![]() |
Hart Jacob, shoemaker, h 409 Standish
Hart Moses, cigarmaker, bds Homestead Hotel
Hart, Nora Miss, domestic, 160 Clinton
Hart Solomon, confectioner, 107 College av. h do
Hart William E., (W. E. Hart & Son) h 217 W Gray
HART WILLIAM E. & SON, (Frank P.,) dry-goods and carpets, 325 E. Water(see
adv top lines)
Hart & McGuire, (Erastus P. Hart and Jeremiah McGuire,) lawyers, 120 Lake
Harter Lewis, melter, bds 864 Lake
Hartigan Patrick, car-inspector, h 409 Powell
Hartigan Roger, laborer, bds W Henry n Harmon
Hartman Carrie, domestic, 653 Baldwin
Hartman John, laborer, h 163 E Washington av
Hartman Mary, domestic, h 718 College av
Hartney Ann, widow Martin, bds 809 Railroad av
Hartney Michael, laborer, h 809 Railroad av
Hartung Franklin, shoemaker, h 708 E Water
Harvey Charles, mason, h 862 Factory
Harvey Francis, clerk, 151 Lake, h S Water n Railroad
Harvey Francis, laborer, h E S Water n Railroad av
Hasenstab Frank, (Rose & Hasenstab,) h 753 E Water
Coal Oil Chandeliers, Brackets & Lamps, at Dexter’s, Lake St
Haskell Erastus, h 902 College av
Haskell Peres, farmer, h Carr’s Corners
Haskin Frank B., clerk, 126 W Water, bds 465 W Gray
Haskin Rhodema, widow Hiram P., h 465 W Gray
Haskins Osman, awgninmaker, 160 Baldwin, h do
Hasmaear John, tanner, h 615 W Water
Hassett Mary, domestic, 208 Columbia
Hassett Patrick, policeman, h 812 N Main
Hastings Luther S., flagman, h Miller n O’Gorman
Hastings Sophia D., bds 450 Oak
Hatch Charlotte B. Mrs., h 409 Main
Hatch Harry, mill-wright, h 212 W Gray
HATCH WILLIAM B., manufacturer R. R. car-furniture springs,
162 Washington, h 700 E Market (see adv)
and manufacturer of
For R. R. Car Seats and Backs, Berths in Sleeping Cars and Ocean Steamers, Carriage Seats and Backs, Furniture, &c.
162 Washington Street, Elmira, N. Y.
HONESTY is the best Policy – to be found at Byington Bros.,119 Baldwin St
CLOTHS and CASSIMERES in great variety at W. E. HART & SON’S.
HATCH WILLIAM N., h 409 N Main
Hathaway Helen M., widow Thomas S., bds 115 E Hudson
HATHAWAY HOUSE, S. H. Wadsworth, proprietor, Lake cor Market
(see adv front cover)
Hathorn Andrew, storage, commission, etc. 100 W Fourth, h 708 Park Place
Hathorn Ccharles B., clerk, 100 W Fourth, bds 708 Park Place
Hathorn James P., h 711 College av
Hathorn John, clerk, Lehigh Valley R. R., h 708 Park Place
Hathorn John W., farmer, h 1333 College av
Hathorn Louisa, (Bevans & Hathorn,) h 220 W Water
Hauenstein Charles H., clerk, 328 Carroll bds 220 Maple av
Hauenstein Henry, laborer, bds 509 Harper
Hauenstein Henry jr., mason, bds Maple av cor South av
Hauenstein Wenner, varnisher, bds 605 Dickinson
Haupt Andrew, tailor, h 109 De Witt
Haupt Henry, tailor, h 109 De Witt
HAUPT JOHN, grocer, 466 E Water h do
Haupt Matthew, tailor, h 556 John
Lehigh Coals are the best. Order from J. H. Barney, 110 Baldwin St.
