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January 5, 1946 - Sat. Disinfected top of coop to get ready for chicks Jan. 16. Myrtle made a little call. Weather very warm.
January 6, 1946 - Sunday - Weather still warm. Joan and I went to church. All 3 children stayed here while parents went to movies.
January 7, 1946 - Monday - Went to Mansfield twice today. Weather warm but foggy. Ken installing hot water heater in barn.
January 8, 1946 - Tues. - Attended grange meeting at the church basement. Frank# went to Clyde for the beef. A little colder to-night.
January 9, 1946 - Wed. - Still thawed up. Went to Troy to-day and got my new Mirro Mac cooker. I think I shall like it.
January 10, 1946 - Thur.- W.S.C.S. meeting here to-day. Collection for missions 2. I served chocolate cake with whipped cream and coffee. 13 here adults.
January 11, 1946 - Friday - Went to Mansfield to arrange to have beef cut up at locker. Saidee# came out yesterday for a visit. She went on to Myrtle’s.
January 12, 1946 - Sat. - Washed today. Weather getting colder.
January 13, 1946 - Sunday - Joan and I went to church. Shirley, Roland and Harlo# here to dinner. At night went to movie “Weekend at the Waldorf” with Frank and Mollie.
January 14, 1946 - Monday - Finished figuring income tax amount to pay $22. Quite cold. Frank started initiation into Mason lodge. Got my hair done today.
January 15, 1946 - Tues. - Went to Elmira to District Missions Meeting at Oakwood . Good speakers including Dr. Karl Quimby and Dr. Harry P. Anker.
January 16, 1946 - Wed. - 1100 barred rock chicks in brooder house today.
Zero this morning. Harlo sick with flu.
Like Lee Tice, Carrie raised chickens. Her grandaughter, Joan
NASH O’Dell, wrote the following about that in December 1996:
We had a rather large egg production operation for the times. My grandmother, Carrie, was in charge of this function at Jamac Farms. She worked closely with Johnny Hutter at Cornell University in the feeding of the birds & especially if there was a health problem among the flocks. Broilers were raised on range after the chicks feathered out and the weather was warm. When they reached a certain weight, 2 or 3 pounds, they were sold all at once as a chash crop. The practice of frying chicken raw had just begun, as opposed to boiling it first, and the demand was quite great. One of the greatest fears when the chickens were on range was the coming of a weasel or a fox at night. We had approximately 12 range coops and the structures had to be checked carefully for any holes. The flocks ranged during the day and were closed in at night after they went to roost. The four story chicken house was built about 1940 and was always filled with layers. At first we had cross breeds, a heavy chicken which was a cross between a Rhode Island Red and a Plymouth Rock, I think. They produced brown eggs and weighted inheavily when sold for meat in a year or two. Later Gam switched to white leghorns for more produciton and the market preference for white eggs. I was involved in cleaning the eggs quite often. I received twenty five cents and hour and the weighing, packing, and nailing of a case went quite quickly if the eggs were clean. When the baskets of dirty eggs were left, I haedged a bit and had homework to do! Later candeling came along but by that time I was cutting down on my egg handling employment hours. Norma Welch also worked at the same project but I don’t recall that we ever worked together. |
January 17, 1946 - Thur. - Harlo much better. Ruth and Anson a new baby girl. Went to Loretta’s to a home extension meeting on school lunch desserts.
January 18, 1946 - Friday - Frank and Mollie went to Elmira. Martha stayed with me. Brought her spoon from Deister and Butlers. Wind blowing hard.
January 19, 1946 - Sat. - Ken and Henry found a shot of peet moss under one brooder stove on fire. Put it out and no damage done. Thankful.
January 20, 1946 - Sun. - Joan and I went to church. After 4 0’clock I went up to Myrtle’s and stayed to lunch. Elmer gave me sacks for a lining to the quilt.
January 21, 1946 - Mon. - Ella Smith and myself went to Nellie Robbins on slippery roads and finished setting Helen Monroe’s quilt together. Also planned pancake supper.
January 22, 1946 - Tues. - Got some pictures of Carolyn cute. Heard today Merrit VanDyke had hanged himself. A dreadful thing.Very cold to-day. Shirley and Roland went to Elmira.
January 23, 1946 - Wed.- Birthday dinner for Frank at MOllie’s. Met with the furnace man at the church to get a furnace project going. Good luck.
January 24, 1946 - Thur. - Went to Mansfield to get some stuff for the pancake supper, Joan went home with Alice Smith. Shirley got a new permanent.
January 25, 1946 - Friday - The pancake supper a big success. $33 net proceeds. A new furnace a sure thing. Blustery to-night.
January 26, 1946 - Sat. - Not much doing. Homer and Owen started changing wire between barn and house. Cold and disagreeable.
January 27, 1946 - Sun. - Joan, Wayne and I went to church. Jim came to breakfast with his new Lincoln. Brought the saddle horse down yesterday.
January 28, 1946 - Mon.- Went to see Frank Murray t have him figure on barn. Joan sick with swollen glands. More pictures of Carolyn.
January 29, 1946 - Tues. - Cleaned up basement at church this A.M. Chicks growing fine.
January 30, 1946 - Wed. - Tied quilt for Helen Monroe this P.M. Money to go for furnace fund. Served ice cream and cake. Harlo’s walking at age 20 months.
January 31, 1946 - Thur. - Went to Anna Wood’s to Mrs. Haines Home Ec. meeting. Compared pressure pans. Cooked in my Mirromatic. Cooked Roumanian meat balls.
February 1, 1946 - Friday - Clear and windy to-day. Finished binding Helen’s quilt. Mollie, Frank and Martha here to dinner.
February 2, 1946 - Sat.- Cold as the dickens tonite. The old ground hog surely saw his shadow today. $475 on furnace last account.
February 3, 1946 - Sun.- Had birthday dinner for Roland, with the family (but Bette’s) here.Went to church. In evening went to Centenary church to hear and see Bishop Ledden.
February 4, 1946 - Mon. - One dozen brooms came today to sell for W.S.C.S. Sunshiny but cold.I liked Bishop Ledden very much on 1st appearance.
February 5, 1946 - Tues.- Mrs. Haines tested 3 pressure cookers here today.Mollie had new permanent. Joan and I went to Elmira. Fred and Lena came up at night to wash.
February 6, 1946 - Wed. - Nothing much doing today but 8 cases eggs. Windy but not too cold.Chicks growing well.
February 7, 1946 - Thur. - Mildred, Ella S., Loretta, Mollie, and I went to “Hollywood Breakfast” at the Mansfield M.E. Church. Such a crowd we nearly not got in.
February 8, 1946 - Friday- Martha stayed with me while Mollie and Frank went to Elmira to get new linoleum for their kitchen.A sunny day.
February 9, 1946 - Went to BowenCards early to see about a blood test on cattle. Carl and Ada called while I was gone on their way home.
