Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
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1874 Directory Table of Contents
FOR 1874.

Lariew Charles, painter, bds 811 E Church

Lariew John R., house and sign painter, 1026 Lake, h Norton cor Benton

Lariew Porter, painter, h 375 Centre

Larkin B. Mrs., h Spring n John

Larkin James, mason, h Walnut cor W Third

LARKIN JOHN E., photographer, 317 E Water, h 518 William

Larkin Susan, domestic, 410 N Main

Larkins Robert, city-express, h 104 E Hudson

Larrabee John W., barber, 804 Carroll, h 211 DeWitt

Lathrop Margaret, domestic, 155 Baldwin

Lathy Charles E., livery-clerk, r Delavan House, bds 320 W Fifth

Latinier James, laborer, h 509 Sullivan

Latterman William, cigarmaker, 140 W Water, h 420 W Third

Lattin --- Mrs., domestic, Rathbun House

Lattin Eunice, widow William, h 208 Ann

Laughlin Philip, laborer, bds 661 Lake

LaVoie Eli, hair-goods, 117 Baldwin, bds 304 E Water

Lavin John, tanner, h 525 Harper

Lawes H. Louis, clerk, bds Davis n Cemetery

Lawhead William H., pianomaker, h 105 W Hudson

All new styles of CROCKERY & CHINA, at China Hall, Lake St.

Lawler James M., blacksmith, bds 101 W S Water

LAWLER THOMAS H., stationery, wall paper and window shades, 136 W Water, h 718 Columbia (see adv)

Lawrence Anna E., widow Abram, h 212 W Third

Lawrence Henry, watchmaker, 400 E Water, bds 100 W Water

Lawrence Nelson J., carpenter, h 623 W Gray

Lawrence Robert F., painter, bds 212 W Third

Lawrence Thomas, (Smith, Lawrence & Co.,) h 121 W Market

Lawrence Warren, foreman, 119 Railroad av h 308 S Main

Lawrence William D., clerk, 423 N Main, h 436 W Fourth

Laws Benjamin, laborer, h 355 E Fifth

Lawton William H., wood-turner, h 111 W Third

Lawyer David H., porter, 161 Lake, h 706 Dickinson

Lazarus Abraham, peddler, h 506 DeWitt

Leach George K., bartender, bds 126 W Water

Leach Richard W., peddler, h 126 W Water

Lea Lucia, bds 813 E Market

Leahy Daniel, shoemaker, h 110 Orchard

Learn Mary, widow Joseph, bds 706 Jay

Learned Eugene W., salesman, 308 Carroll h at Alba, Pa

Leary Bartholomew, cigar maker, h 452 High

Leary Bartholomew, mason, bds 103 S Walnut

Leary Bridget, domestic, 108 Elm

Leary Cornelius S., carpenter, h 551 E Second

Leary Eliza, domestic, Lake cor Division

Leary Fenton, laborer, h 103 S Walnut

Leary John, teamster, h E Third n Oak

Leary Lizzie, domestic, 315 E Market

Leary Mary, domestic, Benton n Crescent av

Leary Mary, domestic, 210 W First

Leary Patrick, cigarmaker, bds E Third n Oak

Leary Thomas, laborer, h E Third n Oak

Lease Ambrose, laborer, h 563 E Water

Leasner Charles, laborer, h Fifth n Sullivan

Leasner William, laborer, h N Oak ab Fifth

Leavens Lucy, teacher, bds 860 E Church

Leavitt Albert, laborer, bds West Hill rd n Carr’s Corners

Leavitt Charles, clerk, 137 E Water bds 415 E Market

Leavitt Clarissa W., widow Henry, h 202 College ave

Leavitt John H., supt Elmira Water Works, 212 E Water, h 415 E Market

Leavitt Milton T., engineer, h 353 Columbia

Lee Alonzo, farmer, h Oak cor Factory

Lee Charles M., sewer pipe manufacturer, E Washington av n the canal h 900 Oak

Buy your COAL of J. H. BARNEY, 110 Baldwin Street.

Lee David, recruiting sergeant 102 Lake bds Mansion House

Lee James S., carpenter, h 722 Columbia

Lee John, clerk, 102 W Water, bds 365 W Gray

Lee Lucretia, domestic, 359 W Church

Lee Margaret, domestic, 111 N Main

Lee Mary, domestic, 715 Clinton

Lee Merritt, laborer, h 614 Lake

Lee Nancy, widow Joshua, h 416 Perry

LEE PATRICK J., Alderman Second Ward, also carpenter h 101 Park

Lee Robert, mason, bds 156 W Third

Lee Sarah J., widow William R., h 654 Clinton

Lee Thomas, drayman, h 818 Walnut

Lee Thomas, plumber, bds Patterson House

Lee Wallace, polisher, h 351 E Clinton

Leech Robert, peddler, h 124 W Water

Leeds Adeline A. & Nellie, select school, 317 Lake h do

Leek James, carpenter, h 713 Davis

Lehle Philip, basketmaker, 440 E Water h do

Lehnleitner Marcus, tanner, h 351 E Fifth

Leinhart Ann, saloon, 325 Railroad av h do

Lennon Barney, blacksmith, h Miller cor O’Gorman

Lennon James, foreman blacksmiths Northern Central R. W. shops, h 511 Pennsylvania av

