Fannie Gerould Diary 1878 - Part Two |
The Centennial Diary
Published for the Trade
[On fly leaf]:"Diary kept by Fannie Gerould who was born in Elk Horn Grove, Carroll Co., Ill. In the year 1857 and is at the present time 20 years of age."
Monday, July 1
Very hot weather that is more than comfortable. School passed of with its usual programm after which went down to Mr. Joe Smiths to stay over night. Did not arise in time to eat breakfast with Mr. Hills folks this morning. After supper tonight went a horseback riding Mary & I. Did not have the fun of falling of once. Although it was the first time I ever was on a horse back.
Tuesday, July 2
Very warm & sultry. School passed of pleasantly. Clinton Elsbree visited same. Am somewhat lame today after my horse back ride last night. Went to Mr. Wests & met Eva Snyder there to stay over night. Eat just a few cherries & had some fun.
Wednesday, July 3
Exceedingly hot weather & cloudied up at night for a shower but finally did not rain. School passed of pleasant as usual. Afterwards came to Mr. Havens to stay over night after supper went a piece with Martha Scott. In the evening Mary & Ollie Keeler came up to stay the evening.
Thursday, July 4
Very hot weather and somewhat cloudy in the afternoon, showers going around us. I staid to Mr. Hills all day & read "Marguerette" aloud. Mr. Phillipps was killed by lightning at the Centre today so I understand. A picnic was held in the hollow also to Mountain Lake quite a number of young people gone.
Friday, July 5
Very warm weather without any rain as yet. School passed of as usual afterwards came back to Mr. Hills and intended to go over & mak Mariette a visit but did not have a chance to get there, & retired in good season. Mrs. Hills scratched my head & I hers.
Saturday, July 6
Rather hot weather with a little breeze which we have had for two or three days back. Stayed at Mr. Hills all day & read "Margueritte." At night Mrs. Hills Aunt Electie & myself went up to Mr. Havens for a call. Had some fun before we went. Retired at 1/2 past 9 P.M.
Sunday, July 7
Pleasant and hot weather. I went over to church at the disciple of course, and heard Bro. Dean. Received letters from Addie & Uncle Marcus. Answered Addie’s letter immediately, Saw Miss Ella and Mr. George Murdoch. Frank C. Flood came up in the evening and we talked up matters and things as we fancied they stood.
Monday, July 8
Quite pleasant & warm in the morning but in the afternoon it rained & the wind blew very hard. School passed of with its usual programm after which I went down to Mr. Fraleys to stay overnight. Lizzie & I went over to Mr. Herrons a little while after tea.
Tuesday, July 9
Somewhat showery in the forenoon clearing of about noon & then showery at night again. Took breakfast at 6 o’clock after which crocheyed a while then hastened myself towards the school house. School passed of pleasantly afterwards went to Mr. Careys to stay over night. Frank Flood came over at night to swing & we had one or two good swings then he went to the house and staid till nearly 2 o’clock in the morning.
Wednesday, July 10
Quite warm hot I might say with one or two good showers. Arose & eat breakfast at 6 o’clock but felt a little sleepy on account of being up last night. School passed of as usual afterwards went down to Mr. Harrons to stay over night. Had a very good visit and Retired early.
Thursday, July 11
Pleasant nearly all day or until night when it was some showery. School passed of as usual after which I went over to Mr. Wests to stay with Alice over night. Emma Brigham and Almerion came over in the evening. Em staid all night, her & I slept together. Had some fun.
Friday, July 12
Rainy all day. I intended to close school today with a picnic over near Eva Snyder’s school house, but the inclemency of the weather interfered. Addie & Mr. Fields came out to attend same. Went over & got bounty for summer’s work. At night came to Mr. Cary’s. Had a good swing.
Saturday, July 13
It cleared off early this morning & I came home in Waverly with Mr. & Mrs. Cary who were coming out. When I reached here had plenty of work to do till evening when Addie & I went down town. I bo’t me a pair of walking shoes to C__. Called to Mr. Cutts & Aunt Marguerittes.
Sunday, July 14
Pleasant and very warm so much so I did not have ambition enough to go to church but stayed to home & lounged around all day till evening when I went down the Chaple & heard Bro. Dean of Smithfield preach a most excellent discourse.
Monday, July 15
Very warm weather I found it hot. Addie & I done out a big washing this forenoon. In the afternoon Truman Hinman called here. Just a night "Sister" & I went down town. After we got home 13 quarts of cherries come to be taken care of. Ma & I sit up & pitted 1/2 of them.
Tuesday, July 16
Very hot day especially in the afternoon. Mother went down to Bro. Cutts to sew & that left Addie & I to do the work. I canned those cherries & she ironed. Miss Dollie Hungerford visited here in the afternoon. After tea Minnie & I went down to Bro. Cutts.
Wednesday, July 17
The hottest day we have had as yet this summer. Have not had any thing especial to do today only swing in the forenoon. Addie & I went shopping and in the evening Minnie & I went to prayer meeting also to the cemetery and staid a while. We had a splendid meeting.
Thursday, July 18
Very hot weather & in the afternoon had a heavy thunder shower the lightning striking in several places. Washed & sewed some today. Received a letter from Frank Flood. Went down to the Methodist church to prayer meeting this evening & enjoyed it very much.
Friday, July 19
Pleasant & comparatively hot. We had some ironing to do and the rest of the time I sewed. In the evening Addie & myself went down town to hear the band play & get machine needles. Mrs. Blizzard Mr. & Mrs. Vale called here this evening. Also Mat. Pike.
Saturday, July 20
Midlin hot weather. Worked all forenoon, & afternoon by invitation went to Cordelia Hungerfords & staid to tea. Afterwards went & called on Allie Mead with Addie and went to choir meeting and then to Mr. Harrison Allens and stayed to see No. 12 come in.
Sunday, July 21
Quite warm and hot part of the day. I did not venture out to church today but staid at home & wrote letters to Frank Flood Alice West Ida Gooding & Eva Snyder. In the evening went down to the chapel & heard Bro. Cutts preach a most excellent sermon.
