Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
1850 Census Records for  Bradford County PA 
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
1850 Wells Township Census
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Say Hello to Joyce 
 Transcribed for Tri Counties by John Hoff III,
formatted by Linda Zapf Cracraft and  Joyce M. Tice
Households 51 - 100
Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 -
Do You Know that you can search just the Census Records on the site by using the three county level Census  buttons in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page

You can further limit your search by choosing the find all words option and entering a year or township name along with your surname. Remember that alternate spellings of surnames WILL affect your search results.

Households 1-50 Households 51-100 Households 101-150 Households 151-182 Index of Households

* Indicates a questionable reading. … Indicates an illegible letter or letters.

Ayres John A. 50 M 5000 Farmer NJ 51 375
Ayres Catharina 44 F NJ 51 375
Ayres Allen W. 19 M Farmer NJ 51 375
Ayres Amanda 17 F NJ 51 375
Ayres Nancy M. 15 F NJ 51 375
Ayres Ira 13 M NJ 51 375
Ayres Priscilla 10 F NJ 51 375
Ayres Rosella 10 F NJ 51 375
Ayres Elizabeth 6 F PA 51 375
Adams Levi F. 61 M 2500 Farmer CT 52 375
Adams Huldah 59 F NY 52 375
Adams Sarah 29 F NY 52 375
Adams Julia 15 F PA 52 375
Adams Robert 17 M PA 52 375
Adams Caroline 13 F PA 52 375
Adams Marcy 11 F PA 52 375
Scofield Jason 24 M Laborer NJ 53 375
Scofield Mary 20 F NY 53 375
Scofield Alonzo J. 2 M PA 53 375
Searles John 52 M Carpenter PA 53 375
Moore Theopalas* 30 M 3000 Farmer PA 54 375
Moore Jemima 30 F NY 54 375
Moore Lucius 3m M PA 54 375
Carr Ruth 24 F NY 54 375
Sturdivant Joseph Jr. 28 M 400 Farmer NY 55 376
Sturdivant Hannah 23 F NY 55 376
Sturdivant Catharine 1m F PA 55 376
Sturdivant Joseph 60 M 1400 Farmer NY 56 376
Sturdivant Margaret 67 F NY 56 376
Amy Lawrence 40 M 1200 Farmer NY 57 376
Amy Eliza 38 F NY 57 376
Amy Lavina 17 F PA 57 376
Amy George 14 M PA 57 376
Amy Jerome 12 M PA 57 376
Amy Julius 10 M PA 57 376
Amy Caroline 10 F PA 57 376
Amy William J. 7 M PA 57 376
Amy Sarah 4 F PA 57 376
Amy Ann A. 2 F PA 57 376
Adams Oliver 26 M Laborer NY 58 376
Adams Lucy 23 F NY 58 376
Adams Uriah 2 M PA 58 376
Adams William H. 1 M PA 58 376
Strong James P. 24 M 2500 Farmer PA 59 376
Strong Christiana 21 F NY 59 376
McMack Patrick  14 M IRE 59 376
Strong John 63 M 10000 Farmer NY 60 376
Strong Ann 55 F NY 60 376
Strong Belding 21 M Farmer PA 60 376
Strong Thomas 18 M Farmer PA 60 376
Strong George 16 M Farmer PA 60 376
Strong Mary Ann 12 F PA 60 376
Garrison Eunice 41 F NY 60 376
Borum William 17 M Laborer PA 60 376
Strong Mary E. 4 F PA 60 376
Strong Daniel 35 M 5000 Farmer NY 61 376
