Fannie Gerould Diary 1878 - Part One |
![]() House belonged to Fannie's Uncle
Book One of Fannie¹s diaries covers the year of 1878. Fannie kept Book Two from January 1 to August 22, 1881.
In 1878 twenty-year-old Fannie
Hale Gerould lives in the village of East Smithfield in Bradford County,
Pennsylvania, with her mother, Almira
(Campbell) Gerould, two younger
sisters, Addie and Minnie, and two younger
brothers, Ernest and Fred. Fannie¹s father, James Orville Gerould, died two years earlier in1876. Almira works as a seamstress, Fannie teaches school and Addie works as a housekeeper for various families in East Smithfield and Waverly. The boys are beginning to ³hire out² to some of the relatives and neighborhood farmers. They live in what can almost be called ³Gerould country,² for they are surrounded by Gerould (and Campbell) aunts, uncles, cousins, and allied families in the village, the township, and most of the county. For reasons Fannie never explains, her mother rents out their East Smithfield house mid-year and moves the family to Waverly, which lies on the Pennsylvania-New York border.
Fannie teaches school in three-month
terms (with one-month vacations in between), boarding in the homes of her
pupils during the week, usually a
different home each week, and
going home to East Smithfield or Waverly on the weekends. Her school during
1878 is the Arnold School in Laurel Hill District No. 12, located a few
miles north and east of East Smithfield. She is well read, attends the
teachers¹ academy and studies hard to earn her teaching certificates.
At one point in late 1878 she takes time off for a while to learn the dressmaking
trade under the tutelage of Mrs. Harriet
Campbell, who owns a dressmakers
shop in Waverly.
If Fannie Gerould kept diaries in 1879 and 1880, they have disappeared sometime over the years, for Book Two begins on January 1, 1881. Fannie and her family have moved back to East Smithfield sometime in the past two years. Fannie now teaches the school ³down in Keeler holler,² as she says, in Keeler School District No. 11. This school lies close to the New York state border and is just a few miles north of Fannie¹s 1878 school. In fact, she even boards with some of the same families she boarded with at her former school. Fannie¹s diary entries each day begin (as they did in 1878) with a faithful and detailed account of the weather that day. As in 1878, she is amazingly matter-of-fact, and uninformative, about the events of her school days, mostly saying that the day went by pleasantly and usually recording how many scholars she had that day.
Fannie still has a keen interest
in the social events of the village and school district life. She remains
very much involved in the events of
family, neighborhood and church
life. Frank Flood, with whom she had "an understanding" gets no mention
this year. Now Fannie is keeping steady company with Charley Brainard,
twenty-two year old farmer in the Keeler Hollow neighborhood. She makes
the last entry in her diary on August 22nd, a regrettable fact from the
standpoint of the reader, but understandable in light of all she is doing
to prepare for her wedding on October 16th, 1881. On that date, Fannie
Hale Gerould and Charley Brainard are married in a double wedding with
her sister, Addie, and Charley Curtis.
Fannie and Charley Brainard will be married more than forty-four years, and will have two daughters, Agnes and Grace, neither of whom, apparently, marries.
The Centennial Diary
Published for the Trade
[On fly leaf]:"Diary kept by Fannie Gerould who was born in Elk Horn Grove, Carroll Co., Ill. In the year 1857 and is at the present time 20 years of age."
Tuesday, January 1, 1878
Pleasant weather: Taught school in the Arnold district where I had been teaching for about a month. School passed of [Note: Fannie very often spells "off" as "of."] very pleasantly. I went to Mr. H. Carpenters to stay over night.
Wednesday, January 2
Stormy weather, snowed nearly all day. Clearing off in the evening. My school passed of as pleasant as usual. About 6-15 P. M. started for S. Centre to attend a lecture by Hon.A. B. Meacham on the "Character of the Modoc Indians."
Thursday, January 3
Weather pleasant. Nearly an inch of snow on the ground. Taught school all day at night returned to my boarding place, Mr. Carpenters. In the evening attended another lecture by A. B. Meacham at the Disciple church. Also wedding of Alice Hale.
Friday, January 4
Snowed nearly all day, stayed at the school house until 1/2 past 5 o’clock waiting for our folks. They not coming I at last went to Mr. E. Hills and stayed over night. In the evening several young people came in with a gay old sing. Byron Havine a spectator.
Saturday, January 5
My buss-driver came after me about 10 o’clock a.m. I reached home about 10-45. Where I remained until 1/2 past 4 o’clock p.m. when I went over to Mr. Webbs after report book also box of crayon. Had oysters for supper which circumstance does not happen often.
Sunday, January 6
Attended church also S. School. Bro. Dean preached a splendid sermon. Aunt Betsy Woods funeral took place today at 2 o’clock p.m. Cousin Willie Gerould & Mr. Edgar Ballard of Burlington were here & spent the day. Went & took a sleighride with Edgar B.
Monday, January 7
Started for my school about 8 o’clock a.m. arriving there about 9 o’clock. A very cold, frosty day. Went to Mr. Elsbrees to stay over night. Perry having come over after me with a sleigh & taking me & all the scholars. Had a good sing with (evening).
Tuesday, January 8
Very cold morning, weather moderating before night. School passed of pleasant as usual. Perry took me to & came to school after me. Mr. Hills young people came down to Mr. Elsbrees and we had a sing. "Seecherching."
Wednesday, January 9
Pleasant weather. Thawing some this afternoon. Perry E. took me too and came to school after me. Received a letter from Alice West and answered same. Stayed to Mr. Elsbrees over night. Helped Orpha quilt in the evening. Clint Knit on my stocking.
Thursday, January 10
Rainy dismal weather and sleighing suddenly took its departure. School passed of pleasant as usual. P. H. Elsbree visited same. Came to Mr. Elsbrees to stay over night. Helped Orpha quilt in the evening until 1/2 past eight.
Friday, January 11
Stormy weather, snowed nearly all day after which it rained. Perry brought me over to my school this morning. Walter Coffin came after me tonight and I came home. In the evening made out my report for the first month. Received a letter from U. C. (unknown cor.) E. W. A.
Saturday, January 12
Weather mild. Thawing nearly all day. Lantie & Carrie with baby visited our house today. Finished my new calico dress in the afternoon. Carrie & I went over town. I did not return home untill night when I found myself very tired.
Sunday, January 13
Weather warm: thawing nearly all day. In the evening it snowed. Attended church also S.S. In the afternoon answered Allie Credifords and Mrs. Goodings letters that I received some time ago. Attended the Con. Meeting in the evening.
Monday, January 14
Foggy wet damp morning. Thawing all day. Came to my school this morning arriving there about 9 a. m. Walter Coffin brought me. At night came to Mr. Keelers to stay over night where I intend boarding this week.
