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Gaines Photo by Joyce M. Tice
George Gazdick, Prop’r. Galeton’s Finest Clothing Store Hats, Caps, Notions, Dry Goods, Furnishings, Fine Shoes A Specialty Phone 19-J |
Electrical Specialists General Repairing Wellsboro, PA L. H. WOOD, Prop. Phone 30-R |
Miles and Cordial Greetings to Our Friends on Dear Old Elk Run. Hyla & Emma C. Maynes. |
Hardware and Plumbing. Wellsboro, Pa. Our Motto: Service and Quality. |
FEEDS THAT DO NOT VARY The Name that Means More Profit for Dairymen - Poultrymen Hog Raisers We recommend Larro Dairy feed, Larro Hog Feed, and Larro Poultry Feeds to our customers because these rations are clean, wholesome, absolutely uniform and because we know they make bigger profits over feed cost for dairymen, poultry raisers and hog raisers than anything else they can feed. |
General Merchandise WATROUS, PA S. E. Robinson, Prop. – The store that serves you well day after day. A friendly mercantile establishment that wants your patronage. |
D. N. Baldwin, Prop. GALETON, PA |
Up-to-Date Every Department Complete –Also Whitman’s Candy,-- Waterman Fountain Pens, Eastman Kodaks and Supplies Developing and Printing R. H. Bower, Wellsboro, Pa. Phone 201 |
furniture, building material, farming implements, plumbing material, etc., get it at Devling Brothers Galeton, Penn’a. Phone 152 |
W. J. Reinwald GROCERIES, DRY GOODS No. 3 Germania St. Galeton, Pa. |
Meats and Groceries GALETON, PA. |
and Right Prices Trade at DUNHAM’S DEPARTMENT STORE AND MILL Wellsboro, Pa. –Home of– TYOGA Pancake Flour |
JOHN V. GAZDICK Prop. Red & White Chain Line of Groceries at Chain Store Prices |
COMPLETE LINE OF DRUGS Prescriptions Carefully Compounded (J. Maude Bookmiller, Pharmacist) –also– Dry Goods, Notions and Sherwin Williams Products |
Farmers and Traders Life Insurance Company WM. TROWBRIDGE & SON District Agents WESTFIELD, PA. |
Galeton PA on Roosevelt highway Clothing - Dry Goods - Shoes - Pianos - Sewing Machines, Etc. |
Tailor And Furnisher 55 W. Main St. — Galeton, Pa. |
Lush Brothers Department Store QUALITY - PRICE - SERVICE GALETON, PA. 16-22 West St. WELLSBORO, PA. 95 Main St. Used Furniture Dept. Theatre Block, Galeton, PA We’re at your service with our: 10 Payment Budget plan of Time Payments
name on our mailing list? This Store has Served its Customers for Nearly a Half Century. |
Wellsboro, Pa. C. A. Reinwald –Groceries– WELLSBORO, PA. MARKS SHOE STORE Perfect Fit Assured WELLSBORO, PA. PHOTOGRAPHS Clark’s Studio GALETON, PA. Reliable Drug Store Wm. J. Heymann, Prop. Galeton, Pa. |
Free Press Print, Westfield, Pa.