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Of Enterprising Business Firms,
Whom we respectfully recommend to public patronage.
Abbott, E. R., proprietor Rathbun House 5
Anhalt A., Auctioneer, &c 44
Badger L. M., gilder and plater 47
Bantley Constantine, wire-goods manufacturer 3 and 234
Barney, J. H., coal-dealer center lines and 10
Beadle Chauncey M., hardware, &c front cover and 52
Beardsley E. J., grocer, &c 51
Beck Robert, carpenter and builder 236
Beers E. O., tobacconist, &c 53
Beers & Abbot, R. R. ticket agents front cover
Berry & Walker, gents’ furnishing goods front cover
Brown Brothers, oil manufactures 4
Brown Frank B., printer and publisher 245
Byington Brothers, groceries, fruits, &c bottom lines and 6
Case & Tomlinson, machinists opp 231
Converse M. S., life insurance, &c 81
Cook E. H. & Co., steam-heating apparatus front cover and 11
Cooper John L., blacksmith, &c 82
Corning Democrat (The), F. B. Brown publisher 245
Davenport A. B., plumber and gas-fitter back cover and 7
DeWitt & Spence, proprs. Pennsylvania House 94
Dexter John M., china, glassware, &c. front and back covers and
Centre lines
Dismore J. A., merchant tailor 96
Easterbrooks J. N., musical instruments, &c 236
Elliott & Henry, carriage manufacturers 236
Elmira Advertiser, printers and publishers back cover and opp 41
Elmira Gazette, printers and publishers back cover and 12
Elmira Slate Co. (The), roofing slate manufrs 2
Exchange Hotel 153
Farr W. O., bookseller, stationer, &c 236
Farrington & Everard, fire-brick manufacturers, &c 106
Fitch Henry B., carburetted stone top lines
Fletcher & Seymour, moulding manufacturers, &c 8
Forrester Geo. R., & Co., grocers and tea dealers 111
Fountain Jacob, livery and sale stables 7
Fox R. Mrs., tobacconist, &c 112
Free Press, Horseheads opp 231
Gamper J. A., grocer, wines, &c 115
Gibson J. O’Kelly, groceries, &c 118
Greener, J., piano manufacturer 122
Gridley G. A. & Son, hardware, &c 123
Griggs J. M., mason-builder 124
Grumme H., upholsterer, &c 124
Hall Brothers, booksellers, stationers, &c back cover
Hart W. E. & Son, dry goods, &c top lines
Hatch Wm. B., upholsterer, &c 130
Hathaway House front cover and 247*
Hayes Warren H., architect 132
Haynes S. D., carriage-trimming 7
Hoey Joseph & Co., wood-engravers, &c back end of book
Hoffman & Huston, hats, caps, &c 137
Hummel Gottlieb, prop’r Washington Hotel 141
Humphrey J. Mrs., florist 141
Hurlburt John S., painter and paperhanger 8
James Edwin W., fresco painter, &c 8
Jennings John P. Dr., clairvoyant and physician 7
Johnson M. G., shingle machine manufacturer opp 40
Kies Louis, Elmira City bindery 150
Kolb Jacob, prop’r Exchange Hotel 153
La Frances’ Band 222
Laney S. H., poultry breeder 40
Lariew Alson, painter, grocer, &c 155
Lawler Thomas H., wall paper, stationery, &c 8
Lyon Hotel 6
Mainzer’s Hotel, J. Mainzer’s, prop’r 235
McCarthy Brothers, grocers, &c 169
McInerny Patrick, grocer, &c 172
Merwin & Dickinson, harness, trunks, &c 11
Mills J. Herbert Dr., portable equalizer 10
Morse & Blampied, bakers and confectioners 10
Murphy Sarah, milliner and dressmaker 183
Northrup & Creed, painters and paperhangers 10
O’Brien & Brink, marble works 188
Palmer Martin W., carriage manufacturer 193
Payne B. W. & Sons, founders and machinists 235
Pelbrough Thomas, grocer, &c 195
Pennsylvania House, DeWitt & Spencer prop’rs 94
Philadelphia & Reading Railroad, Express, and Telegraph Cos end of book
Plowman & Wyckoff, hardware, &c 4
Prescott W. H., liquors, cigars, &c 200
Pritchard, Sayles, & Co., hardware, &c 235
Purdy H. E., Free Press, Horseheads opp 231
Radeker J. H., coal and lumber 202
Rathbun House 5
Reilly Edmund, grocer and confectioner 6
Renne William & Sons, magic oil opp 230
Ridgeway William, hairdresser 207
Riedinger Henry J., grocer, &c 207
Robinson J. M. & Sons, furniture 210
Roosa A. P., Temple of Art 9
Root J. S., dentist 6
Rose & Hasenstab, bookbinders 212
Rowland Carburetted, stone works top lines
Singerhoff & La France’s orchestra 222
Skinner & Russell, wines and liquors, front and back cover
And 222
Smith Howard M., coal dealer 224
Southern Tier Leader, printers and publishers 227
Spaulding H. C. & Son, lumber, coal, &c 2
Stilson & Fitch, boots and shoes 231
St. John E. & Co., coal, wood, &c 231
Stowell & Young, merchant tailors, 233*
Tilden & Co., disinfectant manufacturers, &c opp 260
Townsend Thomas S., prop’r Lion Hotel 6
Turner A. S., lumber, doors, &c 3 and 234
Wadsworth Samuel H., prop Hathaway House, front cover and 247*
Washington Hotel, G. Hummel, prop’r 141
Waterhouse J. R., carriage manufacturer 250*
Waters G. W., artist opp 40
Watson B. M., seeds and plants opp 231
Westlake Benjamin, brick manufacturer opp 231
Wheadon & Cramer, harness, trunks, &c 9
Wood & Edgerton, machinists, &c opp 40
Wyckoff P. & Co., dry goods 259*
Yenger & Schumacher, cut-stone manufacturers opp 40
Yontz Brothers, builders and cabinetmakers 260
Governor – General John A. Dix.
Lieutenant-Governor - John C. Robinson.