Hause Hhenry K., law student, 120 Lake bds 207 N. Main
Hauser Christian, carpenter, h 407 Railroad av
Havens Mary, widow Frank C., h 717 John
Havens Robert C., sawyer, h 518 W Hudson
Havens William H., (Burris & Havens,) h 315 E Washington av
Haviland Addison T., foreman, 215 W Second h 304 E Second
Haviland Albert P., clerk, bds 208 De Witt
Haviland Hannah, widow John W, bds 304 E Second
Haviland John W., machinist, bds 304 E Second
Hawkins Anna, widow Thomas, bds 550 E Market
Hawkins Daniel, clerk, h 550 E Market
Hawks Carlton H., salesman, 107 W Water h 317 W Gray
Hawks Nicholas, machinist, h 467 W Water
Hawks Orville F., cutter, bds 110 W Gray
Hawle Melville, laborer, h 107 High
Hawley Edward, engineer, h 405 Pennsylvania av
Hawley Maggie, domestic, 157 W Fourth
Hawley Sarah R., dressmaker, bds 369 W Fifth
Haws Thomas J., laborer, bds 373 W Fifth
Haxton Maggie, domestic, 369 W Fourth
Hay John, plumber and gasfitter, 165 Lake h 205 Columbia
Hay Martin, engineer, h 354 Railroad av
Hay ------, machinist, bds 109 S Main
CEMETERY FENCES of elegant designs, of the CARBURETTED STONE
Hayes Daniel S., clerk, 161 Baldwin bds Pattinson House
Hayes Edward, laborer, bds 655 Magee
Hayes Henry, mason, h 606 Walnut
Hayes James C., engineer, h W South av n Lewis
Hayes John, clerk, h 523 Lake
Hayes Michael, tinsmith, bds 655 Magee
HAYES WARREN H., architect, 118 Lake bds 159 Madison av (see adv)
Hayley John, laborer, bds 1010 Magee
Haynes Carrie, millinery, 419 N Main h do
Haynes John C., carpenter, h 419 N Mmain
HAYNES SANFORD D., carriage-trimmer, 225 W Water h 203 W Hudson
(see adv)
Hayton David T., fireman, h 233 Mt Zoar
HAZARD CHARLES, editor Elmira Gazette, h 217 W First
HAZARD JAMES E., teller Bank of Chemung bdss 217 W First
Hazard Josiah, clerk, bds 217 W First
HAZARD LOUIS A., treasurer Elmira Gazette Co., bds 217 W First
Hazard Phoebe, widow James, h 217 W First
Chinese, Japanese & Choice Fancy Goods, at Dexter’s Lake St.
Hazen Paul, laborer, h 169 E Seventh
Healey James, laborer, bds 364 Railroad av
Healy Austin, grocer, 464 W Sixth h do
Healy Thomas, laborer, bds 464 W Sixth
Heath Henry, builder, h 523 E Union
Heath Nancy, widow Abner, h 651 E Market
Hebe Henry, brakeman, bds Jacob cor S Main
Heckendorn George M., flagman, h 206 Mt Zoarr
Heckman James, painter, bds Pennsylvania House
Hedges Phineas, farmer, h Broadway n city limits
Warren H. Hayes,
118 Lake Street, Elmira, N. Y.
Special attention to designs for
Dwellings, Churches and School Buildings
Byington Bros., Shippers of ORANGES and LEMONS, 19 Baldwin St
Go To HART & SON’S for the largest assortment of MOURNING GOODS.
