Robert Bruce Park of Athens PA, and Cornell University in Ithaca NY |
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Charles Dana Park, Robert Bruce Park, William Kellog Park(seated) ~1882 |
Diaries of Robert Bruce PARK | 1893 | 1894 | 1895 |
Robert Bruce PARK was born in Athens, Pa. April 7th, 1870 and died there August 24th, 1905. He was the son of Dana Fish PARK and Lydia Minerva CARNER. He had an older half brother, Irving Kingsbury PARK, the son of D.F. PARK and Catherine BALL (who died in 1859) a sister, May Belle PARK, and two brothers, William Kellog PARK and Charles Dana PARK. He graduated from Cornell with a degree in Civil Engineering in 1894 and worked as a Draftsman and Surveyor. He married Nellie Rita MYER on December 21, 1898 and my mother, Gertrude Lydia PARK, was born on June 27, 1903 in Philadelphia. His son, Robert Bruce PARK, was born after his death, January 3, 1906.
I have transcribed as accurately as I could except for deleting periods in places like Y.M.C.A. and P.O. etc. Thomas Smith [tbs60@tampabay.rr.com]
In this diary, Robert was 25 years old.
Transcription copyright 2011 by Thomas Smith and Joyce M. Tice
January 1895
Tuesday 1: Out at 7:30 and did the barn work as usual. Went up street to PO & to Finches after breakfast to get bill corrected. Came home at 9:30 and read till noon. after dinner figured up years accounts then went skating on Chemung River below bridge. was there from 2 to 5 played at shinney most of time. came home very tired and lame. After doing the work at the house and having supper read life of Washington till about 8:30 when I turned in.
Wednesday 2: Out at 7. went up street in forenoon not very early. felt very lame from yesterdays skate so stayed inside and figured over my estate accounts. After dinner hitched Dollie to cutter and took Charles satchels to depot bought a mileage and had his grips check to Easton. He took 1:19 train. I drove over to Lizzies for clothes and home at 1:30. Went up street settled with Bailor and paid Kinney $10.00. In printing office awhile to see new engine at work. In eve went to Chemung below bridge for a skate. To bed at 10:30
Thursday 3: The same routine of work at barn and around house then I went up street to PO found a letter from Miss L. with proofs of picture. Read quite a while in morning and afternoon in Phra the Phoenician. Up town several times on errands. dropped in JLC’s office awhile. In eve went up street and at 8:30 took skates and went down on ice. quite a crowd out had a nice time. Home with Miss S. then came to house to read Gazette till eleven when I turned in.
Friday 4: Snowing when I got up but quit after a little no shoveling required. Had breakfast first then went to barn and did all the work there. then sifted ashes from Kitchen & furnace fire & shoveled out. Up street several times on errands. skates sharpened. In afternoon the new firepot to furnace was being put in so I was at home all of the PM. read Phra the Phoenician. In eve a lot of us went down on the Chemung skating. twas a beautiful moonlight night. Home at 10. to bed at 11.
Saturday 5: Got out at 7. cloudy day but not much warmer. After the barn work was done and the usual small jobs through with I went up to PO and errands then home and helped Mother about the house. Read at times. At home most of afternoon and evening and finished “Phra”. Up street several times but too tired to go skating in eve though some went down. Looks like more snow. warmer. to bed at 10.
Sunday 6: Out at 8. did the barn work and had prayers & breakfast after which I took the snow shovel & went at it. it had hailed about 3 inches deep during the night and was very hard to shovel off. worked till nearly church time. took a tub bath at 11. and after dinner read on Washington’s life. In the afternoon wrote letters to JL Coe and Noah Cummings. Barn work at 5. then supper YPSCE at 6. good meeting. To Pres. Church with May later. Home at 8. read till 9:30 then fixed furnace & to bed.
Monday 7: Water dripped all night. ready to rain at any time. After breakfast took basket of clothes up to Liz’s. driving Doll in cutter. Home and went to store. piled plow points on elevator. Got a 9 ft trunk strap for May for 60 cents. After dinner hitched Doll to sleigh and took old iron to foundry. 505# of hard and 86# of soft. folded paper in the News office at 3. fixed Aunt Jules stove pipe. Up street a number of times. took DLP sign down from store. To prayer meeting in evening.
Tuesday 8: Up at seven thermometer at 33. After barn work and breakfast went up street to PO then to bridge shops. talked with Len and went through the works. was there most of the morning. In Lowe’s store for awhile. After dinner wrote to John W. Towle about bridge works at Jackson, Mich. Up street in afternoon Killing time. talked with Mr Griswold the electrician. Done work at home early. after tea up street till 7:30 then went to prayer meeting with Andrew S. & Chas Peck. Home and turned in at 9:30.
Wednesday 9: Cold. freezing again. just in time to save sleighing. Up town after an hours work at sifting furnace ashes. Settled with W. K. Green in full 23.48. Paid up my note at the Farmers Bank for $20.00. After dinner went up street and played checkers with Chas Lowe awhile. Hitched up Dollie & drove to Lenox’s for Rent & to Liz’s for the clothes. Ice going out in Susquehanna. In eve went with Chas Peck to hear New York Philharmonic Club at High School Hall. Home at 10:30 and in.
Thursday 10: found it hailing and snow about three inches. after breakfast cleaned off the walks. Put Doll in the sleigh & took Mays trunk to depot & then took her. and saw her off for New York at 10:10. It was raining hard then. In afternoon went into News printing office and tore out two lengths of shelves all I had left. cleared up entire in an hour and a half. Up street again at five. In eve up on errands then went into Pres prayer meeting. Read Gazette till 10. W. P. Murray paid his bill 2.00 survey.
Friday 11 Thawing all night and everything wet. After barn work went up street & bought yarn for our new lap robe.(1.20) Played at checkers with Chas Lowe. After dinner went up to Griswolds to see his electrical laboratory and talked over the business of wiring hotels. He offered me the place of advanced agent. “Think it over awhile” he said. The estate business on my hands shuts me off from any such job. – In eve wrote a long letter to Will about it. Chas came home from Lafayette for good at 4:08.
Saturday 12: Up at 7. barn work then prayers and breakfast after which hitched Doll to sleigh and drove to depot for Charles trunk and satchel, put out horse, around the house most all the forenoon. In afternoon was up street and down. on errands and otherwise. Nothing to do. In the evening up street in YMCA run errands and then came home at 9:30 and turned in very tired, from doing nothing. Warm day, cloudy and quiet in eve.
Sunday 13: Did not get out till 12. very tired. lame back. Chas did the barn work and shoveled the walks of three inches of snow. Dinner of chick at 1. After dinner shaved then read awhile in Adams Life of Columbus. Wrote to Miss L. quit at five had supper and then went to YPSCE and to church. Rev Sawtelle preached. Came home and finished letter to Miss L. Retired at 10. Day very cold. Temp down to zero. and wind up in NW.
Monday 14: Got out at 6:45 and done the usual work about the barn milking only in the morning now. Drove Dollie in sleigh to Johnson’s with clothes then went to barn. Went up street with letters to post. Saw Mr Kellogg about job in new works. will give me a chance if there is one. Afternoon spent in cleaning out upstairs of work shop. then reading Columbus awhile. Went up street in eve. most of the time in Ercanbracks drug store. Home and in at 10.
Tuesday 15: Up at 7 and after one trip up street went to work at cleaning down stairs of workshop. After finishing went up street. played at checkers with Chas Lowe till noon. After dinner went to room & read over circular of Scranton School of Industrial Sciences. At 3 I went up street on errands. In evening Chas went to skating rink. I stayed at home all eve. wrote letter to above school and read awhile and played some. Went to bed at 9:30.
Wednesday 16: Snowing and kept at it all the forenoon. In the morning I was at home most of time. rewrote letter to Sc School of I.S. talked to Charles about taking a course. After dinner went up to PO then hitched up Doll to cutter and went to Sayre collecting. Got 3.75 of Brown to settle acct. Changed Doll to sleigh, brought Charles freight from deport. Went with lot of the fellows to the McKinney hill road and coasted on Raups bob. quiet eve. home at 9. very cold.
Thursday 17: Another cold day. up at 7 as usual. prayers. breakfast and barn work the usual routine. Up street on errands and lolled around. played chequers with Lowe. In afternoon read awhile. drove to Lizs for clothes. then with Raup went after boys on hill rode down several times had several nice tumbles. Home at five. Stayed in the house in the even read Gazette, turned in at 10.
Friday 18: After breakfast and the work and errands over, Chas & I went up to the Johnson carriage shop and bought a hickory plank and commenced a coasting bob in the workshop. worked all day on it and awhile in evening. worked on running tires in the machine shop of A. F. Co. Snowing during afternoon & hard in evening. Up street several times. to bed at 9:30.
Saturday 19:After the jobs about home had to go to Willow Street to shovel snow from walk of our lot there. Had errands to attend to bought bolts and screws for coaster. At home again and Charles & I worked from 10 till nearly 3 to complete the coaster. cost me 31 cents besides our time. At 4 Drove Doll to McK. hill with Alvin S., Percy R.- Chas L., Chas Park & had our trial trip. to much snow for fast ride but it was a great success. it will hold 8. tis 12 ft long. 17 in wide. In eve went up street several times on errands. read for awhile in evening.
Sunday 20: A very beautiful frost on all the trees. the limbs look like coral. very cold. but sun shone clear. sleighing is superb. Up to breakfast & went to PO did not go to church. Read most of the time in the afternoon. done barn work at 5. supper at 5:30 and YPSCE at 6. a large meeting, very lively. Mrs. Loomis was leader. Went to church later. good sermon preached by Rev Sawtelle. Home with Miss S. and made a short call. Home at 9. to bed at 9:30.
Monday 21: In morning was up street for awhile. paid Kinneys bill against estate 13.63. Went to foundry and made four iron braces for back sled of my coaster and Chas & I put them on after dinner. About 3 PM Chas & I took four more fellows over on the McK hill to slide. The road was too soft. It was thawing and rain came on after second slide so we drove home in it about 3:30. In eve I was up street but a little while home & read Muncey till 9:15 when I turned in.
Tuesday 22: A little colder, just freezing but cloudy & promise of cold as north wind is blowing. Did not do much in morning and in afternoon was up street till about 3:30. Then drove over to the hill with Doll and rode three times. Twas great. had a long ride, about ¾ of a mile. Six of us. this time on the Orange Hill road. Best sliding yet. road hard. In eve a lot of us went up to the ice rink at Sayre and skated for several hours having a nice time. Got home at 11 PM had a hot chocolate then went to bed.
Wednesday 23: In the morning I was up street several times and read some at home and wrote a long letter to Will. After dinner went up street awhile then came home and read till 2 o’clock. Chas & I then drove over to Orange Hill with Lee Lynn of YMCA – Ely K., Harry B., Alvin S. - & Frank S. Rode a mile in 4 minutes. had several tip overs getting round curves. Last ride load of logs across road at foot of hill tryed to stop. ran into the ditch. buried in snow. got left knee severely cut through pants & drawers. Drove home then in house all eve. to bed at 9.
Thursday 24: Much colder. Chas done barn work. I stayed in house all forenoon making out a list of seeds from Burpees catalogue. Knee done up so could not walk around much. Played autoharp with Chas’s banjo after dinner. Recd letter from Scranton C. S. of Science. In afternoon wrote letter to SCSofS sending application for enrollment for myself in Electrical course and Chas in the complete architectural course with bank draft for $20.00 to $10 installment for each course. Read awhile and in eve until 10. hot plaster on knee.
Friday 25: Up at seven and after breakfast put shoes on and got upstreet for first time after day before yesterday. Home at 9. copied seeds to order blank. Read more or less all day. Finished History of Columbus – Adams. Was up street several times. Nothing to do except killing time. Did not go coasting but Charles went with Raup on the Thurstons hill road. done the work at barn. At home all evening. The new knit laprobe finished. to bed at 9:30. Snowing again.
Saturday 26: Snowed, blowed and howled last night. about four inches deep. Out at seven shoveled some before breakfast. and to the barn after. Chas finished up the walk. Up to PO - washed harness. – wrote for seeds of Burpee. sent 5.50 draft. Read and stayed around the house rest of day except for up street at times. In evening went to Republican Caucus in Town Hall. In YMCA reading till 8:30 then did errands & came home. to bed at 9.
Sunday 27: A beautiful clear day. but cold with wind blows. Up at 8 and after prayers & breakfast attended to barn work. Did not go to PO. Shaved, had tub bath & dressed & read most of afternoon. In eve done barn work but did not have supper in time to go to YPSCE but went to church at 7. heard Rev Sawtelle preach. Home at 8. read awhile then went to bed.
Monday 28: Up at 7. To PO and up street on errands. read and killed time till noon. Papers from Scranton School & I.S. came and I studied in afternoon and commenced answers. In evening stayed at home writing answers all the evening. Quit at 9:30 and went to bed. Commenced snowing about bed time. Day was very cold in forenoon but moderated later.
Tuesday 29: Up at seven & went over to school house to build fire for Aunt Julia before breakfast. Went to PO & up street several times in forenoon. finished first papers of Scranton School & IS and sent off after dinner. In afternoon set around house & Lowes store. Studied book 11 of above school and got started on answers. In eve went to High School Hall to hear Rev Griffis of Ithaca speak on Inside Japan. Had heard him preach in Ithaca.
Wednesday 30: Cold, below zero early. warming later. clear day. Out at 7 and went up street and around. At home most of day reading or working on second Arith paper from Scrant S of M & IS. In eve was at home till 8 working on (cube root). Went up street awhile then came home. wrote to Burpee for seeds to take place of one ordered but out of. Turned in at 10. Moonlight night but nothing going on.
Thursday 31: A beautiful clear day but very cold. 6 below zero in early AM. Went up to PO after breakfast was in Lowes & Ercanbracks for awhile then came home and finished up my second paper in Arith in the SS of M&IS. Play checkers with C Lowe in afternoon awhile. At four we drove Doll to McK hill and coasted. Will S. Chas L. C. Park & P. Raup. Home at six. Did not go out in eve but read News, Gazette & “She’s all the World to me” by Hall Cain. till 11 then went to bed.
February 1895
Friday 1: A cold clear day. After barn work & breakfast went up street to PO had a short note from Miss L. – (will write later). Read at home till 10 then went to shop for awhile. Back at 11. boxed with C. Lowe in store. To PO then home to dinner. In afternoon paid Irv $3.00 for the magazine subscription. Recd drawing paper from Heller & Brightly of Phila. Went up to YMCA rooms and read for several hours. In eve was at home all time reading and went to bed at 9:30. Church social in Pres but did not feel like going.
Saturday 2: Warmer morning than have had for some time. but grew colder all day and cleared off entirely. Drove to Waverly in the morning and got three honey box cases from Stover. home via Sayre. In afternoon studied algebra till 3 then went up to the shops for awhile looking over the work. In eve after the errands went over to McK. & McA. hill with boys to coast. Percy R. steered and we had one bad tumble two quite badly hurt. but Howard A. & G. Maurice came along so we rode down the McA. hill several times. Home at 11. and to bed.
Sunday 3: Very cold. 10 degrees below 0 at 8. when we got out. did not go to church in morning but took tub bath. Shaved & dressed and read The White Company by Doyle. Did not go out in the forenoon at all nor in afternoon but in evening after barn chores & supper read till church time. I went up to the M. E. Church to union meeting. sermon by Sawtelle a great crowd in every spot. Got out at 8:45 and came home to read White Company for a while before turning in. A very cold night.
Monday 4: A very cold blustering day snow squalls in forenoon and clear in evening. Up to PO in morning found 2nd Arith paper returned & recd Geometry & Trigonometry questions & instructions. Worked on Algebra in room in morning. Got seeds of Burpee from depot and checked off found OK. Worked Algebra again for an hour. went up street before supper but stayed at home in evening reading Doyle’s “White Company”. to bed at 10:30.
Tuesday 5: A bright day and clear but oh! how cold was below zero most of forenoon and again by five PM. In AM was up street early as usual then worked on Algebra and again in afternoon for some time. At five I made a cement of ashes & salt and repaired the school house fire pot in furnace. In eve went up street and to union meeting in Methodist church. got out at 9:45 and home. turned in at 10:30.
Wednesday 6: Very cold but clear day and beautiful bright moonlight night, but way below zero so could not get any boys to coast. Finished Algebra paper and sent off and commenced on Geometry & Trig. Up street on errands and in eve did not go out at all. though very light. Read some & went to bed at 10.
Thursday 7: Clouded up and commenced to snow during afternoon. Was up street at 8 and around awhile then at home ground on the examples in Geometry for some time at different times of the day. Up street and down nothing going on of unusual making. In evening was at home all time reading finished Conan Doyle White company before going to bed. turned in at 9:30. Wrote letter to D. H. Keefe in Paterson, N.J.
