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Tri-County County
Bible Records
Sisson Family Bible
Owned by Rexford and Mildred Carmen Paris
Submitted by Dana Richter
February 20, 2001
Family bible of A. E. Sisson
Printed 1874
Able E. Sisson to Phebe A Button Jan 1, 1874
Able E. Sisson to Phebe L Updyke May 4, 1879, Millerton, Tioga county, PA
Eva B. Sisson to Clark A Updyke August 24, 1892, Elmira, NY
Alda Bell Sisson to John Impson June 1899, Southport, NY
Ruby E. Sisson to Guy C. Doolittle July 30, 1910, Caton, Stueben County, NY
Rose Lee Sisson to Bertie M Smith Feb. 22, 1912
Rose Lee Sisson to Ray Nelson Paris Oct. 17, 1917, Elmira, NY
Sisson, Able E. Born July 1, 1850 Rutland Township Tioga Co. PA
Phebe A Button b Tioga Pa.
Phebe Luisa Updyke b July 30, 1855 Jackson Township, Tioga County, PA
Eva B. Sisson b May 2, 1875 Jackson township, daughter of Able and Phebe A
Alda Bell Sisson b April 2, 1881 daughter of Able E and Phebe L. Sisson, Jackson township.
Ruby Edith Sisson b Dec. 24, 1890 Ward Township daughter of Able E. and Phebe L Sisson
Rose Lee Sison b Dec. 29, 1894 Ward Township daughter of Able E. and Phebe L Sisson.
Phebe L. Sisson b July 30, 1856
Button, Phebe A. died Jan. 1 1884 Tioga, PA w/o Able EBertie Smith April 1916
Phebe L Sisson 1934
Clark A. Updyke Dec. 3, 1929
Eva B. Updyke May 2, 1949
Alda Bell Impson Dec. 25, 1951
John H. Impson Sep. 11, 1964
Flora Grace Smith Dec. 23, 1944
Ann Sisson Petty is sister to
Able E Sisson
- Petty Bible
Putnam C. Sisson was born Nov.
13th 1832 in the town of Jackson, Tioga PA
Whitsel H. Sisson was born Dec. 6th 1854 in the town of Jackson, Tioga Co. PA
Rosamond May Petty was born Oct
18 – 1882 in the town of Jackson, Tioga Co, Pa
Died 8-18-16 1916
Petty was born May 15 – 1840 at Tingewick, Buckinghamshire, England
Died Dec, 22, 1914 USA
Alexander Sisson died Feb 18th
Mary Sisson Died Jan 8th 1841
Malysa Sisson Died Feb 14th 1843
Bennett L Sisson Died Aug 27th 1849 Aged 3 years & 4 months
Philip Petty, Died Dec 22 – 1917 at Daggett Pa Age 77 years 7 mo and 7 days.
Mary A Sisson Petty Died Apr 9 – 1921 Age 76 – 11 mo -15 days
Theodore H. Sisson Died Nov 29th 1872. Aged 57 years 10 Months and 1 say
Nancy A. Sisson. Wife of Theodore Sisson Dide March 1st, 1880. Aged 62 years 5 months and Nine days
Rosamond May Petty Daggett. Died Aug 10th 1916 Age 33 yrs 9 mo. and 23 days
Putnam C. Sisson Died Jan 17th 1934 age 82 years 2 mo’s
Abel E Sisson died Jan 31 – 1937
Philip Petty
of Daggett- Congressional Medal of Honor Winner
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Wellsborro Agitator
Phillip Petty died at
his home at Daggett Saturday night, after a month’s illness, aged about
76 years. He is survived by his widow, tow sons, Howard of Wellsburg,
and Curtis of Fassets, and one daughter, Mrs. John Updike, of Gilletts.
The funeral was held Wednesday. Deceased was born in England and
came to this country with his parents just before the civil war.
In 1861 he enlisted and served a short time and was discharged for disability.
After he had recovered his health he again enlisted, this time in the 136th
Pa., and served until the close of the war. He was awarded a medal
of honor for conspicuous bravery at the battle of Fredericksburg.
He was a member of Deming Post, G. A. R., and Seely Creek Lodge, I. O.
