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Next page says POCKET DIARY for 1860; containing A BLANK SPACE for every day in the year for the record of interesting events, A CASH ACCOUNT for each month, BILLS PAYABLE AND RECEIVABLE
Published Annually by L. & E. EDWARDS, Blank Book Manufacturers, No. 8 Dey Street, NEW YORK. Note: On back page says, "W. Strait brought hoars & bugy here July 9th 1861.
Next pages are a List of Sundays in the Year 1860 and a calendar (they call it an Almanac) for 1860
Next page has the Rates of Postage
Note froim JMT – Solon and wife Sarah Margaret Dockstader, were in Charleston Township in 1860 census - Many other names in this diary will be found in the 1860 Charleston Township Census
SUNDAY, Jan. 1st, 1860 – Stade to M. P. Dock last night, Sarah Margret come to her fathers & cornelia come with me to settement to meeting Ell (?), stone preach at 10 oclock went back to father Dockstader to tea come home went to prayr meeting pleasant.
MONDAY 2 – Went to Cyrus Cattin to se about Almiras hous John Bailey went with me, Mis Gibs & Eva, B & Mr. Parks was here I went to T. Minhels (?) in after noon. Good slaying & cold
TUESDAY 3 -- Traded my hoars with Mr. fries (?) & got colt & Note 15 dollars due first Feb, sold Mr. Fries half buh onions & let him take 2 ½ bush to the plank to sell for me went to town with my colt Ellis went with me got ??? ??? to Roy.
WEDNESDAY, January 4th 1860—Went up to se ??? Smith about bying his place come home & Fedilia &John work in dike com here. Stormy most all day.
THURSDAY 5 – Work for Ellis in fore noon chopin wood Tom Lester hall for him Charles Dartt & wife come here in afternoon we took Fidilia to Hiram Dartt in evening traded to Rob (?) ?? good slaying & cold
FRIDAY 6 – Got up wood for my self & work am. Sled runers. Cold
SATURDAY, January 7th, 1860 – Went to Henry Baileys to get corn Sheller & to Philo Cattin (?). Shell my corn had 3 bus. Raining most all day.
SUNDAY 8 – Went to meeting in fore noon Austin (?) preach text be not a herer onely but a doer Mr. ?? Bacon was here. Plesant
MONDAY 9 -- help Ellis shell corn he had 17 bush I help him in forenoon. Charles Dartt eats diner here he was going up to Julias Bailey to by hay Sarah (?) went to Averys I went to town with Charles in after noon Hiram gave me cuter Gilis Dartt fetch it up (Note on side says: bough this Book of S (?). D. Richards)
TUESDAY, January 10th, 1860 – Rote leter to Horace & fix cuter one that Hiram give to me last night, went up to Smiths place to se it, & to Jereys (?) to tea & went to father Dockstader in evening let Ellis have my cow he is to make me 50 sap tubs & I am to chop 8 cord wood.
WEDNESDAY 11 – Went to mill took 1 bush corn & 2 (?) bush Buck wheet & 1 bush corn for Ellis to Culver mill. Stade to N. (?) Austin all night went to meeting to young schoolhous. E? Kiney preach tex—107 salm ?? Pleasant
THURSDAY 12 – come home from N. Austin in morning went to Barnes mills Sarah M went to Delous Cattin in evening went to young school hous to meeting. El (?) Gier (?) preach tex on subject a futhure Judgement ?????. stade to N. A-all night. Pleasant
FRIDAY, January 13th, 1860 -- chop wood for N. Austin all day up in his woods. Went to meeting to young school hous E? Kinney preach tex in Peter 4 ch part of 17 (?) what shall the end be to them that obay not the gosple. Pleasant
SATURDAY 14 – Chop wood for N. A. till 3 o’clock then come home got my corn & Ellis corn to the mill Stormey snow in afternoon
SUNDAY 15 – went up to Whitney corners to meeting. Bro. Austin preach tex math 13 ch & 33 vers went to meeting afternoon to settement Albert Stone preach tex John 111 ch 1 ve went up to whitnys cor, to meeting in evening Bro. Austin preach tex math 11 ch 28
MONDAY, January 16th, 1860 – chop wood all day for Ellis to the door ?? Hart to wife cold here little while Warm thaw all day
TUESDAY 17 – CHOP WOOD FOR Ellis in fore noon & went up to S. Cattin (?) to help hoars for I am piled (?) up for Ellis 3 cord wood ??? halled 3 loads of wood with my hoars in cuter, Sarah M. went to morsey (?) warm
WEDNESDAY 18 – went to town, Sarah Margret & Ellis went with me went to Hiram stade till night got 8 dollars of John Bailey got back flower 50 lb to Bo?? Paid 1.75, got to Osgoods 46 lb hoop iron, got to ??? Robison on order. (Can’t read last few words)
THURSDAY, January 19th, 1860 – chop wood for Gilly (?) Dartt up on his place most a cord Sarah M went to Close visitin we stade in evening Mr. Hotchkiss & wife come over thare in evening.
FRIDAY 20 – went to Geo Parkers & to the post offis got paper & to father Dartt come home Bro Joel Austin & wife was here little while I went up to Gillis Dartt place chop chop yesterday & today 2 ½ cords for the Tribune (warm & plesant, Add Dock was here
SATURDAY 21 – went to Cattin (?) Hollow to se about having donation for Bro Austin went to ?? & to C. Cattin (?) & to Kelleys (?) & to Culvers mill to se mitchill about donation got iron to mar ?? for center got to Geo Parkers 12/1/2 lob beef warm & plesant slaying gave most ??.
SUNDAY, January 22d, 1860 – went to meeting to see the men & Austin preach tex 61 palm 2 over, went to young school hous in evening Kiney preach tex Luke 18. 28. Stade to N. V (?) all night Ell Kiney stade thare to warme
MONDAY 23 – went up to Griffins up home? The round top to trade hoars for oxen got oxen & yoke chare? $10.00 in money for my hoars paid the ?? dollars to N. Closs? To apply on Note his father has against me. Come home pleasant warme
TUESDAY 24 – hall wood with my oxen from E Warm place hall log for Ellis chop some Warme plesant
WEDNESDAY, January 25th, 1860 – chop wood to the hous in fore noon & chop wood up the lams crick road in after noon took some carots out hole warme & pleasant
THURSDAY 26 – chop wood up Lams crick road most 2 cords chop maple & dry hemlock on E Woren? Place up the Close roade. Snow in after noon
FRIDAY 27 – let John Bailey have 3 bu corn went up to Closes got his slay halled load wood & then went up to father Dockstader I went up to Dave & we had singing to father in evening Lewey Demanx?? Was thare cold & stormy
SATURDAY, January 28th, 1860 – Went up to Daves & Gareys let to them my Bees 1 swarm for the next seson they are to havethem the useule way leting bees come home after diner chop wood to the dore (?) let S. P. Moore have my oxen to draw load straw up to his house stormy
SUNDAY 29 – Went up to Whitings corner to meeting Bro Austin preached text John 15 ? 5 come home stade with Julia & Sarah Margret went to meeting to settlement. Plesant & warm
MONDAY 30 – Went up to Whitneys Store got 1 lb shugar, 14 ?? starch, ?? reeds hoops 8 ?? talk with Whitny about the Smith lot, come home stop to se Averys colt & hiefer he talk of traden for my oxen Jerey & wife & Webster & wife come here visiten, Avery come to se oxen, I went to fathers in evening plesant, warm
TUESDAY, January 31st. 1860 – halled 2 ??? of wood for Sam Cattin & one for myself went to get fathers mare & cuter & sent in after noon up to Bro Austin Donation book 3 ½ bush oats at 3-??? He got to his Donation $75 to 80 very cold & stormy
WEDNESDAY, February 1 – chop wood in forenoon in afternoon went to fosters mill to ??? got 1.55 on onions of his wife she sed he would come up Sunday and pay me all he owed me rode back with A. Borden (?) stop to D. J. Parker very cold
THURSDAY 2 – James Kelley & S. P. More (?) & Downing was here in fore noon Bro. Austin call here I let Downing have my oxen to go to deliver mill I chop wood up on Elvarin (?) place commenced feeding straw off Ellis straw to oxen it was stormy part of the time & sun shine part of the time.
