timothy, shoemaker, h 858 E Market

Riley see also Reilly

Rinker Lucinda E., widow Elias h 514 Madison av

Rinker William, polisher, bds 514 Madison av

Ripley Phoebe, nurse, h 111 W Second

Rippier Arthur, painter, bds 551 E Water

Ritchie Catharine, widow Robert, bds 510 Logan

Ritchie Charles H., shoemaker, h 510 Logan

Ritchie David A., conductor, h Burdick n W South av

Ritchie George, brakeman, h Burdich n Northern Central R. R.

Ritz Adam, tanner, h 59 S Washington

Roach Mary, widow John, h 411 High

Roan William, clerk, bds 751 E Church

Roan William, clerk, 107 E Water, h 220 W Water

Robbins Sarah Mrs., nurse, bds 403 W Church

Roberts Albert E., clerk Erie R. R. car shops, bds Pattinson House

Roberts Anna, domestic, 309 Carroll

Roberts Charles D., constable, h 518 Baldwin

Roberts Daniel, drayman, h Maxell av n Division

Roberts Edward D., butcher, h 755 E Second

Roberts Ezra M., insurance agent, h 506 William

Roberts George, barber, bds 436 E Water

Roberts George, laborer, h 520 De Witt

Roberts Henry, cartman, h 125 Harriet

Roberts Henry S., blacksmith, h 159 Orchard

Roberts Herald, drayman, h 909 E Church

Roberts Isaac, cartman, h Oak cor Pattinson

Roberts James, boilermaker, h 104 W Church

Roberts James E., laborer, bds 104 W Church

Roberts James F., carpenter, r h 313 W Fourth

Roberts John, blacksmith, bds 159 Orchard

Roberts Orselos, carpenter, bds Oak cor Pattinson

Roberts Sarah, domestic, 528 W Water

Roberts Silas B., tallyman, h 369 W Second

Roberts Stephen T., boilermaker, h 508 Madison av

Roberts William, dyer, 436 E Water h do

Roberts William jr., dyer, bds 436 E Water

Roberts William, puddler, bds 958 N Main

Roberts William, roller, h 717 Walnut

Robertshaw Annie, dressmaker, 209 W Henry bds do

Robertshaw Clement, express-driver, h 209 W Henry

Robertshaw John, cook, Rathbun House

Robertshaw Rebecca, widow John, h 209 W Henry

Robertson Archibald, (Smith, Robertson & Fassett,) h 369 Fulton

Robertson Henry B. V., fireman, bds 369 Fulton

BLACK and FANCY SILKS, at W. E. HART & SON’S, 325 E Water St.

Robertson Newton P., clerk, bds 369 Fulton

Robertson Thaddeus M., clerk, 308 E Water bds 369 Fulton

Robertson Wm. B., real estate agent, 101 E Market h 375 W Church

Robinson Barbara, domestic, 463 W Church

Robinson Chauncy N., carpenter, 121 Judson h do

Robinson David C., (L. & D. C. Robinson,) bds Maple av Southport

Robinson Elmira, widow John, bds 378 W Water

Robinson Frances, seamstress, bds 510 William

Robinson George, fireman, bds Kinyon n Northern Central R. R. shops

Robinson George M., (J. M. Robinson & Sons,) bds 302 William

ROBINSON J. M. & SONS, (John M., William H., and George M., Lucius D.,) furniture dealers and undertakers, 161 and 163 Lake (see adv next page)