Lennox James, laborer, h 663 Lake

Le Norman Josephine, domestic, 114 W Market

LEONARD EDWARD D., physician, 301 E Water bds Rathbun House

Leonard George C., confectioner, 115 Baldwin h 212 Gregg

Leonard James, mason, bds 663 College av

Leonard John K., traveling agent, h 461 Mt. Zoar

Le Roy John, gardener, h 609 Dickinson

Lescher Theodore N., resident physician Elmira Surgical Institute, bds W Hudson n Railroad av

Lescher Zacharias Ursirus, clerk, 311 E Water bds 313 do

Levan Loretta, domestic, Casey n W South av

Le Valley Nathaniel L., cartman, h 412 W Second

Levinson Julius, peddler, h 659 E Water

Levinson Samuel, peddler, bds 659 E Water

Levitt Henry P., machinist, 142 W Water bds 220 do

Levy Esther, widow Abraham, bds 315 Railroad av

Levy Hannah, widow Maurice, h 106 Pennsylvania av

Levy Joseph, tobacconist, 100 W Water, h 20 De Witt

Levy Simon, peddler, h 508 De Witt

Levy Simon, shoemaker, 315 Railroad av h do

Lewis Addie, bds 519 Lake

The best Imported and Domestic GLASSWARE, at DEXTER’S.

Lewis Alfred M., shoemaker, h 607 Magee

LEWIS ALONZO H., principal Grammar School No. 5, h 360 W Sixth

Lewis Charles H., track-repairer, h 210 Jacob

Lewis Edwin P., flour and feed, 159 Railroad av h 105 W Gray

Lewis Eugene D., finisher, h 608 John

Lewis Evan, mason, h 104 Broadway

Lewis Frank, clerk, 140 W Water

Lewis George, baggagemaster, bds 309 W Second

Lewis Horace, conducter, bds W South av cor Casey

Lewis Joe M., clerk, bds 221 S Main

Lewis John, blacksmith, h Davis n Woodlawn Cemetery

Lewis John, puddler, h 713 Walnut

Lewis Lorenzo D., carpenter, h 103 E Second

Lewis Mary, widow John, h 454 W First

Lewis Milly, widow Jabez, bds 210 W Water

Lewis Nelson, carpenter, h 715 E Washington av

Lewis Obadiah, clerk, 323 E Water h 626 W Water

Lewis Rebecca, domestic, 309 William

Lewis Rhoda V. Mrs., teacher, Grammar School No. 5 h W Sixth n Davis

Lewis Sarah Mrs., bds Davis n Woodlawn Cemetery

Lewis Simeon, carpenter, h 858 John

Lewis Willie A., student, bds 210 Jacob

Leyden Michael, laborer, h 897 Magee

Leyden Nora, domestic, 305 William

Libolt Abram M., cabinetmaker, h 855 E Market

Liddell Robert D., engineer, h South av n Junction

Liddy Andrew, helper, bds 213 E Washington av

LIDDY JEREMIAH, alderman Fifth ward also contractor, h 521 Pennsylvania av

Liddy Michael, grocer, 217 Fulton h 215 do

Liddy Michael, laborer, bds 521 Pennsylvania av

Liddy Michael, puddler, bds 213 E Washington av

Liddy Patrick, laborer, h 213 E Washington av

Lightfoot Arthur, hostler, h 1108 Ovid

Lillias Margaret, domestic, 415 E Market

Lillis Michael, stonemason, h 710 Davis

Linderman Ira M., carriage-manufacturer, Fox cor Carroll h do

Linderman William, blacksmith, h 207 E Market

Linderman William T., carriagesmith, bds 153 Fox

Lindsey Ebenezer S., grocer, Fifth n Baldwin h do

Lindsey Jennie, dressmaker, 423 N Main h do

Linneen Ellen, widow Peter, bds 439 W Fourth

Linneen Margaret, bds 439 W Fourth

Lace CURTAINS, HOLLANDS and Curtain Fixtures, at 325 E Water St.