Friday 8: Whew how she blowed all day long. Chas & I had a big job shoveling the walks around the house & to barn. built fire in cellar of school house. fixed pipe. Got up street about 9. no mail in in forenoon. Worked Geom awhile in AM. After dinner read on celery culture and worked an hour or more on papers. Up street on errands and for mail. Barn work as usual. Did not go out in eve but read & studied till 10. then turned in. Very cold.
Saturday 9: Still this awful blizzard hanging on the wind drifts the snow so electric cars are stopped entirely and railroad trains are very late. Reports from all over the country of severe storms. wreck at sea etc. In AM went to Willow street to shovel snow from our lot there. Then visited the bridge works for awhile. home at ten and worked on Geometry. also for a time in afternoon. have 52 done. Errands before supper up again in eve in the YMCA for awhile. Home at 9:30 and in at 10:30.
Sunday 10: A bright day and much warmer though hard north wind and occasional squalls continue. Up at 8:45 did barn work then had prayers and breakfast. Up street at 10. then home, shaved & dressed for dinner. In the afternoon read most of the time and wrote to Miss K. of Skaneatelas. No supper for dinner was very late. In evening I went to YPSCE and later to Pres. Church. Home at 8 and turned in at 9:30.
Monday 11: Some what warmer but still tis cold. Cloudy and threatening to snow. Up street to PO & around and in Lowes played checkers with Charles. beat him two out of three. Recd Mechanics papers from Scranton. Also short letter from Miss L. that made me feel blue and I answered it immediately. Went up street and down and worked some Geometry problems. have about 62 done. In eve up street on errands and business twice. Home at 8:30 and went to bed at 9. quite heart sick. Col $2.00 of C. Murray on acct.
Tuesday 12: Up at 7. after work at the barn and going up street for a time in stores nothing to do. Finally able to work on the problems and got out a few. In afternoon got out some shoes and children’s underwear for some destitute people. in eve was in the house all time retired early. feeling very miserable, unhappy, heartsick.
Wednesday 13:Tried to snow during day. had fallen about ½ inch during the night. I went up to PO and around home at 9 & work some time on the Trig exs of SI and after dinner went at it again. finished up and sent off. In forenoon gave some more underwear away out of the stuff in store. In eve was up street in YMCA played piano bot ticket for Sanctaro the Juggler entertainment. Home at 8:45 and in at 9:30.
Thursday 14: A nice day. St. Valentines day. bot so different than the day was one year ago to me. I was up stairs in store building taking up the crash and clearing out the front room. a cold job. Studied on Mechanics a little while after dinner but could not make headway. so went up street. Went to Dr. Cowles & had a physical exam. nothing serious the trouble. Played checkers with Lowe beat him three out of five. In eve up street but home at 8:30 and read Foul Play till 11.
Friday 15: A beautifully clear day, very much warmer so it was thawing. Recd Geom paper & Heat questions & book from Scranton S of IS. Was up street several times during forenoon worked in hall of store build some time. In the afternoon took Mother for a long drive in the old cutter and then again with Aunt Julia. So very warm. in eve twas cold again. I stayed at home and read Chas Reade’s “Foul Play” till 10:30. then turned in.
Saturday 16: Below zero again early in morning and later it warmed up somewhat. Up street on errands then went through the bridge works for awhile. Saw Dave Keefe and walked up street with him., Put a little while on study before dinner. Finished reading “Foul Play”. In PM was up street most of the time. and also in eve till 8:15 then home and read aloud to Mother and Aunty. Turned in at 9:15.
Sunday 17: A beautiful warm fair day. Slept or rather did not get up till 9:30 or later. took tub bath, shaved & dressed. Read “Elizabeth” a while. In afternoon read up on C.E. topic then took a walk up street. was in the shop for a time then waited around the depot with Fargo and Conner for train. Walked home at 4:30 then doing the barn work and having lunch went to C.E. and to Church. Home at 8. and to bed at 9.
Monday 18: Up at seven. breakfast and barn work. was up street and about town for awhile then hitched up Dollie to cutter and drove to Sayre called at several places but got no money. very discouraging. In afternoon was about town studied a little and done nothing for loner time. A very mild day. nothing going on. was up street in evening for a little time. Home early and read North American Review. to bed at 9:30.
Tuesday 19: Again it was warm though very cold early in forenoon. Was up town a good deal during the day. got 2.50 of Sam Hulett to pay for boots. Studied some and chopped plum tree down and sawed part into wood. Trimmed two grape vines and hung out up street some more. Twas Election day. voted split ticket (No9) first ward. In evening took car to Sayre. called on Dr Beach and Geo Stevenson but got no pay. listened to count at polls. played checkers in Protection Hose rooms. Home at 11. Planted celery & tomatoes.
Wednesday 20: A very nice warm day. snow thawing and sleighing going. After work at barn and breakfast over. I went up street to PO and other places home at 9 and worked on my Mechanics papers for some time in the PM was up street several times. In YMCA and Lowes, etc. In evening had a haircut up street at7:30 and at 8 was in the High School Hall to see Soh Sunetaro the Jap. A very pleasant entertainment slight of hand, jugglery etc. Home at 10 and turned in. Trimmed some apple trees.
Thursday 21: A colder day, severe squalls at times. Up at seven and after breakfast and work went up street and about. studied and wrote out answers some during the day. In afternoon was up through the bridges shops. then went over to depot to trains at 4:30. read in YMCA till after five to PO and got letter from Miss Loveland which seals my fate in one respect. She loves another. that is the bitterest pill I have taken. Not rejected; - No. only cast off.
Friday 22: Another cold day. After breakfast went up street found a stove for school room. Took the furnace in school house cellar to pieces. ordered new firepot and grate. Got stove into room and set up. After dinner got some Rising ____ and black stove. got out quite a number of problems in Mechanics. Did not go to dance in academy in eve. too poor. Read at home and had a long talk with Mother till after 11. Retired at 11:30.
Saturday 23: Up at 7. and up street on errand, work business etc. Settled with Northrup and Co. on estate account. Was up street a good deal. Took car to Sayre at 11. Collected two dollars of Rounds. In the afternoon I wrote a long letter to Miss Loveland as the last one to her but did not finish. Chas brought in one from her at five which required a post – script. In eve read aloud. was up street several times on business and errands. col rent from Bacon.
Sunday 24: A beautiful clear day. Up at 8:30 and after breakfast I went up to PO. nothing – Home. shaved. tub bath and dressed and wrote more to Miss L. and spent most of afternoon in rewriting the entire letter. my last one perhaps to my Worlds Fair companion. Well, tis all in a lifetime. but a bitter portion. Did not go to church in eve nor to CE but continued writing. PS. Quit at 9. and went to bed.
Monday 25: A nice warm day. melting all the sleighing – Finished and sent off probably my last letter to Miss Loveland. three sheets of woe. Was up street some put in quite a good deal of work on my Mechanics of SS of M&IS. At home most of afternoon and in evening but up street several times. After a trot up street at 8:30 came home and went to bed at 9:30. a cold wave coming after all.
Tuesday 26: Much colder. nearly down to zero. Was up street in Corbins office on business for quite awhile. then at 10 came home and worked till noon. and in afternoon and evening nearly finished problems. was up street several times during day and evening. Read some. played autoharp. tried to snow during day. nothing going on. Letter from Will says he has struck a job as Gunning Editor of Sporting Life, Phila.
Wednesday 27: Warmer, snow melting. Out at seven and was up street early. Finished and sent off the papers of Elem. Mech. questions & answers of SSM&IA etc. Trimmed the grape vine in south side of house. Was up in the bridge works for several hours, every time learn something new. Came home at 4:30 read till supper time and in eve read again. was up street in eve, too. Nothing unusual going on. Home early and turned in at 10. Warmer in PM not freezing in evening.
Thursday 28: Rained in the night, day very cloudy and threatening. Was up street in morning after feeding the bees. Then in the forenoon trimmed the apple trees at back door and after dinner cut out some big limbs from apple tree in South yard. also trimmed Maple. Locust. Pears. plums and other trees. A big pile of brush in yard. Studied in “heat”. Up street at 4:30. In eve was up again in YMCA with boys. played piano for them. Home at 9:30 read Gazette and went to bed at 10.
March 1895
Friday 1: Up at seven. After breakfast went up street for awhile in the rain. Studied Heat for an hour or more when it quit raining so hitched Doll to sleigh and drew out three loads of manure onto garden. quit for dinner & took out another but broke sled. Drove cart up street. got bbl of shavings for cow bed. worked at fixing Aunt Jules stove. Letter from Will & from Miss Loveland. the later unexpectedly. She had not received mine of Monday yet. she is not happy. a puzzle I cannot solve it yet tis getting more interesting.
Saturday 2: It was snowing when I got up and continued till noon. In the forenoon I got the stove fixed up & blacked up in the school room. and Hintons moved out. Also fixed the thills of sled by going to foundry and the blacksmith cost 15 cts. After dinner shoveled off the walk, clearing up. Went up to shops and waited in machine shop till train time. then met Will at depot. from Wilkes Barre. Home with him. up again for mail. Paper return from Scranton. 98%. In eve up on errands twice. Was in Ercanbracks till 9:30 Home & in at 10.
Sunday 3: Up at 8:30 and after prayers & breakfast went up to the Post office. then attended to barn work and read for awhile. Shaved & took a tub bath. dressed and set around the house. The rest of the day reading and playing melodion. Wrote to Rev E. H. Phelps of Smithfield. In eve after early work at barn and early supper I went to YPSCE and afterward to church. Rev Sawtelle preached. Came home then and read till about 9:30 then turned in.
Monday 4: Up at 7. work at barn. Up street then hitched Doll to sleigh and took Hintons stove home. – very poor sleighing. Coming home Doll & I put out three more loads of manure on the garden to finish that job. Went up street to YMCA and to Dr Cowells to have right eye washed out. In afternoon was at home studying & writing and up street at times. In evening studied at home on heat nothing going on. read for awhile then turned in. i.e. retired. or in other words, went to bed.
Tuesday 5: A bright, clear day. After going up street to PO came home and then was with Will until he started for Philadelphia at 10, to be editor of gunning columns of Sporting Life. Went into the shops and showed Lon the letter from Towle and then spent some time about the works and in Keefe’s office. Home at 11:30. In afternoon drew first plate in Mechanical drawing and in eve worked several problems in Heat. and found them hard. Quit and went to bed at 10. Wrote letter in reply to Towle.
Wednesday 6: Up at 7 as usual and went up street as usual. nothing else to do. To shops at 8:30 for awhile. talked with Conner about inspecting. Home most of rest of day studied some but did not accomplish much. In afternoon went up street earlier than usual read in YMCA. In eve was up again but did not stay long. home at 8 and went to bed at 9. nothing going on.
Thursday 7: Warm but snowing sometimes rain. In fore noon was up to depot. boiler works and bridge shops with Chas Peck for awhile. then home, put on white shirt etc. took car to Sayre and next to Waverly then bought paper of Geo. Tedd 1.50 for correspondence School work. Home at 11:30. Worked Heat in PM. Up street at 5. Sorted over rest of honey in eve. have about 65# white and 45 of dark. up street later. to bed at 10.
Friday 8: Up at seven. up to PO after breakfast. came home and fixed cans for plants. watered tomatoes & celery. at 9 went up to shops for several hours in rivet dept. Came home and worked heat till noon. After dinner worked on heat till nearly four got out 29. Up street on errand. In eve went up street. out with Chas Peck for stroll in moonlight then into YMCA played. watched boys tumbling in gym. home at 9:30 to bed at 10. 1st Mech paper back. 98.
Saturday 9: About 3” of snow to shovel in the morning which I got off the walks about home after breakfast and barn work. Then I went up street for awhile but started plate II of Mechanics drawing in the forenoon and finished after dinner and about 3 went up street & to depot at 4 or 5 and home at 5:30. In eve played on melodion awhile then read and went up street. into YMCA several times during day. Home at 8:30 and read Cosmopolitan till 10 then went to bed.
Sunday 10: Up at 9. Went to PO before breakfast. Attended to barn work after breakfast. Read “Donovan” most of morning. not thoroughly Dressed up at noon and after dinner read till about 3. Then walked up street & was at depot at 4. home and done chores at 5:30. After tea did not go out at all but started reading “Mr Jarvis” by Croker and read till 11. Total eclipse of the moon. too clouded to observe it though saw part in cloud break.
Monday 11: A cloudy dark day with nothing going on. After the usual routine of barn work and going up street. I set down and read till noon on “Mr Jarvis” and finished after dinner. Head ache coming on feel bad went to Dr Cowles for pills for it in eve and had a walk and talk with Ed Conner about bridge inspection. Home at 9:30 and to bed. very cold & chilly.
Tuesday 12: A dismal day. cloudy. threatening. Up at 7. work about home then to PO. Home and worked on heat till 11. then up street. After dinner worked on heat some more and quit at three and went up street on errands and a second time. In eve home all time except when I walked home with Mrs. Kellogg. Went to bed at 8:30. Felt dull all day. dizzy and chilly at times. feels like I was having the grippe.
Wednesday 13: A mild day but cloudy. Out at 7 and attended to work about home. up street on errands. In house most of the time, with such a heavy cold. head ache. dizzy, etc. could not study, but got out another plate in Mechanical drawing and sent off two this time. Plates 2 & 3. Called on Mr Escobar and boys in shop office. In eve took first lesson In Spanish of Don Escobar at Fitches. raining. umbrella stolen.
Thursday 14: Up at 7. A very cold morning much colder than in some time. Went up to PO found a short letter from Miss L. rather contradictory to her others. something queer about this matter. can’t understand and won’t try. Worked some on heat in afternoon. Up street in YMCA read awhile at home most of eve study Spanish and reading till 10 when I turned in. Wrote to JDL Waddell yesterday for job of inspecting iron work. Elsie May dropped a heifer calf.
Friday 15: Very cold. up at 7:30 late breakfast then done work at the barn and milked the cow. Went up street to PO and then came home and worked on Heat. Went up to Willow street to show a man the house. Stopped at the shops awhile and learned that the Jackson Mich bridge works had sold to Falls City Nebr. I had put Jack Towle onto the scheme. In PM worked rest of “heat” all but two problems. In eve studied Spanish and went to bed at 9.
Saturday 16: A cold day. After work at barn I hitched Doll to carriage and drove to Sayre collecting. and got $2.00 of Rounds but nothing besides promises elsewhere. Home at 10:30 finished “Heat” and sent it off. Recd Plates 2 & 3 from SS of M&I. _ashed 98 & 99. started plate IV. In eve up street on errand several times. Thurston took the calf away. Second lesson in Spanish of Don Escobar at 7. a hard lesson for next time.
Sunday 17: Up at 9:30 milked and done barn work before breakfast. After breakfast went into the tub and dressed and read “Eng News”. Was at home all the afternoon. reading and playing melodion. very cold and windy but clear. Fire alarm at 2”30 this AM did not go out. White house on west hill near bridge – In eve after milking (first to save) and doing barn work and eating supper. I read till church time then went to Pres church. Bed at 9.
Monday 18: A bright day but cool. Up at 7 and up street several times waiting around PO for Mrs Brown with money but she did not show up but sent letter. Finished plate IV of Mechanical drawing. Had a call from Mrs Murray about “Historical Society” and reading a letter etc. Up street at 3:30 and stayed till supper time. In eve in YMCA awhile then home studied Spanish verbs till 11. then to bed.
Tuesday 19: Out at 7 as usual and was up street for awhile then was at home and commenced another sheet of drawing. In afternoon I was up street a good deal on lookout for Mrs Brown but she did not come. In evening I dressed in cutaway and went to Academy. The historical society met. I read a letter from John A Perkins to Mrs Elmer. Some very valuable collections now stored there. Excitement on the way home. Canfields chimney burned out. Episcopal church bell rang. but no upstreet bell.
Wednesday 20: Up at seven and up street after the work was done around home. found a letter from Noah Cummings. Was up street for some time and also done some drawing on Sheet 5. Sent dispatch for Wm Sawyer – Mrs Sawyer died at 7 this AM. Saw J.D. Pierce and after dinner Chas & I drove to his place and worked till six surveying a 50 acre lot. Got into wrong road on way back and had to go back and take another. deep snow drifts wind awful. Supper at eight. col 5.00 of Mrs Brown.
Thursday 21: Up at 6. had early breakfast and Chas & I started out for Pierces again. got the boundary of big lot and finished the 50 A. lot at one. then put for home. Twas a cold ride home though warm work. frozen roads going out & mud on the way in. Dinner at 3:30. and by that time I was hungry. No supper so evening seemed very long. Was up street and then in eve read at home and went to bed at 10 very tired. day very clear but cold north wind.
Friday 22: A most beautiful clear day cold early but thawed during the day. Was up at 7 and after the usual work went up street to PO. Worked around home raking up grapevine trimmings and brush from trees. Let cow out for exercise about the garden. Was up to shop in PM talked with Connor. In eve after work went up street and into the board of trade meeting. Out at 8:30 and came home. turned in at 9:30.