Private Secretary – John W. Dix
Governor’s Staff – Adjutant-General, Major-General John F. Rathbone; Inspector-General, Brevet Major-General W. H. Morris; Commissary-General and Chief of Ordnance, Brigadier-General Kilburn Knox; Engineer in Chief, Brigadier-General N. Gano Dunn; Judge-Advocate-General, Brigadier-General J. Hampden Woods’ Surgeon-General, Brigadier-General William M. Smith; Quartermaster-General, Brigadier-General John N. Knapp; Paymaster-General, Brigadier-General Rufus H. King; Commissary-General of Subsistence, Brigadier-General Henry Heath.
Military Secretary – Colonel Sidney DeKay
Secretary of State – Diedrich Willers, Jr.
Deputy - George Franklin
Comptroller – Nelson K. Hopkins
Deputy Comptroller – Philip Phelps
Treasurer – Thomas Raines
Deputy Treasurer – Fulton Paul
Attorney General – Daniel Pratt
Deputy Attorney General – Chas. S. Fairfield
State Engineer and Surveyor – Sylvanus H. Sweet
Deputy State Engineer and Surveyor – Henry A. Petrie
Canal Commissioners – Alexander Barkley, one year; Reuben W. Stroud, two years; James Jackson, Jr., three years
Auditor Canal Department – G. A. Dayton
Deputy Auditor Canal Department – William McGourkey
Superintendent Public Instruction – Abraham B. Weaver
Deputy Superintendent Public Instruction – Edward Danforth
Superintendent Bank Department – DeWitt C. Ellis
Deputy Superintendent Bank Department – Henry L. Lamb
Superintendent Insurance Department – Orlow W. Chapman
Deputy Superintendent Insurance Department – Wm. Smyth
The Legislative powers of the State are vested in the State Legislature, which consists of two houses – Senate and Assembly.
The Senate consists of 92 members. The State is divided into 92 Senatorial Districts, each choosing one Senator. The Senators receive a compensation of $3 per day during the session, but not for more than 100 days.
The Assembly consists of 128 members. They each receive the same
compensation as State Senators.
County Judge – Thomas S. Spaulding
County Clerk – John G. Copley
Deputy County Clerk – Theo. G. Smith
District Attorney – Walter L. Dailey
Sheriff – Allen Cooper
Deputy Sheriff – Miles S. Nixon
County Treasurer – Jesse L. Cooley
Justices of Session – J. L. Sexton and E. H. Knapp
School Commissioner – Jonas S. Van Duzer
Coroners – A. H. Flood, G. W. Woodward and T. Cuddebach
Loan Commissioners – G. S. Carman and Paul Collson
Sup’t of the Poor – Joseph Rodburn, Breesport
Board of Commissioners of Excise – John Brand, Isaac W. Smith, Thomas P. Briggs
Clerk – Jacob Schwartz
Incorporated April 7th, 1864
Mayor – John Arnot, Jr.
Clerk – U. S. Lowe
First Ward – Howard m. Smith, Hector L. Miller
Second Ward – Patrick J. Lee, S. B.Tomlinson
Third Ward – James S. Thurston, Adam Mander
Fourth Ward – S. T. Arnot, William Sullivan
Fifth Ward – Jerry Liddy, Harvey Smith
Sixth Ward – William A. Ward, G. D. Parsons
Seventh Ward – William R. Cooper, George Peters
City Treasurer – William T. Post
City Collector – Edmund O. Beers
City Attorney – John A. Reynolds
City Assessors – Absalom G. Reynolds, Robert Hylan and Geo. Cook
Cemetery Commissioner – William E. Rutter
Overseer of the Poor – John Lynch
City Sealer – George H. Cotton
City Engineer – Whitefield Farnham
City Recorder – William L. Muller
Chief of Police – James W. Hill
Captain Night Watch – Michael A. Kennedy
President – Dr. L. Velder
Clerk – M. Quigley
Members – Solomon P. Smith, James O’Maher, Jacob Klein, Henry Erisman, William M. Ware and James Warren
Health Officer – J. K. Stanchfield
Office – Baldwin cor Carroll
President – George M. Diven
Commissioners at Large – George M. Diven, Patrick H. Flood, William C. Wey, J. D. F. Slee
No. 1 District, William Dundas; No. 2 District, J. L. McDowell; No. 3 District, Thaddeus Up De Graff; No. 4 District, Edwin A. Scott; No. 5 District, Asahel B. Chamberlain
Secretary – E. B. Youmans
First Ward – Oliver C. Kingsbury
Second Ward – Patrick Murray
Third Ward – William L. Gibson
Fourth Ward – Samuel T. Reynolds
Fifth Ward – W. E. Murphy
Sixth Ward – Moses B. Wilkin
Seventh Ward – George Banks
Department Headquarters, cor Baldwin and Market streets
Chief Engineer – George M. Robinson
First Assistant Engineer – Joseph Campbell
Second Assistant Engineer – James H. Callahan
President Board of Trustees – William M. Ware
Vice President Board of Trustees – John Wormley
Secretary – Charles Hazard
Treasurer - Miles Trout
Trustees – Hook and Ladder, No. 1, John Wormley, Maurice S. Decker; Hose Co. No. 1, Charles Hazard, John Bartholomew; Hose Co. No. 2, Miles Trout, Henry Simpson; Hose Co. No. 3, Robert H. Walker, L. D. Caldwell; Hose Co. No. 5, William M. Ware, John Rayment; Hose Co. No. 6, T. W. Gould, D. Budd
Supt. Hose Tower, John Love
Protection Hook and Ladder Co., No. 1 – Foreman, C. A. Landy, First Assistant Foreman, F. W. McDowell; Second Assistant Foreman, F. H. Sanders; Treasurer, Maurice S. Decker; President, D. N. Swan; Vice President, E. C. George; Recording Secretary, F. Russell; Financial Secretary, P. A. McKinney
Elmira Hose Co., No. 1 – Foreman, Charles Smith; First Assistant Foreman, John P. Mason; Second Assistant Foreman, William Linderman; President, Charles Hazard; Vice President, Joseph Campbell; Secretary, F. H. Pelham; Assistant Secretary, M. F. Burgess; Treasurer, O. N. Smith.