Tuesday, January 15
Cold day, snowing some in the afternoon. School passed off as usual. In the evening attended singing school at the Arnold school house under supervision of Clayton Gerould. A, b. c. o. B. F. H. h. f. s. Broke a lamp chimney for Mr. Keeler.
Wednesday, January 16
Frosty, cold morning, growing colder all day. Very pleasant evening excepting it is rather frosty. Shall sleep with Ollie Keeler tonight. School passed of very pleasant today. 22 of my scholars being there.
Thursday, January 17
Cloudy day though without a storm. Taught school as usual. In the afternoon Mr. Henry Taylor came after me to go with Addie & him down to Uncle Abile Geroulds to an oyster supper. Of course I went, did not get back until 3 A.M. in the morning to Mr. Fraleys to stay over night.
Friday, January 18
Beautiful day though somewhat frosty. Took breakfast at 8 A.M. after which took my departure for my school house from Mr. Fraleys. Addie & Henry also went with me to visit at my school – staid all day. Walter not coming after me I went to Mr. Hills to supper who brought me over home.
Saturday, January 19
Pleasant weather, thawing all day. Miss Emma Brigham visited our house today. Had a very pleasant time went down as far as Mr. Kellys a piece with her in the evening. Returned home and being alone in the evening wrote a letter to E. W. A.
Sunday, January 20
Warm rainy day, it raining nearly all the time though I went to church and S. S. Went in Eugene Kingsley’s class, Mrs. Cowell not being there. Staid at home in the evening and went to bed at 7 o’clock P.M.
Monday, January 21
Cloudy foggy morning clearing of before night though it clouded up again in the evening. Came over to my school this morning arriving there at 9-15 A.M. Mr. Perry Elson & Byron Havens visited school. Mr. Cary came after me at night where I intend boarding this week.
Tuesday, January 22
Clousy mild day until in the afternoon when the wind came up from the north and snowed in the evening. Mr. Cary took me to school in the morning where I staid until after singing school in the evening then returned to Mr. C.
Wednesday, January 23
Cold windy weather so much so that we could not keep comfortably warm in the schoolroom. Mr. Cary took me also came to school after me today. Mrs. Hills visited my school this forenoon. Very cold night.
Thursday, January 24
Cold frosty day the wind having gone down last night but came up this afternoon. Mr. Cary took me to and came to school after me today. Byron Havens visited school this afternoon – finished a stocking which I commenced a week or two ago this evening.
Friday, January 25
Weather mild to what it has been a few days past. Thawed a little in the evening. Looked and appeared like rain. Mr. Cary brought me to my school this morning where I staid until quarter past four when "Buss driver" came for me & I came home & found Ma gone to Bur., staid all alone in the evening.
Saturday, January 26
Cloudy weather, rather mild, looking considerably like rain in the evening. Went over to Uncle Williams to quilt on a quilt which I have previously been getting up for Mary Wilcox. "Interesting talk we had." The funeral of our Co. Supt., A. H. Keeney took place in Towanda today. He having died last Wednesday. Addie & I are staying alone tonight.
Sunday, January 27
Pleasant morning though in the afternoon it snowed & also in the evening. Attended meeting also S. S. today. There were three emersions besides a good many people were there. In the evening attended the Congregationalist prayer meeting.
Monday, January 28
Windy cold day somewhat cloudy until afternoon when it cleared off. Walter brought me over to my school this morning. Came around by Amelia’s school in order to bring her to hers. Come to Mr. Wests tonight where I intend boarding this week. Alice and I staid alone in the evening.
Tuesday, January 29
Pleasant weather sun shining all day. Taught school until four o’clock and then came over to Mr. Wests and staid until evening, when Alice and I went to singing school over to the school house. Got a chance to ride there but walked home.
Wednesday, January 30
Fair weather, sun shining until afternoon then it looked some like snow. School passed off as usual. Alice and I had considerable fun in the evening "By Cracky". Went to bed about 8 o’clock P.M. Alice & I done our hair up in tins just for fun.
Thursday, January 31
Stormy day snowing nearly all the time about as tedious a day as ny one we have had as yet. Fountain took me to and came to school after me. Had considerable fun in the evening. Fountain & Perry visited school today.
Friday, February 1
Snow of considerable depth so much so that Mr. F. R. West took me to school this morning- drifted some. It snowed some of the time today. At night I rode up as far as Mr. E. Hills with Mr. Thadeous Hills. My "bus driver" did not come after me so I staid to Mr. Hills over night. Mr. Byron Havens came down and spent the evening.
Saturday, February 2
Pleasant weather though not very hot. Walter came after me this morning and when I arrive home found a house full of company including Abile Gerould & wife from Mich. & eat just a few raw oysters with the help of Uncle Abile. Received a letter from "Cousin" Will Ayres of Elmira.
Sunday, February 3
Pleasant weather though rather frosty. Attended church as usual had a splendid meeting. Two confessions also six emertions of those in the southeast part of the town where Bro. Dean has been preaching. In the afternoon went and took a sleigh ride with Matt Bullock. Didn’t get back until 8 o’clock in the evening.
Monday, February 4
Rather pleasant weather though frosty in the morning. Came to my school round by Amelia’s in order to bring her to hers. Byron visited school today. Came to Mr. Emery Hills tonight where I intend boarding this week. In the evening several came in for a sing.
Tuesday, February 5
Pleasant weather. Sun shining all day. School passed of as usual. Emmet Scott & Will Denny visited same. Byron went to the Center brought me a letter from Allie Crediford. In the evening went to singing school. Byron went home with me from same.
Wednesday, February 6
Midlin mild weather – sun shone nearly all day – long in the afternoon looked some like snow. In the evening I accepted the company of Edd Havens for sleighride. We that is a load of us went down to Will Keelers for an oyster supper. Had lots of fun. Did not get home till 4 o’clock A.M.
Thursday, February 7
Beautiful weather. Very pleasant evening. Taught school as usual. At night went to Mr. Hills for supper where I have been boarding this week. In the evening had a spelling school which passed of very pleasantly. Came home with Alice to stay all night.
Friday, February 8
Rainy weather. (Byron gave me my knife and took mine.) Walter came after me. Alice also came home with me. Found Mother gone to Towanda. Came home to attend Teachers Association. Arrived here about 11 o"clock A.M. & hastened to the school-house where I found a goodly no. of Teachers assembled. Lue Crawford stayed with me.
Saturday, February 9
The weather rather stormy. Miss Lue Crawford & Alice West stayed over night here. We all went to the Association nd played until noon & then after dinner Emma Brigham came down after us to go up there for a visit where we had a splendid time.
Sunday, February 10
The weather rather mild – thawing a little in the afternoon. Attended church also S.S. today. There were two emersions. Miss Maggie Messing came home with me and stayed until evening meeting down to the D. church. Mother arrived home this afternoon. Wrote a letter to E. W. Ayres.