Strong Lucretia 28 F NY 61 376
Strong John 12 M PA 61 376
Strong Andrew 8 M PA 61 376
Strong Clarrissa 6 F PA 61 376
Strong George 3 M PA 61 376
Strong Joseph 2m M PA 61 376
Burnside Hannah 15 F PA 61 376
Hines George 55 M CT 62 376
Hines Abagail 46 F NY 62 376
Ferguson Charles H. 41 M 2000 Farmer NY 63 376
Ferguson Almira 41 F NY 63 376
Ferguson Hiram 21 M NY 63 376
Ferguson David N. 15 M NY 63 376
Ferguson Minerva 11 F PA 63 376
Ferguson George w. 9 M PA 63 376
Ferguson Rachel 8 F PA 63 376
Ferguson Elizabeth 5 F PA 63 376
Ferguson Francis A. 2 F PA 63 376
Ferguson William 63 M Laborer NY 63 376
Davey Sylvester 31 M 1500 Farmer NY 64 376
Davey Fanny 29 F NY 64 376
Davey Atwood 8 M PA 64 376
Davey Hannah 4 F PA 64 376
Davey Sarah A. 1m F PA 64 376
Davidson Ann 20 F PA 64 376
Davey John 62 M Laborer NY 65 376
Davey Susan 62 F NY 65 376
Davey Norman 33 M Farmer NY 66 376
Davey Jeanette 32 F NY 66 376
Davey Sylvester 9 M PA 66 376
Davey Augustus 7 M PA 66 376
Davey Wisner 5 M PA 66 376
Davey Mary E. 3 F PA 66 376
Scofield Samuel Jr. 34 M 3400 Farmer NJ 67 376
Scofield Temperance 29 F NJ 67 376
Scofield Wm. H. 8 M NJ 67 376
Scofield Lydia A. 6 F NJ 67 376
Scofield John J. 4 M NJ 67 376
Scofield Martha J. 2 F NJ 67 376
Scofield Samuel 60 M Laborer NJ 67 376
Smith Orr 41 M 3500 Farmer NY 68 376
Smith Huldah 32 F NY 68 376
Smith Milicent 10 F PA 68 376
Smith Harmon 5 M PA 68 376
Smith Horace 3 M PA 68 376
Hickok Catharine 15 F NY 68 376
McHorter Robert 12 M Laborer NY 68 376
French C.B. 46 M 2500 Farmer vT 69 376
French Emma 43 F NY 69 376
French Julia 20 F PA 69 376
French Henry 17 M Farmer PA 69 377
French Salmon 15 M PA 69 377
French Peter 13 M PA 69 377
French Harriet 10 F PA 69 377
French George 4 M PA 69 377
Seely Lewis 28 M 1600 Farmer PA 70 377
Seely Mary 18 F NY 70 377
Capron Mary 50 F NY 70 377
Mitchell William 22 M 1000 Farmer NY 71 377
Mitchell James 21 M Farmer NY 71 377
Collin Dorcas 84 F NY 71 377
Mitchell Rachel 52 F NY 71 377
Mitchell Elizabeth 18 F NY 71 377
Mitchell George 24 M NY 71 377
Williams James 28 M Farmer NY 72 377
Williams Permelia 28 F NY 72 377
Williams Stella J. 5 F NY 72 377
Williams Charles 3 M NY 72 377
Williams Ann E. 8m F PA 72 377
Judson Albert 27 M 900 Farmer PA 73 377
Judson Betsey 28 F PA 73 377
Garretson Lucy 16 F PA 73 377
Clark Ephraim Jr. 26 M Laborer PA 73 377
Shepard George 38 M Gentleman NY 74 377
Shepard Charlotte 25 F PA 74 377
Shepard William E. 9m M PA 74 377
Griswold David 63 M 3000 Farmer PA 75 377
Griswold Fanny 58 F NY 75 377
Myers Miles 19 M Farmer NY 75 377
Hatfield Elizabeth 15 F NY 75 377
Bly Almira 17 F NY 75 377
Smith John C. 8 M NY 75 377
Smith William 35 M Laborer PA 76 377
Smith John 24 M Laborer PA 76 377
Smith Mary 86* F PA 76 377
Rhoades F.S. 38 M 700 Physician NY 77 377
Rhoades Martha 34 F NY 77 377