FRIDAY, February 3D, 1860 – went to Ellection to the youngs school hous I acted as inspecton & Mitchel & P. Shumway too H. P. Dockstader clerk Brooks Judge, L. H. Shumay, ?? inspection I brought the ballot box Tom Mitchel come home with me very cold
SATURDAY 4 –Took Ballot box to ?? Kelley in morning got ??? to ??? & halled 2 cuts of wood for Ellis then halled & cut for my self.
SUNDAY 5 – went to meeting to settlement Rev. Austin preach tex Amos 6 cp 1 vers ??? Fries (?) come her paid me ?? to apply on Note went up to Whitneys vill (?) to meeting Austin preach text James 1 ch 25v
MONDAY, February 6H, 1860 – chop tree for wood up on Ellis place & then help Ellis copy ash tree down for saw logs Tom Lester halled the tree for wood for Ellis in afternoon I help Ellis saw ash log off & chop some to dore? Father paid me 40 cents on ac bought of pedler vied soder stuff (?) warme
TUESDAY 7 – traded with pedler got some essents chop wood for Ellis one cord warm
WEDNESDAY 8 – traded by oxen with Avery got colt & hiefer & Not 30, against W. Rineball & he is to let me have 1400 of hay delivered to my barn, chop wood for Ellis, 2 ½ cord in all got close hoar? And went up to Jerey & Daves
THURSDAY, February 9th, 1860 – Stade to Jerey & Daves (?) till after diner got my hams to father Dock he had smoked them got 1 ½ bush ry of Add come home & gatherd sap had 1 ½ pail warm
FRIDAY 10 – went to town, took 3 pr of snow mitens to Boens (?) got up to tea to ?? Rice & its to the amount of 14? Got to Osgood too spoons & to Roy pen & holder & 3 candy harts, got to A. G. Sofields 150 for Ellection paid tax 239 to Hart paid 44 to Richards for this book cold
SATURDAY 11 – went up to Close paid him 12 inch let him have Note against H. Kimbal 10.17 got my Note that I give to Culver, John Bailey paid me .50 on corn ??? got harin shues of Marian ?? paid him .85 cts in ch very cold
SUNDAY, February 12th 1860 – went up to Whitney vill to meeting Austin preach tex Eph 5 chap 8 14 ver & went in afternoon to E? Stone meeting tex Heb 12 chap ?? in evening went to Whitny vill Austin preach tex Luke 11 ch 22 ve cold
MONDAY 13 – work for Ellis thrashing beens in fore noon & in afternoon chop wood up on E waren place. Margret Parks was here & mother Dock der come here & Dave stade all night rainey
TUESDAY 14 – chop wood on E. Warin place in forenoon & in afternoon went to Mrs. Pratt funerall up to whitny corners Austin preach tex Luke 12 chap 37 ve also in ?? went to whitny vill in evening to meeting Austin preach tex if though will but ???? cold
WEDNESDAY, February 15th, 1860 – WENT UP TO Close TO get his hoars but did not git it went & got fathers & went to mill to Culver mill took 1 ½ bush ry & took mother Dockstader to N. Austin stade all night snowed & it was cold
THURSDAY 16 – come home in morning took father hors home went up to Close & got his hoars & went to Cyrus Catlin to Donation paid one doller in cha thear was aboutht $40.00 paid, Mrs. Ellis went with us it was cold
FRIDAY 17 – took Close hoars home & Sarah Margret & I went up thare visitin
SATURDAY, February 18th, 1860 – Sold my hiefer to N. Hammond took his Note for $8.00 due in sixty days got some sap that was frose in pans & boiled it I got bad cold stormy & cold
SUNDAY 19 – went to meeting to settement Austin preach text Psalms ?? O God ?? ?? own cauz, went up to parsnidge to prayr meeting had first rate meeting in evening Austin preach tex same as in morning cold
MONDAY 20 – went up to E Woren place cut a log for wood Mr. Hotchkiss halled them down for me I help him load saw logs side of road, I got Tom Lester saw & sawed some wood Kimbal eat super with us I went to post office it is plesant
TUESDAY, February 21st, 1860 – went to Baileys & ?? mill to se Mitchel about his place & went to town Eate diner to Charles Dartt Mr. Roy & wife was her all day, went home on stage, Charles Moore brought 1 ½ bush Rye for me plesant & worme
WEDNESDAY 22 -- rainey most all day I stade home
THURSDAY 23 – Ellis & I went to Lams crick to se some land Eate diner to Critenden went to Wells ?? mill paid Patridge .45 for lumber that I had of him last ??? warm & plesant
FRIDAY, February 24th, 1860 – I went to town Sarah Margret went up to her fathers ?? I went to se about some land on Lams crick rode home with Geo Slate & then went up to father Dockstader, I got lickeras and candy for Julia today
SATURDAY 25 – Rode with father Dock to Bailey & Mcanroy (?) mill to se Mitchel come home foot got my own diner chop wood to the door in afternoon & went up to Jerey & Daves stade all night cold
SUNDAY 26 – stade to Jerey & Dave till after diner & Dave & Henry hitch up thear hoarses & we all come down Julia was sick & we come home the rest went to meeting Herebert Dartt broke his arm warm
MONDAY, February 27, 1860 – I went up to se Henry Dartt Boy, Geo Parker come to se my Buckit & Smith come to se my colt wanted to trade watch, paid Geo Parker $2 dollars which is pament in full up to this date Book pedler eate diner here, Julia was sick all day warme
TUESDAY 28 – went to ? Mitchell to se abought his house Julia was sick we went by the stage driver to have ??? com up he did not come warm
WEDNESDAY 29 – went up to se Nickison abought his farm Dock Shearier come to se Julia & in afternoon I went to Bailey & Mainroys mill to se Mitchel Mariah Austin come here warme & mudey
THURSDAY, March 1st, 1860 – I went to Mitchels to se about his house Henry Dockstader & wife stade here all night last night, Close folks was here visiten & Sarah Margret sold her hed dress at $1.00 I went over to Marvins got my boots fixed & to se Avery warm & mudy
FRIDAY 2 – I went up to Close to get his hoars but he had gone to Tioga, then set Leach & Sarah Margret made sope I went to Marvin to get Julia her shooz made & then I went up to E. Waren place & boiled some sap, Mr. & Mrs. Parks was here in evening. Warm
SATURDAY 3 – got Clos is hoars & went to town took a bush oats to Robarts got stove pipe $1.65 got to Roins 4 lb sugar 10 cents, ½ lb tea 2 qt molases, & got 30 lb flower to Right, ??? com home & went up to father Dockstader mudey
SUNDAY, March 4th, 1860 – com home in morning went to meeting to setlement Bro Austin preach text 2 comin ?? Jerey & Add was here to diner went to prayer meeting to setlement plesant.
MONDAY 5 – mooved to Mitchels father Dartt & J. Kesey haled load each I sold my colt to J. W. Bailey took Note $23 dolars against Geo Parker & due Bill of $7 dolars from flower (lade floor in chamber) warm
TUESDAY 6 -- chop wood up above barns mill all day. Warme
WEDNESDAY, March 7th, 1860 – went up to settlement got Julia shues to Marvins paid him $1.12 for them in oats & Buckwheat got fathers hoars & my wagon & halled load of things from Ellises, & halled load wood for Mitchel but hoars in Denison Barn warm & mudey
THURSDAY 8 -- halled 2 loads of wood for myself with father hoars sent hoars home by Mr. Brown went to McInroy, to work in mill work till midnight Avery hall me load hay. Warme & pleasant
FRIDAY 9 – I work for McInroy in afternoon in mill the water went down & quit sawing 6 o’clock cold & squaley
SATURDAY, March 10th, 1860 – chop in fore noon up above Barns mill for my self & in after noon I went to quartly meeting in Catlin meeting house Elder Cranmer preach his text was ?? 2 ch 20 ve. I stade to quartly conference & in evening went to prayer meeting It was cold wether
SUNDAY 11 – went to lovefiest in morning & to preaching the Elder preach his text Colos I ch 28 ve give Elder 16 cents wich was most all that money I had come down to ??? sing with Mr. Barns pleasant & mudy
MONDAY 12 – chop wood for myself up to mill it was snowing most all day & verey cold
TUESDAY, March 13th, 1860 – got Jon (?) Denison hoars & halled wood with my wagon 2 loads for myself & 1 for Mr. Mitchel broke my ax handle in after noon fixt it went down to MacInroys to boor out the eye of the ax cold
WEDNESDAY 14 – went up to settlement to try to by cow & to Cheflins (?) & Madison but did not by one got home at noon chop wood up to the mill in after noon warme
THURSDAY 15—went to town to se $Robarts cow but did not by her, Sarah Margret went to N. Austin with John Rigsby he went to mill I sent a bush buckwheat, I went up to N. Austin stade all night, got to Boens 3 yards cotin cloth & ???