February 10, 1946 - Sun.- Went to church. In the evening went to Fred Astaire in “Yolanda and the Thief.” Bum# . Jim and Lois left for the south.
February 11, 1946 - Mon.- Did my washing. A nice sunny day. Gene Perry brought a load of wood.
February 12, 1946 - Tues. - Harlo sick. Don’t know what’s the matter. Stayed up at Frank’s with kids while they went to grange. Mild weather.
February 13, 1946 - Wed. -First load of lumber hauled down for the new barn. Mild weather.
February 14, 1946 - Thur.- W.S.C.S. meeting at Loretta’s, with a stork shower for Shirley.She got nice things.Colder.
February 15, 1946 - Friday - Very windy. Takes the heat right out of the house. Feed very short. Solder flew out of my pressure pan.
February 16, 1946 - Sat.- Didn’t get my pressure pan fixed. I hardly know what to do without it. Milder today. Am reading the book Dragonwyck.
February 17, 1946 - Sunday - Went to church. Myrtle made a little call.Weather mild today like spring. Pressure pan fixed.
February 18, 1946 - Monday - Roland and Theron started to cut logs for barn. Lena and Fred came up t wash. Card from Paige postmarked Jacksonville.
February 19, 1946 - Tues.- Storming from the S.E. A card from Lois at Virginia Beach. Bought a crate of oranges. Shirley and Harlo here.
February 20, 1946 - Wed.- Very blustery. Smothered a lot of chickens. Makes me sick.
February 21, 1946 - Thur. - Very cold. Cutting logs.
February 22, 1946 - Friday - Joan going home with Joyce Smith at Laneboro. Shirley and I went to Mansfield.
February 23, 1946 - Sat. - More snaps of Carolyn to-day. She is growing and getting cute looking.
February 24, 1946 - Sunday - Layman’s Sunday. Lynn preached quite a good sermon. Went to “Pardon my Past,” Joan got home on bus.
February 25, 1946 - Monday - Cold and windy. Cutting logs for barn. Went to Mansfield to get truck greased.
February 26, 1946 - Tuesday - A nice day.
February 27, 1946 - Wed. - Took some cull hens to Mrs. Botnick at 3¢. Also 17 doz. cracked eggs at 20¢. Streets very icy.
February 28, 1946 - Thur. - Weather pleasant to-day. Joan gone to Elkland to Basket Ball Game. Butter very scarce. None served in restaurants.
March 1, 1946 - Friday - Baked Bean supper a success. $30.20 in the clear. A good program. Mild weather.
March 2, 1946 - Sat. - Kept Martha while Frank and Mollie took Wayne for an XRay on his foot.
March 3, 1946 - Sunday - Went up to see Myrtle in the morning. P. M. went to church.
March 4, 1946 - Mon. - Went to Elmira with Shirley. Couldn’t get any money because I had no identification. Made me disgusted. Minister collected paper.
March 5, 1946 - Went to Mansfield to get truck lights tinkered. Weather still mild and spring like.
March 6, 1946 - Wed. - Took Mrs. Botnick hens and eggs. Henry got new shoes at $5.50. Got a new nose piece to my glasses. Lost truck key.
March 7, 1946 - Thur.- Henry and Louis Tears went to Williamsport to get saw fixed. I had dinner at Mollie’s.
March 8, 1946 - Fri.- Carolyn Paige’s picture came. She is very sweet and pretty.
March 9, 1946 -Sat. - Finished the blocks for one W.S.C.S. quilt. Now have to get them together.Getting colder.
March 10, 1946 - Sunday - Joan and I went to church. I went in the morning up to Grandad’s with Frank and Mollie. Lloyd Bastian.
March 11, 1946 - Monday - Did my washing and went to Mansfield with Shirley. Very windy.Wesley Sherman and Wells Ashley both dead.
March 12, 1946 - Tues - Went to grange this evening. Took 27 hens and cracked eggs up to Mrs.Botnick. Ate at Earl &Jerry’s.
March 13, 1946 - Wed. - Joan had M.Y.F.# meeting here with pictures on christ’s ministers.Waxed floors.Very nice weather.
March 14, 1946 - Thurs. - W.S.C.S. meeting at Rose Chamberlain’s above Mainesburg.Still warm. Hauling logs. Nylons from Gorton’s.
March 15, 1946 - Friday - Very rainy to-day. Finished the top of a W.S.C.S. quilt. Not much else doing.
March 16, 1946 - Sat. - A pleasant warm sunshiny day. Found the tulips were up a couple of inches.
March 17, 1946 - Sunday - Henry and I drove to Ithaca to see Jim’s folks. A rather misty day but not cold.
March 18, 1946 - Mon.- Weather rather rainy. Joan and I went to Elmira with Shirley to get Joan new shoes. Harlo got a new wagon. Shirley’s blood pressure up.
March 19, 1946 - Tues. - A nice day. Took Mrs. Botnick hens and cracked eggs.
March 20, 1946 - Went to Mansfield. In the evening went to the church to M.Y.F. Roads drying up.
March 21, 1946 - Thursday - 1st day of spring and a lovely one. Warm. Tulips by the terrace up. Got the seed oats and corn.
March 22, 1946 - Friday - Went to G.L.F. dinner and meeting. Shirley went to hospital and “Miss Smith” arrived with a cord around her neck.
March 23, 1946 - Sat. - Harlo is at Mollie’s and a good boy \. Went in the P.M. to see Shirley. Found she and the baby good.
March 24, 1946 - Sun. - Went to church. In evening went to a Union Lenten service at Baptist Church in Mansfield. Joan’s glee club sang.
March 25, 1946 - Mon. - Did my washing and went to Troy in the P.M. Weather still mild. Roland says baby fine. Name Clarice Ann.
March 26, 1946 - Tues. - Weather rainy this P.M. Still mild. Took hens to Mrs. Botnick. And went to see Shirley. She looks well.
March 27, 1946 - Wed. - Helped Mollie wash.Went to Mansfield. Then went to Mrs. Haines’ meeting at church basement on ironing board covers.
March 28, 1946 - Thurs.- Grand weather. Sowed grass seed on the wheat today.Went to Mansfield and got new mixer bowl.
March 29, 1946 - Friday - Got a new luggage tan dress and 2 slips at Wright Shop.
March 30, 1946 - Sat.-
Colder and windy today. Joan and I went up to see Shirley and found
her fine.She sat up for 10 min.
March 31, 1946 - Sun.- Jim and Lois came to breakfast. Day pleasant but cold.Went to church.
April 1, 1946 - Washed in afternoon. Went to hospital with Roland after Shirley and Clarice. Harlo shy with his mother.
April 2, 1946 - Tues. - Took hens (24) and eggs to Mrs. Botnick. Very windy. Sowing oats. Got peat moss for Frank.
April 3, 1946 - Wed. - Went to Roseville, Mansfield, and Troy. Joan had M.Y.F. meeting in evening. Served hot dogs, rolls, and coffee.
