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Thurs. Jan. 1, 1903: Stamford Conn. A nice pleasant day. I
am not to work today as this co. I am to work for The Southern New England
Telephone Company gives the day with pay to its employees. Wrother letter to
Norton & Vera.
Friday 2: Cloudy but warm. Minor & I worked in Arcade
building part of day preparring to put in three telephones in new bank then went
on trouble to Sound Beach also up Summer St to Dillons place.
Sat. Jan. 3, 1903: Cloudy & warm a light rain part of time.
Minor & I put in tele. up Summer St,
came back and connected up one in the new bank. Afternoon we went up to Dillon’s
and transferred wires from old poles to new ones. I read a reg letter from Louie
containing $25.
Sunday 4: Cloudy & warm.
I put lock on trunk this morning. I wrote to Louie.
Monday 5: Cloudy and warm.
Minor & I run wire on Broad St and moved telephone from Greenwich Ave.
Received a letter from Nell.
Tuesday 6: Rain & Snow but warm a very nasty kind of day.
We moved around office and I healped cable men in afternoon. I bought a Gem
Safety Razor. I received a letter from Burt.
Wed. Jan. 7, 1903: Cold raw day. I went on trouble part of
time. Then Minor and I run new
jumpers wires on cable pole by R.R. bridge on Atlantic St. I rec’d a letter from
Thursday 8: Cold raw day. I went on trouble and Minor & I
finished runing new jumpers on Atlantic St cable pole by R.R. bridge. I wrote
letter to cousin William Hulslander.
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think it's safe to say that the telephone poles showing in these 1910 era Stamford postcard were installed by Tom Hulslander and his work buddy, Minor. |
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Friday 9: Very
cold. Minor & I began work in cellar of the Fusidom Block putting in cable. We
got a load of four ft wood at office. We cut some of it for furnace.
Saturday 10: Cold & windy. We went on trouble cut some wood
and worked in cellar putting in cable. Received our pay. I rec’d a letter from
Louie Wright.
Sun. Jan. 11, 1903: Cold, snowed and rained. Susie & I went
out just for supper. I wrote to Vera & Burt.
Monday 12: Very cold day. Minor & I chased trouble moved a
tele for Scofield & Miller and worked drilling hole through cellar wall. I rec’d
a letter from Bro Erna.
Tuesday 13: Very cold. We worked in cellar of Millers store
drilling hole through wall for cable into Lawrence drug store. I rec’d letter
from Nell.
Wednesday 14: Cold wintry day. Minor & I worked in cellar
most of day went on trouble some. Susie & I went out to hear Band play tonight.
I wrote to Louie Wright.
Thur. Jan. 15, 1903: Weather a little warmer. Minor & I
worked in cellar running okonite and cutting over some of the parties.
Friday 16: Weather warmer thawed some. Minor & I fixed guy
on Cannal St. Put in telephone on Strawberry Hill, went on trouble and I tied in
wire on South Atlantic St. I recd letter from Burt saying Mother had broken her
wrist. Wrote a letter to Nell tonight.
Saturday 17: Fine warm day. Minor & I run loop of wire for
Scofield & Miller down Cannal st and connected up their telephone in morn. We
cleaned up exchange in afternoon.
L.D. Whitlock called at exchange in afternoon.
Sunday 18: Fine warm day. Susie & I went to opera last
night. The play was the James Bro. I wrote to E.M. Besley.
Mon. Jan. 19, 1903: Cold raw day. Minor & I went on trouble
and put in telephone in Fidelity Trust Co.
Tuesday 20: Cold but got warm. I went to Boliners Point on
trouble got back at 12.30 M. afternoon Minor & I moved a telephone at Church
House at South End. I recd a letter from Louie.
Wednesday 21: Warm rained very hard in morning but cleared
off about noon. Minor & I worked in cellar in morn and put on arms in afternoon
on Broad St. Cable pole. I recd letter from Harry also one from Will.
Thursday 22: Fine weather. Mnor & I put on crossarms until
9.30 A.M. then Minor quit work for the day to attend a funeral. I went on
trouble and also to Sound Beach and began dragging a guy anchor hole. Wrote to
Burt tonight.
