Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
1850 Census Records for  Bradford County PA 
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
1850 Wells Township Census
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 Transcribed for Tri Counties by John Hoff III,
formatted by Linda Zapf Cracraft and  Joyce M. Tice
Households 101 - 150
Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 -
Do You Know that you can search just the Census Records on the site by using the three county level Census  buttons in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page

You can further limit your search by choosing the find all words option and entering a year or township name along with your surname. Remember that alternate spellings of surnames WILL affect your search results.

Households 1-50 Households 51-100 Households 101-150 Households 151-182 Index of Households

* Indicates a questionable reading. … Indicates an illegible letter or letters.

Clark Ephraim 28 M Laborer NY 101 379
Clark Lydia 24 F NY 101 379
Clark Elizabeth 5 F NY 101 379
Clark Hiram 3 M PA 101 379
Clark Silas 1 M PA 101 379
Clark Daniel 56 M Laborer NY 102 379
Clark Daniel Jr. 20 M Laborer NY 102 379
Clark James 17 M Laborer NY 102 379
Clark Henry 15 M NY 102 379
Wylie William P. 43 M 1000 Farmer NY 103 379
Wylie Charlotte 37 M NY 103 379
Wylie Ellen 18 F NY 103 379
Wylie Elizabeth 16 F PA 103 379
Wylie Mary E. 14 F PA 103 379
Wylie Margaret M. 12 F PA 103 379
Wylie Peter F. 10 M PA 103 379
Wylie Charlotte 8 F PA 103 379
Wylie William H. 6 M PA 103 379
Wylie Marshall 4 M PA 103 379
Wylie Hoffman S. 2 M PA 103 379
French Wm. 21 M Laborer PA 103 379
Osgood Shubel 46 M 200 Millwright NY 104 379
Osgood Lucinda 45 F NY 104 379
Osgood Sally B. 18 F PA 104 379
Osgood Richard 15 M PA 104 379
Osgood Thomas H. 13 M PA 104 379
Harr Simon 30 M 250 Blacksmith PA 105 379
Harr Arvilla 25 F NY 105 379
Harr William E. 7 M PA 105 379
Harr Mary 5 F PA 105 379
Harr Charles 6m M PA 105 379
Harr Mary 66 F PA 105 379
Harr Jacob 21 M Blacksmith PA 105 379
Lucas Furman 16 M Blacksmith PA 105 379
Miller Andrew J. 29 M 500 Tanner NY 106 379
Miller Mahala 26 F PA 106 379
Miller Philo 7 M PA 106 379
Miller Horace 5 M PA 106 379
Miller Marshall 2 M PA 106 379
Miller Calista 3m F PA 106 379
Clark Charles 15 M PA 106 379
Ferguson Susan 13 F PA 106 380
Hemingway W.W. 29 M Cooper MA 107 380
Hemingway Lorinda 30 F NY 107 380
Hemingway Charles 3 M NY 107 380
Hemingway Mary E. 1 F PA 107 380
Hemingway Mary 10 F NY 107 380
Wing Lorenzo 39 M 600 Farmer NY 108 380
Wing Mary 28 F NY 108 380
Wing Lydia A. 8 F PA 108 380
Wing Edson 6 M PA 108 380
Wing Henry 5 M PA 108 380
Wing Elizabeth 4 F PA 108 380
Wing Maria 3 F PA 108 380
Hughes David W. 34 M Tailor WAL 109 380
Hughes Helen 17 F NY 109 380
