![]() The Civil War Letters
Submitted by Solon Ogden |
Jan. 8/62 S. C.
Hilton Head Port Royal
My Dear Julia & Dora O how I would like to se you and kis
you I hope I shall one day se you again you must be good to everey
bodey & kis ma & Dora for me & ma must kis you for me you must
not for get to say your vers every night tell Otis that he must rite
to me & Solon for I would like to here from him, give my love to all
from your father Solon Dartt
Julia Dartt
Tell uncle Henry he must rite to me
Direct to Port Royal, Hilton Head, S. C.
In car of Liet. Col. Jam. Beaver 45th P.V. Co. F (Not sure of
the company-it is hard to read)
First letter on next page is unreadable.
I herd from uncle Add the other day he is well I ges his head is not bursted eney more then it all ways was he is still the same all ways tradeing knifes or fifes. Tell Otis I was glad to get his letter and I will rite him another before long tell uncl Henry he must rite to me I hop I shall go home next spring you must be a good girl and learn to read and say your little prayr every night I wish that I could se you and ma and Dora I do not think you would no pa for my mustash is over 2 inches long and my bierd is verey long I wish you could se me in my new suite with my hat on and a fether in it I ges then you would not no pa tell ma to rite often this from your father, Solon Dartt (The Solon on this letter looks like Ann)
You must be a good girl and love ma and Dora and all the rest of the folks. you must say your little prayre every night and learn to read give my love to uncle Henry and Otis and Grandpa and Grandma and all the folks that you se you must rite often to pa
Hiram L. Lewis Norwich (?) Aug. 6 (?)
Winter will soon come and the birds will fly away to the south and
all things look glomery (?) but still there are manny beauties in winter
for then is the only time that I can ride on the sled and when evinings
comes I take so much comfort in cracking nuts that I sometimes think that
it is the most delightfrul portions of the year but still I think that
sumer is more pleasant and beautiful beautiful than.
My Dear little Julia Ann, I received that little letter I love to rede you letters when I se you marks it makes me think of old times you must be a good girle kis ma and Dora for pa I have not got my money yet the pay master is on this island but there is somethin rong about the pay roll So they had to fix it over I think we will get our pay soon if I do I will Send it to ma so she can get you something new.
Port Royal, S. C. My Dear daughter Julia
I must rite a few lines to you O how I would like to se you and
Dora O how I would hug and kiss you and tell you all about these litte
darkeys all the little girles that I se here is black as litte nigers and
we se lots of them here I wish you was here to pick poseys in our
door yard you could get as much as you could carey and we would have good
Julia Ann Dartt, Dora Dell Dartt, Solon Dartt, Sarah M. Dartt
Port Royal Stoney house Plantation
March 3th My Dear Daughter I received your letter to day, dated Feb.
16th and one from ma dated Feb. 6, 9, and 16th. I was verey glad
to get them it done me a greate dele of good for I had not had a letter
for 2 or 3 weeks. I got 4 letters one from Aunt Reny and one from
Aunt Armilia (?) and one from uncle Nathen. I was verey glad to here
from so many O how I would like to be up thare to go out slay rideing
with you and se your nise dress and bonet & flat (?). You must
not be to proud but you must lerne to reade your book you must be good
I would like to se you verey much XXXXXX
Canton. April 16, 1886 (Not sure about the 16)
Dear Dauter – Julia
I want to see you and little (…?…) so bad I doant no what to do (…?…)
I think you could com down I maid my mind up to com up to your house but
last night I got a letter from Margaret Dartt she is at new york she has
ben there (…?…) her health is getting so poor she must leave she will be
here next weak she will come when she gets my letter I jest sent my letter
to the ofice she said she would send a letter a head so we could meat her
at the depot I can’t tell you all she wrote you com down here I can tell
you all aabout it I thought I would let you no so you can get your bread
and bake because she is agonta stay all summer I would thought she would
stop to Shipman (?) Dartti tell you it me swet to think of it because I
see how I can wait on her I like her visit to but it will make it hard
on me that is all I can (…?…)
Nov 30th/61 Fortres Monroe
My Dear little Julia and Dora I though I must rite to you a litle leter
I am well and hope these few lines will find you & ma all well
(…?…) well as my baby do but you must be good to ma & Dora and kiss
them for me I am glad you say your vers every night be good and love all
the folks & love the Lord to my love to all from your father Solon
April 21th/62 Port Royal S. C. Hilton Head
My Deare Deaughter Julia Ann, I take this opertunity to let you no
that I am well and I hope these few lines will find you well. XXXXXXXXXX
Sarah Margret you sed that you herd that Bulley (?) Bacon and I was
holding meetings down here I want you to let me no who wrote such newz
home give me there names if you no who it is let me no if you will and
oblige your husband. Now I will tell you all about it we have meetings
every Sunday and Thirsday evenings and we have good meetings and I think
the Lord is one in our meetings and that to bless Mr. Ellis takes the charge
of the meeting most of the time. Some times I do and some time Mr.
