Orwell Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania |
Photo by Joyce M. Tice
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NAME OF CEMETERY: Darling Cemetery
READ BY: Reva Wagner and she also used the 1960s Wheaton records to compare to and confirm her own listing. DATE: Year 2000 TYPED BY: Reva Wagner & Carol Jacobs LOCATION: East of Orwell Village |
"The story of the Cemetery" was written by Evelyn Wheaton in 1948. She spent much time and energy in gathering the information for the story. Thank you to Fred Wheaton for sharing his family's work with us. Fred's parents read this cemetery in the 1960's Some of these stones Were unreadable in June of 2000 by Reva Wagner. She has updated and double check the listing below.
Story of the Cemetery
On April 5, one
hundred years ago, Dennis Darling turned over his deed to a piece of land
to Benjamin Lyon. This was the original part of the cemetery. It was to
be used as a public burying ground by any and every person whose wish or
intent it may be to occupy the same.
It certainly
must have been a beautiful spot sweetly nestled on the hill between Potterville
and Orwell. A great chestnut tree spreading its mighty limbs over a silent
kingdom. In years gone by, this tree had to be relieved of it's power and
was replaced by a beautiful spruce tree which towers toward the eternal
In April 25, 1867,
W. H. Darling, sold an additional parcel of land to Hampton Champlin and
J.J. Newell for $15.60. Together with the original lot they totaled 1.95
Soon after 1900
the necessity for organization was seen and on August 10, 1903 a meeting
was held. It was agreed that organization was badly needed and incorporation
was discussed. It was then moved, seconded and carried that officers by
elected. Where upon the following were choosen.
Hampton Champlin, President
Reed Cook, Vice President
Henry G. Newell, Secretary
George G. Corbin, Treasurer
Herbert W. Chaffee, Sexton
LeRoy A. Darling, Superintendent
Charles Werkheiser, Auditor
Eaton Frisbie, Auditor
Incorporation papers were filed Nov. 8, 1920.
One sad but interesting
incident related to this cemetery which happened in July, one hundred and
thirty two years ago, (1816) was the terrible death of Lyman Merrill, a
young man of twenty one, who lost his life while helping to raise a barn
on the farm now owned by Anthony Shetoski. Theron Darling lived there at
that time and as a shelter for his crops was raising a barn. It seems that
a "bee" was held consisting of neighbors. The large beams were put up.
The work well under, way the neighbors went home for the day. In the night
a terrible wind storm came up and blew down some of the heavy timbers which
were not braced securely enough. The next day "Colonel" Darling asked a
few of the ones who had been there the day before to assist him in rebuilding
the barn. Among these neighbors were Captain Josiah Grant and his hired
man Lyman Merrill. The procedure of the work was started when Mr. Darling
shouted "Ho Heave!" "At the instant one of these "Ho Heaves" was sent out,
Mr. Merrill was hurt. His skull crushed! It was a terrible day, terrific
heat was endured. Mr. Merrill was able to talk and said " Carry me into
the shade." Later he pointed to the beautiful and peaceful spot described
before as the Darling Cemetery and said. "Lay me under the chestnut tree."
One man had already saddled a horse and rode for a doctor. It was found
that nothing could be done for the youth, although he lived several days
in this almost unbelievable condition. When he passed on his wish was granted
and he was laid under the graceful chestnut. (next sentence is lost.)
Meetings were
held according to the constitution and on Oct. 18, 1905 a meeting was held
to decide about fencing the cemetery. It was moved, seconded and carried
that they order Champion Fence #36 with T posts for the front and anchor
fence for the side.
At the second
annual meeting Sept. 3, 1906 a spirited discussion was held to insure the
proper care of the cemetery for the present and the future. The following
resolution was offered by William Wekheiser and adopted by unanimous rising
vote. "Whereas it has been found impracticable to incorporate the East
Orwell Cemetery Association and also is uncertain as to the amout of yearly
assessments from its members be it therefore-Resolved- that this association
in meeting assembled endeaver to raise and endowment fund of $1000 to be
invested in good interest bearing securities, the interest only to be used
for the betterment of the cemetery.
The committee
appointed by the chairman were: B. H. Beardslee, H. W. Chaffee, and G.
G. Corbin. Mr. Werkheiser and Secretary Newell appointed to prepare circular
letters and other printed matter. Commenting on the prospects of raising
the endowment Mr. Werkheiser offered to be one of the ten to contribute
$100 Mr. B. H. Beardslee of New York City said he would do as well as anyone.
June 3, 1927
a directors meeting was held. The proposition of D. J. Cron to give a half
acre of land, ideal for an addition to the cemetery was considered. This
land to be donated when $5,000 is secured for the endowment fund. It was
decided unanimously.
Lyman Merrill
Aged 21
Son of Abadiah and Lucy Merrill
Departed this life
July 16, 1816
The oldest grave of any record is that of Edwin Darling. Son of Therow Darling, who died at age of two weeks. The year was 1804. Although it has been found since that his sister is also buried there and in 1802
Five feet per grave, 10 feet long (1 Lot)
Aquired of Tony Shetowski addition to Cemetery 1949
Glenn Thetga built road in May 1949.
Grave is to be 8' by 40" by 60" deep allowing
2' of earth to place stone at head of
Feet to the east
Measure 8' from the foot of the grave so stone will be on undisturbed ground 2 feet of lot .
As you stand to read the stone facing west the grave is behind it. - you of course are facing east
Husbands are to the left or North as you read stone looking east of course.
$per grave 1994 at 50.00 - 300.00 (Bishops) to open + 50 goes to Darling mowing 110.00 trimming 35.00