![]() Julia FROST "Walker" was the recipient of most of these letters |
Letter from Keziah Hannah (Frost) Seely
Petersburg, April 28th, 1875
Dear Sister
I now attempt to pin a few lines to you we received a letter from you
in February which I have failed to answer before now it is unnecessary
for me to say I was glad to hear from you for that you already know but
oh Jule it contained news that I was ill prepared to hear no one ever let
me know but Sister was well and healthy until the tidings of her death
came in your letter. Mr Ashley had told Brother Nat before and I was there
and stayed all night. But they said not one word to me about it Mary said
she could not do it but I think that it is mistaken kindness to try to
hush up things of that nature. I feel as though I ought to thank you for
letting me of it but it seems as though if brother was sick so long I should
let you know of it. But I hope and trust that one day I shall meet her
where parting is no more and indulge the hope that my Sisters and Brothers
will some time join us there but what will become of her Babes I am afraid
they will fail to find a mother in Grandma Goodspeed but hope some one
will fill a mothers place to the. And now I will say that Father Seely
bade adieu to this world of care last Sabbath evening I fully believe that
the future will be brighter for him than the pass has been but what a void
he leaves in his family. We are well as common Merrick is troubled with
lameness in his back and limbs so he cannot stand very hard work Walty
is tough and steady so we get along very well. The spring is quit wet and
cold for a Minnesota spring but our Picptan is looking nice and the current
bushes I have their leaves. Frank Gardner was here and made a call some
two weeks ago it seems like old times to him once more But O how vividly
it brought to mind many that we shall not see again but I guess I will
stop for sad memories fill my vision to day but dear sister write often
and I will try to answer all the letter I get. Brother Nat and family are
well but Jule we are growing old fast but good bye for the present
K H Seely
We have not heard from Missouri in a dogs age have you please let me
Transcribe February 13, 2003, by Wendell R. Evans
Wellsboro, Pa. Thursday, August
14 1879
Dear Grandma:
I will try and write you a few lines to let you know that we
are usually well and hope you are the same. Lass evening the wind blew
terrible and it rained in the night. We have seven in jail now, and it
keeps ma and Louisa pretty buisy. We have one lady prisoner in jail now.
She is in for breaking down the pound over to Knocksville and telling the
pound master that she would chop him if he came near her. Court begins
the last Monday in August and school begins the first Monday in September
Bertha is printing you a letter. Your kitten has not come where we could
get it yet but hope it will. We have not got our bird now Mrs Dassome has
it and we have hers and are trying to mate it with Ell Bowens bird. The
flies are very thick over here now. How is Walter now and Grandpa and Eda
and all of the folks I don’t like to begin to get to school but I think
I shall like it after I get begun. When does your school commence? The
teachers Intestate is next week. Did I tell you when I was over to your
house that Uncle Franks little boys were dead. Pa just brought in three
letters for me to take to the post office. Pa has got the littlest calf
over on the farm you ever saw from his [___] cow. Last Saturday we had
a guard show in town and I went in the day time and they had some of the
finest horses and dogs there I ever saw. And they a [___] fish and a whale
but they were not a line. Our fanny horse was sick last night but she is
well this mourning again I suppose Grandpa is at work in the shop now.
I send you lots of kisses. I cant think of any thing more to say so I will
close by saying write soon and answer this poor scribble from your ever
loving Grandson.
Houston Walker
Mrs James Walker
Tioga Co.,
Excuse poor
Writing and bad
[] Transcribe on February 16, 2004, by Wendell R. Evans []
Catlett Fauquier Co. Va.
Sept. 11, 1879
My dear Mrs. Walker
For want of time I have not written a word since I arrived in
Va. Must try to write to boy to day but to you first for a purely selfish
motive that I think you will take the trouble to write and tell me of any
news and how the sick Mrs. L. is I staid with Lett Miller in Elmira Tuesday
night found her sick with heart disease been under the Dr’s care since
the Sunday before was getting around again when I left. Fear she will not
live very long. Started from there Wed. morning came to Washington left
there Friday arrived at mothers about 10 Sat
The same day a boy came there from my sister Hannah’s three miles
away said that her house had just burned down with nearly every thing in
it. Her husband was away at Fredricksburg with two loads of wheat for market
and she was alone with baby (May) seven months old, and two little boys
(her husbands) about 10 & 12 years and the fire was so far advanced
when discovered and neighbors so far away that they only saved a few things.
It was a nice large new house just painted and about finished. No insurance.