Rhoades William P. 9 M NY 77 377
Sanderson Almira R. 35 F MA 77 377
Sanderson Lorana 36 F MA 77 377
Copley L. 44 M 2800 Farmer NY 78 377
Copley Sally 38 F CT 78 377
Copley Enoch 18 M Farmer NY 78 377
Copley Gilbert 11 M NY 78 377
Copley Mary A. 14 F NY 78 377
Copley Franklin 7 M NY 78 377
Copley Sarah J. 2 F NY 78 377
Copley Nancy 30 F NY 78 377
Walker Hela 25 M NH 78 377
Johnson Alex 52 M Laborer PA 79 377
Johnson Harriet 44 F NY 79 377
Johnson Olive 24 F PA 79 377
Johnson Rachel 22 F PA 79 377
Johnson Matilda 20 F PA 79 377
Johnson Joanna 18 F PA 79 377
Johnson William 15 M PA 79 377
Johnson Sarah 12 F PA 79 377
Johnson Daniel 10 M PA 79 377
Johnson Alex 8 M PA 79 377
Johnson George G. 5 M PA 79 377
Beers J.H. 35 M PA 80 377
Beers Maria 35 F 600 Farmer NY 80 377
Beers Uriah 9 M NY 80 377
Beers Schuyler 7 M PA 80 377
Beers Grey 5 M PA 80 377
Beers Joseph 4 M PA 80 377
Beers Adelpha 2 F PA 80 377
Hope William 30 M Laborer NY 80 377
Beers Mary Ann 24 F PA 80 377
Sayre David M. 48 M 400 Farmer NY 81 377
Sayre Polly 46 F NY 81 377
Sayre Whittington 21 M Farmer NY 81 377
Sayre Elias 17 M Farmer NY 81 377
Sayre Betsey A. 15 F NY 81 377
Sayre Harriet 8 F PA 81 377
Sayre Nelson 7 M PA 81 377
Helme/Holme* Floyd S. 35 M 3000 Farmer NY 82 377
Helme/Holme* Betsey C. 33 F NY 82 377
Helme/Holme* Samuel 8 M NY 82 377
Helme/Holme* Jane 5 F NY 82 377
Helme/Holme* Finley 2 M PA 82 377
Helme/Holme* Rosa 1m F PA 82 377
Corzett/Corsett Joseph 20* M 400 Inn Keeper NY 83 378
Corzett/Corsett Sarah 19 F NY 83 378
Cowles Gordon 25 M Lumberman NY 83 378
Cowles David 22 M Lumberman NY 83 378
Morse Jacoson 17 M Lumberman NY 83 378
Clemens John 24 M Lumberman NY 83 378
Barrett George 18 M Lumberman NY 83 378
Johnson Matilda 19 F NY 83 378
Riggs Joseph L.* 41 M P. Clergyman NJ 84 378
Riggs Elizabeth 29 F NJ 84 378
Riggs Edward H. 5 M PA 84 378
Riggs William C. 3 M PA 84 378
Riggs Margaret 67 F NY 84 378
Evans Huldah 14 F NY 84 378
Roosa Egbert 55 M 1450 P. Clergyman NY 85 378
Roosa Catherine 51 F MA 85 378
Roosa John L. 14 M PA 85 378
Abbey Caroline 18 F NY 85 378
Rutan Joseph B. 49 M 1350 Farmer NY 86 378
Rutan Hannah 45 F NY 86 378
Rutan William 26 M Farmer NY 86 378
Rutan Matthew 22 M Farmer NY 86 378
Rutan Levi 20 M Farmer NY 86 378
Howe Joseph 10 M NY 86 378
Whiting Ira L. 26 M Laborer PA 87 378
Whiting Catharine 24 F PA 87 378
Millard Polly 18 F PA 87 378
Fleming John 22 M Blacksmith NY 88 378
Fleming Maria J. 20 F NY 88 378
Fleming Wallis 6 M NY 88 378
Fleming Cecelia 4m F PA 88 378
Fleming Polly 46 F NY 88 378
Hudson Sylvanus 35 M 1500 Farmer VT 89 378
Hudson Jane 32 F OH 89 378
Hudson Harriet M. 13 F VT 89 378
Hudson Joel S. 8 M PA 89 378
Hudson George H. 6 M PA 89 378
Hudson William 4 M PA 89 378
Hudson Elsie A. 1 F PA 89 378
Minier Abram 40 M 2000 Farmer NY 90 378