Brever Ephraim 28 M 1400 Farmer NY 110 380
Brever Mary 27 F NY 110 380
Brever George 7 M NY 110 380
Brever Ruth 3 F PA 110 380
Bamhurst Merrick 30 M Laborer PA 111 380
Bamhurst Susan 28 F PA 111 380
Bamhurst Samuel 8 M PA 111 380
Bamhurst Miles 6 M PA 111 380
Bamhurst Henry H. 2 M PA 111 380
Wisner John L. 26 M 300 Farmer NY 112 380
Wisner Rebecca 24 F NY 112 380
Wisner Anna 3 F NY 112 380
Decker Phebe 12 F NY 112 380
Rickey Stephen 27 M Farmer NY 112 380
French William 22 M Farmer PA 112 380
Little Thomas 35 M 550 Millwright NY 113 380
Little Nancy 34 F NY 113 380
Little Henry B. 10 M PA 113 380
Peters Juliann 10 F PA 113 380
Little William 33 M Laborer NY 114 380
Little Sally 34 F NY 114 380
Little Robert 9 M NY 114 380
Little William 1 M NY 114 380
Monroe Susan 31 F NY 114 380
Monroe David 3 M NY 114 380
Monroe Hiram 1 M PA 114 380
Knapp L.W. 37 M 200 Farmer NY 115 380
Knapp Martha 32 F NY 115 380
Knapp Frances S. 10 F PA 115 380
Knapp Alice A. 6 F PA 115 380
Knapp Susan C. 3 F PA 115 380
Knapp Nathaniel 23 M WaggonMaker NY 115 380
Grinnell Lorenzo 44 M 2100 Farmer NY 116 380
Grinnell Rhoda 40 F NY 116 380
Grinnell Harrison 10 M PA 116 380
Grinnell Susan 8 F PA 116 380
Grinnell Henry G. 5 M PA 116 380
Grinnell Mary E. 2 F PA 116 380
Crandall John S. 55 M 2000 Farmer NY 117 380
Crandall Betsey 48 F NY 117 380
Crandall Martin T. 21 M NY 117 380
Crandall Burr 18 M PA 117 380
Crandall Hannah J. 15 F PA 117 380
Crandall Albert 12 M PA 117 380
Crandall Seely 10 M PA 117 380
Crandall Amelia 4 F PA 117 380
Crandall Juliann 24 F NY 117 380
Crandall Archibald 17 M PA 117 380
Crandall Emily 6 F PA 117 380
Spickerman George 26 M Carpenter NY 117 380
Mapes Partial 58 M Laborer NY 118 380
Mapes Sally 53 F NY 118 380
Mapes Fanny 20 F PA 118 380
Mapes Lewis 15 M PA 118 380
Mapes Harriet 1 F PA 118 380
Carpenter John 36 M Laborer NY 119 380
Carpenter Sally 34 F VT 119 380
Carpenter Mary 12 F PA 119 380
Carpenter Ellen 11 F PA 119 380
Carpenter Silas 9 M PA 119 380
Carpenter Matilda 7 F PA 119 380
Carpenter Lawrence 5 M PA 119 380
Carpenter Anna 4 F PA 119 380
Carpenter Catharine 1 F PA 119 380
Bly Charles 28 M 500 Laborer NY 120 380
Bly Elizabeth 22 F PA 120 380
Bly James 1 M PA 120 380
Stafford Samuel 32 M Sawyer NY 121 381
Stafford Julia 25 F NY 121 381
Stafford Frances 6 F PA 121 381
Stafford John 3 M PA 121 381
Stafford Alice 2 F PA 121 381
Seeley Benjamin 71 M 1000 Farmer NY 122 381
Seeley Permelia 61 F NY 122 381
Seeley Ellen M. 19 F PA 122 381
Giles Lucius W. 22 M Laborer PA 122 381
Beers Smith 26 M Sawyer NY 123 381
Beers Betsey 32 F NY 123 381
Beers William 6 M PA 123 381
Beers Helen 4 F PA 123 381
Beers Henry 1 M PA 123 381
Ferguson Miner W. 20 M Laborer NY 123 381
Ferguson Amarilla 22 F PA 123 381
Ferguson Elijah 50 M Laborer NY 124 381