Caught from the pipe running through the drying room where she had a hot
fire to dry peaches. The baby just missed being burned up. She took it
away and laid it under a large tree in some clothes, in the grass. A neighbor
woman cam over to help and as she passed the tree saw the clothes burning
from pieces of shingles the wind carried there. She picked up the baby
and carried it home there is a place on its neck as large as a silver dollar
burned deep and several small spots about the face. They staid at one of
the neighbors Friday night Sat night at mothers since Monday he (Mr. Daniels)
has been fixing up the corn crib to live in makes three large rooms. guess
about 12x14 feet or larger. I have been with them since Tuesday suffering
with the cold. Have real cold nights. I go over to Underwood’s to sleep
in a good house and they keep fire to sit by evenings. Have scarcely been
warm since I left home. Don’t think I shall stay but a week or two longer
for I can not do them much good and I can not be comfortable myself with
any of them. Don’t want to make myself any worse off than I am at home.
I am helping them cut dry peaches and want to help about the sewing Hannah
sewed one dress beside the one she had on & a few of the baby clothes
Mr. Daniels clothes all burned & boys clothes. She saved her sewing
machine which will be a useful article, the bureau and some of the beds
but no bedsteads not a dish knife or spoon the hired man’s clothes all
burned match & trunk. The neighbors are very kind & have given
& lent things to begin with. One of the teams went to Fredricksburg
Tuesday for a load of furniture will be home today. Have bought some things
at the anchors store here. Lost all her fruit she has been canning and
drying all summer. Have plenty of peaches on the trees yet. From three
to four hundred bushels and only about twenty five hogs in the orchard.
They have a nice large farm and probably will not feel their loss a great
while if it was not coming on cold weather and slow building one gentleman
called yesterday and expressed his sympathy by donating $15 cash another
has given 800 ft lumber and the Grange intend to assist some. He has nine
horses a large flock of sheep. He don’t know how many cattle, a large herd
here and more out on the commons.
Mr. & Mrs. Watrous (Cousin of Lawyer Frank) called and took tea with me. The next day after I came. He is prospering, has been threshing this fall with a steam thresher. Paid fifteen hundred for it lives in the neighborhood.
Love to Hatie Bertik, Louise, Lyman &c. and right smart of others, I reckon.
My sister Lydia lives ten miles from here. Have not seen her yet. Don’t know as you can read this written on a shingle on my lap, sitting on lumber out in the sunshine. Do believe I shall freeze to death. Please write at your earliest convenience and if you are in a hurray for the pay for the last quart of milk I bought please send the sheriff here after it. And oblige your friend.
M. M. Miller
[] Transcribe January 17, 2004, by Wendell R. Evans []
Thayer July 15th 1883
Dear Sister
I will try to say a few word to you I was very glade to hear
from you once more but would much rather see you I believe I could talk
you almost blind. I can think of so much I would like to tell you that
I cant write of course I would like a copy of D N to book and will send
you a copy of our family record. We have no school through the hot weather
but have 9 months during the year. The children do the work at home and
I tend the store have the past 2 ½ months except on Saturday then
we have so much trade we are both busy Albert works on our new house which
is nearly done. And wont I have a fine job to clean up the plaster all
over the house this hot weather.
I want you to promise to visit us after we get nicely settled
we will have the best house we ever lived in and the most room I had one
letter from Nancy when they first went to Minn and since I don’t think
she is very well suited with the country she said she had not seen any
thing there that was ahead of Mo but hoped she would before the summer
was over.
Tell Bertha Aunt Sade has an awful sweet baby that she has not
seen. She was 8 years old last Jan. her name is Ivy you could not help
but love her I have not heard from Mo in some time the last I heard father
was quite sick did not think he would live & I was in the same condition
when I received the letter they thought I would not live for over a week.
One old lady told me that she cried more than half the night for my children.
Because she thought I would not live till morning but here I am yet if
I am not much account. And glad that God spared me to my children a little
longer. If it were not for them I would be glad to go to my final rest.
This world has not many charms for me aside from my dear ones.
But I will try to be patient and do my duty until our father
calls me home which I think will not be long.
My love to you all and kisses for the babies
Your affectionate
Sister Sarah
Please write soon & often
[] Transcribed February 4, 2004, by Wendell R. Evans []
Thayer, Kansas, March 4th 1884
Dear Sister
It has been a long time since I have heard from you but I think
I have written to you since I have received any letters. I have been up
to see father & mother found them both very feeble Father was very
sick but better when I came away. But oh they have both failed so much
I could hardly recognize mother: I believe I would have felt better if
I had stayed away. For Jule they are not able to be alone as much as they
are. They live alone except one of Pets little boys stay with them at night.
But sleeps in another room from them they both have such poor spells I
think some one ought to be with them all the time. When I came home I found
Al sick in bed the story had been shut up 2 days he was quite sick for
a few days and then got so he was able to come up to the store but not
able to do much & then was taken down to the bed again and was not
able to sit up for 6 days to day has been up a little and taken a little
nourishment for the first. I am in hopes he will get along now if he is
careful. He is troubled with his kidneys & liver. The rest are usually
well but I feel quite tired out I have to tend the store and up most of
the time nights but guess I will be all right when I can rest. I don’t
know as you will be able to read this scratch I have written in such a
hurry. The weather is quite cold for this country we are having a pretty
good trade here.