Saturday 23: Though cold early it was the warmest day so far. bees flying fed them with honey from dead hive. In forenoon after being up street early I got boxes and manure and sifted dirt and made ready to transplant the tomatoes. Also raked up part of garden and scattered the manure. Frost entirely out in places. After dinner Mother set out over two hundred plants in boxes. I studied Spanish verbs most of afternoon. In eve went to Don Escobar for lesson is Spanish till after 8. then went up street on errands.
Sunday 24: A beautiful warm spring day though early it snowed and looked like a stormy day ahead. Up to PO early after chores and breakfast. Bath & dressed and then sat around house reading. At 2:30 walked up street and called on Ida C. with Floy Raup after which we walked down Main St. with C. Peck. In eve went to Pres church and hear Dr Stickler of Orange, NJ talk on Rescue work ___ 8:30
Monday 25: A blustering day. occasional snow squall. Was out at 6:30 and done work at barn before breakfast. Up street as usual and then worked in store cellar and in garden till noon. In afternoon transplanted a lot of celery plantlets. studied Spanish and went up to Willow St and procured a tenant for east side of house. Lease signed in evening. Up street for a time. Then wrote Spanish verbs etc till 10 when I went to bed.
Tuesday 26: Up at 7 and after breakfast barn work etc. went to PO & to Willow Street house and worked till noon. planning doors etc to swing OK. up in afternoon to finish the job and took glass along and set three panes. Home at five and done the barn work and later, after tea wrote a letter to Scranton SIS. Up street later on errands stopped in H Allens for little while before coming home. Went to bed at 9:30. day cold and disagreeable.
Wednesday 27: Another cold dark day with frequent snow squalls. but not so windy. Went up to Willow St. to finish setting the glass up stairs on east side. took out lock on west side and had key fitted to replace broken one. Home at 10. worked among the bee hives changing stands and taking out the dead hives. lost seven. lots of honey in them but died by suffocating or cold. only 65 left. Spanish lesson in evening of Don Escobar. home at 9 and to bed at 10:30.
Thursday 28: Another cold, cloudy disagreeable day. After work about barn and breakfast I went up street on errands and to PO. then scattered manure in garden for awhile in the morning. After dinner worked in bee yard awhile then studied on Spanish verbs for a time. Up street in afternoon and evening. Up through shop took shoes to Chubbuck to try on. In eve home at 8:30 and to bed at 9:30.
Friday 29: Warmed up somewhat during the day. Did not study much but got out boards for Noble from store. Up street to YMCA to read. finished drawing plate VI of Mechanical drawing. and started another – plate VII. Worked in garden raking up and making a pile for a bonfire. Did not study Spanish at all today. Wasn’t up street at all in evening. but read awhile and made out fruit list for Ercanbrack.
Saturday 30: A very nice warm day. In forenoon Chas & I carried brush to big pile in garden for fire. and cleaned up around. Went up street on errands in fore noon and studied verbs and in afternoon studied at em again. Went to Bailors and picked out a suiting for Sack suit. but was not measured. In eve went to Don Escobars for lesson in Spanish. recited verbs after Maurices were through. Home at 9. and up street for laundry. to bed at 10.
Sunday 31: A beautiful warm day. roads dry but did not drive. Was up at 8 and done barn work & after prayers and breakfast went up to PO talked with boys in front of house till near church time. Took tub bath at 11 and dressed for the day. Read Ch_____ & started “That Frenchman”. Did not go out in afternoon except to stroll in garden. In eve went to Pres church and heard a woman talk on French missions. Home at 8:30 read aloud to Mother till 10 from North Am Rev. to bed.
April 1895
Monday 1: It sort of drizzled all day long. foggy and disagreeable to worms. Up street at 9 and back and draughted on Plate VII of Mech draw till noon. After dinner read Frenchman till nearly three. Up street on errand before tea. Work at barn after supper. Played melodion awhile then went up street to YMCA. Home at 8:30 & studied Spanish till 10. Got rent (april) from Hamaker and paid to Kellogg on mortgage.
Tuesday 2: A cold day occasionally sun shine but threatening snow most of the time. Early in AM went to Willow Street house to show to prospective tenant. set glass, etc. Dinner at 1. then spaded some and Chas & I planted some peas Burpees extra early. also some lettuce. Wrote out some Spanish verbs. then went to Willow St. house again with key to let water in but found pipe plugged some where. had big time but gave it up. home at 6:45. looked over seeds in evening.
Wednesday 3: Another cold day. was trying to snow at times. sun shone occasionally. Was up to Willow St. house tinkering about, as usual. Spent some time in the garden spading cleaning up, etc. I was up street on errands several times. Read some and did some draughting. Was about home most of time. In evening went to Don Escobar for lesson in Spanish reading etc. Was to bed at 10.
Thursday 4: A cold day with occasional snow flake flying. Up street to put hook strips in Willow St. house. drove up. got feed for cow. Spaded up a patch east of bee hives, and raked over for carrots, etc. Wheeled out ashes etc. on to garden. Wrote letter to C.C. Schneider Chf Eng Pencoyd Iron Works and Herb Grantham of Pencoyd. Was up to shop several times during day. In eve stayed at home and studied Spanish. Went to bed at 10.
Friday 5: A most beautiful clear day. the warmest yet. the bees flying. In morning went to PO and also got some strips to put over windows for Willow St. house. Put boards over cow shed. raked up in garden planted some mangel & carrot seeds in fore noon. Spent entire afternoon in garden planted turnip, beets, radish, onion, parsnips. spaded. trimmed at currant bushes, etc. till six. In eve after work took a drive to Willow St. to leave pie plant roots. home in eve. Streeter worked one half day.
Saturday 6: Up at 6:30 and done usual work before breakfast. Up street once then put most of rest of time in garden. Had two loads of manure drawn away to Chestnut St. Lots. by Wm Ammerman. In eve dressed and went to Don Escobar for Spanish lesson & afterward went up street on errands. Home at 9:30 and sat down & read awhile before going to bed. day dark and cool.
Sunday 7: Up at 8. Milked, breakfast, went to PO and then ____ read or played melodion most of forenoon. After dinner read till three then took a walk up St. to Chestnut & Willow St houses. Called on Ida C. with Chas Lowe & C. Park. Home at 5. after chores and supper read till church time then went to Pres. Church. heard Rev Sawtelle. Home straight. Turned in at 11 after finishing Don Lubercio.
Monday 8: Up at 6:30. rainy. cool. dark. Went up to PO early and then home and dug around and manured the currant bushes & plum trees between shower times. draughted on plate VIII awhile. all pencil lines in. After dinner dug up a lot of black-cap sprouts or layers and transplanted along west end of garden. put out about 50. In eve was up street awhile. home at 8 and studied Spanish an hour. a very dark night. no electric on.
Tuesday 9: A very rainy day. In early forenoon I worked behind barn to build a place to let cow into back yard but the rain came on too hard. did not get up very early. To PO recd a letter from Prof Fuertes giving the address of New York Eng who wanted a man. Wrote immediately for a job. Worked at final account of Administrator most of afternoon – a hard job. Up street on errands in eve. rain.
Wednesday 10: A very bright, clear day but quite cold from north wind. Up at 6:30 after work at barn & breakfast shoveled out back of barn and made a wooden walk across the sawdust of old icehouse for horse and cow to get over to back yard. Was up St. reply postal from Crandall. After dinner went to the Tioga Point Cemetery with G.L. Ercanbrack to stake out the front diamond for ornamental spot. Car up & down. work on final report of estate rest of day and eve.
Thursday 11: Another bright day. warmed up in the PM. Was up at 6:30 and after going up street worked in the garden. Wheeling manure planting celery plants transplanting berry bushes, etc. put cucumbers in sod (14) in hot bed. letter from Pencoyd, no job offered. Chas & I cleaned up around the back door, seeded and rolled the back lawn. up street in eve. To shop once with Sp. Grammar to Don Escobar. In at 9:30.
Friday 12: A cool day with high north wind blowing. Up at 6:45 work around the barn. Up street on biz. to work putting in an ashes path in garden. Read before dinner awhile. Tried some cuttings from Pumpkin apple tree. Also dug up and set out a small cherry tree from N. side. Put up shelves in “den”. In eve was up street on errands for awhile. In at 9:30 and to bed.
Saturday 13: Cold and rained all day. In forenoon Chas & I washed the carriage at the back door with hose. After dinner I drove up to McAffee’s and bought a bag of feed for the stock. Doll was very lame from lying out on the ground. Studied Spanish for several hours and read some. In eve to Don Escobar for a lesson. Got spring suit of Bailor the tailor.
Sunday 14: Out at 7:30 milked etc. Up to PO. Washed and dressed but missed car to Waverly so went to Presbyterian church with Aunt Julia to Easter Services. In PM read awhile and then took a walk up around Willow St. To Pres. church in eve again. home with & called on E.S. Home at 9:45 and to bed at 10:15. Go to Towanda tomorrow as juryman.
Monday 15: Athens to Towanda - Up at 6:15 early breakfast & work at barn. Up street. paid Bailor $22.00 for suit and got ready for Towanda. Bot a pair of rubbers. Started for the county seat at 10. Put up at Park Hotel and called on F.H. Ott. before dinner. Court called at 2 PM and answered to jury roll call & was not put on jury. stayed in room till adjournment at 4:15. Walked about on hill. Saw Matie W. found where Kate M lived. Visited YMCA short stroll in eve. Turned in at 9:30. Room 37.
Tuesday 16: Another cold day, no sunshine at all. Was in court at 9 o’clock roll call and stayed in till 12 except for a recess at 10 of half an hour. After dinner took a visit into county jail with Geo Plants. Went into registers office and looked up appraisement of estate. also made copy of Deed of third story over store and Easterbrook lot. Court at 3 till 6. and pulled onto jury of 20. adj. till tomorrow. Called on Kate Morse in eve. Hotel Park at 9:30 and in at 10.
Wednesday 17: A most beautiful clear day almost cloudless. Walked about after breakfast – at Park Hotel. – till 9. into court and was drawn on jury finally case Woodruff vs Little. trial on all day proves to be a very complicated case. Recess at noon for dinner & court adjournment at 6:15. After supper I went to a barber shop for a shave and then called on Matie Weller for an hour, very pleasant evening. To hotel at 9:30 & to bed room 37 at 10:30.
Thursday 18: Towanda to Athens - Up at 7 and walked about town till court open and then went into the jury box on the Woodruff vs Little case. Case continued and argued till about three when judge Peck instructed jury to render verdict for the defendant. another jury polled but I wasn’t drawn on and as the case promises to be a long one. the rest of us were discharged. Call on Kate M. awhile. LVRR at 10. and home to bed at 11:15. A most beautiful warm day.
Friday 19: Up at 6:30 and done chores about the house. Up street on errands. Worked at propping up north fence till dinner time. After dinner went up to McAffee’s & Brown’s to see about sidewalk lumber. stopped at Stimson House on way down. Met Lewis CUCE ’95 and took him through the shops after thesis material and later down street. In eve after work done up went to Kinney’s and then we walked down street. and later L. & I called at Ida’s. Home at 10.
Saturday 20: A beautiful clear day with brisk north wind. worked at gardening most all day. got in five rows of early potatoes, beside salsify, beets, onion sets, parsnips etc. finished propping up the north fence. In eve burnt big brush heap and then rubbed Dollie down and took her out for exercise drove with Mother out up Elmira, cross Spruce, down River, Susq. & Main St. home. to bed at 10:30.
Sunday 21: Warm & clear again. Up at 7:30 milked and then after breakfast went to PO. tub bath, the wrote to Coe and Noah Cummings before dinner. After dinner Chas & I went up on Roundtop after arbutus. I went on to the falls and found some very good specimen. Home at 5:30 In evening went to Presbyterian Church. heard Rev Sawtelle preach. Home direct after church and to bed at 9:30.
Monday 22: As usual. rain on Monday. Up at 7 and up to PO. Not much in garden work but tore down red fence in barnyard. tore up old walk to barn and built a new one about 5 ft south. Also turned clothes line wire around to be back of the house. Chas& I took down the storm door and put in wood shed. Planted a row of blue beauty peas and several of beans. Up street awhile. Letter from Miss K.
Tuesday 23: A cold day. very hard north wind. After breakfast drove to Willow St. and worked till 11:30 building a new sidewalk on our lot. Leonard helped. got carrots at ____’s. After dinner fixed paint for new wheelbarrow. Chas Peck & I drove over to Kellar hollow after arbutus and got some beautiful flowers. In eve was up street for a little time. Home at 9:30 and to bed at 10. Rain at times but evening was very clear.
Wednesday 24: A very fair day. warmer than yesterday. Up at 6:30 and up to PO. worked in garden getting ready for plowing, spading, manuring the berry bushes etc. After dinner hitched Doll to cart and drove to Jim Rogers farm near Smithfield for some potatoes. A long drive, Chas along to get arbutus. home at 4:30 then planted some more potatoes and peas and cabbage in cold frame. Up street in eve in YMCA to read. home at 9:30.
Thursday 25: A warm day, cloudy at times. very dry. Up street in AM got rent of Lenox and then at home worked in garden till noon. After dinner slept for several hours. very close & muggy could not keep awake. Up street before tea. shaved and after supper took street car to Rounds for pmt but got none. Chas Hull married. a lot of us was down to presentation and speech. Home at 9. and to bed at 10.
Friday 26: Up at 6:30 as usual and done work at barn. Up street on errands till 9:30. worked in garden spaded some. dug out bush from border found a big hollow under the roots. cleaned up around. Garden all ready to plow. very dry. rain needed. After tea watered the garden then took Mother out for a drive around Willow and Spruce Street. Went up street on errands, the lightning shows bright & thunder all around. Rains now at 10 PM. likelihood of more.
Saturday 27: Cool cloudy, rainy. drizzled about all day. Went up street to PO and to Willow St. after Streeter to work. came home & planted a little salsify, turnip, and radish. Commenced opening out cellar wall into the old cistern. After dinner Streeter came on and we worked till five in cleaning out old cistern for storage cellar. We commenced cleaning out board pile from back of barn. In eve freshened up and went up street several times. Turned in at 9:30.
Sunday 28: Up at 8 and milked & after breakfast went to PO read awhile and roamed in garden till 12. Shaved and dressed and had dinner. Played on Nobles piano for an hour then hitched up and drove to cemetery with Mother and then through Sayre and back via Tozer Bridge and river road and Chemung St bridge. In eve to Pres. church and afterward took a walk with Rob Page and Chas Peck. Home at 9:30.
Monday 29: Another warm day. clouded at times. Worked all day like a slave. finished cleaning out cistern. worked at setting out raspberry bushes. digging out roots, spading, etc. all day long. Streeter put in all day. Very tired, but walked up street with milk and then down to Pages & back with C. Peck. Home and to bed at 9:30. Planted some more as usual.
Tuesday 30: A fair day clouded in early morn with a few drops of rain. Put in all day with Streeter in garden. cleaned out the gravel path. planted some more beets and parsnips. Sprayed and apple tree with tobacco water. Planted some early corn. Salted path. watered plants etc. till dark. Up street with milk and on errands. Home and listened to music of concert outside. Wrote to Prof. Fuertes again.
May 1895
Wednesday 1: Up at 6:15 breakfast before work. Milked and then helped about garden during plowing. Streeter & I finished the path cut sod from near currents and sodded south side path also near house. Spaded up around corners and made ready for more currents. planted another row of peas and raked over part of newly plowed part. Quit at dark and went up street with Nobles milk. Home at 8:30 read awhile. To bed at 10. Letter from Miss K.
Thursday 2: A very warm day. cloudless so sun shone hot. Chas & I planted 6 long rows of potatoes and I got in some melons, long red beets, parsnips and a lot more carrots. raked and weeded, sprinkled & watered. Had Elsie May tied near foundry to feed. Use asparagus & pie plant. In eve dressed over & took car to Sayre to dun Dr Beach and Brown. No good going. Called on Teddy Connor awhile. Home at 9:30.
Friday 3: A very hot day. Went up to shops to see Maurice & found there might be an opening in Elmira shops so hustled down street but could not leave for Elmira till 1 PM. took car at home at 12. Mileage of Bennett. Elmira at 1:45 went to the E. B. Co. office saw E Buchanan and talked about work. He said he would let me know tomorrow by telephone. Erie home via Waverly at 4:05 and worked till dark. Up street in eve.
Saturday 4: A hard splash of rain at 7. Was up at 5:30 cut 20# pie plant for Kinner. Up street several times. Rent from Hamaker & paid insurance to McM_____ 15.00 + 1.00 of my own. Rec’d telephone message from Elmira through Irving to come on Monday and I would be given a trial at drawing shop details. Had Morse bring old sidewalk from Willow St. Got a bale of hay from McAffee. paid 75c. Up street in eve got trunk out & packed up some.
Sunday 5: Another clear day. very hot. Up at 8. Milked etc. at barn. after breakfast went to PO and then took tub bath, shaved & dressed. Packed trunk or tried too. fussed at fixing clock leg, cleaned straw hat. About house played Autoharp. At four went for a drive with Mother. In eve went to Presbyterian church for awhile but did not stay it through. Read Munsey at home till 10. to bed.