Hefferman P. J., bartender, bds Rathbun House
Heffern Morris, bricklayer, bds 417 Railroad av
Heffernan Bridget, tailoress, bds 508 College av
Hefner Mary, domestic, 722 W Water
Hefron Alice, waitress, Pattinson House
Hegbom Peter, paperhanger, h 705 Railroad av
Hegeman Henry B., manager Hathaway House
Hehle Elizabeth, washerwoman, h 161 Baldwin
Hehle Joseph, tanner, h 161 Baldwin
Hehle Joseph, teamster, bds 800 John
Heilbronner Jonas, clerk, 315 E Water h 459 E Water
Heinbach Charles, clerk, Water cor Baldwin
Heine Hammond, laborer, h 375 W First
Heine Henry, saloon, 206 and 208 Baldwin h do
Heivly Henry H., heater, h 430 Standish
Helin Ellen, domestic, Union House
Helin Mary, domestic, Union House
Helin Patrick, blacksmith, bds Union Houuse
Heller Carrie, domestic, 206 W S Water
Heller, Charles, farmer, h W Elmira
Heller Imri, mason, h r 206 Mt Zoar
Hhelme Phineas h 160 W Clinton
J. H. BARNEY’S Coal Office with
J. Langdon & Co. 110 Baldwin St.
Helme Smith, farmer, bds 160 W Clinton
HELME WILLIS B., booxmaker, h Main cor W Water
Helms Amelia A., widow Morris, bds 209 Orchard
Helms Elizabeth, domestic 308 William
Helms John S., printer Advertiser office, bds 400 Madison av
Hemenway Charles R., (Hemenway & Son,) h 356 W Gray
Hemenway George, pumpmaker, bds Oak n Fifth
Hemenway Henry, bds 708 E Clinton
Hemenway Palnyra, bds 708 E Clinton
Hemenway Seti, (Hemenway & Son,) h 708 E Clinton
Hemenway & Son, (Seth and Charles R.,) pumpmanufacturers,
325 Carroll
HEMINGWAY R. A. & CO., (Richard A. Hemingway and W. V. Clark,)
wine and sample rooms, 154 Baldwin
Hemingway Richard A., (R. A. Hemingway & Co., ) bds Rathbun House
Hendrick Burr H., clerk, 307 E Water, h E S Water cor Pennsylvania av
Hendrick Jerone P., city-express, h 353 Clinton
Hendrick Orva, butcher, h Hart n Walnut
Heney James, laborer, h 312 E Washington av
Henkelman Louis, clerk, 100 W Water, bds Pennsylvania Hotel
Hennessey Ann, domestic, 422 W Gray
Hennessey George, gardener, h 109 Washington
Hennessey Mary, widow Martin, h McDonald n W Fifth
Hennessey Timothy, laborer, h 212 W Water
Henney Mollie E., dressmaker, bds 110 W Water
Hennigan James, bricklayer, bds 663 College av
Henry Barney, oil-refiner, h 216 W Third
Henry Bridget, domestic, 315 Madison av
Henry Bridget, widow James, h W Washington av n Lincoln
Henry Ellen, domestic, 713 E Church
Henry Mark, carpenter, h Balsam n Mt. Zoar
Henry Mary, domestic, 507 Lake
Henry O’Conner, shoemaker, h 340 E Water
Henry Patrick, student, bds 216 W Third
Herbert Bartholomew, carpenter, h 513 Sullivan
Herbert Emma, domestic, 158 W Fourth
Herbert William, laborer, h 500 High
Herbison Matthew, laborer, bds Main ab blast furnace
Herman Frank, fireman, bds Guiltanen n W South av
Hermann Daniel, clerk, 205 E Water, bds 110 Madison av
Hermans Edwin J. Rev., presiding elder Troy district, h 459 W Church
Willow & Cane Sewing STANDS & BASKETS, at China Hall, Lake St.
Hern Ellen A., domestic, 309 William
Hern Jane, widow John, bds 210 W Second
Hern John, (J. & W. B. Hern), h 210 College av
HERN, J. & W. B., (John and William B.) bakers, grocers and confectioners, 421
Railroad av
Hern William B., (J. & W. B. Hern), h 210 W Second
Herrick Benjamin F. (Herrick & Seeley,) h 204 De Witt
Herrick Frank, painter, h 813 E Market
Herrick & Seely (Benjamin F. Herrick and John C. Seeley,) carriage manf.
Church cor William
Herrington Cornelius W., shoemaker, O’Gorman, n Northern Central R. R. h do
Herrington Earl R., teamster, h 315 Fulton
Herrington Helen, domestic 424 W Clinton
Herrington Pauline, dressmaker, 112 E Water h do
Herrington Stephen, miller, bds foot Water
Herrington William, carpenter, bds 309 W Second
Herron Glorena Mrs., h 109 W Gray
Hersey Elijah, h 206 Columbia
Hersey Frances E., widow Edward, h 323 W Church
Hert H., cabinetmaker, bds 515 Railroad av
Hess Lla Grand, carpenter, bds 419 Balsam
Hess Moses C., carpenter, h 419 Balsam
FAIR PLAY is a Jewel. Go where your interest demand
to Byington Bros., 119 Baldwin St.
Full stock of House Furnishing Goods at Hart & Son’s, 325 Water St.
