![]() All of the people pictured here, and more, can tell you about their life and times on these pages.
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Address 1305 Hall Street, Elmira, NY
Phone 732-8543
Weight 185 Height 5’3”
Color of Hair Black & Grey Eyes Blue
In case of Emergency Please Notify Fred Ellison, George H. Ellison,
Dolores Polovick
Auto License No. El98.33
Jan 1 Gave Jean toilet water. Warm lovely day. George went to Scranton at 8:20 A.M. marked off then on again. Was sore at me because he marked up. Went to Candor. Fred went to Buffalo this morn. Worked back tonight. Betty went with me. John worked. Had showed at 3:00 P.M.
Jan 2 Geo came in this morning about ten. Felt better. He got some groceries and we stopped at Gulka’s. His lady friend came in nine of us spoke. She drove up behind his car so I think she was looking for him.
Jan 3 A lot of snow on the ground. Geo. called for 6:50 A.M. Went up to Dotty’s. Got her mattress $30.00 Langworthy in last night and said woman was coming for a bed. Went to bed at 10:30. Have a very bad throat.
Jan 4 Snowed this morning. Geo got in about six. Went over to John’s. Jean feeling better. Took care of Dottie’s kids tonight till 11 P.M. Did not do much. The yellow canary’s have one egg. Her eggs did not hatch. Betty’s Mickey let one baby die.
Jan 5 Straightened thro. Mickey let other baby die. Had supper with Betty. Warm and a little rain. Dottie called from Ambrose store. Took her home and made her cherry and apple pie. Geo called for 6:30. Went back to bed. John brought Geo. Shirt and gone over to grandmas. Washed hair and bath. Got groceries.
Jan 6 Went to church. Geo came in about seven. Had Fred & Betty here for dinner. Betty went to show. Ate supper there. Spotted bird has three eggs. Went to bed a while in afternoon and early at night. Not very cold. Fred came in about noon.
Jan 7 Very cold. Geo called for 8:20. Did a large wash. Took Kevin to doctors. Went down town. Got Geo shirt like one I had accident washing. Went to Heights to school, then up to Dottie’s. She gave me some dresses gave most of them to Betty. Ironed.
Jan 8 Straightened house through. Geo did not come till 2:0 P.M. Had been drinking. Got ready and went to Gulka’s. Left there and went to show at Capitol. Nice & sun out. Spent about $5.00. Had a good time. Cashed check $24.50. Fred went to Audrey’s.
Jan 9 Bladder giving a lot of trouble. Dark but not very cold. Do not feel very good. Geo called for 8:30. Fred went on i7 last night. Betty afraid she is pregnant. Dolores, Betty, the children and I drove to Dora’s for supper. I got wieners & sauerkraut for supper. Dora gave Betty some thing. Home at ten.
Jan 10 Geo came in at five this morning. Payday. Got car license spent $6.00 on drinks. Gave me $100.00. Not too cold, a little snow tonight. Fred came in on 8 back on 3. Traded his car for 49 Ford $400.00 to boost. Geo. Took bath. I worked on afghan. Car deal they backed out.
Jan 11 Mickey laid egg. Parakeets have egg. A very sunny day but not too warm. Geo called for 7:15. Sewed the afghan together cleaned upstairs and down. Took Betty after groceries got some too. Up to Dots for supper. Betty taking care of kids till I finish. Changed Geo. Ring. Took kids Dots home stayed till 12:30 A.M.
Jan 12 Richard chased Isabelle up street. Warm sunny day. Went down town with Geo. Got 3 pr stockings. He stopped at Collins played cards 1 1/2 hrs. then to Bernie’s where he put $7.00 in pin ball machine. Must have put a lot of money in Scranton. Harris ate chicken dinner with us also Betty. Helped Kenny with his lessons.
Jan 13 Parakeet laid an egg and broke it Mon. Very frosty this morn. Geo called for 7:45. Washed straightened thro. Took Betty and family also Kevy to Harker’s. Got back 6:30. Dotty not home. Over to in-laws. Am terribly tired. Guess I have to take them home. Did not go to church.
Jan 14 Warm all day. Felt badly. Got the ironing and most of the mending done. Geo took bath. Fred worked down. Geo must have been tired out slept most of the day. Think he was on a drunk. Parakeet laid her 2nd egg.
Jan 15 Rained early but was warm all day. I took a bath and did most of my work. Fred had car all morning. Went to lodge and to the supper, then to school. Feel badly. Cleaned dining room when I came home. Fred bought Willy’s $25.00 and Steve’s car.
Jan 16 Geo called in about six. Fred came on 10. Lovely spring day. Went with Geo to Gulka’s he had 2 bottles and 1 at Collins. Got back at 5 Dolores brought her bird female.
Jan 17 Had supper at Dots. Did not take Willies. Geo called for 6:50 A.M. Raining hard cleaned all through. Went to Dots we went to Watkins at 120 3rd St. and got a cinnamon male and part cinnamon female which she kept up there. He is a beauty. Will be a year old in May. Went to Stanley party at Betty’s. Fred missed out. Took Dot home at 12:30 A.M. all in. 1st egg under Mickey.
Jan 18 A lovely day bright and sunny. Got up about eleven. Steve came down. Fred laid off. Fred sold Willies for 41 Chevy and $25.00. Paid taxes. Geo went to Collins and played cards lost 2 games won one. Went to Gulka’s e lost two games. I lost one with him and lost 1 and won! With a young fellow. Had fish fry at Gulka’s. He went to bed. Parakeets tore their box to pieces broke egg and I took the other and put under. Canary she laid another this afternoon.
Jan 19 Fred cleaned car. Went after groceries. Ate supper at Betty’s. Took care of kids till 12:30. Rained and snowed. Very slippery. Did a lot of chasing for Dotty and had the work to do after.
Jan 20 Very cold and nasty. The spotted birds egg have not hatched. Guess the male is no good. Parakeet stayed out all night. Steve & family were to go to Buffalo this morning. Geo came in about 2 P.M. Fred called for 4 to go to Buffalo although laid off. Took bath. Did not go to church.
Jan 21 The spotted birds egg not fertile broke them put male by himself. Geo called for 7:15. Took kids to station loaned them $10.00. very cold but sunny. Parakeet laid another egg. Took Fred’s pass away when he came in. Worked five hours on his car last night. Went to library and Hgts. To school. Parakeet broke another egg tonight. Put one under Mickey. Doesn’t stay in nest box.
Jan 22 Made apple pie and 2 crusts. Cold rain and sleet about four Geo came in at 5. Got nothing much done. Dotty & Betty took their youngest. Fred let Willy’s freeze up and put on new head. Could not start Olds battery down. Geo took car and was gone 1 1/2 hrs. Went to school. Got home 9:30 He was dead to the world.
Jan 23 Very cold. Geo called for 6:20. Train late. Washed my hair. Did a large ironing and mending. Scrubbed kitchen and waxed it. Straightened through. Went to Rands and got penicillin for Wayne temp 103. Did not get to bed till 12:00.
Jan 24 Cold. Snowed early this morning. Did not get up till nearly 12 noon. Geo got 2.00 and was going to stay. I took car and went to the Mohigan. Got 5.00 of meat and groceries. Went to Dotty’s after starting supper. Took lunch to Steve. Saw Bernice Thomas’s car outside. Geo was there also. He’s either lying about she never goes there or he is meeting her there. Must take pains to find out. Think she is chasing her. Her license J2236. Spoke to her. Geo had to get her arms around her. I am thoroughly disgusted and it won’t take much for me to start some thing on my own. It could cost him everything he’s got or ever expects to have if this keeps up.
Jan 25 Dark and cloudy rain this afternoon. Green bird has one baby hatched. Had Dotty & Steve down for duck dinner. She mangled. Went to bed early. Got $5.71 meat. Took Bath’s.
Jan 26 Geo. Called for 7 A.M. Wanted for Koch & Lang to get up. Changed bed and washed. Went to church. Cleaned birds & went through house. Went up to Dots at 4:30 stayed till 10:30. Fred came home at six. Green bird has two chicks.
Jan 27 Cold very slippery. Did ironing made 15 cream puffs. Fred painted front hall & bathroom. Did the ironing. Went on avenue. Geo borrowed $2.00. Went to Hgts. To school. Betty sick tonight. Snowing.
Jan 29 Ate two meals over to Fred’s helped with dishes. Straightened thro down. Very cold tonight. Geo called for 8 A.M. Cleaned birds and cages. They had a lot of mites. The green birds cage was alive with tem. Gave her a new nest but she had let one bird dye and the other today. Fred painted in bathroom. Got the mending done. Puttered all day. Went to school. John & Jean over.
Jan 30 George in. Has grown very cold. Fred painted bathroom and the floor. Went after steamer and took off most of hall paper. Geo. Helped some.
Jan 31 Very cold. Geo called for 7 A.M. Fred took paper off middle bedroom and finished hall. Helped me clean up mess. Cleaned birds and paired them up. Straightened house through mopped kitchen. Took bath in sink. Home all day.
Feb 1 Much milder. Pay day. Geo kept $37.00 and gave me $100.00. Have to ay insurance $60.00 so won’t have much left. Went over to John & Gulka’s. He did not pay any bills.
Feb 2 A very lovely day. Betty, Delores and I went after groceries. Geo. Laid off and worked on middle room upstairs. Was waiting for us when we got back. I went to stayed to Gulka’s till nearly 3. Came home got some dinner then went to Bath and on to Geneva. Picked up 3 soldiers. Took 2 to Bath and one to Elmira to bus station. Home about 2. Fred went to Buffalo.
