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Born May 18, 1868 West Danby, NY
Died April 28, 1960
Elmira Star-Gazette
Woman, 91 Dies of Burns
Waverly- Mrs. Emeline E. Ellison, 91 of 101 N. Main St. Spencer, died at Tioga General Hospital early yesterday morning, a little over a month after she was admitted for treatment of burns suffered in a fire at her home March 22. Mrs. Ellison, who died at 11:36 a.m., had been treated for first and second degree burns of her head, neck and chest. Mrs. Ellison, who lived alone, was preparing her noon meal when her apron caught fire from gas stove blaze. The elderly woman ran outdoors and threw herself in the snow to extinguish the garment fire, then hurried to a nearby trailer for help.
Dated Friday Evening, April 29, 1960
Diary of 1925
Front Cover
Fred T. Loomis 610-611 Hulett Building, Elmira NY
Mrs. Emma Connor 117 Elm St. Waverly NY
Mrs. Floyd Ferris 300 W Onandaga St. Syracuse, NY
S.A. Vose 315 Beech St. Syracuse
Jan 1 1925 Thursday New Years Day- We had a game dinner Dad, Richard & Johnie & myself were our company for that day.
Jan 3 Saturday Dad went to Waverly on the noon train to get his new teeth. Came back on th 5 o'clock I tended store house and chores as Richard went away all afternoon.
Jan 4 Sunday We did not get up this morning until after 8 so had a late breakfast. We had dinner nearly 3 o'clock. Mc Kinley & Freida came home with her brother Freddie.
Jan 5 Monday Very cold air. We hurried with our work this fore noon and after noon we drove down to Toot's to take Richard home and I have stayed down for a few days. We drove on to Ithaca and back and Mrs Johnson went home with him.
Jan 6 Tuesday Mild out, Toot came home for dinner. I got thing in shape some this fore noon. Bell does not feel very well today. Dr. R. Fisher came up this evening gave Bell a Hypodermic. Richard went to school this morning.
Jan 7 Wednesday Weather mild. No snow down here to speak of. I got the sheets washed out this fore noon. Bell is feeling some better today. Richard went to school again with his Dad this morning. Toot brought me home to night.
Jan 8 Thursday We did not do much today just washed a few pieces for Jack. McKinley tried to fix the horn to the radio put a grounder in but it would not work. Dad's cold was worse today he could hardly go but would not give up.
Jan 9 Friday Dad found Johnies hand sled this morning over to Mr. Voses. Johnie is riding down hill with Howard Sears today. We gave Rex a bath in Creolin last night for flees but found one alive this morning.
Jan 10 Saturday Weather very cold 0. Kinney has gone to take Mr & Mrs Whitemore over to Ithaca to day. Mr W, is to take treatments of a Dr Smith. Betha Davenport is to have a meeting at Candor tonight. We went to night the speeker was Mr. Welch from Elmira.
Jan 11 Sunday Weather clear and cold. Hellen and Fredie came with Byron Racker from Seneca Falls yesterday Sat - Toot came up today and took Mrs. Johnson home. I came back with him. He called up Dr. Dennison tonight and he came up and ordered Bell to the Ithaca hospital she went about 7 o'clock.
Jan 12 Monday Weather warmer it snowed in the night. I was alone all day today except the boarder. Took a nap after dinner. Then after supper we went down to see Bell at the hospital she was quite comfortable. We got back about 8. Toot worked on the radio until 3 in the morning.
Jan 13 Tuesday Warmer a light fall of snow last night and has some fell this fore noon. I cleaned the rooms upstairs got everything in fine shape. Toot went up to the hospital before coming home tonight.
Jan 14 Wednesday Weather clear & bright today. It was blustery last night & slightly colder. Bell was feeling better everything for the better. I sent Albert a letter this morning. I came home tonight. Dad was sick a bed.
Jan 15 Thursday Weather very cold 20 below zero the coldest morning this season. John stayed to the house all day. I tend to store nearly all day.