Monday, February 11
Snowed some this morning. At noon cleared off & very pleasant the rest of the day. Walter brought me to my school this morning. After school went to Mr. Keelers and stayed for supper. After which my scholars and myself went over to our house. Arrived back to Mr. Fraley at midnight where I staid over night.
Tuesday, February 12
Rather pleasant all day until night rather lively for a little while. Taught school untill night and then I went over to stay with Alice over night. The Baptist Sociable was held there the same evening – quite a crowd. Had a splendid time – made quite a few new acquaintances. Did not retire until 1/2 past 2 o’clock.
Wednesday, February 13
Weather pleasant. Arose from bed at 8 o’clock A.M. After breakfast started for my school. Received an invitation to take another sleighride Sat. night by Mr. Edd Havens but refused. School passed of as usual. After school went down to Mr. Fraleys to stay overnight. Retired at 7 o’clock P.M.
Thursday, February 14
Pleasant weather. Taught school as usual which passed of very pleasantly. Came down to Mr. Fraleys to stay over night. In the evening Kip took Eliza & I over to meeting. Had a splendid meeting. Miss Ida Chamberlain went forward after the excellent sermon by B. S. Dean.
Friday, February 15
Stormy weather, snowed nearly all day. School passed pleasantly as usual. Frank Flood & Charley Van Sickle visited same. Came to Mr. Fraleys to stay to supper. After which he brought me over to the Centre. Attended meeting in the evening. Had a good meeting.
Saturday, February 16
Mild weather. Stayed at home nearly all day. Grandma and Aunt Rhoda Ross were here, In the afternoon Mrs. Phelps came up here. Had oysters for dinner. Went to meeting in the evening. Had a very good one – though not a very large crowd.
Sunday, February 17
Warm weather for this time of year. It rained some this afternoon. Attended church both day time and evening. Went over to Cousin Clayton Geroulds and stayed between meetings. Attendance to the meeting was good.
Monday, February 18
Very cold weather. Walter brought me over to my school this morning. Came very near freezing to death. School passed of pleasantly as usual. At night came down to Mr. Weeks where I intend boarding this week. Very cold night.
Tuesday, February 19
Weather pleasant though in the forenoon rather frosty. School passed of pleasantly as usual. Came to Mr. Weeks to supper after which Alice and myself went up to Mr. Keelers to practice quartettes which were sung to the singing school in the evening. Edd Havens brought me home. Had considerable fun. Byron rode _____ "also went a piece with us.
Wednesday, February 20
Snowed some last night. Weather mild. Taught school as usual. After which I went to Mr. Havans by invitation to stay with Delia who is there sewing. After supper her & myself had occasion to wash Byron’s face in snow. In the evening three couple of us went down to Mr. Snells in Milan to attend a Mile Society & for a sleigh ride. I had the company of Edd H. A splendid time. Wore a calico dress.
Thursday, February 21
Rainy weather this morning though it cleared of long in the forenoon. Taught school though felt rather sleepy. 4 gentlemen from Balson Swamp visited same. Came to Mr. Weeks tonight to bivouac. Felt the necessity of retiring at eight o’clock being that I was up until small hours of the night last night.
Friday, February 22
Rainy weather, rained nearly all day making it rather "slashy" going. School passed of very pleasantly. Walter did not come after me tonight so that I came up to Mr. Emery Hills to stay over night. Lem came down and we had a good sing.
Saturday, February 23
Received a letter from E. W. A., also J. Haver [or Hoover?] & Ida G. The weather rather pleasant. Walter came after me this morning. We went over to Mr. Minears after Sue Crawford who came home with me to stay over Sunday- made molasses candy in the afternoon. Had a very good visit. Went uptown for a walk just at night.
Sunday, February 24
Weather pleasant. Sue & I went to meeting and listened to a most excellent sermon , stayed to S. S. Afterwards we came home and went to bed untill dinner after which we indulged in reading a ficticious story called "Margueritte." Byron Havine came over in the evening & attended church with us. He gave me my "stolen knife."
Monday, February 25
Cloudy weather & rather cold. Matt Bullock brought me over to my school this morning. School passed of rather pleasantly though somewhat noisy. After school came down to Mr. Harrons where I intend boarding this week. In the evening Alice & Fount came along for me to go over to Clayton G so I went. Had fun.
Tuesday, February 26
Rather pleasant weather. Thawing some. School passed of as usual. Henry Taylor & Will Dennis visited same. Came to Mr. H. to supper after which went up to Clayton’s singing school enjoying it very much. Frank Flood came home with me after S.S.
Wednesday, February 27
Very pleasant weather seeming much like spring. Taught school as usual. Byron at noon brought me a line from Edd Havane requesting my company to attend a Mile Society at his house. I excepted. Therefore Byron & Lu C. Edd & myself started about 1/2 past 7 o’clock arriving there at 9. Did not get back to Mr. Harrons till 1/2 past 2 o’clock. Had a splendid time.
Thursday, February 28
Fair, clear, pleasant weather, rather muddy. School passed of very pleasantly after which I went down to Mr. Arnolds to supper and about dark returned to my boarding place Mr. Harrons. In the evening amused myself in cracking & eating hickory nuts. Retired at 8.
Friday, March 1
Clear pleasant day, and rather muddy. School passed of as usual. Walter came after me at night & I came home arriving here about 5 o’clock P.M. Went to church in the evening & we had an excellent sermon from B. S. Dean also social meeting.
Saturday, March 2
Weather rather mild. In the afternoon it rained and so on all the evening. Answered the letters from Jennie Howe and Ida Gooding, Allie Crediford this forenoon. In the afternoon Alice Vincent came down here to make a visit. Had a very pleasant time. Made molasses candy. In the evening went down & settled with Walter Phillips.
Sunday, March 3
Rainy untill about one o’clock when it cleared off. Answered the letter of E. W. A. this forenoon after which went over to the Baptist church in order to come over with Mr. Hills it is the first time I’ve come over on Sunday this winter. I read the book "That Husband of Mine" this afternoon. Retired at 9 o’clock P.M.
Monday, March 4
Cloudy, cold, dismal day. Freezing some. Taught school as usual. At night I went over to Mr. West to stay over night. In the evening went up to Mr. Hills with Fount & Alice to practice quartetts for singing school. Visited nearly all night.
Tuesday, March 5
Pleasant weather. Thawing so as to make it rather muddy before night. My school closed today. Had considerable company and was rather embarrassed. Went over to Mr. Wests to supper. Went to singing S. in the evening. Edd H. accompanied me home.
Wednesday, March 6
Pleasant weather untill evening when it rained. Stayed to Mr. Hills untill about 11 o’clock. Then I went down to Alices and staid till evening when Fount & I, Alice & Emmett went over to Mat Scotts to a necktie party . Did not get home till 2 o’clock morning.