Feb 3 Warm today. Is raining this afternoon. George has worked on the room. When he wasn’t sleeping. Drank a lot yesterday. Think he gave one soldier money. Went over to Mary Birds and got plaster Steve left. This mess is driving me crazy. Gave birds nests 3.
Feb 4 Rainy. Geo called for 6:15 A.M. Washed. Fred put undercoat on and has painted the room Orchid. I got the paint for green room. $3.16. Went to library. Took Dot downtown. Got some groceries. Went to Hgts. To school and have tried to straighten up downstairs. Washed hair.
Feb 5 Sprinkled a little. Went to lodge. Geo. Slept nearly all day. Did some patching in the hall. Fred worked at the painting. I went to lodge where Dorothy Harter and Mrs. Tyler had a run in so the contest is discontinued. Went to art class. Changed beds around. Ate supper at Betty’s. Geo went and got some beer.
Feb 6 John here and thinks he’s sold his home. Went to Horseheads to look for birds. Ironed and mended. Not very cold. Geo called for 6:30. Fred finished the patching and first coat of paint. Steve came at three and helped. Betty’s baby has a bad cold and she has gone to show at school house. Fred took Polovick’s home and has been gone more than an hour. Had both families here for supper.
Feb 7 Went over to John’s. Looked at outside of house. Very lovely day. Marked on another job but he was bumped. Put back three engineers and laid off two fireman.
Feb 8 Payday. George called for i7 P.M. Fred took car and check and drank all day. Got arrested at New Yorker for drunkenness. I walked downtown and tried to find car. Was almost crazy. Straightened the middle room. Washed paint in bathroom.
Feb 9 John & Jean went Fred’s bail. I went over there and to P.H.A. He got off free. John & I talked to judge. His father sore at me. Betty took car at 2 and didn’t come back till 7:30. Went to bed and got up. Went to see John and they road the to Horseheads for ice cream stopped at Dots. Bumped off regular job.
Feb 10 Lovely sunny day not very cold. Went over to Johns and I went with them to look at a house. A very lovely little place. Geo was waiting for me to get back said he was going to round house but hasn’t gotten back yet. Had chicken then drove to Willie Ellison’s and from there to Auburn. Called on four families. The home again. Had lunch at Willie’s. Coffee, cake, ice cream meat loaf and bread jell. Home about 10:00.
Feb 11 Not very cold. Geo gave all the morning till 2:00. Did a very large washing. Fred got his license. Hung most of the clothes outdoors as he had taken down line in cellar. Very windy. Went on avenue and got George. He marked up on extra list. Fred goes around as thou’ in a sulk. Went to Hgts school.
Feb 12 Cold and windy with snow flurries. Part cinnamon bird laid this morning. Bird Dot gave me for X-mas laid 2 eggs and I found another this morning on bottom of cage. Father Holland D. gave me for X-mas. Geo went at 12 and didn’t come till after six. Went to Toti’s school. Finished snow scene of farm buildings.
Feb 13 Fair and cold. Betty went downtown. Geo went to Collins. Is first out. Laid on extra three days. Did large ironing and mending. Made large dish of scalloped potatoes for contest supper at Mrs. Stermmer’s. 6:30 P.M. Played cards. Got home 10:40 iced cake. Geo called for a midnight yard job.
Feb 14 Bird female Dot gave me won’t sit on nest laid 4 eggs. 1 had nail puncture. Fair and very cold. Got up 9:30. Went to bank and had chic made out for Spencer Insurance Co. $57.87 got some groceries. Betty did Mary’ Birds hair. Dora and DeYoung here. Dora has been very sick. Went with Geo. To Gulka’s and over to John’s. John borrowed $5.00 got supper for him and Fred’s family.
Feb 15 Cold. Got some meat. Worked all day and haven’t done much. George got up about 1 had dinner and made macaroni & cheese for supper. Jo went to Spencer. Bought 3 doz. Eggs John bought from grandma. Took left macaroni to Fred’s. Stayed with Dots kids tonight. Put eggs under cinnamon bird.
Feb 16 Not too cold. Snow tonight gave Fred $5.00 for birthday. Cleaned downstairs. George slept nearly all day. Fred, Betty and kids went to Betty’s sister. Drove Hudson. very slippery tonight and they’re not back yet. Kids got back at 11:20. George had decided on job.
Feb 17 Snowed and rained. Had all three of the kids here for chicken dinner. Of John had to argue against the others. George left about 3:30 to get his skin full. Is called up tomorrow for hearing on putting engine in hole. Dot stayed for supper. Took them home.
Feb 18 Took car to got to drugstore and did not come back for me in time for school. Thawing with some sunshine. Washed and straightened thro’. Dot took her female bird home. She is the one she carried in the cold then hung in hot kitchen. Took female last night. I got from Mrs. Dorsett first. Geo went for hearing. Took blame. Walked to avenue and he wasn’t there.
Feb 19 Ironed and didn’t do much else. When Geo got up of course he made excuse to run off with car. John here. They fell in love with house. Rice built. Went to school. Lodge also but preferred school. Started another picture. Can’t see I make much progress.
Feb 20 Payday. John over first thing after we got up. Geo drew $70.00
gave me $25.00. Had car greased and oil changed. Have looked through every
thing for insurance paper. Found one. Had a few drinks. Saw Tommy Savino.
Feb 21 Some snow. Not very cold. Dot called for me to come up. Thin
her arch has broken down completely took her to Hgts. Made cake for sewing
club at her house. Went Geo and I went to Gulka’s made a call on Mrs. Gibbons.
Feb 22 Cleaned thro downstairs. Geo got up about 2. Got dinner. We went to a fire and he wanted to get hair cut about 2:30. It is now 10:45 and isn’t home yet. Came at 11:00.
Feb 23 Gave Geo a lecture for leaving me all the time yesterday. Straightened house. Took bath and went and got groceries also up to Dot’s got supper. Not very cold. Bright and sunny saw Bernice Thomas in Mohigan. She looked like what she is. Blue socks, green coat. Hair in bobby pins.
Feb 24 Nice day. Geo. Mopped around all day. I went to church. Did not do anything all day. Fred came about 10:d30. went with Jon and looked at a house on Jefferson St. Geo is mad at me for telling him the truth.
Feb 25 Did a washing. Went and looked at a house on Schuyler Ave. Nice day but hung clothes in cellar. Went out with Geo. U to Dottie’s and finished two pictures in the Hgts. School.
Feb 26 George went to Buffalo this morning. Fred painted the back bedroom. Dolores, Betty and I went to Candor. Got back 5:30. Did not stop in Spencer. Went to Toti to school and then over to John’s. Had just started to mangle when Geo came at 11:30.
Feb 27 Lovely sunny day. Finished the ironing. Went with Geo and we went to Hunt’[s in Athens. Had chicken supper at Betty’s. Then went to Gulka’s and played cards. Had a good time. John bought house on Schuyler Ave.
Feb 28 Lovely day. Cleaned our room washed paint also the back bedroom. Marred the floor pain. Fred went to Elwin’s. Took paper off their kitchen plaster came too. Worked until after eleven. Guess I never was any tired.
Feb 29 Lovely day. Payday. Geo dew $83.00 gave me $60.00. Went up to Dot’s for fish dinner. Got Dot and took her downtown. Went to Gulka’s for a while. Stopped at the Dalia.
Mar 1 Didn’t do much snowed this morning. Took Dot after groceries and got a few myself. Fred went to work out of Buffalo. Lost a baby bird. Broke up the nest. Eggs not fertile. Straightened the house.
Mar 2 Very nice day. Had both families here for dinner. Dot went over to Steve’s people. David and Kenny to show and they walked home. Went and played one game of cards to Gulka’s then to Corning up to Jack’s
Mar 3 Nice day. A little cloudy. Did not get up till nearly noon. Finished doll dress for Dot. Painted glass for old picture. Went over to john’s house and to arts class teacher took us to hear Mr. Richie noted artist on Mobile statues.
Mar 4 Washed. Rained. Straightened house thro Mickey laid egg. Went to Dot’s for ham supper. Went to school and lodge. Finished doll for Dot.
Mar 5 Cloudy but not too cold. Did the ironing. Went with Geo. When he cashed check. Had car washed and tire fixed. Put new tire on front right. Paid for paint. Found color for downstairs.
Mar 6 Sunny but cold. Slept till nearly ten. Do not feel so good. David here and had our trip pictures out when I came down stairs. Up to Dot’s for supper. Finished green doll. Geo got 5 days and 5 demerits for pulling engine off track. Fred came in on 8. George got drunk.
Mar 7 Took bath. George took money out of my pocketbook. Went down town and to the Market Center off Caton Ave. Haven’t done much of anything Dot came sick. Fred went back on 15. Put 4 eggs under Mickey. Geo beat it again.
Mar 8 Cold & Sunny. Geo. Was supposed to go to Y and didn’t. Tried to find him. He telephoned about 730 and had too much to drink. Tried not to quarrel with him but he took a hundred fifteen dollars out my pocketbook – gave me back $85.00. Sent Fred 20.00. Chased him and went out with Cots & fireman home at 3 and still wanted to quarrel.
Mar 9 Lovely sunny day. Took Betty to her mothers. Had dinner there then down to Grandma Glenn was there got her bird cabinet.
