Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
1850 Census Records for  Bradford County PA 
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
1850 Troy Township Census
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Postcard at left dated 1908
 Transcribed for Tri Counties by John Hoff III,
formatted by Linda Zapf Cracraft and  Joyce M. Tice
Households 201 - 245
Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 -
Do You Know that you can search just the Census Records on the site by using the three county level Census  buttons in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page

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Households 1-50 Households 51-100 Households 101-150 Households 151-200 Households 201-245 Index of Households Troy Borough

* Indicates a questionable reading. … Indicates an illegible letter or letters.

Beach Benjamin 32 M Farmer PA 201 286
Beach Susan 34 F PA 201 286
Beach Charles 1 M PA 201 286
Patrick Nathaniel 17 M Laborer PA 201 286
Pratt Beriah 6 M 2500 Farmer MA 202 287
Pratt Simmons 35 M Farmer PA 202 287
Pratt Merinda 17 F PA 202 287
Pratt James P. 23 M Farmer PA 202 287
Kelley James 60 M Laborer NY 203 287
Kelley Ruth 54 F NY 203 287
Verbeck Wm. 45 M 450 Carpenter NY 204 287
Verbeck Lucretia 44 F NY 204 287
Verbeck Almira 22 F NY 204 287
Verbeck Margena* 16 F NY 204 287
Verbeck Uri 13 M NY 204 287
Verbeck Arlett 10 F NY 204 287
Verbeck E;o 8 M NY 204 287
Claflin Robert 40 M Farmer PA 205 287
Claflin Fanny 36 F PA 205 287
Claflin James 24 M PA 205 287
Claflin Amanda 22 F PA 205 287
Claflin Clarissa 21 F PA 205 287
Claflin Abner 20 M Farmer PA 205 287
Claflin Ellen 17 F PA 205 287
Claflin Richard 13 M PA 205 287
Stiles S.H. 33 M Farmer NY 206 287
Stiles Rebecca 32 F PA 206 287
Stiles Stephen 6 M PA 206 287
Stiles Sarah 1 F PA 206 287
Pratt Alonzo 35 M 1600 Farmer PA 206 287
Loomis Alvin 47 M 2000 Farmer PA 207 287
Loomis Minerva 41 F NY 207 287
Loomis Ladorna 10 F PA 207 287
Loomis Augusta 6 F PA 207 287
Loomis Luther T. 32 M 800 Farmer PA 207 287
Berry Ephraim 18 M Laborer PA 207 287
Loomis Eley 46 M 600 Farmer PA 208 287
Loomis Lydia 45 F VT 208 287
Loomis Edwin 21 M Farmer PA 208 287
Loomis Charlott 19 F PA 208 287
Loomis Martha 18 F PA 208 287
Loomis Elnora 16 F PA 208 287
Loomis Orrin 13 M PA 208 287
Loomis George 8 M PA 208 287
Stevens B.H. 45 M 3000 Farmer NY 209 287
Stevens Lucy 40 F VT 209 287
Stevens Laura 10 F PA 209 287
Stevens Norton 7 M PA 209 287
Stevens Emma 6 F PA 209 287
Stevens Harriet 6m F PA 209 287
Moulton O.T. 30 M Clergyman PA 210 287
Moulton Julia 24 F NY 210 287
Baxter Smith 40 M 1000 Farmer NY 211 287
Baxter Ann 39 F NY 211 287
Baxter Matthew 11 M NY 211 287
Baxter Putnam 7 M PA 211 287
Baxter Gideon 5 M PA 211 287
Baxter Emeline 3 F PA 211 287
Case Benj. 38 M Laborer PA 211 287
Boyce Jonathan 44 M 2500 Farmer NY 212 287
Boyce Rachael 44 F NY 212 287
Boyce Wm. R. 23 M Farmer NY 212 287
Boyce John 21 M Farmer PA 212 287
Boyce Charles 16 M PA 212 287
Boyce Melissa 13 F PA 212 287
Boyce Rebecca 9 F PA 212 287
Boyce Abagail 7 F PA 212 287
Boyce Joseph 5 M PA 212 287
Boyce George W. 2 M PA 212 287
Boyce David 48 M Farmer NY 213 287
Boyce Nancy 40 F NY 213 287
Boyce Hiram 19 M PA 213 287
Boyce Francina 17 F PA 213 287
Boyce James 14 M PA 213 287
Boyce Elizabeth 7 F PA 213 287
Boyce Edwin 5 M PA 213 287
Boyce Joseph 2 M PA 213 287
