Methodist Churches
Mainesburg and Elk Run
Homer E. Cole, Minister Mainesburg, Pa
Mainesburg Methodist Church, Elmira District
Central New York Conference
Resident Bishop Rev. Francis J. McConnell
District Superintendent Rev. Robert C. Hebblethwaite
Pastor Rev. Homer E. Cole
Trustees: Howard Connelly, Charles Strange, Joe Maine, Horace Hager, Delos Jackson, Aaron Smith
Stewards: Howard Connelly, District Steward; Charles Strange, Reserve District Steward; Miss Evelyn Bartlett, Recording Steward; Mrs. John Austin, Communion Steward; Mrs. Howard Connelly, Mrs. Charles Strange, Mrs. Ruby Hager, Mrs. Charles Lewis, Delos Jackson, Mrs. Edith Chamberlain
Finance Committee: Howard Connelly, Horace Hager, Rell Richmond, Harold Chamberlain
Pulpit Committee: Charles Strange, Howard Connelly
Auditing Accounts: Ernest Chamberlain, Joe Maine, Horace Hager
Church Music: Miss Evelyn Bartlett, Miss Ernestine Chamberlain, Pastor
Pianist: Miss Evelyn Bartlett
Janitor: Rell Richmond
Nominating Committee: Mrs. Howard Connelly, Rell Richmond, Mrs. Ruby Hager, Miss Nora Campbell
Womans Foreign Missionary Society: Mrs. Agnes Chamberlain, President
Parsonage: Mrs. Ruby Hager, Mrs. Charles Lewis, Mrs. Rell Richmond
Religious Education: Mrs. Howard Connelly, Miss Mary Richmond, Pastor
Temperance: Mrs. Jennie Lind Hotchkiss
Membership and Lay Evangelism: Rell Richmond, Mrs. Ruby Hager, Harold Chamberlain
Apportioned Benevolences: Mrs. Ruby Hager, Mrs. Jack Austin, Mrs. Howard Connelly
Morning Worship ..11:00 AM
Sunday School 12:00 M
Junior League .6:30 PM
Epworth League .....7:30 PM
Prayer Meeting .. Thursday
October-April7:30 PM
May-September3:00 PM
Monthly Meetings
Ladies Aid Society .Third Friday Noon
Epworth League .. Second Friday Evening
Womans Foreign Missionary Society First Wednesday
Community Mens Brotherhood .Third Wednesday Evening
Willing Workers Sunday School Class ..Third Friday Evening
Official Board Meetings (Mainesburg)
November 1, 1938 ..May 2, 1939
January 10, 1939 .July 11, 1939
March 7, 1939 .September 5, 1939
Tuesday Evenings
Womans Foreign Missionary Society
President: Mrs. Ernest Chamberlain
Vice President: Miss Nora Campbell
Secretary: Mrs. Elmer Rose
Assistant Secretary: Mrs. Horace Hager
Treasurer: Mrs. Mack Stauffer
Church Secretary . ..Miss Evelyn Bartlett
Budget Treasurer . ..Mrs. Charles Lewis
Benevolence Treasurer . .Mrs. Ruby Hager
Superintendent of Sunday School . .Howard Connelly
Assistant Superintendent of Sunday School ..Rell Richmond
President of Ladies Aid .Mrs. Charles Lewis
President of Mens Brotherhood .Howard Connelly
Epworth League
President ..Miss Mary Richmond
First Vice President .Chester Barr
Second Vice President .Miss Bernice McConnell
Third Vice President Miss Ernestine Chamberlain
Fourth Vice President ..Joe Strange
Secretary Miss Barbara Strange
Assistant Secretary .. Miss Nathali Dibble
Pianist .. Miss Evelyn Bartlett
Advisors . Miss Evelyn Bartlett, Rev. Homer Cole
Junior League
President . Miss Eleanor Nash
First Vice President .Miss Elizabeth Smith
Second Vice President .Miss Christine Campbell
Third Vice President Robert Welch
Fourth Vice President ..Donald McConnell
Secretary ..Miss Pauline Wilston
Treasurer ..Miss Mary Richmond
Advisor .Rev. Homer Cole
Mainesburg Church Members
Austin, Mrs. Emory | Elliott, Merton | Purvis, Sam |