March 10 Mild and windy. Payday George sneaked away in the morning before breakfast. Came back and away again. Chased him to Gulka’s. Went to school cleaned bird cabinet played cards till 6, Took Shaw home. No money.
Mar 11 Rainy and mild. Water over flats at Big Flats and Wellsburg. Geo helped John move. Had them here for dinner and Dolores tonight is having them. Got check from Insurance and it wasn’t right.
Mar 12 Cloudy warm. Went up and got Dot was here all day. Fred worked down. Haessloop offered him a life time job Casady came over. George blew up over nothing Slapped my face. Wasn’t drunk either. Told me I couldn’t take car but I did. Went to work Hostelling s
Mar 13 Cold, snowed got up late. Took out income tax down and he showed me how to make it out. Wrote letter to Kinney.
Mar 14 Mild
Mar 15 Wonder warm sunny day. Cleaned rather good down stairs. Dust mopped up. Washed my hair . Took bath.
Mar 16 Cold & Snowy. Went to church and then stop to “Greatest Show on Earth”. Very good . Drove up to Dots ate dinner. Blew up at George the way he snapped at me. Went with kids to Waverly to Betty’s sisters.
Mar 17 Very cold & windy but sunny. Hung most of clothes outdoors. Made clothes for Wayne’s doll. Mangled clothes on line. Went to school at Heights. Went to Gulka’s took Hayward to Tom & Jerry to see Maud Harris brought chain. I ironed.
Mar 18 Not very cold. Didn’t do much. Cinnamon bird starved 3 wks old chick. Would not cover it. Am discouraged. Wish I knew shat I do wrong. Went to lodge 17 there only one that would not have been in afternoon.
Mar 19 Bad slushy snow storm. Fred drove Steve’s car down from Buffalo started at 8 and got here at eleven. They were very pleased with car. Geo. Slept nearly all day. Probably getting ready for tomorrow. Car out of gas. Mended.
Mar 20 Gloomy not very cold. Payday. It’s nearly ten Geo hasn’t come
from work Cinnamon from Watkins laid this morning. Fred is on 15. One bird
hatched under Mickey. Geo got feeling. Peter’s did 4.60 work on car worse.
Sewing Club tonight. Something’s wrong with wheel on Steve’s car.
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George Ellison 1917 | Helen Barber 1917 |
Mar 21 Nice day. Rained in morning thunder showers. Got groceries and paid light bill. Not much left. George took me for fish fry. Car got hot blowing off water hose losing all Prestone. Went to Izards for Dot 2 hrs wasted.
Mar 22 Rainy. Have been uneasy and a nervous wreck all day. Wanted to get away but Geo objected so stayed home. Mrs. Scanlon came with lodge book and had supper to Betty’s that Dot furnished. Took care of Dots kids till 1:00 Couldn’t sleep. Paid bread bill $2.75
Mar 23 Warm rainy clearing off in afternoon. Put eggs under Watkins and Holland bird four. Did not go to church. Had Betty & kids to chicken dinner.
Mar 24 Nice a little cloudy. Washed hung clothes outdoors. Put 4 eggs under Watkins male and Dorsett female. Straightened up downstairs. Went to Hgts. to school.
Mar 25 Geo didn’t leave house all day. Lovely day. Fred came last night on ten. Took Olds & Willy’s to College to be sold to be sold. Went back on 3. Have felt bad all day bad pain in left eye. Did ironing to Betty’s for dinner. Went to school. Came back early felt so badly.
Mar 26 Lovely day. Clouding up this afternoon. Had Betty here for dinner. Feeling a little better. Head still wobbly. Going downtown. Bought pink dress material. Started for Candor. Car blew something in motor. George had a big drunk for himself but went to work.
Mar 27 Nice day. Went downtown. Had glasses adjusted. Head some better. Got material for another dress. Got car fixed $21.75. Blown head gasket. New hose, new thermostat bearing in steering wheel. George slept till four o’clock Dot sold doll gave me 8.00. Went to show at Capitol.
Mar 28 Diane’s birthday. Gave her two pair socks. Gave her afghan. Cleaned very thoroughly downstairs. Geo slept on couch. Went to show and over to John’s and saw the fights.
Mar 29 Took bath in morning. Lovely day. Took car down and had wind shield wipers fixed and monkeyed around all day. Cut out green walk dress. Took care of Dots kids till 3 P.M. Washed my hair up there.
Mar 30 Lovely sunny day. Went to church. Geo was waiting. Took Mrs. Shaw with us to see trout in Catherine Creek. Dellie & Bryan here when we got back. Mr. & Mrs. Harker also. Betty had us there for dinner. Fred & Steve put in clutch at Audrey’s
Mar 31 Cloudy. Washed and clothes all dried. Had Dot & family down to supper. Had boiled ham & eggs. Went to Hgts. to school. Terribly tired. Feet are blotting. Geo slept till 4 P.M. Gave Dot 2 pr Briefs and told her I’d fix her wallet.
April 1 Lovely day. Took Dot downtown got material for dress. Took her home at noon and again at 2. Fred cleaned yard, moved ashes used Steve’s card. I cashed Geo check. Went to lodge and supper. Took Howard beets. Went to school. Geo slept all day.
April 2 Lovely day . Ironed. Straightened thro. Did some mending. Fred came home on 6. Dora telephoned. Thelma in trouble got her some Oil of Penny Royal. Betty came down with measles and sick both.
April 3 Lovely Day. Haven’t done much of anything. Hung Betty’s clothes and took down. Took Fred to Audrey’s and to train lost out last night. Geo did a papering job for Bennett. Served on green dress.
April 4 Lovely day. Got groceries for myself and Betty. Mother E. has decided to sell her home. Too much expense and property going down. Got home about ten. Geo finished job. Got check insur. Went on drunk. David’s arm hurt badly by kid throwing him over back.
April 5 Rainy & Chilly. Geo has not come home this morning. Betty called him at Y. for car to take David to Dr. Arm not broken. Dot here all afternoon. Had wisdom tooth pulled. Got two big meals for them all.
April 6 Holland & Dorsett bird have 4 baby birds. Did not go to church. Cloudy, cold & Rainy. Went over to Betty’s mothers for chicken diner. Stopped on way home to George’s mothers. Dot ad Mike’s family for dinner and friends from Candor called. Cleaned downstairs.
April 7 Stormy. Washed. Hung clothes out doors out did not dry. Went to school and took eggs to Dot. Audrey sold Willy’s for 65. Fred gave him $5.00 for sale.
April 8 George did not come home till eleven this. Did ironing. Betty a & kids ate dinner. Fred came on six. Had a couple of days drinking. Spent about 25.00 Have two birds in last nest. Straightened this afternoon.
April 9 A lovely warm sunny day. Paid Fred’s coal bill and he got ½ ton. Went downtown. Got 3 fish and food for birds also cigar plant. Betty took Wayne for a check up. David went to Ann Baker’s girls birthday party. Betty had Dot & Steve down for spaghetti supper. Geo gone all day 11 to 2 Y and Dalia. Took care of Wayne while the rest went over to John’s.
April 10 3 baby birds in large cage all died think maybe coal gas. Lovely warm day. Had N Y tax made out 25.79 for 1951 31.3 for 1950 and 14.10 for 1949. Sent check of $71.27. Geo had check of $111.52. Went with Betty downtown she got suit, shoes, bag and blouse. Dot took Kenny & David. I took care of baby in car. 2 ½ hrs. Sent Mother Priest 5.00. Crippled Children 1.00. Mrs. House card and mother E. card.
April 11 Cold and cloudy. Just like day at night. Went after groceries for myself & Betty. Fred came home in the night. Called to go to Scranton. Went to Betty’s copper party. Got coffee pot and watering pot.
April 12 Cloudy sour day. The girls went to see circus at Elaine’s and then to Easter egg hunt. Kenny won prize but older kid giving him eggs. Geo. Sore because I telephoned when girls wanted car. Took bath. Had a couple of drinks at Gulka’s. Went to mother E. took our supper and hers also.
April 13 Out of candy. Took Isabella to St. Joseph’s Hospital has gone crazy or nervous break down. Easter. Rained nearly all day. John & Jean gave us a lovely Easter Lily. I took care of kids so Betty could go to church. Made biscuits and took cottage cheese to Dotty’s. She had chicken and ham. Played cards and lost a dollar. All there but Fred. He went to Buffalo this morning. Took Mickey’s baby away tonight. She has laid 5 eggs but doesn’t seem to want to sit on them. Hope baby’s can eat.
April 14 Washed altho it was cloudy. Clothes all dried. Went down to Toti’s for lesson. Geo went to Book of Rules class. Picked him up at Gulka’s. John brought Grandma E. over but could not get them tonight.
April 15 Rainy all day till night altho not much rain. Ironed mended. Cut out dress black. Did not have enough cloth. Fred went to Book of Rules class. Took car at 4:30 and didn’t come for me to go to lodge. Steve picked me up at Bills and Bernice’s. Took car. He had enough. Helped serve Penn. Lodge washed dishes Took 3 ladies home 11:15 Fred went to Buffalo on 6.
April 16 Lovely warm sunny day. Got up late. Geo did not sleep much. Washed car then we went to Gulka’s. Berney & Geo got some shingles and he Geo. Showed him how to put them on. Went to Plaza got some groc. And cloth. Then Collins. Geo. Went away with car. Stephan hour then to Gulka’s to see fight. Betty had kids while Dot went to see. Thelma then to supper. She kept Kevy all night.
