Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
1880 Census Records for  Bradford County PA 
1880 Granville Township Census
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Transcribed for Tri Counties by Carlton Wolfe,
formatted by Linda Zapf Cracraft and  Joyce M. Tice
Photo by Joyce M. Tice
Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 -
Do You Know that you can search just the Census Records on the site by using the three county level Census  buttons in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page

You can further limit your search by choosing the find all words option and entering a year or township name along with your surname. Remember that alternate spellings of surnames WILL affect your search results.

Census records are very often difficult to read because of handwriting, microfilm quality, and spelling issues. Our early census takers were not as well educated as we'd like them to have been, and even the people bearing the names often could not spell them with the same consistency we are accustomed to in this era. The census taker wrote what he believed he heard as well as he could. These have been transcribed for you to the very best or our abilities given the difficulties mentioned. Please be tolerant of what you would consider "mistakes." If you can recognize the names you are looking for, then it is a success. If not, then you may want to find a place where you can view the originals so that you can judge for yourselves. Excessive attention to outmoded spelling issues is the sign of a beginner in family research. Those of you who have been at this a while are well aware of the "spelling errors" in our early records and have learned to take them in your stride. You are also aware of the difficulties our transcribers encounter and will treat those people with the gratitude they deserve rather than criticism.
Granville Township, Bradford County, PA
1880 Census