I would like to see you all very much please write soon and I
will try to do better next time. Jennie taught school this winter and last
got 35.00 per month but is at home now.
Well good bye
Love to you all
[] Transcribed February 4, 2004, by Wendell R. Evans []
Oct 6th
Dear Sister Julia & family
I received your letter in due time I was glad to hear that you
was getting along so well. Art brought our dear Father up here Sunday &
he went over to Nancys yesterday & was very sorry he was feeling so
[___] it seems as tho I could not have him go back again so soon [have]
I wish I could go & help to sick sister but can not, so it must be
so, I want to write to her & I don’t know what county she lives in
& father could not remember, & I want you to write & tell me
as soon as you can, I have been writing to Lyman this morning & my
hand trembles so I can hardly write I would like to make you a visit first
rate but Art has not got his wheat all sowed & he thinks he cannot
go till he [___] to come down as soon as you are able for I assure you
we will be glad to see you Blanch is improving & I begine to hope she
will be well some day I must close as she has come to help me.
Kiss that little boy for me good bye
From your sister Mary
Excuss blunders
[] Transcribed on January 2, 2004, by Wendell R. Evans []
Mirabile May 30th
[___] [___] moving D. H. I take my pen in hand to let you know that
we are well it is raining a litle here know things look very well know
we have got twenty four akers of corn four akers 18 inches high 5 akers
8 in 5 akers 6 in high A. M. & H. W. R. frost folk are all well
Harmon & Nancy & Ma went down to Cudworth yesterday &
said that Jane was [___] this & she was around the house soon L. L.
got leter from Nat just Saturday they was all well but him he fell down
seler & hurt his head pirty bad but was around to work again I guess
I have rote enough for this time rile often
how [___] the boys getting a long good by for this time
F. A. Newel
[] Transcribed on January 3, 2004, by Wendell R. Evans []
Chapter 11
You will think I am very sickle minded to be moving around so much
but I don’t think I shall continue to do so very long I wanted to go to
a new place where we @ [___] here but could not find one that suited Cudworth
this is not much money to be made in trade now most places unless a person
is able to own their own buildings and property is so high in anything
of a sized town along the Rail Roads that a man has got to have quite a
nice little fortune to buy a house and store and have money enough to do
business with a good business lot is worth $1000.00 here in Larence.
Our idea is to go where lots are cheap with prospect of rapid growth. Put
us up a store & live over head for the present and then what we make
will be our own. The towns along the lake shore where they have a good
Harbor and plenty of pine on the river have grown very rapidly we calculate
to go to Ludington (formerly called Pere Marquette) the lots were not offered
for sale there til last summer. But there has been a very large mill there
cut 47,000,000 feet last year also a store that carries a stock of $250,000
.00 beside several house and lots of shanties they built a good hotel a
large boarding house and a [Grocy] store last fall and my friend there
write me 100 buildings will go up this summer Uncle Sam is to lay out $75,000.00
on the Harbor this summer and with a fair (but busy farming country around
and the 150 men it takes to run the mill it ought to be pretty lively We
can get a lot on Main street large enough for three stores for $150. The
same here would cost $3000. But I think in five years as they have plenty
of time up the river and expect a Rail Road soon it has been laid out several
years and is half way through the lots would have been all taken last summer.
But they only sell to parties that will put a building on amidiately I
have made I have made something more than a living this year which is better
than I expected as my
[] Transcribed on January 3, 2004, by Wendell R. Evans []
Mirabile 17th
Good evening Brother & Sister Walker this plesant Sabboth finds
us all usually well & hope these fiend scratches may find you enjoying
the same Blessing fathers helth has improved bessy mutch since he gott
here & seems to be well satisfyed with his situation. I am as well
satisfyed with the country as I expected to be all so seem to be well.