Monday, July 22
Weather considerably cooler than has been for some time & cloudy nearly all day. We had quite a large washing to do today after which Ma & I busied ourselves in hanging up a picture. Am somewhat weary so will retire early for a change.
Tuesday, July 23
Some warmer than yesterday. We done the ironing & also I made a pair of breeches for myself. Addie & I went down town just at night – Received a letter from Aunt Martha. The Fire Co. paraded today but we did not know it untill too late to go.
Wednesday, July 24
Pleasant cool weather though in the middle of the day sun shone considerably warm. Addie went over to Ellie’s school. I made another pair of breeches. Also in the forenoon Minnie & I went down town. Received letter from Will Ayres & Ida Gooding. In the evening went to prayer meeting & am tired. Alice just was married to Mr. Schoonmaker.
Thursday, July 25
Cloudy especially at night when it rained some. Do not feel very well today that is not to brag of any. Improved the time in sewing till afternoon then took a short nap. In the evening Addie Minnie & I went over to Mr. Mills & had a sing. Nearly 9 o’clock when we come back.
Friday, July 26
Cloudy this morning then clearing off about noon & then clouding up again and raining quite hard about sun down. I feel most miserable not resting very good last night: Clara & Cordelia called here this p.m. Also Mrs. Mills & Mrs. Bailey. Addie & Minnie has gone down to Mr. Cutts. They just returned.
Saturday, July 27
Pleasant & very warm weather. Had considerable work to do today cleaning windows etc. In the P.M. I indulged in taking a short nap slept only till 6 o’clock P.M. causing me not to feel very sleepy tonight. This evening Addie Minnie & myself went down to the chaple to choir meeting. Also went on Maple street for sightseeing.
Sunday, July 28
Rather pleasant and coolish weather. Did not arise very early this morning consequently did not attend church: but just at church time Frank Flood came & staid till long towards morning. In the P.M. went up Shepherds Creek for a ride also Factorville. (We had a very good visit on an "important subject.")
Monday, July 29
Pleasant & cool till noon when it cloudied up and commenced raining about 3 o’clock & still continues. We washed this A.M. and in the P.M. I took a nap not waking up till called to supper and I feel considerably shiftless being up late last night.
Tuesday, July 30
Somewhat showery and part of the time very pleasant. I improved my time in sewing & feel very tired & headaches. Received a postal from Eva Snyder. Addie & I went down to see Dry Brook which is very high. Retired rather early.
Wednesday, July 31
Cloudy part of the time & very pleasant the rest. In the forenoon Mother & I went shopping. I saw Carrie Campbell who wished me to come down in the P.M. & go over to the Island where the Baptist were having a Sunday school picnic. I went & while over there the foot-bridge went down & had to come back in a boat. Had a splendid time.
Thursday, August 1
Pleasant & very warm with one or two showers. Addie & I are keeping house Mother being down to Mr. Hungerfords sewing. Feel somewhat tired today: done some sewing you bet. At night "Sister" & I went down town to see the r____ [river?] walked. It looks like a shower this evening.
Friday, August 2
Very warm weather & cloudy part of the time. I sewed all day nearly excepting a little while in the afternoon when I napped a while. At night we all went down town supposing the band were going to play in the park but they didn’t. Received a letter from F. C. F. this evening.
Saturday, August 3
Pleasant weather & quite warm. Some cloudy at night. I done my washing in the forenoon & ironing in he P.M. Also wrote a letter to Frank and Mrs. Loover whom I received a dunning letter from, which caused me to feel somewhat wrathy.
Sunday, August 4
Pleasant & very warm weather. I today for the first time prepared myself & went down to the chaple for meeting & heard Bro. Cutts. Also staid to Mr. H. Allen to dinner & went to S. S. after came home & went back to meeting in the evening also visited the cemetery.
Monday, August 5
Comparatively hot weather & looking like rain this evening. I have been over to Mr. Mills doing their work today she being sick. Came home this afternoon & went down town on business to the bank. This evening feel somewhat weary & fatigued.
Tuesday, August 6
Somewhat warm weather with rain in the afternoon. Addie & I done Mrs. Mills washing this forenoon. Also part of our ironing. In the P.M. Charley Fields came for Addie & I to go over to Ella Allens school but I being sick could not go. (Mrs. Pike & Mrs. Finney called here.) Have been abed all the P.M.
Wednesday, August 7
Pleasant & cool weather though some cloudy this evening. I feel some better than I did yesterday. This forenoon helped Ma finish her calico dress and this afternoon wrote a letter to Uncle Marcus Gerould. Mrs. Mills called here this evening & Ma was gone.
Thursday, August 8
Pleasant cool fine weather. I sewed all the time today, but did not accomplish much. Aunt Phoebie Phelps of S____ & Clara McDougall spent the P.M. here. Got ready to go to Methodist prayermeeting in the evening then Mrs. Vale called so did not go. But went down with her far as her house. Splendid evening.
Friday, August 9
Pleasant and very warm weather some cloudy at night but cleared of & a very fine evening. I sewed most of the time today & this evening went to a Methodist Sociable down to Mr. Harsh’s on Chemung street. Enjoyed myself very much especially after I found Carrie Campbell. Nearly 11 o’clock reached home.
Saturday, August 10
Pleasant untill P.M. when it was somewhat showery. Done considerable work in the A.M. Uncle Abile came after Ma & the children & they all went with him leaving Addie & I alone. My unknown correspondent Mr. Will Ayre called here this P.M. I went to choir meeting this evening & Charley Fields came home with Addie & I.
Sunday, August 11
Pleasant most of the time & cool some showery. Arose at 9 A.M. and prepared ourselves fo church went to the chaple & heard Bro. Cutts & stayed to Lords supper. Then came to Methodist S. S. & in P.M. went back to the church to S. S. after which Mr. Charley Fields & Julia McKean came home with us & stayed till evening. Then Frank Fields & Mr. Quick[?] joined our ranks & we all went down to M. E. Church & heard Mrs. Chart a woman preacher. The preacher very good.