Linneen Michael, stonemason, bds 439 W Fourth

Linneen Patrick, stonemason, h 439 W Fourth

Litch Ben, saloon, 406 E Water h do

Litey John J., carpenter, h 713 Davis

Little Levi D., deputy sheriff, county jail bds do

Little Wilson, painter, h 221 W Water

Lisner Amelia, domestic, 127 Railroad av

Livinson John, peddler, h 659 E Water

Lloyd Charles, helper, bds 163 E Washington av

Lobdell Isaac, h 313 Orchard

Lobdell Philip F., (Conner & Lobdell,) h 311 Orchard

Locke Daniel D., foreman, 107 W Water bds 100 do

Locke Hiram B., farmer, h 106 W Second

Lockwood Frank Miss, vestmaker, 308 E Water h do

Lockwood George, painter, bds 663 College av

Lockwood Gideon, drayman, h 150 Washington

Lockwood J. Emmett, engineer, h 407 Standish

Lockwood James E., engineer, h 411 Standish

Lockwood John, laborer, h 628 Lake

Lockwood Matthew, laborer, h 207 E Market

Lodge Abigail J., hairdresser, 502 Baldwin h do

Lodine George, laborer, h N Oak ab Fifth

Lodge James C. Rev., h 502 Baldwin

Loeden Daniel, mason, bds 105 Chestnut

Loeden Michael, gardener, h 105 Chestnut

Loggie Albert G., clerk, 313 E Water bds 462 E Church

Loggie Charles, fireman, bds 464 E Church

Loggie John H., engineer, h 462 E Church

Loggie Russell, machinist, bds 464 E Church

Loman Harrison, iron-finisher, h 624 Baldwin

Loncoi Enos, laborer, h 315 W Fifth

Loncoy Enas, laborer, h 311 W Fifth

Lonergan Ellen, domestic, 208 Columbia

Londergan Maggie, domestic, 369 Fulton

Lonergan Patrick, laborer, h 456 W Second

Loney Maggie, domestic, 317 Madison av

Long Frederick, conductor, h 214 Harriet

Long Louisa, domestic, 760 E Water

Long Mary, widow Patrick, bds 527 Harper

Long Nancy, widow Daniel, h 708 Oak

Longran Garrett, laborer, h 963 Main

Longshore William, shoemaker, h 107 Chestnut

LONGSTREET WILLIAM H., piano dealer at Syracuse, h 111 Columbia

Look Charles T., clerk, 325 E Water


Loomes Edward, veterinary surgeon, h Lake cor Fifth

Loomis Eliza A., widow Seth, h 1018 Lake

Loomis Henry A., clerk, 344 E Water, bds 417 E Market

Loomis Oliver W., ice cream, Baldwin cor Diven av h do

Loomis William C., clerk, 336 E Water bds 417 E Market

Loomis William H., salesman, 1 Opera Block bds Hathaway House

Looney Michael, laborer, h 519 Mt. Zoar

Looney Michael jr., laborer, bds 519 Mt. Zoar

Loonie Jerry, mason, h 923 Lake

Loonie Michael, stonecutter, h Centre cor Benton

Loop Christian, h 308 Sullivan

Loop George, laborer, h 316 High

Loop Laura, seamstress, h Main cor W Water

Loop William A., roller, h 551 E Second

Lord Asa P., tinsmith, h 430 W Fourth

LORD LEWIS F., boarding house, 505 Park Place

Lord Willard J., brakeman, h Casey n W South av

Loring James H., wholesale grocer, 137 E Water, h 318 W Water

LORMORE BRO’S & CO., (William J. and Thomas J. Lormore and Luther Caldwell), wholesale grocers, 308 and 310 Carroll

Lormore T., grocer, h 522 William

Lormore Thomas J., (Lormore Bro’s & Co., h 510 W Church

Lormore William J., (Lormore Bro’s & Co., h 456 Sullivan

Losey Amos, h 715 John

LOSEY R. M., merchant tailor, 202 E Water, bds 302 Clinton

Losie Jane, widow Abraham, h 61 First av

Losie John M. Major, supt and treas Losie Manufac C., h Broadway n Fulton

Losie Manufacturing Co., Broadway n Fulton, Major John M. Losie, superintendent and treasurer; E. S. Palmer Secretary

Losie Thomas M., tinsmith, h 319 Orchard

Losie William K., laborer, bds 61 First ave

Lotz Jacob, book binder, bds 804 W First

Lougher William, roller, bds 806 Hatch

Loughhead William H., piano-maker, h 105 W Hudson

Lounsberry Norman, laborer, h 106 E Water

Love John, moulder, h 214 Orchard

Love John, watchman, h 207 E Market

Lovejoy Robert H., bds 628 W Church

Lovell Amos B., Janitor school No. 2 h 410 Elm

Lovell David B., sawyer, h 307 E Clinton

Lovell Harrison T., engineer, h 308 E Clinton

BLACK and FANCY SILKS, at W. E. HART & SON’S, 325 E. Water St.

Lovering Levi, shoemaker, bds 551 John

Lowak Adam, tanner, h 203 Ann

Lowe Caroline F. Miss., h 126 N Main

LOWE URIAH S., lawyer, 300 E Water, h 128 N Main

Lowman Jacob (John Brand Y Co.,) h at Lowmansville

Lowman L. Mrs., dressmaker, 112 E Water h 106 Washington

Lowman Lyman L., (Hitchcock & Lowman,) h 106 Washington

Lown Amelia, teacher school No. 3, bds 112 S Main

Lown Eugene, shoemaker, bds 112 S Main

Lown William, shoemaker, 112 S Main h do

Lowry Margaret, saloon, 362 E Fifth

Lowshay Henry, brakeman, h O’Gorman n Northern Central R. R.