FRIDAY, March 16th,1860 – Boiled sap 30 pails full in N. Austins sap bush & went to exhibition to Young schoolhous it was verey warme rodes begin to dry off Dave mother Dockstader & Mary Dock stade to ??
SATURDAY 17 – come home in forenoon eate diner with Mariah Mitchell then copy wood up to the mill Eate supper with Mrs. Mitchel then set down to wate for Sarah Margret to come home with Rigsby but she did not come she stade to N. A. so Mitchel sese warme
SUNDAY 18 – got Rigsby hoarse & went to N. Austin after Sarah Margret Mitchel rode over with me we went to Bengiman Austins wife funeral Calkins preach tex Salms, O take me not away in the day of my youth went to meeting to Catlin meeting hous in evening Austin preach tex Math 1 ch 21 vers
MONDAY, March 19th, 1860 – went & got crobar up on Jerles ??, slide & made fenes around Mitchels gardin let J. Rigsby have 1 ½ bush. Oats for the use of his hoars yesterday, Bro Austin caled here Downing caled here. Philow Catlin got the fenes sledge I went to meeting in evening Austin preach tex Math 6 ch 9 ve.
TUESDAY 20 – chop wood little while in forenoon & finish gardin fens & chop some in afternoon Diania Catlin was here snow squaley most all day
WEDNESDAY 21 – I whele on a wheal barow 3 loads of manuer frome the barn & but it around the mows & got toad ??? over to the mill John Rigsby haled them & 4 load wood frome Barns mill I chop & split It was cold & windy.
THURSDAY, March 22d, 1860 – chop wood up to Barns Mill in fore noon Barns comens sawing to day it is verey windy
FRIDAY 23 – I had the bloodey disintary verey bad today, Andrew Tipple & wife & H. H. Dartt was here verey cold
SATURDAY 24 – I went up to settlement to John Baileys & fathers & to Geo Parkers & stop to Marcum shop & to Smiths shop & went up to steem mill to se them saw Cold & squaley
SUNDAY, March 25, 1860 – Stade home all day Went to meeting in evening to Catlin meeting hous Bro Austin preach his tex was Rev. 22 ch 17 v the spirit & the bride say come & who so ever will may com
MONDAY 26 – I went over to the Fosters mill to se Span horses but did not by chop wood in after noon up to the Barns mill went to meeting in evening bro Austin preach tex was in Timithy it is a faithful saying and worthy of all exception
TUESDAY 27 – chop wood up to Barns mill most all day Amilia & Ellnora came here Mr. Webster was here to diner sold my wagon to Webster took his note for 3 months, went to meeting in the evening Bro Austin preach tex jobe 23 ??
WEDNESDAY, March 28th, 1860 – John Rigsby went with his team up to settlement with me and got load potatoes & roots for me I let him have 8 bush & he is to pay me in teeming got to James Kelley, 100 lib flower on buckits went to meeing in evening Bro Austin preach tex Job 3:13
THURSDAY 29 – John Rigs hall wood for me in forenoon with team I let Joseph Parks have 50 lb flower he is to pay me the money in after noon work round hous Went to prayr meeting in evening warme & dry
FRIDAY 30 – went to setlement with Geo Heringting & went to Baileys mill got order of Bailey on Osgood 3.50 traded to Osgood 10 lb shugar 1 lb tea got to Roy (?) 1 lb soap, 1 bot co?ry drops, went meeting in evening Austin preach tex Heb 12 ch 1.2 vr
SATURDAY, March 31st, 1860 -- WORK ON s. m. Mitchell doore yard all day & Mitchell was home all day I went to meeting in evening Austin preach tex seek ye the lord while he may be found warme & plesant
SUNDAY, April 1 – went to meeting in after noon Austin preach I did not get thare time to here the tex went in evening Austin prech tex is there no balmin giled thar on physition thar why then is not the daughter (best I can do, makes no sense to me) snow & rain most all day
MONDAY 2 – went up to Cumins to by cow she was not home stop to Austin I went to Mrs. ? Johnson to se cow & from thare to J. Kelley, eate warm shugar & diner went to Geo Parker & come home went to ?? to se Roys lumber, went to meeting tex the place of ???
TUESDAY, April 3d, 1860 – went to Smiths to get my boots tapt he charg me 75 cents went up to Montague Set fens post nex to rode for door yard in afternoon went to meeting in evening Austin preach tex 1 peter 4 plesant
WEDNESDAY 4 – help S. Mitchell pack his things to move & move my things in his room rainey in evening
THURSDAY 5 – work round hous & shell corn for L. D. Mitchell fore noon & work in Barns mill for Geo Parks in after noon went to meeting in evening Austin preach tex luke 12, 13 ???? to enter in at the gate.
FRIDAY, April 6th, 1860 – went to Benits mill to se ?? Borden, & got some edgeing to Denison mill took them up to Barns mill & made some close pins (?) for my wife Jerey Dock was here went to meeting in evening Austin preach tex Act - ?? what must I do to be saved
SATURDAY 7 – Set some fense post for Mitchel & made ??? in fore noon Jerey & Dave was here to diner I went with them to James Kelley got gallon mollases at ?? got 3 lb buter of Mrs. Catlin at ??? Sarah Margret went to meeting
SUNDAY 8 – Stade home all day most it was wet & mudey Jo Parks & wife was here to tea we was up to the mill I went to prayr meeting in evening Ell Stone was thare
MONDAY, April 9th, 1860 – I sawed 1 log for fens post for S. ? Mitchell in Denison mill then I drove Mitchells cow over to his hous I sold Orlando Jones 400 of hay rainey & cold
TUESDAY 10 – I dug post hoels & set post in front of Mitchell hous in fore noon rainey little in after noon & went hunting killed Patridge went to prayer meeting in evening
WEDNESDAY 11 – Shell some corn for Mitchell & pile out some slabs over to Denison mill
THURSDAY, April 12th, 1860 – chop wood most all day up to Barns mill
FRIDAY 13 – chop wood up to Barns mill in fore noon Nathen Austin & wife was here & Mrs. Parks was here we N. ? & me shot 2 ducks on Denison mill Pond plesant
SATURDAY 14 – snowed this morning & I went with F. Borden over to Benets mill & traded 3.75 out of Store (?) on Borden ?? & am to let him have 10 bush potatoes I got 1 gal molas 2 lb rice 2 lb coffy 1 lb baton (?), 2 yards blu??? Thred & needles
SUNDAY, April 15th, 1860 – Jerey & his mother & dave (?) come here Sarah Margret went home with them to keep hous for her mother while she went to se her father down east. ?? went to meeting in afternoon Ingreek (?) preach tex John 5. 6 (can’t read next line)
MONDAY 16 – I went to meeting last night Bro Austin preach tex 2 coni 4 ch 6 & 7 verse comens work for Barns or Wilson to the mill Jack lodge to pile bord all day. I Borded to Barnes Bording hous rainey most all day
TUESDAY 17 – work for Barns & ?? all day Jackin logs & sawin fens post with Wm Dewey Borded to Barns house
WEDNESDAY, April 18th, 1860 – Receved by the hand of H. H. Dartt $3.41 to apply on Note wich I hold agaist N. Hamond, paid ??? 41 cents on Note which pays him in full up to this date. I work for Barns all day take in away bonds from the saw, Bro Austin & H. H. Dartt was to the mill.