Donley & Mr. Eastman takes charge they are 2 as likely young men as
we have in this co. our meetings are cared an in the best of order
our capt. Takes part some times and we have a full room often, Mr. Bacon
never took charge of it and some times he dos not have eney thing to say
then again he prayes & speeks but that is no disgrace to us nor me
I do not associate with him as a pardner I hope you will find out who told
such a thing and let me no, you spoke of paying Mr. Miller one dollar and
a half I do not no who you mean or who this Miller is give my respects
to Henry & all the rest my love to you and baby’s
This from your Husband Solon
Julia Ann Dartt,
East Charleston
Tell ma that I got too par of socks to day we all drawed each of us,
too par. I expect to get my money in a few days then I will send
it to her if I get a chance & then she must get you all some thing
new I wish I could send you a cracker (?) or something but if I come home
I will bring you some thing pa
Port Royal Hilton Head
April 1th/62 (could be 63)
My Deare Daughter Julia
I receved you letter and was glad to get it and that (…?…) I
have to look at your likeness every day O how I would like to se
you and Dora and Ma. I hope we shall se each other before long you
must be good and take good care of ma and Dora till I come home Kis ma
and Dora for me and tell ma to kis you for me be good to every bodey and
ten every bodey will like you lerne to reed and sing and write and be a
good girl my love to you & ma & Dora, your father Solon
Port Royal Jan. 22th/62
My Deare Daughter Julia I got your letter & your thre cents I was
glad to get them I like to here from you I would like to se you and
I hope I can come home next spring so you tell ma that she must get yours
and ma & Dora a like niss & send it to me I thought I would
send you some (…?…) you must Kis ma & Dora for pa be a good girl
From your Father, Dartt
Pete (?) is a sewing carpet rags Judith(?) is working down to Dr. Cleveland(?)
house today how does you get a long I would think you might com down
here to morrow I am som better then I was but it prety hard for me
how does the folks get along out there I feel home sick to com up
there but is all the good it does me well I can’t think of much to
wright to you because ever body is strangers to me so I have no news to
right so I must close for this time I think I do as well as you do
you doan’t wright at all it is hard work for me I trimble so and it tired
my head so well I must stop
So good by for this time
Wright sometime now Edd when you can’t find any other place to go com
From your Mother (..?..)
Kiss that (..?..) for me
O how I would like to se litle Dora walk & play I have not herd
from uncle Add in 2 weeks he was well the last I herd from him he is up
to otter island yet but I think when our Col gets back that our regiment
will get together again, tell Otis(?) that I was glad to get his letter
and I will rite one to him next time give my love to uncle Henry and all
the folks and to ma and Dora tell ma to rite often and you must rite everey
time ma does, this from your
Father Solon S. Dartt
I wish that I could be there to go to Mr. Potters with you ma ses that
I have such good times that I do not care what you do but I do care I want
you to go visiting and take all the comfort you can that is (…?…)
My deare Daughter Julia Ann Dartt
I receved your letter and was verey glad to receve a letter form you
I am well and I hope these few lines will find all well O how I would
like to se you and Dora I would hug and kiss you and Dora you must be good
and rite to pa often Kis ma and Dora for me XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Port Royal S. C. March ? my Dear Deauter Julia Ann Dartt I receved your letter and was verey glad to here from you I am well and hope these few lines will find you all well I am glad you ad ma has such good times Slayriding I wish I could be thare to take a ride with you but I do not think that I shall take ney slayrides this winter but I hope that.
Port Royal S.C. April 17th/62 (may be 63)
My Deare Daughter Julia I receved your letter and was glad to here
from you and to here that you was well O how I want to se you but
I can not now but I hope I can se you before long you must be a verey good
girl if you aint good no one will like you but if you are good good folks
will like you I hope you will try and be a good girl and love every
bodey mind your ma and be good to ma and Dora and you must mind uncle Henry
and grandma and if you go to ant renia you must mind her.