Monday 6: Athens to Elmira – Up at 6. finished packing & hitched Doll to cart & took trunk to depot but too late for 7 o’clock train. Home & after breakfast cut asparagus & at 8 took street car for Waverly. Erie to Southport, then walked to bridge shop office & commenced the work of draughting at 10 on lateral connection of elevated RR. Quit at 5:30. Supper at Miniers. 112 Catherine St. Elmira N.Y. Room at that address. To board at another place. Walked in city in eve.
Tuesday 7: Up at 6:45 and to breakfast at Carpenters. – new boarding place – shop office at 8 & worked on same sheet – billing materials etc. Went into template shop for awhile before office hours. met Athens people. In PM had hard thunder storm and continued raining till in eve. Rainbow. In eve J__ S. – Walls – Boyd & I went next door to Mrs Inksater and played at Pedro till 11. A very pleasant evening. 25 yrs old today.
Wednesday 8: Still raining in morn but cleared off at noon and was very hot rest of day. Worked in office all day finished first plate and commenced second on floor plan and tie plan. in eve walked over town with boys. Letter from home. card from Prof Crandall. To bed at 11 after visit with boys.
Thursday 9: A very clear warm day everything growing now. Leaves all out on trees and gardens showing. In office all day. Home at 6:30 wrote letter to Mother and went to PO with Boyd and walked awhile. Later John set up ice cream to crowd. had a very pleasant time in eve. turned in at 11.
Friday 10: Foggy morning & somewhat cooler. Up at 7 and to office at 8 and in office all day as usual on marking diagr of R & S. big 110 ft girder. Wrote another letter at noon to Mother. In eve we went over to town for soda water at Walls expense. then sat on Inksaters porch till 11 when we turned in.
Saturday 11: Up at 7. To office at 8. finished third plate. The marking diagram and commenced the detail of side girder on N. W. El of Chicago. Went to room at noon. took umbrella back. About 3 we had terrible hail storm which stripped leaves from trees. some the hail stones were ¾ “ in diameter. Over town after five. In eve visited with boys till 11. turn to rain.
Sunday 12: Up and to breakfast at 9 and back to house. Wrote several letters and then took a walk with Walls out over Erie Bridge which is being renewed. Up Water street, home via PO. After dinner wrote to Mother and then spent PM in Walls room. Lunch at 6. and at 7:30 W. and I attended church. Baptist heard Rev Dr. Henry preach a very good sermon. good singing. fine church. Very cold, nearly freezing.
Monday 13: Breakfast at 7:15 and went to shop and found drawing ruined by rain, window having fallen. Was put onto detail of floor of elevated work, a hard job and worked on that all day. Very slow work. In room at noon for awhile. In eve found long letter from home and walked over to city with Walls for an hour and then talked till 9:30 when I turned in. A very cold day without sunshine.
Tuesday 14: A cold disagreeable day. Up at 7. and to office at 8. working on floor plan of N. Y. elevated work. office very cold at first. 2nd day on this job and got about half inked in. Quit at five thirty and came to house before tea. In eve walked over to town with Walls. Home at 8:30. had a jolly evening in Brights room with music by Geo Davidson and John Bright.
Wednesday 15: Up at 7 and off to office after breakfast. Twas trying to rain then. Worked on floor plan for third day. details of cuts in floor webs. Cleared up somewhat at noon and didn’t rain for rest of day. After tea called on Mr. Steiner the Swiss in his room. Went over PO and walked awhile. home at 8:15 and turned in at 9 after shaving & short visit with boys.
Thursday 16: A heavy frost last night & cold. Day cold and cleared perfectly ready for another frost tonight. Went to office at 8 and continued on floor plan of Mott Ave. elev. crossing of NYC & HRRR. fourth day. Letter from Mother in eve and later went to PO mailing letter home. Spent eve with boys from office in Walls room. Music by Jim Bright.
Friday 17: Cool again. heavy frost again. Great injury done to crops & fruit. Worked in the office all day on same sheet of flooring. home at noon awhile. out at 5:30 and to house before tea. In eve at home till 8. then we boys went over to Inksaters to spend the evening, several young ladies in. Had a nice time music refreshments etc. Home at 12 and to bed.
Saturday 18: Elmira to Athens - Up at 7. later breakfast and off to Bridge office. worked at billing & finishing up the sheet of flooring. One week on it. Packed up at noon. Out at 5 and to house for satchel. Took Erie train for home at 6:15. street car to Athens from Waverly. Home at 7:15 supper later. Up street awhile. Home and to bed at 9:30. cold day and cloudy. clear & warmer in eve.
Sunday 19: Athens to Elmira - Up at 6:30 and milked & let Charles sleep over. Tub bath at 10:30. Up to PO at 9. and then stayed in house. reading and playing melodion. had hard rain in the afternoon. was about the garden. cutting off the small tree suckers. packed satchel and after supper visited with Mother & Aunty till street car at 8 to Waverly. Erie to Southport and to 112 Catherine & to bed at 10.
Monday 20: Cloudy and rain at times. To office at 8. finished the checking of floor sheet and commenced second sheet and got over half done during the day. a quicker job than the last one I had. In eve played autoharp with banjo accompaniment with Jim Bright. wrote letter to Miss L and stayed up till 10:30 when I turned in.
Tuesday 21: Still cold. but day fair at times. Up at 7 and off to office. worked on inking in fifth plate & got most of it finished during the day. Wrote for awhile after dinner before going to office and in evening finished writing a long letter to Miss K. and then went into Walls room for a visit, music etc. back at 10 and put up. Very cold in the house, almost freezing.
Wednesday 22: Frosty morning & cool but clear & warmed up during the day. Finished up second sheet of flooring for Mott Ave. crossing east span NYC & HRRR third day. quick work. In eve went over to Maple Ave driving Park to watch bicycle practice. later at home shaved & visited with Walls. to bed at 10:30 after playing duets on autoharp & banjo with J. Bright. Payday 16.65
Thursday 23: A beautiful clear balmy day, up later than usual. Commenced plate of girder C. on viaduct of NYC & HRRR worked on that all day. Home at noon letter from home, & a paper. read awhile at noon. In eve put on white shirt and called at Inkstaters had pleasant evening. Home with Miss S. and to room & to bed at 10:45. Clear quiet evening.
Friday 24:A beautiful warm day clear and balmy. Up at 7:15 At office by 8 and worked on girders. In PM went to other office with sheet for other general data and spent nearly two hours. Had to change spacing etc. on girder. Out at 5:30. Read before tea. played music with John B. Took long walk in the city. Met Harry Allen & sat in the park and visited with him. Later sat on porch awhile with Miss C. before coming in. To bed at 10.
Saturday 25: Warm, cloudy, and threatening rain in eve. Hard south wind. Up at seven and off to office after breakfast and worked on girders all day commenced to ink in. Quit at five and read at house till supper. Shaved and read after tea and then had a long visit with the boys in Brights room. Raining slightly in eve. did not go over to town.
Sunday 26: Up to breakfast at 8:30 and then went with Mr Brenton & Mr Steiner to Erie RR bridge for a walk up to Main street bridge & back. I went over to town for a walk later. In afternoon I went up West Water street and called awhile at Carrolls and had a pleasant time. To supper at 6 and then after reading awhile over town but not to church. called at next door on M____ & S. and got home in hard rain at 9:30.
Monday 27: Rained all night and the morning it was raining still but cleared up at times a bit. and in eve was fair but quite cold. To office as usual and later to dinner & back to office in PM. Working on NYC & HRRR elevated in NY. inking in. In eve went over to PO and for a walk and later came home and read letter and papers. played autoharp and went to bed after taking a hot tub bath.
Tuesday 28: A beautiful day clear & cool. warmer than yesterday. To office at 8 and all day on same job as before. After dinner went over to town & bought some nightshirts, towels, cuffs & ties of McLaren & Brown & before supper was over to town to buy potatoes but found none. After tea was over again in the hunt but found none. Walked around town a while then came to my room and read The Flying Dutchman till 10.
Wednesday 29: Elmira to Athens - Another nice day and much
warmer. Off to the office at 8. after a 7:30 breakfast.
All morning on girders C. 3-10 finishing up. same in afternoon quit
at 5:30 to house and got my satchel and took Erie train south at 6:20.
–late- From Waverly by street car and got home at 7:30 and after
walk around the garden had a good supper. Went up street and was
till 10 getting a haircut. Home and to bed at 11:30.
Thursday 30: Athens to Elmira - A very hot day. over 90 in the shade. I was up at 5:30 and got to work on the garden hoeing berry bushes & weeded carrots & beets, plant parsnips & beets and transplanted some 180 early celery plants from box. Put in 6 hills of bush squash and honey caps on 15 hives of bees. Twas hot to extreme. St. car at 8. Erie train from Waverly at 8:50. Southport home at 9:45. walked around with ___.
Friday 31: Another very hot day. Way up near 100 F. To office at 8 & put on the finishing touches to Girder C. 3-10 and then commenced the pencil sketch of lateral system on the Chicago Elevated. Quit at 5:30 and went to house & read awhile first. then after supper sprinkled Inkstaters lawn then called and played autoharp some and walked over to city with the young ladies. and home at 11.
June 1895
Saturday 1: A scorcher again. Went to office just the same & all day on the pencil sketch of laterals for billing material. Had hard north wind all day. breeze in office. After quitting at 5 I came home and had a change of clothes and felt cooler. Went over to city with Walls in eve sat around house for a time and went over a second time had soda. To bed at 10:30. very close eve.
Sunday 2: A very hot close day. Too warm to stay inside & altogether to hot to go outdoors. Was at home all the morning & afternoon trying to keep cool but twas hard work. In the early evening Walls & I went over the city & took street car to industrial grounds about north shop a bit. on Oak Ridge piazza waiting for car. took the double decker to Water st. 5 mile ride & cool too. Home and to bed at 10:30.
Monday 3: Hot again. north breeze still blows. no rain yet. air clear. Up at seven to office and all day on pencil sketches of lateral systems, etc. At noon finished up a letter to Mother and mailed it. Had a letter from home at 6. and then wrote card home about sage plants. In eve went over to town to mail postals and for a walk. Back to house and sat in cool for awhile. to bed at 10.
Tuesday 4: Up at 7. and to office. finished during day the last of the pencil sketches of lateral systems. Twas very hot as no breeze was blowing on our side. Toward eve it grew smoky & cloudy and in the early eve it spattered a few drops of rain. I did not go over to town in eve but sat on the front porch till 9:45 talking. Recd invitation to Anna Angiers wedding for June 15th. turned in at 10.
Wednesday 5: Threatening rain early but cleared up and was very warm but strong breeze from south cooled the air. All day on girder details. To room at 5:30 and read awhile before supper. After tea I had a shave put on a white shirt and chatted awhile on porch with people. Then spent evening in Brights room with the fellows and had a jolly time. Rained very hard in the evening.
Thursday 6: Cleared up and we missed getting the needed rain. Was off for office at usual time and worked on new job of girder & laterals. Back to the office early at noon to play ball awhile. In eve after a short walk over town sat around the house for a long time before turning in. Read for awhile. Went to bed at 10.
Friday 7: A very warm day as usual. Up at 7. and off to the office after breakfast. All day at work on inking in stringer & lateral of span 130-131.& 18-19. Letter from home at noon. Out at 5:30. read awhile before tea and after tea I went over to town for a walk & later Walls and I walked up to the Circus grounds and took in Bob Huntings Show. Home at 10:30.
Saturday 8: A beautiful clear day. Up at seven and to the office finished up plate of the girder and laterals and commenced some changes on sheet of flooring. After five we went from office down to the ball field and played scrub game till 6:15. Late supper. In eve Walls & I went up to Eldridge Park for the opening. a big crowd poor band and a few joblot fireworks. home at 10:45 & to bed.
Sunday 9: Up at 8. and after breakfast shaved and took a long walk to the hills on east with John Bright after winter greens. found some cool quiet places in the woods. Twas a hot walk back. Took tub bath. read Florido Enchantment rest of afternoon. In eve went with Miss C. to Presbyterian church to hear the Baccalaureate sermon to Elmira Female college graduating class by Rev Dr Green. home at 8:45 and visited till 10:30.
Monday 10: Up at 7 very hard to get up. Office all day on new job of stringers to laterals. A letter from home at noon. In eve Walls & I took Miss Miller & Miss Collin to Sells Brothers big circus. Twas great, the best I have ever seen. fine parade inside performances of every kind. There was a crowd of about ten thousand in the tent. exciting races got out & through awful dust & crowd to Inkstaters at 10:45 & had lunch of coffee, Br & Btr & onions. Got to room at 12 & to bed.
Tuesday 11: Very hot day. Up at 7:15 & worked all day in office on Span 64-65 of Section G Chicago elevated. Details of stringers & laterals. House at noon and read Athens Daily News which Chas sent. After quit at 5:30 read eve star before tea. In eve read awhile then walked to PO with Walls. Sat around house awhile & then walked over to town with Miss Miller. Turned in at 10:15. Very hot dusty day.
Wednesday 12: A very hot day with south wind. Up at 7:20 and to later breakfast than usual and then to office. finished up one sheet and commenced detail on another. To house at noon and before supper in eve. After tea went over to PO but no use. Played autoharp then read for a time and then went out onto the balcony for a time with Autoharp & Walls. talked till near 11 then turned in.
Thursday 13: Very warm day though it was cloudy and occasionally it rained. In eve it did rain hard with thunder & lightning accompaniment. Was up at 7 and to office at 8. putting on bill of material in plate for two span of Elevated. Inked in partly by quitting time. To house at noon & started a letter home. In eve did not go out but spent a pleasant eve with the boys in Brights room during thunder storm.
Friday 14: A very nice day not so hot as yesterday. but still warm enough. In office all day finished sheet of Span 90-91 and got started on another. Went over to PO in eve but no mail. looked for a full dress suit but found none. and waked about awhile. Called on Miss Collin and played at Pedro with Walls & Miss Evans & Miss C. till 11. then came home much cooler and clear. Mud layed from the rain of last night. Pay day – 12.80.
Saturday 15: A very comfortable day not too hot nor too cold. Office at 8 and all day on job of skew span 111-112 of Chicago elevated. At noon was over to town to hunt for a dress suit and found one, looked for wedding present for Wast-Angier but didn’t buy. In eve over to PO and tried on full dress suit and found it all right. Sat around house all eve. Turned in at 11:30. Pd Carpenter board 7.00
Sunday 16: Was up at 8:30 and after breakfast went back to house & stayed at home all the forenoon wrote to B. Flory & Miss Kneeland over to PO at noon. had letter from home. In afternoon I walked with Walls up to Roller mills and through them and then to Eldridge Park till about 5:15 taking west side car to Water St. and to house. After supper was at home called on Misses C & M walked over to Market St. Turned in at eleven.
Monday 17: Elmira to Athens - A very hot day. Up at 7 and to office after breakfast at Carpenters and worked all day inking in sheet. At noon packed satchel got dress coat & vest from Steinhausers in city & after getting out at 5:30 took Erie at 6:10 for Sayre. supper at Flory’s. Practiced at the church for big time at Wast-Angier wedding. met lots of Elmira College girls. Took car for home at 10:45 and got to bed at 11:30. very tired.
Tuesday 18: A scorching hot day. Up at 5:30 & milked the cow & took her to pasture and picked a peck of peas before breakfast. Worked all the morning in the garden weeding out beets and such things. hoed potatoes. After dinner went to Sayre helped to trim up for reception at Angiers & B’s home & dressed and car at 6:45 to Sayre Baptist church and big crowd came in filling church. I was door keeper. Marched in with ushers and stood on platform during the ceremony. Very grand affair and then to reception which was crush. but had a jolly time. Miss Louise Bishop as partner for this eve. House at 12:20.
Wednesday 19: Athens to Elmira – Another hot day. Up at 6 and got ready for Elmira. St car at 8 to Waverly & Erie at 8:55 for Southport. Lot of Elmira College girls on train and I had fun feeding then cherries. Said goodbye at depot. hurried to room & then to office and got to work at 10. Did not go over town in eve but called on Miss C and told her all about it and gave her some wedding cake to dream over. Turned in at 10. New boarding place – at Miniers.
Thursday 20: Again twas warm but clouding up and by night it was raining a little. Worked in office all day on pencil sketches for bot later system. In eve wrote a letter to Miss L. and walked over to PO to mail it and returned home & read Mr Potter of Texas till 10. when I turned in. Raining very hard but not as a thunder storm.
Friday 21: Cool and rainy all day. Slopy under foot but much needed in the gardens. Up at 7 and in office all day on the same work of pencil sketches of laterals. had diary sent on from home where I left it last Tuesday. Payday in shop $12.50. In eve walked over to town for exercise & to see the sights. Came back at 8:30 and played autoharp. Wrote to Jack Towle and then went to bed. 9:30.