Lucas Richmond J., carpenter, h Herrick n Mt. Zoar

Luce Hervey, bds 315 E Church

Luce J. R. & Co., (S. S. Luce), fish and oysters, 157 Baldwin

Luce James R., (J. R. Luce & Co.), bds 202 E Gray

Luce Stephen S., (J. R. Luce & Co.,) bds 202 E Gray

Lucy Daniel, mason, h 903 John

Lucy John, machinist, bds 903 John

Lucy Mary, domestic, 1019 Factory

Lucy Mary A., domestic, 511 W Water

Lucy Timothy, coachman, 303 N Main

Lum Henry E., bridge-carpenter, bds 104 E Henry, h at Waverly

Lumbard Harvey S., blacksmith, h 318 Pennsylvania av

Lumston John, carpenter, h 119 Orchard

Lundrigan James, laborer, h 209 Park

Lundrigan John, rail-straightener, h 217 Park

Lunt William T. clerk Erie depot, bds 124 W Second

Lupton Henry, carpenter, h 447 W Fifth

Lush Henry, mason, h 228 Mt. Zoar

Lush James A., mason, bds 212 Mt. Zoar

Lush Mary C., bds 610 Jay

Lush Simon P., mason, bds 212 Mt. Zoar

Lush Susan E., bds 103 Partridge

Lutan Smith, bds Pennsylvania House

Lutes Oscar, teamster, bds 569 E Water

Lutes Ralsey, painter, h 631 W Water

Lutke August, brickmaker, h cor Oak n Pattinson

Lutke Henrietta, domestic, 651 Lake

Lutke Joseph, brickmaker, h Oak n Pattinson

Luqueer M. P. H., widow John, bds 320 Lake

Lux George F., tailor, h 757 E Water

Luzkowsky Julius, mason, h 704 Dickinson

Lydol Margaret, widow Daniel, h 750 E Water

Coal Oil Chandeliers, Brackets & Lamps, at Dexter’s, Lake St.

Lynch Anna, domestic, 400 William

Lynch Catharine, domestic, 128 N Main

Lynch Dennis, laborer, h McDonald n W Sixth

Lynch Edward, clerk, 422 Carroll, bds 612 John

Lynch Eugene, laborer, bds 424 W Third

Lynch John, bds 858 Lake

Lynch John, laborer, h 812 Magee

Lynch John, laborer, bds 361 Railroad av

Lynch John, undertaker, 422 Carroll, h 612 John

Lynch John D., laborer, h 375 Centre

LYNCH JOHN M., hotel, 419 N Railroad av

Lynch Kate, domestic, 402 W Water

Lynch Martin, laborer, h O’Gorman cor Northern Central R. R.

Lynch Martin, stonecutter, h 712 Davis

Lynch Martin Mrs., grocer, 712 Davis, h do

Lynch Mary, domestic, 111 W. S Water

Lynch Mary A., cook, Arbor Hotel

Lynch Mary A., domestic, 407 W Water

Lynch Michael, laborer, h South av ab Maple av

Lynch Michael, labor, h 133 W Water

Lynch Patrick, helper, h 406 W Sixth

Lynch Patrick, laborer, bds South av ab Maple av

Lynch Patrick, saloon, 363 Railroad av h do

Lynch Percy J., civil engineer, h 615 Magee

Lynch Robert, veterinary surgeon, h 416 E Water

Lynch Thomas, laborer, bds 424 W Third

Lynch Thomas, laborer, h alley n Davis ab Cemetery

Lynch Thomas F., mason, h 162 Orchard

Lynch Timothy, carter, h 364 W Third

Lynch William, stonecutter, bds 217 Ann

Lynn Harry, shoemaker, bds 216 W Henry

Lyon Frances M., operator, bds 216 Pennsylvania av

Lyon Harriet, vestmaker, 300 E Water h do

LYON HOUSE, Thomas S. Townsend, prop, 113 W Third (see adv)

Lyon Joseph C., gardener, h Broadway n city limits

Lyon Silas, gardener, h South av n Perine

Lyons Abigail M., widow Joseph, bds 761 E Market

Lyons Ella, domestic, 202 Pennsylvania av

Lyons Jesse, Watchman, h Railroad av cor Market

Lyons John, laborer, h Junction n South av

Lyons Justus, bds Railroad av cor Market

CLOTHS and CASSIMERES in great variety at W. E. HART & SON’S.


MAAS FERDINAND, Hoffman’s Grove Hotel, 653 Walnut h do

Maccallum Thomas, carpenter, 512 W Second h do

Macfarlane Edward O., coal-agent, 313 E Water bds Rathbun House

MACFARLANE JAMES, agent for Blossburg Coal Cos., 313 E Water h at Towanda, Pa

Mack Bridget, domestic, 218 W First

Mack Bridget, domestic, 663 Davis

Mack Bridget, domestic, Elmira Female College

Mack Cornelia, widow Joseph, h 213 High

Mack Daniel, grocer, 126 W South av h 807 S Main

Mack James, helper, bds 713 Canal

Mack James, shoemaker, h 724 W First

Mack John, blue-stone dealer, Main cor First h at Towanda

Mack John, car-inspector, h Miller n Northern Central R. R.