O. F.
Millerton, Dec. 28-Philip Petty
of Daggett, Pa., died at the family home on December 22. He was a
Civil War Veteran, having serviced two enlistments in the 12th Pa. Vol.
and Co. A, 136th Regt, Pa. Infantry. A medal of honor was awarded
to him for conspicuous gallantry in the battle of Fredericksburg, Va.,
December 13, 1862, when he took the colors of the regiment as they fell
out of the hands of the color bearer and carried them forward in the charge.
He was a member of the Daggett M. E. church, Medal of Honor Legion, Deming
Post G. A. R., Seeley Creek Lodge I. O. O. F., Daggett, Pa.
The deceased was 77 years
old May 15, 1917, and was born at Tingwick, Burkinghamshire, England.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mary A. Petty, a loving companion for
53 years; also three children, Howard H. Petty of Lockwood, N. Y.; C. E.
Petty and Mrs. J. F. Updike of Gillett, Pa; ten grandchildren and great-grandchildren,
also one sister, Mrs. Mary A. Boyer of Newfield, N. Y.
Memoirs of Philip Petty
I was born at Tingewick,
Buckinghamshire, England on the 17th day of May 1840. When eighteen
years of age I sailed for America landing in New York, U.S.A. in August
1858, and settled in Jackson Township, tioga Co., Pennsylvania
On Aug./ 1, 1861 I inlisted
in the Troy Guards, Troy, Pa. Company C. to serve three years or during
the war.
We were armed and equipped
at Camp Curtain, Harrisburg, Penn’a; and were soon on our way to Washington,
D. C. We camped at Tennallytown, near Georgetown. There I did
lots of Picket Duty, fortification work and guarded the Chain Bridge.
We drew our rations of
soft bread from Washington, but one morning the bread did not come.
Our Company was detailed and formed into line to goto the fort to work.
As we reached the fort, we were divided into squads in charge or different
officers, and at once set to work. It was a very sultry day and we
worked until about 4:00 O’clock in the afternoon without rations.
Our pay was $11.00 per month.
If felt usually well on
arriving at camp which we reached at about sundown. We were ordered
to break ranks and go to our quarters. I unbuckled my belt with my
cartridge box and fell insensible into my tent.
I cannot remember the
date and do not know how long I remained in that condition. The first
I knew the doctors told me that I had been very sick and had the typhoid
fever, and that I must be very quiet and not try to talk. As I looked
around me I could see that I was in the hospital. Oh how I had wished
that I would not get sick. Before I was able to leave the hospital,
our Division was ordered to leave camp across the Chain Bridge into Virginia
and camped at Camp Pierpont, Va. I was put in a big covered
wagon drawn by four horses. I was terribly shaken up and thought
it would kill me, and begged to be take from the wagon and for help of
some kind. On arriving at camp I was taken from the wagon and laid
on the ground in a perfectly helpless condition and was told that I would
soon be make more comfortable, out I was either neglected or forgotten
and was left in this condition throughout the night in a drizzling rain.
Just at daylight I was found and cared for by the pioneers of my regiment.
The next day I was again taken to the hospital, but as soon as I was able
to take care of myself, I secured a permit to join my company, although
not able to do much duty. The doctors saw me every day and I was
glad to be back with the company again. I had lost all trace of my
gun and accountrements.
ON the morning of Dec. 20, 1861
our brigade was ordered out on quick time to Drainville, Va. To break up
a rebel camp a that point. I asked my Captain for a permit to go
with the company. He said: “If you think you can make it, you may
go”. I soon found a gun, belt and cartridge box and took my place
in the ranks, but after the battle I was so lame and footsore I could not
walk and was brought back to camp by a cavalier who had been on picket
duty. I was not so well after that and had to keep to my tent.
My Captain was very kind to me and allowed me to stay with the company,
as I did not want to go back to the hospital.
I was discharged for disability
on the 17th day of March, 1862 at Camp in the woods near Alexandria, Va.
And owing to my condition I was compelled to stay in Washington, D.C. for
several days before I was able to go to my home.
After being home though
out the summer months of 1862, my health was quite improved, but I was
not very strong.
In Aug. 1862, there was
a call for more men for nine months service, and on the 9th day of August,
1862I enlisted as a musician in Company A., 136 P.V.I., credited to Jackson
Township, Tioga Co., Penn’a. On examination the board of doctors
rejected me twice. I was again allowed to go before the board and
the third time they passed me.