Robinson John M., (J. M. Robinson & Sons,) h 302 William

Robinson Joseph, laborer, bds 705 Canal

Robinson Lucius, (L. & D. C. Robinson,) h Maple av Southport

Robinson Lucius D., (J. M. Robinson & Sons) bds 302 William

Robinson Lydia A., widow Alinas, bds 813 Hatch

ROBINSON L. & D. C., (Lucius and David C.,) lawyers, 2 Opera House Block

Robinson Mary, domestic, 411 William

Robinson Newell D., clerk, 208 W Water h 371 First

Robinson Orrin, insurance agent, 2 Opera Block h Maple av Southport

Robinson Water, clerk, 200 W Water

Robinson William, miller, bds 610 Main

Robinson William H., (J. M. Robinson & Sons,) h 458 E Church

Roche Michael, saloon, 170 Lake h Sherman House

Rockwell Abram, clerk, h 750 Jay

Rockwell George, butcher, h 315 Orchard

ROCKWELL HOSEA H., lawyer, 112 Baldwin h 508 Columbia

Rockwell Isaac, milk depot, 216 Baldwin h 315 E Church

Rockwell Sara J., music-teacher Grammar School No. 5, h 657 Park Place

Roderick John J., puddler, h 802 Hatch

Rodgers Edward, engineer, bds 312 W Fifth

Rodgers Edward, engineer, bds 312 W Fifth

Roe Charles F., machinist, bds 401 N Main

Roe Edward D., farmer, h 1151 College av

Roe Frank A. Capt., h 1020 College av

Roe John, stonecutter, bds Davis ab Cemetery

Roe John, stonecutter, bds 104 E Henry

Roe John T., h 401 N Main


Roe Joseph M., clerk, bds 401 N Main

Roe Maggie, dressmaker, bds 154 W Fifth

Rogers Anna, domestic, 610 Main

Rogers Edward, machinist, bds 518 Pennsylvania av

Rogers Ephraim P., foreman, 223 Railroad av bds 126 N Main

Rogers George W., h 919 W Water

ROGERS HENRY C., Elmira Agricultural Works, h 406 Madison av

Rogers Horace M., bookkeeper Elmira Agricultural Works, bds 406 Madison av

Rogers John, laborer, h 121 W First

Rogers John W., flagman, bds 552 Jacob

Rogers Louise, domestic, Rathbun House

Rogers Maria, widow Peter, h 109 Fulton

Rogers Mary, domestic, 304 N Main

Rogers Nathaniel C., clerk, 160 Lake h 306 De Witt

Rogers Stephen, mason, h r 121 E Church

Rogers William, laborer, h 1025 College av

Rohan Katie, domestic, 325 Lake

Rohan Martin, laborer, h 381 Pennsylvania av

Rohrheimer Morris, tailor, h Water ab Harriet

Rolan Rodger, engineer, h Junction cor South av

Roll Manning R., painter, h 457 W Third

Roll M. Luther, restaurant, 323 Carroll h 316 do

Rollins Benjamin, puddler, bds 155 E Washington av

Romer Antone, (Bowe, Romer & Co.,) h 115 College av

Ronan Patrick, grocer, 569 E Water h do

Roock Andreas, mason, h 1117 Elma

Roody James F., engineer, h 609 E Church

Roody James T., engineer, bds Rathbun House

Roof John (Roof & Ribel,) h E Water cor High

Lehigh Coals ARE THE BEST. Order from J. H. Barney, 110 Baldwin St.

Roof John J., express messenger, h 455 W Water

Roof Russell H., bds 455 W Water

Roof & Ribel (John Roof and Jacob Ribel), meat market, 414 E Water

ROOSA AUGUSTUS P., temple of art, 134 W Water h 470 do (see adv page 9)

Roosa Charles C., clerk, 134 W Water bds do

ROOSA WILLIAM P., gilder, h 124 N Main

Root Altheda L., boarding, h 401 Railroad av

Root Celestia J. Mrs., millinery and fancy goods, 134 W Water h 132 do

Root Eugene, carpenter, h 210 Mt. Zoar

Root Julia, widow ---, h 305 W Clinton

ROOT JULIUS S., dentist, 328 E Water, h 305 W Clinton (see adv)

