Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Elk Run & Mainesburg Methodist Church, Sullivan Township, Tioga County PA
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
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Submitted by Joyce M. Tice
Retyped for Tri-Counties by Pat SMITH Raymond
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Elk Run W.S.C.S.
1939 Church Directory
1864-1964 Centennial Program
Elk Run Methodist Church History 1864-1964
Early Church Records 1857-1877
Year Book and Directory


Methodist Churches


Mainesburg and Elk Run


Homer E. Cole, Minister – Mainesburg, Pa

Mainesburg Methodist Church, Elmira District

Central New York Conference

Resident Bishop – Rev. Francis J. McConnell

District Superintendent – Rev. Robert C. Hebblethwaite

Pastor – Rev. Homer E. Cole

Trustees: Howard Connelly, Charles Strange, Joe Maine, Horace Hager, Delos Jackson, Aaron Smith

Stewards: Howard Connelly, District Steward; Charles Strange, Reserve District Steward; Miss Evelyn Bartlett, Recording Steward; Mrs. John Austin, Communion Steward; Mrs. Howard Connelly, Mrs. Charles Strange, Mrs. Ruby Hager, Mrs. Charles Lewis, Delos Jackson, Mrs. Edith Chamberlain

Finance Committee: Howard Connelly, Horace Hager, Rell Richmond, Harold Chamberlain

Pulpit Committee: Charles Strange, Howard Connelly

Auditing Accounts: Ernest Chamberlain, Joe Maine, Horace Hager

Church Music: Miss Evelyn Bartlett, Miss Ernestine Chamberlain, Pastor

Pianist: Miss Evelyn Bartlett

Janitor: Rell Richmond

Nominating Committee: Mrs. Howard Connelly, Rell Richmond, Mrs. Ruby Hager, Miss Nora Campbell

Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society: Mrs. Agnes Chamberlain, President

Parsonage: Mrs. Ruby Hager, Mrs. Charles Lewis, Mrs. Rell Richmond

Religious Education: Mrs. Howard Connelly, Miss Mary Richmond, Pastor

Temperance: Mrs. Jennie Lind Hotchkiss

Membership and Lay Evangelism: Rell Richmond, Mrs. Ruby Hager, Harold Chamberlain

Apportioned Benevolences: Mrs. Ruby Hager, Mrs. Jack Austin, Mrs. Howard Connelly


Morning Worship ………..11:00 AM

Sunday School ……………12:00 M

Junior League …………….6:30 PM

Epworth League ……….....7:30 PM

Prayer Meeting ………..…Thursday

October-April—7:30 PM

May-September—3:00 PM

Monthly Meetings

Ladies’ Aid Society ………………………….Third Friday Noon

Epworth League ……………………..………Second Friday Evening

Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society ………First Wednesday

Community Men’s Brotherhood …………….Third Wednesday Evening

Willing Workers’ Sunday School Class ……..Third Friday Evening

Official Board Meetings (Mainesburg)