The company had already
chosen their officers. By permission of the Captain I soon traded
my fife to a man, who wanted my position..for his gun.
As yet, I had said nothing to
the officers about my previous service, but they soon found out I had done
military service, and I was often requested and appointed to do some special
After our arrival at Washington,
D. C. we were encamped at Bennings Bridge, a draw bridge on the east branch
of the Potomac to guard the bridge and do picket duty.
Out next camps were at
Frederick City, Md., Warrenton, Va. And Sharpsburg, Va. On Nov. t,
1862 we heard Gen. McClellan make his farewell speech at Warrenton, Va.
Our next move was on to
Falmouth, Fredericksburg, Va. and Aquia Creek. Camped at Camp Bayne,
named after our Col. Thomas M. Bayne, Com. Of the 136 Re’gt., near Bell
Plain Landing. Went Through the Burnside Mud March and Chancellorsville.
At the battle of Fredericksburg,
Va. Dec. 13, 1862, I seized the flag as it fell from the hands of the Color
Bearer in the hottest of the engagement. I planted the flag staff
in the ground on the front line and continued firing until we were ordered
to fall back, and I brought the colors safe off the ground. The next
morning as the regiment was in line Col. Bayne made a speech to the men
speaking of my bravery and promoted me to Color Sergeant, and the men gave
me three rousing cheers. On counting the cartridges left in my box,
I found that I had fired 32 rounds.
After I received my discharge
on May 29, 1863 at Harrisburg, Penn’a the same day my Colonel, Thomas m.
Bayne, came to me and remarked that he had intended to procure for me a
commission, but on account of active service he had failed to do so, but
asked me to accompany him to Gov. Curtain’s Headquarters and he would get
me a Commission, but to make it a sure thing he said I had best re-enlist---this
I declined. The boys were going home and I wanted to go with them.
The Colonel then asked me for my discharge papers and I handed them to
him. He then wrote on the back of my discharge the following:-
“Headquarters 136 Rgt.
Harrisburg, Pa, May 31, 1863.
“I take pleasure in hereby
certifying to the diligence,
soldierly bearing
and good conduct of Philip Petty
while a member
of my Regiment, He wond the admiration
of the whole Regiment
in the battle of Fredericksburg
Dec. 13, 1862 by
taking the Colors in the hottest of the
engagement after
they had been deserted by the man who
carried them.”
T. M. B ayne, Col. 136 Regt.
In Recognition of my bravery,
the U. S. Congress awarded me a Medal of Honor on the 14th day of Aug.
1893, bearing the following inscription:-
“The Congress to Philip
Petty, Color Sergeant, Company A.
136 Regiment,
P.V.I. for conspicuous gallantry in the Battle
Va. Dec. 13, 1862”.
I also hold a certificate
under the act of Congress approved Apr. 27, 1916 with special pension.
My Father, Chas. Petty,
enlisted in Company A. 207 Regt. R.V.R served all through the Petersburg
campaign, and contracted disabilities from which he died.
On May 15, 1864 in Jackson
Township, Tioga County, Penn’a I married Mary A. Sisson, who was born Apr.
24, 1844 in Delaware County, N.Y., a daughter of Theodore H and Nancy Eggelston
Sisson. Four children were were born to our marriage, Howard H.,
Curtis E., Burnettie G. and Rosamond M. Rosamond died very suddenly
on Aug. 10, 1916.
Philip Petty
Tioga County
Millerton, Pa. Rd 1
Philip Petty, born in Tingewick
Buckingham Shire, Eng May 17, 1840.
Married mary Annie Sisson in
M.E. Church, Daggett, Pa by Jonathon Putmum May 15, 1864
Children born: Howard H. Petty-
July 25, 1865 Curtis E. Petty – Oct. 7, 1874
Berniti Gertrude – Feb 20, 1876 Rosamond Mary Oct 18, 1882
John – lived at Windsor but
Married in Boston 1662 to Ann Canning.
John Petty died 1680 & his
widow Ann married Samuel Owen
James 1662 moved to S Hannah,
child – died 1666
Joseph 1672, Ann 1675, Ebenezer
James & John each had families
Peter Petty sailed from Salem
on fishing voyage & was killed by Indians in 1677