Monday, August 12
Pleasant weather & rather coolish. Arose at 7 o’clock A.M. & prepared for the washing which Addie & I were to do. Also did some ironing, besides a great deal of other work. At night went down town and to post office. Received a letter from Alice Schoonmaker. Called to Aunt Margueretts on way home. Moon eclipsed.
Tuesday, August 13
Somewhat foggy morning and very warm during the day. Arose at 6:30 A.M. and prepared ourselves to start to Sheshequin. Mr. Lue Gooding came for us & we started about 10 A.M. arriving to Mr. Goodings at 1 P.M. Stayed there the P.M. and night enjoying ourselves very much.
Wednesday, August 14
Cloudy & looking some like rain this morning but only warm during the day it having cleared off. Stayed the A.M. to Mr. Gooding & in the P.M. Ida – Lue Lora and Addie & I went to Mr. Towners to stay the night. Lu Crawford also came & spent the night. Talked to nearly morning & laughed some for a change.
Thursday, August 15
Cloudy warm weather with a shower in the P.M. cooling the air some. This forenoon Ida & Lue went & took "Sis" & I to Towanda to Coz Malie’s for a visit stayed till night then returned to Mr. Towners to stay over night. Run around Towanda some & had a good time in general.
Friday, August 16
Cloudy morning looking much like rain. Visited fast this morn. & at 1/2 past 9 started to Ulster where we were to take the cars at 11-14 for Waverly. Crossed the river in a boat. Arrived to Wa. 1/2 past 12 found our folks had returned from S__. Recd & wrote a letter to Frank Flood.
Saturday, August 17
Pleasant weather & comfortably hot till evening when we had one or two showers. I ironed some this forenoon & in P.M. Mr. Cutts called, also Miss Etta Allen & I went with her to Sayre & Athens after Will. Stayed to Mr. Allens to supper then went to Chaple to choir school.
Sunday, August 18
Pleasant and very warm weather. Arose early & prepared myself for church then proceeded to Chaple. Heard Bro. Cutts preach an excellent sermon. After communion came to M. E. Sunday school then home to dinner & back to Chaple to S. S. Then stayed to Mr. Cutts till evening meeting. Am very weary & fatigued.
Monday, August 19
Rather cool and pleasant weather except long ab out noon when it was somewhat showery. Ma & I washed this A.M. & in the P.M. I ripped up an old brown dress. Then wrote letters to Alice Schoonmaker Ida Gooding. Am somewhat weary. Stayed alone this evening.
Tuesday, August 20
Quite cool and middlin pleasant. We ironed some today & I done considerable remodeling to some of my dresses. Had several callers in the P.M. and evening, Mrs. Vale & girl Etta Allen Allie Mead Julia McKean & Edie Jackson. Went to Post office also called to Mrs. Bulys & Mrs. Mills.
Wednesday, August 21
Cool pleasant weather most of the time. I washed, ironed some today in the P.M. Mr. Charley Brown called to see us. In the evening I staid alone the rest went calling. Received a letter from Frank Flood this evening.
Thursday, August 22
Quite coolish weather though pleasant. Am nearly sick today. This P.M. done some ironing also Clara McDougall Cordelia Hungerford Betsy Smith & husband called. I laid abed all the P.M. untill 5 o’clock. Vic Thompson & Cordelia called this evening. I went to Post Office this evening and received letter from Allie Crediford.
Friday, August 23
Pleasant and midlin warm. I am nearly sick with a cold. Spent most of my time in fussing. After tea Mother & I went down on Lincoln street to look at a house to rent. Also went to a lecture in the evening by Dr. Manning. Mrs. Terry & Mrs. Hesse called this P.M.
Saturday, August 24
Pleasant and comparatively cool weather untill noon then somewhat warmer the remainder of the day. At night quite cloudy. Did some ironing this A.M. and in the P.M. went to a lecture by Dr. Manning with Mrs. Vale. Also went to the depot for fun. Returned home for supper then went to Postoffice and received a line from Frank.
Sunday, August 25
Warm all the morning till 10:30 A.M. when it cleared of & rather cool the remainder of the day. Did not attend church at all but lounged around all day. Wrote a letter to Frank C. Flood also one to Aunt Martha. Coz Beebe & Mr. Hinman both called.
Monday, August 26
Quite cool weather and heavy fog in the morning which made it comparatively cold thin. We washed this A.M. In the P.M. crocheyed some & tucked up my carpet rags & took care of them. Mr. Fields called in the P.M. and at evening Mrs. Mills called. Rec’d a line from Addie in Smithfield.
Tuesday, August 27
Foggy and cool morning in fact cool all day though pleasant. We done the ironing this forenoon and in the P.M. I busied myself about several things. Also Bro. Cutts called and in the evening Mrs. Mills came in a little while. I am nearly sick.
Wednesday, August 28
Pleasant all day & cool till evening then warmer & rainy. I feel more like myself today and done considerable work. In the evening Frank Fields came & took me down to Sayre to see Mr. Ulvenshire about their school. Received a letter from Frank Flood.
Thursday, August 29
Pleasant weather in the forenoon and in the P.M. showery & quite warm. Done considerable work in the A.M. & in the P.M. Ma & I went calling. Made calls to Mr. Cutts, Mr. Harch’s, & Mrs. Vale’s. Am very weary having walked some distance.
Friday, August 30
Weather very fine, warmer than has been for some time. Ma being very sick with congistion of the lungs I devoted myself to her all day & sit up all night with her. Frank C. Flood staid with me. Went to Postoffice this evening also called to Mr. Hungerford.
Saturday, August 31
Pleasant cool weather untill evening then rainy. Am tired & sleepy too today so much so I took a short nap in A.M. and in the P.M. spent my time taking care of Mother who is some better than yesterday. Feel almost sick myself especially homesick.
Sunday, September 1
Pleasant warm weather. Am nearly sick so that I staid at home all day and lounged around. Wrote to Frank C. Flood in the afternoon. Also in the P.M. Mr. Charley Fields Mrs. Hungerford Mrs. McDougall called here. Am very tired this eve.