THURSDAY 19 – work for Barns & ?? all day jackin logs & ?? let Wm. Dewey have some turnips Went to meeting in evening Bro Austin preach his text Isah 5 ???
FRIDAY 20 – work for Barns all day with Wm. Dewey setin fens post lent James Kelley $3.00 went up to fathers stade all night.
SATURDAY, April 21st, 1860 – took out my potatoes up on the Knapp farm let Frank Borden have 10 bush & Roy 10 bus & E. Waren 3 & left in N. Lester granerey ?? Frank house 3 bush to pay him to take Roys potatoes to him, I went to town with Frank & then went up to father Dock to se my wife & baby.
SUNDAY 22 – stad to father Dock till after diner then we went up to Jerey Stade till after super
MONDAY 23 – got up before day light & started for home got my breckfirst then work for Barns all day takein away bords from the saw
TUESDAY, April 24th, 1860 – work for Barns & ?? on & co all day took boards from saw Tom Green, Rob Jinings Travers & a stranger was to the mill the Kornell (?) went to town Mr. and Mrs. Ludlow & boy stade here to night all night
WEDNESDAY 25 – snowing this morning I went to Hamonds & up to fathers Dockstader stade thare all night
THURSDAY 26 – I went to A. Nickison to se his cow stop to Johnson shop to Prats to se his cow come back to Dock stade to Jerey & Daves all night.
FRIDAY, April 27th, 1860 – come home in fore noon & help Borden log in afternoon warm
SATURDAY 28 – help Borden log in forenoon & in afternoon got John Rigsby hoars & Cyrus Catlin buggy (?) & went up to father Dockstader stade all night John Rigsby wife had baby warm
SUNDAY 29 – come home in morning Add come with us Add give his bird & chage to Julia Ann, went to meeting in after noon Austin preach & went to prayr meeting in evening
MONDAY, April 30th, 1860 – work for Borden login & burn log heeps & plant potatoes
TUESDAY, May 1 – Geo Borden help me with his oxen all day login & ?? up on Jones place
WEDNESDAY 2 – got of John Bailey 100 ?? flour ?? Borden help me with oxen plow on til midle afternoon, I help Go Parks on his hous 2 or 3 ours & chop some on Jones lot let dewey have 200 hay John workin ?? & Fidilia come here
THURSDAY, May 3d, 1860 – help Go Parks all day on his hous till super time & Fidilia & Sarah & Julia we all went fishin I chatch ?? fish sarah 1, I went to pray meeting
FRIDAY 4 – I went to town took Sarah ?? Rod up to Kelleys with me. ??? Fidilia went up to. I traded to Osgood an order got hoe, 62 cents, broom 25, Julia Bonet no trimin .23, 3 spools thred, ?? took tea to Kelley.
SATURDAY 5 – bought cow & calf of ??? Denison give him Parkers Note 23 dollars & he is to keep her all summer & fix her a yard & went to Jo Parks raisin.
SUNDAY, May 6th 1860—went to meeting 10 o’clock Woodard preach tex John 14 ch, mother Dockstader & Mary was here, Mary & ?? went up to the steem mill.
MONDAY 7 – I went up to father Dockstader & rote letter to Henry Dockstader about ?? got my bush syth rainey in afternoon I went fishin catch 28 fish
TUESDAY 8 – chop on Philo Catlin place in fore noon & in afternoon father bought my potatoes down & plowed my garden I made beds for onion & litis.
WEDNESDAY, May 9th, 1860 – sowed grass seed on door yard in morning & made garden planted few potatoes & vines in garden. Rainey in afternoon
THURSDAY 10 – rode up to settlement with Gerls (?) Denison & went from thare to town (can’t read next sentence) $4.70 on Note got to Roys ?? beets seed. Eat diner to Hiram, went up to Charley to ???, come home foot to Kelleys & rode from there with Jerley
FRIDAY 11 – Sarah Margret let Julia Bird get away this morning, Sarah me and Julia rode with Mr. McInroy to ?? Austin . Chop on P. Catlin fallow till midle of afternoon it is rainey.
SATURDAY, May 12th, 1860 – I chop in fore noon on P. Catlin place, planted potatoes, 1 bu black on Jones place in afternoon & sow some seeds to beets in garden, showery in afternoon I bought 12 eggs of Jones paid .10
SUNDAY 13 – went to meeting Bro Austin preach tex Luke 18 ch ?? vers orgynics (?) sabeth school officer, Sup N. Smith ??? H. B. & Mr. Denison ?? Geo Catlin set of ?? received $5.00 by collection for book, I paid .25, let Bro Austin have it.
MONDAY 14 – work for O. Jones in forenoon makein Brush pens (?) & in afternoon work for James McInroy make in slab fens on line between him & Jones.
TUESDAY, May 15th, 1860 – Elijah Waren work for me chop up on Catlin place in forenoon & we planted potato & corn in afternoon on Jonjes place. James McInroy paid me 50 cents for my work yesterday.
WEDNESDAY 16 – E. Waren help me under brush on Catlin place all day left Wm Dewey have seed corn paid C. Catlin for buter 56 cents 3 lbs. Warm & plesant
THURSDAY 17 – chop on Catlins place in fore noon & went to town in after noon foot got Julia shaker bonet to Osgood & 4 lb shugar at 12 ½ cents Sarah Margret went up to S. Potters.
FRIDAY, May 18th, 1860 – work for Jerl Denison all day login Sarah Margret went to ??? ??? visiten
SATURDAY 19 – weent up to Wm. Dewey got 3 ½ lb butter & som milk come back & Mr. Potter was here little wile then I chop up on P. Catlin peace till super time then Julia & I went fishin Julia catch 4 or 5 & I chitch 4 trout & some ??, lent Marthey some flower
SUNDAY 20 – Stade home in fore noon & in afternoon went up to setlement to meeting Elder Ingreek (?) preach tex Luke 5:12 Mr. & Mrs. Miller & James McInroy call here.
MONDAY, May 21st, 1860 – rainey this fore noon I shell corn for S. B. Mithell all day.
TUESDAY 22 – chop in P. Catlin place underbrush all day most Julia & I & Sarah M. went fishin litle while Julia catch 6 fish.
WEDNESDAY 23 – under brush on P. Catlin plase till super time then I planted corn & potatoes in garden sowed bed of millit Mis Jones & Mrs. Rigsby & Mrs.Goodin was here.
THURSDAY, May 24th, 1860 – killed my calf sold hind quarter to Denison wt. 14, fore qarter to N. Smith wt 14 ??, fore quarter to Rigsby wt. 13—4 lbs to Wm. Parmer skin to Smith 6 ½ lb—got Rigby hoars & Potter wagon & went to town got Julia par shoes (?) & Sara M. bonet & skirt to Conners store.
FRIDAY 25 – I chop under brush on Catlin place till 4 oclock mother Dockstader & Mrs. Jerey was here to day they got bush syth
SATURDAY 26 – I made bed for carots & turnips & sowed them in garden in fore noon & in the after noon I went up to the setlement to meeting Bro Dagit * believe preach tex 1 John 3:2
SUNDAY, May 27th, 1860 – I went up to setlement to quartly meeting Sarah M. rode up with Denison folks the Elder preach Tex Rev. 22.14 thare was 11 babtised 5 by sprinklin & 5 by imertion & 1 by foreing(?), N. Austin & Mitchell folks was here
MONDAY 28 – I work for George Borden all day chop in fore noon & login in after noon Sarah M. & Julia went down thare in after noon.
TUESDAY 29 – I work for Geo Borden all day chop in forenoon & log in afternoon.
WEDNESDAY, May 30th, 1860 – I work on Catlins falow in forenoon & litle while in after noon it rained som I went fishin catch 124 trout & som chub
THURSDAY 31 – I chop on P. Catlin fallow ¾ of day I went up to T. Lesters after super to se if I could get pig I engaged pig to uncle Justus Dartt it is ? weeks old next Saterday Sarah M. & Julia went up to Rouses while I was gone
FRIDAY, June 1 – I chop ¾ day on P. Catlin falow Philow Wagin (?) & his wife was here to diner Jane Dickinson come here I planted vines & set chabidge plant & tomato in garden
SATURDAY, June 20, 1860 – chop on P Catlin place in fore noon & hoe corn & planted ?? over whare the ?? had dug up on Jones place & planted beans. Sarah M. & Jane ?? went up to P. Catlin.