Roper Edwin K., lawyer, 113 Lake, h 166 Harriet

Roper Fordyce, farmer h 166 Harriet

Roper Lowellyn R., student, bds 166 Harriet

Roper Merrick J., teamster, h 166 Harriet

Rorick Edward, stonecutter, bds Davis ab Cemetery

Rorick Frank, brakeman, h 151 Franklin

Rorick Sarah E., domestic, Norton n Lake

Rosa Fred. H., bookkeeper, 100 Lake bds 365 W Gray

Rosa L. Ella, clerk, 318 Water bds do

Roschinski Andro, shoemaker, h 167 E Seventh

Roschinski John, laborer, h E Seventh cor Canal

Rose Alice, dressmaker, bds 149 W Water

Rose Amada, widow Stephen, h Magee cor Washington av

Rose Clark, machinist, bds 611 Lake

Rose E. Lewis, engineer, h 318 Orchard

Rose James M. (Rose & Hasenstab), bds 126 N Main

Rose Stephen (Pooth, Dounce, Rose & Co.), h Magee cor Washington av

ROSE & HASENSTAB, (James M. Rose and Frank Hasenstab), book binders 15 Opera Block Lake (see adv)

Rosebrook Amanda, widow Emery W., h 912 College av

Rosebrook Frank, salesman, h 312 Columbia

ROSENBACK MOSES, clothier, 203 E Water h 709 do

Rosenbaul Abraham, clerk, 332 E Water

Rosenbaum Lehman, (Guttenberg, Rosenbaum & Co.,) h 313 Baldwin

Rosenbaum Martin, clerk, 141 E Water, bds 313 Baldwin

Rosenshein Jacob, clerk, bds Pennsylvania House

CEMETERY FENCES of elegant designs, of the CARBURETTED STONE.

Rosenstine Jacob, clerk, 313 E Water bds Pennsylvania House

Rosensweig Leopold, peddler, h 809 E Church

Rosenthal Harris, peddler, h 102 Washington

Rosenthal Levi, grocer, 701 E Water h do

Ross Charles, salesman, h 112 Orchard

Ross Charles D. salesman, 308 Carroll h Gregg n E Second

Ross George W., lime-burner, h 923 E Church

Ross Jane Mrs., h 127 W Hudson

Ross Joseph W., awningmaker, bds 923 E Church

Ross Mary, widow Alpha, bds 110 W Henry

Ross Thomas, laborer, h 562 E Clinton

Ross William, teamster, h 713 Dickinson

Roth Lizzie Mrs., dressmaker, bds 512 William

Rothchild Abraham, clerk, 141 E Water bds 461 do

Rothchild Harris, peddler, h 124 Harriet

Rothchild Max, clerk, 201 E Water bds 461 E Water

Rothwell Edwin, cooper, h r 115 E Hudson

Roughen Bridget, widow Thomas, h 418 Standish

Rourke James, porter, 148 W Water bds 371 W Third

Rourke Mary, widow James, h 371 W Third

Rovegno Joseph, peanut-vender, h 204 Ann

French GLASS SHADES & Wax Material, at Dexter’s, Lake St.

ROWLAND CARBURETTED STONE WORKS, Henry B. Fitch, agent, Railroad av cor Church (see adv top lines)

