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In presenting the initial number of the "Gazetteer and Directory of Chemung and Schuyler Counties" to the public, the publisher desires to return his sincere thanks to all who have so kindly assisted in obtaining the valuable information which it contains, and without whose aid it would have been impossible to collect, in the brief space of time in which it is essential that all such works should be completed. Especially are our thanks due to the several editors of the Elmira Gazette, Elmira Advertiser, Horseheads Journal, Schuyler County Democrat, Watkins Express and Havana Journal, for the uniform kindness which has been eviced in calling public attention to the author’s efforts; and to them and the following persons, viz: Robert F. Stewart, Clerk of Chemung Co.; S. C. Taber, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Chemung Co.; Mrs. P. A. La France; John G. Copley, School Commissioner Chemung Co.; Edward Kendall, Clerk of Schuyler County; Eugene B. Mapes, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Schuyler County; John H. Pope, School Commissioner of Schuyler Co.; and M. Ells, Esq., of Watkins, for essential aid in furnishing material for the work. Many others have kindly volunteered their aid, to all of whom we return sincere thanks.
The following works have also been consulted in its preparation: French’s admirable "Gazetteer of the State of New York;" "Hotchkin’s History of the Presbyterian Church in Western New York;" "Stone’s Life of Brant;" Galatian’s "Elmira City Directory;" "Documentary History of New York;" "Glen Sketches;" "Tourists’ Hand Book to the Glen;" "Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors" of the two Counties, and the "Census Report of 1865."
That errors may have occurred in so great a number of names and dates as are here given, is probable, and that names have been omitted that should have been inserted is quite certain. We can only say that we have exercised more than ordinary diligence and care in this difficult and complicated feature of book-making. To such as feel aggrieved in consequence of error or omission, we beg pardon, and ask the indulgence of the reader in marking such as had been observed in the subsequent reading of the proofs, and which are noted in the Errata, following the Introduction.
It is also suggested that our patrons observe and become familiar with the explanations at the commencement of the Directory.
The Map of the two Counties was engraved with great care by Messrs. "Weed, Parsons & Co.," of Albany, and, it is believed, will prove a valuable acquisition to the work. The new town of Ashford has been accurately located according to courses and distances as specified in Session Laws of the State for 1867.
The Advertisers represent some of the leading business men and firms of both Counties, and also many enterprising and reliable dealers in other parts of the State. We most cheerfully commend them all to the patronage of those under whose observation these pages may come.
With thanks to friends generally, we leave our work to secure the favor which earnest endeavor ever wins from a discriminating business public.
GAZETTEER--Chemung County.
County.--The Elmira Daily Advertiser is now published by Chas. G. Fairman, Luther Caldwell and James S. Thurston.
Erin.--Herrington’s Corners is a post office in the south part of the town.
Southport.--Judsonville, (p. o.) formerly Pine Woods p. o., is a hamlet near the center.
Webb Mills post office is abolished.
Veteran.--East Grove (p. o.) was erroneously printed Pine Grove.
GAZETTEER--Schuyler County.
County.--Since our history of the Press of Schuyler County was printed, we have received from the proprietor of the Watkins Express, the following notice of that paper:
THE WATKINS EXPRESS is the lineal successor to the first paper published in the village of Watkins, NY, and traces its ancestry from the beginning as follows: In the year 1840, the Chemung Democrat, then published at Horseheads, was removed to Havana, where its publication was continued two years, and in 1842 was again removed to "Jefferson," by which name the village of Watkins was then known; all three of the towns named then being within the bounds of Chemung County. Within a short time after the removal of the Democrat to Jefferson, the name was changed to the Democratic Citizen, the editor being J. I. Hendryx, now proprietor of the Cooperstown Republican, who continued in charge of the paper till 1850. In June of that year, W. B. Slawson & Co. undertook the publication of the Independent Freeman, which, in 1851, was changed to the Jefferson Eagle, succeeded, after a few months, by the Watkins Family Visitor. In 1854 the office passed into the hands of S. M. Taylor, Esq., who called his paper the Watkins Republican. He was succeeded in the editorial chair by M. Ells, in 1856, the name of the paper remaining the same until 1863, when Geo. D. A. Bridgman bought the office and changed the name to The Watkins Weekly Union. In January 1864, the present proprietor of the paper, L. M. Gano, came into possession of the office, and once more changed the name, as well as the politics of the paper, since which time it has been known as The Watkins Express. In politics the paper is Republican; aiming, while advocating the interests and principles of the party, to inculcate sound principles of integrity in all relations of life, and to furnish to its patrons a healthy, deserving, family journal.