April 17 Lovely warm day. Dot came late in afternoon to take Kevy home. Betty had sewing club but did not go. Took bath. Mrs. Stermmer bought back dish. Baked a cake & macaroni. Took macaroni to Betty. Gears went out of Dots car. Mary Bird took girls home.
April 18 Permanent. Another lovely day. Helped Betty get kids ready for Buffalo. Took baby to Dot’s. Went to Cantliff for permanent. Did not get thro till 2;30. Came home. Geo. Gone. Did up some work and went to Gulka’s where I was. Played cards till five. We were to get a fish fry but he wanted to play dominoes and I went to Dots. Took care of baby. When I came back he wasn’t to be found. Said he went downtown.
April 19 A little cloudy but still warm. Took care of Wayne. Didn’t have much sleep last night. Took Wayne to Dot about ten. Got her groceries. Cleaned downstairs. Went to meet ten and up to Dot’s. Fred & Betty came while we were there. Took bath.
April 20 Lovely sunny day. Baked lemon pie. Had Betty and kids here for dinner. Went to bed for a couple hours. Worked on black satin dress. Went to church.
April 21 Sunny, warm day. Did large washing. Fred went on 15 this morning. Dolores took care to deliver Stanley goods. Went to Hghts. To school and stopped to Dot’s for hour.
April 22 Cloudy very warm. Did large ironing. Fred got clutch and bearing for Steve’s car and fixed D. P. washer. Went over to John & Geo. Helped him set out hedge & we ate super there. I went to art school.
April 23 Cloudy and cold. Some rain last night. Fred went back on 7. Betty & Kenny went to show. I got pads for stair steps also cut out red dress. Went to John’s and Finished setting out hedge. Had chicken supper. Gave e 4 eggs to Walking male and Dorsett female.
April 24 Cool & a little cloudy. Finished the black dress except the hand work. Cleaned downstairs and birds. Took a nap. Geo. Went to Lariew’s funeral parlor tonight. Fred drove Ford home. Went to sleep with legs across bar. Ankles all swollen. Can hardly walk.
April 25 Rained all day. Went to Mrs. Lariew’s funeral. Went down to Gulka’s after Geo. Marked up on H B 7. It will seem good to be by myself for awhile.
April 26 Wonderful day. Got tire fixed. Went to Newfield. Had dinner there. Supper at Dot’s. Had to clean downstairs. When we came home. Took bath at midnight. Geo. Came home about 1:30 A.M.
April 27 Lovely day. Went to church. Went to see “Quo Vadis” Eva Ellison here for awhile. Geo on avenue. Went and got him. He went to work with all his best clothes on tonight. Wonder what is up.
April 28 Lovely spring day. Washed ironed and up to Dot’s for trout supper. Went to Hghts. To school. Mickey has only 1 baby today. School closed.
April 29 Lovely day a little cloudy. Fred came from Groveland. Took Hudson back. Went to school. Have had car nearly all day. Went after George on Ave.
April 30 Lovely warm spring day. Geo. Left this morning before I got up. Got home about 6:30 and could just navigate. Called for 7:30 sore because called so early. Casady came over. Worked on bedrooms.
May 1 Lovely day. Went to Buffalo on 15 and came back on 8. Called Mrs. H 3 times but could get no answer. Shopped not buying much. Went to show “Pa & Ma Kettle at the fair.
May 2 Had a bad frost last night. Cold & windy but sunny. Geo got
his pay but only gave me 20.00 Don’t know what is biting him. Seems to
be drinking all the time. Got a few drinks today. Fred came in this morning
about 7i and had had an all nighter.
May 3 Diamond $16.09 Lovely day. Went to bingo. Aunt Leona met me we
went to see Charlie Sibley in hospital then she took me to Old Barn for
dinner. Came home on 5.
May 4 Cold & Sunny. Went to church. George took car I& disappeared. But wanted it to got to show. No one went anywhere but him. Geo. Says he’s going to leave me anytime.
May 5 Cloudy this morning but washed just the same. George asked me to got for a ride. Instead took a bitch out. Car stopped and he was towed to garage. He had been out with her again when I caught him at the Y. We went to Owego, Candor car stopped again outside Spencer.2.00 for towing & 1.50 for fixing. He berated me all the time with his going to leave me. Really was drunk Proper.
May 6 Got the keys which he demanded this morning. Came to my bed & was ready to be nice if I was willing to do as he wished. Went to lodge & school. Geo came in at five this morning. Guess e had been a Y playing dominoes.
May 7 Windy & chilly but sunny. Parakeets have not hatched any although I can hear them peep opened on a little on end. Washed windows and baked cookies cleaned up house.
May 8 Lovely day. Pay day. None of it came my way. George paid taxes and water bill. No groceries. Got some paint. He got half stewed but worked. Fred went to Buffalo on 3. Bad fire on Division Street.
May 9 Made two cakes for mothers. Clear & warm. Have been about sick all day. Dot gave me pocket book. Betty two pr. Stockings and2 crystals. John 1 pr stockings. Have a baby parakeet other died. Geo. Gave my pansy and five roses. Got half doz. for his mother. Rain tonight.
May 10 George went out tonight. Made two cakes for the mothers. Was sick all day. Worked on red dress.
May 11 Rainy Took Betty home went down and got mother E. took to West Danby to church, had dinner there stayed till 3 then to my mother’s they were at H. V. (Halsey Valley) but came shortly stayed till 8:45 then got Betty at W. D. (West Danby) got home 10:30.
May 12 rained hard all day. Cleaned up house. Wet with George on Ave. and over to John. Was feeling pretty good. Feel better today. George painted rest of stair steps.
May 13 High wind & showers. Warmer. Did washing. Went up to Dollies mangled sheets. Betty took clothes down while gone. Went to school and finished ironing when I got back. Dead tired.
May 14 Lovely sunny day. Cleaned up downstairs then went up to Dellies. She is real sick. Took her to Dr. and to store. Stayed till 11:15. Got home about 12:40. Put in 1.00 gas.
May 15 Cloudy & rainy. Went up to Dot’s she bought 2 rugs. Geo wanted to know where all the gas went. So have I before now. His girlfriend is Helen the new waitress at Y. Came there about a month ago. He has it bad. Guess I’ll see if I can get a job there. The help have no use for her.
May 16 Lovely sunny day. Worked on red dress all day. Casady here and has taken his old room with Betty. Helped her put up beds. Take down changed mattresses. Cleaned upstairs.
May 17 Finished red dress and cleaned house downstairs. Took care of Dots kids till 12:45. Walked on Ave. saw Albert. Is living on Southside. Geo. Went to work early $ P.M.
May 18 Mother E. birthday a lovely day. Went to church. Betty and I went to Art gallery and to Corning glass center then up to Jack’s and they had come to Elmira to put Sandra in the hospital for operation on her eyes.
May 19 Lovely sunny day. I did not was. Went to Y visited with Mrs. Austin. Geo acts as tho he was crazy. Left me there and went to beer joints. Went down. Brought Mrs. Pelchy here and gave her some slips. Geo rushed home before we were even thro.
May 20 Rainy & cold. Fred came in last night. Geo went and got his pay would not give me any. I hired out to James as an extra. Went to lodge & supper. Played cards. Got home 10:45. Geo gone.
May 21 Some rain. Cleaned. Took Betty for groceries. Went up to Leona’s & stopped at Dot’s. I ate at Dot’s. Fred came home &I wanted me to go with Hayward & then out to supper. Went to Montour I had sandwich & two drinks. They had spaghetti. Stopped Hickory house. I had 7 up. Fred ordered pizza. Hayward and I went after them. I did not eat any of drink.
May 22 Did not do anything yesterday except take care of the birds. Didn’t speak to George or he to me.
May 23 Nice sunny morning. John was supposed to come over yesterday but did not show up.
May 24 Straightened through house.
May 25 Went to church. John came over and we went for a ride to Montour
Falls. Up to his mother-in-laws and then to Lowman. George awful
drunk. Telephone Mrs. Carr he was thro. Told John & Jean about it.
May 26 John & Jean came over to see if we were going with them
on trip. Geo went to Scranton at 5. Got up & got him lunch and breakfast.
He was in a bad way. Washed.
May 27 John & Jean started for their trip this morning. Stopped and hollered Ironed. Went with Geo. on Ave.
May 28 Fred to make up with Geo. last night. We had been out. He got mad & went downstairs. Guess he enjoys living in a quarrel
May 29 Payday. Geo gave me 50.00. Kept 60 for himself. Bought some groceries. Fred changed oil in car and filled it with gas. Has bee to Audrey’s three times. Went on 3 to Indianapolis. Took kids to Harker’s.
May 30 Got the work done up. Brought the baby down. Got ready and went to candor, to H.V. and Flemingville. Girls gave 1.00 for gas. Got home about 10. Dolores went to Lake at six.
May 31 Cleaned house all through. Took bath & washed hair. Geo called for ten this morning.
June 1 did not so anything all day. Had kids all here for chicken dinner. Geo came on ten last nigh & came home at 3:30 lit. Went back on 3. We went to Harker’s after boys. Got home about 9.
June 2 Changed some beds. Betty washed but I didn’t. Straightened but didn’t do much of anything. Bought three cages and white top not bird 13.00.