Hevener Jacob, h 465 E Water
HEWITT FRED K., hotel, 121 W Water h do
Hewitt Thomas B., flagman, bds Jacob cor S Main
Heylen Robert F., assessor, h 306 Baldwin
Hibbard Edward, carpenter, bds 719 Columbia
Hibbard Joseph, carpenter, h 719 Columbia
Hibbard Solon A., carpenter, h 405 W Fourth
Hickey Martin, laborer, h 118 W Henry
Hickey Mary, domestic, h 708 College av
Hickey Mary J., dressmaker, bds 422 W Fifth
Hickey Thomas, printer Advertiser office, bds 118 W Henry
Hickok Charles, baggage-master, bds Lynon House
Hicks James I., clerk, 361 E Washington av h 3 E Market
Hicks Joseph, fireman, bds Kinyon n W South av
Higgins Catharine, widow Thomas, h 337 W Seventh
Higgins James, laborer, h 718 Baldwin
Higgins Kate, domestic, 320 W Fifth
Higgins Minnie, domestic, 214 W First
Higgins Norman L., h 317 W First
Higgins Patrick, laborer, bds 707 Railroad av
Higgins Patrick, tailor, h 215 Orchard
Buy your COAL of J. H. BARNEY. 110 BALDWIN ST.
Higgins Susan, domestic, 723 Columbia
Higgs Caroline Mrs., h 61 First av
Hill Charles, coachman, Hathaway House
Hill Charles J., clerk, h 668 Dickinson
HILL DAVID B., lawyer, also prest Elmira Gazette Co., 308 E Water
bds 503 Lake
Hill George, shoemaker, bds 110 W Water
Hill George B., machinist, h 554 E Second
Hill James, chief police, City Hall h 410 High
Hill James, clerk, 121 Baldwin
Hill James, clerk post office bookstore, bds 100 W Water
Hill Jerome S., saloon, 151 Baldwin h S Water cor Main
Hill John T., (Rapelyea, Richards & Hill,) h 158 Elm
Hill Kingston, porter, h 610 Jay
Hill Leander, carpenter, h 218 Mt. Zoar
Hill Lewis, carpenter, h Sullivan n Carpenter
Hill Robert, carpenter, h 619 Davis
Hill Robert N., wagonmaker, h 158 S Elm
Hillabrant John W., wood and tie agent, h 514 W Clinton
Hillis William, cloth presser, h 819 Factory
Hillis William J., painter, bds 819 Factory
Hills James, laborer, bds n Carr’s Corners
Hinchey Mary, domestic, 318 Gray
Hinckley Mortimer B., clerk, 305 E Water bds 111 E Hudson
Hinkel William, laborer, bds 115 E First
Hinkleman Lewis, cigarmaker, bds Pennsylvania House
Hinman Portus L., clerk, 121 Lake h 505 Baldwin
Hinman Wealthy, widow Stanley S., bds 505 Baldwin
Hinman Willis W., carpenter, h 206 De Witt
Hinnis Catharine, widow, h 807 Railroad av
Hirsch Aaron, clerk, 139 E Water bds Rathbun House
Hisom Fred. H., machinist, bds 122 W Hudson
Hisom George, h 122 W Hudson
Hisom Josephine, teacher, bds 122 W Hudson
Hisom William, bds 270 W S Water
Hisserich George J., barber, 400 E Water h 725 W First
Hitchcock Albert T., bookkeeper, 323 Carroll bds 409 William
Hitchcock Harmon, (Hitchcock & Lowman,) h 409 William
Hitchcock & Lowman, (Harmon Hitchcock and Lyman L. Lowman,) meat-market,
323 Carroll
Hite Thomas M., (Hite & Carman,) h Plank road
HITE & CARMAN, (Thomas M. Hite and G. Smith Carman,) lawyers, 314
E Water
Hitt Valentine M., baker, h 255 W Henry
Hoag Jane N., widow George, bds 381 W Fourth
French GLASS SHADES & Wax Material, at Dexter’s, Lake St.