Fri. Jan. 23, 1903: Fine weather. The Directories for the
Telephone cam last night so we all worked distributing them today.
Saturday 24: Fine weather wind began to blow toward night
has the appearance of storm. We went on trouble and got wire through pipe for
underground cable at Wilson’s Noroton. I rec’d weeks pay also a letter from
Sunday 25: Snowed last night also is snowing today. Wrote
letter to Father also one to Louie Wright.
Monday 26: Fine weather. Minor & I put in tel at Wilsons on
Post Road. Frank & I changed a wall set to disk stand on new line I built last
summer. I had my hair cut tonight after supper. Today is Susie’s birthday 18 yr.
Tues. Jan. 27, 1903: Fine weather got quite warm. Minor & I
buried a deadman and put on guy at Sound Beach also went on trouble.
Wednesday 28: Rained in morning. Frank & I put in extension
telephone for Dr. Phillips at Glenbrook moved one for Dr. Munson and installed
one at Presbyterian Church. Received a letter from Vera.
Thursday 29:
Warm rained in afternoon. Minor & I strung wire on Manhattan St. and worked on
telephone at Fidelity Title Trust Co Bank. Susie deposited $15 in Fidelity title
& trust Co. Bank.
Friday 30: Rainy & quite cold finished telephone in Bank
and went on trouble done other odd jobs. Mr. Mix was taken sick.
Sat. Jan. 31, 1903: Cold wind blew very hard. Went on
trouble and worked around office sawing wood also Frank & I changed telephone
for Mrs. Scofield on South St. I rec’d letter from Father saying he had bought
B. Monro farm.
Sunday, Feb. 1: Rainy nasty kind of day. Mr. Brown & Miss
Knapp came over and Susie and I went walking with them to see Mr. Brown’s
automobile came back and I wrote to Billy Brown.
Monday 2: Warm light rain cloudy all day. I worked around
office most of forenoon went on trouble on trunk lines afternoon took train for
Noroton fixed line came back and done a little more work in office. Rec’d
letters from Morton & Nell.
Tuesday 3: Nice warm day. Minor & I drove to Sound Beach
and strung wire for tel at Dr. Smith’s came back at noon & Frank & I put in
telephone on Greenwich Ave. I rec’d letter from Louie Wright. I wrote to Cousin
William Huslander tonight.
Wed. Feb. 4, 1903: Rainy cloudy day. We done odd jobs.
Minor & I went to Sound Beach and finished putting in Dr. Smith’s telephone. We
dug a few clams and cooked them when we got to office. I rec’d letter from Billy
Brown. I wrote to Louie W.
Thursday 5: Wind blew very hard. I took train and went to
Darien and put up new wire at Post Office. Afternoon we all worked in cellar. I
am tapping my shoes.
Friday 6: Fine warm day. Minor & I fixed guy went on
trouble packed up moter and ran new loop in to Eckharts on Strawberry Hill.
Rec’d our weeks pay.
Saturday 7: Nice pleasant day. Minor & I went on trouble
and worked on Broad St cable pole in morn. Afternoon went to Boliners Point and
fixed one pair cable also put glass on line.
Sun. Feb. 8, 1903: Rained hard all day. Susie is quite sick
so we did not go out for anything.
Monday 9: Windy & cold. Minor & I worked in cellar’s
drilling walls in forenoon. Afternoon went on trouble. Susie has a very sore
Tuesday 10: Fine warm day. Minor & I worked on Broad St.
cable pole transferring wires & taking off old crossarms. Susie keeps about the
Wednesday 11: Cloudy began raining afternoon rained very
hard all afternoon. I filed saws all morn afternoon. Minor & I changed wall set
to desk stand on Grove St. then went on trouble. Susie is not any better. I
rec’d letters from E.M. Besley & from Louie Wright.
Thur. Feb. 12, 1903: Fine weather. Minor & I went on
trouble and cut off top of Broad St Cable Pole. Jennie keeps about the same but
I think is improving some.
Friday 13: Fine weather more like April than February.
Minor & I cut some wires over on Myrtle Ave then changed Tel at Freight house
done some other small jobs. I wrote to Billy B and Father tonight.
Saturday 14: Fine weather. Minor & I done odd jobs. I quit
work tonight for Southern New England telephone co.