Thursday, March 7
Beautiful weather part of the time & part of the time it rained. Arose at 8 o’clock A.M. feeling rather "ling." In the evening went to a Baptist Sociable down to Mr. Anthony Childs with Mr. Frank Flood. Enjoyed myself muchly. 12 o’clock when I came home.
Friday, March 8
Beautiful weather seeming very much like spring. Baked nearly all day for some young people which were to come here in the evening. They came as expected or nearly all of them numbering I believe 18 in all. Had a very good time.
Saturday, March 9
Pleasant weather. Arose at 7 o’clock this morning and prepared to come to Waverly with Addie to intends to remain here this summer. Took the 11 o’clock train at Milan. Arrived at Waverly at noon. Went to Mr. H. Geroulds and staid to dinner after which Cordelia went with me down town.
Sunday, March 10
Beautiful weather. Went to our church in company with Cordelia, Clara & Addie. Took dinner at Cordelias after which we came to Mr. Cutts where Addie is to work. At 3 o’clock went to S. S. After that I went to Harrison Allens & stayed till evening then went to church & heard Bro. Cutts, after which Will Allen went home with me to Mr. Cutts.
Monday, March 11
Pleasant weather. Staid to Mr. Cutts with Addie last night & untill after dinner then went to Mr. Hungerfords and got my budgets to start for home. Took the train at 2.15 P.M. Then rode up to Smithfield with Diton[?].
Tuesday, March 12
Rainy weather raining nearly all day. I made out my school report this forenoon. After dinner took my work & went over to Uncle Williams for the first time in 2 or 3 months. Called to Aunt Miriams & Aunt Etties on my way back from there. Went to the post office after supper.
Wednesday, March 13
Rainy day and very muddy. Wrote a letter to Addie this forenoon. Embroidered on my night dress yoke this afternoon untill 4 o’clock, when I took my report over to Mr. Webbs and got my order for 36 dollars, 2 months pay. I have previously drawn my first months pay.
Thursday, March 14
It cleared up this morning but before night clouded up again and rained the rest of the time. For a change I stayed at home all day working on my night-dress yoke what I had time. Did not go to prayer meeting this evening it rained so hard.
Friday, March 15
Pleasant weather. Ground settled quite a bit considering the long rain we have been having for the past few days. Mother & I visited down to Mr. Will Ormsbury’s this afternoon. Had a very pleasant visit. Stopped to singing school at our church on my way home. Received a letter from "Cousin" W. E. Ayres.
Saturday, March 16
Beautiful weather. Done up my Saturdays work this forenoon. They moved part of the old Congregationalist down here opposite our house today. Grandma came over this afternoon. I have been indulging in reading "Betsy Bobbit" by "Josiah Allens wife." Aunt Ettie came down this morning.
Sunday, March 17
It has been raining all day and still continues. I attended church and Sunday School today. Had communion in the forenoon. Bro. Dean being gone over to Grover to Quarterly Meeting. After I came home finished reading "Betsy Bobbit." Did not attend church in the evening.
Monday, March 18
Pleasant weather. Mother done the washing today, I being nearly sick. I "dumped" around all day. At noon received a letter from Edgar Ballard. Also advertisement from Mansfield Normal. Worked on my nightdress yoke what I had time.
Tuesday, March 19
Pleasant weather part of the time, considerably showery in the P.M. We ironed this forenoon. This afternoon by invitation went to Mrs. Fan Voorhises to a quilting. There being several there we had a very fine time. In the evening had occasion to give Andrew Missing the [drawing of a mitten (hand?)].
Wednesday, March 20
Rather colder than yesterday. Wind blowing rather strongly from the south. Staid alone this afternoon, Mother being down to Mr. Voorhises to a quilting. Went over to Uncle Williams a while. Received a letter from Sister Addie in "Waverlah" this noon. Mother did not return home untill 8 o’clock in the evening.
Thursday, March 21
Pleasant weather. Uncle Abile Geroulds came & I came home with him to stay untill Sun., had a very pleasant time in the evening looking at pictures with Cousin Charles. Came upstairs to bed at 9 o’clock. Am very tired now & sleepy too.
Friday, March 22
Cloudy morning and cleared of pleasant before noon. Willie G. with some lady friends of his and myself started for Lanties but meeting him and finding we would not be excepted by Grandpa we came back. In the afternoon played a game of croquet with Uncle Abile & Coz. Charles.
Saturday, March 23
Beautiful weather. In the forenoon worked on my nightdress yoke.Have not as yet returned home from Aunt Marthas. Played three games of croquet with Coz. Charles beating him only once. In the evening Willie, Aunt Martha & myself went out on a "chewing gum buss." Went out to Mr. Ballards, got 2 or 3 more to join our ranks then proceeded to Mr. Phelps & all chewing gum untill our jaws were lame.
Sunday, March 24
Pleasant weather untill noon when it snowed some considerably so much so that the ground was covered. Very windy & cold. Willie brought me home from Bur. This p.m. Received a letter from Jennie H., Edd Havens & Byron called just before evening meeting. Went to church with Edd. They both came here after meeting & stayed till after 11 o’clock. "Very tired & sleepy."
Monday, March 25
Very windy & cold weather. Answered the letters of Addie, Edgar Ballard and "Cousin" Will Ayers. In the evening went up town down to Voorhises and settled with them, paying them 3 dollars. Also stopped to Asa Heppe and paid him $10 which I borrowed when I went to Waverly. Mrs. Carrie Voorhise gave Mother some good advice in bringing up children.
Tuesday, March 26
Pleasant weather and somewhat warmer than yesterdy. Mother went to a quilting down to Uncle Erastuces so Minnie & I took it upon ourselves to melt over some maple sugar in order to have some to eat. Commenced setting a quilt together that I pieced sometime ago. The funeral of Mrs. Asa Forrest took place today.
Wednesday, March 27
Pleasant weather & somewhat smoky. Mother done the washing today, I not feeling very well. I went over and settled with Uncle Marshall Bullock today paid him $11. Received a letter from Ida Gooding. Studied my Sunday school lesson this evening.
Thursday, March 28
Midlin pleasant and somewhat showery. Paid Walter Coffin $4.00 for carrying me to school & coming after me. This afternoon worked on my quilt. Mrs. Dr. Moody and Aunt Etta called here. It rained just in time for prayer meeting so I did not go.
Friday, March 29
Paid Ernest House $1 for building fires. Pleasant weather & somewhat windy. Amelia Dubert came this morning before I was up to make me a visit. In the afternoon we went down to the last day of Mr. Emerys school. Went & called on Esther Mallery just at night. Afterwards went to singing school.
Saturday, March 30
Pleasant weather untill about 3 o’clock P.M. when it clouded up. Amelia staid with me over night last night and this foenoon by invitation we went over to Uncle Williams to eat warm gar. su-it was the first I have had this season. Amelia staid with me untill 3 o’clock P.M.