Neptune Hose Co., No. 2 – Foreman, Miles Trout; First Assistant Foreman, W. H. Bardwell; Second Assistant Foreman, Volney Starks; President, Henry Simpson; Secretary, Harrison Smith; Treasurer, W. L. Hylen.
Independent Hose Co., No. 3 – Foreman, Robert H. Walker; First Assistant Foreman, W. B. Albro; Second Assistant Foreman, Henry Bell; President, L. D. Caldwell; Vice President, S. W. Marple; Secretary, Fred Woodruff; Treasurer, William Gilmore; Financial Secretary, J. Wisner Merwin; Trustees, R. H. Walker, L. D. Caldwell, J. H. Callahan, T. S. Disney, William Gilmore, J. Wisner Merwin, S. W. Marple.
Goodell Hose Co., No. 5 – President, Daniel Pease; Vice President, James Roody; Foreman, Will Y. Ellett; First Assistant, Theo. W. Out; Second Assistant, C. A. Up De Grove; Treasurer, William M. Ware; Secretary, John B. Shaw.
Eldridge Hose Co., No. 6 – Foreman, Enoch Churchill; First Assistant Foreman, George Decker; Second Assistant Foreman, Nathaniel Boeram; President, Daniel Finley; Secretary, Michael Liddy; Treasurer, Clem Robertshaw.
The Academy building is located on a lot bounded south by Clinton street, and extending from Lake to William street three hundred and twenty-one feet, and north two hundred and twenty-one feet on William, and two hundred and sixty feet on Lake street, containing about an acre and a half. This lot, (with the exception of a small parcel since purchased), was purchased from several owners by the corporation of the "Elmira Academy," in 1859, and in 1860 the said corporation conveyed it to the Board of the Education for an Academy site.
The building is a substantial brick structure two stories high, with a basement mostly above ground. The building will comfortably accommodate 150 pupils. It was completed in 1862, at a cost then of $12,000. In the basement are the boys’ and girls’ retiring rooms and wardrobes, the laboratory and society rooms. In the first story are the assembly room, and teachers’ room. In the third story are reception rooms, library, philosophical apparatus and cabinet. Personal property of the Academy is worth $95,000.
Mr. L. C. FOSTER, Principal. Miss C. S. NORMAN, First Assistant.
Bounded as follows: Beginning on the north bank of the Chemung River, at the bridge of the Erie Railway, thence north on the centre of said railway to Clinton street; thence east on the centre of Clinton to Madison avenue; thence north on the centre of Madison to the Junction Canal; thence east on the south bank of said canal to Oak; thence north on Oak street to Washington avenue; thence east on the centre of Washington avenue to Sullivan street, and on a line with said centre of Washington avenue to the eastern boundary of the city; thence south on said eastern boundary to the Chemung river; thence west on the north bank of said river to the place of beginning.
The school building is located on the corner of Sullivan and Second streets, on a beautiful lot, with shrubbery and grass plots in front, and two large yards for play grounds in the rear, the whole lot containing about four acres.
The building is a substantial brick structure, 119 feet long by 80 wide, two stories in height, costing, with the furniture, $25,000. It was first brought into use in the fall of 1868.
In the building there are sittings for 640 pupils, exclusive of the 40 chairs in the front recitation room. Personal property belonging to the building valued at $3,587.
Bounded as follows: Beginning on the north bank of the Chemung river, at the bridge of the Erie Railway; thence north on the west side of said railway track to Clinton street; thence west on the centre of Clinton street; thence south following the city limits to the Chemung river; thence east on the north bank of said river to the place of beginning.
The school building is located on a beautiful, dry and airy lot, containing 3 ½ acres, on the corner of Davis and Second streets. The building is a brick structure, two stories in height, 119 feet long by 80 wide. Its internal arrangements, size of rooms, grade of pupils, and number of seats are the same as in No. 1. Personal property belonging to the building valued at $3,907.
Mr. P. COBURN, Principal. Miss EMILY Y. WILSON, Assistant.
Bounded as follows: District No. 3 comprises all that portion of the city lying on the south side of the Chemung river.
The school building is located on a beautiful, elevated, dry lot of ground, containing 3 ¾ acres, on the south side of Partridge street, fronting Harman street, in the Fifth ward.
The school building is an elegant substantial brick structure two stories high, with slate roof, 113 feet long by 70 feet wide, and is located on a beautiful, elevated dry lot of ground containing 3 ¾ acres of ground. The internal arrangements are the same as No’s. 1 and 2. The house was first occupied January, 1871. The entire cost of building, grounds, furniture, &c., was $37,000. Will seat 670 pupils. Personal property belonging to the building, valued at $3,427,75.
MR. C. S. BROWN, Principal MISS J. B. BROOK, Assistant.
Bounded as follows: - Beginning at the centre of Clinton street, on the east side of the Erie Railway track; thence east on the centre of Clinton street to Madison avenue; thence north on the centre of Madison avenue to the Junction canal; thence east on north side of said canal to Oak street; thence north on the centre of Oak street to Washington avenue; thence east on the centre of Washington avenue to Sullivan street, and still in the direction of Washington avenue to the east bounds of the city; thence north on the east bounds of said city to the northeast corner thereof, thence west following the city limits to the Erie Railway track; thence south on said railway track to the place of beginning. The school buildings are located on a lot containing 1 ¾ acres, situate on the west side of Lake street, near the junction Canal. They consist of a brick building two stories high, 50 by 60 feet in length, with projections 12 by 30 feet on each side for halls. And a frame, one-story in height, 30 by 46 feet in length. The frame house consists of one school room and suitable cloak rooms. The brick building has 4 school rooms. Personal property of the building valued at $13.00. Building seated to accommodate 514 pupils.
PROF. A. H. LEWIS, Principal MRS. R. V. LEWIS, Assist.