April 4, 1946 - Thur.-
Had my hair done at “Fashionette.”Still windy.
April 5, 1946 - Friday - $31.00 from pancake supper. Attended the D.H.I.A. meeting inWellsboro. Gave a little talk on pressure canning.
April 6, 1946 - Sat.-Shirley and Clarice Ann came down today for first. Cleaned up the church basement this P.M.
April 7, 1946 -Sun.-Went to church. Not many there. Took eggs over to Canedy’s for Macs. Fred quite ill.
April 8, 1946 - Monday- Still very windy. John Vandervoot sorted the rock broilers for breeding cockerals.
April 9, 1946 - Tues.- Took Mrs.Botnick 40 hens and 12 broilers. Still cold and windy. Joan and I went to grange. Initiation.
April 11, 1946 - Thur.- W.S.C.S. meeting at Nellie Tears. Tied wuilt. Voted one share in “Casawasca.”
April 12, 1946 - Friday - Ken plowed the little garden here by house. Reading “Before the Sun Goes Down.”
April 13, 1946 - Sat. - Went to Gillet to see Grant Roblyer. Weather quite nice.
April 14, 1946 - Sun,- Joan and I went with Myrtle to see Saidee. She was away so we went to dinner and the movies. The Monohans and Greenwich Village.
April 15, 1946 - Mon.- Washed.Went to Mansfield.Got Joan 2 new blouses, 1 pr. pants and a front lace corset for myself.
April 16, 1946 - Tues.- Took 50 hens and 20 broilers to Mrs. Botnick, (35¢). Cleaned up church.Went to Quarterly Conference and church in evening.
April 17, 1946 - Wed. - Ella Smith, Loretta Welch and Nellie Mudge, and myself went to Nellie Robbins to tie quilt to sell for kitchen fund.
April 18, 1946 - Thur.- At home all day. Shirley and family down. Clarice
is growing and sweet.Still cold.
April 19, 1946 - Louis Tears took heifers to Ithaca. Wayne coming
down with measles. Joan home today on Easter vacation.
April 20, 1946 - Sat. - Uncertain about Wayne’s measles. Went to Mansfield.
April 21, 1946 - Sun. - Our anniversary. Easter Sunday. A nice day. Church. In evening went to movie “Stork Club.”
April 22, 1946 - Mon.- A beautiful day. Wayne breaking out with measles. Roddy and Joan cleaned door yard.
April 23, 1946 - Tues.- Wayne wuite sick. Blood tested the cattle to-day. Frank sold red hens. Joan and I went to grange.Erma initiated.
April 24, 1946 - Wed. - Got slips for Dairyleague dinner. Wayne quite a bit better. Bette starting home to=-day. Put pullets out on range.
April 25, 1946 - Thurs.- Cleaned church and basement. A nice day. Wayne lots better.
April 26, 1946 - Friday - Started snowing. Quite cold. Went to Troy.
April 27, 1946 - Sat.- Six inches snow on level this morning. Pullets uncomfortable. Snow melted quite a lot.
April 28, 1946 - Snow about gone. Went to church. Very few there. A dispute over the time.whether D.L.S. or standard. Church early next Sunday.
April 29, 1946 - Mon. - Washed. Went to “The Bells of St. mary’s.” Weather a bit warmer.
April 30, 1946 - Tues. - Took Mrs. Botnick 20 hens and 10 broilers at 35¢. Went to Herman Woods and got 70 posts. Telegram from Bette.
May 1, 1946 - Do not like “Daylight Saving Time.”Weather quite nice.
May 2, 1946 - Thur.- Martha broke out with measles. Got bananas from Express office.
May 3, 1946 - Friday - Byron Benedict’s sale to-day. Shirley and children visited me. Joan went home with them.
May 4, 1946 - Sat.- Martha better but kind of cross.
May 5, 1946 - Sun.- Rev.Sagar from Watkins Glen preached. It was a fine sermon. Lois, Jim. Carroll, Bess and Mr. Bennett down.
May 6, 1946 - Mon.- Carload of lumber in at station. Telephone line out.Such a terrible wind.
May 7, 1946 - Tues. - Very rainy but badly needed. Sold broilers to-day. $2.50. Got my hair done. Bette and family in Virginia.
May 8, 1946 - Wed. - The Dairyman’s League dinner over. Cleared $33.00. Lots of Food. Rather cool to-day.
May 9, 1946 - Thur.- A terrible wind and cold. Clarice growing. Weighs over 9 lbs. The Smith family ate dinner here.
May 10, 1946 - Friday - Attended “Spring Concert” by the schools at
Mainesburg. Moved Frank’s roosters to his house.
May 11, 1946 - Sat.- Jim’s family down a litle while. Feed going
May 12, 1946 - Sun.- Mother’s Day. Went to church. Sterling ear rings from Joan, Eversharp pencil from Frnk and Mollie. White slip fromShirley. Dinner at Shirley’s.
May 13, 1946 - Mon.- A nice day. Took Mrs. Botnick 34 or 32 hens at 37¢. Went to the move “Saratoga Trunk.”
May 14,1946 - Tues.- Went to a Fred Scott sale. Bought bull at $127.50. Paid $5.96 victory tax for 1943 on income. Form made out wrong.
May 15, 1946 - Wed.- Went to Waldo Bryant’s for fence posts. Carl and Ada called while I was gone.
May 16, 1946 - W.S.C.S. meeting at Ella Smith’s. Held shower for Erma. Nice things. Started raining.
May 17, 1946- Friday - Rained and rained. Harlo’s birthday. I wanted to go to East Canton to Spring W.S.C.S. meeting but could get no way.
May 18, 1946 - Sat.- Still very rainy. Cut a lot of asparagus up at (?). Martha sick. Do not know matter. Stella Bryant died. (She has bronchitis).#
May 19, 1946 - Sunday - Went to church. Smiths,Wayne &Myrtle here to dinner. Myrtle, Joan and I went to the movie “Adventure.” Clark Gable &Greer.
May 20, 1946 - Monday - Went to Elmira with Shirley and Roland. Got Joan slip and pants. Got myself 2 pairs. Had my hair cut at Gorton’s.
May 21, 1946 - Stella Bryant’s funeral today. Pleasant in P.M. Very rainy in A.M. Sold hens and rest of broilers ($1200)
May 22, 1946 - Bette and Paige came to-night. Carolyn is a lovely baby. Very good natured. Mollie went to Towanda to class banquet. 375 pullet rock chicks, 100 red cockerels came to-day.
May 23, 1946 - Thur. - A stork shower at Eloise Benedict’s for Marjorie. She says the Xray pictures show twins.
May 24, 1946 - Friday - Went up to Shirley’s to see Bette and babe. Joan staying up there to. Weather nice but cool.
May 25, 1946 - Sat. - Bette, Paige and I went to the General Meeting of the alumni association at Mansfield. Bette couldn’t stay account of Carolyn.