November 1, 1938 ……..May 2, 1939

January 10, 1939 ……….July 11, 1939

March 7, 1939 ………….September 5, 1939

Tuesday Evenings

Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society

President: Mrs. Ernest Chamberlain

Vice President: Miss Nora Campbell

Secretary: Mrs. Elmer Rose

Assistant Secretary: Mrs. Horace Hager

Treasurer: Mrs. Mack Stauffer


Church Secretary ……………………….……..Miss Evelyn Bartlett

Budget Treasurer ……………………….……..Mrs. Charles Lewis

Benevolence Treasurer ………………….…….Mrs. Ruby Hager

Superintendent of Sunday School ………….….Howard Connelly

Assistant Superintendent of Sunday School …..Rell Richmond

President of Ladies’ Aid ……………………….Mrs. Charles Lewis

President of Men’s Brotherhood ……………….Howard Connelly

Epworth League

President …………………………..Miss Mary Richmond

First Vice President ……………….Chester Barr

Second Vice President …………….Miss Bernice McConnell

Third Vice President ………………Miss Ernestine Chamberlain

Fourth Vice President ……………..Joe Strange

Secretary…………………… ……Miss Barbara Strange

Assistant Secretary …………..……Miss Nathali Dibble

Pianist …………………………..…Miss Evelyn Bartlett

Advisors ……………………….… Miss Evelyn Bartlett, Rev. Homer Cole

Junior League

President ……………………………. Miss Eleanor Nash

First Vice President ………………….Miss Elizabeth Smith

Second Vice President ……………….Miss Christine Campbell

Third Vice President …………………Robert Welch

Fourth Vice President ………………..Donald McConnell

Secretary ……………………………..Miss Pauline Wilston

Treasurer ……………………………..Miss Mary Richmond

Advisor ……………………………….Rev. Homer Cole

Mainesburg Church Members

Austin, Mrs. Emory Elliott, Merton Purvis, Sam
Aumick, George Every, Maude Purvis, Mrs. Sam
Aumick, Mrs. George Feathers, Mrs. Grant Purvis, Raymond
Aumick, Leon Garrison, Rex Purvis, Edrie
Aumick, Hilda Garrison, Ellen Palmer, Annice
Aumick, Nellie Goodrich, Winifred Palmer, Charlotte
Bartlett, Miss Evelyn Hotchkiss, Mrs. Jennie Palmer, Gladys
Barr, John Hilfiger, Mabele Richmond, Rell
Barr, Mrs. John Hilfiger, Eugene Richmond, Mrs. Rell
Barr, Wayne Hager, Horace Richmond, Mary
Benson, Mrs. Charles Hager, Mrs. Horace Ripley, Rose
Bryant, Mrs. Jerome Hager, Fred Ripley, Orilla
Campbell, Miss Nora Hager, Mrs. Ruby Reese, Grant
Connelly, Mrs. Walter Jackson, Delos Smith, Nettie
Corey, Arthur Jackson, Mrs. Delos Smith, Mildred
Clark, Frank Jackson, Elmer Smith, Gertrude
Clark, Lewis Jackson, Dee Scott, Dallas
Connelly, Howard Jackson, Ethel Scott, Mrs. Dallas
Connelly, Mrs. Howard Jackson, Robert Seymour, Dorris
Chamberlain, Ernest Jackson, Hazel Stauffer, Gordon
Chamberlain, Mrs. Ernest Jackson, Myrtle Stauffer, Mrs. Gordon
Chamberlain, Mrs. Edith Krise, Dorna Smith, Mrs. Delvert
Chamberlain, Clifton Lewis, Mrs. Charles Smith, Aaron
Chamberlain, Hugh Leiby, Mrs. Kate Strange, Charles
Chamberlain, Harold Little, Mrs. Florence Strange, Mrs. Charles
Chamberlain, Rex Lounsbury, Mrs. Angie Strange, Malcolm
Cleveland, Eugene McConnell, Miss Bernice Strange, Mary Alice
Davey, Willis Mudge, Frank Strange, Maurice
Davey, Dean Mudge, Mrs. Frank Strange, Annebel
Dial, Leah Maine, Joe Strange, Vivian Ruth
Dial, Arline Maine, Charles Welch, Harold
    Welch, Mrs. Harold

Pastors Who Served Since 1880

E. E. Morris ……………………..……1881

J. L. King………………………..…….1882

George Fosbinder ……………….……1883-1886

Harsey King ………………………….1886-1887

C. M. Adams …………………………1888-1889

F. M. Warner …………………………1890-1891

H. B. Troxel ………………………….1892-1893

H. J. Hieneman ……………………….1894

H. E. Hyde ……………………………1895-1898

W. H. Yard ……………………………1899-1900

D. W. Proseus …………………………1901

Daniel Stoker ………………………….1902-1904

F. J. Allington …………………………1905-1908

W. T. Fitzgerald ……………………….1909-1910

C.D. Smith …. ………………………...1911-1913

L. M. Lobdell ………………………….1914-1916

S.A. Noon …………………………...…1917

A. F. Hilimire ………………………1918-1919

J. F. Brown …………………………….1920

William Hall …………………………...1921-1924

E. G. Bly ……………………………….1925-1926

F. H. Lockwood ………………………..1927

S. H. Snyder ……………………………1928-1937

D.L. Moody …………………………….Summer 1937

Homer E. Cole ………………………….1938—

Elk Run Methodist Church

Elmira District

Central New York Conference

Resident Bishop

Rev. Francis J. McConnell

District Superintendent

Rev. Robert C. Hebblethwaite


Rev. Homer E. Cole


Lynn Williams Elmer Updyke Arthur Hager


Arthur Hager, District Steward

Lynn Williams, Reserve District Steward

And Recording Steward

Ada Updyke, Communion Steward

Lyle Sherman, Mrs. Lynn Williams, Miss Genevieve Smith, Mrs. Arthur Hager, Mrs. Nellie Robbins, Mrs. Nellie Mudge