Sunday, March 31
Rainy weather, it having rained nearly all day. I went to the Baptist Church to hear the farewell sermon of Rev. P. S. Everett. In the afternoon answered Jennie Howies letter. Staid alone in the evening, our folks all went to meeting.
Monday, April 1
Pleasant weather, sun shining nearly all day. Mother & I done the washing today. Received a letter from Allie Crediford also one from Addie who requests "some drawers or breeches to be made for she wants some pictures taken." Called to Mariette this afternoon.
Tuesday, April 2
Pleasant weather. Staid at home untill afternoon then Mother & I went down to Mr. Hyatt where he was lying just at the point of death, not expected to live till morning. Received a letter from Frank Flood. In the evening went with Bro. Dean down to the Christian Church to meeting. Matt Bullock made me a present of an orange.
Wednesday, April 3
Beautiful weather. Staid at home all day. Cousin Cordelia & Polly Forrest called here. Mr. Hyatt died last night at 11 o’clock. Worked on my night dress yoke this afternoon. In the forenoon trimmed Addie’s & my old neopolitan hats.
Thursday, April 4
Pleasant weather untill noon when it cloudied up and looked considerably like rain. Answered Addie’s & Frank Floods letters. Alice West called here & went to Mr. Hyatts funeral with me. Afternoon to a sociable in the Baptist Church & to the Baptistry to see a lady baptized. In the evening went home with Flora Gerould.
Friday, April 5
Beautiful weather. Felt rather well considering the walk I took last night. Minnie came down there this morning and we stayed untill night then walked home arriving there about 1/2 past 7 o’clock. Had some warm sugar this afternoon. Lue & Ida Gooding came up yesterday & were to Uncle Woods. Had a good visit.
Saturday, April 6
Pleasant weather untill evening when it rained some. Done considerable work today. Mr. Lue Gooding and wife were here this afternoon. They and I went up and called on Lyman Wilcox just at night. Grandma is here to stay over night.
Sunday, April 7
Rainy this morning but cleared off before night. Went to church today as usual. Bro. Dean preached on the subject of "Sunday Schools". I joined Eugene Kingsleys class, our class being broke up. In the evening went to a Sunday School Review at our church which should have been last Sun.
Monday, April 8
Pleasant weather. Mother done the washing today so that I might sew. Grandma staid till this morning when Lantie came after her. I made an overskirt today. Pat Powers moved over across the way today. Our folks have all gone to bed and left me alone.
Tuesday, April 9
Pleasant weather part of the day, the rest being somewhat showery. Went and done some trading to Mr. Voorhises in the forenoon. In the afternoon Mr. Frank Flood called here, and him and I went over to the Past Singing School of Clayton Gerould in the Arnold District. 1 o’clock when he went home.
Wednesday, April 10
Cloudy and somewhat showery weather. Worked on my drife in the forenoon. Received letters from Addie& "Cousin Will" today. In the afternoon by invitation went up to Aunt Merriame to a quilting for Alice Vincent. Called to Mrs. Blakesle in the evening.
Thursday, April 11
Rainy weather part of the time but cleared of about noon. This afternoon wrote a letter to Addie, and in the evening mailed same also received a letter from Lue Crawford. I went to prayer meeting this evening. Most awful tired tonight.
Friday, April 12
Pleasant weather most of the day and a few April shoers during the day. Aunt Ellie came down and staid an hour or two this afternoon. Mr. Joe Towner of Hom Brook called in the evening. Have staid at home nearly all day, though went to post office.
Saturday, April 13
Pleasant weather though somewhat colder than has been for a week. Paid Mr. Webb $2.00 which I had been owing for some time. Mrs. Blakelee called here this afternoon. At night went over to Uncle Williams for a call, also to Post office.
Sunday, April 14
Beautiful weather. Attended church as usual. The audience was large indeed. Also S. S. & communion was well attended. In the afternoon answered Allie Credifords letter after which read some. Went to Disciple meeting in the evening. Audience slim.
Monday, April 15
Pleasant weather. My school commenced again today with Arnold District. Mat Bullock brought me over this morning. School numbered 9 scholars. Came over to Mr. Wests to stay over night where I intend boarding this week. Kindled fire by burning Matt Bullocks knife.
Tuesday, April 16
Cloudy weather untill afternoon when it cleared off. Taught school as usual, had one new scholar which made the number eleven. Went with scholars down to the woods at noon. Came back to Mr. Wests at night.
Wednesday, April 17
Pleasant weather untill afternoon when it assumed rather a cloudy appearance. School passed of as usual. Alice & I was rather intemperate in eating supper so much so that I felt in danger after retiring for the night. Laughed till I saw stars.
Thursday, Apil 18
Pleasant weather though somewhat cloudy in the evening. School passed of pleasantly as usual. Alice & I had considerable fun tonight. Shall retire in good season tonight for I am fearful tired.
Friday, April 19
Cloudy morning cleared of about noon. Taught school as usual which passed of pleasantly. After school went up to Mr. Emery Hills to supper and he brought me home in the evening. I helped Aunt Electra Quilt some. Alice also came to the Centre.
Saturday, April 20
Pleasant weather most of the time. Had a most reviving shower about noon. Worked on my dress today some. Borrowed Alice Vincents pleater and and sent same back. Answered ‘Cousin Will’s" letter. Went to the milliners shops this evening with Genia Ames. Fearfully tired.
Sunday, April 21
Beautiful weather though somewhat windy. Answered the letters of Lue Crawford and Ida Gooding. Attended church as usual. The house was well filled. Came over to Mr. Hills with them after Sunday School. Enjoyed myself hughly.
Monday, April 22
Pleasant weather untill noon when it commenced raining and kept it up till 3 o’clock. Taught school as usual, several of my winter scholars visited same. Came to Mr. Hills tonight where I intend boarding this week. Have a most fearfully stiff neck.
Tuesday, April 23
Pleasant weather though cloudy just at night. School passed of as usual after which came to Mr. Hills to supper then went to singing school to school-house. Frank Flood came home with me. Afterwards stood & talked some time.
Wednesday, April 24
Cloudy weather though without rain. Arose at 6 o’clock A.M., had breakfast at 7. Afterwards pieced some on my quilt. Went to school swept the house and school passed of very pleasantly. Read some in the book called "The Escaped Nun."
Thursday, April 25
Cloudy weather this morning it having rained some last night it cleared of at noon. The Funeral of Mrs. Cooper took place today. School passed of pleasantly as usual. Came to Mr. Hills to supper after which I went up to Mrs. Havans for a call. Retired at 8 o’clock P.M.
Friday, April 26
Pleasant weather till afternoon then it cloudied up and rained some a Thunder shower also another one just at night so as to prevent me from going home. School passed of pleasantly. Came to Mr. Hills tonight to stay till I got a chance to go home. Rainy some.