Monday, September 2
Cloudy morning but cleared of before noon and very warm. Arose at 6 o’clock A.M. and prepared hash then hastened myself to the Academy where I shall attend school this Fall. Feel somewhat weary this evening & exhausted.
Tuesday, September 3
Pleasant part of the time & stormy also warm. Foggy morning. Arose early & prepared breakfast then got in readiness for School. Started there at 8 o’clock A.M. Called to Mr. Cutts also purchased some books. Mrs. Vale & I have been out on the streets some this evening.
Wednesday, September 4
Pleasant part of the day and showery in the P.M. Went to school in the A.M. returned home at noon and Addie also came from S_______ bringing Tate & Mary DeGroff. We all went down to Firemans Parade. Had a splendid time. I for the first time drank (a glass of soda water.
Thursday, September 5
Cloudy some of the time & pleasant the rest. Also quite warm. Went to school and stayed till 3 o’clock P.M. Then came home to study. Mr. Brown came & cleaned our organ. After tea Addie & I went down to Bro. Cutts and stayed a small while.
Friday, September 6
Rather warm compared to what it has been for some time back. I went to school as usual and there learned several things I didn’t know. When I returned home at night found Frank Flood here and after supper him & I started for Mr. Walkers at Binghams Mills. Visited some.
Saturday, September 7
Quite warm and pleasant till afternoon then some cloudy. Lounged around all the A.M. feeling lazy. In the P.M. Miss Dale Walker Mr. Dick Walker Frank & myself started for the camp ground at Spencer staid to meeting in the evening then went back to Mr. Walkers.
Sunday, September 8
Pleasant & quite coolish. Feel somewhat weary today being up late last night but however we all went back to camp meeting this morning. Just a few people there. Frank & I started home in the P.M. stopped to Mr. & stayed till dark arrived to Waverly at 9 P.M. He staid over night.
Monday, September 9
Quite warm weather and fair all day. Frank staid this forenoon so I did not go to school untill noon then came back at 3 o’clock P.M. and lay down for a snooze but Maggie & Sale Degroff came & broke that up. They stayed till after tea then Addie & I went piece with them.
Tuesday, September 10
Very warm & pleasant all day a most lovely evening. I went to school all day & improved my time well. In the evening Addie Minnie & myself went down to go to the Baptist Sociable but finally did not go in. I took a good nap tonight after school.
Wednesday, September 11
Rainy morning so much so that I went to school in the rain. School passed of splendidly & I improved my time well. In the evening Addie & I went down to the chaple to prayer meeting which was one of the best I ever attended there. Am fearfully tired & sleepy.
Thursday, September 12
Rainy part of the time though cleared of before noon. Went to school as usual and improved my time well as a scholar but did not have all my lessons perfect. In the evening Mr. Bosworth came in to hear Minnie play. Am somewhat tired.
Friday, September 13
Rainy all day and very dreary I think. I went to school which passed of very pleasantly and had my lessons better than yesterday. School closed at 3 o’clock P.M. I came up and called to Aunt Marguerettes a small while then hastened my steps home. Retired early.
Saturday, September 14
Very cool weather so much so could hardly keep comfortably warm away from the fire. Did not do much of anything in the forenoon but in the P.M. done some ironing. After supper Addie & went down town a shopping. Am somewhat tired & sleepy.
Sunday, September 15
Pleasant and very cool. I staid at home today feeling somewhat lazy. Lantie Cousin Charles & Grandma came about noon & stayed to dinner. Grandma is going to stay all the week. Mrs. Wheat & child called this P.M. I went to Methodist Church with Grandma.
Monday, September 16
Very foggy & cool morning the sun not shining untill nearly noon. I went to school as usual & it passed of well. I had my lessons nearly all perfect. Returned home at night feeling somewhat weary. Mr. Hinman’s daughter called just at night.
Tuesday, September 17
Very pleasant day & quite warm. I went to school and enjoyed myself muchly I having my lessons midlin good for "small fry." This morning before I was up received letters from Frank C. & Ida Gooding also postal from Mr. Anthony Childs. Headaches fearfully.
Wednesday, September 18
Pleasant & very warm weather. I went to school all day and enjoyed same muchly. This morning received The Argus from Frank C. and this evening wrote to him. Baptist Association commenced today. We had recitations this P.M. at school.
Thursday, September 19
Pleasant weather and the sun shone very warm. I attended school which passed pleasantly as usual. After coming home at 4 o’clock improved a little time in ciphering then after supper went & took a walk with Mrs. Campbell. Also went down town with Addie.
Friday, September 20
Pleasant & warm weather, hardly a cloud to be seen. I went to school as usual in the morning. I went to the depot with Ma & Grandma who went to Elmira today. School closed this P.M. at 3 o’clock. Came home & after tea went to depot to meet Ma & her mother. Am tired.
Saturday, September 21
Rainy all day that is it commenced about noon. At night it cleared of rather cold. Lantie came after Grandma today. A fire down on Maple street. In the evening Carrie & Mrs. Campbell with myself went to an Opera at the Opera House. "Out of Bondage" was the play & it was elegant.
Sunday, September 22
Pleasant and very cool weather this evening it acts very much like a freeze before morning. I stayed with Carrie over night so went to Baptist meeting with her this A.M. In the evening I went down to the chaple and heard Bro. Cutts preach a very good sermon.
Monday, September 23
Very foggy and coldest morning we have had yet. Quite a heavy frost last night. I went to school and had my lessons all well. This morning on my way there purchased me a pair of shoes. Miss Dimmick & I ran around quite a bit for "small fry." Received a letter from Frank Flood.
Tuesday, September 24
Some showery in the morning. Mr. Dimmick went & took his niece & myself down to Athens to attend teachers examination and we had the hardest one I ever went to. Mr. D. also came after us at night. Arrived to W____ about dark. Mrs. Mills called here. Received a letter from Alice S_____.
