Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
1840 Census Records for  Bradford County PA 
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
1840 Towanda Township Census

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Transcribed for Tri Counties by John Hoff III,
formatted by Linda Zapf Cracraft and  Joyce M. Tice

Page One A-E
Page Two - F - Mc
Page Three Me-W
Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 -
Do You Know that you can search just the Census Records on the site by using the three county level Census  buttons in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page

You can further limit your search by choosing the find all words option and entering a year or township name along with your surname. Remember that alternate spellings of surnames WILL affect your search results.

 * Indicates a questionable reading. … Indicates indecipherable letter or letters. First set of numbers indicates males in family. Second set of numbers indicates females in family. Under 5, 5 to 10, 10 to 15, 15 to 20, 20 to 30, 30 to 40, 40 to 50, 50 to 60, 60 to 70, 70 to 80, 80 to 90, 90 to 100, 100 and up.

Black Age Categories Under 10, 10 to 24, 24 to 36, 36 to 55, 55 to 100, 100 and up

Means John F. 10004 10021 9 316  
Means Harriet 011 000001 3 318  
Means (Colored) Harriet   01 1 318  
Melgunn Patrick 000001   1 321  
Mercur M.C. 00001 00101 3 316  
Mercur James 00012 00001 4 322  
Mercur Henry S. 20011001 00011 7 322  
Miller Asa 020001 0011 5 324  
Miller Martin 21001 01001 6 329  
Miller William 00001 20001 4 329  
Mills Joseph 000001 1201 5 317  
Mills S.A. 002001 120001 7 325  
Mills Silas 000001 001 2 328  
Mitchell David 000001 1 316  
Mitchell John 011001 000001 4 325  
Mix Harry 00001 00011 3 318  
Mix Hiram 00010111001 01002001 9 321 Amos Mix 85
Monahan Cornelius 00001   1 319  
Monahan Daniel 100001 020001 5 324  
Monahan Philip 00001   1 327  
Montanye J.D. 212001 00201 9 315  
Montanye E.C. 000021 200011 7 320  
Moody Adonijah 11100001 0122101 11 316  
Moore H.P. 10011 00001 4 315  
Moran Patrick 00001   1 320  
Morarty Hugh 00001   1 320  
Morley Horatio 00000001   1 327  
Morris John 00001   1 319  
Morris John 200161 00011 12 321  
Murphy James 2001001 100001 6 325  
Myer Isaac 0101101 0100201 8 324  
Myer Jacob 0000101 01201101 8 327  
Natton* Thomas 0000001   1 326  
NcNaughty Michael 120001 000001 5 326  
Nestor James 0000-12 000011 14 316  
Nixon George 0000001   1 324  
Noble Silas 100021001 10002 8 328  
Northrop Harry 210001 12101 9 329  
Noyes Charlotte 1 0010001 3 330  
O'Boyle Daniel 21001 00001 5 326  
O'Brien Patrick 110001 010001 5 326  
O'Hare Hugh 100011 10100101 7 316  
O'Larry/O'Leary Arthur 120001 000001 5 325  
O'Neal George 000001 00001 2 323  
O'Neal Timothy 0000001   1 324  
Overpeck George 2010001 001201 8 327  
Overton William H. 012002 110101 9 317  
Overton Edward 11200011 1021201 13 318  
Overton (Colored) William H. 011   2 317  
Patton William 101001 001002001 7 320  
Pennypacker A.E. 00001 0001 2 316  
Pettis Anna 00012 00002001 6 327  
Potter Joseph 010000001 0000001 3 329  
Powell Cornel 00001   1 324  
Powell Stephen 0011001 200001 6 324  
Powell J.C. 00121001 1101001 9 328  
Powers Matthew 100001 000001 3 327  
Quimby John 000001 221001 7 328  
Quinney Thomas 00001   1 321  
Racdon/Bacdon* Daniel 010001 11001 5 325  
Randall No First Name 000001   1 315  
Riley Bernard O. 0000001 1001001 4 316  
Ring John 00001   1 319  
Robertson(Colored) Robert 1001 11 4 321  
Robinson Ellen   10000001 2 324  
Rose* George W.  00011 00001 3 315  
Russel Darwin 00001 0001 2 323  
Rutty David 010001 30002 7 328  
Rutty Ezra 02010001 011101 8 328  
Sally Bartley 200101 0100001 6 327  
Sanderson George 100001 10001 4 317  