May 26, 1946 - A rainy dreary day. Went to church. Joan up at Shirley’s.
May 27, 1946 - Mon.-Raining. Water very high. Over the road. Surround
Marshes and Fethers houses. Phone out. (See
Sylvania Flood Photos)
May 28, 1946 - Tues- Had a picnic dinner at Shirley’s to-night in honor of the McAdoo’s and the Oburnes (?) Water did plenty of damage.
May 29, 1946 - Wed. - Fences washed out. Only damage to us. Elmira hard hit. Went to the cemetery with Myrtle.
May 30, 1946 - Thurs.- Blew safety fuse on my cooker. A dull Memorial Day. Spent the A.M. with Shirley and Bette, the P.M. with Jim and Lois. Nagely here to buy hay.
May 31, 1946 - Friday - Got the truck greased.Went to the movie “The Virginian.”Henry went with me. Started to rain at night.
June 1, 1946 - Herman Tears has measles. A cloudy disagreeable, rainy day. Got 2 Phila Inquirers, the first since May due to strikes.
June 2, 1946 - Sun. - More rain. So tired of it. Nothing happened. A tiresome day. Came down with a bad cold.
June 3, 1946 - Mon.- Frank Murray came to work this morning.Started milk house. Cloudy and cool to-day. Paige started to work in B??? plant.
June 4, 1946 - Tues.- Went to Roger’s graduation excercises. Very good. Lee ane Erma married to-day. A “horning bee” to-night.
June 5, 1946 - Wed.- Spent the afternoon with the MacAdoos and the Smiths.Frank sick, grippe. Have a new minister, Rev. Sours.
June 6, 1946 - Went to Mainesburg to meet with parsonage committee. Proved to be the regular W.S.C.S. meeting. Paige went back to Pittsburg to look for job.
June 7, 1946 - Spaghetti supper at church. A fair crowd to add to building fund. Started digging for barn foundation.
June 8, 1946 - Very warm to-day ending in a thunder shower. Power went off at midnight and didn’t come on until next P.M.
June 9, 1946 - Sun.- Rev. Sours preached for the first time. Liked him very much. Had birthday dinner for Shirley.
June 10, 1946 - Mon.- Did my washing. Went in the P.M. to get paper for the parsonage. Got for 4 rooms.
June 11, 1946 - Tues.- Carolyn has a tooth. Went to grange. Had a good attendence# . Served ??and sandwiches. Frank miserable with his throat. A bad wind storm.
June 12, 1946 - Wed.- Went to the parsonage early with some others to help get ready for the new minister. Scrubbed and swept.
June 13, 1946 - Thur.- W.S.C.S. meeting at Marie Clark’s. A pretty good attendence. Tied quilt. Frank some better.
June 14, 1946 - Friday- Carolyn has two teeth but she is afraid of me. Still wet. Started working on the barn. 6 head of cattle from Ithaca.
June 16, 1946 - Sun.- A good congregation at church. Everyone likes Rev. Sours. Hope it keeps up.
June 17, 1946 - Mon.- Started laying wall at the barn. Finished putting in corn. More rain.
June 18, 1946 - Tues.- Paige and Bette moved into aunty Myrtle’s house to-day. Still raining and cool.
June 19, 1946 - Wed.- Went to Schylur’s and got windows for new barn. Got 10 qts. strawberries at Longwell’s at 50¢ per quart.
June 20, 1946 - Thur.- Joan painting kitchen wood work. Walls of new barn going up.
June 21, 1946- Friday - Partly mowed door year to-day. Went up to see Bette and family. Weather cool.Wayne and Martha stayed with me.
June 22, 1946 - Sat. - Cleaned up my house. Joan nearly done painting. Got a new dress at the Wright Shop. Green striped.
June 23, 1946 - Sun.- Marjorie Benedict has a pair of twins. A good congregation at church. Bette went with us. Myrtle and I went to Saidee’s. Jeanette and Dick disengaged.
June 24, 1946 - Mon.- Barn walls going right up. Weather fair. Started haying.
June 25, 1946 - Tues.- Kitchen nearly finished.
June 26, 1946 - Wed.- Got 5 pullet eggs to-day. The men all went to Ithaca for hay-baler. Had flat tractor tire. Bette &Iwent to Florence Garrison’s to a cleaning demonstration party. Had picnic dinner at Bette’s.
June 27, 1946 - Thur.- Started a pair of soakers for Carolyn Paige. Very hard shower. Weather humid. Joan painted upstairs in my room.
June 28, 1946 - Friday - Cleaned church and basement. Had the 3 churches meet for a reception for Rev.Sours. Gift of $3.30.
June 29, 1946 - Sat.- Weather very warm.
June 30 - Sunday - Went to church. A pretty good attendence.Weather very warm.
July 1, 1946 - Monday - Raining hard. A settled rain. Lois and Carroll came down to stay. Barn going up. Went to official board meeting.
July 2, 1946 - Tues.- Took remainder of old hens to Mrs.Botnick. Working on baler. Weather cool.
July 3, 1946 - Wed.- Still working on baler. Weather still cool. Went up to Shirley’s a few minutes.
July 4, 1946 - Thur.- Finally got baler working.Went to Troy with Jim’s folks and Aunt Hazel to fireworks. Great many people there. Got 5 qts. strawberries at Sharp’s. Had picnic at Bette’s.
July 5, 1946-Friday- Weather cool. Baled hay here and at Roland’s. Hoed out small stuff in my garden.
July 6, 1946 - Sat. - Haying going on. Aunt Hazel here on a visit. Barn progressing fine.
July 7, 1946 - Sunday - Carl’s &Jim’s folks went to church. Church nearly full. A birthday dinner for Lois at Lois’ house.
July 8, 1946 - A hard shower. Stopped haying. went to Elmira & took back machine belts.Brace’s took young bull up there.
July 9, 1946 - Tues. Stayed with Wayne and Martha while Mollie and Frank went to grange. Class of 8 initiated. Got in a lot of hay. Weather cloudy. Finished soakers.
July 10, 1946 - Wed. - Haying. Weather still cloudy.
July 11, 1946 - Thur.- The W.S.C.S. meeting at Lois McConnell’s. 23 present (women). Got in a lot of hay.
July 12, 1946 - Friday - Went to Mildred Bryant’s to cleaning products demonstration. Grant finished cultivating corn.
July 13, 1946 - Sat. - Barn going along well.Haying going along.
July 14, 1946 - Sun. - Went to church in morning. In evening Bette, Mollie, Carroll, Joan, “Aunt” Hazel and myself went to “Two Sisters FromBoston.”
July 15, 1946 - Monday - Had cleaning products party at church. $7.55 for W.S.C.S. Weather cool. Put in pullets. 229 basement. 97 middle floor. More to add. Frank sold broilers.