Wednesday, September 25
Pleasant weather though somewhat cool. I went to school this morning and stayed till recess then feeling sick I came home and went to bed. Mr. Cutts called this forenoon. I stayed alone in the P.M. for a short while.
Thursday, September 26
Quite cool and rainy part of the time. I went to school in the forenoon and came home at noon and stayed here for I am not feeling very well. Wrote to Frank C. this P.M. At night went down town with Addie to do some shopping & mail my letter.
Friday, September 27
Pleasant and comparatively cool especially at night. I went to school all day today and improved my precious time in study to catch up with what I had missed in staying out. Stayed at home in the evening & had a good chat with Ma.
Saturday, September 28
Very cool morning getting warmer by night. I done some work this forenoon and in the P.M. Ma & I went down town also to a house on Lincoln Street which we are going to move into soon. On our way back called to Aunt Marguerettes. Had some fun there.
Sunday, September 29
Pleasant in the P.M. and rainy in the morning. Some cool all day. I did not go to church at all today but in the P.M. went down home with Carrie Campbell for a walk and returned with a book called Waverly Novels by Walter Scott (which I commenced reading this evening).
Monday, September 30
Pleasant and some milder than has been long back. I went to school all day but did not do very well in examination of geometry. At night went down to Bro. Cutts to bid Bro. Dean & wife goodbye. Carrie Campbell is staying over night with me.
Tuesday, October 1
Pleasant and quite warm to what it has been long back. I feel somewhat sleepy Carrie & I talking till late last night. Arose & took breakfast at 1/2 past 8. I went down to Mr. Sedgwick’s store and stayed with Carrie all the forenoon. And in the P.M. went to school. Aunt Phebe Phelps called this eve.
Wednesday, October 2
Pleasant in the morning but rained some during the day and very pleasant evening. I was awake last night with the toothache so I did not attend school, but stayed at home and ripped up my black dress. Did not go to prayer meeting this evening.
Thursday, October 3
Pleasant and quite warm during the day, some chilly at night. I went to school all day till 3 o’clock P.M. Then with Carrie Campbell went to post office and received a letter from Uncle Orin. I killed 3 mice this evening. Also received a letter from F. C. F.
Friday, October 4
Pleasant and quite fine evening also not very cold. I went to school all day and studied considerable learning a good deal. At night came home with the toothache again. Mother went to Smithfield this morning to stay over Sunday. Frank C. Flood came up this evening & stayed till 2 o’clock.
Saturday, October 5
Pleasant in the forenoon & cloudy in the P.M. I did not arise very early this morning on account of being up late last night. In the P.M. my tooth aching again I went to Dr. Hungerford and had same extracted. Trimed my hat tonight.
Sunday, October 6
Pleasant and quite warm though the wind blew coolish. Arose at 7 o’clock this morning not in time to attend church so stayed at home and wrote to Frank Flood. In the P.M. Carrie Campbell and I went up on Spanish Hill. Went to Bap. Meeting this eve.
Monday, October 7
Pleasant untill afternoon then cloudy and rainy in the evening. Last night I came home with Carrie Campbell to sew with her today. I worked as fast as I could and in the evening went down town (her & I) on business. I am fearfully lame from my walk yesterday.
Tuesday, October 8
Pleasant and quite warm. I am staying with Carrie yet that is untill noon helping her sew and get ready to go to Elmira to Convention. I went down town to do some errands for Mrs. Campbell this morn. At noon went to depot with Carrie and met Mother there coming home.
Wednesday, October 9
Pleasant in the forenoon but rainy in the P.M. I am feeling very lazy today being rather lameand my teeth ulcerated quite badly. Took a good long nap in the A.M. and in the P.M. read some in the "Waverly Novels" by Sir Walter Scott. Mr. Hinmans daughter called here.
Thursday, October 10
Pleasant and rather coolish and a most delightful evening. In the forenoon I done a variety of chores among them ripped up my green Bask to fix some. And in the P.M. went a shopping. Oh, yes! Had a present of cuffpins from Mother. Rec’d a postal from Carrie Campbell.
Friday, October 11
Pleasant and somewhat cool also a foggy morning. I staid at home all day untill evening then went to post office with Addie. Finished fixing my green Bask. Mrs. Campbell called here this evening. I also went a piece with her Ma & I.
Saturday, October 12
Quite cool and cloudy some rainy in the morning. I done some considerable chores in the forenoon especially sweeping. In the P.M. Addie & I went & called to Mrs. Terrys and Mrs. Himms[?] and after supper Minnie with us went to Postoffice and around on Pa. Ave.
Sunday, October 13
A most beautiful day hardly a cloud to be seen and quite warmish. Addie & I arose quite early this morn and prepared "hash" then done up the work and got on our "best Sunday go to meetin clothes." But they went back on us and didn’t come (Frank and his friend, Addie & I took a walk on Clark St.
Monday, October 14
Beautiful weather seeming more like spring than fall. Ma and I done the washing this A.M. Addie commenced work at Mr. Mills. This P.M. cleaned my black Alpacca to make over. Cousin Charles Gerould called here a small while. Mother and I went down to Mrs. Campbells this eve., & Carrie just returned from E.
Tuesday, October 15
Very pleasant weather though some cloudy this evening. I feel somewhat lazy today but have done some considerable chores about the house. This evening Addie & I went down to the postoffice and I rec’d a letter from Frank Flood.
Wednesday, October 16
Very pleasant and quite warm. Some cloudy at night. I commenced fixing my black Alapaca sewing nearly all day which tired me some. At night just before dark went down after some wigging to Watrous’s. In the evening Mr. & Mrs. Truman Heinman came & she staid the evening.
Thursday, October 17
Quite windy and smoky also warm untill evening then commenced raining. We finished ironing this A.M. and in the P.M. wrote to Ida Gooding Alice Crediford & Frank Flood. Mr. Towner’s boy called here. In the evening Addie & I went down to the fire in Gore’s Hardware Store which was put out before doing much damage.
Friday, October 18
Rainy and dismal, all day & in the P.M. it snowed quite considerable and grew colder. I sewed all day on the border of a quilt which I set together last spring. I sit up and sewed till 10 o’clock P.M. and then it hadn’t stopped raining.