Membership Committee

Elmer Updyke Mrs. Oscar Tears Lynn Williams

Music Committee

Mrs. Lynn Williams Miss Anna Woods

Religious Education

Mrs. Lynn Williams Mrs. Oscar Tears Mrs. Arthur Hager

Finance Committee: Arthur Hager, Glenn Brace, Lyle Sherman, Lynn Williams

Benevolence Committee: Charlotte Brace, Arthur Hager, Pastor

Temperance Committee: Miss Audele Rumsey

Auditing Accounts: Irving Osgood, Lee Tice, Roland Smith

Parsonage Committee: President of the Ladies’ Aid

Nominating Committee: Mrs. Arthur Hager, Mrs. Nellie Mudge, Mrs. Lynn Williams


Morning Worship ……….9:30 A. M.

Sunday School ……….10:30 A. M.

Epworth League ……….2nd and 4th Wednesday Evenings

Monthly Meetings

Ladies’ Aid Society ……….Second Wednesday

Official Board Meetings

December 6, 1938 …….April 4, 1939 …….February 7, 1939 ………June 6, 1939 …….August 8, 1939

Elk Run Church Members

Baity, Paulina Rumsey, Mrs. Iva Smith, Sarah
Bentley, Tessie Rumsey, Audele Sherman, Lyle
Bigelow, Lillian Robbins Walter Sherman, Mrs. Lyle
Brewster, Leda Robbins, Mrs. Walter Sherman, Wesley
Borg, August Robbins, Christina Sherman, Mrs. Wesley
Borg, Mrs. August Robbins, James Sutton, Bernice
Borg, Herbert Robbins, Arch Tice, Harry
Borg, Mrs. Herbert Robbins, Mrs. Arch Tice, Mrs. Harry
Borg, John Robbins, Anna Tice, Leah
Borg, Mrs. John Robbins, Otis Tice, Lulu
Beardslee, Henry Robbins, Archie, Jr. Tice, Grace
Beardslee, Mrs. Henry Smith, Evelyn Bardwell Tice, Florence (Mrs.)
Beardslee, Elizabeth Smith, Ruth Tice, Lee
Beardslee, Frank Smith, Irma Tice, Homer
Beardslee, Shirley Smith, Dorothy Tice, Leslie
Bradford, Richard Smith, Owen Tears, Oscar
Bradford, Mrs. Richard Smith, Rolland Tears, Mrs. Oscar
Bradford, Irene Smith, Robert Tears, Louis
Bradford, Leonard Smith, Genevieve Tears, Herman, Jr.
Bohart, Harry Smith, Thomas Thiers, Addie
Bohart, Mrs. Harry Smith, Mrs. Thomas Updyke, Elmer
Brace, Glenn Smith, William Updyke, Mrs. Elmer
Brace, Mrs. Glenn Smith, Lyle VanNess, Jay
Chamberlain, Eloise Smith, Nellie Arlene VanNess, Ida
Dierstein, Jesse Smith, Robert VanNess, Iva
Dierstein, Jesse, Jr. Smith, Gordon Williams, Lynn
Feathers, Grant Smith, F. I. Williams, Mrs. Lynn
Hager, Arthur Smith, Mrs. F. I. Williams, Nellie
Hager, Mrs. Arthur Smith, Paul Williams, Ermel
Hulslander, Horace Smith, Orrin Welch, Gus
Hulslander, Mrs. Horace Smith, Mrs. Orrin Mudge, Harold
Mudge, Ruth Smith, Lawrence Mudge, Mrs. Harold
Osgood, Mrs. Irving Smith, Billy Theodore  
In a message dated 5/13/2009 3:11:49 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
My daughter, Cheryl Hotchkiss, was playing around on her computer and put in her grandfather's name, Rev. Homer E. Cole, and low and behold, up came your "Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice."  She sent it on to me and I was so surprised.

I am Marilyn Cole Stephens, now 74 years old, and the daughter of Rev. Homer E. Cole.  I started 1st grade in the Mainesburg grade school.  My brothers, Ronald and Ramon were both born while we lived in Mainesburg.

My sister and I used to stay with Mary Richmond when our parents were busy and we also knew Bernice Chamberlain quite well.

What a great surprise!  I was also so surprised to see that there was a Miss Jennie Lynn Hotchkiss named and now my daughter's last name is Hotchkiss.

I've enjoyed this web site very much.  Thank  you.

Marilyn Cole Stephens
Fulton, NY

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 20 JAN 2003 
By Joyce M. Tice
Email Joyce M. Tice

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