Pleased to mutch so that they day they don’t [___] want to go
back to old Pa to live again now. Probably you would like to hear how the
weather is here it has been a very cold backward wet spring. But I will
tell you how the wheet & oats looks here now wheet is about [comerrsseng]
to head rats 8 inches by as they stand & now the weather is fine &
they are improving very fast these is being planted on fathers place this
year 115 acres of corn which will be done in three or four days if the
elements is favorable I don’t know as I can think of enny more to interest
you I don’t as they will I will give way for Cane to wind up. The remarks
please write when convenient
Yours truly
R. Frost
Dear aunt Pa wanted me to write and tell you how I liked it Grandpa
has got a one handsome place I think we are a going to school now we like
the school first rate we have got a man teacher ma said not forget to tell
you that Grandpa has got a yellow rose blowed it is very pretty one the
other roses are budded the tilacs have been blowed I must close by bidding
good by from your
Niece Hannah Frost
Now children I most write and let you no that we are all satisfide with this country I have not been over half the farm and perhaps never shall see it I feel very anxious about Pete it seemes a very log time since I left him and feel anxious to see him he most [cont___] [___] it to come soon if he can sill the horses on time it would be better it would be a hard job to drive them through the weather is getting warm and will be hard travilling. I am afraid he will get sick on the road land is raising very fast here tell mother Walker I would like to see her very much she most write us a long letter and I will try to answer it I have been writing to Bradly to day we have just received one from him he says that Libby has been very Meloncholy by shell ever since she was down to penn and grows worse all the time think some of coming out here with her? I hope he will write to her Jule and give her good advice [___] went to Sabbath school and weeting to day from here Eld Fox preached seemes to be very good man write to me as often as you can and then come out and see us from your mother D. H. [S___]
[] Transcribed on January 3, 2004, by Wendell R. Evans []
Lines composed on the death of Lois Potter
Oh why should we mourn when the beautiful die
Ere a cloud has passed over lifes shadowless sky
Ere the well spring of hope by the world has been drained
Or the freshness of youth by dark years has been stained
She has gone from among us and lonely & sad
Is the home of the loved ones her presence made glad
She has gone & a star in its brilliance has set
But the light of beauty we will not forget
In her favorite haunts we may seek her in vain
She spoke no farewell but she’ll waken again
Here place will be vacant in home & in lower
But in heaven above there’s a beautiful flower
Then weep not for her for less fearful is death
Than the misery it scattered over life’s dreary path
Nor shed for the loved one, thus early departed
The tears that should flow for the desolate hearted
Sarah M. Frost Covington
Tioga County
Death angel, with his somber wings has swooped again bearing off in his unrelenting talons one who seemed too good to sojourn in this world of weary cares and strife. Snatching away in the beauty. Goodness and hopefulness of her youth the joyous companion the loving, King and affectionate wife the youthful mother. She was sick but a week and though receiving the unremited attentions of the kindest of friends and the best of medical attendance naught could stay deaths cold grasp, and though the bud was spared the parent rose was transplanted to bloom internal
Oft do I think of the loved & happy group something my father fir side & sharing those joys I have left forever
[] Transcribed on January 3, 2004, by Wendell R. Evans []
Dear Cousin
I received a paper with your wifes deth in it. It is heard to
part with our friends. These are fewer in your family & ones than when
you see Sister Taphath in Albian
They are all moveing on to the [unt___ed] world from where there is
no return, and we are all left to mourn. I would like to hear from you,
to know of your family & many others and of your wifes sickness what
was the matter of her I see by the paper you have three children living
they will be company for you. Children can not take the place of a companion
you will miss your wife so much you had better come and visit me. Whare
is Fanna Andras know she wrote me after Taphath died that she talked of
coming to see me & she had waited you & your wife to come wife
her I anwered it the next week & told her I would be please to have
you come with her she did not reply to it. I think she did not get it I
think I sent it to the rong place. I sent her two and I think to Blosburg
none to Covington I think she didan’t receive them when you see her give
her my love.
Are your children all married or are they with you, some of them.
They cant any of them fill your wifes place. They can’t any one fill Taphath
place in my hous. I do miss her so much as the days go bye I miss her more
& more. Sister Lib comes every summer to see me now Taphath is gone
she most always come in august. I wish you would come while she is here
this summer. Perhaps I will go to to Jamestown with you
Hoping to here from you soon
I remain your affect cousin
Mrs. Geo M Day
[] Transcribed on January 3, 2004, by Wendell R. Evans []
Spencer February 21st
Dear Friend
I take this opertuity to inform that I received your letter and
was very glad to hear from you to hear you was well and enjoying yourself
well Mothers health is very poor her loneness is better Felix is about
the same as he has been for along time the rest of us are well we have
had some pretty cold weather for two weeks past it snowed all yesterday
it is good sleighing now Jule come and take aride with me we can go to
Smithborough now. I would like to see that good old lady she is so kind
Jule we take some garden walks but they are dreary now the ground all covered
with snow Jule have you lost your whip of late. Hannah has been here to
day she said she was going to write I will send this with hers Han enjoyed
her visit at Covington very much Julia I believe your school teacher is
handsome without asking Han I would like to see him but it is to late to
comply with your wish to go to spelling school we have have had a nice
schoolteacher here he [___] so very food looking but he is good for me
so his Aunt said our school is out now Julia I must tell you the news now
Ann News is married you ask where where and how I spent my chrismass and
new years I spent them at home Julia I cant think of anything interesting
to write I don’t know any news for I don’t have any Julia I wish you would
come and make me a visit I would like to see you very much O Jule
I received the present you sent me and am much obliged to you write often
This is from your friend believe me such
To Miss Julia A Frost
My love to All Rachel A Kelsey
has sowed 6 papers & wants 2 more to finish sowing the bed so you
will know whare to get wat onions you want. I will send you a letter that
we reced from [___} we are expecting Sade {___] every day. I have written
to her to day to know the reason she don’t come. We had a letter from Ride
they were all well had got to Mankato all right & I like very well
had taken Mr Wardlews farm for this season & lived in the same house
where Margette lived when she was there after we got the tow spun &
weaving done there wont be so much to do then if I can get a good place
to work & can get place to work I will & if not I will stay home.