Mack Margaret, widow John, bds Oak n Day

Mack Margaret, widow Patrick, h Miller n O’Gorman

Mack Martin, catcher, bds 713 Canal

Mack Mary, domestic, Elmira Female College

Mack Michael, laborer, h 108 W Henry

Mack Michael, laborer, h 413 Columbia

Mack Peter, laborer, h 427 Standish

Mack Richard, coachman, 822 W Water

Mack Thomas, brakeman, bds 206 Hazlett

Mack Thomas, mason, h 714 Baldwin

Mack Thomas, stonedealer, bds 417 Railroad av

Mackenzie William L., foreman, woolen mills h 809 Factory

Mackesy William, cigarmaker, h 316 Railroad av

Mackey Donald, painter, h Pratt n Matthew

Mackey John, machinist, h Junction n South av

MacMahon Annie, domestic, 3 Columbia

Macneir Andrew E., artist, h 230 Mt. Zoar

Madagan Mary, domestic, 118 Market

Madden Michael T., steam-fitter, h 162 Orchard

Madden Thomas, shoemaker, h 204 Fulton

Maddock Elizabeth, widow John, bds 258 Hudson

Maddock Nellie, domestic, 311 Madison av

Madgan Catharine, widow --, bds 156 W Clinton

Madigan Michael, laborer, bds Miller n Northern Central R. R.

Magee Elizabeth, widow Samuel, bds 514 W Hudson

Magee Jay W., clerk, 657 Baldwin bds do

Maggs John, agent, h 613 E Second

Magher James, maltster, h 210 E Market

Magher John, maltster, bds 210 E Market

Magill Susan, widow John, h 656 Dickinson

Byington Bros., Shippers of ORANGES and LEMONS, 119 Baldwin St.

Magner Kate, domestic, 1019 Factory

Magnor Edmund, watchman, bds 104 W Washington av

Magowan H. W., foreman, 344 E Water

Magrath Benjamin P., shoemaker, h 610 W Gray

Magson Benjamin F., marble-polisher, h 258 W Hudson

Mahany Mary A., domestic, 374 W Church

Mahany Patrick, laborer, h Jones n Robinson

Mahany Patrick, machinist, bds 101 W S Water

Maher James, maltster, h E Market n Railroad av

Maher James, shoemaker, h 360 Railroad av

Maher Martin, brakeman, bds 314 W Fourth

Mahern Maggie, domestic, 117 W Market

Mahoney Ann, widow Thomas, h 315 W Fifth

Mahoney Daniel, mason, bds 309 Hine

Mahoney Dennis, laborer, bds 321 Broadway

Mahoney Hannah, domestic, 118 E S Water

Mahoney John, rougher, h 209 Broadway

Mahoney Kate, domestic, 302 W Clinton

Mahoney Matthew, laborer, bds 218 W First

Mahoney Michael, laborer, h 309 Hine

Mahoney Michael, laborer, h 321 Broadway

Mahoney Michael, mason, bds S Walnut n W Hudson

Mahoney Patrick, bds S Walnut N W Hudson

Mahoney Patrick B., carriagemaker, h S Walnut n W Hudson

Mahoney William, laborer, h 100 W Washington av

Mahony Ellen, widow John, bds 851 Lake

Maid Martin, laborer, bds 419 Railroad av

Main Catharine, widow Samuel, bds 162 Sullivan

Main Charles, mover of Buildings, h 500 E Water

Makinson Charles F., carpenter, h Diven av n Lake

Mallory Russell, confectioner, 324 W Fourth h do

Malone John, laborer, h 712 Dickinson

Malone Maria, domestic, 518 W First

Malone Michael, clerk, 318 E Water, bds do

Malone Patrick, laborer, h 708 Benjamin

Maloney Catharine, widow Michael, h 350 Railroad av

Maloney Dennis, machinist, h 385 Pennsylvania av

Maloney Ellen, widow James, h 150 W S Second

Maloney Honora, widow James, h Miller n Northern Central R. W.

Maloney James, switchman, h Miller n Northern Central R. W.