Catharine.--Lawrence is a post office near the center of the north part.
Hector.--Logan (p. v.) is located at Polksville.
Seneca is a post office near the center of the north part.
Smith’s Valley (p. o.) is a hamlet in the south-east part.
Orange.--Mead’s Creek is a post office in the south-western part.
Pine Creek is a post office north of the center.
East Orange is a post office in the east part, near the line of Dix.
DIRECTORY--Chemung County.
Baldwin.--GOLDSMITH, Wm., was erroneously printed GOULDSMITH, WM.
Big Flats.--DICKERMAN, JESSE N., (Horseheads,) farmer 5, should have been added.
Elmira City.--*BENNETT, SOLOMON, should have been starred as an advertiser.
DUITT, CHAS., was erroneously printed DEWITT, CHAS.
Field, A. Major, has vacated the Delavan House in favor of & *ROSWELL HUNT.
*GREENER, JACOB, should have been starred as an advertiser.
*DELAVAN HOUSE, corner of Rail Road Avenue and Clinton street, opposite the depot, is now under the management of Roswell Hunt.
Miller, J. M., has vacated the American Hotel in favor of *WINTER & CLEVELAND.
*WINTER & CLEVELAND, (D. J. K. Winter and D. C. Cleveland), are now proprietors of the American Hotel, formerly carried on by J. M. Miller.
*PARKER, SAMUEL, should have been starred as an advertiser.
STEVENS, H. P., was erroneously printed STEPHENS, H. P.
*SHEFFIELD, C. C. MRS., agent for American Button Hole, Overseaming and Sewing Machine Company, Baldwin St., nearly opposite the post office, over U. S. Express Office, was omitted.
Erin.--In some cases in this list the post office address is given as Erin Center. In such instances it should have been printed Erin, Erin Center being the local name.
Horseheads.--BRYAN, ESAU, was erroneously printed BRYAN, ESHU.
Veteran.--THOMAS, EDWARD, should have been capitalized as a subscriber.
DIRECTORY--Schuyler County.
Orange.--Mapes, Eugene B., clerk of Board of Supervisors, was erroneously printed Maper, Eugene B.
W. H. Baker, Watchmaker and Jeweler, Watkins, NY, publishes a card on colored page 188, setting forth the advantages of calling on him for anything in the line of Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, and Yankee Notions. Mr. Baker’s stock is large and well selected and you can hardly fail to find something to suit your taste and your purse.
He is agent for Grover & Baker’s Sewing Machine, manufactures all kinds of Jewelry and executes all work in the best manner. Repairing done and warranted. Give him a call; he is worthy of patronage.
American Hotel, Elmira, NY, is situated near the depot, and is fitted up with every convenience and accommodation to make it a desirable place for transient or regular boarders. The house has undergone extensive repairs, and no expense has been spared to make it a first class hotel. The tables are supplied with the best that the market affords, and Messrs. Winter & Cleveland, the proprietors, are on the alert to ascertain the wants of their guests and prompt to supply them. We cordially recommend the "American," to all who visit Elmira. See card, page 226.