Jan 16 Friday Weather some milder this morning. I went to the store this fore noon. Kinley put the new roost 7 hen nest in the hen house today. We put the 14 red hens in from the liffle hen house tonight.
Jan 17 Saturday Mild sat. morning. Found a new milks cow about 10 o'clock. The young Gernsy Heffer the third bull calf. I pealed up all the pumpkins and squash and cleaned downstairs. Made pies and Mrs. Hunt came & spent the afternoon and took supper with us.
Jan 18 Sunday Colder It was very cold this morning when we got up. furnace fire was up. Toot came before noon and took Mrs. Johnson home. I came home with him today we called up to Dewitts on our wy home to see mother. Dad had been cleaning the little red hen house and came in all tired out just as we stared away.
Jan 19 Monday Very cold air all day. Me just did the work that came along in house work all day. Richard attended Regents at Ithaca High School today. Bell has felt quite good all day done a lot of mending. It is now bed time so will close with the day.
Jan 20 Tuesday Weather snow last night still snowing three or four inches. Just a little of all kinds of work done this forenoon. Kinney came after me this evening. I came home before Toot got back.
Jan 21 Wednesday Weather mild and thawing a snow storm last night with high winds this morning there was a lot of shoveling as it had drifted. Geo. is cleaning the store and straightening things up. The radio worked fine last night. Hellen is fixing Freida's dress today - my books were here from Binghamton when I got home. The Kloram. Rex was sick in the night.
Jan 22 Thursday Heavy fall of snow last night very cold wind blowing a gale coldest night of the season. Geo. began the inventory of the stock in the store today. The girls helped him. Morris Annis came tonight on the 5 o'clock. Rex was taken very sick today - had Dr. Vaselius come over tonight. We gave a worm treatment. He could not retain anything in his stomach at all.
Jan 23 Friday Weather very cold they finished the store this fore noon. Hellen is sewing on Freida's dress this afternoon. Rex is some better we put a raw egg down him tonight and he did not throw up but just a little of it. Cold Cold tonight windows coated & the air cuts like a knife.
Jan 24 Saturday Weather very cold this morn. It seemed colder than last night. We prepared for a cold night every where. This morning the air was so keen we could hardly stay out door a minute to view the eclipse. We awaited breakfast until after the shadow passed over the sun. The sun came out very bright just before the eclipse. It was a grand sight. We all had a smoked glass to look at the earth had a bluish cast and a glimmering glow over the snow like a flickering light.
Jan 25 Sunday Weather a little milder the roads are very bad the heavy fall of snow drifted in places. Toot came up this afternoon was from forenoon until after three getting up here. I listened to the morning services at Schnectady on the radio and the afternoon from Washington D.C. in the evening. We had Dallas Texas so plain that we could sing with the choir and Miami Florida very very plain.
Jan 26 Monday Weather very mild thawing some. We washed the windows in sitting room and parlor and kitchen. Cleaned all the rooms below. The Jan. thaw today. The radio evening service very good. I sat up until 1 o'clock. reached Hastings Neb. " A fine Pro"' anniversary of Robert Burns a Scotish program very fine. A very rageing storm coming wind blew a wild gale all night. zero coming
Jan 27 Tuesday Weather this morning very cold zero. Weather it grew so cold in the night. Everthing but thawing to day. Nearly frooze going down to end the hens. We are prepairing for the coldest night so far. Kinley is setting up the new radio that came yesterday with out being ordered. Trying it out tonight- it came in with the inside ariel first then we put it on the outside worked very good but o better that our first one.
Jan 28 Wednesday Weather 20 below zero. We had some time tonight keeping warm with a furnace and kitchen range up stairs and a wood fire downstairs. When morning came it was feirce. We did not get up until nearly 8. I have made 6 little Mexican men today to give away for pin & needle cushings.
Jan 29 Thursday Weather zero We worked at the white curtains today. Got the box form Albert today. With Dads medicine and the shirt and stocking for Kinley.