Maloney James, tinsmith, bds Washington cor E Second

Maloney Johanna, widow James, h Washington cor E Second

Maloney John, coachman, h 816 E Market

Maloney John, express-messenger, h 154 DeWitt

J. H. BARNEY’S COAL OFFICE with J. Langdon & Co. 110 Baldwin St.

Maloney John, laborer, h Oak cor E Third

Maloney John, mason, bds Washington cor E Second

Maloney Katie, domestic, 410 Maple av

Maloney Margaret, widow Timothy, bds 106 High

Maloney Mary, domestic, 3 Columbia

Maloney Mary, domestic, Rathbun House

Maloney Mary S., widow Peter, h 110 W Fifth

Maloney Patrick, laborer, h 7087 Railroad av

Maloney Patrick, laborer, h Railroad ab blast furnace

Maloney Thomas, clerk, 344 E Water, bds Washington cor E Second

Maloney Thomas, laborer, h 707 Railroad av

Malory Russell, laborer, bds Fourth cor Columbia

Managan Kate, domestic, 314 W Clinton

MANDER ADAM, alderman 5th ward, brewer, Tuttle av cor Church, h do

Mander Jacob, brewer, bds 1023 E Church

Mandeville James, teamster, h 425 Standish

Mandeville Kate Miss, bds 315 Madison av

Mandeville Susan, widow John D., h 902 College av

Maney Ellen, widow Andrew, h 107 W Sixth

Maney Mary, domestic, 111 Columbia

Mangan Daniel, bds 111 E First

Mangle Herman, carpenter, h 661 Baldwin

Manley James T., carpenter, h 750 John

Mann George, coachman, 313 Columbia

Mann Margaret Mrs., domestic, 313 Columbia

Mann Michael, 105 E First

Manning Theron, gardener, 1019 Factory

Manns Phoebe, widow Hiram G., bds Day cor Pratt

Manshion John, machinist, bds Pennsylvania av n Lewis

Mantel Paul, laborer, bds 419 Railroad av

Mantle Maggie, domestic, 258 Baldwin

Mapes Elizabeth, widow Samuel, bds 112 E S Water

Marbacher James M., carpenter, h 714 Baldwin

Marcellis Louisa, domestic, 409 N Main

Marcy Adolph, cook, Rathbun House

Maricle Benjamin, mason, h 514 W Second

Marrinon Maggie, domestic, 117 College av

Marion Albert H., fireman, Erie Railway, h 360 W Fifth

Marion Charles T., painter, bds 158 W Fourth

Marion Edgar J., laborer, bds 158 W Fourth

Marion Frank, machinist, bds Fourth cor Main

Marion Frank W., painter, bds 158 W Fourth

Marion William A., baggage-master, h 158 W Fourth

Willow & Can Sewing STANDS & BASKETS, at China Hall, Lake St.

Marithew Grant, teamster, h 103 E Second

Markham Daniel, moulder, bds Stowell N End

Markham Dennis, laborer, h 337 W Seventh

Markham Hannah, domestic, 314 S Main

Markham John, laborer, bds 337 W Seventh

Markham John, laborer, bds 727 Lake

Marks Louisa S., widow Samuel, bds 211 W First

Marks Solomon, peddler, h 604 E Water

Marley Kate, domestic, 211 Lake

Marnin Mary, domestic, 122 E S Water

Maroney Hannah, domestic, 422 W Fifth

Maroney Mary, widow Michael, h Elm n W Fifth

Marple S. W., physician, 212 E Water h do

Marsellis Frances, domestic, 109 W Gray

Marsh Aaron T., h 321 W First

Marsh F. Mary Miss, teacher School No. 2, bds 103 Columbia

Marsh Frank, painter, h 238 W Water

Marsh Frank S., clerk, 159 Lake bds 321 W First

Marsh Livinia B., widow Ebenezer, h 103 Columbia

Marsh Michael H., painter, h 364 W Fifth

MARSH WASHINGTON, painter, 137 E Water h 209 W S Water

Marsh Willis, waiter, Frasier House

Marshall Frank P., tanner, h 375 W Water

Marshall John, foreman, 336 E Water h 214 High

Marshall Nathan, laborer, bds E Clinton n DeWitt

Marshall Patrick, laborer, h 709 Davis

Martenett Anna G., domestic, 360 E Fifth

Martenett Charles F., polisher, h 446 W Clinton

Martin Caroline, widow Amos, bds 103 E Church

Martin Charles, carpenter, h 908 Magee

Martin George W., engineer, h 657 Lake

Martin Josiah, shoemaker, bds 407 Walnut

Martin Louis, stonecutter, bds 505 Railroad av

Martin Mary, domestic, Frasier House

Martin Nancy L., widow William, h 103 E Church

Martin Samuel L., butcher, 559 E Church h 671 Lake

Martinette Richard, edge-toolmaker, bds 111 W Second

Marvin Edward, conductor, h 409 DeWitt

Marvin Lawrence F., laborer, bds 915 College av

Marvin Lile E. Mrs., bds 353 Columbia

Mason Elizabeth, widow George W., h 117 W Second

Mason Frank E., flagman, bds 723 College av

Mason John, machinist, bds 117 W Second

Mason Luke, laborer, h E Clinton n DeWitt

Buy your COAL of J. H. BARNEY, 110 BALDWIN ST.