Jane & Allen is walking to Nancys now if you come down before I come
up will you please fetch my shirt jackets & dress & if I come up
there first & I will fetch Deloses hat. Mary is prety smart now we
got a letter from Nat he was well & a golds [___]
I will send you his directions Oh: what sad news we got yesterday. That
our President was shot & Seward stabed 3 times but not ded yet. Oh
sad news indeed what will become of our Country. The Lord only knows. Come
& see us as soon as you can Sister Nancy wants to see you very much.
Have the Miners gone to yet or arent they going too. Pa says he don’t think
it safe for Delos to stay there without being armed & if he hasn’t
got something to defend himself yet I should think he had better get something
soon, Please excuse all mistakes & poor writing for I have written
on a great hurry & Nancys children are all here making such a nois
I don’t know what I am writing. So I’ll stop by subscribing myself your
Affectionate Sister Jen
[] Transcribe on February 16, 2004, by Wendell R. Evans []
Dear Sister
Your very welcome letter was received, & I was glad to hear
from you. You must excuse my not writing before for I have had more to
do than usual. Mother is down to Cythenias she is sick & Abel got hurt
pretty badly. She has been has been down their over a week Art will tell
you more about it. We have not heard from fathers since the next day after
they got home, I do not see why some of them don’t write to us our little
girls are usually well send a bunch of love to Hattie & all of you.
I am so as to be around I would like to come up if I was well
enough, I wish you could come down stay awhile, they are waiting for me
to write this let me hear from you often & I will try & do better
next time
Write soon love to all
Good by
[] Transcribe on February 15, 2004, by Wendell R. Evans []
Dear Sister
Will now try to say a few words in reply to yours that was gladly
received I have been to see Lydia it seems so good to see her walking around
like other people she looks as well as other girls and I hope she will
remain so Jane is quite poorly (worn out) the children have had the measles
while Lydia was at the Sanitarium so she did not get the rest she needed
so bad, Lydia and her children have been home just gone to-day and took
Harman with them to stay while Jo makes a visit in Minn her children had
Whooping cough in the spring and are strong yet and she looks bad this
has been a hard summer on everybody it has been so changeable, Harman has
stood it the best according of any of us but was getting pretty well tired
and I hope the change will do him good. Our little Casie is well and bright
but Delos has been quite poorly for several weeks but is better than he
has been has just brought me some grapes he is a sweet little fellow how
we should miss him we shall have as much fruit as we need peaches will
soon be ripe the grapes are ready to put up and we have had ripe apples
since June Cudworths have an abundance of all kinds of fruits, Peet will
have a great many peaches they had plenty of berries also, I suppose you
know Sally is married to Homer Jackman don’t know as you can read this
so will stop hoping to hear soon
March 28th
Dear Sister and Brother
I now make an attempt to write a few lines to you but it is so
long since I tried to write a letter that it seems a rather difficult task
and that I never expected to undertake I did not suppose any one would
care to hear from me but of all will tell you that we are as well as we
ever expect to be for we are all so as to be around and eat our rations
and think they are very nice they all take learning as easy as their father
did. Unless it is baby Fred he will not be a year old till next month but
is running all over and we think he is smart then there is Frank 8 years
old then Emma 10 years old next month and Walter Harold 12 next July and
James Barton 14 last January he is taller than I am and they are all great
lovers of books and my own dear boy while he is working nearly all of the
time is not strong we have each a [___] place 2 miles right south of Lindon
and about 11 miles from Whatcom have each little Orchards just coming into
bearing consisting of Apples Pears Plums Prunes Cherries this is the Country
for fruit all but peaches they don’t always bear well. We never have what
would pass for cold weather here neither does it get very warm the summer
gets just a comfortable warm not hot enough for corn to do much Mount Bakers
snowy summit looks decidedly cool in warm weather in fact it is always
in fair light we have a great amount of cloudy weather here but take all
in all for myself I should prefer the climate of Minnesota with all her
cold to this. I was very glad to hear your children were doing so well
and hope they will continue too. How long has Uncle James and Aunt Happy
been dead. Is Aunt Betsy and Uncle Elias alive still do you know where
Eva Goodspeed and what was her Husband’s name. Did you think Father’s mind
was failing when saw him last. Have you heard anything from either brother
Rue or Nat lately O; I would like to see you all but never expect to in
this world is for writing or in the old place. What has become of Uncle
James’s girls and Tom and Ben and all the rest of the folks we used to
know if you write to my boy just write Lyman as that is all that he uses
well I would like to hear from you but don’t ask me to write from your
[] Transcribe on February 15, 2004, by Wendell R. Evans []
Jubilee Ill Sept 3
D H Walker
Dear friend
I received your letter August 13th you are verry excusable in
writing to me. A liberty as you call it. While I was about to proceed in
getting records. Parties from Massachusetts had written to your Uncle Asahel
Walker desiring the same information that you wished for yourself. So he
is now engaged in filling out their Blanks to send to them it will take
some time to write to friends, and get their answers ___ he will correspond
with the Massachusetts Parties.