Jan 30 Friday Thawing some this morn snow snow all we wanted to see it kept us busy until noon shoveling paths. Mc Kinley cleaned Mrs Odell's and helped Mr Vose. Dad shoveled the porch roof off. We worked at the white sash curtains in the afternoon Kinley went down town after dinner and did not come back until 7. I cleaned the parlor library table scarf and several other things that needed it. A letter from Albert today.
Jan 31 Saturday The sun came out fine and it thawed some, then grew colder. We did a big washing and ironing today. Got things all cleaned up. Kinley made a loaf cake and some brown bread for dinner. I put up the long white curtains up to my bedroom window. Got a letter from Mrs. Beegle today.
Feb 1 Sunday We had chicken dinner, vanilla cream on cake turnips. I was to late to get the Schnectady sermon on the radio but got the service at NY and Washington.
Feb 2 cloudy Monday The old bear did not see his shadow around here cold air most night. Had a fine band concert from Springfield Mass from Lepps Band studio. Also Zion Ill gave a sacramental program and Davenport Iowa a American Legion conference.
Feb 3 Tuesday Moderate weather thawed some during middle of day but tonight the air is stinging cold. I sent out 5 letters today 1 to Zion 1 to Davenport 1 to Auburn 1 to Ohio concerning my patriotic American paper and 1 to Albert. Listened to Hotel Sattler this afternoon. The radio worked fine tonight I reached Denver Colorado for the first time.
Feb 4 Wed. Cold very cod air all day. Dad run a nail in his foot this fore noon. Freida went down town after dinner. I went over to the store while she was gone. I mended Johnies under clother and washed a few pieces.
Feb 5 Thursday Moderate weather thawing I cleaned the closet in the dinning room of a lot of junk the dried sweet corn was all spoiled made the elderberries into wine that was down cellar every since last fall. Richard came on the noon train today. Sent the coffee and cheese to Albert today. Heard tonight that Margaret Bradley has the scarlet fever. The big scraper cleaned the snow off of the roads. Richard cleaned the snow of of the front inside walk and made some paths. Flurries of snow tonight.
Feb 6 Friday Mild thawing all day we worked from after breakfast until late tonight shoveling snow and ice on the store roof and making paths to keep the water from running in. Richard and I cleaned the hen house. Earl Snyder and wife were here last night to hear the radio program. McKinley got a letter concerning the day. Fan radio today.
Feb 7 Saturday Weather mild and thawing again this fore noon McKinley went down town and got an elbow for the astern conductor to stop a leak that the water was running in the cellar. I guess we have everything finished with water trouble. Mr. Zimmer and Kinney are shoveling the road to the garage
out. I am so lame and sore from cleaning yesterday that I can hardly do anything.
Feb 8 Sunday Weather mild thawing all day snow slowly disappearing we had chicken again today. The radio did not work well all day and in the evening it failed to work could not hear hardly at all.
Feb 9 Monday Warm frooze just slightly last night. We did our washing this fore noon. Richard cleaned my goose pen all nice this afternoon. I had to give up hearing the Zion program tonight as the radio would not work. Freida went over to see Nellie Van to let her know about coming over Tues. night. Freida done the ironing tonight.
Feb 10 Tuesday Warm ice all broken up creek rising tonight as it is raining. I put the nest in the cage in the dinning rooom today. Richard is going home tonight on the 5 o'clock train. He took the gander to Ithaca with him for me. Toot phoned to me for it. Our Betsy Ross Ladies meet tonight. Geo. and Hellen came about 7 tonight.
Feb 11 Wed. Thawing raining all night the creek is very wide this morning
Feb 12 Thurs. Richard came back tonight.
Feb 13 Friday The boys put up the new ariel from the crabapple tree to the chimney on the house today. Also sawed the old apple tree up into stove wood. I sat up until after midnight to listen for news from Sand Cave KY on the radio concerning Floyd Collins as the miners were nearing the cave in sinking the shaft where they were to find him.