Saturday, April 27
Peach trees are in bloom. Pleasant part of the time and rained some this afternoon. Mr. Hills finally brought me as far as Mitchele Woods towards home and I intended to walk the rest of the way but overtook Mr. Tracy who let me ride with him on a log. Have worked tight as I could jump. Finished my dress. We re’cd a letter from Addie also her picture.
Sunday, April 28
Somewhat showery this afternoon and also last night. Attended church as usual after which went up to the Baptist Church to come over with Mr. Hills which I did. Am nearly sick with a cold a fearful headache. Sung some this afternoon. It is very rainy.
Monday, April 29
Pleasant weather part of the day and showery some. Went to school and found my fire built and everything passed of pleasantly. After school came to Mr. Joe Smiths where I intend boarding this week. After supper went out to the barn to swing. Blistered my heels.
Tuesday, April 30
Pleasant weather though cloudy in the morning. School passed pleasantly as usual. Afterwards came to Mr. Smiths to supper and finished my stocking then Mary and I went for a walk, went over to Mr. Miniers. Found Lou C. there who wouldn’t let me come back but kept me overnight.
Wednesday May 1
Pleasant weather part of the time and cloudy some. Lue & I visited some considerable last night – causing me to feel somewhat "ling" today. School passed of pleasantly. Came to Mr. Smiths afterwards. Am most sick with a cold on my lungs.
Thursday, May 2
Rainy morning clearing of before noon. Feel somewhat better than yesterday and school passed of very pleasantly. After school on my way to Mr. Smiths went down to see Alice a few moments & staid about 1/2 an hour. Had a considerable fun this evening "the room being haunted."
Friday, May 3
Pleasant weather. Arose early this morning and took breakfast about 7 o’clock. School passed of pleasant. After went up to Mr. Hills who came over and brought me home. Alice, Fountain and Mrs. Hills came also brought my Cally? home. Alice treated Matt Scott & I to a stick of candy.
Saturday, May 4
Apple trees in blossom. Pleasant weather till noon. Then it rained nearly all the afternoon and evening. Have "grunted" around all day but did not avail much. Received a letter from "Coz" Will. Took a bath this P.M. for a change. Wrote in Alice’s autograph this A.M.
Sunday, May 5
Rainy this morning it having rained all night. Cleared of about 2 o’clock P.M. though started raining befoe that. Went to church as usual to the Disciple Church afterwards came up to the Baptist Sunday School to come home with Mr. & Mrs. Hills.
Monday, May 6
Pleasant weather though somewhat cloudy. School passed of pleasantly as usual had one new scholar. Came to Mr. Keelers tonight where I intend boarding this week. In the evening Lem Havens came down and we had a good sing. Came to bed at 9 o’clock.
Tuesday, May 7
Rainy all the morning till 10 o’clock when it cleared off. Lem Havens came to school today as a scholar. Had one new scholar. School passed of as usual. About 6 o’clock Frank Flood & Alice came over to Mr. Keelers after me to go to Mr. Vests and stay one night. Went & had lots of sport, talked till one o’clock this morning.
Wednesday, May 8
Very pleasant excepting a little cloudy and exceedingly warm. Feel rather sleepy today. Came to school from Mr. Wests this morning & rather late. After school came to Mr. Keeler and helped Ollie eat a co coanut. Also after supper and chores were done went and took a walk up the road.
Thursday, May 9
Pleasant weather though cooler than usual. School passed of as usual. Willie Carpenter visited same. Came to Mr. Keelers tonight found Mary Smith here also had some birch. Lon Weed called in the evening. Pieced 3 blocks since school was out tonight. Retired at 9 o’clock.
Friday, May 10
Rather showery during the day though in the morning it was pleasant. School passed of pleasantly as usual. Went to Mr. Hills to supper and afterwards he brought me home. Mary Smith came with me to stay till Sunday. Received letters from Edgar Ballard, Alice Crediford and Jennie Howie.
Saturday, May 11
Quite cold weather and we had a small snow squall which seemed very singular considering the weather we have been having. Done considerable work for "small fry." Aunt Martha & Uncle Abile also Mary Smith are here to stay overnight. Went to postoffice this eve. & also milliner’s shop.
Sunday, May 12
Midlin coldish weather and one or two showers. Emmett Scott, Alice West, Frank Flood and myself went to Pennville to meeting today. Started at 1/2 past 12 and Frank & I got back to our house about 6 o’clock P.M. Went & heard Bro. Dean in the evening. Afterward came over to Mr. Hills arrived here 11.30.
Monday, May 13
Midlin coldish weather and somewhat cloudy a frost last night for a change. School passed of as usual. Afterwards came to Mr. Joe Smith’s in order to read a book They have called "Helens Babies." Alice came over to stay a spell with me & Mary & I went a piece with her. Also rec’d a letter from her today & answered same.
Tuesday, May 14
Somewhat milder weather than has been for two days back. Heavy frost last night – killed the potato vines what have come up & did some considerable damage. School passed of as usual after which came down to Mr. Fraleys where I intend boarding this week. Retired at 8 o’clock P.M.
Wednesday, May 15
Pleasant most of the time and somewhat cloudy the rest. Taught school which passed of pleasantly as usual. Afterwards came down to Mr. Fraleys to stay overnight. Am not feeling any to well today. Came to bed at 1/2 past 8 o’clock. Worked on my nightdress yoke tonight.
Thursday, May 16
Pleasant weather though somewhat chilly so much so that I was obliged to keep a fire to the school house all day which I’ve done all week. School passed of pleasantly as usual, came down to Mr. Fraleys afterward and lo! to behold who should come but Addie to stay overnight with me. Was very glad to see her.
Friday, May 17
Rather pleasant and warmer than has been some back. School passed of as usual. Addie was there all day. At noon we all went down to get some wintergreens. After school at night Addie went with me up to Mr. Hills to supper after which he brought us over to the Centre. Found Mother gone to Waverly and not returned yet.
Saturday, May 18
Pleasant weather and comfortably warm without a fire. Arose at 6 o’clock A.M. and done considerable work. Addie & I visited some. Mother returned home today. Answered"Coz" Will Ayres and Ida Goodings letters. Had a few callers in the evening. Retired at 12 o’clock.
Sunday, May 19
Cloudy most of the time and not very cold. Went to the Disciples Church heard Bro. Dean. Addie went with me. Afterwards came to the Baptist church to come over with Mr. Hills. Alice came over with us and I went down and stayed with her till evening then came back to Mr. Hills to stay over night.
Monday, May 20
Raining all the morning then cold and cloudy the rest of the day. Arose at 6:30 A.M. Took breakfast then helped Mrs. Hills do up the work. Came to school about 1/2 past 8, which passed of as usual. Afterwards came to Mr. Keelers to stay over night. Had fun in the evening, got upset on floor.