Sunday 15: Rained. Jennie & I packed up our trunks bought
our RR tickets to Bingo N.Y. & visited at Miss Knapps on Banks St. Frank Baxter
called on us in afternoon.
Mon. Feb. 16, 1906: Rained snowed some last night. Miss
Knapp, Jennie and I took train for N.Y. at 9.40 AM where we met Charley Brown
who showed us around N.Y. until 2.45 PM when Jennie & I took Erie train at
Jersey City and came to Binghamton where we arrived at 8.55 P.M. were met by
Billy Brown & wife.
Tuesday 17: Snowed & wind blew snow about 14 inches deep. I
visited around Binghamton until noon when Jennie & I took train came to Elmira
changed cars came to Col X Roads where we were met about 9 P.M. by Burt & John
Hacket who brought us on home.
Wednesday 18: Wind blew and was very cold. I found folks
all well at home. We did not do anything but chores. Mercury stood 10 degrees
below zero.
Thursday 19: Cold weather. Father went to Mansfield with
Whitlock. We boys shoveled out road o to hill and done chores.
Fri. Feb. 20, 1903: Cold but wind did not blow. Leon Wood
came with his team and healped us get some logs over hill to house. In afternoon
we ground some chop feed.
Saturday 21: Wind blew quite hard. Father, Harry & I went
to Troy. Father bought B. Monro farm of Mr. & Mrs. Besley for $3300. The deed
was drawn by Lawyer David Fanning in his office at Troy. We got home about 6
Sunday 22: Weather a little warmer did not go out of house.
Monday 23: Fine weather. Burt & I drew saw logs to sawmill
and prepaired for a trip to Mansfield.
Tues. Feb. 24, 1903: Fine weather. Burt & I went to
Mansfield to mill and got two loads of coal. Nice sleighing.
Wednesday 25: Fine weather. Burt & I cut and put up three
loads of ice. I wrote to Frank Baxter tonight also to Western Electric Co.
Thur. Feb. 26, 1903: Fine Weather. Burt & I finished
packing up went and got load of sawdust. Then Father, Burt & I drag-sawed also
split shingle bolts.
Friday 27: Waether got quite warm bean to rain about dark.
I took team and took too loads of shingle bolts to Sylvania. John Hulslander &
Frank Korbet was here visiting. Harry,
Vera, and Susie went to Burt Styres tonight to a party.
Sat. Feb. 28, 1903: Rained some. Snow about all went off. I
went to A.A. Richmond to fix his telephone afternoon finished sawing
shinglebolts took up drag saw and ground grist for Richmond. At night Harry & I
went to Austinville to Lodge roads was very muddy.
Sun. March 1, 1903: Cold froze up hard. We all stayed at
home. I hardly went out of house.
Monday 2: Fine weather. We sawed wood with circle saw about
noon the packing blew out of engine which delayed us about two hours.
Tuesday 3: Fine day. We finished sawing wood and took saw
over to Oris Mudge. Afternoon Burt and I drew wood to its place and piled it
also went over in woods and got boiling pan.
Wed. March 4, 1903: Fine weather. Father, Mother and Susie
went to Troy. Burt and I trimed up apple trees on B. Monro place which was first
work we done on new farm.
Thursday 5: Rained part of day. We tinkered in shop in
morning. Afternoon Father, Burt & I trimed apple trees. The Voltus Band was
reorganized tonight with 11 members.
Friday 6: Fine weather. Father went to sing at Gray’s
funeral. Burt and I began cutting wood for Frank Beardsley.
Saturday 7: Cloudy with light rain. Father went to G.A.R
Post meeting at Roseville. Burt, Morton, Harry and I cut wood for Beardsley.
Sun. March 6, 1906: Cloudy & warm. I am pretty lame from
effects of sawing wood. Wrote letter to Minor Dribble, Louie Wright.
Monday 9: Very warm & muddy. Father and I had such bad
colds we did not go out of house.
Tuesday 10: Warm & muddy. Stayed in with cold ground chop
in afternoon.
Wednesday 11: Weather continues the same. We split some
wood. Father picked chop stome (?). Burt, Morton and I finished cutting wood for
school house.