Feb 14 Saturday The boys cut the other apple tree down and worked it up today. No news from Sand Cave today. The girls are both crocheting a center table scarf ends like mine in the parlor.
Feb 15 Sunday Cold and snowing a blizzard like day. I heard the church services from NY today. Geo. and Hellen and Richard went to W Danby and on down to Toot's today they got back about 7 tonight. No news from Sand Cave only what the telegram gave today.
Feb 16 Monday Weather cold air snappy. We washed a big washing today. Had more clothes than our lines could hold. Had to hang on the line at the store. The girls did the ironing. This evening about 6 o'clock we got news over the radio that they had reached the bottom of the shafts at Sand Cave KY and found Floyd Collins dead at 2:30 o'clock today. Our little veal calf went to market today he weighed 1G5# - $18.00
"Earth to earth; ashes to ashes; dust to dust" - the familiar, fateful words were spoken yesterday afternoon at the mouth of Sand Cave and Floyd Collins was left to sleep in the tunnel which is to be his grave.
Thus ends a tragic incident and Collins' name and fame will slowly fade from memory, except in the neighborhood where he dwelt or to those who will visit the cave and be told the story of Colins and his fatal adventure. Collins' father asked that his son be left where he lay. Had he been found alive, many men stood willing to risk their lives to save his. Many men did brave great peril to sink the shaft and learn his fate. But now that Collins is dead it is better that the cave be his sepulchre than that other brave men
should lose their lives in the perilous cave.
Cave City, Feb 18 (Associated Press) Sand Cave Hill, torn open in the struggle to rescue Floyd Collins from the grip of an underground trap, was slowly closing in again today upon his body with human assistance. Unable to release him from the clutch of nature, the volunteers who fought to save him joined his family in brief and simple funeral services at the top of the rescue shaft, and six of his friends fulfill the legal formalities by announcing his identity and accidental death. The cement with which it is planned to seal the boulders over his rocky grave did not come and the sagging of the rescue shaft and it lateral tunnel
indicated natures's intention to seal him up forever. The mud and rocks, held back for a few days by heavy timbers in the rescue shaft, were settling back upon him.
Unwilling that the brave miners should risk their lives to recover his boy, Lee Collins, his aged father agreed to leave him where he lay. A prayer, a few hymns and the ritual for the dead finished the story, while movie cameras whirred and "still" pictures by the score were snapped. The best efforts of the state of Kentucky, scores of unselfish workers and the sympathy and prayers of thousands has failed. Dr. William Hazlett of Chicago, the only physician to see him in his grave, announced he had been reached at least three days too late.
Feb 17 Tuesday Cold very . We cleaned up all the rooms below this fore noon after Geo. & Hellen went to the valley this morning. Kinley shipped the day fan back to Syracuse today. He also got 2 tubes from the Co. in Elmira today for the Radiola in place of the 3 they had back. We got the whole details on the Collins case tonight. The funeral was held at the mouth of the shaft where he was to of been rescued but the workers were exhausted and after find he was dead quit work to rest.
Feb 18 Wednesday Cold no thawing. Geo brought Johnie up this morning and he went back again to the valley. The hard wars came last night. The wash tubs pails and other things came from Binghamton. We cleaned the electric chandlers and woodwork in dinning roon today. I got a letter from Mrs. Connor today. Sold Mr. Lawton 2 qts of milk today. We washed the chandlers. Mrs Harry Atwell came to look at the house.
Feb 19 Thursday Mild - Did not freeze until evening. We did not do any cleaning today. We got a letter from F Ferris saying he would take 90 dollars for the 5 pieces. I heard nearly all of Zion's program tonight. Mc & Freida attended the home talent show from Halsey Valley tonight. Matt Snook brought the small gander this morning.
Feb 20 Friday Froze last night.
Feb 21 Saturday We washed out some pieces today.
