Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
1850 Census Records for  Bradford County PA 
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
1850 Troy Township Census
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Postcard at left dated 1908
 Transcribed for Tri Counties by John Hoff III,
formatted by Linda Zapf Cracraft and  Joyce M. Tice
Household Index
Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 -
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Households 1-50 Households 51-100 Households 101-150 Households 151-200 Households 201-245 Index of Households Troy Borough

* Indicates a questionable reading. … Indicates an illegible letter or letters.
Index to the 1850 Census of Troy Twp., Bradford Co., PA (Exclusive of Troy Boro)

Adams 138
Aldin 218
Allen 145 239
Allen* 239
Alvord 99 100 102
Andrus 191
Armstrong 2
Avery 66
Ayers 127 169 220 238
Bache* 136
Baird 140
Baker 5 133 150
Baldwin 129 141
Ballard 214
Barber* 150
Barrett 236 237
Barto 144
Battison 58
Baxter 5 211 228 229 230
Beach 107 197 200 201
Beardslee 223
Beardsley 187
Benjamin 190
Berry 114 207
Betts 113
Bille 130
Bishop 186 195
Blake 114
Bosworth 116
Boyce 212 213 222
Brink 171
Buckhart 130
Burrows 152
Burt 15
Bush 113
Calkins 191 140
Case 13 19 27 60 81 87 88
Case 89 90 92 93 94 98 131
Case 158 174 211 220 221
Chapman 99
Chase 104
Chilson 154
Christ 113
Claflin 205
Clark 83 108
Clayson 157
Clifton 75
Cobb 134
Colony 142
Conklin 148
Couse 10
Crandall 55 240
Crans 123
Darrow 196
Davis 49 50
Decker 107
DeForrest 117
DeWitt 190 192
DeWitt* 110
Dillon 115
Dobbins 90 222
Doblerty* 18
Downs 57
Dunbar 36 155 167
Dwyer 233
Edsall 172
Eldridge 130
Elliott 145
Evarts 4 185
Falkner 111
Farmer 182
Farnsworth 215
Ferguson 157
Ferris 198
Finch 193
Fish 146
Fitch 244
Foster 135
Freelove 37 41
Freeman 3 4
Fuller 78
Furman 53
Garabraut 84
Garabrout 80 84
Gifford 61
Gilkey 235
Godard 67
Gould 47
Graves 88
Greeno 180
Greno 39 156 181
Griffin 240
Grohs 140
Gustin 62 222
Guthrie 217
Hacket 1 80
Haights 137
Halladay 234
Hammon 145
Hamonway 141
Hart 41
Havens 233
Haxton 244
Hebard 120
Hickok 96 173
Hornbeck 161 166
Horton 231
Hosley 195
Hoyt 9
Hunt 126
Jackson 91 109 124
Jennings 16
Johnson 174 176 244
Kelley 203
Kellum 145
Kelsey 185
Kettle 166
Keyes 21 25
Kingsley 38
Kinyon 137
Kitchen 78
Kitchin 240
Knights 14 22 76
Knox 218
Lament 112
Lenderman 85
Lenderman* 65
Leonard 45 71 186 194 195 244
Lewis 13
Long 240
Loomis 188 207 208
Love 245
Low 11
Lucas 132
Manley 6 7 10
Mann* 54
Marsh 52
Mason 49
Mastin 118
Mather 154
Maynard 121 122
Mc..nght* 145
McAllister 219 235
McCarthy 140
McClellan 139
McIntosh 10 21
McKean 116 242
Meeker 148 149
Meritt 131
Merrit 28
Miller 113
Mitchel 177 178
Monroe 121
Moore 31
Morgan 30
Morley 5
Morse 64 80 157
Moulton 210
Murray 26 134 157 162
Newell 151
Olds 216
Oliver 163
Palmer 93
Parke 186 187
Parker 35 223
Parsons 115 125
Patrick 198 199 201
Patterson 72
Peters 42 43
Philips 79
Pierce 40 86 103 123
Pomeroy 71 232
Porter 53 241
Potter 224
Pratt 202 206
Preston 105 127 128 129 176
Pulsipher 230
Purple 176
Randall 29 78
Redington 113
Richards 232
Richmond 23
Riddle 51
Robbins 167
Robinson 45 71
Rocksell 153
Rockwell 100 147 151 153 222
Roe 225
Rorabaugh 48
Ruggles 61 106
Ryan 140
Sadler 227
Savage 196
Scot 168
Scott 230
Seaman 44
Seeley 54
Sellard 227
Shattuck 119
Sheldon 91 99
Shepard 46 47
Shepherd 145
Sherwood 143
Silvernail 239
Simpkins 80
Sims 97
Slocum 183
Smead 31 70 80 221
Smith 2 41 87
Smith* 160
Spalding 63 69 70 78
Spear 191
Stevens 8 161 209
Stiles 179 182 206
Strait 95 108 124
Taylor 12 18 116 227 243
Tears 99
Thomas 9 13 17
Tiers 101
Todd 143
Tracy 116
Upham 189
Vanhorn 164 165 170
Verbeck 204
Walton 59
Ward 174 175 183 184 185
Webber 104
Welch 3
Wheeler 32 33 34 159 170
White 13
Wilber 114 135
Williams 10 20 24 25 56 57 58
Williams 61 63 65 73 74 77 81
Williams 82 90 127 160 172 226
Wood 62
Households 1-50 Households 51-100 Households 101-150 Households 151-200 Households 201-245 Index of Households Troy Borough

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 9/15/99
By Joyce M. Tice