Households 1 - 25
Granville Center
Households 1-25 Households 26-50 Households 51-75 Households 76-100 Households 101-125 Households 126-150 Households 151-175 Households 176-200 Households 201-225 Households 226-252
D# F# SURNAME FIRST NAME AGE SEX Relationship to Head of House  OCCUPATION BORN Place of Birth Father  Place of Birth Mother 
1 1 Griswould Oscar C. 41 M hus farmer PA PA VT
1 1   Adelia E. 38 F wife housekeeper NY    
1 1   Ray E. 12 M son PA    
1 1   Lana 13 F dau PA    
1 1   Morton 9 M son   PA    
1 1   Harmon 7 M son   PA    
1 1   Harry 3 M son   PA    
2 2 Crayton Hiram 37 M hus farmer NY NY NY
2 2   Hattie 37 F wife housekeeper OH PA Eng
2 2   Herbert E. 15 M son farmer PA    
2 2   Walter M. 12 M son PA    
2 2   Edith  10 F dau PA    
2 2   Harry 6m M son   PA    
3 3 Doyle John 55 M hus farmer Ireld    
3 3   Anna L. 55 F wife housekeeper Ireld Ireld Ireld
3 3   Rose 19 F dau housekeeper Eng    
4 4 Wats Thomas 62 M hus farmer PA PA PA
4 4   Edith  56 F wife housekeeper PA NY NJ
4 4   Wilson 21 M son farmer PA    
4 4   Subie 20 F     PA PA PA
5 5 Bowman Wallace 30 M hus farmer PA PA PA
5 5   Lillie 24 F wife housekeeper PA PA PA
6 6 Smith Daniel 51 M hus farmer PA NY NJ
6 6   Mary 34 F wife housekeeper PA Ireld  
6 6   Katie 11 F dau PA    
6 6   Ella 8 F dau PA    
6 6 Katon Katie 28 F sistr housekeeper PA NJ NY
6 6 ? Walter  21 M   orphan ? PA PA PA
7 7 Woodin Allen 36 M hus farmer PA    
7 7   Elois 37 F wife housekeeper PA PA PA
7 7   Jennie 13 F dau PA    
7 7   Harvey 9 M son PA    
7 7   Hattie 7 F dau PA    
7 7   Billie 4 M son   PA    
8 8 Anderson Israel ? 24 M hus farmer PA NJ NJ
8 8   Florence 19 F wife housekeeper PA NY PA
9 9 Woodin Joseph 60 M hus blacksmith NY NY NY
9 9   Janni 55 F wife housekeeper PA    
9 9   Frank 22 M son farmer PA    
9 9   Emery 21 M son farmer PA    
9 9   Cora 14 F dau PA    
10 10 Aryes Henry 55 M hus farmer PA    
10 10   Mary 48 F wife housekeeper PA PA CT
10 10 Kunzman Gotlib 59 M hus farmer Germ Germ Germ
10 10   Sarah M. 48 F wife housekeeper PA NY NY
10 10   John D. 15 M son farmer PA    
10 10   George 10 M son PA    
10 10   Charles S. 5 M son   PA    
10 10 Smith Estella 15 F   housekeeper PA PA PA
11 11 Smith William D. 68 M hus farmer Germ Germ Germ
11 11   Margaret 64 F wife housekeeper Germ Germ Germ
11 11 Robinson Sophia 32 F dau boarder Germ Germ Germ
11 11 Robinson William  12 M neph farmer PA PA Germ
12 12 Boice Vanraneder 54 M hus farmer NY NY NY
12 12   Lydia 43 F wife housekeeper PA NY NY
12 12   Frederick 14 M son farmer PA    
12 12   Edith  7 F dau PA    
13 13 Williams John 47 M hus farmer NY    
13 13   Elizabeth 46 F wife housekeeper PA NY NY
13 13   Nora 17 F dau boarder PA    
14 14 Spencer Samuel 70 M hus farmer Eng Eng Eng
14 14   Ann  69 F wife housekeeper NY NY NY
14 14   David 19 M son farmer PA    
14 14   Mary 25 F dau housekeeper PA    
14 14   Jacob 17 M son farmer PA    
14 14   Hellen 14 F dau housekeeper PA    
15 15 Saylee Sloin 39 M hus farmer NY NY NY
15 15   Amelia A. 35 F wife housekeeper PA NY NY
15 15   Perry D. 9 M son PA    
15 15   Harry A. 7 M son PA    
15 15   Robert I.  5 M son   PA    
15 15 Fall ? Mary 8 F adop PA PA CT
15 15 Brooks Cilrah 58 F   visiting NY CT NY
16 16 Grist ? Thomas 39 M hus farmer Eng Eng Eng
16 16   Carrie 32 F wife housekeeper Germ Germ Germ
16 16   Burt A. 10 M son PA    
16 16   Laurmer 7 M son PA    
16 16   Lizzie B. 6 F dau PA    
17 17 Burbank Desight ? 28 M hus laborer CT    
17 17   Sarah  29 F wife housekeeper PA Eng NY
17 17   Clarence 5 M son   PA    
17 17   David 8m M son   PA    
18 18 Jenkins Sanasu 35 M hus farmer PA NY NJ
18 18   Lucinda 25 F wife housekeeper PA    
18 18   Emery 8 M son   PA    
18 18   Wellsey 4 M son   PA    
18 18 Johnson William 31 M   farroun PA NY PA
18 18   Lamira 58 F moth housekeeper PA MA NY
18 19 Fairchilds Albert 36 M hus butcher PA PA PA
18 19   Nellie 38 F wife housekeeper PA CT PA
18 19   Johney 3 M son   MI    
18 19   Nannie 1 F dau   MI    
18 20 Swain Joseph 40 M hus farmer Persia PA PA
18 20   Sarah S. 35 F wife housekeeper PA PA PA
18 20   Reyivill ? 10 M son PA    
18 20   Matilda 9 F dau PA    
18 20   Burdy 5 M son   PA    
18 20   Sydney 8 M son   PA    
20 21 Spencer Horace 70 M hus farmer NY NY NY
20 21   Hannah 71 F wife housekeeper NY CT NY
20 21 McKean ? Alvina L. 40 F dau housekeeper NY    
20 21 Spencer Jese L. 13 M neph farmer PA PA PA
20 21   Hester 11 F niec   PA PA PA
21 22 Pratt Theodore 56 M hus farmer MA MA MA
21 22   Erissie 49 F wife housekeeper PA PA PA
21 22   Clyde 8 M neph PA PA PA
22 23 Taylor Milford 24 M hus cooper PA PA PA
22 23   Alice 25 F wife housekeeper NJ NJ PA
22 23   Claire 2 M son   PA    
23 24 Holford James 32 M hus farmer PA PA PA
23 24   Martha 36 F wife housekeeper PA NY PA
23 24   Elma 8 F dau PA    
24 25 M'Keel Sanford 23 M hus plaster mason PA PA  
24 25   Marvel 23 F wife housekeeper PA PA PA
24 25   Hiram B. 6 M son PA    
24 25   Savellon 4 M son   PA    
24 25   Delilah 11m F dau   PA    
24 25   Joseph 80 M gfath blacksmith NY    
25 26 Simpson Volney 35 M hus farmer PA PA  
25 26   Mary 35 F wife housekeeper NY NY NY
25 26   Wilson 12 M son   PA    
25 26   Julia 8 F dau   PA    
25 26   Dillios 5 F dau   PA    
25 26   Charlie 2m M son   PA    
Granville Center
Households 1-25 Households 26-50 Households 51-75 Households 76-100 Households 101-125 Households 126-150 Households 151-175 Households 176-200 Households 201-225 Households 226-252

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 1/30/99
By Joyce M. Tice