Boyce Abagail 71 F 1500 PA 213 287
Ballard Ira P. 50 M 4000 Farmer PA 214 287
Ballard Fanny 44 F NY 214 287
Ballard Marvin 23 F NY 214 287
Ballard Mansfield 20 M Farmer PA 214 287
Ballard Susan 18 F PA 214 287
Ballard George 17 M PA 214 287
Ballard Mary 15 F PA 214 287
Ballard Louisa 13 F PA 214 287
Ballard Walter 11 M PA 214 288
Ballard Hannah 9 F PA 214 288
Ballard Robert 7 M PA 214 288
Farnsworth Eliza 64 F PA 215 288
Farnsworth Austin 40 M 400 Farmer PA 215 288
Olds Henry 24 M 300 Farmer MA 216 288
Olds Thankful 22 F PA 216 288
Olds Emma 2 F PA 216 288
Guthrie W.S. 29 M 1500 Farmer NY 217 288
Guthrie Emily 19 F NY 217 288
Guthrie Chauncy 4m M PA 217 288
Aldin Samuel 57 M 8000 Farmer NY 218 288
Aldin Merinda 54 F NY 218 288
Knox Charles 14 M PA 218 288
Knox Margaret 12 F PA 218 288
McAllister James 37 M Laborer NY 219 288
McAllister Betsey 34 F NY 219 288
McAllister Helen 12 F PA 219 288
McAllister Artis 10 M PA 219 288
McAllister Hathaway 9 M PA 219 288
McAllister David 7 M PA 219 288
Case Andrew 29 M 200 Blacksmith PA 220 288
Case Lucy 28 F PA 220 288
Ayers Phoebe 14 F PA 220 288
Case Aaron 28 M 300 Blacksmith PA 221 288
Case Martha 27 F NJ 221 288
Case Emma 3 F PA 221 288
Case Eustice 1 M PA 221 288
Smead Reuben 64 M Shoemaker VT 221 288
Dobbins Daniel 34 M 3000 Blacksmith PA 222 288
Dobbins Mirioma* 29 F PA 222 288
Dobbins Lydia S. 6 F PA 222 288
Dobbins Mary F. 4 F PA 222 288
Dobbins Horace Greeley 1 M PA 222 288
McKean J.R. 20 M Blacksmith PA 222 288
Rockwell Eli 20 M PA 222 288
Boyce Amanda 16 F PA 222 288
Gustin Anson 23 M Blacksmith NJ 222 288
Beardslee Chas. 46 M 100 WaggonMkr NY 223 288
Beardslee Elizabeth 43 F NJ 223 288
Beardslee Isaac 17 M WaggonMkr NY 223 288
Beardslee Matilda 11 F PA 223 288
Beardslee Fanny 9 F PA 223 288
Beardslee Catharine 6 F PA 223 288
Beardslee William 4 M PA 223 288
Parker Jane 18 F NY 223 288
Potter Alpheus 37 M 1000 Farmer PA 224 288
Potter Jane 35 F PA 224 288
Potter Cynthia 13 F PA 224 288
Potter Fanny 11 F PA 224 288
Potter Daniel 5 M PA 224 288
Roe Timothy 46 M 2500 Farmer NJ 225 288
Roe Elizabeth 46 F NJ 225 288
Roe Maria 25 F NJ 225 288
Roe Phoebe 21 F NJ 225 288
Roe George 19 M Farmer NJ 225 288
Roe Jacpb 17 M Farmer PA 225 288
Roe Sarah 10 F PA 225 288
Roe Levi 6 M PA 225 288
Roe Ann 4 F PA 225 288
Williams John 54 M 1600 Farmer ENG 226 288
Williams Souisa 42 F VT 226 288
Williams Baron J. 20 M Farmer VT 226 288
Williams Clarence 18 M Farmer VT 226 288
Williams Mary 16 F PA 226 288
Williams Sarah 14 F PA 226 288
Williams Alfred 11 M PA 226 288
Williams Harriet 7 F PA 226 288
Williams Lucy 4 F PA 226 288
Sadler John 40 M 3000 Farmer ENG 227 288
Sadler Sarah 30 F PA 227 288
Sadler Elizabeth 8 F PA 227 288
Sadler William 7 M PA 227 288
Sadler John 2 M PA 227 288
Sadler Robert 1m M PA 227 288
Taylor Ephraim 20 M Farmer NY 227 288
Sellard Mary A. 16 F PA 227 288
Baxter Rhoda 67 F 700 NY 228 288
Baxter Absolom 40 M 2000 Farmer NY 228 288
Baxter Elvina* 25 F PA 228 288
Baxter Almira 22 F PA 228 288
Baxter Putnam 36 M 600 Farmer PA 229 288
Baxter Phoebe 26 F PA 230 289
Scott William 52 M 600 Farmer NY 230 289
Scott Sebe 53 F PA 230 289
Scott Adella 23 F NY 230 289
Scott Truman 11 M PA 230 289
Pulsipher George 16 M Laborer NY 230 289
Horton William 35 M Laborer RI 231 289
Horton Caroline 25 F PA 231 289
Horton Martha 5 F PA 231 289
Horton Mary 3 F PA 231 289