I will now give you a little history for your self of your relatives
in the West, those that are living here is but few left your Uncle Asahel
lives two miles from us with his daughter his wife and son are dead. Uncle
Isaac son [___tings] lives in Kansas five hundred miles from us, ____ Mr.
Wheeler lives sixteen miles from us. I suppose you know your Aunt Cinthy
is dead and also Noris their son, and their Daughter Jane, four daughters
living ___ my Son Edward lives in Southport ____ Charles lives in Missouri
_____ Austin & Mother live on the Homestead.
Please remember your Aunt Muldak to your father and mother also
Uncle and Aunt Bloss I ever remember them as dear friends.
Your friend
H S Walker
I will give you the Post office Adress of each one of those I have mentioned so you may know where to find your Western friends
J S Walker
Olathe Johnson, Co. Kansas |
Edward Walker
Rosefield Oakhill Peoria Ill |
Mosses Wheeler
Eugene Knox, Co. Ill |
Charles Walker
Mexico Adrain, Co. Missouri |
Asahel Walker
Brimfield Peoria Ill |
Austin Walker
Brimfield Peoria, Co. Ill |
Rockwood July 26th
Dear Sister Jule
Good evening I am going to devote myself to you a few minutes
this pleasant Sunday night in reply to your kind letter that I have that
I have never received for I have never received one from you but what I
have replied to long ago but Wally tells me he got one when I was in Mankato
but I never got it yet as he forgot it when he came home. So I will tell
you we are all well and our folks are harvesting and there is [___] and
10 men so I have to keep busy most of the time I assure you, I got a letter
from Nat last week he said they were all well (I expected to hear of a
new boy there by this time) and by the way he wrote I should guess they
were taking comfort the weather is beautiful for harvesting Eliza Root
and Uncle Isaac is down to Grandma’s I guess they are all well. But Cooly
has been having the Measles and I don’t know whether Alferd and Eliza has
taken them or not are either of them has had them but Jule they begin to
say supper time so I must say good bye my love to you both. [___]
My back send his love to you and say please accept it.
[] Transcribe on February 15, 2004, by Wendell R. Evans []
South Bend Wyo.
Sept 27th 81
Dear Julia
Your letter rec’d nearly three weeks ago, but I have been too
busy to answer it and thank you for the photograph which came a few days
after the letter. The likeness to all those of the group I know is very
good indeed, and if cousin [___] is as good as the men there is nothing
to be desired in that respect as to beauty. I might be prejudiced. But
I showed the picture to Mrs. Culver and she said a very fine looking group.
(some women have said “perfectly lovely”) which confirms my own opinion.
Just express my thanks to the people individually and collectively who
make the group. I suppose you are beginning to see the glories of autumn
in the brightening foliage of the frost touched maples. But here there
are few trees in sight except pine and cedar, which do nit change and we
haven’t had frost enough yet to [___] tomato vines. One morning a little
while ago. I saw just the faintest sparkler of frost on a wet cloth that
had been left on the bench out of doors but the rest all declared there
wasn’t any at all.
You ask if I can read Blanche’s letters knowing her habits of
thought so well I can understand most of what she wishes to tell me but
sometimes there is no clue by which I can piece out an improvised sentence.
So I just ignore it and answer as if I had understood it all and never
ask any questions to worry her but make any letter as lively and interesting
as I can.
I suppose you have put up quantities of fruit this year. I have
managed to secure some. And have made jellies and preserves and filled
every dish I could get for the purpose. I have squaw berries (grow in trees
& looks like red currants) wild cherries, black and yellow currants,
and dried some currants and cherries. The wild black currants which grow
here are the finest currants I ever ate. I’ll send you some seed which
you can plant, and if you succeed in growing them I think you will be pleased.
They look somewhat like very large huckleberries and when thoroughly ripe
taste some like them.
I’ll send you some flower seeds too, and suggest that you plant
them at once, so they may have the winter freezing, for I think they are
like wild cucumbers seeds and used the exposure at least they sow themselves
[___] and come up year after year, and some seeds I sent ma in the spring
did not grow.
We had a lively little time here for a few minutes on Wednesday.
Mrs. Culver had a headache, so went over to bake and get dinner for her
(our houses are only a few rods apart). A young man brought her a note
and she went into other room to answer it, but in a few minutes came out
screaming that the wolves were after the calves. We all ran out to look
and saw the calves running for the house with two big wolves in pursuit.