Saturday 22: Cloudy at first but cleared up and was hot during day. Office work in the pencil sketch of Span 108-109. Quit work at five and then went with the boys to play base-ball game of four innings. Came to supper at 6:20. In eve went over to town & bought a pair of garters, some hose and an umbrella. paid out 2.32 Was over to town walking around for some time. A beautiful eve and large crowd out. Home and to bed at 10:30.
Sunday 23: Up at 8:30 and took a tub bath before breakfast and the sat around house reading all the forenoon. Went to PO at 12 and got a letter from Mother. Read most of PM wrote a letter home and in early eve took a walk over into city to mail letter and back. a nice comfortable day. turned in at 9:30.
Monday 24: A fair day with slight sprinkle of rain in the afternoon but cleared up again. Was up at 7 and worked all day on pencil plan of skey spans of the Chicago Elevated work. In eve walked over to the PO and about Water street awhile. Home and then called upon Miss C and at 8:45 came to the house and after a visit with W. went to bed.
Tuesday 25: A very hot day. but little breeze. Worked all day on pencil drawing of Span 121-122 of Chicago El. on lower laterals. Making for second time on account of error in skew. over to town awhile in evening and then sat around house visiting with the boys and was up till 11. before they left. Letter from home.
Wednesday 26: A very close hot day fair early but clouded up later and at 5:30 on way to room it rained and thundered awfully. Lightning struck several places near. Worked all day on laying out for Span 123-124 and then started Span 121-122 for third time to get correct. In eve walked over to PO between showers and then sat around the house all eve. turned in at 10 after shaving. Heavy thunder storm on later.
Thursday 27: Rain most all day long stopping at spells. In the forenoon finished one plate and started another of laterals. in eve walked over to PO and then home played autoharp and later took a long walk over Main Street bridge and home again via Lake St. Bridge. Chemung rising from the hard rains. Turned in at 10.
Friday 28: Foggy morning but cleared up and was real warm later and clouded up but did not rain. At work all day on laterals pencil drawings. In evening visit with Mr N. But spent most of eve with Miss C. in hammock and in the house playing piano duets, etc. got to house at 11. At noon found a letter from Miss L. from Wilkes Barre, on way home. Spatter of rain in eve but not much.
Saturday 29: Elmira to Athens - A cloudy day but hot. Was up at 7 and off to work at 8. put in all day on a new job of laterals with irregular connections etc. After quitting work at five played ball with office boys till 6:15 and on coming home found a letter from Miss L. so I decided to go home and go by taking excursion train on Erie from Elmira to Waverly. – Electric car home. Evening spent in visiting with Mother and turned in at 11.
Sunday 30: Athens to Elmira - Up at 8 and after breakfast wandered about the garden to see how things were growing. Up to PO at 9. and was home all forenoon. After dinner was up to see judge Nichols about RR tickets. Also gave J L Corbin note for 3 mo. for $85.00 as administrator to Dayton’s bill against estate. Also renewed note at Farmers Bank for $180.00 for Four months. Took street car for Waverly at 7:50 and caught Erie 8:18 from Waverly and got to Elmira room at 9:10. earlier than usual. Raining hard in eve.
July 1895
Monday 1: A fair day with north wind most of time. Work in office as usual. all day. In eve walked over to town to mail letter to Miss L. about coming to N.V. on fourth and walked about for awhile. Called on E.D. Drew at his store for awhile. then came along to house. Sat around till 10 then went to bed.
Tuesday 2: A most beautiful clear day. atmosphere very clear. Was at office at 8. and all day at work on Span 42-43. Quit at 5:30 hurried to house and changed trousers and went up to Eldridge Park to the picnic some forty in party. met a lot of em. Went to casino at 8. and danced for an hour. St car home at 10. and turned in at 11. Over to town for awhile at noon.
Wednesday 3: Up at 7:20 and hurried to office after breakfast & put in all day on last half of sketch of span 42-43. At noon found a letter from Miss L. saying to wait until Saturday to come over to N.V. So did not leave. Pay day again 12.50 In eve walked over to town bought some fire crackers and writing paper and had a time fireing them off. Turned in at 12:30 after playing pedro at Inkstaters for an hour.
Thursday 4: Wakened at 4:30 and fired several big crackers and then did not waken till 8:20 late breakfast. Sat around house most of forenoon over to town once and later after viewing big parade went to dinner. In afternoon over to town a long time. worked an hour & ¼ at shop office. In eve Miss C. and I went over in company of Walls & Miss E. to hear concert and see fire works. very fine. Home at 11 after ice cream and to bed at 12.
Friday 5: Smoky, yet twas hot all day and no rain. Up at 7:30 and a little late to office. All day on work of making corrections of a sheet I made weeks ago. a hard job. Out at 5:30 & after supper went to the shops and helped Walls inspect a cross frame. Back to house. over to town walked up as far as Erie Depot. Home and turned in at 10. after reading awhile.
Saturday 6: Elmira to Newark Valley - A hot day. Up at 7:15 and off to office. finished up repair sheet and started on a new sheet of Skew span lateral system. Quit at 3:15 to house. changed coat & off to Erie Depot. train to Owego. LV to Newark Valley met by Helen and taken home. Made acquaintance of her sister Mary and Miss LeVan. After tea drove to Berkshire where we stayed while Mr & Mrs Patch went to concert. Drove home start at 10:15 and got home at 1AM. A most serious talk it was. Oh! what might have been but for that affair of last January. Tis awfully hard. We had lunch at 1:30 AM before saying goodnight.
Sunday 7: A most awful hot day. Up at 8 and had a late breakfast with the girls. Did not go to church though we had intended to. So sat around the house with Helen and talked, talked. after dinner we strolled up into the glen on the hill. a cool place. and there we came to an agreement. no more writing. until July 4th 1896, a lonesome year it will be. No church in eve for us. Pleasant lunch together. Goodbye at 9. LV to Sayre. Electric to Waverly. Missed Erie by 6 minutes and took car home. woke Charles up and got to bed after eleven.
Monday 8: To Elmira via Athens – Awakened 4:45 and got dressed and sayed howdedo and good bye to Mother at same time and started for Waverly walked the four miles to DL&W in 48 min. Elmira at 6:40 and got to house at 7. Change things a bit and after breakfast was off to office. All day on pencil work of lateral span as usual. finished one and started another. In eve played croquet in Becks grounds. Started a letter to Miss L later to bed at 10.
Tuesday 9: A good breeze today so it was much cooler than yesterday. Was at office at 8. and finished a sheet and got another under way. and at noon found two letters one from home and one from Noah Cummings. In eve walked over to town and spent the rest of evening writing to Helen. Turned in at eleven. Sent things to laundry. have determined to continue writing to H. anyway.
Wednesday 10: Up at 7:30 and after breakfast went to office. and put in usual time on pencil drawing of skew span laterals. completed another sheet and started one more. At noon read over letter. In eve finished and copied letter to Helen. some 16 pages. Great woe it was. Spent several hours with the boys and turned in finally at 12 o’clock. Did not go over to town in eve. Much cooler than usual. Cornell looses the race in England.
Thursday 11: Nice day cloudy and look like rain at times but did not rain but cleared up. Worked on laying out of laterals as usual tiring of this kind of work and ready for other. Mailed letter to Helen, 16 pages of woo. – sentinent perhaps. but truth. In eve played croquet before tea and later played at ball with Walls, Miss C. & E. then in house played at cards till 10. turned in at 10:30.
Friday 12: Very smoky. light wind from south and was warm in office. Made another sheet of laterals and commenced sheet of post and bracket connections. quit at 5:30. dressed over before tea. and in eve played autoharp and later went over with Walls, L. Bright to Miss C. spent eve with cards and music & refreshments of ice cream, candy etc. So we had a jolly time. home at 12. Wrote letter to Mother to Swampscott, Mass.
Saturday 13: A nice comfortably cool day. Up at 7. breakfast at 7:30. Commenced to detail columns for Bent No. 32 of N.W. Elevated. All day on that. Payday again 12.50. At five we quit and went to Halls field and office team played ball with La France shop team and got beaten by 24 to 4. Supper at 7. sat around house till 8:30 over to town walked around with H. Allan. Home at 9:45. tub bath and to bed.
Sunday 14: A nice day quiet and cool. Up at 8:30 and stayed at home all forenoon. Wrote letters to Will, Charlie & Mother. After dinner took a long walk up Lake St. across 5th up by Elmira College over to west side. stopped awhile in Grove Park and returned via Main & Water street to house at 5:30. In eve stayed in room. thinking of a week ago. and dozing. Went to bed at 9.
Monday 15: Up at 7:15 and put all day on work of pencil drawings of columns for Bent 32 Section 6 Chicago Elevated. Letter from Mother at tea time. written from Swampscott Mass. Watched croquet game awhile. In eve laid down in room fell asleep. woke up and sat out on balcony awhile and finally turned in at 10. very quiet and nice and cool.
Tuesday 16: Awake at 7. up at 7:30. Finished layout for material for cross girders bent 32. and started columns for bent 35. At 3:30 we had a very hard storm of rain, hail, thunder and lightning. lots of water but ground drank it all in. Letter from Will at house at 6. Rain in eve did not go out but wrote to Mother. In the house all eve. turned in at 10.
Wednesday 17: Day started out foggy but cleared up and was very hot. but nice breeze from north cooled my room somewhat. In the forenoon worked on Cols of Bent 35 & afternoon on tracing of portal for Mich Ave Bridge of Buffalo. In eve walked over to PO and around city. turned in at 10 after sitting on the stoop awhile.
Thursday 18: A nice day. very fair but smoky. Up at 7:30 Office work all day on details of portal Sheet for Mich St Bridge. At noon found a letter from Helen at the house. After quitting came to house and after reading above started an answer. In eve wrote till 8:30 then took a walk over town for the stroll. Home at 9. and finally got to bed at 11. Quite cool in eve.
Friday 19: Up at 7:15 hurried breakfast and off to office. finished portal in PM and started tracing of struts for same order. Wrote awhile at noon. Quit work at 5:40 and came to house. After tea walked down to the shop with Walls and was inside awhile then over to PO but found nit. Sat on veranda awhile then came in and put on a few extras to the letter. turned in at 11.
Saturday 20: Started out warm and cloudy. but got hotter. In afternoon we had a hard soaking thunder shower which wet the ground so we did not play ball as intended. Worked all day on the tracing of diagonals of the Michigan Ave Bridge. In eve was over to town done some shopping and walked around awhile with Cain ’95. came to house marked underwear etc. & turned in at 10:30.
Sunday 21: This was a very extremely hot muggy day. 95 in shade. I did not go out of doors all the day but sat around & wrote and finished a long letter to Helen L. and read a good deal. Read Mr Lake Of Chicago. a thrilling story. there was a frightful thunder storm after dinner but did not cool off much. Read and wrote in eve but turned in finally at 10.
Monday 22: Up at 7 and off to office at 8. Finished tracing of diags. at 2:30 and commenced tracing of some fence details and also made some corrections in another sheet. Twas very hot. Had quite a nice north breeze through but a slight dash of rain in mid afternoon. in eve had a much needed haircut then walked over to town for a time saw parade of militia 26 & 30th companies. In at 10. Wrote to Aunt Julia.
Tuesday 23: A much cooler day and clearer than yesterday. Up at 7:15 and to office as usual worked on tracing all day of the Mich Ave. Viaduct. at noon went over to PO and got Money order for $5.00 and sent to Aunt Julia at Westville, Conn. In eve was in house most of time but took a walk over into city awhile. House & turned in at 10.
Wednesday 24: Cool, just comfortably so. Was at office at 8 and finished tracing of Mich Viaduct and went back to job of laying out posts and cross girders for Bent 35 finished and started Bent 46. In eve shaved & later walked over to PO and about the city. Back to house at 8:15 and twice over into city again. Finally Miss C. & I went on an errand then I called till near 11. when I left and came home.
Thursday 25: A nice cool day. cloudy and smoky. threatened a thunder storm at noon but did not reach us. Up at 7:15 and off to office all day on laying out Bents. Read awhile at noon. In eve played croquet before tea, and later Miss C. and I with Walls & Miss E. went down to interstate fair grounds to see fireworks display. – Very fine but not long. Home via city & soda fountain at 10:30. Turned in at 11.
Friday 26: Another cool day. Up at 7:15 and away to office on same work all day long. Read at noon and back to office. No letters. Read paper before tea. After supper played croquet with Walls & Miss C. Later walked over into city for a stroll with W. & C. back at 9. and spent rest of eve with boys in Walls room. Turned in at 11.
Saturday 27: Elmira to Athens - A very cool day. cloudy and commenced to rain at 10 and kept it up all day long except for short intermissions. Worked on Bent 44 all day. Did not wake up till 8:05 when Walls roused me. Did not hear alarm. Was late half an hour at the office. Packed up at noon and took Erie at 6:10 for home. Late. St car off track at Sayre. Home at 8 PM. Supper then visited with Mother till after twelve when I went to bed.
Sunday 28: Athens to Elmira - Up at seven and milked the cow and attended to barn work. Up to PO at 9. Around house all the forenoon, had tub bath at 11. In house rest of the day, visiting with Mother & cousin Sylvia Blanchard. About the garden several times pulled beets, carrots and potatoes for dinner. picked a bush squash or two. Had fine dinner. In eve took car at 7:15 and waited in Waverly for Erie half an hour and got to Elmira at 9. to bed at 11.
Monday 29: A nice day. fair & cool. Up at 7 and to work at 8:05. Read awhile at noon. All day on detail of bent 44. on second sheet. After tea Walls and & I played croquet with Misses Collins and Evans. till dark. then walked down street on errand and had some ice cream together. very nice. Home and sat on stoop with girls till 11:30 when we came home. to bed at 12.
Tuesday 30: Twas much cooler, almost cold today. Up at 7:15 and off to office & put entire day on Bent 45 of Chicago Elevated RR. Read Miss Dividends at noon for a time. In eve walked over to PO but found no mail. later walked up Water St. and meeting Al______ walked about with him awhile. got home at 9 and read “Miss Dividends” till after eleven before turning in.
Wednesday 31: A quite cold day. Up as usual on time at office and put another day on Bent 45. of NWRR. Read at noon to finish book and back to office early. In early eve shaved & walked over to PO and about the city with Carpenter and got home at 9:30 sat up on the steps awhile. warmer at 10 than at 7. got to bed at 10.
August 1895
Thursday 1: A cloudy day, north wind blowing and quite cool. To office at 8 and rest of day on Bent 45. finished one half and started other. At noon found letter from Mother saying Sherriff left summons for me to appear at Towanda first Monday in Sept. Wrote at noon to Mother again in eve to her and to J L Corbin, Esq. Later went over to Inksaders & played at Pedro till 10:30. chocolate, to bed at 11:30.
Friday 2: A comfortable day except very cold early in the morning. had a fire in my room in office for awhile. Worked all day on Bent 45 and 34. At noon went over into the city. bought a pair of pants and a cap. and hurried to the office. In eve played croquet till dark with Miss Inksaders and Miss Collins & Walls. Walked over to town and came back and had a sing, played six handed pedro in Inksaders till 11.
Saturday 3: Elmira to Athens - A dark cloudy smoky day. with occasional splat of rain. All day work on Bent 44. Quit at 5 and played ball. had a great game. 13 to 9 in favor of “Royal Bengals” over “Bushi Bajoriks”. I played first base. Letters from J.L. Corbin & Mother at noon. In PM had a telephone message to come home. Put in an hour visiting with the boys, went to Erie city depot and took train to Waverly. Home at 11:15 aroused Mother and turned in.
Sunday 4: Athens to Elmira - A nice bright day. Up to breakfast at eight and looked over the Garden then to PO and was in News Office for papers in safe the in J.L. Corbins office til 12. Talking over matters. After dinner Jule & I went to W.K. Green and talked over Wolcott Hollow matters relating to lumber business of Park, Elsbree, Harris & Co. etc. In eve took car at 7:15 for Waverly. Erie at 8:18 for Southport and turned in at 112 Catherine St. at 9:30.
Monday 5: A nice day clear and fair no rain. I got to office at eight and put all day on cross girders for Bent 34 of NW El. In eve played a game of croquet with Walls then went over to town & called on E. D. Drew about Wolcott Hollow matters. Later came back and met our crowd and walked around a block or two and saw part of bicycle parade. Sat on veranda till 10:30 then turned in.
Tuesday 6: Up at 7:15 and off to office at 7:45. All day on cross girder for Bent 34 same as before. Very warm in office but cooler after a short storm in afternoon. Out at 5:30. to house, shaved and took car with Walls & Carpenter for Eldridge Park. had a picnic supper. Twelve in party. Rain came on at 8:30 had band concert in the _____. west side car to Water Street. Walls for umbrellas. Wet through. big time.