Ferguson Betsey 42 F NY 124 381
Ferguson Julia A. 18 F NY 124 381
Ferguson Edward 16 M Laborer NY 124 381
Ferguson Charles 14 M NY 124 381
Ferguson William 12 M NY 124 381
Ferguson Christopher 8 M PA 124 381
Ferguson James 6 M PA 124 381
Beers Charles 29 M 650 Farmer NY 125 381
Beers Ervilla 29 F NY 125 381
Beers Marian 1 F PA 125 381
Beers Henry 64 M NY 125 381
Fickner Wethy 70 F NY 125 381
Wilson James A. 57 M 2500 Farmer IRE 126 381
Wilson Mary 61 F NY 126 381
Wilson Mary J. 19 F NY 126 381
Wilson Humphrey 18 M Farmer NY 126 381
Wilson James 16 M Farmer NY 126 381
Spencer Samuel 35 M Laborer NY 127 381
Spencer Eliza 32 F CT 127 381
Spencer Jeanette 14 F NY 127 381
Spencer Philena 13 F NY 127 381
Spencer John 10 M NY 127 381
Spencer George 9 M NY 127 381
Spencer Mary A. 8 F NY 127 381
Spencer Wallace 5 M PA 127 381
Spencer Huldah 4 F PA 127 381
Spencer Desire 1 F PA 127 381
Stafford Uriah 56 M Laborer CT 128 381
Stafford Desire 45 F NY 128 381
Stafford Jackson 21 M Laborer NY 128 381
Stafford Franklin 17 M Laborer NY 128 381
Stafford Samuel 13 M NY 128 381
Jones Silas 47 M 1000 Farmer VT 129 381
Jones Naoma 24 F PA 129 381
Ingalls W.S. 60 M 6000 Farmer NY 130 381
Ingalls Catharine 56 F NY 130 381
Ingalls Charles S. 24 M Farmer PA 130 381
Ingalls Lucy 17 F PA 130 381
Ingalls Sarah 12 F PA 130 381
Moore John 25 M Laborer PA 130 381
Roberts Hiram D. 22 M 900 Farmer NY 131 381
Roberts Mary A. 21 F PA 131 381
Roberts Elizabeth 1 F PA 131 381
Seeley Strong 64 M 200 Farmer NJ 132 381
Seeley Savery 54 F NY 132 381
Seeley Milicent 25 F PA 132 381
Seeley Rosilla 21 F PA 132 381
Seeley William 18 M PA 132 381
Seeley Hiram 13 M PA 132 381
Seeley Caleb 48 M 400 Farmer NY 133 381
Seeley Mary 44 F NY 133 381
Seeley John 28 M Farmer NY 133 381
Seeley Benj. 26 M Farmer NY 133 381
Seeley William 24 M Farmer NY 133 381
Seeley Julia 22 F NY 133 381
Seeley Fillmore 18 M Farmer NY 133 381
Seeley Robert 12 M PA 133 381
Seeley Alice 9 F PA 133 381
Alvord Highly 49 M Farmer NY 134 381
Alvord Sarah M. 20 F PA 134 381
Alvord Mary 9 F PA 134 381
Alvord Martha 6 F PA 134 381
Edsall Sarah 78 F NY 134 381
Seeley Alexander 45 M Laborer NY 134 381
Seeley Alfred 45 M Laborer NY 135 381
Seeley Rachel 30 F OH 135 382
Seeley Permelia 5 F OH 135 382
Seeley Hiram R. 3 M PA 135 382
Seeley Laura 2m F PA 135 382
Lucas Uriah 45 M 800 Farmer NY 136 382
Lucas Lucy 40 F PA 136 382
Lucas Henry 16 M PA 136 382
Lucas Stephen T. 14 M PA 136 382
Lucas Lucy A. 12 F PA 136 382
Lucas Sarah 10 F PA 136 382
Lucas Catharine 7 F PA 136 382
Lucas Richmond 5 M PA 136 382
Lucas Cordelia 3 F PA 136 382
Lucas Chester 1 M PA 136 382
Wilber Augustus 37 M 4000 Farmer KMA 137 382
Wilber Harriet 35 F MA 137 382
Wilber Harriet A. 18 F NY 137 382
Wilber Augustus W. 8 M PA 137 382
Wilber Tyrphosa 6 F PA 137 382