Addenda, Redington & Howe’s Musical Catalogue | Latter part of book |
Almanac or Calendar for 20 years | 62 |
Biographical Sketches, Chemung County | 81-83 |
Brilliant Whitewash | 59 |
Business Directory, Chemung County | 87-166 |
Business Directory, Schuyler County | 191-245 |
Capacity of Cisterns or Wells | 58 |
Census Report | 247-249 |
Chemical Barometer | 59 |
County Officers | 18-19 |
Courts in Chemung and Schuyler Counties | 18 |
Discount and Premium | 58 |
Errata | 9-10 |
Facts on Advertising | 58 |
French Decimal System of Weights and Measures | 53-57 |
Gazetteer of County, Chemung County | 63-68 |
Gazetteer of County, Schuyler County | 170-177 |
Gazetteer of Towns, Chemung County | 69-80 |
Gazetteer of Towns, Schuyler County | 177-190 |
Government Land Measure | 52 |
How to get a Horse out of a Fire | 59 |
How to Judge a Horse | 61 |
How to Secure the Public Lands | 47-48 |
How to Succeed in Business | 45-47 |
Interest Table | 57 |
Law Maxims | 48-52 |
Leech Barometer | 59 |
Masonic Lodges, Watkins | 251-252 |
Measurement of Hay in the Mow or Stack | 61 |
Postal Rates and Regulations | 41-43 |
Post Offices and Postmasters | 15 |
Reminiscences in the Lives of some of the Early Settlers, Chemung County | 83-86 |
Rules for Detecting Counterfeit of Spurious Bank Notes | 44-45 |
Societies--Elmira | 17 |
Stamp Duties | 34-40 |
Tables of Distances | 254 |
Table of Weights of Grain, Seeds, &c. | 58 |
The States, their Settlement, & c. | 21-32 |
The Territories, their Area, Boundaries, Population, & c. | 32-34 |
To measure Grain in a Bin | 59 |
U. S. Internal Revenue Officers | 249 |
Valuable Recipes | 60-61 |
Agricultural Implements.
Gregg, Plyer & Co., Trumansburgh | 257 |
Artists’ Materials.
Elmendorf, Geo., Elmira | 120 |
Barometers, Hydrometers, Etc.
McKay, F. C. D., Elmira | 104 |
Heath, L. J., Big Flats | 112 | ![]() |
Humphrey, John N. & Co., Horseheads | 100 |
Kies, Louis, Elmira | 132 |
Brick Yards.
Westlake, Benj., Horseheads, opposite page | 155 |
Weyer, J. Philip, Elmira | 124 |
Broom, Hoe, Fork and Rake Handles.
Pelham, H. & Son, Elmira | 112 | ![]() |
Cancer Doctor.
Kingsley, Dr., Rome | 1 |
Carpenters and Builders.
Lybolt, Henry, Havana | 210 | |
Parker, Samuel, Elmira | 108 | ![]() |
Carriage Makers.
Ayers, John T., Elmira | 100 | ![]() |
Rose, Sidney L., Pine Valley | 124 | |
Rose, Wm. J., Horseheads | 148 |
Cigar Boxes, Etc.
Pelham, H. & Son, Elmira | 112 | ![]() |
Coal Dealer.
Bennett, Solomon, Elmira | 88 |
Cole Patent Trace Buckle.
Harrell & Sergeant, Syracuse | 204 |
Hall, W. H., Elmira | 138 |
Dining Rooms.
Stagg, Will E. Jr., Elmira | 234 |
Dress Maker.
Borden, C. T. Mrs., Elmira | 112 | ![]() |
Flood, Thos. S., Elmira | 205 |
Dry Goods.
Burke, Fitzsimmons, Hone & Co., Rochester | 256 |
File Works.
Auburn File Works, Auburn | 218 |
Flagging and Stone.
Quigley, A. H. & E. P., Trumansburgh | 242 |
Furniture Dealers.
Arnold, James H., Mecklenburgh | 222 |
Brees, M. H., Horseheads | 128 |
Elmendorf, Geo., Elmira | 120 |
Gardner & Compton, Horseheads | 110 |
Wickes & Moore, Watkins | 187 |
General Merchants.