Hoag Philo, (Hoag & Brown,) h 309 William
Hoag & Brown, (Philo Hoag and James L. Brown,) druggists, 319 E Water
Hoagland Burr C., carpenter, h Jacob n Pennsylvania av
Hoagland Lyman, carpenter, h Mt Zoar cor Herrick
Hoard Sibilla, tailoress, h 309 W Second
Hoats Jonas, blacksmith, bds 109 Madison av
HOBBIE, AYRAULT & CO., (Isaac S. Hobbie, Miles Ayrault and John A. Hobbie,)
wooden water and gas pipe manufrs, 120 and 122 N Railroad av
Hobbie Isaac S., (Hobbie, Ayrault & Co.,) h 702 E Market
Hobbie John A., (Hobbie, Ayrault & Co.,) h 212 Sullivan
Hoffman Ernest, laborer, bds Factory n Water Cure
Hoffman George W., farmer, h 603 Hoffman
Hoffman Jacob B., farmer, h 603 Hoffman
Hoffman Susan A., h 421 N Main
Hoffman William, (Hoffman & Huston,) h 502 W Water
HOFFMAN & HUSTON, (Wm. Hoffman and John W. Huston,) hats, caps and
furs, 310 E Water (see adv)
Hoffman Frederick, woodcarver, h 405 Railroad av
Hogan Daniel, laborer, bds 709 Railroad av
Hogan Dennis, laborer, h 813 Railroad av
Byington Bros., dealers in choice Groceries, Flour & Provisions, 110 Baldwin St
W. E. Hart & SON, D R Y G O O D S, 325 E. Water St.
Hogan James, laborer, bds 709 Railroad av
Hogan John, helper, bds 511 Harper
Hogan Larry, shoemaker, h 166 DeWitt
Hogan Matthew, tobacconist, bds 100 W Water
Hogan Michael, laborer, h 364 Railroad av
Hogan Michael J., machinist, bds 518 Pennsylvania av
Hogg Augusta, domestic, Pennsylvania av cor E S Water
Hogg Charles, engineer, h 203 Ann
Hogg John, foreman, Pennsylvania av cor Ann h 476 High
Hogg John, tanner, h 456 High
Hogicamp Charles, painter, h 311 W Second
Holbert George R. C., grocer, 806 Madison av h do
Holbert Thomas, teacher, h 375 W First
Holbert William L., newsagent, Madison av cor Lake bds do
Holden Delos L., grocer, 111 Railroad av h 211 College av
Holden Hiram B., (La France & Holden,) h 407 W First
Holden James, bookkeeper, h 407 W First
Holden Minnie, dressmaker, bds 223 W Water
Holdren Elizabeth, widow Richard, h 202 Ann
Holdridge Harrison, silverplated ware, 110 N Main h do
Holdridge Hattie, saleslady, 146 W Water, bds 110 N Main
Holland Alfred, teamster, h 711 Dickinson
Holland Margaret, widow Patrick, h 604 E Water
Holland Mary, domestic, 254 Clinton
Holland Mary, domestic, Elmira Female college
Holland Michael, laborer, bds 816 Factory
Holland Peter, shoemaker, h 515 DeWitt
Holland Sarah, widow William, bds 504 Columbia
Hollatz John, laborer, h 118 E Second
Hollearn Abbie, widow Michael, h Stowell ab E Washington av
Hollearn Annie, domestic, 110 W Water
Hollearn John, helper, bds Stowell ab E Washington av
Umbrellas, Gloves, Mittens, &c.
No. 310 East Water St., Elmira, N. Y.
Rowland’s Carburetted Stone Works, cor. Railroad Ave. & Church St.
Holleran John, roller, bds 165 E Seventh
Holleran Michael, laborer, bds 105 E First
Holleran Michael, laborer, bds 165 E Seventh
Holleran Patrick, painter, h South av n Northern Central R. W.