Rowland Charles H., (Miles, Trout & Co.,) h 453 E Water

Rowland John, laborer, bds Casey n W South av

Rowland Michael, fireman, h Casey n W South av

Rowley Franklin, mason, bds 212 Mt. Zoar

Rowley Joseph, carpenter, bds Pattinson House

Rowley Nimrod, mason, h 212 Mt. Zoar

Ruck Mary, domestic, Hart cor Walnut

Rulapaugh Gilbert, shoemaker, h 454 E Water

Rulapaugh John W., cartman, h 508 John

Rundle Aaron W., bds 507 Park Place

Runyan Albert, painter, bds 515 W Clinton

Rupersberger Conrad, farmer, h W Hill rd n Cemetery

Rush Joseph, paper-hanger, bds Jefferson n South av

Russell Benjamin, laborer, bds 335 Broadway

Russell Eliza Mrs., h 413 Powell

Russell Florentine R., printer, Leader office bds 607 John

Russell James, laborer, bds Pattinson House

Russell James W., (Skinner & Russell,) h 800 N Main

Russell Mary, domestic, Hathaway House

Russell Mary, widow Solomon, bds 800 N Main

Russell Peter R., bricklayer, h 607 John

Russell Philip H., salesman, bds 100 W Water

Russell Robinson, laborer, bds 413 Powell

Rutan Enos W., carpenter, 336 Broadway, h 342 do

Rutan Peter B., carpenter, h 317 Hine

Rutledge James, laborer, h 853 Dickinson

RUTTER WILLIAM E., master car-builder, also cemetery commissioner, h 412 N Main

Ryan Alice, domestic, 669 Park Place

Ryan Andrew, mason, bds 664 Lake

Ryan Annie, bds 611 Lake

Ryan Anthony, laborer, h 853 Railroad av

Ryan Bridget, domestic, 452 W Water

Ryan Edward, (Ryan & Toole,) h 559 John

Ryan Ellen, widow John, h 461 W Sixth

Ryan Frank A., h 222 Gregg

Ryan George W., (Ryan & Nagell,) h 222 Gregg

Ryan Hanora, domestic, 628 W Church

Ryan James, laborer, bds 461 W Sixth

Ryan Jeremiah, laborer, bds 303 Railroad av

Ryan John, laborer, h South av n Erie

Ryan John L., flagman, bds Jacob cor S Main

Ryan Malachi J., brakeman, h 223 W Water

Willow & Cane Sewing STANDS & BASKETS, at China Hall, Lake St.

Ryan Margaret, domestic, 315 W First

Ryan Margaret, domestic, 661 Park Place

Ryan Mary, domestic, 355 Church

Ryan Mary, domestic, Elmira Female College

Ryan Nellie, bds 611 Lake

Ryan Patrick, helper, h 322 Pennsylvania av

RYAN & NAGELL, (George W. Ryan and Barnett Nagell,) stoves, tinware and furniture, 424 E Water

RYAN & TOOLE, (Edward Ryan and Mrs. J. B. Toole,) grocers, 142 E Water

Ryder Patrick, shoemaker, h 809 E Market

Ryen Margaret, domestic, Columbia cor Church

Rynn Michael, helper, h 709 Railroad av


Sackett Frank E., clerk Second National bank, bds 204 High

Sackett John H., carpenter, 214 Gregg, h 213 Washington

Sackett Nancy, widow Elisha, bds 411 Baldwin

Sadisfield Charles, laborer, bds 706 Baldwin

Sadler Frank, clerk, 201 Clinton, bds Third n Main

Sadler Harriet, widow Timothy, h 551 E Water

Sadler John, plumber, bds 551 E Water

Saener William, cartman, h Sullivan cor Pattinson

Sailor William, glass-blower, h 432 W Fifth

Sailor see also Saylor

Salmon John, painter, bds 305 E Second

Salmon Stephen, h Pennsylvania av cor Lewis

Salmons Edward, teamster, bds 569 E Water

Salyer A. B., clerk, bds 220 W Water

Sample Robert, blacksmith, h 509 Harper

Sampson Joseph C., bookkeeper, h 801 N Main

Sampson William L., bookkeeper, 110 Baldwin bds 801 N Main

Samuel Isaac, peddler, h r 119 Harriet

Samuel Jacob, tailor, h 314 E Water

Samuels Albert, (Herman Strauss & Co.,) also (Strauss & Samuels,) h 110 Madison av

Sanborn George G., clerk, 305 E Water bds 313 William

Sanberg Mary, domestic, 110 DeWitt

Sanders Mary, domestic, 115 Madison av

SANDERS WAYLAND M., music-teacher and dealer in pianos, h 402 E Union

Sanders William, carpenter, bds 608 Baldwin

Sanders William A., carpenter, h 705 Baldwin

Sanford Emerson, augermaker, h 418 Madison av

Sanford Percil L., augermaker, h 424 W Fourth

Full stock of House Furnishing Goods at Hart & Son’s, 325 E. Water St.

