Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
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Joyce's Search Tip - February 2010 
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From Newspaper Records from Tioga County PA , Volume Compiled 1988 - Previously Unpublished, Births, Deaths & Marriages abstracted from the Mansfield Advertiser 1901-1905 by Mary Kingsley.  All data copied from newspaper file as it appeared in the record using their spelling. 

Copies sent by James Streeter, Retyped by Pat Mott Gobea, Formatted and published by Joyce M .Tice 2011

1901 Births 1901 Marriages 1901 Deaths one 1901 Deaths two Return to Volume Table of Contents
Note - Date is date of newspaper edition, NOT date of event.
1901 3-Jul D Alberts, Mrs. John d. at Troy of measles
1901 5-Jun D Allen, Mrs. Edith Capell d. yesterday at N.Y.C. formerly of Mansfield age 39 yrs. Dau. Of late C. I. Capell, sis. of Mrs. McCausland of Mansfield
1901 7-Aug D Anderson, Mr. d. last Wed. at Greenwood, N.Y. father of Mrs. F. W. Argetsinger of Rutland Twp.
1901 20-Mar D Argetsinger, Hugh d, 18 Mar 1901 age 78 yrs. At Mansfield bur. Roseville Cem. D. of appoplexy, b. Montgomery Co., N.Y. Jan. 6, 1823, came to Rutland with parents age 15. Sur. By 2 sons, Charles L. & Roy J., 2 bro. John of Mansfield, Frank of Rutland, 1 sis. Mrs. Wm. Lawrence of Mansfield
1901 4-Sep D Argetsinger, John d. Fri. near Mansfield, from a fall, a native of Fulton, N.Y. had res. In Rutland 1 son, James, dau. Mrs. Feo Decker, Fun. Mansfield
1901 16-Jan D Avery, Cyrus d. Delmar last Thurs. age 71 yrs., 10 mos. B. Chatham. Bur. Wellsboro. Son of Charles & Sophia Avery
1901 17-Jul D Bailey, George d. Mon. near Hammond age 45 yrs. Suicide. Res. Of Elkhorn, Farmington Twp. son of late Jack Bailey of Mill Creek
1901 14-Aug D Bailey, Justus W. d. July 26 in Denver of Cancer. B. Mansfield 29 June 1846. Went to Denver 1891. Left 1 dau. By lst wife, Mrs. H. J. VanStone. 2 by 2nd wife, Harry & Ethel. 2 sis. Mrs. E. J. Clark of Denver, Mrs. O. H. Langdon of Mansfield, 4 bros. Julius M. & Wesley V. of E. Charleston, Clark B. of Elkland & Thomas of Mansfield. bur. Fairmont Cem. in Denver
1901 16-Oct D Baker, Edward d. last week of diabetes at Westfield
1901 23-Jan D Banker, Wm. d. in Philippines bur. At Tioga last wk.
1901 20-Feb D Barden, John Lawrence d. Rutland Twp. 1 Feb. 1901 b. Roseville 16 Jan. 1867 son of Dr. J. M. Barden, me m. Miss Mary Benson of Rutland in May 1896, no ch. Sur. By 2 sis., Mrs. A. W. (Kate) Stevenson of Mansfield, Mrs. J. C. (Astella) Gallup of Smithport, had bro. Otis who d. in infancy
1901 20-Feb D Barnes, Augustus F. d. last Sat. age 63 yrs. In Wellsboro editor of Agitator, son of late Judge Washington Barnes from Bath, N.Y. Wife was Sarah Bull, dau. Of Wm. H. Bull of Bath. Survived by 2 daus.
1901 20-Feb D Bartlett, Mrs. Jane d. 10 Feb. 1901 at her son, Francis. She d. of pneumonia, left 3 sons, several sis. (Mainesburg item)
1901 20-Feb D Bartlett, Mrs. Jennie d. 14 Feb. 1901 age abt. 40. Wife of Herbert, sur. 2 sons, 2 daus., 5 sis. & 1 bro. Lung trouble
1901 23-Jan D Baxter, Mrs. W. A. d. Nelson last week
1901 29-May D Beach, Mrs. Agnes Ellen d. Mansfield May 26 b. Jul 5 1880 yougest of 5, of Wm. D. and Anna Frost Jones of Cherry Flats. M. Jul 3 1898 to Byron Ellsworth Beach of Mansfield. Bur. Welsh Cem. D. of consumption; left sis. Mrs. H. (Winifred) Johnson of Laceyville, bro. Norton F. of Wellsboro, sis. Estella A. Jones of Round Top, sis. Ada dec. 1899
1901 25-Sep D Beach, Dr. Belle R. d. last Mon. at Sayre from a tumor, left 1 son & ex-husband Dr. Charles Beach of Puyallup, Wash. Bur. Sullivan Twp., girl hood home
1901 27-Nov D Beaumont, Mrs. Col. d. Wilkes-Barre 20 Nov. former res. of Lawrenceville
1901 28-Aug D Bennett, Miss Hannah (Aunty) d. last Sun. at Mill Creek, in her 89th yr. At home of Sidney Woodard she came from England with Thomas Woodard family. Bur. Mill Creek Cem.