Santee William 000001 21001 5 329  
Santee James 011001 020201 8 329  
Savage John 0100001 000002001 5 318  
Savercool* Abram 10001 00001 3 318  
Scanlin Martin 00001   1 319  
Sch….* Everet 000001 003001 5 328  
Schrader Harman 00301001 10001001 8 329  
Schrader F. 1100001 100001 5 329  
Schrader John 1000001 0110001 5 329  
Schrader Samuel 220001 030001 9 329  
Scott Luther H. 00001 00101 3 316  
Scott David L. 100001 000001 3 317  
Scott Henry 10001 10001 4 326  
Scott George 02022 10101001 10 328  
Scovell Abagail   000010001 2 328  
Scovell Harry 210001 000001 5 328  
Scovell Peter H. 000001 02001 4 328  
Scovell Silas 01001 01001 4 328  
Seaman G. 00001 00001 2 315  
Seeley Hanford 000001 10001 3 320  
Shanahan John 00001   1 321  
Shanahan Dennis 00001   1 321  
Shannon James 00001   1 321  
Shaughnessy Thomas 000001   1 320  
Shaw Lorin 00000001 1101001 5 316  
Shaw Jonathan 01003 01002 7 317  
Shaw Philander 00001   1 319  
Shepherd William 100001 000011 4 319  
Shinn Stephen 2200001 020101 9 320  
Simmons James 0121001 0121001 10 327  
Simons John 10001 10001 4 327  
Slain* Patrick 0000011 0000001 3 316  
Smalley Isaac 0020101 20001 7 317  
Smith E. W. 0003101 0010001 7 315  
Smith Margaret 1111 001001 6 316  
Smith Clark A. 11001 01001 5 316  
Smith Henry C. 001011 120201 9 317  
Smith John 000000001   1 319  
Smith Jabez 130001 111001 9 329  
Smith (Colored) Roger 101 001 3 330  
Snider* John 00001   1 322  
Snyder A. 00001   1 317  
Spalding Huldah 0111 00010001 5 315  
Stephens J.H. 211001 000201 8 315  
Stewart (Colored) George 001 11 3 318  
Stockwell Charles 000001 10001 3 316  
Storm W.B. 000011 120011 7 316  
Stratton Samuel 000001 1000100001 4 327  
Stratton Hiram 211001 110001 8 327  
Sullivan John 00001   1 319  
Sullivan John 00001   1 320  
Sullivan John 0000001   1 324  
Swain* Charles 00001   1 326  
Swartwood Jeremiah 0011 00011001 5 328  
Sweeney Michael 110001 101001 6 326  
Sweeney Patrick 00001   1 327  
Sweet Margaret 00111 0100101 6 322  
Tall* John 1010001 0111001 7 328  
Taylor Jesse 00110001 000221 8 318  
Taylor Ryal 10001 00001 3 318  
Taylor James 00001   1 320  
Taylor George B. 10001 10001 4 325  
Taylor Adonjah 001001 0000010001 4 329  
Taylor Halsey 1221001 010001 9 329  
Thomas Benjamin 110021 001011 8 320  
Thompson Buckley 10001 1001 4 328  
Thurston Lyman 211101 011001 9 330  
Tompkins Enos 2110101 000111 9 321  
Trout William 00013 10001 6 316  
Tu…* John 2110001 012001 9 327  
Turson/Furson* Barnabas 10001 10001 4 327  
Tuttle Nathan 001031 30001 9 315  
Tuttle (Colored) Nathan   002 2 315  
Tyler O.R. 00002 00001 3 318  
Vandercook D. 101011 10001 6 318  
Vosburg DeWitt C. 00111 00011 5 322  
Walker James* 100001 00001 3 323  
Waller* R.Z. 10001 20001 5 317  
Warner A.M. 00001 0001 2 316  
Warner William 1100001 11001 6 325  
Waters Thomas 00001   1 319  
Watkins William 001011 120101 8 317  
Watson George 011001 020001 6 323  
Watts Francis 00101 0111001 6 323  
Wells Perrin 000031 101021 9 315  
Welsh William 00001   1 319  
Welsh John 00001   1 321  
Welsh Michael 00001 000001 2 326  
Welsh Anthony 00001   1 327  
Weston J.N. 1010001 1011001 7 318  
Wheeling John K. 000001   1 324  
Whitaker Clark 0000001   1 319  
White Cornelius 010001 100001 4 325  
White Hiram E. 21001 00001 5 329  
Wilcox Benjamin 0210001 2110001 9 323  
Williams Ira 00001   1 322  
Wilmot David 10001 00001 3 317  
Wise Conrad 00001   1 319  
Wood Beder* 211011 00001 7 317  
Woodruff Thomas M. 00001   1 317  
Woodruff Jesse 0012001 0010001 6 317  
Wright Israel 100001 10001 4 318  
Wright George 00001 00001 2 325  
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Published On Tri-Counties Site On 11/29/98
By Joyce M. Tice