Wednesday 7: A very nice day. comfortable weather. Up earlier than usual and went with Allan to my new boarding house to breakfast. Quit Miniers on account of poor coffee and pork three times a day and five days a week. Worked all day on Span 32-33 and in eve walked over into city awhile for a stroll. Home and visited with Carpenter and later with Miss C & E till 10:30 when I turned in at 11. Beautiful moonlight night – full moon.
Thursday 8: Another nice comfortably warm day. clear and breezy. Up at 7. and after good breakfast went to office. All day on Span 32-33 started second half. After quitting in evening shaved before tea and later wrote to Mother then went over to Inkstaters for evening had progressive euchre party. first time I played got six points. Music, refreshments and dancing conundrums, etc. got in at one o’clock.
Friday 9: A very warm day. the start of a hot wave coming. Up at 7. and worked all day on Span 32-33 and 33-34. Very hot in office. Out at 5:30 and to room and read awhile before tea. In eve was in room most of time wrote a letter to Helen telling of my new trouble and saying goodbye. Sent back her last letter. A very hard rain storm in late in evening.
Saturday 10: Elmira to Athens - A fearfully hot close day. everything sweltered. Got to office at eight and put in all day on Span 33-34 of NW Elevated. I got early supper and took Erie to Waverly and electric home. In to JLC’s office and Ercanbracks paid $5.00 for fruit trees. To home at 8:30 & had a visit with Mother & lunch later. Went up street again and got home at 10 and turned in at eleven.
Sunday 11: Athens to Elmira - Up at 7 and milked Elsie May and after breakfast went to PO then up into store and looked over old ledgers books etc for matter on my case with Harris. Also looked over old Bank Books and set out some to take to JLC. dinner at 2 and up to his office at 3. there till 5. Home to supper. Car for Waverly at 7:15 severe lightning. cars stopped awhile. but got to Elmira OK at 9. found letter from Helen. My Helen for she writes I Love You – In at 10 (see Aug 25) raining
Monday 12: A very hot, but beautiful clear day. Up at 7. Exercised with bells before dressing. Breakfast at 7:30. Work at 8. All day finished up span 33-34. In eve wrote a long letter to Mother and then went over into city for a stroll and later wrote a short letter to Helen. Finally turned in at eleven. A very nice clear evening.
Tuesday 13: Warm clear and comfortable day with nice north breeze. Up at 7. to office at 8. Put day on Long. bracing for Span 29-30. At noon replied to cards from Hamaker & Dinsmore. Before tea changed my shirt & shaved. Went with Walls, Carpenter & Miss C – I & E to Eldridge Park for evening concert of bellringers etc. Home on Westside car at 11. Very fine evening.
Wednesday 14: A very fine day. warm and clear hardly a breeze so was warm in office. Up at 7 and got to office at 8. In morning finished longitudinal bracing for Span 29:30 and in PM had same for Span 70-71 well along. After tea I went with Allan & Voll-Kammer for a long walk about five miles. at least was gone some two hours. Had a nice long letter from Mother in eve. Turned in at 9:30.
Thursday 15: Looked like rain early and did sprinkle a little but later cleared up with a very fine day. warm & comfortable. Up at 7. slept well. Office at 8. All day on Long. bracing of Span 78-79 & finish of 70-71. To town at noon bought a pair of shoes 2.50. In eve strolled over town with Allan. sat in Wisner Park awhile. After coming home was later over again to See Doc Pratt. Sat with Carpenter & Misses C. & I awhile.
Friday 16: A very hot day. close and very little breeze. Up and to breakfast at 7:30. Office all day finished up long. bracing of span 108-109 and commenced drawing in Span 31-32 of Stringers into cloth. Out at 5:30. In eve was over for stroll then house rest of evening. Cooler in eve.
Saturday 17: Again twas hot. Up at 7 and put in forenoon on 31-32. At noon found letter from Helen saying she wanted to see me. So I shaved, bathed, changed wear etc. got to office at 1:45 an left at 3:15 to Erie depot bought ticket to Owego. but soon found train 45 min late so could not connect at Owego for Berkshire so concluded to wait till next week. Went home. in eve over to town, wrote letter to Helen. later was in to Inksaters while with boys. Turned in at 11. rain.
Sunday 18: A beautiful day. nice & cool. making
me tired to think of not been in N.V.
Wrote letters to Mother & to Noah Cummings. Over to PO at
noon. In afternoon took walk by old “Riverside Park”.
but most of time was in house reading or visiting with Walls. Had
lunch in city at 7. poor at that. Met Walls & Carpenter sat in
Wisner Park awhile and later on veranda till 9:30.
Monday 19: A beautiful clear cool day. Up at 6:45 and got to office at 8. All day computing lateral distances for span 31-32. Got to work at 1:10 making up 20 min. Quit at 5:30 and up to house played a game of croquet before tea. and after tea watched a game played by four others. Walked over to town with W & C for awhile. Turned in at 10 after exercising with bells.
Tuesday 20: Again twas cool and clear. Up at 7. to work at 8. Inking in span 31-32. all day. put in 25 min. extra time. At noon found card from Harry Park saying he would be here Thurs or perhaps Wednesday. In eve saw games awhile then walked over to PO nothing, strolled up Water street and finally home by 8:30 – evening clear and very cool. Read awhile and turned in at 9:30.
Wednesday 21: Quite cool all day. but sunny and very clear atmosphere. Up at 7. office at 8. and all day with Ink on span 31-32. and about finished it. 15 min extra time in AM hour made up now. payday too. paid room rent $2.50 to Mrs Minier. In eve down to where piles are being driven for new bridge. over to town later strolled to PO. up and down awhile. Jam. ginger for stomach.
Thursday 22: Up at 7. off to office at 8. All day to finish up the repairs on two sheets of drawings made some time before. At noon over to city to purchase hat & shirt and got to office at 1:30 on time. In eve over to bridge site. over to city to doctors. - summer complaint. Later to Erie depot of Southport met Harry Park on train and walked about city with him. Visited with Walls till after 12 when we turned in.
Friday 23: A hot day, warmer than any day of the week. little breeze and very sultry. To work at 8. Harry walked to office with me. After finishing up repair of one sheet worked rest of day on Span 31-32 2nd half. In eve over to Drs. later visited with Harry till time to go to train which left city depot (Erie) at 9:57. Saw him off. and got to house at 10:30. Putting things together for going off tomorrow (to Berkshire. Letter from Helen.
Saturday 24 Elmira to Berkshire - Up at 7. to office for morning in afternoon worked till 2:45 then left for room. packed my little satchel. – made ready at noon – and took LV train to Sayre in rain. Waited till 5:30 before leaving Sayre. Reached Berkshire and Helen at 6:30 & spent eve. there. walking awhile took train at 9 for Newark Valley. had a long talk. or friendly visit with the folks and later with Helen. eat plums, etc. before retiring. Rain stopped at 6. there and it was clearing up.
Sunday 25: Newark Valley & Athens - A beautiful morning and day turned out to be clear, calm and in fact a model day. Up at 7:30. breakfast at 8. outside all morning. To church with the girls at 10:30. Afternoon with Helen on the hillside and called on her friend Miss S. at six was up on hillside, read Mothers letter and we then, concluded to go through the “fair of life” together. Chatted, talked and planned till train time at 9. and then bid a temporary goodbye. Home at 10:30 and turned in at 11:30. (see Sept 21)
Monday 26: Athens to Elmira - Awakened at 5:20 and after a cup of chocolate bade Mother goodbye and started afoot for Waverly. caught a ride most of way but was too late for DL&W train by two minutes. but did get Erie 3 at 6:15 which was about an hour late. arrived in Elmira at 6:50. To room and breakfast. To office at 8. and put all day on Span 31-32. In eve took a walk. wrote to Helen an finally turned in at 10:30.
Tuesday 27: Up at 7. cloudy and looked like rain but became clear and warm later. Later breakfast then usual so was later to breakfast. All day on span 31-32 and correcting 111-112 sheet. In eve down by bridge site and then took a long walk for over half an hour about the city. Got to house at 9:15 and after reading and using bells turned in at 10. very clear but not very cool.
Wednesday 28: A very hot day all day hardly any breeze. Up at 7. office at eight. All day in Span 31-32 inking in sheet. calculations, etc. In eve took a short stroll after playing croquet till dark. Then layed down awhile. Went to bed finally at 9:30 in the dark. wrote letter to Mother at noon. Dinner at six thirty. Payday again.
Thursday 29: Much cooler today. cloudy and had a hard dash of rain in afternoon and got cooler from strong north wind. Up at 7 as usual. all day on 31-32 nearly finished. Worked a little over in eve after 5:30. After dinner went to house sat around with boys & took a stroll before turning in. at 9:30. Paid board 1. wk to Jerry and Room rent 1 wk to Mrs. M.
Friday 30: A clear day. cloudy at first but later was sunny and very warm except for a nice breeze from north. Up at 7. Work on bill of Material for 30-31 – and 31-32. a hard job it was. not finished. Letter from Helen at noon, a sweet one it was too. In eve supper at 6:30 sat out on Collins stoop for awhile then walked around the block. listen to music. turned in at 10:30.
Saturday 31: Elmira to Athens - Out at 7:15, office at 8. All day on billing Material on span 31-32 etc. At 5 quit and went to room then with girls to supper at Jerry’s and later to the Erie train at six 10. Home via electric car from Athens hunted up two bondsmen for Sale of real estate as Administrator and made other necessary arrangements. got to the house at 8:30 and visited till near eleven the turned in.
September 1895
Sunday 1; Athens to Elmira - Up at 7 and milked the cow. picked peas and took off four cases of honey from hives got stung four or five times. Up to PO and then home. and shave. Was up street in PM awhile and visited rest of time till train time. car to Waverly and reached Southport at 9:30 room & unpacked had a call from Walls till 10.
Monday 2: A very nice day. Labor Day in New York State and big time in town but most office hands worked though shops were closed. I put in all day on Span 27-28 Stringers. Very cool in early morning but warmed up a good deal during day & was cool again in eve but very bright moonlight. Wrote to Helen in eve after return from a stroll.
Tuesday 3: Very cold morning & warmer later and was a very bright day. Morning on Span 27-28 of NW El. then changed to pencil sketches of revised spans for rest of day. At noon had letter from Henry B. Loveland of Buffalo. Helen’s brother. a very pleasant letter expressing good wishes and confidences. In eve took walk with Carpenter. Sat in moonlight till 10. turned in at 10:30.
Wednesday 4: A fair day. calm & warm. Office at 8 in a hurry. overslept. All day on Stringers 27-28 and in eve down to bridge site. Wrote letters to Henry, B and C.H. Loveland, Helen’s brothers. thanking them for kind wishes etc. Took a short stroll. shaved before going to bed and finally turned in at 10:30.
Thursday 5: Started out cloudy and cool and later cleared up somewhat though promise of rain. All day on finishing sheet of Span 27-28. In eve after tea over to town with Walls. to PO etc. Came to house wrote letter to May and put up “news” for Helen. Letter from May in eve with congratulations, etc.
Friday 6: A fair day. looked like rain and did rain in early eve a little. Up at 7. office at 8. All day on Span 32-33. commenced at 10. and made ready for ink by eve. Letter from Helen at noon with her ring enclosed. In eve went down to the pier and later took a long walk with Allan around city and got in at 9:30. Stayed at Jerry’s for awhile and played again. Rainy in eve.
Saturday 7: A nice comfortable day. Out at 7:30 office at 8. Worked all day on Span 32-33. After five went to ball field and played baseball with office boys, till 6:30 had a good game. In evening walked over to town to PO & up Water St. Came home at eight and went into tub. had a severe thunder storm. Turned in at 10. night cool after rain.
Sunday 8: A most beautiful clear balmy day. got out to breakfast at 9:30 to bridge pier and then later went to First Presbyterian Church. Hear Rev Jennings preach. To room & again over to PO got News and read till dinner time. After dinner wrote to Coe and to Geo Gidd & to Mother. In eve called on Miss C till 10. talked with Bright & Carpenter. Turned in at 10:30.
Monday 9: Started out quite cold but warmed up during day. After dinner had heavy thunder storm with hard hail later. Out at 7:30 worked all day on Span 32-33. computing and inking in. In eve walked over to PO after finishing letter to Mother. Then visited with fellows in Walls room till 10:30 when I went to bed.
Tuesday 10: A beautifully clear day but very warm.. got to office at eight o’clock and put in all day on repairs of sheet. In eve shaved & put on cutaway and after tea went with Allan and Carpenter to Musicals in Park Church (Beecher’s) & enjoyed it very much except twas so very hot. big crowd. got home about 10 then went into Inksaders & played pedro. had refreshments etc. Music. about 10 present. got to bed at 12:30.
Wednesday 11. Another hot muggy day. Up at 7 and got to office at 8 as usual. Forenoon on corrections and in PM went on with Span 32-33. quit at 5:30. Very close and hot in office. Went over to town at noon looked at ring. bought an eyeshade. took car to office. In eve over to bridge pier and then to Dr’s and later took a long walk around college & back. Turned in at 9:30.
Thursday 12: Again twas very hot and office sweltered. got to work at 8 and worked all day at repairs and checking computations of stringer sheets. In eve wrote a long letter to Mother and to Helen and sent about eight duns to debtors of the estate and I turned in finally at 11 PM. Was over to town at 8 to mail letters.
Friday 13: A very sudden change, very cool, almost cold all day long. Got to work at eight and all day on corrections and computations. letter from Mother at noon. In eve put on heavy underwear and went with Allan and Bright to see the Buffalo Bill Wild West Show on the Maple Ave. grounds. Got home at ten. Show was very novel exciting and had a fair crowd.
Saturday 14: Avery clear, bright but cold day. Put in all day in office on corrections & in drawings on Span 32-33 and at 5 quit work and played scrub baseball with the boys for an hour but twas too cold to play so got home in time for dinner at 6:30. In eve run over to town to PO and around and then wrote letter and had a peasant evening with Lewert, Brenton & Bright in the latter’s room. bath and to bed at 12.
Sunday 15: Another beautiful clear day. Was up to breakfast at 9:30 & then to bridge site but was regular heathen and did not go to church today. read over letters wrote one home and in afternoon started a novel and took a walk with Walls up to Walnut Street bridge. Lunch at 6. and had a visit and a long walk with Allen & Carpenter before turning in.
Monday 16: Cloudy when I got up & was raining at 7:15 but quit for awhile about noon and rained by spells for rest of day. Worked all day on Span 32-33 and checked bill of material for same box girders. In eve was over to town and took a long walk with Steiner and got back to room at ten. Had a 10 page letter from Mother in eve. turned in at 10:30.
Tuesday 17: A very nice comfortable day clear in early morn but clouded some during day but was very fair weather. Up at 7 and to office at eight. Put in all day on Span 32-33 second sheet. In eve came to house and read awhile but walked over to PO for a stroll. Later played autoharp for a time then turned in.
Wednesday 18: Rainy at early hour. lots of water fell. Was up at 7:15 Breakfast at 7:30. put in entire day correcting sheet for Span 31-32. Cloudy most of day. cleared up at times. in eve had hair trim then came to room & went out again walked over to PO & to Erie Depot. Saw Toll Kormner off at 10 on Erie. got back to room at 10:30. Two years ago this date I met my love. One year ago I visited her. Turned in at 11 PM.
Thursday 19: A comfortably warm day. Up at 7 and put all day on span 31-32 correcting sheets. At noon was at room awhile before going to office. In eve walked down to new pier and later took a long walk down the Wellsburg road with Allan getting back home at 9:45 but did not turn in till 11.
Friday 20: a fair day. clear and became very hot and sultry. Got up at 7 and got to the office at 8. and worked all day on Drawing for span 32-33. At five thirty quit and went to house & then to depot and took Erie to Waverly and electric car home & had supper at the Presbyterian church at Harvest Supper. Visited with Mother till after 11. turned in at 11:30. Got ring of Bally & Son on Water St. at noon.
Saturday 21: Athens to Berkshire & N. Valley - A beautiful day. Up at 5:10 hurried to depot. to Sayre. change to S. Central and got to N. Valley. had breakfast at Lovelands and took train at 8:32 to Berkshire where I spent forenoon with Helen and after dinner we drove up on high hill long pleasant drive. Got back to supper and visited with people. Helped pack trunks etc. and drove three of us to Newark Valley. Turned in at 11:30. Helen wears my ring. See Dec 29.
Sunday 22: Newark Valley to Athens - A very hot day. Was up at 7:30 and after breakfast was about the house with Helen. To church at 10:30 sermon by Rev. Ellsworth. In afternoon H. & I were together most of time. in house where twas cool. Lunch at six, visited with folks at the house till 8:40 when Helen and I drove to train by her father. LV to Sayre. waited in depot for electric car and arrived in house at 10:45 and retired at 11:20.
Monday 23: Athens to Elmira - A beautiful day. clear and nice south wind. Up at 6:30 and breakfast at 7. After breakfast was at home with Helen. till 9. then up street on business errand. back and took my love for a drive. Very happy with her. Sat in shade for an hour or more. dinner at 12. to train at 1:19 with Helen and saw her off with her sister Mary. At 2 held administrators sale of real estate. Sold Podunk house at 5.95 and Willow at $8.50. Filled out the papers and went to Elmira at 8.