1901 3-Apr D Benson, John d. 26 Mar. 1901 Roseville, age 76 yrs. At son-in-laws, Mr. Rockwell
1901 18-Dec D Besley, Mrs. Orr d. funeral at Austinville last Thurs. Aunt of Mrs. Merritt Edgerton of Mansfield
1901 20-Mar D Blackwell, Enoch d. last Sat. on 77th birthday of old age at his sons in Elmira, N.Y. Bur. Troy. He had res. Mansfield 34 yrs. Sur. By Mary, Bruce, Wallace W. & Miss Jennie M. Boyer of Troy
1901 27-Mar D Blaine, Mrs. John J. (Florence E.) d. 9 Mar. 1901 at Seatle Was. Age 45 yrs. Of consumption. Sur. By 3 ch. Leon F., J. Glenn & Helen L. Dau. Of L. B. Austin & bro. D. B. Austin of Mainesbrg, sis. Mrs. S. E. Ashley of Sullivan Twp.
1901 9-Jan D Blair, Florence E. d. 29 Dec. 1900 age 18 yrs. Of diphtheria at Big Run, Pa. dau. Of Rev. & Mrs. Matthew B. Blair of Covington
1901 17-Apr D Bloss, Mrs. Kitty Cleveland d. Elmira recently of consumption, formerly of Covington
1901 16-Jan D Borden, Dr. Charles B. d. last week age abt. 50 yrs. Of pneumonida at Stanford, Conn. He was son of Mrs. H. H. Borden of Tioga. Sur. By 1 bro. & 2 sis. Bur. Tioga unm.
1901 12-Jun D Bowen, Mrs. E. S. d. Tues. at Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Sis. Of Mrs. Anna Thompkins of Mansfield
1901 25-Sep D Breen, John  of Arnot d. Fri. at Mansfield age abt. 25 yrs. D. from a fall, unm.
1901 13-Feb D Brody, Mrs. Sarah of Elmira d. Morris Pa. She d. in fire at her sis. Mrs. Frank Roberts. Sur. by 2 ch.
1901 30-Jan D Brown, George d. Lawrence Corners yesterday. Bur. Roseville Cem. Sur. By 2 ch. Bur. (Feb. 6)
1901 2-Jan D Brown son of H. O. & Florence Smith Brown b. 9 Sep. 1900 at Athens, Pa. d. 1 Jan. 1901
1901 20-Mar D Budd, Al d. last Sun. near Roseville. Funeral yesterday
1901 6-Mar D Bull, Miss Marion d. last Sun. at mothers in Addison, N.Y. b. Rome, Pa. 19 yrs. Ago to late S. W. Bull. Bur. Oakwood Cem., Mansfield. Sur. 4 bro. Wm S., George, Ernest & Elwin, 1 sis. Mrs. Edith Williams. Died of heart disease
1901 27-Nov D Burch, John d. in Knoxville age 80 yrs.
1901 12-Jun D Burnham, Dewitt d. last ev. In Mansfield age 41 yrs. Of blood poisoning. B. at Franklindale, Bradford Co. m. 30 Apr. 1891 Miss Addie Curtis. Left 1 son, Frederick K. age 3 yrs. Bur. Hope Cem. Mansfield
1901 3-Apr D Butts, A. E. of Mt. Vernon, N.Y. d. bur. Lawrencefille Fri. son of Judge Butts, a pioneer
1901 17-Apr D Case, Mrs. Simon N. d. at daus. 10 Apr. 1901 at Ulster, Pa. (Mrs. McAfee) Mother of Dr. G. M. Case formerly of Sylvania & M. A. Case of Courtland, N.Y.
1901 30-Jan D Champlin, Mrs. C. A. d. Mon. at Hammondsport, N.Y. Grand dau. Of Samuel Baker who settled at Lawrenceville in 1787
1901 24-Apr D Channell, Wm. T. d. Sun. at Canton, age 86 yrs. A native of N.H. Sur. By 4 sons, S. F. of Wellsboro, Dudley B. of San Francisco, Frank J. of Canton & Leon S. of Mansfield, 1 dau. Mrs. Mary J. Rockwell of Roaring Branch
1901 5-Jun D Chruchill, John d. Mon. at Canoe Camp age 80 yrs. Leaves 2 adopted children
1901 15-May D Cleveland, Mrs. Carl infant son of Carl Cleveland of Dykes Mills d. last Fri. bur. Goodall Cem.