Aumick, George | Every, Maude | Purvis, Mrs. Sam |
Aumick, Mrs. George | Feathers, Mrs. Grant | Purvis, Raymond |
Aumick, Leon | Garrison, Rex | Purvis, Edrie |
Aumick, Hilda | Garrison, Ellen | Palmer, Annice |
Aumick, Nellie | Goodrich, Winifred | Palmer, Charlotte |
Bartlett, Miss Evelyn | Hotchkiss, Mrs. Jennie | Palmer, Gladys |
Barr, John | Hilfiger, Mabele | Richmond, Rell |
Barr, Mrs. John | Hilfiger, Eugene | Richmond, Mrs. Rell |
Barr, Wayne | Hager, Horace | Richmond, Mary |
Benson, Mrs. Charles | Hager, Mrs. Horace | Ripley, Rose |
Bryant, Mrs. Jerome | Hager, Fred | Ripley, Orilla |
Campbell, Miss Nora | Hager, Mrs. Ruby | Reese, Grant |
Connelly, Mrs. Walter | Jackson, Delos | Smith, Nettie |
Corey, Arthur | Jackson, Mrs. Delos | Smith, Mildred |
Clark, Frank | Jackson, Elmer | Smith, Gertrude |
Clark, Lewis | Jackson, Dee | Scott, Dallas |
Connelly, Howard | Jackson, Ethel | Scott, Mrs. Dallas |
Connelly, Mrs. Howard | Jackson, Robert | Seymour, Dorris |
Chamberlain, Ernest | Jackson, Hazel | Stauffer, Gordon |
Chamberlain, Mrs. Ernest | Jackson, Myrtle | Stauffer, Mrs. Gordon |
Chamberlain, Mrs. Edith | Krise, Dorna | Smith, Mrs. Delvert |
Chamberlain, Clifton | Lewis, Mrs. Charles | Smith, Aaron |
Chamberlain, Hugh | Leiby, Mrs. Kate | Strange, Charles |
Chamberlain, Harold | Little, Mrs. Florence | Strange, Mrs. Charles |
Chamberlain, Rex | Lounsbury, Mrs. Angie | Strange, Malcolm |
Cleveland, Eugene | McConnell, Miss Bernice | Strange, Mary Alice |
Davey, Willis | Mudge, Frank | Strange, Maurice |
Davey, Dean | Mudge, Mrs. Frank | Strange, Annebel |
Dial, Leah | Maine, Joe | Strange, Vivian Ruth |
Dial, Arline | Maine, Charles | Welch, Harold |
Welch, Mrs. Harold | ||
Pastors Who Served Since 1880
E. E. Morris .. 1881
J. L. King .. .1882
George Fosbinder . 1883-1886
Harsey King .1886-1887
C. M. Adams 1888-1889
F. M. Warner 1890-1891
H. B. Troxel .1892-1893
H. J. Hieneman .1894
H. E. Hyde 1895-1898
W. H. Yard 1899-1900
D. W. Proseus 1901
Daniel Stoker .1902-1904
F. J. Allington 1905-1908
W. T. Fitzgerald .1909-1910
C.D. Smith . ...1911-1913
L. M. Lobdell .1914-1916
S.A. Noon ... 1917
A. F. Hilimire 1918-1919
J. F. Brown .1920
William Hall ...1921-1924
E. G. Bly .1925-1926
F. H. Lockwood ..1927
S. H. Snyder 1928-1937
D.L. Moody .Summer 1937
Homer E. Cole .1938
Elmira District
Central New York Conference
Resident Bishop
Rev. Francis J. McConnell
District Superintendent
Rev. Robert C. Hebblethwaite
Rev. Homer E. Cole
Lynn Williams Elmer Updyke Arthur Hager
Arthur Hager, District Steward
Lynn Williams, Reserve District Steward
And Recording Steward
Ada Updyke, Communion Steward
Lyle Sherman, Mrs. Lynn Williams, Miss Genevieve Smith, Mrs. Arthur Hager, Mrs. Nellie Robbins, Mrs. Nellie Mudge
Membership Committee
Elmer Updyke Mrs. Oscar Tears Lynn Williams
Music Committee
Mrs. Lynn Williams Miss Anna Woods
Religious Education
Mrs. Lynn Williams Mrs. Oscar Tears Mrs. Arthur Hager
Finance Committee: Arthur Hager, Glenn Brace, Lyle Sherman, Lynn Williams
Benevolence Committee: Charlotte Brace, Arthur Hager, Pastor
Temperance Committee: Miss Audele Rumsey
Auditing Accounts: Irving Osgood, Lee Tice, Roland Smith
Parsonage Committee: President of the Ladies Aid
Nominating Committee: Mrs. Arthur Hager, Mrs. Nellie Mudge, Mrs. Lynn Williams
Morning Worship .9:30 A. M.