Saturday, October 19
Stormy untill nearly 3 o’clock P.M. then cleared of some. Very cold all day to what it has been the past week. I helped do the days work and then sewed on my quilts what time I could. At nine P.M. I betook myself to bed feeling somewhat weary.
Sunday, October 20
Very pleasant weather and "coolish." Addie & I went to Chaple today & heard Bro. Atwater preach a most excellent discourse. In the P.M. Carrie Campbell came for me and we went to Cemetry also Ella Harding went with us. Frank Flood & Mr. Drake came up this eve & we all went to Chaple to meeting. They staid till 1 o’clock.
Monday, October 21
Pleasant weather and quite warm. Ma & I done quite an extensive washing today. Washed a carpet &c. I am "nearly sick" tonight. This P.M. took a short "snoose" then went down town on business. This evening sewed some on my quilt.
Tuesday, October 22
Rec’d a line from Prof. Ryan also a letter from Frank C. Flood. Pleasant and quite warm. I feel nearly sick today so much so have not done much work only to sew on my quilt. In the P.M. Mrs. Hungerford called and Carrie Campbell came and staid to tea after which I went home with her & staid all night. Her & I also called down to Ella Hardings and George Stone was there.
Wednesday, October 23
Very rainy all day not stopping at all till evening. I staid with Carrie & her mother all day on account of weather. Helped them sew on some muslin. In the evening Carrie & I went down to Mr. Mullocks to a Mite Society. Had a splendid time all day, staid to Mrs. Campbells over night.
Thursday, October 24
It cleared of in the night & has been quite pleasant all day. I staid with Carrie till nearly noon then she came nearly home with me. I saw Mr. & Mrs. Hills down town. This afternoon wrote to Frank C. My birthday 21 years.
Friday, October 25
Quite foggy morning and very pleasant during the day. I arose from bed at 1/2 past 7 and took breakfast then prepared myself for the lawsuit of Mrs. Widmer plaintiff & Mrs. Campbell defendant. I was there all day and evening, also had to swear "P__ Tam[?]" Took dinner to Mrs. Campbells.
Saturday, October 26
Very pleasant untill P.M. then some cloudy but not all the time. I arose before daylight & done considerable work before noon, all the Saturday’s work. In the P.M. Addie Minnie & I went on Spanish hill. After tea Addie &I went to post office. Helped Ma.
Sunday, October 27
Pleasant morning and clouded up before noon raining some in the P.M. This morn about 3 o’clock I was woke up by the fire bell. The fire at some distance toward Factoryville. I staid home all day and lounged around.
Monday, October 28
Pleasant and quite warm. We done a large washing and tore up the parlor & front chamber for moving. Worked some you bet. And am some tired. Cousin Beebe called this afternoon. I retired early. Intend to move tomorrow.
Tuesday, October 29
Beautiful weather. Some disappointed cause our hackman can’t move us today so ironed some and finished taring up carpets &ct. Had 8 callers! We had 2 fires last night, 1 of them about sunrise this morn. Am very tired tonight.
Wednesday, October 30
Rainy morning though stopped about 10 o’clock A.M. and we moved down on Lincoln St. I done some lifting for a change today and am fearfully tired. I retired early so as to get a good start tomorrow.
Thursday, October 31
Some cloudy and quite coolish weather. Some snow. I arose at 1/2 past 5 this morn., and have been very busy cleaning house all day. We clearned 3 rooms. Mrs. Campbell called just at night. Received a letter from Frank Flood and shall answer same this eve. I am fearfully tired – as usual.
Friday, November 1
Pleasant and quite cool weather. Addie & I arose at 4 o’clock, got breakfast and work done up before day light. We cleaned the parlor and front chamber & done considerable in general. Am somewhat weary & fatigued so retired early.
Saturday, November 2
Quite warm & pleasant this morn. But rained some before night. I arose at 5 o’clock and went through the usual performance of getting breakfast and doing work. I went down town & done some shopping, also ironed. Frank Flood, Mr. Harsh Mrs. Vale Mr. Tinker called here this P.M.
Sunday, November 3
Cloudy part of the time and quite cool. A very pleasant evening. I did not attend church today untill evening then went to the Chapel & heard Bro. Cutts. I went to S. School & took a class this P.M. Went to a fire down on Pennsylvania Avenue after eve. Meetings. Wrote to Alice Schoonmaker.
Monday, November 4
Quite cool and windy this morning some snow on the ground. I arose at 5 o’clock and went through the usual performance of preparing "hash." Then at 8 went down to Mrs. Campbells where I today commenced learning the dressmakers trade. This evening I commenced reading "Josiah Allen’s wifes visit to the Centennial."
Tuesday, November 5
Quite pleasant and cool. A very pleasant evening. I went to Mrs. Campbell’s to sew and in the evening read some in the book of "Samantha’s Visit to Philadelphy."Then went to Baptist Teachers Meeting & Mrs. C. came home and staid overnight. Received a letter from Ida Gooding.
Wednesday, November 6
Snowy all day and some considerable deep in the morning. I and Mrs. Campbell started for shop about 8 o’clock A.M. and got to sewing about 15 min. past 8. It being so stormy I took dinner with her. In the evening read "Samantha’s Visit to Sentinal."
Thursday, November 7
Cleared of this morning and the snow melted some so as to make it quite slashy. I started for Mrs. C. at 1/2 past 7 this morn. At noon her & I went down town to see Mrs. Warner about lawsuit. In the evening spent time in reading Josiah Allen’s wife as usual.
Friday, November 8
Cool and some snowy about as tedious weather as we have had. Mrs. Campbell being gone I sewed in the shop alone. At night Carrie & I went down town it snowed some. I am some tired. Received a letter from Frank Flood.
Saturday, November 9
Some milder weather than yesterday though not very warm. I sewed all day most of the time alone. Carrie read Josiah Allen’s wife aloud to us. At night went to post office with Carrie. Am some "tired and sleepy." Read some in the eve.