Bounded as follows: - Beginning on the west side of the Erie Railway track on the centre of Clinton street; and thence west on the centre of Clinton to Hoffman street; and still in the direction of Clinton street to the City limits; thence north on said limits to the northwest corner of said city; thence east on the northern bounds of said city to the Erie Railway track; thence south on the centre of said railway track to the place of beginning.
The building stands on a rise of ground, with its main entrance looking toward the south. It is 134 feet long, and 81 feet wide. It is erected on a lot containing about 2 ¾ acres. Will accommodate 800 pupils. It is decidedly the handsomest school building in the city, presenting more the appearance of a college edifice than a common school building. It cost about $50,000.
Elmira Female College. – Main cor Washington av. Rev. A. W. Cowles, D. D. President.
First National Bank – Water near Lake. Capital, $100,000; S. T. Arnot, President; John Arnot, Jr., Vice President; M. H. Arnot, Cashier; Hull Fanton, S. T. Arnot, John Arnot, Jr., and M. H. Arnot, Directors.
Second National Bank – Lake street, cor Carroll. Incorporated 1863; capital, $200,000; surplus, $200,000; President, D. R. Pratt; Cashier, William F. Corey; Directors, Daniel Pratt, C. R. Pratt, Daniel R. Pratt, George E. Pratt, William Dundas.
Chemung Canal Bank – Water near Lake. Vice President, S. T. Arnot;, Cashier, John Arnot, Jr.; Assistant Cashier, M. H. Arnot.
Southern Tier Savings Bank – Officers: President, David Decker; Vice Presidents, R. H. Ransom, Rufus King; Secretary, Joseph Davis; Treasurer, James S. Thurston; Cashier, Frederick A. Devoe; Directors, David Decker, Edwin Eldridge, H. W. Rathbone, Henry V. Colt, F. H. Stowell, J. Richardson, Solomon L. Gillett, H. D. V. Pratt, Rufus King, R. H. Ransom, John J. Curtis, Joseph Davis, James S. Thurston.
The Bank of Chemung – Baldwin, cor Carroll. Incorporated 1849. Cashier, H. W. Beadle.
Military Organization
110th Batallion N. G., S. N. Y. – Lieutenant Colonel, Luther Caldwell; Major, L. A. Hazzard; Adjutant, H. H. Rockwell; Quartermaster, E. W. Howell; Surgeon, J. M. Flood.
Company C. – Captain, John Laidlaw; First Lieutenant, Eugene Root; Second Lieutenant, L. W. Babcock.
Company B. – Captain, John H. Shea, First Lieutenant, J. B. Costello; Second Lieutenant, Patrick Murphy.
La France’s City Cornet Band. – 132 W. Water street, A. W. La France, Leader.
Up Degraff’s 110th Regimental Band. – 124 Lake, J. B. Up Degraff, Leader.
Emmett Band – Organized Nov. 8th, 1872, James M. Daly, Leader; meets in Hathorn’s Hall, Railroad avenue, corner W. Fourth street.
Pines’ Quadrille Band – South Main, near Mount Zion street, Squire Pines, Leader.
Park Church – Main, corner of Church street; organized 1846; 400 members, number of S. S. scholars 500; Rev. Thomas K. Beecher, Pastor.
First Baptist Church – Church S E cor Main; Rev. Addison Parker, Pastor; Edgar St. John, Clerk; Howard N. Smith, Supt. Sunday School.
First Presbyterian Church – Church corner of Baldwin street; Rev. William E. Knox, Pastor.
Second Presbyterian Church – Lake, corner Church street; Rev. N. M. Sherwood, Pastor.
Free Will Baptist Church – Lake, corner Standish. It was opened for service 30th July, 1869, and will seat 208; it cost about $1,500; Rev. Schuyler Aldrich, Pastor. John H. Shearer, Supt. Of S. S.
Grace Church (Episcopal) – Main, above Water; erected 1854; Rev. F. D. Hoskins, pastor; number of communicants, 150; building will seat 350; number of scholars, 220.
Hedding Methodist Episcopal Church – 318 Church street; Rev. John Alabaster, Pastor; Charles H. Palmer, Sunday School Superintendent; erected 1852; cost $30,000; will seat 700; number of members 400; number of Sunday School scholars 300.
Jewish Synagogue – B‘Nai Israel. – No. 10 High Street; built in 1852; at that time the congregation numbered 4, and in the same year was increased to 10; the congregation now numbers 24 members. It is a frame building 50 by 30, and will seat 300. The present Rabbi is named L. Holzheimer.
First Methodist Episcopal Church – Baldwin between Church and East Second streets. Rev. A. C. George, Pastor.
Second Baptist Church – Church street corner Madison avenue. Rev. John Branch, Pastor. Newton P. Bassett, Supt. Of S. S.
South Main St. Methodist Episcopal Church – South Main corner Pennsylvania Ave. Rev. J. G. Gulick, Pastor.
St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church – Franklin corner Fulton. Rev. James McManus, Pastor.
St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church – Third corner Main. Rev. J. J. Bloomer, Pastor.
St. John’s German Catholic Church – Dickinson street, between Fifth street and junction Canal. Rev. Aloysius Bachmann, Pastor.
St. Peter’s and St. Paul’s Roman Catholic Church – Market corner High street. Rev. Thomas Cunningham, Pastor.
Trinity Church (Episcopal) – Main corner Church streets. Rev. Geroge H. McKnight, D. D. Pastor.
Union Methodist Protestant Church (African) – Situated on the northwest corner of Dickinson and Fourth streets. Rev. G. V. Peterson, Pastor.
Young Men’s Christian Association Chapel – Seventh street. Rev. F. G. Surbridge, Pastor.
Zion Methodist Episcopal Church (African) – Situated on the southwest corner of Dickinson and Fourth streets. Rev. J. C. Lodge, Pastor.
American Union Methodist Episcopal Church (African), N W corner of Dickinson and Fourth streets. Rev. Isaac R. Johnson, Pastor. William Culbert, Supt. Sunday-school. Number of scholars, 82. Enoch Wood, Sec.