June 3 Nice day. Went to Mrs. Kinner’s funeral & to lodge. Packed a few things and started. Cashed checks 193.00. Had supper at Dellies stopped in Buffalo. No one home at Hamilton’s.
June 4 Nice day. Came home tonight. Thursday went to Hickory House. Geo cashed check gave me $20.00. Trip took $60.00. Stayed outside Fredonia in cabin.
June 5 We arrived home at 3:30 A.M. very tired. Got some plants at Geneva, Ohio. Went to Cleveland. Boats do not run so started right back. Had a very good time. Went to Hickory House for dinner.
June 6 Very warm. Did large washing and the mangling. Cleaned upstairs & kitchen. Took car so Steve could go to doctors. Has yellow jaundice.
June 7 Very warm. Ironed. Took care of David. Cleaned downstairs. Did large ironing by hand. Fired out. Fred, Betty & Delores went to Olean after Dodge car. Geo called for 5 P.M.
June 8 Very warm. Went to church. Betty gave Dolores a permanent. Dragged a car down from Audrey’s. Sold Chevy, Ford & Packard. Haven’t done much today. Cinnamon female hatched 3 chicks.
June 9 Lovely day. Did not do much of anything as Geo. was home.
June 10 Payday. Geo gave me 70.00. He got himself a pr of shoes at last and some socks.
June 11 Geo got bumped. Went downtown & got new girdle. White gloves
June 12 Warm. Fred & Betty went and got Mrs. Harker. Geo got a few drinks and called Whitehead. Was disgusted with him. They don’t call him.
June 13 Geo had X rays taken of his teeth. If he feels as badly as he acts he must be really sick. Betty & I went downtown. Got roses for Geo. for father’s day.
June 14 Very warm. Betty gave her mother a permanent.
June 15 Very hot. Went to church & Geo went also. Betty & mother went to the Baptist. Then over to Harker’s for dinner. Steve worked. Geo drove to his Mother’s. Gave Mrs. Harker spotted bird form Holland stain
June 16 Very warm. Didn’t do much of anything but necessary things. Geo making a big fuss over his leg. Teeth are OK. Guess it’s the drinking he has done.
June 17 Very hot. Did a large washing. Geo made a couple of trips to Y. Went after Fred to Audrey’s. Geo took bath. Marked up for work. Went to art school.
June 18 Ironed & mended. Cool. Fred got his back pay $454. Gave it to Betty. They did not pay. Betty went to Dr. with baby & up to Audrey’s. Drove to Candor. Dot went too. Went to Blanches. Fred drove like mad. Got drunk. Demanded car when I wouldn’t let him have it. Kicked Betty’s door in. Went on 7.
June 19 Cool. Took wooden bird cage to Dot. Geo got back pay $504. Paid for 5 ton coal $103.50. Did not give me any. Took it all with him. Guess he doesn’t feel I helped earn any of it. Betty has yellow bird form Holland strain.
June 20 Cool. Payday. Fred out all night. Went to Buffalo this noon. Went to Harker’s and got strawberries and flowers. Parakeets hatched a bird this afternoon.
June 21Muggy. Cloudy. Did not do much of anything today. Waxed the upstairs but did not get downstairs done. Had all the kids here for dinner. Got groceries. Geo gave me $400.00.
June 22 Rather warm. George went on three. Took both families and drove
to lake. Dolores did my washing got home at 12:15
June 23 Cloudy and not too warm. Went to saw mill. Looked for some
shoes. Got screen doors. 6.03 and letter for house. Mary Lou came home
last night. Baby Parakeet died. Had car greased & bought trailer hook.
June 24 Very hot & muggy. Did an ironing and straightened thro. Fred drove car home. Geo got paint & painted eaves through. Went up to Dot’s. Got a dress in her rummage sale. Someone stole Kenny’s bike.
June 25 Terribly hot. Slept very little last night. Cleaned thro downstairs. Had flat tire. Got Gregg to put on spare. Has nail in it. Fixed dress and washed and ironed it. All day getting work done.
June 26 Very hot George got bumped. Is going to wait and see if he can get other guys job. Got 10 gal tar for roofs.
June 27 Very hot. Took care of kids. Fred & Betty went to water follies. Bobby Surdam came. Geo & I went to park. He met us & brought us home. Stayed till after midnight then met Fred & Betty.
June 28 Very hot. Did not go to church. Betty taken in Baptist. Bobby Surdam and wife are parting. He’s going with Mabel. John & Jean went Rodeo.
June 29 Did not wash. Geo tarred the roofs when not at Griska’s. Got 10 gal. of roofing paint for Mother. Geo worked on our roof.
June 30 Nice hot day. Drove around and tried to find Kenny’s bike. Dotty, Kids, Geo and I went to H.V. and he tarred roofs. I took slipper & cheese dish. Mother said I could have & when I went to Candor Dora jumped down my throat so I’ll take them back. Again M didn’t stand up for me.
July 1 Payday. Geo got up and left before breakfast. Went to lodge saw him when coming home. Had Jasper in car. Went to Griska’s and he picked up 4 fellows all went to Catellini and had chicken. Geo paid bill dinner $7 drinks 1.05 and cigars .50. Went to art school. Geo mad because I would not get keys for him.
July 2 Dotty & I went downtown. I got pr of shoes 10.90. Got green parakeets over to Mrs. Dorsett’s. Betty went after groceries. Fred brought Kenny a new bike. Betty & kids. Steve & kids took car and went to drive in. Steve & Dotty helped me clean.
July 3 Very warm. Went up to Dot’s. Got a chicken and some things for picnic. Got a couple pr of stockings. Bill somebody hung around all afternoon. Geo hung screen door for Mrs. Griska. They brought us home in evening.
July 4 Rained a little last night. Got up an my left arm pained me all
day. Dolores too late for parade. Waited at Spencer Lake 1 ½ hours
for them. Went to Stewart Park. Fred drove John’s car home as he had to
July 5 Nice hot day. Geo went to work after being off ten days on his
regular job. Washed. Drove down to H. V. and Dora. Steve & Dot went
to Anderson’s. John borrowed 10.00. Washed my hair.
July 6 Warm. Did not got to church. Ironed. Ate dinner over to Betty’s. Haven’t felt too good. Drove up to park. Steve & Dot went to Mrs. Brooks cottage at Odessa. Betty took kids to park. Took bath.
July 7 Very warm. Cut out and made dress except hand work. Fred & Betty took kids to her mother. I went up to Sibley’s and watched republican convention. Heard McArthur speak tonight. Fred bought a wrist watch form John.
July 8 Cloudy not so warm. Dolores & kids went to Mrs. Brooks cottage for rest of wk. Geo finished t he roofs. Fred firing Bobby Williams car, spindle bolts.
July 9 Nice rain this afternoon & evening. Cashed Ins. Check. Got some give and materials for permanent. Went up to Dots to take care of birds. Fred & Betty went out. I took care of Wayne.
July 10 Cloudy and not so warm but very close. Geo went after his pay. Stayed at Y and played dominoes. Betty went down town. Took care of Dots birds and washed Steve’s dishes. Went up to Audrey’s after Betty & Fred. Fed them their supper & they have gone to Waverly after a hand cultivator. Geo and me 53.32
July 11 Very warm this afternoon. Geo went to work at 7:30. I changed beds. Went downtown. Got seeds for birds & put 500.00 in bank. Came home. Did big washing. Fred started with Parks this morning and has been drinking all day. Hasn’t came home to go to work. Gregory & wife Dora’s Sibley’s youngest boy came from Virginia Mines to look up his father. Sibley took us to Hickory House for dinner.
Very warm. Cleaned the house all through. Did a very large ironing. Betty gave me a permanent. Geo. took car, telephoned was American Legion Hall. Came home I& blew up at me. Made an ass of himself. Took keys I& roller. Took mine and went to Chemung to races. When we got back went to Greska’s. Old man bought me a couple of drinks and we had a very good visit. Walked home.
July 13 Sunday Did not got to church. Would do nothing. If Geo doesn’t work why should I. Took care of kids while kids went to show. When here told about Dawn. Took Bambi again.
July 14 Very hot. John had Bambi clipped. Looks good. Geo got a few drinks & started an argument. Laid off. Went to Chemung to races. Geo afraid to go . Took key & roller from timer. Went to Griska’s after. Hammock broke. Fred & Betty went after kids.
July 15 Very hot. Geo got up & took kids to fair ground. When he brought them back did not come home caught him with June (girl from Y) in car. Sore. Went to lodge premice ?. Met George at Greska’s picked up Grey Wilkinson. Went to Chemung then to Wellsburg and home. Had a very good time.
July 16 Very hot. Washed car. Went down town and looked for a hammock.
Went for a long ride to Wellsburg trying to find place where pony was for
sale. Took David with us.
July 17 Very Hot. Spent most of day at Dots. She had dinner here. She
bought 10.00 of cages and rack. Helped her iron. Gave her a large mirror.
Fred got awful drunk tonight.
July 18 Very warm & muggy. Pay Day. John borrowed 10.00. Had the kids here for supper. Steve took car & went to drive in. Geo got lit. Leg bothering him. Had a fit about Fred being drunk on job & relief.
July 19 Very hot. Geo went out to Scranton. Went up to Dots. Steve sent to Corning to put car on tracks. Got 10.00 groc. Betty went down town. Fred went up to Audrey’s. Had supper at Dots.
July 20 Very hot did not go to church. Had both families for dinner. Geo took B B his afternoon. Went up to Jacks. Had lunch to Dots.