Tuesday, May 21
Cloudy most of the time and not very cold. School passed of pleasantly as usual. Lem Havens Ernest House and Demyn Keeler visited same. After school came over to Mr. Burlingames where I intend boarding the rest of the week…Don’t just fancy the surroundings.
Wednesday, May 22
Clear pleasant weather though the wind blew cold or chilly. School passed of as usual. At noon we all went down to the woods and enjoyed ourselves muchly. Received a note from Alice. After school at night came to Mr. Burlingames and assumed a better appearance.
Thursday, May 23
Clear pleasant warm weather sun shining all day. Taught school as usual which passed of pleasantly. Nearly all of the scholars being present. Afterwards came to Mr. Burlingames to stay overnight. Being rather weary I "bivouacked" early.
Friday, May 24
Rainy all the morning. So much so that I walked from Mr. Burling in the rain to school which passed of as usual. Afterwards went to Mr. Hills to supper & then Fountain & Alice came along and I came to the Centre with them. Had an immense time.
Saturday, May 25
Pleasant part of the time and somewhat showery the rest. Minnie and I having procured Adney Kingsley’s hoss & vehicle drove to Waverly to take Addie back to Mr. Cutts. Arrived there at 10.45 and reached home at night – 8 o’clock P.M. done some traveling today that is enough to blister my feet. Also laughed a little.
Sunday, May 26
Somewhat cloudy and one shower. Felt rather tired so did not attend church today: but went to the Baptist S. S. in order to come over to Mr. Hills. Read "The Prince of the House of David" this P.M. Mr. & Mrs. Hills Frank Flood and myself are to sit up with the corpse (Mrs. Elstree) tonight. She having died this P.M.
Monday, May 27
Pleasant weather. Taught school as usual which passed of pleasantly though I felt rather sleepy being that I did not sleep any last night until 1/2 past 5 when I reached Mr. Hills again where I lay down and rested some. After school came to Mr. Havens where I intend boarding this week.
Tuesday, May 28
Pleasant weather though rather chilly. School passed of with its usual programn after which went to Mr. Havens to supper. Aftgerwards went over to the Centre with Mr. Hills people Alice having went with us. I went home and staid with her over night. Received a postal from Carrie Campbell answered same. Mrs. Elsbrie’s funeral.
Wednesday, May 29
Somewhat pleasant and rather chilly. Cloudy some in the evening. School passed of pleasantly as usual after which came up to Mr. Havens to stay over night. In the evening Mrs. Havens & I took the horse and buggy and drove down to see Orpha Elsbree a little while.
Thursday, May 30
Very rainy weather so much so that I did not go to Decoration at the Centre which was to take place today. It looks some like clearing of tonight. Did not teach this P.M. but came up to Mr. Havens and staid till 5 o’clock then went down to see Alice a few moments and came back to stay over night.
Friday, May 31
Pleasant weather it having cleared of this morning & somewhat warmer than before for a week or two. Arose at 6 o’clock A.M. and at school time proceeded to my usual duties. Afterwards went up to Mr. Hills in order to come over in the evening. Mother gone to Waverly & Minnie the boys & myself are staying alone.
Saturday, June 1
Pleasant weather. Had considerable work to do today Mother being gone and has not returned yet. This P.M. Aunt Ophelia and her boys made a visit here. Did not go away till nearly dark. Then I went up town and Fannie Prince John Tuttle with myself went down and took a boat ride on the pond. Some fun.
Sunday, June 2
Pleasant weather though cloudy part of the day. Had considerable to do getting the children ready for church & C. I attended church and heard Bro. Dean preach an excellent discourse. Came over with Mr. Hills people in the P.M. drove the the team went down & stayed with Alice till evening. In the evening went down to my school house to prayer meeting. Frank Flood came home with me & stayed till 1/2 past 12.
Monday, June 3
Pleasant weather and rather warmer. Arose at 6 o’clock A.M. and took breakfast then proceeded to repair to school which passed of pleasantly as usual. At night went over to Mr. Careys where I intend boarding this week. Ma was to Mr. Hills and called me in there a few moments. In the evening I went over to the Centre with Mr. & Mrs. Carey. Went to Literary meeting a "small while."
Tuesday, June 4
Pleasant weather and very warm. School passed of as usual after which I came back to Mr. Careys. They had gone to Waverly but Miss Anna Loomis was there. They returned before supper. In the evening we had considerable of a time swinging and hearing Milo Peet tell stories till 9 o’clock.
Wednesday, June 5
Cloudy chilly weather sun not shining, till night when it cleared of and rather pleasant evening. School passed of rather pleasantly after which went to Jason Cary’s to stay over night. In the evening amused ourselves by swinging a little and then at 1/2 past 9 o’clock went to realms unknown.
Thursday, June 6
Beautiful weather though somewhat chilly in the morning and evening. School passed of as usual after which by invitation went over to Mr. Ellsbrees to meet Eva Snyder there. Emmett Scott & Sarah Degraff spent the evening there. Laughed till I could see stars nearly.
Friday, June 7
Pleasant weather though some cloudy at night. Came from Mr. Ellsbrees this morning and school passed of as usual. At night went to Mr. Hills in order to come over in the evening. Alice came over with me. When I arrived home found our folks all tore up to start for Waverly to live Mon. Have a very stiff neck. Recd a letter from "Coz" Will.
Saturday, June 8
It commenced raining this morning and has kept it up all day not stoping a few moments when I went and got one month’s wages for teaching, having made out my report this forenoon. Called to Mrs. Corvells. Rec’d a postal from Addie. Had a few callers during the day. Lent Ma $12.
Sunday, June 9
Cleared of pleasant again and midlin warm. Attended church and heard Bro. Dean preach who had rather large attendance, staid to S. S. Afterward came home with Mr. Hills as usual. Lantie wife child & Uncle Abile & Aunt Martha were at our house. Mr. Frank Flood came up to Mr. Hills in the afternoon. We went to prayer meeting in the evening. He staid to Mr. Hills till 1/2 past 11.
Monday, June 10
Rainy day hardly stopping. And midlin cold so that I hd to have a fire to the school house. School passed of with its usual programm. Lem Havens & John Bennett visited some. After school came to Mr. Carpenters where I intend boarding this week. Got some damp for it rained all the way there. Retired at 9 o’clock P.M.
Tuesday, June 11
Midlin pleasant though somewhat cloudy. I rode to school in the morning with Willie and home at night to Mr. Carpenters. Heard that my folks did not move to Waverly yesterday as expected, but went today. Read some in the book called "The Prince of the house of David." Had some strawberries to eat.