1901 16-Jan D Cleveland, Harry d. Fri. age abt. 70 yrs. D. at Dykes Mills, Covington Twp. Sur. By son Reuben, 1 grandson. (son of late son Geo. Of Calif.)
1901 13-Nov D Cockran, Leroy d. Mainesburg 10 Nov. age 89 yrs. Bur. At Mansfield
1901 17-Apr D Collins, Mrs. Luther S. d. 16 Apr. 1901 this Tues. at E. Charleston, sis. of Orville & Orson Benedict of Mardin, Mrs. J. M. Bailey, Mrs. Ellen Ingerick, Mrs. James Niles. Died of stroke
1901 20-Mar D Coveney, Joseph d. last week in Elmira, son of Charles, former res. Of Mansfield
1901 26-Jun D Cox, Gen. R. C. d. Wellsboro last Fri. Funeral yesterday, age 78 yrs.
1901 10-Jul D Crane, Wm. E. d. 15 Jun 1901 at W. Philladelphia, bur. Williamsport, former res. Of Tioga. Uncle of Miss Sophia Lamb & H. H. Lamb of Mansfield
1901 19-Jun D Cronk, Mrs. A. D. d. Mon. in Buffalo had 1 adopted dau. & sis. 1, Mrs. Bryon Bartlett of Mansfield & Mrs. J. E. Rose of Wash., D.C.
1901 13-Feb D Cross, Mrs. Emma d. Delmar Twp. age 53 yrs. Sur. By 1 son Philip (colored)
1901 15-May D Cross, Miss Lillian of Elkland d. last night age abt. 25 yrs. Bur. Little Falls, N.Y. sis. Mrs. Carl Bailey. She d. of Bowel trouble
1901 23-Jan D Crum, Joseph d. the infant son of Levi Crum of Richmond Twp. Funeral tomorrow
1901 20-Mar D Cunningham, Andrew C. d. age 36 yrs. At Gowanda, N.Y. of lung trouble, former res. Of Elkland & Westfield. Sur. 2 bros. & 2 sis. Mrs. J. C. Dulso of Elkland
1901 16-Oct D Davis, John D. d. last Fri. of appendix operation age abt. 45. Res. Of Charleston Twp. left 1 son. Bur. Wellsboro. Bro of late Dr. Hugh Davis
1901 24-Jul D Day, Charles d. Mon. at Graceton, Pa. drowned. Son of Nelson Day of Lambs Creek. Lfet 1 child. Funeral at Lambs Creek
1901 31-Jul D Day, Charles d. Mon at Kelleytown, Richmond Twp. age abt. 58 yrs. D. of Pernicious anemia. Left 2 daus. Miss Edna Day & Mrs. Harriet J. Wolfrom of Corning. Bur. Hope Cem., Mansfield. Civil War Vet.
1901 11-Dec D Dorsett, Samuel C. d. Mon. at his bros. In Mansfield, age 84 yrs. D. probably of heart. B. Peekskill, N.Y. 5th of ??? Son of David & Catherine Dorsett who came here Jun. 1830. He m. Deborah Coffe of N.Y.C. had 2 ch. Who d. young, 1 adopted son, Louis C. of Addison, 2 bros. P. R. & M. H. of Mansfield. Bur. Hope Cem.