SUNDAY 3 – I went to Sunday school & up to setlment to meeting Eld. Stone preach on babtisim thare was 7 emirsed. Mr. Shaft come after Jane. Cow went to Bull
MONDAY 4 – John Rigsby & I planted corn on shares on Denison place next barn this forenoon & I chop in afternoon on Catlin fallow.
TUESDAY, June 5th, 1860 – I chop on Catlin folow all day & Wm. Dewey help me in afternoon.
WEDNESDAY 6 – I chop most all day on Catlin folow. Let Jerels Denison have pail potatoes
THURSDAY 7 – I went up to Close & got order on Whitny Store of 4.70 of him & went & traded it out ?? 1 hat $1.00, 10 lb brown shauger, ???, 4 lb maple & 2 white, ??? 2 yards blech & 3 yar calico, spool thred, 63, buter bowl ?? raisen, 10 oz nutmeg, 2 lb cofy, ¼ tea ?? got bag on tick ??? (most of this is my best guess, hard to read).
FRIDAY, June 8th, 1860 – I copy on P. Catlin lot most all day, it rained some & Mr. Close & wife took tea here they was going to Chatham
SATURDAY 9 – I chop in fore noon on Catlin folow, Jerey & wife come here in after noon. I let Jerels Denison have 2 bus. Potatoes
SUNDAY 10 – went to Sunday school & to meeting Bro Austin preach tex John 18.38
MONDAY, June 11th, 1860 – I work on Catlin’s follow most all day choping. Mrs. Barmer was here this afternoon.
TUESDAY 12 – I chop on Catlins follow all day verey warme & dry
WEDNESDAY 13 – I chop in forenoon on Catlin follow & in after noon I went fishin with N. Smith & Wm. Parmer I catch 10 suckers. Sarah Margret & Julia went strawberying up to Deweys.
THURSDAY, June 14th, 1860 – I chop on Catlin follow all day. Mrs. Rous Mrs. Benet & Mis Marthey D was here
FRIDAY 15 – I chop in forenoon on Catlin follow mother Dockstader & Marey was here today. I work in garden this aftere noon rainey
SATURDAY 16 – I chop in fore noon on Catlin’s follow & little while in afternoon. Got John Rigbys horesis & Cyrus Catlin wagon & we went to N. Austin. Ada Mitchel rode over with us I went to town with Nat (?) to band meeting
SUNDAY, June 17th, 1860 – I went to meeting to Young school hous El Kiney preach tex John ??. went to setlement to Elder Sester funeral Elder Harmon preach, tex comfortable words, went to prayr meeting in evening.
MONDAY 18 – I went to Justus Dartt got pig I paid him 75 cents & I am to pay him 25 cent more uder (?) brush part of the afternoon.
TUESDAY 19 – chop on Catlin follow in fore noon got ax handle stick of John Rigsby & got Wm. Parmer to make it & grind my ax Sarah Margret went up to Miller visiting.
WEDNESDAY, June 20th, 1860 – chop on Catlin follow till midle of afternoon broke my ax helve(?) & com down ?? but it new one.
THURSDAY 21 – work on rode till 2 or 3 o’clock it rained then till night Sarah Margret went up to Willaison with Mrs. Miller & Julia went to school
FRIDAY 22 – chop on Catlins follow all day plesant
SATURDAY, June 23d, 1860 – chop on Catlins follow in forenoon & in afternoon hoe potatoes in garden & on Jones lot Sues Parks & Mrs. Jo Parks was here
SUNDAY 24 – Libb ? Mitchel was here litle while thiz fore noon Julia went to Sundy School & stade to meting Austin preach his tex was now ye are the temple of the living God
MONDAY 25 – chop on Catlin follow all day it is verey warm Mr. Lewis Bacon come here to ??? his board was here to diner & stade all night
TUESDAY, June 26th, 1860 – went up to setlement got to Geo. Parkers 4 ½ meet Lewis Bacon chop for me on Catlin follow all day & I chop in afternoon Mr. Bailey & wife come here tonight
WEDNESDAY 27 – I chop most all day on P.Catlins follow Mrs. Bailey comes Boarding this morning
THURSDAY 28 – I went up to P. Catlin got set chairs at $5.00 Mrs. Parks Mrs. S. Catlin & Mrs. L. Catlin was here I chop in afternoon litle while James Kelley paid me $2.00 on what he borrowed.
FRIDAY, June 29th, 1860 – I hoed potatoes most all day had John Rigs hoars litle while to plow potatoes N. Austin & wife was here Mrs. Williams was here to take cenceses, I went to Benets with Mr. Bailey I got 1 qt. Mollases 5 lb shugar & 1 yar bleachin (?) 3 ½ yar lining for pants bill $2.06
SATURDAY 30 – I hoe potatoes in fore noon Dave & mother Dock come here Dave went to Kiney hill I went to town got Charles Dartt hoars & buggy eate super to Charles got the starch to ???
SUNDAY, July 1 – I went to ?? Sunday School & after super I went up to setlement with hoars & buggy Sarah Margret & Julia went with me wen we got back Mr. & Mrs. Bailey went to Potters
MONDAY, July 2d, 1860 – I hoe potatoes in forenoon & in afternoon catch lot fish up in Denison pond. Solon was born the 24 day of November 1823.
TUESDAY 3 – I went with Sarah Margret up to her fathers & to Websters to se hoars Lewis Bacon work for me on P. Catlin place all day Mr. Bailey was here all day.
WEDNESDAY 4 – We went to town with Charles hoarse & wagon Williston made spech (?) Barns paid me 2 dollar S.Bacon paid me $2 dollars got sack flower 1.75 ???, 1 lb. Coffee 4 lb shugar ?? we stade to fire works.
THURSDAY, July 5th, 1860 – I chop till super time then I tookk Charles hoars & wagon home I let father get 2.00 worth of boards of barn on my AC Mr. Bailey went to town with me. Mr. Bailey was here all day.
FRIDAY 6 – I chop till super time then went up to Kelleys to get som ebuter (?) did not get eney he was not to home got 6 eggs of Rous paid 6 cents.
SATURDAY 7 – I chop till noon on P. Catlin follow, Sarah Margret got 1 lb ?? to Jones ?? afternoon I hoe potatoes litle while went up to Kelleys got 2 lb buter & to post offis.
SUNDAY, July 8th, 1860 – Nathen Austin & wife was here & Mitchell & Mr. Bailey I went up to meeting Austin preach tex John 15:8
MONDAY 9 – I how potatoes most all day on Jones place. N. Austin was here he brought me 1 bu potatoes got 5 lbs ??? of Geo Parker .30
TUESDAY 10 – I work in garden in forenoon & in afternoon went ?? to hoe potatoes till super time then work in garden
WEDNESDAY, July 11th, 1860 – Chop in forenoon on P. Catlin follow & went Rousberring in afternoon.
THURSDAY 12 – hoe in gardin in forenoon & in afternoon went up to Webster to se his hoars but did not by Eat super to Websters
FRIDAY 13 – hoe in garden in forenoon & went rasberen in afternoon.
SATURDAY, July 14th, 1860 – got John Riggs (?) ??? ???wagon & Sarah M & Mrs. Bailey we all went up to H P Dockstaders got pail curents
SUNDAY 15 – I & Julia went to Sunday School
MONDAY 16 – I work for father in haying all day had his hoars & John Bailey sulky to come home
TUESDAY, July 17th, 1860 – I work for father in haying all day had his hoars & John Bailey sulky to come home
WEDNESDAY 18 – I work for father haying all day. It rained litte last night, come home foot
THURSDAY 19 – went huckleberry with Chancy Dartt I got bout 12 qt. Had sick head ack
FRIDAY, July 20th, 1860 – work for father all day in haying got 4 lb flower of father & 5 dollars in money
SATURDAY 21 – work for father in forenoon. Got of N. Smith far shues at 2.25. I had ?? for veal .70 1.57 calf skin .69. Dave come here had hard shower.