Tuesday 24: Up at 7 and got to office at 8. and started again but found one sheet to be drawn over entirely new. so got that well along in the day. In eve was over to Dr Pratts then back to room and found note asking me to come Inksaters to play pedro. I shaved and went over had a pleasant evening. turned in finally at 11:30.
Wednesday 25: Very cold in early morn had a fire in the office stove but it warmed up during the day. At noon came to room and started letter to Helen. all day making change in span 32-33. In eve wrote a long letter to Helen and went over to PO to mail it. got in at 10. wrote up two pages ___ and then turned in. clear in eve and cool. Helen address now in Orange Park, Florida.
Thursday 26: A fair day except for several passing showers. In forenoon worked on stringers all time and afternoon the same. We had a most beautiful sunset about supper time. In eve wrote a letter to Mother and walked over to PO to mail it and went on with Mr Andrews ( a new draughtsman – an old Englishman) for a walk about the college. Got to room at 9:30 and talked till near eleven before turning in.
Friday 27:A cold cloudy day. much colder than usual. Got to office at 8. and put in all day on trying to finish span 32-33. A hard job but will have it out soon. Found a letter from Mother on return home at 5:30. Pay day at office. $12.50. In evening I started a letter to Coe. and then having a call from Harry Allan I spent a pleasant evening with him. Retired at 10:30.
Saturday 28: A most beautiful clear calm day though quite cold in the early morning so we had a fire in the office. After work at 5 we had a game of baseball on the office grounds till dark then got to supper in time. After tea walked over to the city for a little while then read for a time and went into tub and shaved before going to bed.
Sunday 29: A hard south wind blowing and rain threatening which came about noon but not very hard. Breakfast at 9 and at 12 went over to PO. After dinner at 2 Walls, Ray and I walked to north shop and through them and got back to supper at 7. having walked about 8 miles. In evening wrote to my honey and turned in at 10.
Monday 30: A very cold cloudy day. Up at 7. and to breakfast. Office at 8. and during day completed the Span 32-33 and commenced a new job. slightly different. Got a letter from Mother in eve. and had one from Helen from Atlanta at noon. Went over to PO at noon and got money order for 70 cents for Col. Eng. Co. sent for drawing outfit for Geo. Tidd. In eve was over to PO and had a short walk then wrote a long letter home.
October 1895
Tuesday 1: Another nice day. cold early but warm later. Was off to office at 8 as usual. Put the day in finishing up sheet of Span 40-41. In eve was over to town for a stroll but later read in room. finally turned in at 10. Wrote a long letter home to mother.
Wednesday 2: Again a heavy frost in early morning. At 8 was at office & commenced on new special bent No 27 for the days work. Over town at noon. At 5:30 quit as usual. In eve walked over town with Walls & Ray. Came back with W, Misses C & E and had a jolly time in C’s house and danced till near ten when we made a break for home. Miss C jollied me about my girl.
Thursday 3: Up at 7:15 got to office at 8 and put in all day on special bent No 27. Twas very cold in morning warmer at noon. beautiful clear moonlight night. In eve had pictures from Harry and a letter from Helen. Wrote awhile after tea to Helen. but at 8:30 went over to Bundy Hall to Assembly dance. About 60 couples danced. Pleasant evening. but warmed up inside. Got home at 1 AM. quite tired.
Friday 4: Up at 7 as usual and off to the office at 8. and put in all day on bent No 27 and commenced inking in. Quite cold early in the morning but as usual it warmed up much at noon. In eve finished a long letter to Helen then took a walk over to PO to mail it. Recd check for 1.10 from Erie Passn Agent Roberts and a letter from Miss Kneeland. Turned in at 9:45. very tired. heavy cold on.
Saturday 5: A nice day though quite cold. very much so in the early forenoon. Was all day on Bent 41. and in corrections of Span 32-33. Quit at five & went to house then over to the city and back to Southport depot to see the Athens foot ball team on its return from Mansfield. tie game. Saw Irving and showed him Helens picture. In eve had jolly time in Walls room with boys until near twelve o’clock. Letter from Helen in eve.
Sunday 6: Was up at 8:30 shaved & had a tub bath and got to breakfast at 9:15. Went over to bridge awhile then returned to room and wrote to Helen. read awhile then went over to the city to see a fire. but came back and had a good dinner at 2:30. Had a sing after dinner at Terrys staying until near 5 when Allan & I took a long walk in the dusty suburb. After lunch, Allan, Bright & I went to Beecher church. heard Mrs. Eastman preach on books. fin. letter to Helen.
Monday 7: A cold cloudy, threatening day. In office on sheet corrections all day. In eve after tea Ray and I took a long stroll up Water & down Madison Ave. To room and read the Privateersman until twelve. finishing the book. Had a letter from Mother in eve. Wind was blowing cold from the north and trying to hail when I turned in. Electric lights in office. 1st.
Tuesday 8: A very cold day, cloudy & the wind whistled about the house like in winter. Up at 7. office at eight and all day on corrections of two sheets and correcting on detail of bent No 44. Lights did not come on till near 5:30. After supper, Ryan, Allan and I walked up West Water St. and up around the college about four miles or more in an hour and fifteen minutes. Cold and then threatening in eve. Turned in at 9:30.
Wednesday 9: A very cold day. the first snow squall of the season in the morning. Wind blew cold from north all day long. Got to work as usual at 8. and put in all day correcting and on Bent 27. In eve found letter and paper from Helen. Visited a while with boys then wrote to Helen. Turned in finally at 10:30. Saw fire alarm pulled & steamers run.
Thursday 10: An ideal indian summer day. a contrast of yesterday. To office at 8. on Bent 27 in forenoon and corrections in afternoon. “Trolley day” lady conductors. Finished letter to H. at noon and mailed. Over to MDs in eve & to PO. and later wrote to Harry Park and sent “Duns” to Rounds, Cary and G Taladay. Turned in at 10:30.
Friday 11: A nice day early but clouded during the day and blew cold from north till eve when rain set in. In office all day on Bent 27 inking in details. To room after dinner wrote postal home. In eve walked up around the college grounds with Allan. Then he came in room and read. Walls & Ray came in we had a jolly until 10. when we turned in.
Saturday 12: Elmira to Athens - A disagreeable cold rainy forenoon and so dark. but in afternoon it cleared up somewhat. Worked all forenoon on Bent 27 and PM up 2:45 when I left and took LV train to Athens. Attended to some errands and saw J.T. awhile. Up in YMCA rooms awhile. Was at home by nine. fell over wheelbarrow in back yard while after coal. Got to bed at eleven 30. Renewed note to J.L.C. at bank.
Sunday 13: Athens to Elmira - Up to breakfast at 9 and to PO recd letter from Miss K. of Skaneatelas announcing her fathers death. Did not go to church. but looked over a trunk of old papers. read & played melodion. After dinner went up to J.L.s office for a talk. Later packed satchel and after tea took car for Waverly and Erie to Southport. Letter form my Helen to which I replyed at once.
Monday 14: Another fair day almost perfectly clear. Up at 7 and at office finished Bent 27 in the morning and started Bent 31 in afternoon. worked till 5:45 to make up time lost Saturday. After tea. Allan, Ryan & I took a walk to Southport Corners and back via Maple Ave. and then had a call from them till 10. then I turned in. Clear & cool.
Tuesday 15: A cool day dark and at noon a dismal misty rain had set in which continued in spells all the afternoon. At the office at 8. and at 1:15 and quit at 5:45 thus making up an half hour working on Bent 31. In eve wrote a letter to Miss Kneeland also called in Walls room awhile.
Wednesday 16: Up at 7:15 hustled over to breakfast & got of office at 8:05 cold & dark. Worked all day on Bent 31 bill of material etc. Worked over 15 min. then had a talk with Mr Buchanan about wages. He promised to give me $60.00 a month for 3 months then 75 thereafter if OK at the time. Wrote letter to Helen. recd one from her in eve. turned in at eleven.
Thursday 17: Fair in morn but clouded up during the day blowing very hard & cold from the north. Up at 7 and to office at 8. finished Bent 31 & commenced 73 and got it well along by quitting time. Shaved before supper, then dressed for the Assembly. Miss Miller as partner. had a jolly time, good crowd. Home at 12:30 and to bed at 1 after a talk with the boys.. another letter from Helen.
Friday 18: A beautiful clear calm day much different than yesterday. Up at 7:15 worked all day on Bent 73. finished up. At noon back to room before to office. After tea wrote to Colleery Eng. Co. enclosing 20 cts. went over to PO & to Doc. Pratts then up Water Street and later home wrote letter to Mother and then turned in for the night.
Saturday 19: A cold cloudy day with strong north wind blowing clouds of dust. Up at 7:30 to breakfast and to office at eight. All day on repairs & finishing sheet of Bent 72. 73. Went to Erie depot in city to meet Athens football team at 6. but did not find them. In eve had great old time at P.C. séance in Walls room. got to bed at 12:30 AM.
Sunday 20: Up at 8. shaved & got to breakfast at 9. Came back to room.. read till 12. over to PO and at 2 to dinner. After dinner Walls & I walked to east hill. through woods and back on DL&W track with Misses Collins and Evans. Lunch at 6 – then to Baptist church at 7. large crowd, four baptized. Walked over to Southport with Misses Larned. Got in at 10. to bed after finishing letter to Helen.
Monday 21: Found ground covered with snow. but it melted soon in the sun. Day fair. clear but cold. To office at 8 and all day on longitudinal bracing. quit at 5:45 found letter from Mother which I answered in eve. after a visit with Allan and Walls. Very cold in eve. new moon in the western sky. Turned in at 10:30.
Tuesday 22: Up at 7:15. office at 8. & put in all day on the longitudinal bracing of Span 29-30. finished one sheet of it. Quit at 5:30 and went to supper earlier then usual. Coming out of supper Walls & I ran over to Mt. Zoar Street. to see a fire – house nearly burned. Then walk to office with Walls & then over to town alone. to room & read until 9:30 finishing “How I Escaped” by Parkins.
Wednesday 23: A cold morning but we did not need a fire in our room in office. Was at work at 8. and put all day on Span 70-71. At 5:30 came home & had early dinner. shaved & dressed & had a while to write to Helen then at nine met Miss C & Miss E with W. & we went to Stagg’s reception at Bundy Hall. bum crowd. dusty room a few nice dances. Home at 12:30 & in at 1. Letter from Helen.
Thursday 24: A very cold morning early. warmer during day. all forenoon on finishing span 70-71 and afternoon on the platform Cols. Left office at 5:30 and after dinner in room read a bit then started a letter to Helen and at 9 quit and turned in.
Friday 25: Somewhat warmer morning but day smoky, not cloudy. Cold wind from north all day. clouds of dust flying. got to office at 8 and worked all day on Platform columns for Addison Ave. depot of NW El. quit at 5:45. Letter from home. - Chas has a job at last. After tea Harry Allan was in room for a smoke then we took a short stroll. heard fire alarm. In at 9:15 wrote to H. awhile.
Saturday 26: A fair day though smoky. Up at 7. office at eight about 5 hours on the corrections of bent 32-33 then rest of day inking in Platform columns for Addison St. Station. At five went to town called on W S Drew regarding insurance had a nice visit. then went to Carrols for a suit of underwear. supper at 5:45 to room & shaved and then spent evening with boys in Walls room.
Sunday 27: Up at 7:45 and went into tub. Breakfast at 7 walked to South Shop with Walls & McKee. Got around to new bridge site on Walnut St. then had dinner. Wrote to Helen then slept awhile. After lunch went to Baptist church. hear Dr Stanley on Jap. & China etc. Raining very hard. caught in the rain. finished writing to H.
Monday 28: A clear fair day after the rain. North wind blow all day drying up the mud. Was up at 7 and to office at 8. finished columns for Addison St Station and commenced the long stringers for the same. After supper wrote to Mother replying to her letter recd. tonight. Walked over to town with Allan & Walls. called a moment on Miss M. back to house at 9:30. to bed 10:30.
Tuesday 29: A cold day. fair to cloudy north wind all day. Up at 7:15 office at eight. Forenoon on corrections. At noon after dinner went over to town on errand and to office on car. afternoon on corrections quit at 5:30. after supper put on cutaway and went over to Miss Millers & played Pedro with Walls, Carpenter, & Misses E & C & M. Pleasant evening got home & to bed at 12. Night cold with snow flying.
Wednesday 30: Cold morning & evening. fair at noon, clear day. Up at 7. office at 8. and after working all day on Platform Stringers & laterals, quit at 5:45 and had dinner at 6:15. Letter from Helen in the morning and a paper in the evening. Letter from Mother in evening too. After tea wrote to Judge Nichols sending bills for collection. Over to town & went with Miss C to Millers. Home & wrote to Helen. turned in at 10:30.
Thursday 31: Clouded up during the day and after dinner rain came on and it poured steadily. Worked all day on corrections & inking in of platform stringers. Quit work at five thirty and went to dinner. Then shaved and got into cutaway. went to Miss Millers then to Bundy Hall to third Assembly dance having a very pleasant evening. To Miss Collins after the ball & had refreshments and got home at 1:00 AM.
November 1895
Friday 1: A cold foggy damp day no rain but clouded. Up at 7 and to office at eight. Repairing sheet of columns all day long except for an hour on Long. Br. In eve stayed at Terry’s to play the piano & had quite a visit with Mrs. T. Home at 8:30 via the laundry. Figured up last months account. wrote up for yesterday and went to bed at 9:30.
Saturday 2: Elmira to Athens - A fair cool day good foot ball weather. Did not waken till 8:15 so did not get to office till 8:40. Worked till five on corrections of long bracing and details of platform strs. hustled around after office and took Erie at 6:10 Athens at 7:30 paid $5.00 on note, $3.50 interest at Farmers bank. Strolled around and got home at 9. lunch and visited until after eleven when we turned in.
Sunday 3: Athens to Elmira - A nice balmy. fair day. Up at 8. milked the cow and after breakfast went to PO then up street and back to house at 10. was at home all morning reading. Walked down by old school house with WLS at home most of PM. at 7:10 took street car. & got to Elmira at 9. and found no letter from H. as expected. Unpacked and wrote to H. awhile a most beautiful moonlight night.
Monday 4: A bright fair day but cold early and cool all day. In office at 8. In forenoon on Platform stringers and all corrections and in afternoon on marking diagram for Addison Av station. Headache most all day due to carpenters pounding and addition to office. In eve walked over to PO and back. wrote a letter to Helen & postal home before turning in at 10.
Tuesday 5: A nice day for election day. clear and cool. Up at 7. office at eight & put in all day on marking diagram for Addison Avenue station. Quit work at 5 as no lights were on as shops were not running. Sat in house till supper time. After supper read a while then went over to town but heard no election news that could be depended on. Recd letter from Noah & started an answer.
Wednesday 6: A very nice warm day bright and quiet. Got to office at eight and put in all day on marking diagram and long stringers & got out at 5:45. and recd letter from Helen before tea. She’s somewhat offended at something. After supper visited with Walls & John Stulen for awhile then wrote a long letter to Helen. finished at eleven mailed letter before going to bed. in at 11:30. bright moonlight.
Thursday 7: A nice day again. Up at 7:15 and reached office at 8. finished platform strs and commenced another sheet of special ends. struts, etc. Out at 5:30 and after supper walked about the town with Ray hunting for rooms and later came to room finished letter to Noah Cummings and wrote one home.
Friday 8: Up at 7. bright warm day early but clouded up and rained in late PM & all evening. Office at 8 worked on cantilever drawings. checked bill of stiffners. and correcting bracing sheet. had a despatch from Noah Cummings about coming to Athens. wrote postals to Noah & to Chas. and went to PO & W. Union office. Letter from home at noon. Over to town in evening. then visited with fellows till 10:30. Had a raise of $10 per mo in pay. $65 now.
Saturday 9: Raining most all day with foggy mist. At night it quit but north wind blew and it grew colder. Was at office at 8 and in day worked on three jobs corrections, checking and detailing. Home at 5:15 & shaved before supper. After tea went with Walls, Carpenter, & Misses C & M to Miss Evans. played pedro and sung had nice refreshments and got home at 11:30. visited with W till after 12 when I turned in.
Sunday 10: A very cold day. sudden change this. Up at 9 to breakfast. had a sing at Terry’s. called on Ray and Walked over to PO and for a stroll. came to house and wrote awhile. After dinner wrote to H. then was in Walls room for a time. In eve wrote a long letter to Helen. Went over to Southport depot to 9. train but Noah did not appear so came back and turned in.
Monday 11: A cold day but fair. Up at 7:40 late. slept over. Office at 8:15 and got transferred to new office upstairs with NE window. Smells strong of new varnish but is more comfortable than old quarters. Most all day on Addison Ave station. In eve walked with fellows then came to Walls room had a séance and whooped up for an hour. Turned in at 11. Writing a letter home first.