Wednesday, June 12
Pleasant weather most of the time with one or two showers. School passed of pleasantly as usua. Helped Mr. Carpenter drive the cows and Frankie drive them home for they were going by the S. house. After school at night came to Mr. Carpenters. A horming bee to Mr. Keeler’s last night.
Thursday, June 13
Pleasant weather and warm enough without a fire to the school house. School passed of pleasantly. At noon answered Jennie Howie’s letter. Came to Mr. Car., and stayed to supper then in the evening went to hear Mr. Watrous a Baptist minister preach in the school house. After which Frank C. came home with me. The moon shone brightly.
Friday, June 14
Pleasant & the warmest weather we have had yet. School passed of as usual, afterwards went to Mr. Hills to supper. Rode up the hill with Matt B. in his new buggy. Came to the Centre and to Uncle Williams to stay over night. Got a letter from Ma who is well & nearly settled.
Saturday, June 15
Quite warm weather if not hot. I wandered around like one of the lost sheep of Israel, discontented everywhere I roamed. Staid to Uncle Williams most of the time at least to all the meals. In the afternoon went up to Em. Brighams a small while. Called to Mr. Voorhises and to Aunt Evelines.
Sunday, June 16
Cloudy morning. Arose at 7 o’clock A.M. and took breakfast and prepared myself for church while I was so doing George Robinson came with a letter from Ma stating she had rented her house to him. Went to the Disciple meeting to S. S. Came over with Mr. Hills people as usual & it commenced raining about noon & rained as hard as it could all the time we were coming over.
Monday, June 17
Rainy morning though it cleared of before noon and rather warm. School passed of with its usual programm after which went to Mr. Keelers where I intend boarding this week. Improved spare moments reading a book called "My Son’s Wife." I retired midlin early.
Tuesday, June 18
Had a fearful toothache. Pleasant weather & rather warm. School passed of with its usual programm after which went to Mr. Keelers to stay over night. Mr. Thurston Crowell came over & asked me to go down to Mountain Lake: but I refused. Wrote a letter to Mother this noon. The Baptist Association at Smithfield commenced today. This evening I went over long with Mr. Hills folks & heard Mr. Plannett preach also Mr. Spencer from Phil. talk. Quite a crowd. Rec’d letter from Ida Gooding.
Wednesday, June 19
Pleasant warm weather. School passed of pleasantly. After which went to Mr. Keelers to supper & then up to Mr. Hills so as to go to Association in the evening. Heard Rev. Mr. Parker who formally was the Pastor in the Baptist church here. Think it about 11 o’clock when I reached Mr. Keelers to stay over night.
Thursday, June 20
Pleasant and rather warm. Did not teach school today but went to Baptist Association with Mr. Hills people. Started about 9 o’clock A.M. and got back there at 3 o’clock P.M. Heard the sermon of Rev. Spencer from Phil., which I liked very much. Went to Mr. Keelers to stay over night. Read some.
Friday, June 21
Somewhat cloudy rainy & dismal weather. School passed of as usual after which went to Mr. Keelers to supper & in the evening Ollie with myself went up to Mr. Havens to spend the evening. Emmett Scott took me home, also went for a ride 11 o’clock P.M. when we reached home.
Saturday, June 22
The weather looked somewhat favorable for clearing of this morning so much so that I started for Waverly with Mr. Havens & it rained all the way & till noon. In the P.M. went down to Quarterly Meeting. Heard Bro. Hadem(?) afternoon then went to Mrs. Cutts for supper. Also Kate Sp__ called I went & took an "aristocratic" walk. Carroll Spencer accompanied me home after evening meeting. Bro. Delmont preached.
Sunday, June 23
Cloudy & showery. Visited some this morn. with Mother, then went to the Chaple to meeting. Rev. Chamberlain of Aubion N.Y. preached. Upwards of 20 went to our house to dinner among them Carroll & Kate Spencer. Came back to Laurel Hill with Clayton & George W. Arrived to Mr. Hills at 5 o’clock. Frank Flood spent the evening with me.
Monday, June 24
Cloudy part of the time with one or two showers. Quite warm especially at night. Arose at 7 o’clock A.M. feeling somewhat tired after my tramp tramp yesterday. Had just time to prepare myself of to school which passed of pleasantly. After which went over to Mr. Wests where I intend boarding this week. Alice & myself visited some, you just bet.
Tuesday, June 25
Beautiful weather & warm. School passed of pleasantly after which came to Mr. Wests to stay over night. After supper Alice & I amused ourselves by eating a few cherries and went in the woods after some brakes. I wrote a letter to Mina Allen. Retired early.
Wednesday, June 26
Very hot weather especially at night. School passed of pleasantly after which went down to Mr. Ellsbrees to stay over night with Eva Snyder. Her & I went and turned the cows away also to her school house. Four of us girls slept in the room together & after pulling our dry goods of went out on the roof skylarking.
Thursday, June 27
Rather hot – a shower went around us in the afternoon but refused to call. School passed of as usual. Emmett Scott Olive Keeler Mary Burnett visited same. After it was out went to Mr. Wests to stay over night & found Mr. & Mrs. Scott there who staid till sundown. Frank C. Flood came over in the evening & we had some fun.
Friday, June 28
Very hot weather. Came from Mr. Wests this morning. School passed of as usual after which went to Mr. Hills to supper and then went to the Centre. Called down to Mr. Adams, Uncle William & Marrietts’. She went a piece with me. Then Mr. & Mrs. Hills & I went down and eavesdropped to hear "The minstrels" which gave a concert there. Answered "Cousin" Wills letter.
Saturday, June 29
Very hot weather especially at night. Taught school today to make up time lost during the Baptist Association which passed of very pleasantly. Afterwards went to Mr. Hills to stay over night. Byron Havens called there. Took a bath after supper also cut out my nails. Retired early.
Sunday, June 30
Very hot all day till evening then
the wind blew from the west causing it to be somewhat cooler. Frank
C. Flood & myself started for Waverly at 1/2 past 9. A.M.
and arrived there at 1 o’clock. Addie came home also a Mr. Fields
was there. Mr. Mills & his 2 daughters came there for a sing
& we had a good one. Came back to Mr. Hills at night. A young
man was drowned there in Chemung River this p.m.
1878 Part One | 1878 Part Two | 1881 Part One | 1881 Part Two |
Thank you for offering to post word on the website about additional
copies of "Fannie's Diaries." This is a 156-page soft-back book. It includes,
addition to the transcription of Fannie Hale Gerould's diaries of
1878 and part of 1881, many footnotes identifying the persons she mentions,
two maps of the area, sources of information, appendices containing Register
Reports of Fannie Gerould's Gerould and Campbell lines and her husband's
Brainard line, and an every name index. I have six copies available for
sale, for $15.00 each. I may be contacted by e-mail, <ruthwalton@earthlink.net>,
or by postal mail at 2027 Manorview Circle NW, Salem, OR 97304.