SUNDAY 22 – went to meeting Jerolaman preach tex Act 8:29 Thear was 6 babties 4 sprinkled & 2 imearsed. I went to prayr meetin N. Austin & wife was her & Dave
MONDAY, July 23d, 1860 – I work for James McEnroy all day in haying. I sent by him to Tioga got 10 lb. Shugar, 5 lb rise, ½ tea. Sarah M. got of Dewey 1 cheas ??? lb. Bailey & wife went to Corning.
TUESDAY 24 – I work for James McEnroy in haying all day.
WEDNESDAY 25 – I work for James McInroy in haying all day. I paid Jerel, Denison $3.25 on borowed money.
THURSDAY, July 26th, 1860 – I work for James McEnroy in fore noon haying it raine litle & I went rawsbering up on Barn hill got 6 or 7 qt., H. P. Dockster & wife & Downing was here H. P. & I went huckelbereying
FRIDAY 27 – I work for James McInroy all day in haying
SATURDAY 28 – I work for Jerels Denison all day in haying his ?? ?? 1.00 + 1.34=2.34
SUNDAY, July 29th, 1860 – rainey most all day & we stade home all day James McInroy paid me 3 dollars
MONDAY 30 – I went up to Kelleys got atachment against ?? Bailey, got Mr. Hart & went to Barnes Mill & took Bailey chest tools & went bering.
TUESDAY 31 – I WORK FOR James Kelley in haying all day
WEDNESDAY, August 1st, 1860 – I work for James Kelley all day in haying
THURSDAY 2 – I work for James Kelley all day in haying Sarah M. went up with Mr. Webster to Jerey & Tuesday & come home today
FRIDAY 3 – I work for Kelley till noon in haying it was rainey in afternoon.
SATURDAY, August 4th, 1860 – rainey this morning work some in garden I had head ache most all day. I had ?? serve summond on Wm. Bailey to apear before J. Kelley next Thursday at 1 oclock. I went to Potter school hous in evening to ???? meeting.
SUNDAY 5 – Jerey & wife was here to diner & we all went to meeting Austin preach text Math 5 ch 6 vs.
MONDAY 6 – I WORK FOR James Kelley all day in haying
TUESDAY, August 7th, 1860 – I work for James Kelley all day in haying
WEDNESDAY 8 – James McInroy paid me 1.50 for work. I went to town with Kelley with load hay I got to Robison an Kelley ?? $3.50 1 dollar in shugar 12 yards calico 6 yards bleachin 1 broom Sarah Margret & Julia went up to Kelley & to ?? all night
THURSDAY 9 – I work for Kelley all day in haying
THURSDAY, August 16th, 1860 – I work for James Kelley all day in oats & haying. Wm. Dewey help him to
FRIDAY 17 – I work for James Kelley all day in oats harvest
SATURDAY 18 – I work for James Kelley all day in oats cradling had H. Bailey cradle in after noon John Fisher cut my hare I paid N. Smith 50 ct.
SUNDAY, August 19th, 1860 – I stade home all day it was rainey part of the time ?? Dickison & Port Shaft was here they went up to father Dockstader
MONDAY 20 – I work for James Kelley all day in oats harvest
TUESDAY 21 – I work for James Kelley all day in oats harvest & spring wheet.
WEDNESDAY, August 22d, 1860 – I work for James Kelley all day in oats harvest & spring wheet
THURSDAY 23 – Mr. Hart the con. sold Mr. Bailey, tools here I bid them off at 9 ½ my debt & cost was $15.17, Mr. Hart eate diner here & mother Dockstader was here. Charles Dartt & wife was here to super.
FRIDAY 24 – it was rainey most all day the watter was verey high
SATURDAY, August 25th, 1860 – I fix rockers on Julia chair in forenoon & pick corn for to dry in after noon went up to setlement with Gerel Denison to Dellegate meeting
SUNDAY 26—I went to Sunday school up to Catlin meeting hous
MONDAY 27 – I went to work for James Kelley comens about ?? oclock & work till midle of after noon & it rained I come home
TUESDAY, August 28th, 1860 – I went up to Kelleys rode up with ?? Adams got of Kelley 1 dollar worth of shugar, come home & went bering litle while with Sarah Margaret & Julia, help John Rigsby (?) bind oats 2 or 3 ours then got his hors & ?? wagon & we went up to father Dockstader
WEDNESDAY 29 – we come home in morning I help John Rigsby bind oats 1 or 2 ours till noon then I help Jerels Denison in after noon bind oats. Sarah Margaret & Julia stade to Charles Austin till night & brought her home, John workin dike to Elmira (?) come here
THURSDAY 30 – I work for Jerles Denison all day in haying & oats harvist. I sold Jerels my Penama hat for one dollar he is to pay me the money
FRIDAY, August 31st, 1860 – I work for Mr. Barns cuting logs & peleing logs all day, I done Jerels chores in morning in evening I broke my ax halve
SATURDAY, September1 – I help John Rigsby bind oats & hall in oats in fore noon. John Rigsby help me saw on P. Catlin follow in after noon. I done Jerels chores morning & evening.
SUNDAY 2 – I went to Sunday school & to meeting Bro Stillwill preach tex Act 9 ch subject call for the ministry. Dave & Elijah ??? & Mrs. Miller was here
MONDAY, September 3d, 1860 – I went to town with Jerels Denison went round by the mill I went as witniss for John Workindike (?) in court, the pedler Miller was here Sarah contracted with him 1.50 worth. I got John W (?) hoars & wagon come home (I paid ?? . James Kelley let me have $2.00 in money & I bought 50 wt. Pack flower of Convers (?)
TUESDAY 4 – we went to Charle Dartt, stade all day & night John suit come off this after noon he had to pay cost of cort I had sick head ache.
WEDNESDAY 5 – we went to Hiram Dartt, I help him ½ day it raine some we work on ched. Hiram & Albert & I went to cort hous to here Strong(?) & Elliot make speech
THURSDAY, September 6th, 1860 -- I work for Hiram Dartt all day on shed. Tareing down his back shed to his shop got to Boins 6 lb. Shugar & a lb coffy. John was ?? come & brought us home he paid me 2.00 for witnis for Sarah M. traded to Robinson 2.68 to J. Kelley
FRIDAY 7 – I chop some wood & went up N. Smith & got him to tap my shoes & left my fine boots thare to be taped I paid him 2 dollars which paid him for tapin shus & boots ?? & left me due 70 cent. I work Jerels Denison in after noon some
SATURDAY 8 – Jerls help me saw on P. Catlin follow in fore noon. I & Jerels halled us some wood it rained most of the after noon.
SUNDAY, September 9th, 1860 – I went to Sunday school me 7 Julia Mr. ??? was here.
MONDAY 10 – I went up to father Dockstader to se him about takin his place come home & chop some in P. Catlins follow got my boots to Smiths.
TUESDAY 11 – chop on P. Catlins follow all day. Mariah Austin & Moratia (?) come here we went hom with them we stop to setlement to here Hamon (?) preach he preach ??? it rained.
WEDNESDAY, September 12th, 1860 – Nathen Austin folks & Jerey folks & our folks went up to Closes, we went round by town it was drey cold. Come back stade to Austin all night pedler miller stade thare to, got ? lb. ??? (may be tea)
THURSDAY 13 – I come home in morning foot. Sarah Margret & Julia stade, I work on P. Catlin follow in after noon. Got fine come of Miller N. Austin & wife fetch Sarah M. home. ?? sold his place thay went up to ???
FRIDAY 14 – I went up to Barns mill got his saw & Catlin went & sawed a log off & they sent for it by G. Field, I cut up my corn & chop wood & cut som millet.
SATURDAY, September 15th, 1860 – I got Barns saw & went up to Catlin follow & he help me saw a lot off wich finished the job. I help him log litle while I help Jerels Denison hall load pees & thrash some & he took Sarah M. & us all to the gilky (?) rode & we went to father Docks
SUNDAY 16 – I com to setlement with a ?? to meeting. Bro ?? will preach tex Isaiah 40 ch 18 vrs, ?? of the Dooer & I shall flow like a river & in after noon Catlin meeting tex gal 6 ch 7. Sarah M. mother & Da? Fetch her home.