1901 29-May D Doud, Lorenzo d. Covington last Thurs. age abt. 75 yrs. Was a res. Of Sullivan Twp. Bur. Mainesburg; left Isaac R., Benjamin & Alvin Doud of Covington & Mrs. Josephine Burnham of Springfield
1901 2-Oct D Dunning, Horace d. last Fri. in Mansfield age 88 yrs. Had came from J.J. 1 of 13 ch. Had res. In Wellsboro until 15 yrs. Ago. Left: Mrs. J. S. Sweet, Mrs. Julia Corey & E. J. Dunning of Mansfield, Mrs. R. J. Lucas of Cortland, N.Y. & Merritt Dunning of Elmira, bur. Hope Cem., Mansfield
1901 6-Mar D Earley, Vida d. 1 Mar. 1901 age 1 yr. Sullivan Twp. Bur. Grey Valley Cem. Dau. Of Lester M. Earley
1901 9-Oct D Eilenberger, Mrs. Wm. d. Mon. at Troy, Pa. age 23 yrs. 9 mos. Formerly of Canoe Camp. Dau. Of Edward Case. Funeral in Mansfield
1901 19-Jun D Elliott, Orson V. d. last Wed. at Mansfield, b. near Cherry Flats 25 Oct. 1829 to Oliver & Mary Rockwell Elliott, m. 20 Aug. 1851 to Celia Kelley, dau. Of Martin K. Kelley. Left, Frank of Mansfield, Margaret (Mrs. J.S.) Hoard, Kittie (Mrs. J.E.) Farrer, Miss Nellie all of Mansfield, Anna (Mrs. Alba) Welsh, Delia (Mrs. I.P.) Collins, Burt B. & Edward M. all of Coudnersport, also had Emma (Mrs. D.A.) Gaylord & Mary (Mrs. Howard) Maine, both dec., bro. Thomas D. of Elmira & 1/2 bro. Judson A. of Mansfield. Buried Oakwood Cem., Mansfield
1901 13-Feb D Farrell, John d. in Arnot age 22 yrs. Complications of diseases
1901 23-Jan D Faulkner, Britain d. Mansfield on Mon. of pneumonia & heart disease. Sur. By 3 daus.; nettie, Eliza & Mrs. Nathan Niles, also 2 sis. Mrs. Hiram Sherwood & Mrs. Freeman Gaylord of Mansfield; 1 bro. Edmund of Presho, N.Y. Bur. Hope Cem. Mansfield. Was a res. Of Richmond Twp.
1901 28-Aug D Fellows, Mrs. d. last Sat. age 95 yrs. (Mainesburg item)
1901 9-Jan D Firth, Mrs. Rena Westbrook d. Denver Col. Last Thur. Bur. Denver, stomach ailment. Sur. Hus. Fred, 1 sis. Miss Alta Westbrook. Mrs. Firth was former res. of Mansfield
1901 23-Oct D Fischler, Mrs. Elizabeth d. Wellsboro age 76 yrs. A native of Germany, mother of Charles F.
1901 20-Mar D Fish, Mrs. E. A. d. Mon. at Mainesburg, lung ailment, widow of late ex-Sheiff Fish, sur. A sis. Sarah A. Cudworth & 1 bro. Jerome Cudworth
1901 2-Jan D Fleming, Giles son of late Noah F. Fleming to be bur. In Tioga, Pa. age abt. 20, was in Army in Philippines
1901 26-Jun D Ford, Mrs. S. B. d. W. Covington last Fri. left several ch. 1 is Clark Gee Ford. Bur. Lewis Cem., Covington
1901 29-May D Gardner, John  d. last week Tues. in Arnot (an octegenarian)
1901 11-Sep D Gentry, Mrs. Dr. J. M. d. yesterday at Stoney Fork, stomach ailment. Sis. Of Mrs. Anna Thompson & dau. To Mrs. M. R. Herrington of Mansfield. Left 1 son & 1 dau.
1901 5-Jun D Gillett infant son of Mrs. M. E. Gillett, d. Fri. at Mansfield bur. Oakwood Cem., Mansfield
1901 10-Jul D Gillett, Morris H. d. 26 Jun. In Alpine, N.Y. age 67 of pneumonia. Left 3 ch.: C. A. Gillett of Mansfield, A. M. Gillett of Alpine & Mrs. C. L. Gillett of Reniff, N.Y.; also bros. Nathan of Reniff, Dwight of Mansfield. Bur. Reniff, N.Y.
1901 27-Nov D Ginnell, Mrs. Herman d. Covington age 40 yrs. Of paralysis
1901 15-May D Glenwright child of Henry Glenwright of Morris Run was bur. Hope Cem. Mansfield last week, age abt. 4, one of set of twins. Mother was Cooper of Lambs Creek
1901 16-Jan D Goodrich, John d. Wed. in Chicago. Bur. Evergreen Cem. In Tioga
1901 20-Feb D Grandy, O. F. d. at Garfield, Kan. 18 Jan. b. Mainesburg 28 Feb. 1842 m. Miss Rizpah Ames 12 Apr. 1876. Had 7 ch. Went to Kan. 1876, Civil War Vet.
1901 6-Feb D Grom, Miss Leanora Allegro d. 15 Jan. 1901 at Va. Minn. Age 26 yrs. Grad. From Mansfield Normal 1893. Sur. By father, 2 bros. Ted of Ft. Sheriden, Ill. & Willie of Englenook, N.Y. 1 sis. Mrs. Geo. Longfellow of Minneapolis



Last Updated on 12/4/2011
By Joyce M. Tice