July 16, 1946 - Tues.- Went to Troy with Lois &Bette. Got Carolyn a doll and Clarice a slip. Got my hair done at Ella Mae’s in P.M.
July 17, 1946 - Wed.- Shirley ill. Do not know the matter. Fixed 3 boxes beet greens to freezer.
July 18, 1946 - Thur. - Joan ill too. Guess it must be grippe. (It proved to be jaundice)
July 19, 1946 - Friday - Weather very hot. Shirley and children here today. Harlo in a peck of mischief. Paint among rest. 3 pullet eggs.
July 20, 1946 - Sat.- Took Joan down to see Dr. Ballard. Seems to be stomach trouble. Bette got me a short string of pearls.
July 21, 1946 - Sun.- Joan better this P.M. Went to church. Got 5 qts. blueberries. 20 of red berries. Finished book “The Life Line.”
July 22, 1946 - Monday - Harlo ill. Took him to Dr. Moore. Put 17 qts. berries, 4 qts. blue in quick freeze. Went to movie “Do You Love Me.”
July 23, 1946 - Tues. - Wayne’s birthday. Gave hime $2 and a box of corn candy. Am coming down with cold.
July 24, 1946 - Wed.- Went to Elmira with Shirley and Bette. Cold not very good. Clarice weighed 12 lbs. 2 oz. Carolyn Paige weighed.
July 25, 1946- Thursday - Weather very cool. Spent part of P.M. with Bette.
July 26, 1946 - Fri - Went to an afternoon party at Lena’s. Had ice cream and cake. Both delicious. Started combining wheat.
July 27, 1946 - Sat.- Am miserable with cold and grippe. Roland finished his haying on the hill. Joan and Bette have gone to Elmira.
July 28, 1946 - Sun.- Did not go to church. Feel some better. Thought people would be afraid of me.
July 29, 1946 - Mon.- Did my washing. Feeling better. Henry sick. Eye bad. Started to cut the oats.Didn’t get much done to wheat. Putting ? on sides of barn.
July 30, 1946 - Tues.- Went to see Jerry. No sugar. Blood pressure 186
to 190. Shirley misearable. Got a basket of cherries at 3.30.
July 31, 1946 - Wed. - Started raining this P.M. Joan painting
bath room. Sent case of eggs to-day. Got the products from brush
August 1, 1946 - Thur.- Still very rainy. Carpenters not working. Shirley has jaundice. Miserable. Lois went back to Ithaca.
August 2, 1946 - Carpenters at work. Frank off. Sold cow “Ollie” for $300. Got glads of Steve.
August 3, 1946 - Sat.- Developed sinus trouble.This grippe is a caution. Cleaned up the house. Took glads to church.
August 4, 1946 - Martha’s birthday. Got her a sppon. Went to church.Day rather dull after that.
August 5, 1946 - Mon.- Did my washing. Moved out to range houses of pullets. Found lice. Got in a lot of hay.
August 6, 1946 - Tues. - Went to the movie “Green Years.” Very good. Rained to-day and to-night Betts Aiken up to Bette’s. Had a picture of Clarice.
August 8, 1946 - Thurs. - W.S.C.S. Meeting at Nellie Robbins: a small crowd. Saidee and Kathleen came out to make a visit. Went to Myrtle’s.
August 9, 1946 - Friday - Had a picnic supper at Marian’s. A good supper. Combined wheat. Roland up at Grandad’s place.
August 10, 1946 - Sat.- Got a 30 lb. pail of frozen cherries. Jim, Joe &Frank C. down. Told us Carroll had an operation for appendicitis last night Aug.9.
August 11, 1946 - Went to church. Visited Bette. Weather cool.
August 12, 1946 - Mon.- Joan and I went to Troy Sun. night but rather cool. Finished combining wheat at Grandad’s place.
August 13, 1946 - Tues.- Went to Troy after parts. Went to grange in evening. Rained.Carroll came home from hospital.
August 14, 1946 - Wed. - Helped canned beans for Shirley.
August 15, 1946 - Thurs.- Canned beans for myself. Joan has a new trench coat. Started putting roof on barn.
August 16, 1946 - Friday - Painted bathroom blue. Went to Troy fair in the P.M. Didn’t amount to much. Drove to Canton and ate supper. A slim meal for 75¢.
August 17, 1946 - Sat.- Tried to combine wheat at Bungy and thresh at Roland’s but rained us off.
August 18, 1946 - Sunday - Went to church. Had baptismal service and three new members added to church. My family went in P.M. to picnic at Big Pond.
August 19, 1946 - Monday - Finished combining. Presses straw at Roland’s. Joan and I went to movie, “Road to Utopia.” Curtis started work for Frank.
August 20, 1946 - Tuesday - Finished threshing oats at Rolands. Went
up and helped Shirley get dinner. Joan cleaned the cellar.
August 21, 1946 - Wed. - Went to Troy and Mansfield for stuff
for barn and to get a grist (?). Sent 4 cases of eggs.
August 22, 1946 - Thur.- Put 6 qts. peaches in locker. Roland &Ken plowed wheat ground at Frank’s place.
August 23, 1946 - Friday - Bette, Paige, &Joan started for Virginia to get their trailer. W.S.C.S. served lunch at Lynn’s sale. Cleared nearly $38.
August 24, 1946 - Sat.- Lois and family came down. Lois Ann is a big girl.
August 25, 1946 - Sun.- Rev. Swales preached a good sermon. Lois, Joe sang, Carroll played. A picnic dinner at Lois’ for Jim’s birthday.
August 26, 1946 - Mon.- Threshed the oats. Did my washing.
August 27, 1946 - Tues.- Finished threshing. A Horse Trader’s Convention at Eugene Perry’s. Weather very cool.
August 29, 1946 - Fri.- Went up & got the white iron bedstead at Grandad’s. Went to Sylvania &got 18 1/2 qts. of blackberries at 35¢ qt. An awful looking place up there.
August 30, 1946 - Sat. - Shirley came down & helped me can 14 qts. of blackberried (without sugar).
August 31, 1946 - Went to church. Acted as communion steward. Had dinner up at Lois’.
September 1, 1946 - Mon.- Carroll, Jean, Jim, Henry and myself went to Troy to the horse show. Pretty good.
September 2, 1946 - Labor Day - Harlo & Carolyn both have colds.
September 3, 1946 - Tues.- Made some “hot dog’ relish. Went to Mansfield. Ate dinner over there. Joan started school.So did Wayne.
September 4, 1946 - Wed.- Went to Troy to take calf. Canned some pickles. Wayne does not look well.
September 5, 1946 - Thur.- Went to Mansfield twice for various things. Bette and Paige started for Pittsburg.
September 6, 1946 - Friday - Went to Wellsburg for metal for milk houses. Got 1 pk. plums, 1/2 bu. tomaties at $2 and 1 bu. apples at $1.
September 7, 1946 - Sat.- Nice weather. Went to the movie “Smoky” with Shirley and Roland. Made some corn pickle. Finished sowing wheat. Joan got a new yellow blouse.