Tuesday 12: A cold day. cloudy and windy. Sunny in forenoon. Was up at 7:30 office at 8. most all day correcting ten sheets and tracing another. After tea returned to room and read awhile and at 8 carted all my duds into front room vacated by Walls and spent the rest of the evening getting straightened around. Quit at 10 and went to bed.
Wednesday 13: A cold fair day. Up at 7. breakfast and to office at 8 and put about all day on tracing. correction and checking bill of material. In eve after supper I shaved. then went over to Dr Pratts and came back to Rays room and played whist with Ray, Allan & Dewey. Got to room at eleven and wrote a one sheet letter to Helen and mailed it. Recd a nice big 10 sheet letter from her. full of happiness.
Thursday 14: Another cool cloudy day. All day tracing completed one entire sheet today. After tea stayed at Terry’s awhile playing the piano. then went to Brights room on Maple Avenue. for his drawing board. called on Jim Tervant awhile. Came home and had a call from Dewey. then wrote a letter home and to JLC and mailed it in box and turned in at 10:45.
Friday 15: Cloudy and rainy. not much rain during day. Up to breakfast at 7:40. late to office and put in all day on Addison Avenue Station work. Pay day again. After supper Allan called awhile at my room then I walked over to PO for some envelopes and returned and wrote a letter to Harry Park & to Will Park before turning in.
Saturday 16: Up at seven. and to office at 8. and was all day on the tracing of several sheets of Addison Ave Station. Got out at 5. and started a letter to Helen. Had one from her at noon, a nice big one. In eve was over to town on errands and got back at 9. After writing awhile I went to bed at 10:30. Nice clear day and night.
Sunday 17: A very nice fair day. Up to breakfast at 9:15. To Baptist church at 10:30. heard Rev Henry an excellent sermon. dinner of chicken at 2. Took a long walk with A.J.& P. after dinner about city & got in at 5. Stayed at Terry’s awhile after lunch then came to room and finished writing to Helen. a long letter. Total eclipse of the moon. did not see it.
Monday 18: Cool morning. warm at noon. Up at 7:15 & to office at 8 worked on Clark Street Station most all day. check bills of material in afternoon. In eve I went with C A W & R to Lyceum Opera house to see the play of The Politician. very good play but not exceedingly funny. got home at 11. Commenced to rain. turned in at 11:30.
Tuesday 19: A warm day. clear after the nights rain. Up at 7 & to office at 8. All day on Clark St. Station of Strs. House at 5:30 Letter from J L C about Hall’s bill. Sent check for amt. After supper was in room awhile then went with A B C & R to opera House to see “Trip To Chinatown”. good laughable time. got to room and to bed at 11:15.
Wednesday 20: A very cold day with strong north wind howling and occasional snow flake flying. Up at 7. office at eight and was all day on Span 33-33½ and checking bill. In eve went with A B & R to cycle club rooms awhile. Home at 9. and wrote a long letter to Helen and mailed at 11. regular blizzard on. turned in at 11:30.
Thursday 21: Up at 7:15 on time at office all day on cantilever span for Clark St. Station. Up to dinner at 6. Letter from Will. In eve went to Raup room and played at whist with Allan, Ray and Dewey. Got to room at 11. and turned in. Very clear cold night. new moon.
Friday 22: A cold day. blowing hard from north. up at 7. Office all day on cant. strs. Bent 31. Letter from Mother at night. Wrote to her at noon. hair cut after supper then put on cutaway & went over to Miss Collins & played at Pedro for several hours. had a pleasant time. home with Miss S. then got to room at 12:30 turned in at once.
Saturday 23: A rainy sloppy day, cool. Office on time finished one sheet at 10. and by 5:30 had another completed. worked till 5:45. To room found letter from H. a sweet one. Went over to city & purchased gloves, ties etc. Walked around with Ray. shopping. Got back to room in rain at 10. wrote on accts and diary then went to bed. Wind coming up.
Sunday 24: A cold cloudy sloppy day. Up at 7. for bath and to bed again till 8:30. breakfast at 9:15. Church with Pallmer at 10:30 to Park Church. Mrs. Eastman preached. PO on way home. News & book from Helen called Titus. In afternoon wrote six letters and in evening one to Helen finished at ten and went out to mail letters. In at 10:30 and to bed.
Monday 25: Another cold drizzly rainy sloppy day. Up at seven and to office at 8. commenced on checking bill of material. Then until five worked on a marking diagram for Clark St. Station. Then started another bill checking. In eve played piano awhile at Terry’s then home & read till 9:30. to bed at 10. after using bells.
Tuesday 26: A most fearful wind blew all night. things bang and bent & twisted. Rain poured and continued most all day. Up at 7. Office at 8 & was all day on marking diagram for Clark Street Station. Quit at 5:30. Had a letter from Miss Kneeland. In eve was in my room figuring. planning. thinking. till 9. When I quit and went to bed.
Wednesday 27: A nice fair day. cold early. bright & warmer at noon. Up at 7. and worked all the day on Marking diagram for Clark St Station. After dinner took trunk to depot in wheelbarrow. Went to office for an hour or so leaving at 3 for LV train. got home at 4:30. Had errands to attend to. Had a letter from Helen. Wrote a letter to her in eve but did not finish. Did not attend dance at academy but visited with mother till 12:30. when we turned in.
Thursday 28: Thanksgiving at Athens - A very bright cool day. Was up at 8:30 & milked. finished letter to Helen and then went up street to depot mailed letter and then to Murrelle. – dentist. had three teeth filled.- upper back. Out at 11:30 and had a job among beehives till diner time. turkey dinner at 2. After dinner packed up my things in store. packed trunk too and brought things to house and took trunk to depot. Miss Jule saw Ely K. about p___. Up again after lunch. Took car at 8:45 Erie at 9:57. Elmira and house at 11.
Friday 29: A cloudy day though fair & warm about noon. Up at 7:15 & put in all day at the office on station for Clark Street. In eve after supper went over to the city with Harry Allan and bought lamp globe, wick and shade & then came back & unpacked & fixed things up about my room. Turned in at 10:30.
Saturday 30: A cold foggy misty day turning to snow. disagreeable
weather. Up at 7:20. Put in all day on same work of station
except two hours on checking bill of material. Quit at 5 and to room.
After tea went down to Brights room & then back to mine and six of
us played bid euchre for an hour. Turned in at 10:30 after shaving
and ready for Sunday.
Sunday 1: A cold day. hardly thawing at noon. Up at 9 and after breakfast came to room & read Titus (from Helen) till dinner time at 2. After dinner called on Miss E. for awhile and then before lunch started a letter to H. In eve after tea stayed awhile at Terry’s for a visit. walked over with Miss D. then to room finished letter to H. & mailed it. Wrote to Mother & to J L C. before turning in.
Monday 2: A cold rainy day but at noon it was fair so I left overcoat at room. Wind came up from north with rain changing to snow. Worked most of the day on the stairway for Add. ave. In eve walked over to town for a bit put pants to press. read awhile after my return & went to bed at 10:30 after using dumbbells.
Tuesday 3: A nice looking day but so very cold that everything is frozen hard. Got to office at 8. put day on stairway for Add. Ave. In eve went to Ray’s room and later played whist with him, Dewey & Allan till 10:30. even games. points 26-27. Came back to room at 11. and to bed. The night is glorious, full moon, stars bright. sky clear. Air very cold.
Wednesday 4: A cold day. freezing all day long. ice over the Chemung river. Was up at 7. Office at 8 and worked all day on another sheet of staircase for Clark Street Station. To room at 5:45 and after supper, shaved and walked over to town – met the girls & came back with them & visited awhile at Miss C’s got in at 9:30. A short note from H. was all. Letter from Mother.
Thursday 5: A bright day. fair but cold. At noon got onto the ice in Halls pond & slid awhile. boys skating. Office at 8. finished stairway at 11:30 & commenced detail of girder for St.L & A viaduct. To room at six after chat with Brenton. Recd & ret. statement of Reynolds jdd 111.03 to JLC witness RKP.
Friday 6: A cold day. moderated somewhat in afternoon. snowed some too. was at office by eight and put all day about on detail of 60 ft girder for St. L & ARR. After supper went over to Miss Collins for awhile. she made some bows of ribbon for me. Came back to room at 10:15 and turned right in.
Saturday 7: Fair about all day. but still cold & freezing. Up at 7:20 and to office by 8. Same job all day, nice work. Pay day. quit at 5 and went to room. Letter from Walls. none other. Went over into city in eve & looked at holiday goods windows. to PO. then to room, had a jolly good tub bath and went to bed at 9:30.
Sunday 8: A cold cloudy day. Up at 9. played piano awhile after breakfast then finished “Titus” in room. To PO at 12 for news. Dinner at 2, a good one. After which boys stayed to smoke. Saw hundreds of skaters on ice in PM. wrote letter home before supper. To Baptist Church after supper with Allan. A railroad YMCA man talked. crowded house. Wrote to Walls on Rt.
Monday 9: Up at 7. poor night rest. Cold day. snow flying. Worked all day on same job as before. Worked till nearly six before quitting. In eve stayed at Terry’s & played duets till near nine with Miss D. walked over home with her. Got my room at 9:10 finished letter to Walls then turned in at 10.
Tuesday 10: A cold cloudy day. calm at noon. no wind. up at 7:15. Finished drawing on girder job and had bill of material started. Quit at 5:30. Read awhile before supper. played piano awhile after. Over to city. to PO and at 8 to Opera House with Allan & Dewey to see Faust played. Got out at eleven and to room later.
Wednesday 11: Another dark cloudy day. Finished up Girder work at noon and in afternoon commenced tower bents for same viaduct. Quit at 5:30. In eve walked over to Town with the boys returned via room then to Ray’s for whist with Allan & Dewey, Got home at ten thirty and turned in at eleven rather down in the mouth. No letter from Helen. I wonder why.
Thursday 12: A cold & cloudy day but not snowing. Got to work at 8 and put in day on Tower Bents of viaduct. a harder job than usual. Before supper wrote a letter to Helen. after tea went to Express office for skates and back to House. then to PO with letter and to Chemung river above dam to skate. big crowd out. was on about and hour. To bed at 10.
Friday 13: A regular snow of frost in early morn and very cold. about 4 degrees F. and cold all day. Up at 7 earlier breakfast than usual. Office all day on viaduct job. Had a letter from Mother at 5:30. wrote letter to her and mailed. at 8:45 over town. for a walk back part way with Carroll. Play piano at Terry’s for awhile after supper before writing. turned in at 9:45.
Saturday 14: A fair day. not quite so cold except in early morning. Up at 7. Office at 8. All day on Bent 1 & 13 of viaduct. Commenced tracing. In eve quit at five. errands before tea. Up to town with boys then all in my room to play cards till 10 then over to the Frenchman’s together for hot Frankfurts, etc. Home to bed at 11. Cold night & clear. Still. Helen does not write.
Sunday 15: A cold dark cloudy day. Just right to stay inside. Up at 8. breakfast at 9. and wrote till 12 on letter to Helen. Over to PO at 12 read till 2. Dinner and then wrote more. called on Misses E & C till dark. After supper Ray & I with Misses C E & S went over town. Ray & E came back the rest of us into Church Lake St. Pres. Subject “To Heaven on a bicycle”. Played piano awhile at Inksaters. Mailed letter to H.
Monday 16: A cold bright day. Up at 7. office all day on bents 1 & 13 of viaduct job. finishing second sheet. Over to town after supper with Ray after first reading awhile in his room. later all were in my room for a social time for an hour. Wrote a letter to Mother and turned in at 11:15. bot a pair of shoes of Coykendall. on Water st. 3.50.
17: A bright cool day. south wind. Night very clear & calm & comfortable. Up at 7:30 no alarm by clock. Office at 8:05 and all day on Viaduct. finished the Bents on No. 1 & 13. & started on 4.5.6 etc. Over town with Allan after supper & then played cards with Ray, Allan & Dewey. Quit at 10 and came to room. turned in at 11:15.
Wednesday 18: A warm day. comfortable. ice melting in river. Up at 7:15 put day in at office on viaduct work & checking bill of material. Got home at 5:45. Letter from H. something is wrong. I wrote to her brother Harry in evening & started one to her. Over to town for a walk. mailed letter. Returned & shaved & went to bed at 11. not overly full of joy. concluded not to write to her till Sunday.
Thursday 19: A warm day. no overcoat needed. Up at 7 & to office at 8. Finished up checking bill of material and went on to pencil sketches on viaduct job. at noon played piano awhile at Terry’s. In eve wrote letters awhile but did nor send. Over to town with the boys for a walk. then around to Ray’s room till eleven when I left for my room. In at 11:30 Recd pin from K___.
Friday 20: A nice warm day. windows open. Up at 7:15. Office all day on viaduct columns of pencil sketches of plates. Got home at 5:45. Letter from Mother at noon which I answered in evening walking over to PO after nine to mail. Had a call from Wood in eve. turned in at 10:30 after writing & thinking a good deal.
Saturday 21: Another warm day. Up at 7:30. Late a few minutes at office. all day on cols for viaduct. – a hard job. Home at 5:15. clouded up. Fun at Terry’s awhile after supper. Had boys in my room for a game and then had a powwow until eleven. When they left & I shaved and then turned in at 11:45. Raining very hard for awhile during early evening.
Sunday 22: A fair day. comfortably cool. Up at 8:30 to breakfast. but came back to my room and wrote a letter to Helen asking for explanation of hers of last Weds. Over to PO at noon for paper. read till 2. Dinner at 2. returned to my room and read till 4:15 then called on Miss Collins and went to church at 5 & C & E at 6 with her. returned and lunched and stayed till 10 when old folks returned. Bath & to bed at 11.
Monday 23: A cool cloudy day looks like rain. Up at 7:15 and put in all day on pencil drawings of viaduct columns. Ears ringing all day from the hard cold I have now four days old. In eve stayed awhile after supper at Terrys then came to room in time to escape heavy rain. Stayed in room in eve to read etc. Pay day at office & recd letter from Mother at 6.
Tuesday 24: Elmira to Athens - A dark cloudy cool day. carried an umbrella to office but it was not rainy. Up at 7:30. Worked all day on viaduct job cols for Bent 4 to 10. Quit at 5:45 had lunch at Terrys. Took Erie. 30 min late for Waverly., Car home. supper at 8. Up street on errands till 10. then visited with Mother. Turned in at 12. Rained in the night.
Wednesday 25: Athens to Elmira - A nice warm day for Christmas. no snow. no freeze. nothing like a Christmas to me. not at all merry. Bot shoes for Mother as only present I gave. Rec’d two hand kerchiefs from Aunt Julia. Had a queer unsatisfactory letter from Helen. We all took our dinner at the Stinson House to save Mother getting a dinner at home. Got to Elmira at 10:30.
Thursday 26: Up at 7. after breakfast to office. finished pencil work on Cols and commenced inking in same for Bents 4 to 10. Quit at 5:45 & took car to the house as twas raining hard. After tea I stayed at Terrys & Mrs. T. Miss D, Jennings & I played euchre till after nine then I walked home with Miss D. in a pouring rain. Got back to the house at 10. and turned in.
Friday 27: A clear cold day. last nights rain changed to snow so sidewalks were icy. Got to office at 8 and was tracing all day on Cols of viaduct. Worked till 5:45. Over to town in evening after writing a letter home to Mother. Bot some ---------__________ Cold cure and came to room and turned in at 9:30 after reading for awhile. Moonlight but clouding over.
Saturday 28: A beautifully clear cool day. Everything bright & sunny. I worked all day on inking in of viaduct struts and checking some corrections on other sheets. Quit at 5. After supper wrote letter to Henry B. Loveland. & mailed. A letter from H. made me feel the fool I have been. Played euchre with Palmer & chatted till 10. when I turned in.
Sunday 29: A cool clear day. Up at 9. and had a late breakfast. returned to house and wrote to H. releasing her from her betrothal vow etc. At twelve was over to PO then with Palmer walked over on East Hill Knob. and returned in time for dinner. Wrote to Mother awhile then at 4:15 called on girls & at 5 went to Presbyterian church with them to hear Dr. Jennings. After tea awhile at Terrys then called on Talley with Ray.
Monday 30: A rainy sloppy day. Up at 7. to work at 8. and put in day at finishing up the details of columns for viaduct job. got ready to ink in the bill of material. It rained hard in afternoon, was caught in rain at noon. In eve was over to PO and to buy new diary. Played whist in Rays room till 11. then came home in fog. Letter from Mother.
Tuesday 31: A clear cold day for the last of the year. Worked
all day on viaduct. finished one sheet & started another.
In eve was with Wood to see the Fencing Master. a great play.
Home at 11. a most glorious bright full moon overhead. So ends
a year full of extremes. happiness to sorrow, happiness to sorrow
and the year ends with my love cast away. Well: I hope next
year will not be so hard on me as this has been.