Mosher, J. B. & H., Horseheads | 96 |
Whitaker Bros., Horseheads | 102 |
Gents’ Furnishing Goods.
Richardson M., Elmira | 108 | ![]() |
Voorhees & Co., Watkins | 196 |
Gold and Silver Plating.
McKay, F. C. D., Elmira | 104 |
Grain Dealer.
Lovell, Reuben, Big Flats | 108 | ![]() |
Grape Vines.
Dutcher, W. C., Naples | 196 |
Green Houses.
Humphrey, J., Elmira | 88 |
Lyon, J. C., Southport | 158 |
Moore, Hugh M., Elmira | 92 |
Groceries, Provisions, Etc.
Brockway, J. T., Elmira | 167 | |
Lawrence, Thos., Horseheads | 100 | ![]() |
Meeker, Elliott, Millport | 205 | |
Surganty, Joseph, Elmira | 128 |
Hair Dressers.
Bailey, Francis J., Elmira | 136 |
Bailey, Madame, Elmira | 88 |
Sheckels, Richard S., Elmira | 120 |
Hair Work.
Bailey, Francis J., Elmira | 136 |
Bailey, Madame, Elmira | 88 |
Meeker, Elliott, Millport | 205 |
Rowland & Beadle, Elmira | 144 |
Hats, Caps and Furs.
Voorhees & Co., Watkins | 196 |
Elmendorf & Beers, Elmira | 114 |
Hunt, Roswell, Elmira | Opposite page 119 |
Smith, C. J., Elmira | 119 |
Wadsworth, S. H., Barrington | 204 |
Winter & Cleveland, Elmira | 226 |
Howe’s Ague Cure, Etc.
Howe, C. B., Seneca Falls | 20 |
Insurance Agents.
Barney Bros., Elmira | 187 |
Potter, G. Fred, Elmira | 138 |
Iron Founder and Machinist.
Franklin, John, Watkins | 234 |
Jewelry, Watches, Etc.
Baker, W. H., Watkins | 188 |
Sawyer, Geo. E., Watkins | 206 |
Knowles’ Patent Adjustable Step Ladders.
Rowland & Beadle, Elmira | 144 |
Livery and Exchange Stables.
Williams & Pike, Watkins | 222 |
Lumber Dealers.
Bennett, Solomon, Elmira | 88 | |
Jeffers, Wm., Elmira | 128 | |
Lovell, Reuben, Big Flats | 108 | ![]() |
Seely Bros., Elmira | 148 |
Marble Works.
Ayers, A. W., Elmira | 158 |
Cogswell & Frost, Watkins | Inside first cover |
Medicines without Intoxication.
Hardman & Co., Syracuse | Opposite page 154 |
Melodeons and Organs.
Dodge & Lord, Ithaca | 230 |
Merchant Millers.
Fountain, J. H. & Co., Elmira | 92 |
Merchant Tailors.
Fay, C. W. & Co., Elmira | 200 |
Borden, C. T. Mrs., Elmira | 112 | ![]() |
Pettit, S. J. Mrs., Elmira | 88 |
Mineral Springs.
Wadsworth, S. H., Barrington | 204 |
Mowers and Reapers.
Gregg, Plyer & Co., Trumansburgh | 257 |
Music and Musical Instruments.
Greener, J., Elmira | 100 | ![]() |
Redington & Howe, Syracuse | 2 |
See also Addenda at end of volume.
Oriental Syrup and Balm of Gilead Ointment.
Taft, G. T. & Co., Seneca Falls | 20 |
(House, Sign, Carriage, Etc.)
Elmendorf, Geo., Elmira | 120 | |
Ganoung, Geo. S., Mecklenburg | 222 | |
Holden, H. B., Elmira | 162 | |
Kellogg, S. W., Horseheads | 108 | ![]() |
Pinch, W. H., Watkins | 240 | |
Souder, Wm. B., Watkins | 222 | |
Wallace, R. K., Elmira | 128 |
Paints, Oils, Etc.
