Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
1850 Federal Census, Springfield Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania
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Photo by Joyce M. Tice
Summer 1999

Springfield Township, Bradford County, PA
1850 Census

Index of Households

Material typed and contributed by John Hoff III of Oklahoma and formatted for the web by Linda Cracraft and Joyce M.  Tice.

Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 -
Do You Know that you can search just the Census Records on the site by using the three county level Census  buttons in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page

You can further limit your search by choosing the find all words option and entering a year or township name along with your surname. Remember that alternate spellings of surnames WILL affect your search results.

Households 1-50 Households 51-100 Households 101-150 Households 151-200 Households 201-250 Households 251-300 Households 301-328 Index of Households

* Indicates a questionable reading. … Indicates an illegible letter or letters.

SURNAME Fam# Fam# Fam# Fam# Fam# Fam# Fam#
Adams 146 198
Alexander 12
Allen 114 115 116 122
Ames 17 303
Austin 28
Ayres 121 126
Bailey 88 324 325 326 328
Baker 317
Baldwin 284
Barber 268
Bardwell 91 92
Barrett 132 143
Bascom 250 318
Beach 157 318
Beardslee 56
Beckwith 101
Benjamin* 156
Bennett 21 24 140 255
Bentley 180
Berry 112 116 117 121 144 213
Bishop 318
Blakleslee 262
Bliss 269
Fonfour/Boufour* 245
Boughton 105 127
Bowe 83
Boyce 328
Boyer 227
Brace 185
Brooks 211 212 213 214 240 248 287
Brooks 291 296
Brown 11 179 194
Budine 235
Bullock 22 325
Burgess 139
Burleson 207
Burt 147 181 192
Bush 78
Campbell 168 229 231
Canady 199 200 201 202 213
Carey 151 160
Carm…* 236
Carnell/Car.ell* 129
Carpenter 86 246
Chaapel 54 55 71
Chapen/Chapin 43
Chapman 113 215 216 243 270
Chase 67 149 150
Church 149
Clark 90
Cleveland 281 289 290
Cobb 218
Coe 49 115
Cole 223 224 265
Conolly/Conally 187
Cooley 168 169 172
Cooper 10 25 99 289
Corey 261
Cornell 169
Cote 14
Crandall 6 7 8 283
Crowell 1
Cummings 69 70
Daly 209
Decker 18 24 57
Dickinson 42 302 305 307 312
Doane 243 244
Dubert 21 23
Dwyre/Dwyer 79
Eaton 191 220 221
Elliott 110 111
Ely 137
Fanning 118 128 225 226 227 275
Faulkner 264
Ford 6
Fraley 14 62 86
Freeborn 107 191
Freeman 129
French 16
Fuller 41 48 94 96 98 131 148
Fuller 182 273
Furman 173 218
Galusha 119
Gates 13 84 133 138 268 280
Gernet(Gernert) 204
Gillett 167
Gladdings 314
Goodell 182 194 197
Goodrich 120
Grace 74 76 124 170 248 270 288
Graves* 97
Grover 167
Guild 196
Guild/Guyld 195 200
Guthrie 174 232 273 293
Ha.ely* 108
Hackett 186
Halely* 108
Hall 26
Harkness 28 75 76 79 80 81 82
Harkness 135 308
Hart 105 252
Havens 19 161
Hawley 47 281
Haxton 210
Heath 310
Henry 112
Herman 16
Hiney 289
Hix 298 299 319
Hooker 230
Hoover 315
Hopper 323
Horton 208
Hosley 85 86 106
Hovey 208
Hubbard 207 245 292
Ingerson 75
Jackson 200
Jaynes* 20
Johnson 15 16 198 216
Joiner 50 241 263
Jones 34 161
Kellogg 63 222
Kendall 203
Kenedy 194
Kent 141 202
Ketchum 313 315
King 145
Kinyon 206
Knapp 72 73 175
Lane 40
Larnen 259
Larnen/Lar….* 254
Larner* 178
Larney 262
Lawrence 246
Leonard 21 38 39 59 93 213 233
Leonard 238 239 241 242 267 269 304
Lewis 142 296
Lilley 228
Loomis 76
Loveland 247 253
Loyd 146
Lyon 237
M..ler* 133
Martin 64
Matson/.at.o.* 109
Mattocks 131 16 260
McAffee 44 266
McCay 33 46
McCormick 32 135 278
McGinnis 46
McNeedlin* 141
Merrick 215
Mitchell 193
Moore 95
Morehouse 234
Morley 219 253
Morrison 273
Newbury 160
Newell 188 210
Nichols 42 293
Nye 279
Olds 253 277
Otterson 76
Paine* 176
Parkhurst 182
Parmenter 130 152 155
Parsons 125 189
Paulsgroff 327
Peabody 11
Pei…it* 243
Pennock 83 146
Perlamus 309
Pettiplace 284
Phelps 192 226
Philips 53 140
Pierce 186
Pitts 12 31
Potter 63 87
Prouty 277
Reecer 297 298
Rice 2
Rich 165 246
Rightmire 15
Ripley 136
Robinson 35 49 66 171
Root 190
Ross 271 272 274 320 321 322
Rowe 31 141
Rumsell* 276
Ryan 9
Rynder* 233
Salisbury 232
Sargent 224 249 278 285 291 311 316
Schrader 27 45 80
Scott 27
Severance 267
Shaler 262
Sherman 158 159 323
Si..or* 105
Smead 137
Smith 51 52 81 142 164 189 203
Smith 300
Snow 294 295
Spear 136
Spencer 300
Springsteen 259
Stacy 252 282 320
Stockwell 71
Stork 1
Strait 12
Strange 147
Strong 78
Sweet 301
Thomas 9 134 172
Toothell* 162
Tracy 304
Trask 68 70 71 73
Turner 221
Upham 29 291
Vincent 177
Voorhes 60 61 89
Vosburg 205
Walker 183
Walls 58
Ward 121 184 203 206 306
Watson 29 30
Webber 123
Weller 265
Westbrook 256
Westfall 191
Wheeler 42 123 257
Whipple 102 103 104 263
Whitcomb 193
White 258
Whitney 210 212 217
Wickliffe 179
Wilcox 4 13 36 37
Wilder 191 266
Williams 23
Wolcott 259
Wolcutt 126
Wood 3 4 251
Woodard 146 153 163
Woodruff 29
Woodworth 65 72
Worman* 264
Wright 100 154 233
Yerkes 77
Young 5 286
Youngs 133
Zarps 27
Households 1-50 Households 51-100 Households 101-150 Households 151-200 Households 201-250 Households 251-300 Households 301-328 Index of Households

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 8/13/99
By Joyce M. Tice