Sargent M. T., fish, fruit, &c., 411 Railroad av h 368 W Fifth

Sarrin Kate, domestic, 957 East av

Sarsfield Michael, shoemaker, h 210 Orchard

Satterlee Albert S., (E. B. Satterlee & Co.,) h 223 Baldwin

Satterlee E. B. & Co., (Elias B. and Albert S. Satterlee, and S. M. Reynolds,) dry goods, shoes and clothing, 121 Lake

Satterlee Elias B., (E. B. Satterlee & Co.,) h 117 W Market

Satterlee Frank, clerk, bds 207 W Third

Saul Augustus, carpenter, bds 305 W Clinton

Saunders Frederick H., carpenter, h 351 E Clinton

Saunders Lewis, printer, bds 405 Lake

Savage Henry, hostler, Homestead Hotel

Savey Seth M., carpenter, h 103 Partridge

Savoski Meyers, peddler, h 113 Washington

Savy Paul J., carpenter, h Hudson n Wilcox Park

Sawdey Ellen, domestic, Jacob cor S Main

Sawyer Almon, laborer, h 455 Pennsylvania av

Sawyer Sarah, dressmaker, h 605 E Second

Sayles Emma, teacher Elmira Academy, bds 211 Baldwin

Sayles Guy, dentist, 220 E Water bds 211 Baldwin

Sayles Henry, physician, 211 Baldwin h do

Sayles Henry H., dentist, 220 E Water bds 211 Baldwin

Sayles Henry P., conductor, h Casey n W South av

Sayles Lewis, carriage-trimmer, bds 202 E Gray

Saylor Frank, hack-driver, bds 433 Railroad av

Saylor, see also Sailor

Scales Francis R., moulder, bds 510 Logan

Scanlon Ann, widow John, bds 854 John

Scanlon, Simon, laborer, h 322 W Seventh

Schaal Frederick, butcher, h Washington av bel R. R.

Schacher Xavier, teamster, bds Hart cor Walnut

Schaffer Charles A., telegraph operator, bds 212 W S Water

Schaffer see also Shafer

Schan Martin, butcher, bds 468 E Water

Scharf Edward, butcher, h E Third n Oak

Scheerrer William E., builder, h Hart cor Walnut

Scheffer Charles A., telegrapher, 150 Baldwin, bds 212 W S Water

Scheick Edward, machinist, bds Penna av n Lewis

Schenck George C., clerk, bds Rathbun House

Schenk Johanna, domestic, 422 W Church

Schiller Christian, laborer, bds 664 Lake

Schlager Kate, domestic, Lake cor Diven av

Schlosser Charles D., bds 515 Railroad av

Schlosser Jacob (Thro & Schlosser), h 515 Railroad av

Schlutter Frank, watchmaker, bds 127 Railroad av

J. H. BARNEY’S COAL OFFICE with J. Langdon & Co. 110 Baldwin St.

SCHLUTTER MINNIE, hotel, 127 Railroad av

Schmidt Charles, cabinetmaker, h 354 Pennsylvania av

Schmidt see also Smith

Schmitt Lizzie M., domestic, 405 W Gray

Schneider Darius, painter, bds 709 John

Schneider see also Snyder

Schoefrider Michael, laborer, h E Seventh cor Canal

Schonemann Louis, tailor, h 567 E Water

Schonhoft Frederick, tailor, bds 100 W Water

Schornstheimer Henry, clerk, 200 W Water bds Clinton cor Lake

Schornstheimer Peter, (Schornstheimer & Stampp), h 526 Lake

Schornstheimer & Stampp, (Peter Schornstheimer and Adam Stampp,) grocers, 526 Lake