St. Omer’s Commandery, No. 19, Knights Templar. – J. S. Bartlett, E. C.; H. B. Berry, Gen. C.; E. O. Beers, C. G.; F. E. Cleveland, Exe. Prelate; E. T. Walker, S. W.; L. A. Hazzard, J.W.; John Arnot, Jr., Treasurer; C. S. Davison, Recorder; George Whitmore, S. B.; C. H. Richards, S’d. B.; S. D. Wadhams, Warder; J. A. Gamper, Sentinel; J. T. Hill. 1st G.; H. M. Wells, 2nd G.; W. C. Smith, 3rd G.; M. L. Wood, Trustee; John Stobo, organist; Emt. John D. Williams, Armorer. Regular Conclaves, First and Third Fridays in each month. Annual Conclave March 20th, 1874.
Union Lodge, No. 95, F. and A. M. W.; D. S. Dorr, master; H. H. Rockwell, S. W.; Henry Simpson, J. W.; G. D. Parsons, Treasurer; E. E. Merrill, Secretary; A. Barber, S. D.; John Buckhout, J. D.; C. D. Giles, S. M. C.; L. Polak, J. M. C.; Rev. A. E. Chubbuck, Chaplain; A. Welch, Tiler. Regular Communications, First and Third Tuesdays in each month. Annual Communications, December 15th.
Ivy Lodge, No. 397, F. and A.M.W.; E. O. Beers, master; H. B. Berry, S.W.; John Stabo, J.W.; John Arnot, Jr., Treasurer; N. D. Doxey, Secretary; S. D. Wadhams, S. D.; W. S. Reed, J.D.; S. S. Dias, S.M.C.; John T. Hill, J.M.C.; Rev. C. Greatsinger, Chaplain; J. A. Baty, Tiler; R. H. White, Organist. Regular Communications, First and Third Thursdays in each month. Annual Communications, December 17th.
Elmira Chapter, No. 42, R.A.M. – M. E. F. D. Ramsdell, H. P; E. John D. Williams, K; E. L. A. Hazzard, S.; John Arnot, Jr., Treasurer; J. E. McWilliams, Secretary; E. O. Beers, C. of H.; Alden Derby, P.S.; C. H. Richards, R. C. A.; W. C. Smith, M. 3d V.; H. M. Wells, M. 2d V.; J. E. Larkin, M. 1st V.; J. A. Baty, Tiler. Regular Conventions, Second and Fourth Wednesdays in each month. Annual Convention, December 23.
Southern Tier Council, No. 16, R. and S. M. – T. I. F. D. Ramsdell, Master; Ill. J. S. Bartlett, D. M.; Ill. Alden Derby, P.C.W.; G. D. Parsons, Treasurer; W.H. Brown, Recorder, L. A. Hazzard, C. of G.; F. E. Cleveland, C. of C.; W. C. Smith, Steward; J. A. Baty, Sentinel. Regular Assemblies, Second and Fourth Mondays in each month. Annual Assembly, December 14.
Southern Tier Masonic Relief Association – Incorporated under the laws of the State of New York; regular meeting of Directors, third Monday in each month. Officers; C. M. Shipman, President; John D. Williams, Vice President; G. D. Parsons, Treasurer; H. B. Berry, Secretary. Office 112 Baldwin street.
Coeur De Lion Conclave, No. 7, Knights of the Red Cross of Constantine. Held at Elmira, N.Y. Regular Conclaves, second and fourth Mondays in each month.
Old Oak Lodge, No. 253, F. and A. M. Held at Middleport, N. Y. W. T. D. Jones, Master; George W. Lovell, S. W.; Alonzo McDougal, J. W.; H W. Seaman, Treasurer; Dexter White, Secretary; Guy C. Curtis, S. D.; W. W. Locke, J. D.; E. N. Mallett, S. M. C.; A. J. McDougal, J. M. C.; L. D. Worth, Chaplain; J. M. Denson, Tiler. Regular Communications, first and third Tuesdays in each month. Annual communication December 15.
Chemung Valley Lodge, No. 350, F. and A. M. Held at Chemung, N. Y. W. E. Gere, Master; M. Dearborn, S. W.; C. H. Whitaker, J. W.; J. Marvin, Treasurer; C. Cogans, Secretary; A. J. Drake, S. D.; U. W. Burt, J. D.; William Jaslyn, S. M. C.; S. T. Everitt, J. M. C.; Rev. J. Rooney, Chaplain; C. Beebe, Tiler; G. Birchard, Marshal. Regular Communications, first third and fifth Saturdays in each month. Annual communication, December 19.
Big Flats Lodge, No. 378, F. and A. M. Held at Big Flats, N. Y. W: John D. Williams, Master; H. L. Storms, S. W.; John Relyea, Jr., J. W.; Samuel A. Minier, Treasurer; George S. Voorhees, Secretary; George H. Woodward, S. D.; James Mills, J. D.; Albert A. King, S. M.C.; John Tell, J. M.C.; P. J. Brown, Tiler. Regular Communications, first, third, and fifth Wednesdays in each month. Annual communication, December 16.
Southern Light Lodge, No. 725, F. and A. M. Held at Breesport, N.Y. W: James H. Rodbourn, Master; Jeremiah Smalley, S. W.; John N. Humphrey, J. W.; Bazilla Burgess, Treasurer; Edgar M. Brees, Secretary; Festus W. Kendall, S. D.; John W. Nichols, J. D.; C. B. Judson, S. M. C.; L. A. Harding, J. M. C.; Rev. T. E. Phillips, Chaplain; Charles M. Paige, Tiler; John Nichols, Marshal. Regular Communications, second and fourth Fridays in each month. Annual communication, December 25.
Horseheads Lodge, No. 364, F. and A. M. Held at Horseheads, N.Y. W: Jonas Parks, Master; Albert P. Beard, S. W.; C. Brown, J.W.; Charles Kline, Treasurer; Charles R. Egbert, Secretary; Thomas Hibbard, S.D.; F. V. Conklin, J.D.; F. J. Wintermute, S.M.C.; C. M. Park, J.M.C.; A. B. Whitenack, Tiler; A. D. Loomis, Marshal. Regular Communications, first and third Mondays in each month. Annual communication, December 21.