I have got a gold dollar that I thought I would send to you tell ma to get you something nise with it and when I get my money I will send some to ma and Dora I herd from uncle add this week he is well and is fat as a bare so the man sed that come from thare I did not se Daniel Wilcox he went from the fort up to otter island if we come North our regiment will get to gether again I hope so for I like to be with the regimen, my love to you and ma and Dora and all the rest of the folks from your father Solon S. Dartt.
Be a good girl whare ever you are and the Lord will protect you and keep you. I would like to send you womething nise but I do not no what to send may be you would like one of these litle nigers we have lots of them running round like litle toads I think they would look nise up thare in a chage wouldant you but I ges I wont send a niger but if I can get some thing nise I will send it to you or bring it I had rather bring it my self I have some shell in my nap sack that I have keep some time and I mene to carry them home to you and Dora for pa and ma must kiss you for pa but who will kiss pa well those kisses you send in your letters will do till I come home the Lord bles you (line missing) my love to you all
I was out the other day and got some nise sheles on the sea shore O how I wished that Julia was thare to help pick up some of them I thought I would send some of them home in a leter I saw the other day some litle girles & I herd them call one of them Julia O how I thought of my Julia every time I se little girles I think of my girles I se babyes but they do not look a
I supos by the time you get this letter you will be going to School
well you must be a good girl to school and learn your Book I hope
you say your litle prayr every night you must kis ma and Dora for pa and
ma and Dora must kiss you for pa give my love to all and my love to you
and ma and dora
Your father Solon
Tell ma to get you something I will try and send you a other dollar
when I get my pay next time
The 55th P.V. is qurterd on our right of our quarters and the 3th R.
I. on back of our (..?..) & the 79th regt., P.V. on our left and the
parade ground in front and the 6th regt, of the (..?..) on the other side
of the parade ground and Shermand battry on the other side so we have lots
of dress parades here every night for each regt. Have thare own dress parade
Oh how I wish you and ma and Dora could se us on parade.
Sarah margret you spoke about feleing so bad some times because I was
gone Oh I feel bad verey often but as you say I throw off such feelings
and think all is right and will be right my trust is in
God and I no he can keep us to the end Oh let us live so that
if we meet (..?..) more here we will meet in heaven may the Lord bless
you and the children kiss them all for me my love to you all
From your husband Solon
Solon S. Dartt Departed this life on the 16th day of June A. D. 186? At Edisto Island South Carolina while in the servece of his Country. (Small badly faded lined paper)
Edisto S. C. May 25th/62
My Dere Daughter Julia Ann I thought I would write to you once more
and let you no I am well and hope thes few lines will find you well you
say. You say your prayrs every night I am glad you do you must be
good and learn your book go to Sunday School and meeting and be good you
must mind your ma and kiss ma and Dora for me I wish I was thare to go
to Sunday School with you and help ma carrey Dora so she could go to meeting
I hope to be home soon so I can sleep with and take care of you and Dora
you must be good to all give my love to all, and my love to you and ma
and Dora, from your father Solon
Jan. 17th Port Royal S. C. Hilton Head
My Dere Daughter Julia Dartt I receved you kind letter I was
glad to get your letter I love to here from you & all the rest
of the folk I am glad you & Otis has such good times and I was
glad to get that Hart I wish I could send you a cracker but I can
not in a letter but if I com home I will try & bring one so you can
se what we eate you must be good & rite to me often give my love
to all & to ma & uncle Henry & Otis
From your father Dartt
S. C.Otter island May 18th/62
My Deare Daughter Julia Ann Dartt I must write a few lines to
you to let you no that I am well and I hope these lines will find you well
I wish you was here to help me pick up shell but I will pick up some and
try and send you and Dora Some I had a quite a lot of shells down
on Hilton Head but when I come away from thare I was sick so I did not
fetch them but I can get lots of them here you must go to school this sumer
if you can so when pa comes home you can reede for pa I hope that
before long I shall com home
Oh how I want to se you and ma and Dora I supose I would not no Dora
but I think I would no you and ma I supose Dora is pretty hansom
for they say she looks like her pa well you are hansom too because
you look jest like ma, I hope I shall be permited to se you all again you
must be good to ma and Dora Kiss them both for me and they must kiss you
for me give my love to all my friends and write often to pa my Love
to you and ma and Dora
From your Pa Dartt
One of the boys give me some nice shell that they picked up to day
I will try and send them to you soon and when I get my pay I will send
you some more money my love to you and ……
I shall be home this spring O how I want to se you and ma
and Dora you must be good and kiss ma and Dora for me I have not herd from
uncle Add in a long time we all got some gum blankits today the Governer
of Pa sent them to the 45 for a present they are verey nise I bought
one up to fortress monroe but I sold it some time ago for what I give so
I have one now for nothing if the governor ceeps on giving us things we
can not carey them the 45th is the govners pet reg.t, our Col and Lieut
Col is old friends of his and we have a Capt Curtins (?), Nephew of the
goveners, give my love to all
Your father Solon Dartt XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Camp Hale Nov 1th/61
To Julia Ann Dartt, Deare Daughter I received your letter last Monday
and was glad to here from you & to here that you was well those kisses
that you sent me was good so here is som for you and mah and Dora OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
I wish I could plas them on your ceeks with my lips but I cant now but
you must be a good girl and say you virs every night & be good to mah
& Dora and all the rest of the folks & rite to pa again give my
love to all from your
Father Solon Dartt
Port Royal Dec. 31th/61
My Deare Daughter Julia & Dora I must rite you a letter to
let you no that I love you I think a greate dele about you I hope you will
remember me and rite to me and be a good girl & kis ma & Dora for
me This from your father
Solon Dartt
feb 23th Port Royal, S. C.