Mrs. C. screamed more loudly than ever, but it made no difference with
the chase I called to her to keep still and let and let them come as near
as they would and rushed for home to get the rifle asking Hastings as I
started “if he could shoot” (a ridiculous question in this part of the
country). Before I got back and I wasn’t long either, the wolves had pulled
down a calf and wounded it so that it died in a day or two. When Hastings
ran toward them with the gun they left their prey and made for the breaks
about half a mile away. He shot at them, but didn’t get one. And when I
saw how far he missed I wish I had kept the rifle in my own hands. For
they made one shift of position which brought the calves right between
him and the wolves. And one of the gray brutes sat down like a dog and
looked at us. And then I should have had a fine chance at the witch if
I had had the gun, for the calves were not in my way.
I have not heard from Madge since before I wrote to you. She
was then in Tekoa, Wash. Had not heard from Uncle Reuel at all. My congratulations
to Bertha, may she always fined her education a source of pleasure and
proofed. Excuse hast & poor writing and write soon
Affectionately yours Eva Lambesson
Ben & Leslie are feasting on water melons. Which you could step in and share with us. We have abundance of them this year.
[] Transcribe on February 15, 2004, by Wendell R. Evans []
D. H. Walker Esq.
Dear sir
Inclosed find check for $2107.50 in settlement of your judgement against
me with interest to March 10, next less amount we paid Mr. Sherwood to
settle the Miller claim $12.50 for which we enclose receipt.
If all satisfactory please sign and enclose the receipt to me
satisfying my indebtedness which I trust is the last that will appear against
this subscriber. I am obliged to you for this accommodation. Regards to
your wife little ones. Reply
F. E. Watrous
[] Transcribed on January 3, 2004, by Wendell R. Evans []
July 21
D. H. Walker Esq: My dear sir:
Rev. Mr. Chandler of Shirley Mass is writing a History of that
town and I am helping him in the genealogy part of it. The Walkers, your
ancestors, came from there. I have everything down to Isaac Walker your
ancestor who went to Penn. In the sheet enclosed I have put down all that
I could find out about his children. This information I got from my mother
(Harriet Walker) who is a niece of Isaac Walker and an own cousin to his
children all the facts I obtain will be published in the book to be printed
this fall.
There is any in will see quite a little work in writing it up
will you kindly let me know how many blanks you wish.
If all Isaac children were married and they had many children you will
need a large number.
Isaac Walker was my great uncle: on the Garfield side of the house
President Garfield was my 3d cousin.
An early answer will greatly oblige as Mr Chandler is pushing me
Yours truly
Eillery I. Garfield
[] Transcribed on January 3, 2004, by Wendell R. Evans []
Sept. 12th
D. H. Walker Esq:
My Dear sir: I see by looking over my letters that I have failed
to acknowledge yours of recent date. The blanks came all right as
well a supplemental one. And what is best of all they are very full and
clear. The book is promised for about Jan. 1, but I seriously doubt it.
I should set the time about next May for it appear[___]. I forgot whether
I wrote that Asahel Walker is alive and remembers my mother. She was 10
and he was 15yrs of age when he left Langdon. I have nothing except an
acknowledgement from Illinois this Jan. forgot to say above that this book
will be about $3.50 not over $4 nor less than $3.
Do you ever come this way?
I should be pleased to see you or any of the family.
My best wishes for you and yours
Very truly
E. I. Garfield
My Dear Niece
I am feeling very well for me. Aunt Julia about as usual when
is your father & mothers golden wedding day – is it 3rd of Sept you
and Alfred and Delos & Julia ought to have a gathering for them on
at your home or Deloses. But don’t let them know anything about it until
you invite them to ride up to your house I think your house for it would
suit better than Deloses. We would like very much to come I wish ours was
this fall instead of next march. How would it do to have it a little head
of time Houston has talked some of coming home then, march 27th is our
day 50 years married if it was Sept. 27th would like it better if you should
make one. If we have it, so our Boys could attend your Fathers & Mothers.
That would suit me much better. If our Boys conclude to make one for us
than to have them make it in the Spring. For it’s a much pleasant time
and my health is usually much better in the fall than spring. I wish you
would write giving us the day of month they were married. Tell your father
Mr Adany wants the house lathed & plastered before cold weather ask
him if I shall have it done ask Delos to write me what he can buy up the
wool for over there and what he will take for his. They are paying from
25 to 28 cents here. How is your mother & father. Are you all well
write on Recpt of this answering all my inquiries and oblige your old Uncle.
I have been at work in my garden until my hand is very unsteady our love
to all yours affectionately
R. D. Hazleton
[] Transcribe on February 10, 2004, by Wendell R. Evans []
D. H. Walker Esq.
My dear sir
I promised my Uncle to write you some days ago. But in my rush
of business neglected to do it.