Minier Lovesa 40 F NY 90 378
Minier Sarah 18 F NY 90 378
Minier Helen A. 13 F PA 90 378
Minier Lorinda 11 F PA 90 378
Minier William 9 M PA 90 378
Minier George C. 8 M PA 90 378
Minier Mary E. 6 F PA 90 378
Minier Martha 5 F PA 90 378
Minier Catharine 2 F PA 90 378
Minier Harriet 8m F PA 90 378
Vaughn Herman 18 M PA 90 378
Webb F.A. Jr. 36 M 2500 Farmer NY 91 378
Webb Sarah J. 36 F NY 91 378
Webb Moses 13 M NY 91 378
Webb Festus 11 M NY 91 378
Webb Mary 8 F NY 91 378
Thomas Hannah 20 F NY 91 378
Roy John A. 31 M NY 92 378
Roy Hannah 30 F NY 92 378
Roy James 6 M NY 92 378
Roy Charles 2 M PA 92 378
Roy Alexander 55 M NY 92 378
Jones Lewis 14 M NY 92 378
Higgins James 22 M Laborer IRE 92 378
McCullen Mary 16 F NJ 92 378
Brownell John 46 M 7000 Farmer NY 93 378
Brownell Mary A. 43 F NY 93 378
Brownell Sarah M. 17 F NY 93 378
Brownell Mary Ann 9 F PA 93 378
Brownell Lucretia C. 7 F PA 93 378
Brownell Catharine 5 F PA 93 378
Brownell Helen 2 F PA 93 378
Scofield Jehial 34 M Laborer NJ 94 378
Scofield Jane 28 F NJ 94 378
Scofield Charles 2 M PA 94 378
Scofield John 18 M NJ 94 378
Scofield Elma 16 F NJ 94 378
Carr Moses J. 47 M 1420 Farmer NY 95 378
Carr Jane 43 F NJ 95 378
Carr Thomas 14 M NY 95 378
Carr Sarah 13 F NY 95 378
Carr Jaline 10 M PA 95 378
Carr Margaret 9 F PA 95 379
Carr Harrison 7 M PA 95 379
Carr James 5 M PA 95 379
Carr Mary J. 3 F PA 95 379
Carr Catharine 1 F PA 95 379
Coyle/Cugle/Cagle Noble 28 M Sawyer NY 96 379
Coyle/Cugle/Cagle Sally M. 24 F PA 96 379
Coyle/Cugle/Cagle James H. 2 M PA 96 379
Cummings Caleb W. 7 M PA 96 379
Spigerman George  25 M Carpenter NY 96 379
Spencer Bethuel 33 M Constable NY 97 379
Spencer Lorinda 32 F NY 97 379
Spencer Laura A. 10 F NY 97 379
Spencer Angeline 8 F NY 97 379
Spencer Henry A. 6 M NY 97 379
Spencer Ruth 3 F NY 97 379
Moshier Umphrey 52 M 2400 Farmer NY 98 379
Moshier Abagail 53 F NY 98 379
Moshier Eliza 30 F NY 98 379
Moshier Catharine 26 F NY 98 379
Moshier Sally C. 24 F NY 98 379
Moshier Wilber 22 M Sawyer NY 98 379
Moshier Abagail 20 F NY 98 379
Moshier Lydia A. 18 F NY 98 379
Moshier Susan 16 F PA 98 379
Moshier Umphrey Jr. 14 M PA 98 379
Moshier Frederick 12 M PA 98 379
Osgood James J. 48 M 2500 Farmer NY 99 379
Osgood Jane 49 F NY 99 379
Capron Jane 21 F PA 99 379
Hatfield William 21 M NY 99 379
Williams Arthur 15 M NY 99 379
Taylor James P. 32 M Merchant NY 99 379
French Lyman 32 M Farmer VT 99 379
Delap Hiram 45 M 300 Laborer NY 100 379
Delap Caroline 36 F NY 100 379
Delap Ephraim 16 M Laborer NY 100 379
Delap Harris 8 M NY 100 379
Delap James 6 M NY 100 379
Delap Geroge 4 M PA 100 379
Delap Martha J. 2 F PA 100 379
Households 1-50 Households 51-100 Households 101-150 Households 151-182 Index of Households

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 9/15/99
By Joyce M. Tice