Feb 22 Sunday Mild Weather. Toot came up today. The road up at N. Spencer was very bad where the land slide was. They had to go through the field and had hard work getting out. Richard went with Earl to Halsey Valley with some cattle. Did not come home tonight.
Feb 23 Monday Mild
Feb 24 Tuesday Geo. and Hellen came today from the Valley about noon Uncle William came the same time.
Feb 25 Wednesday We all crocheted today
Feb 26 Thursday Snow this morning and everything froze up again. Colder toonight grew colder all day. Hellen and her mother went down town this
Mar 1 Sunday clear and cold Geo. and I went to church Johnie went to church Johnie went to Sunday school. We hear Zion tonight the program from start to finish.
Mar 2 Monday We did quite a was today. Geo. took Hellen down to the Valley this afternoon. Cold talk about cold air it would freeze hair on a dog.
Mar 3 Tuesday Very cold all day again thawed but little the clothes. I washed out froze very soon I washed my velvet rug that I bought of Mrs. Vanotrip it washed fine.
Mar 4 Today was the Presidents Inauguration we tuned in on the radio at Schenectady and hear the announcer tell just how the people came along the band we hard play several peices and the speeches I hard some of some of the school children came in to hear also.
Mar 5 Thursday Somewhat warmer. Dads medicine came this morning. My Buffalo trip home with Albert has cut out all this vacancy from Mar 5 to April 9
Apr 10 The Brindle cow freshoned this morning had a fine little Gurnsey Heffer calf.
Apr 12 Easter Sunday We did not go to Church today. Toot and Bell came up today. they stayed until after supper. I could not hear Zion very well tonight so did not listen. Kinley went to Elmira Sat. and got a new lot of batteries for the radio this time it is a wet cell. Hellen and Geo. went home on Sat Apr 11
Apr 13 We did a large washing today and ironed it all the same day. We got our letters from Mrs Comfort tonight. We walked down to Mrs. Sanford's tonight for a while.
Apr 14 We did not do anything this fore noon went over to the store and picked out some thing of Long and Stalkers agent. Mc and Freida worked out in the yard this afternoon filling in the driveway and sowed the sweet peas - I cleaned upstairs.
Apr 15 Rainy Dad and Freida have gone to Elmira regardless to the weather. The Big Truck just arrived from Auburn with Mr. Voses household goods. I wrote to Mr. Beebe of Candor yesterday.
Apr 19 We did not go to church today listened to the radio Mrs. Whitemore and I.
Apr 20The weather was fine today I begun the peice factory peice of 62 yds today 11 pillow cases.
Apr 21 Freida went to school house to begin her work helping Dr. Note wear in his dentist work again this year I sewed lace on all the pillow cases today. This evening I tore off 8 sheets tonight.
Apr 22 Worked at the sheets today. Mrs Whitmore sew up 2 sheet for me. Freida had a bad cold and Dr. came in this morning to see her gave her medicine she layed a bed all day. Richard went down home tonight.
Apr 23 We finished all the sheets and pillow cases today McKinley went a fishing tonight. Freida went to the minstrel show. Zion night very poor reception so much static.
Apr 24 We done a very large washing today. Als churned cleaned the cellar steps and swept the ... Edd came tonight to start to Waverly in the morning Kinney got 2 large bullheads last night. John has worked at his bee hives nearly all day.
April 25 Got the ironing done by noon. McKinley made 2 qts ice cream. This afternoon He also furnished the duck for supper. Mrs. Whitemore's brother-in-law came today.
Apr 26 I listened alone today to the sermon on radio Toot came down this forenoon and went to Johnson's for dinner. Mrs Whitemore went to Owego with Merie this afternoon. Jennie Clay was here to.
Apr 27 Freida went to the school House to assist the dentist. I cleaned all day all over the house Jenny Clay stayed all night with us went home with Kinney this morningon his way to school.
Apr 28 Freida mowed the yard this fore noon for the first time. We had our first mess of dandlines tonight for supper.