What we would like is this. We desire to put in the book which
is nearly complete, any record of the persons. Who may have occupied positions
or of trust. I presume you held the position Sheriff from a letter head
I saw. Please give me any such facts which can be put in. you have done
remarkably well. Better than most of them in getting dates for me. And
I am very much obliged. Have you any pictures of your grandfather? Would
you like to have it in the Book? My father and mother will be in. we are
getting nearly done. Please send answer at once and greatly oblige. Your
promptness will cuss my delay in writers My mother is well
E. I. Garfield
[] Transcribe on February 10, 2004, by Wendell R. Evans []
D. H. Walker Esq.
My dear sir
I enclose the Isaac Walker paper. And would like you to look
it over and add or comet whenever you can. We want names in full. Do not
keep over one week. As the printer is after us pretty lively. We are nearly
through with the work. But it has taken longer than we expected.
You will be much pleased with the Book. If you think of anything
for me to put in about any one more than we have send it to me.
Hastily Yours
E. I. Garfield
[] Transcribe on February 10, 2004, by Wendell R. Evans []
Tanglewood Feb 24th 1884
Dear Sister
Yours of Feb. 15th is received and glad I saw that you did not
wait five years before writing, it found us well as usual but I must confess
that I feel at times that I am growing old but perhaps grandma is all do
I cannot tell Brother Lyman was here 2 weeks ago he seems well and healthy
and do you know how glad I am that it is so he said he left our parents
comfortable but of course not very strong but the next day after he started
home a letter came from his son. Sid that grandpa was sick and they wanted
him to hurry home I received a letter from him since written the 18th of
this month saying father had been very sick but was doing better and so
as to sit up some. That the rest of the Missouri friends were as well as
common that is so as all to be around and I believe that is as well as
people ever are there Peet says sister N. health is not good this winter.
When Harmon went back to Missouri Father gave Nancy and Jane a deed of
the 80 acres of land that Cudworth’s folks live on and they were to divide
it to suite themselves but somehow it did not divide right so Cudworth
is to pay Harmon 400 dollars and have it all and Harmon bought a house
and lot in Mirabile perhaps it will be better so Harmon is not able to
do much and I cannot think their boys much help to them Charles has Asthma
so bad and Art is not very old and is the baby so I can’t tell what he
may do let us hope that he will be a comfort to his parents sometime. It
is a week yesterday since I saw any of Brother Nats folk they were well
then Flora is expected to get her diploma from College in June you know
she has one from the state Normal School and has tried teaching in the
district schools pretty faithfully and it is very few Teachers that gives
as good satisfaction as she has done but she is looking for something higher
village teacher and I trust she will succeed. O! Peet said Sister Sade
was in Missouri visiting and that she and her family were well and he thought
doing well I never hear from her do you [___] folks were all well last
I heard from them they have two lovely little Boys if they are as good
big boys’ as they are little ones I shall be glad you said you wanted to
hear from him. Write to him and he will answer you he lives in Lakefield
Jackson County and now to my little niece Bertha I hardly know what to
say to you but this much I do know that I love to hear that you are a good
girl to try to help your mother and that you are learning your books so
well and hope you will continue to improve your mind for it is that will
make you loved and worth loving. I would like a letter from you very much
and if you will write to me I will not be so lazy about answering it as
Uncle Merrick is but you must try to excuse him he likes little girls but
he is old and has Rheumatism and ache’s so much that he does not like to
write but he has two of the largest colts your old gray [Aunt] ever saw
one is 2 years old coming 3 next summer and weighs over 13 hundred pounds
the other is coming 5 next spring and weighs seventeen hundred and sixty
five pounds he took me to town with them the other day and they went nice
for colts and if you will come out here while he keeps them I am sure he
will give you a ride
We received an Agitator a while ago and was glad to be remembered but we have always taken it ever since we came to Minnesota so there was not much news in it.
Now not one word of this to Delos for he never writes to us but lots
of love to the little ones and I am glad to hear Houston likes his books
and hope he always will.
Was sorry to hear mother Walkers eyes are so bad but do you know
I can’t read a word without glasses I would like to hear often and would
like to have the children write.
[] Transcribe on February 10, 2004, by Wendell R. Evans []
Boston, June 2 1885
Delos H Walker Esq.
Covington Pa.
My Dear sir
I was at Fitchburg last Saturday and saw my Uncle, who did so much
of the work on the Shirley Book. I asked him, if circulars had been sent
out and he did not know. I write, thinking that possibly you may not know
that the book is published. It has been out sometime and is a good book.
It contains an excellent account of the Walkers I was not aware that I
had so many cousins. My mother is still alive. But she had a hard fall
during the past winter
My regards to all the Cousins
Very Truly
E. I. Garfield
[] Transcribed February 8, 2004, by Wendell R. Evans []