September 8, 1946 - Sun.- Took up a bouquet of nice glads to the church. A good sermon. Went to movie, Zeigfeld Follies.
September 9, 1946 - Mon.- Weather very hot.Rain needed. Putting roof on silos. Sowed wheat at Frank’s place.
September 10, 1946 - Tues.- Started cutting corn.
September 11, 1946 - Started filling silos.
September 12, 1946 - Thur.- W.S.C.S. meeting at Erma Tice’s. A pretty fair attendance and a nice time.
September 13, 1946 - Friday - My birthday with supper at Frank’s. A plastic handbag from McAdoo’s &Joan. A pin up lamp from Frank’s. Earrings from Obourne’s. Went to Mansfield with Myrtle. Elmer bad.
September 14, 1946 - Canned prunes. Went to Troy for bats for W.S.C.S. quilts. Shirley &kids went with me.
0September 15, 1946 - Sun.- Took asters & cosmos to church. Marsh’es boy to build fires until we get furnace. Mrs. Dell Williams dead. Went to movie.
September 16, 1946 - Mon.- Did my washing. Canned 4 qts. string beans. Filling silo on the run.
September 17, 1946 - Tues.- Went to Mrs. D. Williams’ funeral. Quite large. Got 1 bu peaches, 1/2 pears and 1/2 bu tomatoes. Packed eggs.
September 18, 1946 - Wed.- Went to Tunkhanock after barred cockerals. Got 18 at a cost of $90. Nice ones.
September 19, 1946 - Thursday - Put on a quilt for Rose O’Reiley at basement. Did not get it all tied. Bette, Joan &I went to Edna S. to brush party.
September 20, 1946 - Friday - Finished quilt for Rose. Dr. Huttar culled hens for gray eyes. Took out 124. Rather discouraging. Planned dinner for York funeral.
September 21, 1946 - Helped with dinner at Bird Yorke’s funeral. Very rainy day. Put 5 qts. peaches in freezer. Bought 1 bu. apples of Pauline’s husband.
September 22, 1946 - Sun.- Went to church. Marsh’s “Bill” built the first fire. Barton’s up at Bette’s.
September 23, 1946 - Mon.- Took some of Frank’s roosters to Mrs.Botnick. Ate at Dixie Barbecue. Nothing much to eat. Roland cut rest of corn. Joan’s birthday. Got her a sppon, also a blouse.
September 24, 1946 - Put 2 boxes peaches, 4 of broccoli, and 11 of cauliflower in freezer. Canned 3 1/2 qts. beans. Shirley, Bette took their babies to doctor.
Septepmber 25, 1946 - Wed.- Carolyn sick. We think it is her teeth. Canned peaches. Put the May hatched chicks in the coop.
Septepmber 26, 1946 - Thurs- Frank took the Philco freeze to Ithaca. Brought me back 1 1/2 bu. tomatoes. Meade went with him.
September 27, 1946 - Friday - Went to Mansfield and Troy. Canned a few peaches and tomatoes. Mollie’s birthday. Got her 2 suit slips & a fostoria platter. Finished filling silo.
September 28, 1946 - Sat.- Jim & Mr. Bennett came down to see Mrs. Roblyer. I went to Troy to bring Henry back. Ken baled straw for Brace’s.
September 29, 1946 - Sun.- Raining hard and thundering.Went to church. A pretty good crowd. Anson down to see his mother. Elmer better.
September 30, 1946 - Rained and rained. High winds.
October 1, 1946 - Tied a quilt for Mollie at Nettie Tears. Still
cold and windy. Went to Helena VanHorn’s to a “Better Brush” party. Mrs.
Olen papered kitchen & upstairs.
October 2, 1946 - Went to Shirley’s to a birthday party for Mollie
and Marian. Took her 5 qts. canned beans.
October 3, 1946 - Thur.- Iva Rumsey, Loretta Welch, &myself cleaned church. Very dirty. In evening went to quarterly conference in Columbia X Roads.
October 4, 1946 - Friday - Started roof on Roland’s silo.
October 5, 1946 - Sat.- Joan got 2 pairs new shoes in Elmira. Took rug rags to Mrs. Marreval. Got 5 bu. potatoes of Morgan Cook.
October 6, 1946 - Sunday - Rev. Sours received Hugh Stafford into church. No meat to be had, just beans. Got 2 pairs of Nylons by Bette.
October 7, 1946 - Mon.- Had “Hair do” at Connie’s. 2 more pairs nylons by mail. Moved pullets together on 2nd floor.
October 8, 1946 - Tues.- Attended Elmira district meeting W.S.C.S. with Doris as driver. A nice time. Held at Ithaca.
October 9, 1946 - Wed. - Rainy. Took 5 calves to Troy. Went to Canton & got 25 chicken crates of Joe Leonard. Came home by Bloss.
October 10, 1946 - Thur.- W.S.C.S. meeting at Beth Bardwell’s. Planned the church fair for Nov. 2. A nice time. Pieced quilt blocks.
October 11, 1946 - Friday - Went to Sprinville near Dimock and got 264 red pullets at $3 each of Carl Hubbard. About 75 miles down there. Rained some.
October 12, 1946 - Sat.- Took crates back to Canton. New pullets are nice. Got some Mac apples at Landons at Canton.
October 13, 1946 - Sun.- Went to church. Then had birthday party at Bette’s for Bette and Joan. A nice dinner. Went up to see Frank’s house.
October 14, 1946 - Monday - Bloodtested the pullets. 208 rocks, 264 reds, 271 later rocks. Went to movie with Bette &Joan, “The Stolen Life.”
October 15, 1946 - Bloodtested Frank’s pullets. Went to Troy for lumber. Got Bette a plastic handbag for her birthday. Got Clarice a yellow dress. Joe and Susan’s baby born, 7 lb. 9 oz.
October 16, 1946 - Made 4 pts. chicken soup. The carpenters finished putting roof on Roland’s silo. Making plans for Rockwell sale.
October 17, 1946 - Thursday - Went to Elmira for milk house hinges. Quite warm today.
October 18, 1946 - Friday - A rainy day. Had sale dinner at Rockwell’s. Cleared $55. Bought some silverware for church. Pretty well finished plumbing milk house.
October 19, 1946 - Moved into new milk house. Cleaned up the house.
October 20, 1946 - Sun.- Went to church. In P.M. went with Frank’s folks up to their house.
October 21, 1946 - Mon.- Went to Covington & got W.S.C.S. rugs. Went to Troy in P.M. after lumber. Sold red roosters to Joe Leonard ($99.96) 38¢ lb.
October 22, 1946 - Tues.- Aunt Grace Weaver and Saidee here for dinner. Went to movie “Holiday in Mexico.” Very good. Nice weather.
October 23, 1946 - Wed.- Sold 6 of the 8 rugs I had ready for fair. Got some good sweet cider from Roland’s.