Mason Luther, porter, Hathaway House

Mason Luther T., telegrapher, Erie depot bds 362 W Gray

Mason Marcus L., conductor, h 723 College av

Mason Mary, milliner, bds 854 E Market

Masters William, carpenter, bds 111 W Second

Masterson Henry, car-inspector, h 426 W Clinton

Masterson Oscar H., painter, h W Hill rd n Cemetery

Mathews Charles C., clerk, bds 914 College av

Mathews Fletcher H., clerk, 325 E Water bds 914 College av

Matthews John, blacksmith, h 316 Railroad av

Mathews William, policeman, bds 115 Madison av

Mathewson Fanny, domestic, 501 Baldwin

Matthews George, laborer, h 657 Dickinson

Mathews John, machinist, bds 101 W S Water

Mattison Frank, clerk, 435 Railroad av

Maurer Jacob, teamster, bds 204 E Gray

Maxson Milton R., sales-agent, 143 E Water bds 358 N Main

Maxson William P., polisher, h 502 W Clinton

Maxwell Caroline C. Mrs., bds 465 E Water

Maxwell Catharine, widow William, h 156 DeWitt

Maxwell Irena, widow Hector, bds 502 W Water

Maxwell John, laborer, h 406 Washington av

Maxwell Samuel, carpenter, h 362 Columbia

Maxwell Sarah A., widow Thomas, h 129 E S Water

Maxwell Spalding, carpenter, h 405 Railroad av

Maxwell William, clerk gas office, bds Pennsylvania House

May Charles B., brakeman, h Burdick n W South av

Maycomber Adelbert, pressman, bds Oak ab Fifth

Maycomber Barney, laborer, h Oak av Fifth

Maynard Frank H., engineer, h 712 Columbia

Maynard Sophie Mrs., h 551 E Third

Maynard William B., cutter, bds 208 Gregg

Mayo George U., asst supt Erie R. R. Erie depot, bds 657 Park Place

Mayo William, engineer, h 462 Pennsylvania av

McAdams James, laborer, bds 605 Beach

McAllister Mary, cigarmaker, h 377 Railroad av

McAlpine Charles L., civil-engineer, bds 124 W Second

McArdel Mary Mrs., domestic, W Fifth cor Columbia

McArdle Nora, widow Patrick, h 110 Orchard

McBride John, toll-gate keeper, Pennsylvania av , h do

McBride Kate, (McBride & Briggs,) bds 423 W Fourth

McBride William, laborer, bds Pennsylvania av n toll-gate

McBride & Briggs, (Kate McBride and Mary Briggs,) laundry, 422 Carroll

French GLASS SHADES & Wax Material, at Dexter’s, Lake St.

McBurney Alice Miss, h 225 William

McBurney Caroline Miss, h 225 William

McCabe Eugene, cabinetmaker, bds 406 Magee

McCabe John, painter, bds 406 Magee

McCaffery Peter, shoemaker, h 303 S Main

McCaffray John, cigarmaker, h 718 Benjamin

McCaffrey James, painter, bds 705 Lake

McCaffrey Mary, h 705 Lake

McCana Catharine, h 561 E Third

McCana James, shoemaker, h 561 E Third

McCann George, farmer, h city limits n Reformatory

McCann James, farmer, h city limits n Reformatory

McCann Joseph P., helper, h 101 E Seventh

McCann Patrick, laborer, h 327 Weber n College av

McCann Terrance, laborer, h 853 Factory

McCann William, clerk, h 516 De Witt

McCarrick Amos M., fireman, bds Casey n W South av

McCarrick Ella, fitter, bds 123 W Water

McCarrick Frank, conductor, bds W South av cor Casey

McCarthy Andrew, laborer, h 719 Baldwin

McCarthy Andrew jr., laborer, bds 719 Baldwin

McCarthy Betsy, domestic Elmira Female College

MCCARTHY BROTHERS, (Patrick K. and James D.,) groceries, wines and liquors, 377 Railroad av (see adv)

McCarthy Charles, laborer, h 273 W S Water

McCarthy Daniel, laborer, bds 217 Fulton

McCarthy Daniel, lamplighter, h 200 S Walnut

McCarthy Daniel, cigar-manufacturer, 710 John h do

McCarthy Dennis, laborer, h 360 Railroad av

McCarthy Dennis, shoemaker, 357 Railroad av h do

McCarthy Felix, filler, h 410 Walnut

McCarthy George, machinist, bds Pattinson House

McCarthy James, laborer, h 153 E Washington av

McCarthy James D., (McCarthy & Bro.,) bds 377 Railroad av

McCarthy Jeremiah, laborer, h 204 Fulton

McCarthy Jeremiah, stonecutter, bds 273 W S Water

McCarthy John, clerk, 377 Railroad av bds do

McCarthy John, laborer, h 159 E Washington av

McCarthy John, laborer, h 217 Fulton

McCarthy John, mason and bricklayer, 100 Park

McCarthy John, merchant tailor, 144 E Water, h 217 S Walnut

McCarthy Libbie, domestic, Stowell ab E Washington av

McCarthy Mary, domestic, 411 W Water

McCarthy Mary, domestic, 603 Hoffman


McCarthy Michael, laborer, bds 217 Fulton

McCarthy Nora, domestic, Elmira Female College

McCarthy Patrick, laborer, h 402 Magee

McCarthy Patrick, moulder, bds 219 Railroad av

McCarthy Patrick K., (McCarthy Bros.,) h 377 Railroad av

McCarthy Thomas, bds 204 Fulton

McCartney Katie, domestic, 415 Lake

McCarty Anna, domestic, 417 E Market

McCarty C. P., moulder, bds 219 Railroad av

McCarty Daniel, laborer, h 860 Magee

McCarty Mary, domestic, 115 N Main

McCarty Mary, domestic, Maple av op Caldwell ave

McCarty Michael, stonecutter, h 1115 Davis

McCarty Nora, domestic, Delavan House

McCay Donald, machinist, h O’Gorman cor N. Central R. R.