Elmendorf, Geo., Elmira | 120 |
Paper Dealers.
Garrett, J. & F. B., Syracuse | 148 |
Paper Makers.
Tremain, Chas. & Co., Manlius | 230 |
Butcher, W. F., Elmira | 112 | ![]() |
Holmes, Daniel, Elmira | 158 |
Kingsley, Dr., Rome | 1 |
Planing Mills.
Jeffers, Wm., Elmira | 128 |
Lybolt, Henry, Havana | 210 |
Thayer, Wm. O., Millport | 137 |
Plumbing, Gas Fitting, Etc.
Semple, James, Elmira | 114 |
Printing Offices.
Elmira Gazette | 118 |
Havana Journal | 214 |
Schuyler County Democrat, Watkins | 192 |
Watkins Express | 238 |
Produce Dealer.
Meeker, Elliott, Millport | 205 |
Raspberry Plants.
Wight, Warren, Waterloo | 218 |
Ready Made Clothing.
Fay, C. W. & Co., Elmira | 200 |
Reaper and Mower Knives.
Reynolds, Barber & Co., Auburn | 6 |
Saddlery Hardware.
Harrell & Sergeant, Syracuse | 204 |
Sash, Blinds and Doors.
Bennett, Solomon, Elmira | 88 |
Lybolt, Henry, Havana | 210 |
Thayer, Wm. O., Millport | 137 |
Scroll Sawing, Etc.
Jeffers, Wm., Elmira | 128 | |
Pelham, H & Son, Elmira | 112 | ![]() |
Seed Potatoes, Strawberry Plants, Etc.
Dutcher, W. C., Naples | 196 |
Sewing Machines.
Baker, W. H., Watkins | 188 |
McKay, F. C. D., Elmira | 104 |
Sheffield, C. C., Elmira | 255 |
Sheet Iron Doors and Blinds.
Ayers, John T., Elmira | 100 |
Slate Roofing.
Risdon, J. C., Elmira | 102 |
Wheeler, E. R. & Co., Elmira | 101 |
Teas, Spices, Etc.
Flood, Thos. S., Elmira | 205 |
Thill and Wheel Cultivators.
Ingraham, H., Naples | 240 |
Tinware, Etc.
Losie, T. M., Elmira | 110 |
Tobacco Dealer.
Lovell, Reuben, Big Flats | 108 |
Tree Dealer.
Lyon, J. C., Southport | 158 |
Arnold, James H., Mecklenburgh | 222 |
Brees, M. H., Horseheads | 128 |
Gardner & Compton, Horseheads | 110 |
Wickes & Moore, Watkins | 187 |
Wagon Makers.
Humphrey, John N. & Co., Horseheads | 100 | ![]() |
Wire Cloth Makers.
Rowland & Beadle, Elmira | 144 |
Woolen Mills.
Burke, Fitzsimmons, Hone & Co., Rochester | 256 |
Hayden Bros., Port Byron | 240 |
Yankee Notions, Etc.
Richardson, M., Elmira | 108 |
William H. Hall, Surgical and Mechanical Dentist, 118 Water street, Elmira, NY, publishes a card on colored page 138. Dr. Hall is the successor of E. M. French, and is prepared to perform all operations in the Surgical or Mechanical department of his profession in the most approved style. Those who are so unfortunate as to require the services of a Dentist, will find Dr. Hall worthy of patronage. | ![]() |
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The Great Western Life Insurance Company offers inducements not excelled by any company in the United States. Its organization is most complete and its officers and Board of Directors are merchants and business men of high standing, of energy and experience, and are entitled to the confidence of the community. Its liberal plans, the result of long experience, overcome all objection to providing for the future by a "Life Policy." The liberal terms offered to agents and canvassers are such as to secure men of experience and ability to secure the most desirable risks. The officers of the Company are Robt. Page, Prest.; F. W. Marcy, vice Prest. and E. Dwight Randall Sec. G. Fred Potter, Gen. Agent, publishes a card on colored page 138. Give him a call at No. 8 Baldwin street, Elmira, NY. |
Delavan House, corner of R. R. Avenue and Clinton streets, Elmira, NY, has recently been thoroughly renovated and refitted for the accommodation of guests. Mr. Roswell Hunt, the proprietor, will spare no pains to provide every comfort for his guests. The hotel is conveniently located for travelers, and we cordially recommend Mr. H. to the public. His card appears on colored leaf, opposite page 154.