MONDAY 17 – I washed for Sarah Margret in forenoon she was not verey well. Uncle Add come here. I dug potatoes & husk corn in after noon & chop wood. Got of Mrs. Rous 6 Eggs paid her 5 cents.
TUESDAY, September 18, 1860 – I went up to father Dockstader, comens plowin I took his farm ? plowed after noon below the Buckwheat
WEDNESDAY 19 – I plowed most all day in the same lot.
THURSDAY 20 – plowed til noon in the same lot & in after noon I plowed next to Ed Tipple that litle peace.
FRIDAY, September 21st, 1860 – I plowed in lot above the school hous till super time then come home. Add stade with Sarah Margret. Add went home.
SATURDAY 22 – Add went home I dug 9 handle baskets full of potatoes in garden. ??? ??? ??? for big measered Catlin folow crick line 32 rods North 21 ½ woods- 42- South 12 ½ rods.
SUNDAY 23 – I went up to Catlin meeting hous to Sunday school. I got John Rigsby to go up to father Dockstader & carey us up with his teem we stade to Jerey Dox all night.
MONDAY, September 24th, 1860 – I plowed all day in field next to sdchool hous. Sarah Margret stade to Jereys all day I went up & stade all night.
TUESDAY 25 – plowed in field next to school hous all day it rained a shower Sarah Margret come down to her fathers & Jane
WEDNESDAY 26 – I plowed all day in lot next to school hous Mother took Sarah M. to N. Austin with Daves hoars
THURSDAY, September 27th, 1860 – I plowed in lot next to sch hous they all went to fair but me from here
FRIDAY 28 – I went to fair with Jerey Sarah Margret rode some with us I got 2 lb shugar at ?? 1 lb. Cracker.
SATURDAY 29 – I plowed & pick stones in lot next to sch hous went to political (?) meeting in evening.
SUNDAY, September30, 1860 – I went to setlement to meeting Bro Stilwil preach tex, John 4 ch 16 in afternoon tex Math 29:42 bro Stilwil came home with me & stade all night
MONDAY, October 1 -- It is rainey Bro Stilwil went up to denison & I made rockin chare
TUESDAY, 2 – I work for Jerl Denison all day cutin up corn Jerey & Dave was here to diner he took my tool chest up to his hous I traded cows with mis Jons
WEDNESDAY, October 3d, 1860 – I dug potatoes most all day on Jones lot 6 bu. I got of Jerel denison ½ bu apples & ?? lb chees 1 lb buter 2 gal molases & 5 lb shugar, ½ tea 1 lb. Shot. I went up to Potter school hous to here mr garitron(?) make speech.
THURSDAY 4 – dug potatoes in fore noon it was rainey in after noon I went to Benets Isrels left my syrup thare & I went to get it
FRIDAY 5 – I help Orlando Jones make fence & we halled each of us load wood with from Barney mill with Rigby hoars Rispy (?) & Fidilia was here to diner mis Jones & Mis Rigsby was here.
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6TH, 1860 THRU WEDNESDAY OCT. 10, 1860 are covered with stamps, and unreadable.
THURSDAY 11 – got to ??? bar soap I went to town got of Kelley 3 dol in ch took Roy ?? home took 2 par mitens to Bowens got 8 roles paper & 2 yd ribon, ???? Robarts 90 ct on ??, got ??? for stove, got of McInroy 50 wt flower at 15—
FRIDAY, October 12th, 1860 – I work in garden pul my carots & turnips. H. H. Dartt & wife was here little shile this evening
SATURDAY 13 – I help John Kigsby dig potatoes in fore noon & thrash buckweet in after noon Boarded myself.
SUNDAY 14 – I stade to home till after noon then I went to meeting up to Catlin meeting hous. Stilwell prech tex Luk 2 ch 4, 6
MONDAY, October 15th, 1860 – it snowed last night & the snow stade on till after noon went off slowly I help John Rigby thrash & clean up Buckwheet in morning then work round hous bought of Barny 2.25 worth lumber. Sarah Margret & Julia went to Denisons visiting I went up to super
TUESDAY 16 – John Rigsby halled load potatoes & load carots & turnips up to father Dockstader I went up with him & clean out seller while he went after the turnips & cuver hill potatoes
WEDNESDAY 17 – Jerels Denison hall load goods for me up to father Dock I drove up my cow & pig mother Docks went after sarah margret with bugy it rainey most all day..H. ? Dock & wife was here
THURSDAY, October 18th, 1860 -- I mud up hous on inside father help me it was stormy most all day
FRIDAY 19 – I work on hous all day Sarah Margret & Jane Dickison papered the room to the road
SATURDAY 20 – it rained most all day I calculated to moove bu it was to rainey we went up to Jerey & Daves & stade all night
SUNDAY, October 21st, 1860 – rainey we stade to Jerey till after super then com down to fathers
MONDAY 22 – I took fther Dock teem & Jerey went with his teem after y hous goods to Mitchels Jerey went to mill got my Buckwheet 3 bush we stade to father all night
TUESDAY 23 – I work round hous all day fixin steps & pick apples & ??. we all went to meeting in evening Stillwill preach tex Math 28:42 stade to father all night
WEDNESDAY, October 24th, 1860 – I help Sarah Margret wash fetch water from the crick & hall load wood from folow & fix fence round hous
THURSDAY 25 – I comenst plowin up on the lot next to the wood in corner next to Tipple all day
FRIDAY 26 – plow all day in lot next to woods & tipple
SATURDAY, October 27th, 1860 – plowed all day in lot next to woods & tipple ontill super time then went to Whitnyvill got 4 lb shugar at .10
SUNDAY 28 – I went to setlement to meeting with A. Tipple foot Stillwill preach his text Isa 59ch15 & in evening went to setlement with A. T.(?) Hammond preach subject hope
MONDAY 29 – I plowed all day on lot next to woods & to tipples
TUESDAY, October 30th, 1860 – I plowed till noon & it rained some I boiled potatoes for my pig Jerey & wife was here I mad rockers for Jereys wifes chare mother Dockstader was here
WEDNESDAY 31 – I plowed litle while this mornin & it rained I ??? out chop some wood & pick 11 bu of sider apples & 1 bus of apple to dry & pared them in evening. Add & I shot mark with my pistle.
THURSDAY, November 1 – I pick apples all day with father Dock & Add & Julia we pick 66 bush of sider apples. We went all went to meeting in evening Stillwell prech Luk 19.1
FRIDAY, November 2d, 1860 – I plowed in forenoon in lot next to woods & to A. T. I finish that lot & in afternoon father & I moove crop fenes & I plowed litle
SATURDAY 3 – I plowed till noon finish in lot next to schoolhous it rained part of Day H.H. Dartt & wife went to Jereys & we went with them in afternoon.
SUNDAY 4 – I went to Whitny Corners to meeting Stillwill prech text Math 7 ch 7 vs Stade to class I went to setlement in afternoon Ingrek (?) prech tex ??? Jerey & ? here in evening.
MONDAY, November 5th, 1860 – I hall load wood morning Charles Goodin (?) come here with his cider mill we made sider mad 66 gallons
TUESDAY 6 – I help make sider litle while B. Demaux (?) & I broke mill we then hall 1 barrel in fathers seller then father & I went to Ellection to setlement with bugey.
WEDNESDAY 7 – I went to Barns mill piled my lumber wich I got of Barns stop to P. Catlin eate diner got Note of him for $12.50 he owes me $12.50 & he is to let me have ?? flower, got of Parker ????
THURSDAY, November 8th, 1860 – I set ??? got over to father Dock 4 baskets full of ashes then I mud the hous on outside & bank it up got citle(?) to father heat water for ??. Sarah M. & mother went to Jerey & Dave
FRIDAY 9 – I work round hous in forenoon Char Goodin come bout 11 oclock & finish makin sider. ?? I help father drawing sider & ??? & he help me draw mine I had 43 gal & he had 87 gal. Paid C.G. 67 c.