Wilber Maria F. 4 F PA 137 382
Wilber Alfreda 2 F PA 137 382
Wilber Olive A. 2m F PA 137 382
Whitmarsh Luther 35 M 2200 Farmer NY 138 382
Whitmarsh Caroline 28 F NY 138 382
Whitmarsh Augusta 10 F NY 138 382
Whitmarsh Deloyd 8 M NY 138 382
Perry Philander 25 M 500 Farmer NY 139 382
Perry Eliza 23 F NY 139 382
King Cornelia 44 F NY 139 382
King Phebe 17 F NY 139 382
King James 15 M NY 139 382
King Charles 10 M NY 139 382
King John 8 M PA 139 382
Terwilliger James 42 M 400 Farmer NY 140 382
Terwilliger Louisa 31 F NY 140 382
Terwilliger Mary 15 F PA 140 382
Terwilliger Susan 12 F PA 140 382
Terwilliger Emily 9 F PA 140 382
Terwilliger Edward 8 M PA 140 382
Terwilliger Silas 6 M PA 140 382
Terwilliger Sally 1 F PA 140 382
Rathbone/Rathbun Nehemiah 45 M 1500 Farmer CT 141 382
Rathbone/Rathbun Clarissa J. 46 F VT 141 382
Rathbone/Rathbun Elizabeth 10 F NY 141 382
Rathbone/Rathbun Isaac 6 M NY 141 382
Rathbone/Rathbun William W. 4 M Ny 141 382
Rathbone/Rathbun Henry 68 M Shoemaker CT 141 382
Baker Lewis 25 M 500 Farmer NY 142 382
Baker Abby 24 F NY 142 382
Baker Charity 60 F NY 142 382
Ingalls Benjamin 30 M 800 Farmer PA 143 382
Ingalls Mary A. 30 F PA 143 382
Ingalls James 5 M PA 143 382
Ingalls Sophia 2 F PA 143 382
Odell Silas 66 M 1000 Farmer NY 144 382
Odell Mary 65 F NY 144 382
Odell Hannah 44 F NY 144 382
Odell Priscilla 24 F NY 144 382
Odell Silas J. 22 M NY 144 382
Odell Catharine 19 F NY 144 382
Lawrence Thomas D. 14 M PA 144 382
Lawrence Silas O. 12 M PA 144 382
Crowfoot Elizabeth 76 F NY 144 382
Burnham Joseph P. 31 M PA 144 382
Burnham Matilda 28 F NY 144 382
Holdridge Daniel 47 M 1400 Farmer NY 145 382
Holdridge Azuba 40 F NY 145 382
Holdridge Angeline 13 F PA 145 382
Holdridge Edgar 2m M PA 145 382
Beckworth R.R. 50 M 1000 Farmer CT 146 382
Beckworth Elizabeth 35 F NY 146 382
Beckworth William 22 M NY 146 382
Beckworth Abagail 14 F NY 146 382
Beckworth David 11 M NY 146 382
Beckworth Zemanda 9 F NY 146 382
Rowley Shubel 45 M 1200 Farmer NY 147 382
Rowley Caroline 40 F NY 147 382
Rowley Sarah E. 10 F PA 147 382
Brink J.H. 36 M 1975 Farmer NJ 148 382
Brink Elizabeth 29 F NJ 148 382
Brink Alfred 10 M NJ 148 382
Brink Francis 8 M NJ 148 382
Brink Charles 7 M NJ 148 383
Brink Harrison 2 M NJ 148 383
McCanon Abram 22 M Laborer NJ 148 383
Rodney Adam 20 M Laborer NJ 148 383
Rowley John 30 M 800 Farmer PA 149 383
Rowley Harriet 26 F PA 149 383
Rowley Sarah S. 5 F PA 149 383
Rowley Rosanna 3 F PA 149 383
Burnham James 12 M PA 149 383
Osgood George M. 36 M 500 Farmer PA 150 383
Osgood Mary 36 F NY 150 383
Osgood Ammon 16 M PA 150 383
Osgood Alvah 8 M PA 150 383
Households 1-50 Households 51-100 Households 101-150 Households 151-182 Index of Households

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 9/15/99
By Joyce M. Tice