Schultz Augusta, domestic, 115 College av

Schultz see also Shults

Schumacher Peter (Yenger & Schumacher), bds 670 Columbia

Schumkart Amelia, domestic, 115 Columbia

Schusler Caroline, bds 717 John

Schuszler George A., clerk, 212 E Water bds Chestnut cor Elm

Schwab Frederick, cooper, bds 458 E Clinton

Schwanke Christiana, widow Ludwig, h 244 W Water

Schwarz Abraham, teamster, h Sullivan n city limits

Schwartz Fibion, (Schwartz & Sittenfield), h 710 E Water

Schwartz Jacob, law-student, 346 E Water, bds 710 E Market

Schwartz & Sittenfield, (Fibion Schwartz and Solomon Sittenfield), hides and wool, 110 E Water

Schwenke George W., propr. Eagle Hotel, 433 Railroad av

Schwenke Louis, bartender, h 241 W Water

Scofield Herman, carpenter, h Diven av n Lake

Scofield Lewis D., teamster, h 406 Magee

Scofield Oscar W., clerk, 336 E Water, bds 507 do

Scopes Charles, maltster, bds 417 Railroad av

Scott Albert, laborer, bds 404 De Witt

Scott Charles C., despatcher, h 856 N Main

Scott Edward, laborer, bds 1019 College av

Scott Edwin A., (Perry & Scott), h Crescent av cor Hall

Scott Julia, widow Samuel, h 914 Benton

Scott Leonard, commercial-agent, h 311 W Fifth

Scott Lizzie, shoe-fitter, bds 258 W Water

Scott Samuel W., teamster, h 914 Benton

Scott William H. S., student, bds Crescent av cor Hall

Scovill George, carpenter, bds 60 Pennsylvania av

Scoville Thaddeus S., real-estate, h 617 Lake

Seaburg Dallas, brakeman, h Casey n W South av


Seager George H., cigarmaker, 553 E Second, bds do

Seaman Foster M., carpenter, h 402 Magee

Searles Carrie F., teacher, bds 214 College av

Searles Frank, clerk, 325 E Water, bds Homestead Hotel

Searles John, carpenter, h 454 E Market

Searles Mary F., widow James H., h 214 College av

Sebersky Abram, cutter, 109 E Water, h 560 do

Sebersky Isidor, clerk, 201 E Water, bds 560 do

Sebersky Julius, manager, 109 E Water, bds 560 do

Sebersky Perry, clerk, bds 560 E Water

Sechler Isaac, painter, bds 109 S Main

Sechler Jacob E., foreman Gazette office, h 210 W Henry

SECOND NATIONAL BANK, D. R. Pratt, prest, W. F. Corey, cashier, 150 Lake

Secor Annie, widow ---,. bds 817 E Church

Secor Clara, h 510 E church

Secor Jabin A., clerk, 137 Lake, bds 510 E Church

See James L., piano-key maker, bds 315 Orchard

See John, butcher, h 207 E Market

See John S., clerk, 161 Baldwin, bds 307 E Clinton

SEELY ABSALOM, soda water, &c. manufacturer, 202 Pennsylvania av, h do

Seely Carlton, clerk, bds 314 High

Seeley Charles F., foreman, 202 Pennsylvania av bds do

Seeley Henry, carpenter, h Burdick n W South av

Seely Hiram, carriagemaker, bds 555 E Water

Seeley John C., (Herrick & Seeley,) h 403 Lake

Seely Jonas, shoemaker, bds 328 Baldwin

SEELY MORRIS, produce commission merchant, 123 W Water h 314 High

Seely Rollin, clerk, 123 W Water bds 314 High

Seely Sabrine, widow Strong, bds 310 Pennsylvania av

Seely Selah T., ticket-clerk, Erie R. R. bds 408 N Main

Seely William C., clerk, 159 Lake

Seiler Louis, machinist, bds Pennsylvania av n Lewis

Sellen Amos S., dentist, 317 E Water h 929 College av

Sellner Barnard, tailor, 511 E Third

Sellner Goust, clerk, 112 E Water bds 305 Railroad av

Sellner Israel, clothing, 365 Railroad av h do

Selover John, h 102 Harmon

Selver John D., gardener, h 436 W Fourth

Selway Cornelius, laborer, h 813 Hatch

Selway George, roller, h 416 Standish

Selway James B., cooper, h 668 Baldwin

Byington Bros. Are Shippers of EARLY FRUITS and Vegetables, 119 Baldwin St.