July 21 Very hot. Did a large washing. Jon bought a new Nash car. Fred thinks he sold a car to Archie Naples. John & Geo and I up to Dots for supper. Thunderstorms tonight but no cooler. Steve went to doctors.
July 22 Very hot & muggy. Did a very large ironing. Geo bought a new hammock. Went for a ride. Got lunch at Dixie and some ice cream. Went up to Dots with it. Steve went to Dr. Penicillin is poison to him.
July 23 Very hot & sticky. Went & got Dot/ She picked cukes. Too here home. Betty took car & Dot to Johns then to Dots for supper. I mended curtains and washed windows. Cleaned down stairs. John paid $10.00
July 24 Much cooler. Did not do much today. Sewed on dress listened to convention. Went with John to corning for a ride. Went down & had my glasses straightened eyes bothering.
July 25 Much warmer. Have not done much all day. Took car up to Steve so he could get pipe for city gas. Went to Audrey’s after Fred. Steve & Dot had car for but door theater. Did not get back till 1 pm. Geo called 2:30 am.
July 26 Very hot. Did the washing & ironing. Have not felt too well all day. Police man’s outing. John came & borrowed $10.00. Fred & Betty took kids to Harker’s. Sold bathing suit to Marian 2.00. Geogot his eyes fitted for reading glasses at Vorhees $13.00
July 27 Very warm. A little cloudy. Did not do much today. Nearly noon when we got up. Betty bought wine rug & runner 35.00. Dotty bought other wine rug 20.00. Got some drapes for dining room. Sold them to Betty.
July 28 Warm. Went down town and got drapes for dining room. Cleaned window. Did mending. Done at last.
July 29 Very warm. Went down town. Got two pairs of shoes black and brown & white 6.00. They aren’t much.
July 30 Wayne
Pass store Take 3rd left turn name on tree Last place on right. Large
white. Rose Arbor in yard. Happy Homs
July 31 Warm but cooler than it has been. Warm. Kevy came down for a week. Dolores loses all patience with him. Cleaned upstairs.
Aug 1 Cooler Pay day, think Geo sneaks and got his pay. Cleaned downstairs. Changed rug around in living room. Kids have had car most of day. Am awful tired. John and Jean over paid 10.00.
Aug 2 Warm. Went a few groceries with Betty. Geo gave me 40.00 kept 68.71 for himself. Had been drinking yesterday when he came from Buffalo. Said he lost at cards. Do not know how much. Fred stopped out of Corning speeding.
Aug 3 Warm & Sunny. Fred & Betty & I went to Barber reunion then down to Blanches. Got home about 5. Kevy & I went up to Dots. Had supper there.
Aug 4 Very hot. Did both washing and ironing. Geo took car and had two universal joints put in got a good load on. John took Fred to Corning and filled their skins. They went out to supper. We had Wayne. Got Doty & Steve I& drove to Spencer.
Aug 5 Very warm & hurried. Had Fred & Betty here for beef dinner. Baked a pie apple & a cake. Took care of Wayne. Feel badly tonight.
Aug 6 Very warm. A all in. The baby was a terrible care. Both girls went to H.V. then to Candor for supper. Dots kids were very good.
Aug 7 Not so hot. Cleaned all thro the house. Geo took most of the care of the baby. Betty & Dot went to H.V. Both tired out.
Aug 8 Very warm. Cleaned all the way through. Worked like the devil. Went to Dots. Did her work up. Got groceries for her & myself. Pay day Geo let me cash check.
Aug 9 Very warm. Took care of Betty’s baby. We went down town. Fred
ugly as the devil.
Aug 10 Very hot & muggy. Went up to Dots. Had dinner & supper
there. Worked on Dots dolls all day. Took Leona a canary.
Aug 11 Very muggy. Took Betty to her friends funeral & got kids. Fred on the bum. Geo got his skin full. Took kids to see fireworks. Baby parakeet got away from Dot and think it broke its leg.
Aug 12 Rained all day. Did not do much of anything today. Cleared in afternoon.
Aug 13 Warm & Cloudy. Did a very big washing. Kevy went home tonight after staying a couple of weeks. Took care of kids so girls could shop dollar day. Kinney came from California today. Started Fri at 5PM
Aug 14 Cleaned house all through and did a big ironing. Washed all the windows inside upstairs. Took a bath am dead tired. Geo went on own job.
Aug 15 Cool in the morning but hot in afternoon. Baked cookies, lemon pie, banana bread and chocolate cake. Got dinner for Kinney & his mother and they didn’t come. Geo got his skin full & blew up at me. The girls took kids to fair &I Dot & Steve went to drive in.
Aug 16 Rain – no parade. The worse day I ever put in. Mother had the very devil in her. They all got in a fight Geo & Kinney with mother. Geo & John. Fred got drunk. Shall never got to her house again on picnic day to stay.
Aug 17 Sunny Did not do much. Kinney stayed all night & left about one for Buffalo. Betty had car. Helped Dot straighten her living room.
Aug 18 Cloudy but did small washing up to Dots. Straightened thro house. Took Dot part way to Montour to see about birds. Dawn telephoned to see where Kinney was and she was sorry and if he came back would he come over.
Aug 19 Cool & fair. Ironed, voted. Geo washed car. I went to lodge in evening. Got home a little after nine. Steve want to buy a car.
Aug 20 Fair and cool. Pay day. Geo gave me check. Had stop lights fixed on car. Paid taxes $45 and my insurance 16.80. Got my operators license. Kinney and mother here for dinner and to Dots in evening. They went to Bath.
Aug 21 Rained all day. Dolores & Betty went down town. I took care of the kids & got dinner. Went to bed early & listen to radio.
Aug 22 Cloudy, windy & cooler. Fred took car this morning to got up to Audrey and never came back till nearly five. Betty & I went after groceries. Meat all picked over so didn’t get much.
Aug 23 Cool & fair. George’s people came. George went on drunk with Audrey & talked foolish when he came. Gave Kinney a picture. John came over. Got dinner for the gang. Fred not to be found. Out with Stubs House.
Aug 24 Kinney started this morning for home California. Cool & fair. Did a washing. Straightened house thro. Betty took car and went to church. Went up to Dots for chicken dinner. Did the ironing and part of mending. Washed & put back kitchen curtains. Fred out last night with woman then came home & told Betty.
Aug 25 Very warm. George & I loaned John $1300.00 to pay for his car on a note at 2% for 1 yr to be renewed or on demand. Was over there for supper. George drank too much. Said he was going to Y but went to Berny I walked down and he didn’t like. (Other women didn’t do so ) I see a lot of them doing so.
Aug 26 Cleaned thro. Had dinner with Betty. Langworthy bought me ½ doz. corn, 4 peppers and 2# beans yesterday. Am going to school tonight firs time I 2 months.
Aug 27 Warm & fair. Kevin’s Birthday. Dolores had a few kids in for ice cream I& cake. I made a shirt for him. Gave 2.00. Geo & I went for a ride. He wouldn’t stay to see the fireworks at the drive in.
Aug 28 Sunny & very warm. Geo stopped & got his. I cleaned thro and then went up to Dot’s. Bobby Surdam here. Fred & he went out. Fred missed train. Bob took him to Binghamton. Stopped & got his pay biggest ever got $200.00.
Aug 29 Very sunny I& warm. Geo started as soon as he got his breakfast. Had Betty & kids here to dinner. George has not given me any of his pay. Went down town & got my watch 4.50.
Aug 30 Cloudy & very muggy. Geo would not give me any of his pay so am going to Scranton & help him spend it. Went had a food time. Geo didn’t give me any money. Went to show. Home on 5. Tried to find Fred. Went to Arlington. Hayward there. Brought He & Fireman to Y.
Aug 31 Cloudy. Did not got to church. Did not do much of anything. Geo ran his first engine for pay 12 – 8. Fred went on 15. Am just about all in today.
Sept 1 Labor day. Rained. Geo went out & filled up sore because I went instead of Fred to Griskas. Went up to Dots for dinner. Swiss steak. Again Geo went as engineer. Fred worked yard.
Sept 2 Nice day. Rained in afternoon. Geo laid off. Did washing and cleaning down stairs. Dellie & Bryan came for dinner. Could not got to lodge but went to school & took Petamine up to Dots. Fred & Betty took car to got get Pizza’s I& a few drinks.
Sept 3 Ironed. Cleaned all thro baked 2 batches cookies &I apple pie. Watched kids while Betty tried to find Fred. John got another bird off dot. Muted.
Sept 4 Fair & cooler. Did not get up very early about noon. Went to Dotties. Cleaned birds & washed her dishes. Geo & I went for ride to Athens. Had supper there roast pork. Came home changed clothes & went to see Ralph Georgia.
Sept 5 Kinney wrote Betty got pictures. Cloudy did not do much all day. Went & got groceries in afternoon. Am just too tired to get going. Went through house. Did not sleep too well Jerry Horahan died at 5 PM.
Sept 6 Warm. Got up late. Took bath and took Cory coffee maker back. Geo tried to act as peace maker between Fred & Betty. He acts funny. Went to Horahan’s wake. George laid off.
Sept 7 Very chilly last night warm & sunny today. Went to church & then over to Harker’s. Got 3 doz. Eggs each flowers and water. Fred gone when we got back. Tried to find him but couldn’t. Said he was up to Jack’s. Had been drinking a lot. Kept Betty up rest of night arguing.