Franklin Iron Foundry and Machine Shop, Watkins, NY, is under
the proprietorship of John Franklin, whose experience in his business is
a sufficient guarantee that will work intrusted to his care will be well
done. All sorts of machinery, mill-gearing, plow castings, &c., can
be procured at short notice. See card, page 234.
William O. Thayer, manufacturer of Doors, Sash and Blinds, Millport, NY, publishes a card on colored page 137. Mr. Thayer has the best facilities for manufacturing Doors, Sash, Blinds and Mouldings, of any man in Chemung or Schuyler County. This factory is located on the best water power in this part of the State.--Planing and Matching done to order. Customers will find him ever ready to attend to their orders, and he warrants all work to be done in the most approved style and at the shortest notice. Builders and farmers will do well to give him a call before purchasing. | ![]() |
William B. Souder, House, Sign and Ornamental Painter, Watkins, NY, publishes a card on page 222. We cheerfully recommend Mr. Souder to the favorite notice of the public, as those who have painting and paper hanging to do will be glad to know of a competent and reliable man. Such is the character of Mr. Souder. Give him a call.
E. R. Wheeler & Co., Slate Roofers and dealers in all kinds of plain and ornamental Slates, publish a card colored page 101. Although almost every thing has been at one time or another used as a roofing material, very few possess all the qualities necessary for making a good roof. Slate has been used for ages, and is universally conceded to have in the highest degree all the requirements for making a substantial and handsome roof. It never rots, rusts or wears out, and if well laid, never needs repairs, lasting as long as the solid rock from which it is quarried. It is in fact solid stone cut into thin slices, and hence not liable to decay like shingles, or decompose or wear out like the innumerable compositions thrust upon the market, of tar, pitch, &c. It is the safest kind of roof, for under no circumstances can it be made to burn. If a building has a brick or metallic cornice and a slate roof, it is absolutely fire-proof as far as the roof is concerned. Slate is of different colors and can be cut to any desired pattern, and by a tasteful arrangement of figures and colors, the most pleasing effect is produced and the roof made as ornamental as any other part of the building. No other kind of roof is susceptible of such a high degree of ornamentation. To those using rain water for domestic purposes a slate roof is invaluable. The water is not contaminated with decaying wood, paint, tar, pitch, or anything else. The cisterns do not become offensive or filled up with decaying substances washed off the roof as where other kinds of roof are used, but the water is always pure and clean. The cost of a slate roof is but very little above that of good shingles, so that if safety and durability are to be taken into consideration in choosing a roof, a slate roof will be found to be much cheaper than any other. People along the line of railroads, or farmers in the country, will find it as much to their interest to have a good fire-proof, durable and safe roof, as those who dwell in the large cities; for if they are less liable to fire, they are also more at its mercy when it does occur, not having such ready means of extinguishing it. We hope we shall see more of this kind of roof, as it is the best, cheapest, and most beautiful.
Henry Lybolt, Carpenter and Master Builder, also manufacturer of Doors, Sash, Blinds, &c., publishes a card on page 210. As a builder and mechanic Mr. L. ranks second to no one in Schuyler County; he has facilities for building, with which no hand labor can compete, which enables him to carry on jobs at a lower rate than is possible for any builder unaided by machinery. He employs none but first-class workmen and the public may rest assured that all work entrusted to his hands will be performed with the utmost dispatch. From long experience he is able to economise time and material and give the best of work at moderate prices. Those who favor him with their patronage will do themselves a favor as well as him. Call on him at Havana, NY.