McClelland Emily, widow Peter, boarding h 417 N Main

McClosky Susan, domestic, E S Water n Pennsylvania av

McClure Addie, tailoress, h 402 E Water

McClure Carrie, tailoress, h 402 E Water

McClure Eliza A., tailoress, h 401 E Water

McClusky Bernard, stonecutter, bds 417 Railroad av

McConnell Andrew J., wagonmaker, h 229 Mt. Zoar

McConnell Delia, milliner, 139 E Water

McConnell Henry, melter, h 512 De Witt

McConnell Henry, shoemaker, h Madison av n Lake

McConnell Lewis L., salesman, 118 Lake bds 216 Ann

McConnell Patrick, laborer, h 309 Hathaway

McConry Mary, domestic, 253 W Sixth

McConville Margaret, janitress, Chemung Canal Bank

McCoy Elena Mrs., h 559 E Third

McCoy Thomas, laborer, bds 561 E Third

McCracken John, tailor, h 114 Orchard

Rowland’s Carburetted Stone Works, cor, Railroad Ave. & Church St.

McCrauden James, laborer, h 220 Franklin

McCray Newell, polisher, bds 512 Madison av

McCue James, heater, h 553 E Third

McCune John, ironfisher, bds 624 Baldwin

McDanolds Israel, special-agent P. O., h 350 W Sixth

McDermott Catharine, widow Francis, h 817 Hatch

McDermott Edward, shoemaker, 802 McDonald h do

McDermott Margaret, widow Richard, bds McDonald n W Sixth

McDermott Michael, shoemaker, bds McDonald n W Sixth

McDermott Michael E., shoemaker, 802 McDonald h do]

McDole Varnum, h 664 College av

McDonald Daniel, cutter, 202 E Water bds 155 Madison av

McDonald Robert, gardener, bds South av n Perine

McDonald Samuel, brakeman, bds Casey n W South av

MCDONALD STEPHEN, 330 E Water h 214 W First

McDonell Charles, laborer, 801 Railroad av

McDonnell James, baggage master, bds 508 College av

McDonnell Thomas, hackman, bds 506 W Gray

McDonough, Bridget, domestic, 539 W Church

McDonough John J., stonecutter, bds 717 Columbia

McDowell A. T., farmer, h 214 Sullivan

McDowell Clara A., teacher, School No. 4 bds 214 Sullivan

McDowell Clayton A., carpenter, h 816 Lincoln

McDowell Ferris W., carpenter, h 214 Sullivan

McDowell Jacob L., (McDowell & Miller,) h 408 W Water

McDowell James, carpenter, bds Balsam n Franklin

McDowell & Miller, (J. L. McDowell and H. L. Miller,) insurance and real estate, 210 E Water

McDuffee Charles, painter, h 108 Ferris

McElligott, Edmund, laborer, h 715 Davis

McElroy Richard, shoemaker, bds 100 W Water

McElroy William H., conductor, h Reformatory av n College av

McFarlane James, finisher, h 511 W Clinton

McGarvin James, laborer, h 821 Canal

McGary Kate, domestic, 657 Park Place

McGee Michael, shoemaker, bds Homestead Hotel

McGlaughlin Alexander, helper, bds Main ab blast furnace

McGlone John, shoemaker, h N Oak n Harper

McGovern Lottie, teacher, School No. 5 bds 372 Pennsylvania av

McGovern Michael, carpenter, 372 Pennsylvania av h do

McGovern William A., clerk, 327 E Water bds Pennsylvania av

McGowan Horatio, tinsmith, h 214 College av

McGrath Michael H., architect, bds 740 W First

Go to HART & SON’S for UPHOLSTERY GOODS, 325 E Water St.

McGrath Patrick, teamster, h 554 John

McGrath Thomas, ironworker, bds 717 Railroad av

McGraw Dennis, carpenter, bds 353 Railroad av

McGraw Helen, dressmaker, bds 213 DeWitt

McGraw John W., engineer, h 611 W Church

McGraw Kate, domestic, Lake n Thurston

McGreevy John, laborer, h 308 Orchard

McGreevy Owen, h 654 E Market

McGuana Thomas, stonemason, bds 362 Railroad av

McGuire Jeremiah (Hart & McGuire,) h 262 W Fourth

McHenry Abram, carpenter, h 506 Baldwin

McInearney Martin, laborer, h 315 W Fourth

McInerney Ellen, domestic, 401 N Main

McInerney Hannah, domestic, Maple av cor Sly

McInerney John, teamster, h Stowell N End

McInerney Maggie, housekeeper, Stowell N End

McInerney Mary, widow Michael, h Stowell N End

McInerney Michael, laborer, h Junction n South av

McInerny John, laborer, h 326 W Seventh

McInerny John, laborer, h 917 Main

McInerny Michael, laborer, h 335 W Seventh

McInerny Michael, blacksmith, 448 E Water, h 117 Washington