Apr 29 Dad and Freida went over to Ithaca today for the candy and a few groceries. I tended the store all day. I finished my stair pillow tonight. F- got me the black satin for it today.
Apr 30 This week is the first American boys week set aside by President Coolidge. As boy scout week all program are dedicated to forestery. The state will furnish trees to set out on half acre to any farmer wishing them all forest set out by the state are exempt from taxes. We had a rather wintery day snow falling nearly all day and very cold damp. I have been sick all day.
May 1 Very cold with some rain. Cleared up sun shown some then cloudy again. The man at the lake took our old white up to let his little foxes nurse.
May 2 Sat Cold Air all day and tonight it will freeze. Floyd Ferris was here this afternoon made our first pie plant pies today. Saw Ruby Emmonds come home with a brand new taylor suit tonight.
May 3 Sun The sermon on the radio this morning was nearly over when we got the battery ready we drove up to W. Danby this afternoon. Toot and Bell came out this afernoon.
May 4 Mon John & Mr. Birch set out the berry bushes in the garden this forenoon. Freida went to the school house again. Rain this afternoon with a little thunder shower tonight.
May 5 Tues I did a fair sized wash today. Dad had Mr. Hicks draw up the timbers from Mr. Galpins. Mrs Whitemore came back form Owego today. We heard Goldie & Dusty very good tonight.
May 6 Wed Rain again today sunshine and all kinds of weather I took the neighbors some cottage cheese for dinner today.
May 9 Sat Albert sent a telegraph to meet the late train tonight he sent a lovely bouquet of carnations and roses for mother's day. Richard came out today.
May 10 Sunday Freida and I went to church today. Toot came out this afternoon. Richard went home between 1 & 2 and came back with his folks. Kinley bought a auto mobil of Winnie Wells today. We heard a little of Albert saxaphone class.
May 11 Monday Freida went to the school house this morning to help Dr. I did all kinds of work today. Cleaned upstairs.
May 12 Tuesday Worked all day cleaning everywhere about the house down cellar. John made most of the garden yesterday and today.
May 13 Wednesday I Sent a letter to Buffalo to see about the film picture - Birth of a Nation- Cleaned the shop late today. Today was the last day the dentist Note were comes to the school house. Freida came home sick tonight. She had her teeth fixed and the root of the tooth that was broken off tried to get it out but failed to.
May 14 Thursday Cooler today I put my 8 little red chickens with the Buff Rock Hen that hatched these last one .I went down to the milliners to have my grey hat trimmed up bought a wreath of flowers for it. We churned late tonight. I am listening to Zion tonight all alone.
May 25 In the morning the ground was covered with about 2 inches of snow it dissappeared very quickly in the forenoon.
June 6 We went to Elmira this afternoon and finish the payment on auto mobile. CFCF Marconi Station Montreal Canada 42 1/2 - 36 1/2
Sept 1 This morning Freida took Richard to Elmira to go to Buffalo hence to Paris Island South Carolina US M Co Co 906
Sept 28 McKinley left this morning. Gave up all plans of future life just for a faster way in which to satisfy his own ways the way of the transgressor is hard sooner or later he sees his folly. May God bring this error to a speedy end.
Oct 9 Fri This afternoon a cold wave struck us the snow storms in the west has something to do with it at 7 it began to shift snow and wind raged all night a light fall of snow this morn the 10th been freezing all day Sat and a very cold night in view we got our first load of coal for the range this afternoon 42 him. McKinley came home from Elmira this forenoon gone back tonight he took the tubes to the Radio with him to have repaired.
Dec 20 The Gernsy Cow freshend
Dec 26 USn playing card co. Keekle Club Esqunois WSAI Cincinatta dile 2322 Harry Reeser next Thursday evening.
Dec 31 Clico-
Fred T. Loomis 610 - 611 Hulett Building Elmira, Ny
Mrs Emma Connor 117 Elm St Waverly NY
Mr Floyd Ferris 300 W. Onandaga St Syracuse Ny
S.A. Vose 315 Beech St Syracuse