Sept 8 Cold this morning. Did not get at my washing till afternoon. All got dried. Betty washed later. Kept Wayne so she got a little sleep this morning. Stub House gave Geo a bushel of sweet corn. Am very tired tonight. Geo took Wayne & gone to round house. Hope he marks up. Want to go up to Dot.
Sept 9 Much warmer. Ironed & straightened thro. Took care of Betty’s kids till 12:30. They went out. Went to school. Did not do much on picture for Dot but got back ground in for another.
Sept 10 Very warm. George did not get up till about four in afternoon. Pay day. He is broke had 95.00 last pay. Gave me $100.00 out of 169.10. Gave me 25.00 next day.
Sept 11 Very hot all day. Went and got a plant at Mrs. Pelchies. Fred took car & gone all afternoon. Said he went to Horton’s at Mosherville. Called for BH2 4:40. Geo went to BH on HB1. Took care of Dots kids till nine.
Sept 12 Very hot 98. Did not get up very early. Told Mrs. Georgia I’d got to Buffalo with her. Took bath & washed my hair. Kids went to Harris Hill on picnic & to drive in. Took care of the baby.
Sept 13 Very, very hot. Went to Buffalo on 15. Did not get Mrs. Georgia’s car till 6:30. Stopped at Dellies. Got home at 1 am. Fred on drunk. Got him home & he wouldn’t go to bed. Bawled. Got in fight with Betty. John went to Buttler.
Sept 14 Still very warm. Did not get up till noon. Geo didn’t get in till eleven. Had Bettty &I kids here for dinner. Fred went on 9 and started home with car. Broke a piston and had to leave it at Groveland.
Sept 15 Rained all day. Took care of all five boys while Steve, Dottie & Betty went after car at Groveland. Am all in. cleaned all through didn’t get through till after midnight. They got back 9:30 76 mi.
Sept 16 Nice warm day. Geo slept most of day. Did a washing. Went to lodge at night. Fred went out on drunk. Betty thinks he was with a woman. Said I would go to P.Y.M.C.A to lodge 2:30. Sept 24 and Oct 2 help in taking in new member at 1 pm.
Sept 17 Rather warm. Did ironing and mangled some for Betty. Straightened thro. Went downtown. Got frill suit dress & 2 slips. Went over to John & Jeans. Had supper there. Taking care of Fred’s kid till 12:30 am.
Sept 18 Rainy. Did not get up till noon. Went up to Castanelli for chicken dinner.
Sept 19 Pay day. Geo gave it all to me. Late in being called. Picked tomatoes in garden & canned 14 qts. Made a batch of catsup. Went & got 20.00 of groceries. Am all in.
Sept 20 Lovely warm sunny day. Geo did not come home till 11:45 and had stopped along the way. Went to Grand Prix. Am boy killed & 12 injured. Went down to Gulka’s. Baked a cake & made macaroni for dinner.
Sept 21 Rainy. Cleaned house thro and got started for H.V. home day at 11:d30. Took ma to dinner a& to church then over to Dora’s for supper. Drove up to Mother E then to H.V. & home by Waverly. Fred could not get car to start so pushed car home from Griska’s. Sprained my ankle at 12:30 on sidewalk back of house.
Sept 22 Lovely sunny day. Haven’t done anything all day. Ankle has been very bad. George went out & got tanked up.
Sept 23 Nice day. Washed. Took Betty to look at some furniture & after potatoes. Did her draperies. Dot down bought white bird. Went to school then took care of Fred’s kids. Rained. Fred sore.
Sept 24 Cloudy & chilly. Did a large ironing & then to PA. lodge. Practiced there. Geo was to bring car, forgot. Fred went downtown, Betty also. Fred went out till 4 am. Took Hudson had girl.
Sept 25 Cleaned the house thoroughly all the way thro. Dotty down and I joined her dollar a week club. Paid he $17.00. Getting 4 rugs & clothes basket. Hot water bottle & thermos bottle.
Sept 26 Cold & fair. Fred bought 4i7 Hudson for $300.00. Doesn’t look. Had a burned motor. Went downtown after floor or porch paint. Got material for dress. Geo got high. Played 3 games of cards at Gulka’s. Won all.
Sept 27 Very cold in morning frost . Fair and warm in afternoon. Cut out dress. Got tomatoes 1.40 2 bu. A few groceries. Up to Dos for supper. Took care of her kids till 2 am. They were over to John’s.
Sept 28 Fair & warmer. Went to church. Wreck on L. George came home on 3 over Erie. Took care of Wayne. Went up to Leona’s brother had his leg off above the knee, Friday. Got supper for both John & Fred’s family. They went to auto races at Big Flats.
Sept 29 Warm & Sunny. Geo called for 10:45 am both to Scranton. John paid 50.00 on note. Jean started driving lessons. Canned 46 qts of tomatoes and 3 for Betty. Am all in tonight.
Sept 30 Fair warm. Worked on dress. Haven’t done much today. Straightened thro. Dolores down for a few minutes. Geo. was late getting in.
Oct 1 Fair & warm My mother passed away in her sleep. Apparently with out pain. Blood vessels ruptured in her chest. Dora in Watertown. Fred got message about 12:30. I was up to Dotties and he couldn’t get the line for a half hour. All of us went down. Closed casket.
Oct 2 Mother brought to house about 5. Had supper left for home about 7:30 to mothers and listened to her be rating till after ten.
Oct 3 Got up 6:30. Washed hair took bath. Cleaned birds. Went down town got shoes and dress. Geo was going to get car fixed but couldn’t till one. Had been to Griska’s.
Oct 4 A lovely day. My mother was buried today. Nearly fifty cars followed her to her last resting place. People, her neighbors, wept openly. Her flowers were a bower of beauty a living testimony to the respect in which she was held by those who knew her best. Quietly she lived but to many she gave a lift when they needed it most. Her brother in law made this remark “She was the bravest woman I have ever known.” He is now nearly eighty. I wish I might meet life and trial as bravely as she and come out with her integrity. Her favorite sayings “ Count your blessing.” “God will take care of you” “Talk your problems with the Lord” “ Live one day at a time”
Oct 5 Stayed at Dora’s last night. Dellie, Dora, Bill & I went closed Mothers house. Got dinner. After they left Mr. Lane Episcopal minister came then we wrote card till 10:00. Leo took us out to supper we had chicken.
Oct 6 Rainy. Wrote cards then went to Owego to Johny Bartons stopped to Mother E on way home.
Oct 7 Cloudy. Took washing to Dot. Went to lodge & art school. Up to Sibley’s after school. Got upstairs straightened.
Oct 8 Got kitchen cleaned up birds taken care of. Geo went before we had breakfast and had plenty to drink when we cane. Went BB at 5:40 pm.
Oct 10 Cleaned all the way through. Saw Geo off at and then drove home. All of us met with lawyer and have started things. Geo had plenty.
Oct 11 Worked over home. Paid 80.00 on insurance. Don’t think I ever was any more tired in my life.
Oct 12 Worked over home all day. Stopped at Mother E on way home. George was drunk and over to Griska’s.
Oct 13 Left for vacation this afternoon. Drove to Dunneford, Canada and stayed first night.
Oct 19 Lovely fall day. Left Preston after dinner. Leona is a great talker. Took us around the town and we went to the Soy bean factory.
Oct 20 George drove till 1 am and I was too tired to think. He stopped at a place and got more than he needed. Sure has been ugly.
Oct 21 Got started about ten and drove like mad. Got home about six.
Fred had bought us two hot water tanks. Ours was in but his was not complete.
They worked till 11:30. John went home Geo went & got drunk. Cashed
his check. Look as thou that was his big rush.
Raved & ranted at me.
Oct 22 Went up to Dots to wash. Got upstairs cleaned. Washed my hair & took bath. No Money.
Oct 25 Nice day. As soon as I could get around went over to Spencer. Got dinner & Geo disappeared. Had new spark plugs in car and got 6 bu 3.00 potatoes 2 of apples 1.00 20.00.
Oct 26 Nice day. Left mothers before noon and Geo hunted on his way home. Did not get anything.
Oct 27 Lovely sunny day. Betty went to church. Had Dot & kids & Betty & Fred here for dinner. Chicken. They did up work. Straightened house while I went hunting with Geo. He got one squirrel.
Oct 28 Very windy but sunny. Haze all over. Large forest fire in W Virginia. Dot did my washing. Went hunting with George. He got one squirrel.
Nov 3 John over here this evening. He had plenty to drink. Big hearted he told his father to let Fred have lot in Buffalo but he could make it hard for us I’ve never heard such talk in my life.
Nov 7 Fred had a few drinks with Audrey. Left his car at Y and a fellow White had hit our car and did $1005.26 of damage. Geo had wrecker bring it here.
Nov 9 Dellie & Bryan came and we waited for Dora then ate. Had roast ham. Dora & Roy came about five. Geo. immediately became nasty. Had supper at Betty’s. Dellie gave me a beautiful hooked rug.
Nov 10 Washed hung clothes out doors but none dried so had to put them in cellar. Pay day George didn’t give me any money. 78.83.
Nov 11 George got a Nash down to Gerard’s went to Doties.
Nov 14 54 today and it seems as thou sometimes I’m so tired I can’t go on. John gave me two pr. Stockings. Dot & Fred a button holler. Geo a cross & chain & Dora a nylon blouse.