Horseheads Chapter, No. 261, R. A. M. Held at Horseheads, N. Y. M: E: R. P. Bush, H. P.; E: C. G. Eddy, K.; E: John Nichols, S.; C. W. McNeish, Treasurer; H. Clark, Secretary; P. J. Ward, C. of H.; J. H. Marshall, P.S.; James McQueen, R. A. C.; C. R. Egbert, M. 3d V.; A. P. Beard, M. 2d V.; Thomas Hibbard, M. 1st V.; Rev. T. E. Phillips, Chaplain; A. B. Whitenack, Tiler. Regular Convocations, second and fourth Tuesdays in each month. Annual convocation, December 22.
W. L. GIBSON, D. D. G. P. S.J. BROWN, D. D. G. M.
Newton Lodge, No. 89, I.0.0.F. – E. W. Rutan, N.G.; Joseph H. Giles, V. G.; H. E. Jones, Recording Secretary; W. L. Gibson, Financial Secretary; James McCann, Treasurer. Meets in Odd Fellows’ Hall, 126 and 128 West Water street every Monday evening.
Donan Lodge, No. 363, I. O. O. F., Henry Anders, O.M.; Lewis Snyder, U. M.; William Deitrich, Secretary; John Stumfle, Treasurer; Jacob Snyder, P.G. Meets in Holden’s Hall, Water, cor Baldwin street every Wednesday evening.
Fort Hill Encampment, No. 18, I. O. O. F. – Joseph H. Giles, C. P.; H. E. Jones, H. P.; O. D. Spencer, S. W. ; James McCann, Treasurer; Josiah Martin, Scribe; Charles D. Bovier, J. W.; W. L. Gibson, 1st Watch; Alonzo Betts, 2d Watch; Horace Batell 3d Watch; H. Castaline, 4th Watch; A. Fabin, 1st Guard; Joseph Redner, 2d Guard; James F. Roody, I. S., D. D. Bixby, O.S. Meets first and third Friday evenings of each month.
Odd Fellows’ Relief Association – J. M. Tillman, President; Josiah Bartholomew, V. P.; W. L. Gibson, Secretary; James McCann, Treasurer; Directors, J. M. Tillman, J. Bartholomew, W. L. Gibson, James McCann, Charles Hazzard, G. W. Palmer, James Baker, O.H.P. Kinney, C. G. Fairman, Edward Covell, E. W. Rutan, W. P. DeWitt, William Olivey.
Southern Tier Lodge, No. 344, I. O. O. F. Instituted January 21, 1873, by O.H. P. Kinney, D. D. G. M. T.M. Losie, N.G.; C. B. Bovier, V. G.; J. Beers, Secretary; E. Covell, Treasurer; W. H. Carman, Chaplain, E. O. Beers, Degree Master. Meets in Covell and Fay’s Hall, Water, cor Baldwin streets, every Tuesday evening.
Father Matthew Total Abstinence Benevolent Society – Meets in the St. Peter’s and St. Paul’s Church School House on every second Sunday. Officers: William Collins, President; John Moriarty, Vice President; Patrick O’Driscoll, Financial Secretary; Nicholas Baker, Recording Secretary; Timothy Murphy, Treasurer; John Murphy, Marshal.
Catholic Young Men’s Literary Association – Meets Cowen’s Block, every Wednesday evening; Rev. J. J. Bloomer, President; Peter McNammara, Vice President; Thomas Murray, Treasurer; P.J. Lee, R. S.; John B. Sullivan. F. S.
A.J.O.K.S.B., Aaron Lodge No. 29 – Meets in G.A.R. Hall, Lake street, every Sunday evening. S. Settenfield, W. A. V.; S. Under, Nassi; M. Rosenbeck, Achi; J. Pelta, Alitz; Jacob Aarons, Sopher; A. Sebesky, Gisber; L. Holtzheimer, Assistant Sopher; B. Erlick, Cohen; G. Sellner, Sgan; S. Witkofski, Shomer; S. Levin, Sho. Hap.
Elmira Divison, No. 41, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers – Officers: Thos. Reardan, C. E.; John McGraw, F.E.; A. Buckbee, S. E.; H. E. Jones, F. A. E.; E. D. Bixby, S. A. W.; Chas. Munsell, T. A. E.; John G. Reagan, G.; J. M. Putney, C. Meets 1st and 3d Sundays each month, at 3 o’clock P.M., in Odd Fellows’ Hall, Wyckoff Block, Water street.
Elmira Saengerbund – Meets every Monday and Thursday evenings, in the German school house, Madison avenue; Henry Houpt, President; Frank Karsten, Secretary; Earnest Shidlen, Treasurer; Frederick Hagen, Leader.
Elmira Turnverein – Meets in German school house, Madison avenue; Charles Hopper, President; Louis Shidlen, Secretary; Gottlieb Hummel, Treasurer.
Knights of Pythias, Elmira Lodge, No. 81 – Meets every Wednesday evening, in their new hall, Lake street, near Water street; F. G. Churchill, C. C.; A. M. Fitch, V. C.; J. C. Welch, P.; D. W. Munson, K., of R. and S.; J. A. Hobbie, M. of E.; R. T. Atkins, M. of F.; J. A. Campbell, M. at A.; D. Caldwell, I. G.; E. D. Bixby, O. G.
Chemung County Trades’ Assembly – Officers: President, John Gilmore; Vice President, Daniel McCarthy; Recording and Corresponding Secretary, M. J. Sullivan; Financial Secretary, Joshua Horrocks; Treasurer, John Olsen. Meetings held on the second Tuesday evening of each month, at Crispin Hall, Carroll, corner Lake street.
Marmion Lodge, No. 103, K. of P. – Meets every Monday evenings, in Knights of Pythias Hall, Lake street, near Water; O. G. Irvine, C. C.; Howard E. Baker, V. C.; W. D. Lang, P.; H. D. Stowell, K. of R. and S.; John E. Stowell, M. of E.; L. A. Turner, M. of F.; Benjamin Andrews, M. at A.; Thomas Lawrence, I. G.; Jasper N. Elston, O. G.