Sunday, November 10
Cloudy looking and appearing like rain. I did not arise very early this morn. But when I did prepared myself for company as I expected Frank and he came. Had a splendid visit though he told us some things causing sadness. He staid till 1/2 past 1 o’clock.
Monday, November 11
Some showery and quite warm it rained I mean. Mr. Oranges funeral took place today and this eve Uncle Tom’s Cabin was played but I did not go. I sewed all day as usual and Carrie came home to stay all night with me. Matt Bullock & W. Voorhie called.
Tuesday, November 12
Rainy at least showery. Carrie & I visited so much last night that we did not arise very early but got to our work about 9. Sewed all day and am tired. In the evening Carrie & I went down town to Post Office. Rec’d a letter from Allie Crediford.
Wednesday, November 13
Showery untill noon then grew colder and cleared of. I have sewed fearfully hard all day and am very "narvous" tonight. This eve. came home and wrote to Frank. Addie has gone to prayer meeting this evening. Mrs. Roberson’s dress we finished tonight.
Thursday, November 14
Frosty morning and pleasant some of the time. I started for my work at the usual hour & sewed all day. At night Ma came down to accompany me home then Carrie & I went down town. I got me some new shoes.
Friday, November 15
Very frosty and cold morning but warmer in the P.M. I arrived to Mrs. Campbells before they were up this morn. & sewed all day. Minnie came down for me tonight. Carrie & I went to P. Office this eve. Ma & I went up to Aunt Margueretts.
Saturday, November 16
Warm cloudy weather. I sewed untill 5 o’clock P.M. Then came home tired out. After supper Ma & I went down town to Mr. Hungerford’s store and also heard some splendid music from McAllisters band.
Sunday, November 17
Rainy all day hardly stopping at all. I did not arise very early this morn. Neither did I attend church. I am nearly sick. Commenced reading Ivanhoe today. Also took 1 good nap.
Monday, November 18
Cloudy and some rainy, quite warm. I did not feel well enough to go and sew today but stayed at home, and lounged around all day. Mrs. Hungerford was here most of the afternoon. Mr. Cutts run in here a few moments.
Tuesday, November 19
Cloudy and quite warm. I felt some better this morn. so went to my sewing and sewed all day. Ma started for Smithfield this morn. Carrie & Sallie Clark with myself went to the postoffice. I rec’d a letter from Frank Flood. Wrote to Frank.
Wednesday, November 20
Rainy dismal weather. I sewed all day and am somewhat weary. Addie came down for me then her & I Carrie went to post office. Carrie came home and stayed all night with me. Made molasses candy and had fun in general.
Thursday, November 21
Cloudy and rainy part of the time. Carrie & I talked till nearly midnight consequently feel some lazy. We arose at 5 this morning and prepared to work. Ma returned this evening also Cousin Charles called. Wrote to Frank Flood. My head aches terribly. Frank Fields Allie Mead Charley Fields Julia Mckean spent the evening here.
Friday, November 22
Rainy all night and all day not stopping at all. I arose at daylight and prepared to my work where I improved each passing moment. At night Addie came down for me and we went down to post office Addie & I.
Saturday, November 23
Quite cold and stormy part of the time. I sewed today alone in the shop Mrs. Campbell being sick. Ma came down for me tonight. Her and I went up to Mrs. Hungerfords in the evening.
Sunday, November 24
Pleasant and quite cold weather. I did not attend church today untill evening then went to Baptist and heard Mr. Boardman. I wrote 4 letters one to Ida Gooding Allie Crediford Mrs. Nancy Bird & Mariette. My head aches.
Monday, November 25
Rainy all day. I went down to Mrs. Campbells and sewed this forenoon and came home after dinner and brought my work here not feeling well. To night Addie went over to Mrs. Hubbles to work & I am lonesome. I sewed till 10 o’clock P.M.
Tuesday, November 26
Some pleasanter than yesterday but cloudy & cold. I stayed at home & sewed today. Mary Smith & Leroy Vincent was here to dinner. Our stove Leroy brought out. Minnie & I went to postoffice this evening.
Wednesday, November 27
Pleasant in the morning and very rainy afternoon & evening. I sewed at home today what I had time. Carrie came up just at night & took tea. I went down to the opera house to a school exhibition & took Ernest. It rained fearfully hard.
Thursday, November 28
Quite pleasant morn. Showery long at noon and very cold at night. Thanksgiving services to the M. E. Church but I did not go. I sewed at home in the forenoon then in the P.M. went down to Mrs. Campbells & staid till 5 o’clock. Then Carrie & I went up to Mr. Dailys then to Post Office. Rec’d a letter from Mrs. Nancy Bird.
Friday, November 29
Quite pleasant weather. I stayed at home & sewed today Mrs. C—being gone. Carrie spent the afternoon with me and at night I went down to Post office. Then back and stayed most the evening with Carrie. Rec’d a letter from Mrs. Asa Philps[?].
Saturday, November 30
Pleasant and quite warm. I stayed at home during the forenoon and helped do the work. In the P.M. went down and sewed or helped fit a polonaise for Willard Wood’s wife of Smithfield. At night went to Post office & rec’d a letter from Frank Flood.
Sunday, December 1
Pleasant and quite cool. I did not attend church at all today my feet being sore. Carrie Campbell, Mrs. Hungerford & Mrs. McDougall called this P.M. I staid alone this eve. with Fred and read "Ivanhoe" by Walter Scott.
Monday, December 2
Rained all the forenoon then cleared of at noon – quite pleasant all the P.M. I went to my work down to Mrs. Campbell early this morn and sewed all day. Minnie came down for me at night & I came home.
Tuesday, December 3
Cloudy part of the time and pleasant the rest. I sewed down to Mrs. Campbells nearly all the time alone. At night Ma came down after me. Mrs. Daily was there. In the evening wrote to Frank, and am most fearfully tired tonight.
Wednesday, December 4
Some snowy and very slashy traveling. Quite colder in the afternoon. I sewed down to Mrs. C—all day on Mrs. Woods dress which I nearly finished. Mrs. C—cut my black polonaise. I ironed some this evening. Am tired.