Sunday School .10:30 A. M.
Epworth League .2nd and 4th Wednesday Evenings
Monthly Meetings
Ladies Aid Society .Second Wednesday
Official Board Meetings
December 6, 1938 .April 4, 1939 .February 7, 1939 June 6, 1939 .August 8, 1939
Elk Run Church Members
Baity, Paulina | Rumsey, Mrs. Iva | Smith, Sarah |
Bentley, Tessie | Rumsey, Audele | Sherman, Lyle |
Bigelow, Lillian | Robbins Walter | Sherman, Mrs. Lyle |
Brewster, Leda | Robbins, Mrs. Walter | Sherman, Wesley |
Borg, August | Robbins, Christina | Sherman, Mrs. Wesley |
Borg, Mrs. August | Robbins, James | Sutton, Bernice |
Borg, Herbert | Robbins, Arch | Tice, Harry |
Borg, Mrs. Herbert | Robbins, Mrs. Arch | Tice, Mrs. Harry |
Borg, John | Robbins, Anna | Tice, Leah |
Borg, Mrs. John | Robbins, Otis | Tice, Lulu |
Beardslee, Henry | Robbins, Archie, Jr. | Tice, Grace |
Beardslee, Mrs. Henry | Smith, Evelyn Bardwell | Tice, Florence (Mrs.) |
Beardslee, Elizabeth | Smith, Ruth | Tice, Lee |
Beardslee, Frank | Smith, Irma | Tice, Homer |
Beardslee, Shirley | Smith, Dorothy | Tice, Leslie |
Bradford, Richard | Smith, Owen | Tears, Oscar |
Bradford, Mrs. Richard | Smith, Rolland | Tears, Mrs. Oscar |
Bradford, Irene | Smith, Robert | Tears, Louis |
Bradford, Leonard | Smith, Genevieve | Tears, Herman, Jr. |
Bohart, Harry | Smith, Thomas | Thiers, Addie |
Bohart, Mrs. Harry | Smith, Mrs. Thomas | Updyke, Elmer |
Brace, Glenn | Smith, William | Updyke, Mrs. Elmer |
Brace, Mrs. Glenn | Smith, Lyle | VanNess, Jay |
Chamberlain, Eloise | Smith, Nellie Arlene | VanNess, Ida |
Dierstein, Jesse | Smith, Robert | VanNess, Iva |
Dierstein, Jesse, Jr. | Smith, Gordon | Williams, Lynn |
Feathers, Grant | Smith, F. I. | Williams, Mrs. Lynn |
Hager, Arthur | Smith, Mrs. F. I. | Williams, Nellie |
Hager, Mrs. Arthur | Smith, Paul | Williams, Ermel |
Hulslander, Horace | Smith, Orrin | Welch, Gus |
Hulslander, Mrs. Horace | Smith, Mrs. Orrin | Mudge, Harold |
Mudge, Ruth | Smith, Lawrence | Mudge, Mrs. Harold |
Osgood, Mrs. Irving | Smith, Billy Theodore |
I am Marilyn Cole Stephens, now 74 years old, and the daughter of Rev. Homer E. Cole. I started 1st grade in the Mainesburg grade school. My brothers, Ronald and Ramon were both born while we lived in Mainesburg.
My sister and I used to stay with Mary Richmond when our parents were busy and we also knew Bernice Chamberlain quite well.
What a great surprise! I was also so surprised to see that there was a Miss Jennie Lynn Hotchkiss named and now my daughter's last name is Hotchkiss.
I've enjoyed this web site very much. Thank you.
Marilyn Cole Stephens
Fulton, NY