October 24, 1946 - Thur.- Nice weather. Could not get to district conference at Elmira.
October 25, 1946 - Friday - Tied quilt for Mrs. Coleman at Nellie Mudge’s. A big rain. Ken’s car on the bum.
October 26, 1946 - Sat.- Frank moved. House begins to look nice.
October 27, 1946 - Sun.- Went to church. Had “moving day” dinner for Frank’s. Jim down with Lois’ new “Ford.”
October 28, 1946 - Mon.- Changed rock roosters to red pen. Made some pumpkin pies. Weather warm but variable.
October 29, 1846 - Tues.- Weather still warm. Men working on barn.
October 30, 1946 - Wed. - Weather very warm. Went to Troy. Ate there with the Smiths, not much. Tied quilt at Nellie Mudge’s for fair.
October 31, 1946 - Thur.- Someone had moved part of Frank’s hens to PErry’s. Also decorated the basement for the fair. I am rather tired.
November 1, 1946 - Friday - Dressed 4 chickens for “fair.” Went to Mansfield &got starter & gas gauge on truck fixed. Joan & Norma went to senior dance.
November 2, 1946 - Sat.- Had a successful fair. Cleared $251.10. Also a nice day. Shirley’s children stayed here while she went to the movies.
November 3, 1946 - Sunday - A nice warm day. Went to church.
November 4, 1946 - Mon.- My leg bothers me considerably. Went to the “Training Class” in stewardship in the M. E.Church at Mansfield. Led by Mr. Aker. Then went to the Pomona bazaar in Grange Hall.
November 5, 1946 - Tues.- Went to Roseville to vote. Then went to Bill Bradford’s to look at cows and get butter.
November 6, 1946 - Wed.- Took calf to Troy. Visited Frank’s folks. They are getting fairly well settled. Mu leg still bothers. Sent 5 cases eggs.
November 7, 1946 - Thur.- Went to Mosherville & got 2 bu. “Golden Greenes” apples. Weather gloomy but not cold.
November 8, 1946 - Friday- Went to Saidee’s with Myrtle. Called in Elmira. In evening to concert at college. Violinis & soloist. Miss Mangess viloinist, Mr. Hess soloist.
November 9, 1946 - Sat.- Joan &I worked some at Ashley place. Leg bothers quite a bit. Yesterday my blue polka dot dress from Lane Bryant came.
November 10, 1946 - Sunday - Went to church. Shirley and Roland and
children ate dinner. Then Norma and Joan moved stuff in her room to Ashley
November 11, 1946 - Mon.- Went to secon of 3 meetings for training
for leadership in stewardship at Mansfield M.E.church. Joan, Shirley &Roland
went to Legion square dance.
November 12, 1946 - Got paper for dining toom at Ashley place. Took a load of stuff up for Frank. Mrs. Coleman miserable with cold. They look nice.
November 14, 1946 - Thur.- W.S.C.S. meeting at Tracy Smith’s. A nice turnout. Ice cream & cake for refreshments. Election of officers. I am pres.
November 15, 1946 - Firday - Moved to-day and ate here at noon. Roland helped . Joan helping move.
November 16, 1946 - Sat.- Moved more things. We are going to like it here. Joan settled her room.
November 17, 1946 - Sunday -0 Went to church. Bette had cake and coffee for the crowd for Caroline’s birthday in the P.M.
November 18, 1946 - Mon.- Carolyn Paige’s birthday. She has another bond. Moved more stuff.
November 19, 1946 - Tues.- Lila helped wash woodwork &etc. Moved part of the hens. Did my washing.
November 20, 1946 - Wed. - Finshied moving the hens. Clarice sick yet. Shirley and Bette took the kiddies to the doctor.
November 21, 1946 - Weather very mild today. Lila helped get some more work done. 21 eggs from the pullets.
November 22, 1946 - Hen house ??? quit. Ken fixed it. (Hope) Still settling. Went up to see Bette and Carolyn. Carolyn walks real well.
November 23, 1946 - Sat.- Very cold today.Esther Tice &Cahrles, Jr. married yesterday at Mainesburg.
November 24, 1946 - Sun.- Went to church. Dora Jelliff preached (Harold Forrest’s sister) Rev. Sours ill. Jim &Lois down. Weather still windy and cold.
November 25, 1946- Mon.- Clarice stayed with me while her mother went to Mansfield. Weather very mild.
November 26, 1946 - Tues.- Rainiy tonight. Soft coal strike bad. Schools and colleges closing. Both Ella Smith and Loretta in the hospitals.
November 27, 1946 - Joan painted some. Then we went to Mansfield. John Vandevort down.
November 28, 1946 - Thur.- Thanksgiving day at Frank’s new house. A nice time. A shower for GordonSmith tonight.
November 29, 1946 - Friday - Mildred, Joan, &I went to the shower. Nice things but not many there. Went to Troy &got shag rugs for Mollie for Xmas.
November 30, 1946 - Sat.- Went to Mansfield. Joan painting in the hall upstairs.
December 1, 1946 - Sunday - Went to church. Communion Sun. Had dinner up at Bette’s. Snowing quite hard to-nite.
December 2, 1946 - Mon.- very cold to-day. Water pumps frozen up.
December 3, 1946 - Tues.- Still cold. Shirley & kidlets made
me a visit.
December 4, 1946 - Wed.- Packed a mess of dirty eggs. Went to Elmira Hatcheries for a Tub Truck. Took Gurney some hay, Carl some butter.
December 5, 1946 - Thurs.- Went to the opeining of new G.L.F. Farm Supply Store. Got battery for truck. Got load of feed from Ithaca.
December 6, 1946 - Friday - Went to call on Loretta and Ella Smith. Both of them ill.
December 7, 1946 - Sat.- Went to Elmira with Roland’s folks. Also Paige &Bette. Got some curtain rods for living room.
December 8, 1946 - Sun.- Went to church. Joan moved back down. Norma brought some deer meat. Day very warm for Dec.
December 9, 1946 - Mon.- Weather mild. Loretta back in Sayre hospital.
December 10, 1946 - Tues. - Went to Ella Mae’s to get my hair done. The Smith’s here for dinner.The new Ford came today. Went to the Magician Show.
December 11, 1946 - Wed. - Went to Mansfield to get some gifts for Loretta’s Sunshine box. Frank rought a cow of W. Nash. Joyce Smith home with Joan. 6 cases eggs today.
December 12, 1946 - Thur.- W.S.C.S. meeting at Mollie’s, a big crowd and a nice time. Rainy. Packed a sunshine box for Loretta.
December 13, 1946 - Friday - Joan. Bette, &Iwent to shower for Charles Jr. and Esther Tice SMith. Cold and a little stormy. We took Pyrex bowls.
December 14, 1946 - Sat. - Still cold. Did my washing. Martha stayed with me in the P.M. while Mollie went to Mansfield. A little pill.