Nov 16 Went to church then washed. Took a nap. Had dinner with Betty. Then took a bird over to Dora’s for Vonny. Got 3 doz eggs. DeYoung came & I left after his report on seeing Roberts family. Kevy came.
Nov 17 Got a big turkey dinner for the family. Worked all day. Dot had two teeth out and she was in misery. Geo had a car brought back home and returned borrowed one.
Nov 18 Went back.
Nov 19 Kevy came down with chicken pox. Pay day 133.18. None. Rain all day. Took Dot to dentist and he packed her tooth. Paid $98 out in bills with 100.00 he gave me to save. Pay day but its all his. I don’t do anything. Got groceries cleaned house through.
Nov 20 Rain all day. Took 11:35 bus for Spencer. Girls had not gone down home. They got me and we paid bills. Went to cemetery. De watched television girls burned up with Sibley.
Nov 21 Rain Rag man came and took 19 bags of rags also about a ton of
paper. Straightened house & empties everything. Sibley came down &
we agreed to meet Sunday. Dot telephoned wanted me to watch kids.
Nov 23 Cloudy all met. Got linens & dishes & quilts divided.
There is so much more to be done it scares me. Decided to ask 8000 for
both places. Divide what’s left of money and wait till place is sold for
those who owe notes.
Nov 24 Cloudy but I washed. Geo out. Dried clothes on bars. Had a chicken dinner for Steve’s birthday. Deer hunting started today. George Polovick got a six point. Dot had packing out of tooth.
Nov 25 Cloudy Did a very large ironing. Seems as thou I can’t get anything done. Got up stairs cleaned. Fred went on drunk. Steve & boys were thoroughly disgusted.
Nov 26 Cleaned all the way through. Betty washed my kitchen curtains. Changed the studio couch for a single bed with Delores. Worked till after 11:00. Baked 2 pies 2 batches cookies & a cake. Fred went to Harker’s
Nov 27 Went over to John’s for Thanksgiving. Mrs. Stewart there. Geo put on the old act he had so much to do so John had to make a couple extra trips. He went home right after dinner. John took us to see Plymouth Adventure.
Nov 28 Snow flurries & colder. Cleaned pantry & door end of kitchen. Went down town got 2 sweepers for girls anniversary. Dot came in evening and left boys for a couple of days.
Nov 29 Not very cold. Did part of my work and left rest. Kids were good but of course have to play. Went to show.
Nov 30 Stephen slept with me last night. Kids were good but kept asking when their parents were coming. Glad to see Dot when she came about 4:30. Felt badly I could not go to Phillip Petty’s funeral at Waverly today at one.
Dec 1 Very cold sunny. Washed. Hung clothes in cellar. Geo played cards at Y and went with Fred to Athens. Betty went along to her sisters. They looked at cars when they came back.
Dec 2 Snowed hard. Went to lodge election of officers and furnished scalloped potatoes for the supper. Played cards after supper. Fred took off fender and pounded out timing so wheel was free.
Dec 3 Cloudy & warmer. George sick all day. Stayed in bed. Fred & Steve took Hornet to Williams. Fred bought starter for his car. Steve did running around for him. Geo. has some temp 100.8. Wish he’d gone to doctors. Laid off. They sent Kevy to school Fred worked on car.
Dec 4 Very cold this morning. Geo went to Dr Chamberlain’s this afternoon. Has Septic sore throat fever 103.7 at 6:30 tonight. Went with girls after groceries. Steve gave us a couple deer steaks and rib & neck roasts.
Dec 5 Geo better but had to have another shot of penicillin. Straightened thro. He still cannot eat well. Had supper at Betty’s.
Dec 6 Another shot of penicillin. He getting better. Had Dots car & took him. Got some groceries.
Dec 7 Another shot today. Guess he’s better as he’s played dominoes all day. Betty had roast chicken. She went to church and then Fred went after him for dinner he was too busy to eat.
Dec 8 Washed. Hung the clothes is cellar. Fred bought a car off a railroad man for $100.00. Is working steady on Hudson. Geo went to work this morning very much to my surprise at he said Dr. said no work till Tues. or Wed.
Dec 9 Took down clothes and ironed. Dolores down to night. Made Stephen a pair of crochet slippers.
Dec 10 Crochet Kevy a pair of slippers sewed soles on both pair. Haven’t accomplished much of anything. Wrote letter to Kenny.
Dec 11 Made Diane a dress except for him. Rained. John brought pattern. After midnight when I went to bed got tatted doily off to Dora.
Dec 12 Cleaned the middle and back bedrooms and straightened the other rooms upstairs. Took care of Betty’s baby while she went shopping. Rained hard. Had flash flood.
Dec 13 Dot came down and I was cleaning bird cages. Brought her rack down. Got through cleaning about 7:30. Geo went to Y and played dominoes till 12 PM.
Dec 14 Did a large washing hung it outdoors and then went to church. Had dinner over to Betty’s. Took down clothes sprinkled. Went up to Dots for supper. Played cards till 10:30.
Dec 15 Cloudy. Did a large ironing. John over. Geo took accident check put $500.00 in bank. Paid William 230. Gave me $160.00. Got me two suit cases for xmas. Bought license for car put it in both our names. Fred got drunk. Got car back.
Dec 16 Cleaned our bedroom today. Dolores helped me about an hour. Betty and I went down town and I spent over $30.00. Went to lodge and paid dues. Had supper at Betty’s.
Dec 17 Have washed all the sown stairs windows outside and in. Cleaned birds and washed mop boards and floor washed pictures and lights. Am too tired to think.
Dec 18 Nice day. Cleaned kitchen cupboards took Betty to Hgts. Up to Dots a while. Started this morning at six and didn’t get thro till after two. When we got back wrote xmas cards till after 1 am.
Dec 19 Lovely sunny winter day. Went over to Mother E took her boiled dinner, lemon pie, sweater, slippers which were too small, basket of white chrys and red berries, wreath with two candles, electric door decoration. Took her to Ithaca to see Aunt Mary & Uncle Ed. Geo went to Van Etten and tonight has gone to Y. John spoke over radio.
Dec 20 Raining. Betty and I went downtown and I finished what had to be done so I don’t get down again it will do Audrey got beater for me for Betty.
Dec 21 Went to church. Had Fred and Dotties family’s here for chicken dinner. Betty gave a permanent Hudmet which didn’t even curl. All that work for nothing.
Dec 22Did an awful big washing thro about 11 am. Hung in cellar. Straightened upstairs. Did up presents finished Diane’s dress.
Dec 23 Worked all day but haven’t got much done. Did Betty’s ironing & my own and part of Dots.
Dec 24 Straightened all the way. Went up to Dots and over to the Hgts. Got a few mote games. Fred helped Betty. Went over to John for the evening. Put turkey in oven 12:20 pm.
Dec 25 A few snow flurries. Dinner over to Betty’s. Her people there. I helped her do work. Went to bed early. Dot electric blanket & candy dish. Betty vinegar cruet. John slip, Pants, shirt, tie. Kenny 3 pot holders. Boy’s handkerchiefs, matched luggage, gloves & camera. Dellie to be operated on Jan 6.
Dec 26 Snowy in morning. Didn’t do much all day. Took Mrs. Hunt over to Mother’s. Went to Dora’s got 15 doz. Eggs .50. Stopped at Mabel Stevens in Van Etten. Got back at 10:30 watched TV till 12. Snow melted by noon.
Dec 27 Snow flurries and much colder. Fred, Geo and I went to Montour Falls. If the dealer can sell our Hudson we are to get a 53 Hornet for about thousand difference know by Mon or Tues. Betty got 5 doz eggs. The last of Dots things came today from Spugtes.
Dec 28 Our coldest night. Car would not start to take George to work. Stayed home from church so Betty could go. Am cleaning & washing. Sick tonight. Went to Dots for dinner could not eat. Car froze in fuel pump.
Dec 29 Did not get up till late. John over. George went & got more than he needed to drink. Still feel bad. Got ironing done. Trying to finish doily for Jean.
Dec 30 Got up at 4:25 this morning. Straightened upstairs and have worked nearly all day on doily. Straightened thro down also. Still feeling badly.
Dec 31 Pay day. No snow as predicted. Geo had a few drinks and argued over Dora. When will I ever learn never to tell him anything. In the coming year hope I have learned to keep my mouth shut more closer than this year. Maybe pretty soon I won’t talk anything to him he can ever make anything of it. His people are such trash and he has the audacity to try and lower mine. All his life he has always stuffed them down my throat and I’m getting tired. All my married life its been women, women and I’m tired of it. Tried to call Bernice tonight “ Their anniversary.”
Audrey Jan 4
Betty Oct 19
Genesee Fever by Carl Carmen
Dora Oct 19
Natural way to Draw by Mealwaide
Jean Jan 1
Trumpets of Dawn by Cyril Harris
Leo Jan 1
George Phillies Endicott Sq.
March 28, 1952 Diane’s birthday 5 yrs.
Got green parakeets of Mrs. Dorsett July 2 supposed to be 5 mo old 15.00 do not think they are. Said they should mate in February.
Sary, then lied.
Took care of Dot’s kids they were very good. Then took care of Fred’s
till 4 this morning. Wayne did not sleep from 12:40 till after 3:30. None
of them were drunk. Fred called for 5:40 for HB 1. Steve goes to work at
3 New Years day.
4J22.36BJ Helen Carr.
Continue Helen's Diary in 1953