Horton Harriet 2 F PA 231 289
Horton Burt 1 M PA 231 289
Pomeroy Ebenezer 56 M 5000 Farmer CT 232 289
Pomeroy Laura 54 F CT 232 289
Pomeroy Edwin 28 M PA 232 289
Pomeroy Chanuncy 20 M PA 232 289
Pomeroy Sybil 17 F PA 232 289
Pomeroy Mary 16 F PA 232 289
Pomeroy Francis 13 F PA 232 289
Pomeroy Charles 11 M PA 232 289
Richards Margaret 28 F VT 232 289
Richards Ellen 4 F NY 232 289
Dwyer W.H.H. 36 M Clergyman VT 233 289
Dwyer Amy 29 F PA 233 289
Dwyer Howard M. 8 M PA 233 289
Dwyer Elizabeth 5 F PA 233 289
Dwyer Ransom 3 M PA 233 289
Dwyer Freemont 1 M PA 233 289
Havens John * 23 M Student PA 233 289
Halladay Peter W. 50 M Clothier NY 234 289
Halladay Phoebe 47 F PA 234 289
Halladay Sarah 18 F NY 234 289
Halladay Carodon 15 M NY 234 289
Halladay Caroline 14 F NY 234 289
Halladay John 12 M NY 234 289
Halladay Wm. W. 10 M NY 234 289
Halladay Phoebe 8 F PA 234 289
Halladay Mary 5 F PA 234 289
McAllister Chauncey 43 M Carpenter NY 235 289
McAllister Sophia 33 F PA 235 289
McAllister Francis 7 F PA 235 289
McAllister Allice 5 F PA 235 289
McAllister Willis 1 M PA 235 289
Gilkey Edward 28 M Laborer VT 235 289
Gilkey Lovina 24 F PA 235 289
Gilkey Sarah 2 F PA 235 289
Barrett Lewis 38 M 25 Farmer NY 236 289
Barrett Mary 27 F NY 236 289
Barrett Milissa 10 F PA 236 289
Barrett Elizabeth 8 F PA 236 289
Barrett Lewis 7 M PA 236 289
Barrett Thos. 5 M PA 236 289
Barrett Martha 2 F PA 236 289
Barrett Caleb 52 M 150 Farmer NY 237 289
Barrett Susan A. 49 F NY 237 289
Barrett Levi 23 M Farmer NY 237 289
Barrett Dennison 21 M Farmer NY 237 289
Ayers Moses 40 M Laborer NY 238 289
Ayers Rachael 40 F VT 238 289
Ayers Clinton 10 M PA 238 289
Ayers Madison 12 F PA 238 289
Ayers Philander 9 M PA 238 289
Ayers Lorenzo 8 M PA 238 289
Ayers Robert 4 M PA 238 289
Silvernail Nicholas 50 M 300 Farmer NY 239 289
Silvernail Maria 47 F NY 239 289
Allen* Harriet 22 F NY 239 289
Silvernail Abram 20 M Farmer NY 239 289
Silvernail Barnet* 18 M Farmer NY 239 289
Silvernail Sabrina 13 F PA 239 289
Silvernail Calvin 7 M PA 239 289
Allen Eugene 3m M PA 239 289
Allen Fayett 25 M Painter NY 239 289
Long H.F. 38 M 1000 Farmer PA 240 289
Calkins Martha 30 F PA 240 289
Crandall Chas. 24 M Laborer NY 240 289
Griffin Samuel 22 M Laborer PA 240 289
Kitchin Lydia 31 F PA 240 289
Kitchin Samuel 10 M PA 240 289
Porter Uel 44 M 3000 Farmer NY 241 289
Porter Eliza 42 F NY 241 289
Porter Stephen 22 M Farmer PA 241 289
Porter John 22 M Farmer PA 241 290
Porter James 19 M Farmer PA 241 290
Porter Lydia 17 F PA 241 290
Porter Elizabeth 15 F PA 241 290
Porter Allen 13 M PA 241 290
Porter Helen 3 F PA 241 290
McKean Jesse B. 34 M 1500 Farmer PA 242 290
McKean Mary 30 F PA 242 290
McKean James 8 M PA 242 290
McKean Ellen 5 F PA 242 290
Taylor Eliza 32* F 3000 PA 243 290
Taylor Albert 9 M PA 243 290
McKean Saura 9 F PA 244 290
Fitch S.H. 35 M 800 Laborer NY 244 290
Fitch Lucina 28 F PA 244 290
Fitch Ellery 11 M PA 244 290
Fitch Alice 7 F PA 244 290
Fitch Melville 5 M PA 244 290
Haxton Louisa 20 F PA 244 290
Johnson Charles 21 M 300 Carpenter PA 244 290
Leonard Simeon 20 M Farmer NY 244 290
Love Laura 40 F PA 245 290
Love Ellen 12 F PA 245 290
Love Martin 8 M PA 245 290
Households 1-50 Households 51-100 Households 101-150 Households 151-200 Households 201-245 Index of Households Troy Borough

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 9/15/99
By Joyce M. Tice