December 15, 1946 - Sunday - Went to church. Jim &Lois down.
December 17, 1946 - Tues.- Went to movie, “No Leave, No Love.” good. Joan and Paige went to basketball game.
December 18, 1946 - Wed. - Christmas tree at the church. Wayne spoke a piece. Looked good to his relatives.
December 19, 1946 - Thur.- Went to Tunkhannock to LeBarr’s after breeding cockerels.Stopped at antique shop & got a cup & saucer for Jim’s christmas.
December 20, 1946 - Friday - Went to Mansfield to do a little more Christmas shopping.
December 21, 1946 - Sat.- A Snow storm. The road a bit slippery.
December 22, 1946 - Sun.- I woke up in the night sick with my stomach. Could not go to church much to my disgust.
December 23, 1946 - Mon.- Went to Troy to finish my Christmas shopping.
December 24, 1946 - Tues.- Christmas Eve - Had the “Grand Opening” up at Bette’s. Got this pen, dishes, vase, books, a jewel case, & lots of things.
December 25, 1946 - Wed. - Christmas Day - Frank’s folks ate dinner with us. Shirley’s went to Smiths. McAdoos to Saidee’s.
December 26, 1946 - Thur.- Cold and blustery and rather a dull day. Sent 2 cases of eggs to Jenkins, 6 to G.L.F.
December 27, 1946 - Friday - Had a Christmas party at Marian’s with a gift exchange. A nice time. Wind blew hard.
December 28, 1946 - Sat.- Got Carolyn a snow suit. Washed &stretched my bedroom curtains. Joan went to Elmira with Bette &Paige. Got herself shoes.
December 29, 1946 - Sun.- Went to church. Very few there. Stormy &sleety. Smith’s took dinner here. Christine R. Gethler has a baby boy.
December 30, 1946 - Mon.- Quite a cold day. Roads rather icy. Joan painted more in the hall upstairs. Furmans have twin girls.
December 31, 1946 - Tues.- The last day of the old year. Cold & icy roads.
She married Henry Charles Beardslee 21 APR 1909 in Elk Run, Sullivan
Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. (Henry Charles Beardslee is
#1842.) Henry was born 30 SEP 1887 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County,
Pennsylvania. Henry was the son of Frank Beardslee and Martha Eldridge
Card. Henry died 4 JUN 1959 in Soldiers & Sailors Mem. Hosp.,
Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 71. BEARDSLEE,
HENRY C. (SRGP 1842)
Henry C. Beardslee of Mansfield RD 3, Thursday, June 4, 1959.
He was a retired farmer; member of Elk Run Methodist Church. Survived
by daughters, Mrs. Shirley Smith of Snedekerville, Miss Betty McAdoo of
Youngstown, Ohio; son Frank Beardslee of Mansfield; ten grandchildren;
two great-grandchildren. Body at Shaw and Robena Funeral Home, Mansfield.
Calling hours: today 7 to 9 p.m., Saturday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m.
Funeral there Sunday at 4 pm., the Rev. Gene Callihan. Oakwood Cemetery,
His body was interred JUN 1959 in Oakwood Cemetery, Mansfield, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Henry was born on the North Road in Sullivan Township on the favm where his grandparents, Henry Card and Sarah Fish had built their house about 1850. He was the first child of Frank Beardslee and Mattie Card. He belonged to Columbia Grange and various farm organizations. He later joined the East Sullivan Grange. After World War I, Henry and Carrie bought the farm on Sanitarium Hill in 1914. This house had originally been built by my ancestors, Joe Holly and Mary Wood, and had more recently been owned by my great grandparents, Harvey Tice and Cora Smith. My grandfather, Lee Tice, had left his initials carved in a door, and Carrie berated the Tices all the time she lived in that house for using too many nails. She should probably have been berating my father's mother's ancestors instead. When Henry was little he had scarlet fever and that affected his eyes so that he had poor vision all his life. In 1937, his brother in law, Jim McConnell asked Henry and Carrie to move down to the Bailey Farm which Jim owned and on which he had a large chicken/dairy farm. Henry served as manager of all the JaMac Farms until his retirement in 1956. Carrie managed the chicken farm operations, and Henry managed the crops and dairy. In 1946, they moved up the road to the Wells Ashley or Longwell Farm because the barn at Bailey place had burned. In their elder years, Henry and Carrie lived in the house that had been the Caroline McConnell/ Alva Gray home. They had a collie dog named Dusty who accompanied Henry on all his travels around the neighborhood.
She resided in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 1908. Teacher, Daughter J.B.
Carrie was born on the McConnell home when the house was in the locust grove. This house burned when Carrie was nine years old. The family, except for Joe, had gone to Elmira and came back to find the house burned. After this they moved back across the road to the original homestead and added on to it by bringing up the Watkins house from down on the Soper place. Carrie attended the Red School in Sullivan for eight years. She then went to Mansfield Normal School for two years graduating in 1908. Fifty years later, in 1958, her grandaughter Joan took her to her fiftieth college reunion. Carrie lived in Mansfield with her aunt Jeanette Beach (Aunt Net) while she attended school. Then she taught at the Red School. Among her students were Tracy Smith and Tom and Anna Wood, and Owen and Ruth Smith, and her nephew Anson Updyke. In 1909 she married. . Henry and Carrie's first home was on the North Road in the Dodge Place where their first daughter was born. Carrie was an active member of the Elk Run Methodist Church serving as first president of the W.S.C.S. which she helped found as an outgrowth of the earlier Ladies Aid Society. She was active in the East Sullivan Grange in which she held offices. She was an avid movie goer and favored musicals. She saw every theatrical performance put on at the college and attended movies almost every Sunday night in Mansfield at the Twain Theater. She loved classical music and hadthe first FM radio in the area where she listened to the Cornell University station. She had an aerial on the silo to pick up the distant station. She was very progressive. She had the first freezer, the first pressure cooker and was the first to bob her hair in Elk Run. She never missed the Lawrence Welk show on TV, and very late in life, when their health was failing, their son Frank tried to call them to see how they were doing. Getting no answer he drove over in a panic and found them watching Lawrence Welk. They had refused to answer the phone while it was on. She had inherited her father's coin collection and she divided it among Joan, Wayne and Harlo. She said she should divide it up while she only had three grandchildren so that it would not be any further diluted.
Caroline was always called Carrie. She started spelling her name as Carolyn in her later years. She was also called 'Gam' by many. Joan was encouraged to call Carrie 'Gram', but in her infancy she could only say 'Gam' and the other grandchildren adopted that form of address. In her elder years, even people outside the family caller her Gam.
Caroline Gray McConnell and Henry Charles Beardslee had the following children:
+ 2 i. Elisabeth Weaver2
Beardslee was born 15 OCT 1913.
+ 3 ii.
Frank Wayne Beardslee was born 23 JAN 1919.
+ 4 iii.
Shirley Arlene Beardslee was born 6 JUN 1922.