Elmira Farmers’ Club – Meets Saturday evenings, at their hall, Hoffman street, near W. Hill road. Officers; G. W. Hoffman, President; James McCann, Vice President; W. A. Armstrong, Secretary; Charles Heller, Treasurer; M. H. Thurston, Librarian.
St. Patrick’s Temperance and Benevolent Association – Patrick McLaughlin, President; James Mungovan, Vice President; J. J. Conlon, Recording Secretary; Michael Gurnett, Financial Secretary; Patrick M. Sullivan, Treasurer; Patrick O’Connors, Marshal. Meets in O’Connors’ Hall, Water street, near Railroad avenue, twice each month.
I.O. of G. T., Joy Lodge, No. 149 – Instituted April 16th, 1869; C.N. Shipman, W. C. T.; Mrs. Sullivan, W. V. T.; C. W. McMurray, F. S.; Miss A. Parkill, Treasurer; J. B. Briggs, Recording Secretary; F. G. Churchill, P. W. C. T.; Wallace Bardwell, W. M.; Miss Josie Up De Graff, D. M.; Miss B. Parkhill, I. G.; Simeon Rathbun, O. G.; A. G. Steen, Chaplain; L. M. Andrews, L. D.; A. R. Frost, C. C. T.; Miss Eva Merrell, Pianist; membership about 250. Literary entertainments once each month; meets every Tuesday evening, in the Opera Block, (3d Floor).
Catholic Young Men’s T. A. B. T. A. – Patrick Mahony, President, John Stapleton, Vice President; C. O’Gorman, Recording Secretary; Michael Looney, Financial Secretary; John Sullivan, Treasurer. Meets in Crispin Hall, Lake corner Carroll, twice each month.
Elmira Academy of Medicine – Organized 29th of June, 1852; meet on the first Tuesday of each month; officers elected every year; number of members, 25. Officers of the present year: President, Dr. J. G. Graves; Vice President, Dr. W. H. Davis; Secretary Dr. L. Velder; Treasurer, I. F. Hart; Drs. J. S. Dolson, W. Woodward, Zalmon F. Chase, Censors. This society presents a grand array of medical talent, and ranks among the first organizations of its kind in the State.
Chemung County Medical Society – Meets quarterly. Officers. Dr. Louis Velder, President; Dr. I. F. Hart, Vice President; Dr. William Woodward, Treasurer; Drs. L. Velder, W. C. Wey, J. R. Stanchfield, T. H. Squire, Z. F. Chase, Censors; Delegate to the New York State Medical Society, Dr. J. R. Stanchfield.
Elmira Lodge of Harugari, No. 90, D. O. H. – Gottlieb Hummel, D. D. G. B.; Marcus Lehnleitner, H. T.; Christian Schoeller, O. B.; August Eisenacker, U. B.; Anthony Pressler, Secretary; Jacob Neuer, R. F.; Adam Mander, Sch. M. Meets in Bundy’s Hall, Lake, corner Carroll street, every Wednesday evening.
Elmira Mechanics Society – Instituted January 15th, 1834, 8 Opera Block. J. Bartholomew, President; A. Stowell, V. P.; R. R. R. Dumars, Sec.; J. S. French, Treas.
Elmira Typographical Union, No. 19, organized December 14, 1868 – J. E. Sechler, President; J. C. Ranch, Vice President; Florentine Russell, Recording Secretary; M. J. Sullivan, Corresponding Secretary; C. H. Baker, Financial Secretary and Treasurer; Stephen Bahan, Sergeant-at-arms; J. C. Ranck, J. H. Sadley, T. E. C. Oliver, D. A. Fitzpatrick, James Woodford, Deliberative Committee. Meets the first Saturday in each month, in the Holden Block, Water, corner Baldwin.
German Library Association – Jacob Weyer, President; George H. Richardt, Secretary; L. Rosenbaum, Treasurer; John Brand, L. Holzheim, Albert Wageman, Ernest Shidlen, Trustees.
K. O. S. C. Elmira Lodge, No. 21 – Meets on the second and fourth Thursday in each month, at St. Crispin Hall, Carroll, corner Lake street. Officers; S. K., John Gilmore; K., P. B. Purcell; F. Atwater, S., L. J. Jackson; R. S., M. R. Lyons; Treasurer, Owen Tiffany.
Machinists’ and Blacksmiths’ Union of North America, No. 16, of Elmira, N.Y. – Officers: Adam G. Holtzapple, President; Dennis Maloney.
Elmira Choral Union, organized October, 1873, D. L. Holden, President; C. S. Ingraham, Vice President; H. H. Rockwell, Secretary and Treasurer; C. F. Sykes, Conductor. Meets every Monday evening at Good Templar’s Hall.
Cigarmakers’ Union, No. 10 – Meets the last Monday of each month in O’Connor’s Hall, E. Water street near Railroad avenue. Alfred Dodd, President; James Clancey, Vice President; William C. Macksey, Cor. Sec.; Lewis Hinkleman, Financial Sec.; Jerry Connelly, Treasurer; Patrick Leary, Sergeant-at-arms.
Massasoit Tribe, No. 14, I. O. R. M. Meets in the G. A. R. Hall, Lake street, every Monday evening. E. L. Sanford, Prophet; B. S. Horner, Sachem; John S. Ware, Sen. Sagamore; T. O. Carter, Jun. Sagamore; G. W. Thornelly, C. of R.; John Bolstedge, K. O W.; William Lawler, G. of F.
Empire State Lodge No. 199, I. O. B. B., meets in Opera House Block, Lake street, every Second and Fourth Sunday in each month. Julius Anhalt, President; M. Rosenbaum, Vice President; L. William M. Walters, Financial Secretary; Patrick Mahony, Corresponding Secretary; Edward S. Jenkins, Treasurer.
Orphans’ Home – Fulton corner Franklin. Incorporated 1864, as the Ladies' Relief Association; in 1867, name changed to Southern Tier Orphans' Home. Rev. A. G. Burlingame, Superintendent; Mrs. David Decker, President; Mrs. Peter A. La France, Vice-President; Newton P. Fassett, Treasurer; Mrs. Edgar St. John and Mrs. A. G. Burlingame, Secretaries.