Thur. March 12, 1903: Ground chop for L.D. Whitlock in
morn. Afternoon Burt, Morton and I tapped sugar bush. Wesley Reynolds and
Charles Kelley came over to see Father.
Friday 13: Warm did not freeze, but a little. Burt & I went
in morning on B Monro farm to cut some wood. Afternoon we all went into sugar
bush and tapped some more trees. Father & I fixed arch for boiling sap.
Saturday 14: We gathered Sap had about 8 barrels finished
tapping trees. Afternoon Harry, Burt and I worked at sawmill drawing logs on
skids and takeing care of lumber had 2480 ft sawed. My cold is quite bad
Sunday 15: Nice warm muddy morning. My cold is a little
better this morn.
Mon. March 16, 1903: Fine weather. We gathered sap in
morning afternoon Father boiled and Morton, Burt & I worked getting wood for
house on B. Monro farm. I sent Reg letter to Sears Bobuck & Co ordering
household furniture to the Amt of $55.
Tuesday 17: Fine weather. Father, Burt, Morton and I worked
getting wood for me at other house. The Debating Society met tonight and debated
on which us more useful to country the farmer or Manufacturer.
Wednesday 18: Fine weather. Father, Burt, Morton and I
worked getting wood for me on B. Monro farm.
Thursday 19: Fine weather. Father and Jennie went to Troy.
Burt, Morton & I worked getting wood for me on B Monro farm. Voltus Cornet Band
met and was permanently organized tonight.
Fri. March 20, 1903: Fine weather. I worked for the Elk Run
and Mansfield Telephone Co stringing wire from Leon Smiths toward Elk Run. There
was a party tonight at E.M. Besleys. I was so tired I did not go the other young
people here all went. Fathers Sugar House and contents burned today noon.
Saturday 21: Rained a light show in morn they stopped but
began again about 3 P.M. and rained very hard. I worked for telephone co
finishing putting up their wire. Jennie Preston and children came here visiting.
Sunday 22: Fine weather a little colder this morn.
Monday 23: Rained very hard. We boys ground feed and Father
& I made a stoneboat. L.D. Whitlock brought grist and his horses ran away.
Sat. March 28, 1903: Fine weather. I worked for Elk Run &
Mansfield telephone co putting in telephones and stringing wire.
Sunday 29: Fine weather. Earna Besley visited us at Fathers
in morn. Afternoon Father and I went visiting at Uncle Elijahs.
Monday 30: Cold raw wind this morning began Raining at 3
P.M. had an awful storm. I worked part of day for Grays Valley telephone co
stringing wire from Mainesburg to Sylvania.
Tuesday 31: Rained a little this morning. I moved Susie’s
and my things from Fathers place down to the other house where Susie and I are
going to live. Debating Society met tonight.
Wed. April 1, 1903: Fine weather. Harry and I worked for
Telephone Co. stringing wire from Mainesburg to Sylvania. We got along to
Robbins Hill.
Thursday 2: Very windy. Harry & I worked stringing wire for
telephone co we got as far as Joe Stranges. Had Bandmeeting in new Band Hall
Friday 3: Windy rained some this morning. Susie & I moved
into house on B Monro farm. Harry & I worked for Telephone co in Grays Valley
this afternoon.
Saturday 4: Wind blew awful hard snowed some. Was very
cold. Harry & I worked stringing wire for Grays Valley telephone co. Received a
letter from Frank Baxter also one from Sears Roebuck & Co.
Sun. April 5, 1903: Fine weather from very hard last night
but is warming up today. Louie Wright came up to healp me on line tonight.
Monday 6: Very windy. Louie & I worked for Grays
Valley Telephone Co putting on crossarms from Sylvania toward Mansfield.
Tuesday 7: Windy with showers. Louie & I worked part of day
for telephone co came home and done some odd jobs around house. I got ten hens
and one rooster from home tonight.
Wednesday 8: Nice & pleasant in morning. Afternoon rained
very hard. Louie & I worked 6 hrs each for telephone co. We got very wet before
we got home, Wrote to Frank Baxter tonight.
Thur. April 9, 1903: Fine weather. Louie and I worked for
Gray’s Valley telephone co. finished stringing wire for them to Sylvania got
through about 5 P.M. Had Band Meeting tonight in New hall.