SATURDAY 10 – it was rainey most all day I hall load wood Jerey & father & Add was here
SUNDAY, November 11th, 1860 – I stade home all day it was rainey in fore noon.
MONDAY 12 – I went with Jerey to McInroy & Bailey mill I got 1.13 lb. Flower of P. Catlin to apply on chopin $4.00, went from thare to town with Add got 2 lb shugar some sulfer & all ?? hall to Roy 25, rode home with father Dartt ?? got ax to Boens.
TUESDAY 13 – I chop som wood & got hoop ?? & hoops my sope bar & traded axes with Add he is to give me 1 day work to boot
WEDNESDAY, November 14th, 1860 – I took the horses & wagon & went to Websters Julia went with me I got 4 bus of Buckwheet. Pres my water side for vinegar & chop wood.
THURSDAY 15 – I & Add shot at mark with his gun & chop lode wood in foller & made trundle bed sted
FRIDAY 16 – I hall 4 loads of wood & help father make sider & took Sarah Margret & mother & Julia up to Jereys they was goin to Smiths & went and got them & eate supper thar.
SATURDAY, November 17th, 1860 – I went to P. Catlins he is to let me have 12 ½ in hemlock lumber at Cyrus Catlin mill I got 3 dollars order of James Kelley on Robison I got 4 lbs shugar 18 ??? ½ tea, 1 lb ?? (can’t read rest) I traded my pistle for ???. Sarah Austin was here.
SUNDAY 18 – I & Add went to Whitny to meeting Stillwill prech text Cor 13.15 Add & wife was to father Dockstader
MONDAY 19 – I work round hous mad wood shed & rack off my cider. Mrs. Rous was berid.
TUESDAY, November 20th, 1860 – I cop wood in fore noon to ?? done & help father Dock in after noon hall dung & bank up hous Mrs. Sonitt (?) & mother was here went to meeting in evening Stillwill prech his tex 1 Cor. 16.22
WEDNESDAY 21 – I help father Dockstader all day hall dung on his garden it was snowey
THURSDAY 22 – I help father Dockstader hall dung till midle of after noon then he help me hall 5 loads on my garden Jerey, Add & father was here in evening
FRIDAY, November 23d, 1860 – it is snowey & rainey most all day I chop some wood
SATURDAY 24 – it is verey cold chop some wood Jerey was here & I went up to Lican (?) Smith to se if I could by some hay
SUNDAY 25 – went to setlement to meeting with Add, H. Adams preach his text last ch. ?? we stade to class we went to N. Aus. Took diner & then to here Hammon his text for youre labor is not in ??? ????
MONDAY, November 26th, 1860 – I kild my pig & help father kill his. ?? P. Dockstader & wife & Jerey & wife was here Cold & snowey this evening
TUESDAY 27 – Salt my pig & borowed handful of salt of father Dockstader I went to S.(?) Smith to try to by some hay & to Websters & stop help at ?? hang door
WEDNESDAY 28 – I went to town with A. Tipple took paper rags got some wading & triming for Julias cloke Mariah Austin & Horatia were here.
THURSDAY, November 29th, 1860 – chop round house fore noon & up in folow in after noon stove wood
FRIDAY 30 – chop in fore noon wood in folow & in after noon father help me skid some wood father Add Jane & Dave was here in evening
SATURDAY, December 1 – I halled 3 loads wood & chop to the door till super then went to setlement took care flocks & went to post (?) Add & Jan was here evening
SUNDAY, December 2d, 1860 – I went to Whitneyvill to meeting with Add Jerey Tipple Stillwill preach his text 1 John 4 ch 16 ve Stade to clas & then went to N.P. Dockstader to super Jerey & father was here in evening.
MONDAY 3 – I wash in forenoon Julia went to school & I went to settlement got to Geo. Parker 7 lb. Of taller at ?? = .87 come home chop to the door
TUESDAY 4 – I help A. Tipple all day, bild wood shed, it snowed in afternoon went to school house in evening but it was stormey & thare was no meeting
WEDNESDAY, December 5th, 1860 – I chop 2 hickry trees up in follow for railes & wood come down half past too killed cat (? calf) & skined it Daved Jane & Add was here in evening
THURSDAY 6 – I halled wood all day with fathers horses from the follow father & Add was here in evening.
FRIDAY 7 – I hall wood in fore noon Sarah Margret & mother went up to Jerey & Daves I took them up with horses & slay. I help father load railes cuts & I cut them up in follow in after noon
SATURDAY, December 8th, 1860 – it snowed in morning I help father load hemlock logs for wood I chop hickry top up & haled them in after noon & father help me load them
SUNDAY 9 – I went to Whitnys Corners to meeting Quartly meeting Eld Cranmer prech his text John 2 ch 4 v
MONDAY 10 – I washed in fore noon & chop in after noon Jerey was here I sold my testament to Add took under on Whitny stove 195 (?)
TUESDAY, December 11th, 1860 – I WENT TO Barnes mill with father teem got my bord Rous went with me I went to Whitny store with A. Tipple got ribon for Julia’s hat & par shoes for her
WEDNESDAY 12 – put up petisk (?) in bedroom & help Dave grind his ax & made cow shed father help me it was stormy
THURSDAY 13 – I went over to Whitney corners got Bets ?? sharpen in fore noon stop to Jerey got 9 chabedge & bu apples chop wood to hous in after noon
FRIDAY, December 14th, 1860 – I chop wood most all day I help father clean up grats, seed litle while
SATURDAY 15 – I help Jerey & Dave kill hog in fore noon & in after noon went to town with them & fathers folks I got to ??? ½ lb tea 2—
SUNDAY 16 – I went to Whitny to meeting with Add & come back with Jerey Stillwill preach his text ???? Dave was here
MONDAY, December 17th, 1860 – wash in fore noon & went up to Daves & shot red squrel & come back Henery Dock come here with cuter runers & bought them I am to hay H. W. ?? for them, I lent H. F. D. some tools
TUESDAY 18 – I went to town with Dave & father took my cuter runers & irons off my old cuter to H.W.D. he is going to make me cuter, came home Mrs. Webster Jerey wife & mother was here I went to meeting Stillwill prech text John 2.7
WEDNESDAY 19 – N. Austin & wife stade here all night I went to Whitny store got gal. Molases & 4 lb sugur .11 = .44 Storemy most all day I bought cuter ?? off ??? cost 1.60 (?) I am to pay him in grain
THURSDAY, December 20th, 1860 – chop litle while it rained most all day, Sarah Margret was over to here mother most all day father & mother went to H. P. Dox he got my cuter shues to Lodlow (?) I bought them
FRIDAY 21 – CHOP WOOD IN FORE NOON. I BROKE MY AX HANDLE & I WENT UP IN THE WOODS WITH b. Demay (?) to take job chopin cord wood come back Sarah M. went to fathers we eate super thare made ax handle this evening.
SATURDAY 22 – I went to town with Demaux took my cuter shoos to Hirams I se ??? Dartt thare sold 2 bar ?? to Boin, got set spoons & close lins & pins rode home on Demaux(?) hoars.
SUNDAY, December 23d, 1860 – I stade home all day
MONDAY 24 – I wash in fore noon & chop wood to the doore little Sarah Margret had her pains all day. I went after Packer about ½ past 3 got back gest dark Jereys wife & ? Tipple wife & mother was here baby born 8 o’clock
TUESDAY 25 – I chop wood little stade home all day. Jane Dickison comes work here
WEDNESDAY, December 26th, 1860 – I chop wood most all day to doore
THURSDAY 27 – I went to Catlins holler got to James Kelley 50 wt. Salt & cent it up with Jerey. I went to Denisons got order on John Bailey for too dollars. Went to school hous in evening
FRIDAY 28 – I chop wood for Demaux 1 ½ cords
SATURDAY, December 29th, 1860 – I went to town with Demaux paid Geo. Parker $1 dolar got of ? Bailey 7 dollars got ½ lb. Tea 6 cent ?? Sarah Austin come here
SUNDAY 30 – Stade home all day N. Austin & wife Jerey & wife was here
MONDAY 31 – I chop wood for Demaus all day chop 2 cord