Post Baldwin, No. 6, G. A. R., Department of New York – Comrades A. S. Fitch, Com’dr.; C. R. Wallace, S. V. C.; E. Greene, J. V. C., Thoe. G. Smith, Adj’t.; John G. Copley, Q. M.; J. B. Up Degraff, Chaplain; S. Johnson, O. D.; A. Ogden, O. G.; J. L. Cornell, Serg’t Maj.; E. Root, Q. M. Sg’t.
Hathaway Post, No. 56, G. A. R., meets every Friday evening, in G. A. R. Hall, Lake street, John S. Ware, Commander; J. B. Beman, S. V. C.; J. M. Wyman, J. V. C.; C. B. Tompkins, Adj’t; M. McCarty, Q. M.; Warren M. Collson, Chaplain; Charles C. Spaulding, O. D.; James Malony, O. G.; A. J. Brown, Serg’t Major; H. Gaskill, Q. M. Serg’t; John M. Flood, Post Surgeon.
St. Peter’s and St. Paul’s Benevolent Society – Officers: John Mathews, President; Daniel McCarty, Vice-President; John Kennedy, Recording Secretary; Michael Sullivan, Corresponding Secretary; James Gill, Treasurer.
Tailors’ Protective Trade Society – Meets on the first Monday in the month in St. Crispin Hall, Carroll, corner Lake street. Officers: President, Henry Haupt; Vice President, Louis Sittinger; Sec’y, W. Collins; Treas., John Kickbush.
New York State Grange, patrons of Husbandry – William A. Armstrong, Secretary, Elmira.
Chemung Valley Grange, No. 57, Patrons of Husbandry – Meets in Farmer’s Club Hall, Hoffman street, the first and third Tuesday of each month. William A. Armstrong, Master; Jonas Van Duzer, Secretary; George Harris, Treasurer.
Elmira Farmer’s Club – Meets in Farmer’s Club Hall, Hoffman street, every Saturday evening. George W. Hoffman, President; William A. Armstrong, Secretary; Charles Heller Treasurer.
Hope Council No. 5, Sovereigns of Industry – William M. Ware, President; P. L. Sanford, Vice President; Everett Green, Secretary; James B. Lane, Treasurer; William P. Maxson, Lecturer; George W. Thorniley, Steward; James McFarlane, Assistant Steward.
Young Men’s Christian Association – The Association was established in 1858, with the following officers and additional members at its first Board of Managers; H. M. partridge, president; S. B. Fairman , Vice President; A. R. Wright, Corresponding Secretary; S. Van Campen, Recording Secretary; S. Ayres, Treasurer; Additional Members, F. Collingwood, D. Thomson Dunn, I. F. Hart, J. R. Ward. Its leading objects is the moral and intellectual well-being of young men. It sustains prayer meetings, out door meetings, and Mission Sunday School; and has a beautiful chapel in the Second Ward at a cost of $2,500, where Sunday services are held and a large and flourishing Sunday-school is sustained. The Association provides for a city missionary to attend to its benevolent and religious work, expending about $2,000 annually for the poor. He also has charge of the Night School. He looks after employment for the poor and the stranger. The circulating library of the Association numbers three thousand volumes, and the reference library about five hundred more. The library table is supplied with all the leading magazines and quarterlies. The reading room contains on file all the prominent papers published. The use of the library costs, to members, one dollar; to all others two dollars per year, payable quarterly, semi-annually or annually. The reading room and reference library are free. The Association sustains an annual course of lectures and monthly literary meeting and reunions. Quarterly sermons are also delivered by eminent clergymen from abroad. The present Board of Managers are: I. S. Hobbie, President; R. Morse, Jr., Vice President; Roswell R. Moss, Recording Secretary; Dr. I. F. Hart, Corresponding Secretary; E. P. Bement, Treasurer; T. W. Newcomb, Chairman Church Committee; Prof. J. R. Monks, Thomas Johnson, J. F. Laidlaw, John R. Joslyn, additional members. Regular meeting third Monday evening of each month.
Elmira Gaslight Company. – Office Chemung Canal Bank Building; incorporated, 1852; capital, $50,000. James S. Woods, President; S. T. Arnot, Secretary, Treasurer and Supt.; James L. Woods, S. T. Arnot, John Arnot, Jr., M. H. Arnot, Directors.
Elmira Water Works. – Office, 212 E. Water; organized April, 1869; President, Alexander S. Diven; Vice President, G. M. Diven; Treasurer, Alexander Diven; Secretary, Ausburn Towner; Superintendent, John H. Leavitt; capital, $50,000.
Junction Canal Company. – Office, Chemung Canal Bank Building; Secretary and Treasurer S. T. Arnot.
McIntyre Coal Company. – Organized January, 1870; President, C. J. Langdon; Secretary, W. D. Kelly, 110 Baldwin.
Elmira and Horsehead Railway. – President, A. S. Diven; Secretary and Treasurer, G. M. Diven; Office, 210 East Water.
Queen City Woolen Mills – H. M. Partridge, President; W. Dundas, Secretary and Treasurer. Factory corner Newtown creek.
Elmira Daily and Weekly Advertiser – Published by the Elmira Advertiser Association. Charles G. Fairman, President; Ausburn Towner, Secretary; R. R. R. Dumars, Treasurer and Superintendent. Lake, cor Market. Daily, $10; Weekly, $2.
Elmira Daily and Weekly Gazette – Daily published every afternoon at 3 o’clock by the Gazette Company, No. 4 Opera Block, Carroll street; is served to city subscribers for 15 cents per week, or $8 per annum.
Weekly – Published every Thursday. Terms, $2.00 per year.
Weekly Leader – Published at the office of the Southern
Tier Leader Association, 153 Lake street. J. S. Thurston, President; W.
A. Armstrong, Vice President; P. C. Van Gelder, General Superintendent;
H. A. Brook, Secretary and Treasurer.