Selway James B. jr., fireman, bds 668 Baldwin

Sergeant Wisner, laborer, h 255 W Hudson

Seumnicht John, clerk, 164 Lake bds 166 do

SEWARD H. MONROE, broker, 465 E Market h do

Seward Phoebe, widow Hector, bds 465 E Market

Seymore William, bartender, Lyon House bds do

Seymour Edwin C., (Fletcher & Seymour) h 615 W Gray

Shafer Willard, brakeman, bds 309 W Second

Shafer see also Schaffer

Shaff Sarah E., domestic, 640 W Gray

Shall Julius, tanner, bds 567 E Water

Shaltz Christopher, laborer, h 705 Benjamin

Shandley Mary, widow James, h 272 W Hudson

Shannahan Ann, widow Patrick, h 209 Harriet

Shannon John, rougher, bds 415 W Fifth

Shannon Martin, ironworker, bds 717 Railroad av

Shannon Mary, widow Martin, h 415 W Fifth

Shannon Michael, telegrapher, Northern Central R. W. depot bds Railroad av n Sixth

Shannon Patrick, hooker, bds 415 W Fifth

Shannon Patrick, laborer, h 717 Railroad av

Shannon Thomas, laborer, bds 717 Railroad av

Shannon Timothy, hooker, h 415 W Fifth

Shappee Jacob V., tanner, h 328 E Water

Shappee Knapp, teamster, h 723 Lake

Sharp Edward, clerk, 313 Carroll

Sharp John, moulder, h 109 Partridge

Sharp Le Grande D., laborer, bds 718 Walnut

Sharp Mason W., laborer, h 718 Walnut

Sharpe Rose, domestic, 211 Lake

Sharpsteen Sarah A., dressmaker, h 111 Lake

Sharry John, laborer, bds 800 Magee

Shaughnessey John, express clerk Erie depot, h 315 W Second

Shaughnessy Mary, widow John, bds 315 W Second

Shaw Alexander, express-messenger, h 208 W Sixth

Shaw Charles D., tinsmith, h 317 W Fourth

Shaw Charles H., teamster, h Canal n Railroad av

Shaw Eugene, clerk, bds 213 High

Shaw Guy R., carpenter, h 105 E Henry

Shaw James E., laborer, h Howard n Factory

Shaw John B., bricklayer, bds 410 Washington av

Shaw John H., tinsmith, h 79 Walnut

Shaw Phoebe Mrs., seamstress, h 415 W Fourth

Shay John, mason, h 125 Judson

Go to HART & SON’S for UPHOLSTERY GOODS, 325 Water St.

Shay Robert, carpenter, h Partridge cor S Main

Shea Daniel, cigarmaker, bds 651 E Water

Shea David T., bricklayer, bds 651 E Water

Shea John, policeman, h 113 Fulton

Shea Kate, domestic, 459 E Water

Shea Mary, domestic, 215 Church

Shea Philip, blacksmith, h 302 W First

Shea Timothy, laborer, h 651 E Water

SHEAFE JAMES S., freight agent Lehigh Valley R. R. freight office, h 703 Columbia

Shearer John D., laborer, h W Water n city limits

Shearer John H., train despatcher Northern Central R. W. h 1013 Benton

Sheckels Leonard, barber, h 663 Baldwin

Sheckels Richard, barber, 523 Railroad av h 663 Baldwin

Sheehan Daniel, laborer, bds 915 Railroad av

Sheehan Ellen, domestic, 129 N Main

Sheehan Margaret, widow Timothy, h 915 Railroad av

Sheehan Michael, laborer, bds 855 Railroad av

Sheehan Peter, planer, h 855 Railroad av

Sheehan William, puddler, bds 855 Railroad av

Sheehy Anna M., milliner, 201 E Water

Sheely Daniel, tanner, h 502 W Hudson