Friday 10: Fine weather. We brought Engine down. I got
Richmonds circle saw and sawed up my wood. Louie healped me all day. Homer Monro
healped in afternoon. Burt & Father healped saw.
Saturday 11: Fine weather. We took machine over to H. B.
Monro and sawed his wood got through at 2 P.M. Moved engine back home. Louie
healped Home saw. Burt & I worked with engine. Louie gave his time to me for
collection of $.75.
Sunday 12: Cloudy light rain and cold. As this was Easter
Susie & I went up home and had dinner with Father and Mother.
Mon. April 13, 1903: Fine weather. Burt & I plowed in field
below horse barn. The rest ground feed.
Tuesday 14: Rained awful hard all day. Burt & Morton came
down and healped me split wood in the woodshed.
Wednesday 15: Rained all day. I split wood in shed
afternoon Harry and Burt came down Harry cut my hair and shaved me.
Thursday 16: Cloudy rained some in afternoon. Father,
Harry, Morton, Burt & I trimmed apple trees.
Fri. April 17, 1903: Fine weather. We all worked trimming
trees. Harry went to Mansfield in afternoon.
Saturday 18: Fine weather. Burt and I went to Troy where I
got some furniture from Sears Roebuck & Co also some tools. I went to IOOF
tonight with B.G. Bradford.
Sunday 19: Fine warm weather. Homer & Minnie visited us in
morning. Harry went to Mansfield today to begin going to school tomorrow.
Monday 20: Fine weather. We dragged piece of ground on hill
by Bradfords and sowed oats. Homer Monro sent his man with team to healp us drag
in afternoon. E.M. Besley came and took telephone out of house today.
Tues. April 21, 1903: Fine weather. We dragged and sowed
piece of ground on side hill above woods.
Milton healped today.
Wednesday 22: Fine weather. We dragged and sowed piece of
oats on side hill in field where stone heap is. Father & Burt ground chop.
Milton healped until noon.
Thursday 23: Fine weather. We drew some hay in horse barn
finished plowing below road by horsebarn then came down here and began plowing
field on hill by orchard.
Friday 24: Fine weather. Burt & I plowed some by orchard
was too wet so we plowed my garden and started plowing yard in forenoon.
Afternoon dragged and drew stone on hill. Father, Vera, Jennie & I went to Elk
Run tonight where Father practice singing for Edgertons funeral which is
Wed. April 29, 1903: Fine weather quite warm. I worked all
day putting in telephones got in 9. John Woodard healped me.
Thursday 30: Nice day but quite windy. I worked for
telephone co until 3 P.M. Burt came back home to work again this afternoon.
Friday, May 1: Fine weather. Burt and I plowed Barley
ground on B Monro farm by orchard finished about 5 P.M.
Saturday 2: Fine weather. I went this afternoon to
Mainesburg to connect wire on switch board did not get quite done because did
not have wire enough.
Sun. May 3, 1903: Fine Day. Harry called in morning. Ruth
Besley came visiting. Held Bandmeeting in hall this afternoon.
Monday 4: Fine weather. We dragged ground and sowed Barley
on B Monro farm by orchard.
Tuesday 5: Fine weather. I dragged garden in forenoon.
Father and I went to Troy in afternoon. I got stove, couch, mattress and
telephone. Payed Waldo & Soper $6 for use of line one year. Had Bandmeeting in
Hall tonight.
Wednesday 6: Fine weather. Sat up stove in morn. Afternoon
planted potatoes in yard and Garden also two rows of sweetcorn; peas, onions,
Thur. May 7, 1903: Fine weather. Father & I fixed fence in
forenoon. Afternoon I drilled oats for L. D. W. Burt & Morton rolled oat ground.
Friday 8: Fine weather. Burt & Morton Rolled oat ground.
Father and I worked new wooding roller of L.D.W. finished about night and
started to roll some with it.
Saturday 9: Fine weather. Father, Burt, Moron and I rolled
oat ground in forenoon. Afternoon Father went to Roseville. Burt, Morton & I
went fishing. Susie went visiting to Burt Styres. Had Bandmeeting tonight.
Sunday 10: Fine pleasant day. Father and Mother came down
and ate dinner with us. I wrote to Sears Roebuck & Co about stove.