Holleran Thomas, laborer, h 165 E Seventh
Holley George, puddler, h 154 E Washington av
Holley M. Mrs., millinery, 320 E Water, h do
Holley Robert, cattle-dealer, bds Maple av cor Sly
Holley Seth E., baggage-master, h 110 W S Second
Holloran Bridget, domestic, Pennsylvania House
Holloran Bridget, widow Patrick, bds 441 W Fourth
Holloran John, hack-driver, bds 569 E Water
Holloran Mary, widow Michael, h 108 Partridge
Holloran Thomas, laborer, bds 709 Baldwin
Holloran Thomas, mason h 441 W Fourth
Holloran, see also Hal’oran
Holly Amelia M., widow George, bds 400 W Church
Holly David, painter, h Thurston n Baldwin
Holly Jane, widow William, bds Stowell ab E Washington av
Holly Robert, clerk, 305 E Water
Holmes Charles, laborer, bds 515 Madison av
Holmes Horace H., conductor, h 659 College av
Whitney’s Celebrated Children’s CARRIAGES, at DEXTER’S
Holmes William, laborer, h 659 Dickinson
Holrand Mary, domestic, 156 W Third
Holt Edwin C., blacksmith, h 416 W Fourth
Holton Katiie, domestic, 412 Clinton
Holtzapple Adam G., blacksmith, h 513 Pennsylvania av
Holzheimer Louis, (Guttenberg, Rosenbaum & Co.) h 461 E Water
HOMESTEAD HOTEL, M. Buckbee & Son, proprs, 425 W Water
Honscheid William, machinist, bds 603 Dickinson
Hooker Catharine, widow Warren T., h 656 Baldwin
Hooker Edson, iron worker, h 1010 Walnut
Hooker George, roller, bds 656 Baldwin
Hooker Helen M., teacher, Grammar School No 5, bds 356 W Clinton
Hooper Charles, porter, h 403 Madison av
HOPPE CHARLES, hair dresser, 304 Carroll h 112 Baldwin
Hoppe John, laborer, bds 112 Baldwin
Hoppe Louise Mrs., hair goods, 114 Baldwin h 112 do
Hoppe Nathan, peddler, h 108 Sullivan
HOPSON GEORGE, grocer, 600 Dickinson h 665 do
Horciczka Florian, laborer, h 704 Dickinson
Byington Bros. are Shippers of EARLY FRUITS and Vegetables, 119 Baldwin St.
Go To HART & SON’S for UPHOLSTERY GOODS. 325 E. Water St.
Horigan John, laborer, bds 427 Railroad av
Horner Benjamin S., bookkeeper, 108 Baldwin, bds 311 Washington
Horrocks Joshua, printer Gazette office, bds 405 W Gra
Horton Alonzo L., laborer, bds 410 Standish
Horton Blandena, domestic, 410 Church
Horton Horace, painter, bds 515 W Clinton
Horton James, carpenter, h E Fifth n Oak
Horton Peter, laborer, h 410 Standish
Horton William W., merchant, h 603 W Water
Hosford Seymour A., carpenter, h 415 Walnut
Hoskins Frances D. Rev., rector, Grace church, h 114 N Main
Hossley John, laborer, h Benjamin n Canal
Hossley Richard, catcher, h N Canal ab E Washington av
HOTCHKIN SAMUEL, flour and feed mills, 301-3-5 and 7 W Water, h 660
Park Place
Hotchkiss Anna, teacher No 1 school, bds 106 W Market
Hotchkiss Henry D., law student, 216 E Water, bds 417 E Market
Hotchkiss Thomas W., lumber, bds Rathbun House
Hotchkiss Viola P. Miss, teacher school No 2, bds 106 W Market
Houlahan James, laborer, h Reformatory n College av
Howard Anthony, trackman, h 118 W Fifth
Howard Catharine, domestic, Rathbun House
Howard Dennis, laborer, h 113 W First
Howard Johanna, widow James, bds 721 Railroad av
Howard John J., upholsterer, h 512 Perry
Howard Joseph, farmer, h 261 W Clinton
Howard Mary, domestic, Columbia cor Fourth
Howard Mary, domestic, 616 Columbia
Howard Mary, domestic 957 Lake
Howard Mary, domestic, Rathbun House
Howard Michael, fireman, bds Pennsylvania av n Lewis
Howard Oliver H., painter, h 750 E Church
Howard Ovel T., shoemaker, h 58 S Orchard
Howard Rachel A., washerwoman, h 667 Baldwin
Howard Susan C. Mrs., sewing, h 906 Stowell
Howard Theodore, carpenter, h 428 Standish
Howard Thomas, helper, bds 118 W Fifth
Howard Thomas, shoemaker, 203 W Clinton h 511 N Main
Howe Henry F., oil producer, h 404 W Clinton
HOWE MACHINE CO., H. Brinsmade, manager, 118 Lake
Howell Edwin W., blacksmith, 225 W Water h 204 Hoffman
Howell Eunice E. Miss, teacher School No. 2, bds 416 W Gray
Howell Frank, blacksmith, bds 204 Hoffman