Thursday, December 5
Quite coldish weather all day, freezing considerable. I pieced on my polonaise this forenoon and in the P.M. swept some up. In the evening I finished the ironing. Am some tired tonight as usual & shall retire early.
Friday, December 6
Not quite as cold as yesterday though quite frosty. Sewed on my black dress today down to Mrs. Campbells, brought it home tonight & worked some in the evening. Shall "bivouac" early being a few weary.
Saturday, December 7
Snowy and damp weather. I arose before daylight and prepared to sew at home. Stuck to it all day till dark then Minnie & I went down town also to Mrs. C--- . Then Carrie & I went to Post office. Some slippery for our amusement.
Sunday, December 8
Coldish weather though in the midle of the day thawed some. I stayed at home & read "My wife & I," then in the evening Addie & I went up to the Methodist Church and heard Rev. Mr. Brown preach a very dull sermon.
Monday, December 9
Rainy all day not stopping scarcely at all. I sewed at home today and am not feeling any too good natured. Am sewing on my black dress as yet. Addie & Ma done the washing cause I had to sew.
Tuesday, December 10
Showery all day part of the time snowing. I am still sewing on my black dress at home. Received letter from Ida Gooding this A.M. We had considerable sport amongst us, Ma Addie & I. Am some weary.
Wednesday, December 11
Showery and cloudy, growing colder at night. I sewed in the A.M. & in the P.M. went down to tell Mrs. Campbell I was not coming to sew there longer. In the evening went to Methodist Church to hear Miss Kent Mason lecture. Rec’d a letter from Frank. Julia McKean called here this P.M.
Thursday, December 12
Quite cold weather, as much so as any we have had. I improved my time a sewing on my black dress. This evening I went to a lecture in the Methodist Church by Miss Kent Mason on the subject of Temperance.
Friday, December 13
Frosty cold weather. I sewed all day on my dress working button holes though in the afternoon took time to write to Frank Flood. At night Addie and I went down to Mrs. Campbells then Carrie & I went down town. I received a letter from Carroll V. Spencer.
Saturday, December 14
Cloudy cold weather. I am nearly sick today but finished my dress at last. Nothing unusual occurred today that I know of. I read some in the evening. Retired early as usual.
Sunday, December 15
Quite cold all day. I not feeling stayed at home and read "My Wife and I" written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. In the evening staid alone with Ernie & Fred. Shall retire early tonight for a change.
Monday, December 16
Very windy and cold. Some snowy. I feel some better today and have sewed for Addie most of the time. Mr. Blizzard was buried this afternoon. I worked button holes on Addie’s bask. Am some weary tonight.
Tuesday, December 17
I sewed on Addie’s dress all day. Mrs. Cutts & Dollie Hungerford called this P.M. Dollie came down this evening. Made molasses candy & popped corn.
Wednesday, December 18
I sewed for Addie again today all the time. Arose quite early and prepared for business. At night Addie & I went down to the Post office but received nothing. Retired early.
Thursday, December 19
Rather snowy and coldish weather. In the evening clear. I sewed on Addie’s dress today. At night went down to the Presbyterian Church to a lecture by Miss Kent Mason on Temperance. Quite late when I returned.
Friday, December 20
The sun shone part of the time and snowed some. I done the housework this forenoon and this P.M. sewed on Minnie’s dress some. At night Ma & I went to P. O. Rec’d a letter from Frank.
Saturday, December 21
I arose quite early and prepared to help Ma on Minnie’s dress. The snow is falling quite fast today and some cold as usual. Mr. Phillip Phillipps sang in the Baptist Church lst eve. I did not go. I am tired.
Sunday, December 22
Quite pleasant most of the day. I stayed at home till evening. Then went & heard Mr. Boardman preach a Christmas sermon. I wrote to Frank this A.M. Commenced reading "We and Our neighbors."
Monday, December 23
Cold weather snowy part of the time. Addie & I done the washing Mother not feeling very well. Uncle Charley Haash[?] called this evening. Minnie & Addie Ernie went down to the Chaple. I finished sewing on my quilt or nearly so.
Tuesday, December 24
Cold and some stormy. I done considerable small chores o fancy work Etcetery. In the evening I went down to the Chaple to a Christmas tree, froze my ears. Received a few presents and a pair of kid gloves. Nice ones, & pin, washtub & board.
Wednesday, December 25
A Pleasant and cold day on "Christmas." I staid at home all day, made molasses candy, cracked nuts & popped corn. Had a good time in general. Mrs. Hungerford Vick Thompson and Mr. Cary called. I went to Christmas tree to Methodist Church.
Thursday, December 26
Quite cool weather. I arose very late this morn and done nothing to speak of during the day only housework with a little fancy work mixed in occasionally. Am some tired as usual.
Friday, December 27
Weather assumed a much milder state than the forepart of the week. I arose late in the morn and prepared to sew some on our sacks. Charie McDougall & Mrs. Park called this P.M.
Saturday, December 28
Stormy all day snowing for a change. I done some sweeping and cleaning up for Sunday as usual. In the evening I went down to Post Office Addie & I. Also a walk on Johnson St.
Sunday, December 29
Quite cool and frosty morning. I arose at 10 o’clock not in time to prepare for church so staid at home and read "We and our Neighbors" by Mrs. H. B. Stowe. _____ ______ same in the evening not going to meeting.
Monday, December 30
Some pleasant but cold. It snowed last night a little. I arose this morn. at 1/2 past 5 and prepared breakfast and work done before light. Helped done the washing forenoon. In the A.M. sewed a few. In the eve. Mr. Harsh, Clarie[?] & Cordelia called.
Tuesday, December 31
Pleasant though frosty. I arose at
6 o’clock this morn. & prepared to sew on our sacks, blindstitched
all day till nearly dark. Dollie Hungerford came down and spent
the afternoon. In the evening Addie & I went to Watch Meeting
& staid till after 12
1878 Part One | 1878 Part Two | 1881 Part One | 1881 Part Two |