my Deare Daughter Julia Ann Dartt
I receved your letter dated feb 1th and I was verey glad to here from
you ma ses you are as fat as a pig I am glad you are well
I often think that if I could se you and ma and Dora I would kis you
You better beleve that I woulod hug and kis you I often think of my litle
bedfeler how you uoust to lay in my arms nightly but now I sleep with Mr.
Chester Ellis in one corner of the room you must be good to ma and
Dora and every bodey tell Otis and uncle Henry that they must rite to pa
O how I wish you was here to pick poses in our dore yard.
It is after pray meeting and I will finish my letter we had a good meeting
the Capt was in and spoke in the meeting maning may and some that has not
took hold before has comence to night maning took part in our meeting last
Thursday night I think that the time is coming when we shall have
good times our meetings are increseing all the time our ordeley was
in our meeting to night he is a rough man some times but he is liked in
the Co., verey much and I hope he will be converted and all of our co.
pray for us that God will revive his work in the army for the victory is
not to the strong none to the number but to them who put there trust in
God he alone can do the work, we have a good compney and the capt is a
nise litle man he is most to esey with the men, I have not herd from uncl
add in most twoo weeks the last I herd he was well and as fat as a hare
thare is a man in our co. that is going home he gets a discharge from the
Doct, he is an old man he is an ireshman, he lives in the hotter county
an nere the line up in the mixtown settement he will start soon he belongs
to my room I wish he could go by the way of Wellsboro So you could se him
if he goes that way he will try to se you, Julia you must be good and lerne
to pray and rede your little Book rite to pa often
This from your father, Dartt XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Feb 3th Port Royal S. C.
My Deare little Julia Ann I must rite to you when I rite to ma
O how I want to se you and ma and dora you sed you thought you would no
me but if you should se me with my new cloths on and hat with fether in
I ges you would not no me but I hope I shall se you before long you must
be good and kiss ma and Dora for me I will send you some fethers out of
a bird that one of our boys shot & when I get my money I will send
you some be good to ma & Dora & all the rest
From your father Solon
Otter Island, S. C. May 12th/62
My Deare Daughter Julia Ann Dartt
I was glad to here from you and to here that you was well and Dora
to I was walkin on the beach this morning and I picked up som shells
and I thought I would send you some of them oh how I wish you and
ma and Dora was here to walk out with me on the sea shore and gather shell
and se the sea porposes in the watter they are a fish about 8 or 10 foot
long we can se them from the shore they will jump up out of the watter,
thare is a greate many curious things in the sea there is a fish that is
round about as large as half beanshel (?) and they have a tail like a muskrat
and lots of other things that is a show to look at but I cannot discribe
them the Sea Shore is the only place here that is plesant, May 13th
I did not have time last night to finish my letter before revele and we
have to blow out all lights after the taps so I will finish it this morning
it is plesant this morning and I have jest got don eating my coffee and
hard crackers Oh how I would like to eate breakfist with you and
ma I hope that I can come home before long you must be good girl and kiss
ma and Dora for me and tell ma and Dora to Kiss you for pa give my love
to all and my love to you and ma and Dora, from your father Solon XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Julia Ann Dartt East Charleston
When you want a cake that tast like pa tell ma to mix up some corn
meal with watter and bake it in a fring pan these are out nise cakes with
hard crackers