![]() In 1944 the East Smithfield Dairy Milk Truck fell through the bridge in Roseville Photo from Anne HARRIS Clark |
Mr. and Mrs. William Lyandacre with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lyandacre and family, Croghan, N.Y. were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Wright. Sunday the wrights entertained their guest with a picnic at Watkins Glen.
Mrs. Daisy Harvey and children have moved to Tioga, Pa.
Saturday afternoon we met two former residents on the streets. Roy James, Mansfield and Roy Stevens, Mosherville. Odd how the ones who have strayed away, like to come back to visit the old town.
Mrs. Merttie Frost, after spending several months in Troy, has returned to her home here.
The members of the Young Peoples Society enjoyed a hay ride Friday evening and stopped at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond VanZile for refreshments.
Harry Longwell is having the two story bay window on the south side of his house removed and large plate glass windows installed.
Mrs. William Sweely, Elmira, N.Y. is seriously ill. The Sweelys are former Roseville residents.
Miss Ada Crippen is spending the week with her sister, Mrs. Rex. Faulkner, Tioga.
Eugene Crippen
Rutland, PA
For Troy Gazette-Register
Troy, Pa
No Date
The M.E. Church building is receiving a new roof. Maynard Alexander is contractor in charge of the job.
Both the Easter Services in the village were well attended. The Baptist Service having a record attendance.
Miss Ruth Swain and Miss Ada Crippen, among others in the community, are suffering from colds effecting the throat.
Rev. and Mrs. Orey E. Crippen entertained East Smithfield friends Sunday afternoon.
The Highway Department is replacing the guard posts along Route 549. This is an improvement much needed.
There are a few cases of measles among the children of the community.
We wonder what has happened to the street lights, the Borough Council voted to have installed? If we remember correctly the authorization was voted a year ago.
Eugene Crippen
Rutland, PA
Troy, Pa
April 18, 1949
Farmers have their spring planting well in hand. The season seems at least two weeks in advance of the usual season.
At spring time a young man’s fancy turns to thoughts of _____________ base ball. The boys are having some difficulties organizing a team this spring, but we trust that warm weather will iron out most of the troubles.
Mr. and Mrs. Evert Nash, Mansfield, Pa., spent Sunday with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ford Cook.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hollander, Owego, N.Y. called on Mr. and Mrs. Luther Benson and other friends about town, Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tussi, Elmira, N.Y., spent Mother’s Day with Mrs. Tussi’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Gould.
Mrs. OE/ Crippen had as Mother’s Day guests; her mother, Mrs. Frost, Troy, Pa., and her daughter, Mrs. Rexford Faulkner and family, Tioga, Pa.
Donald Colby, Galeton, Pa. called on his father, Leonard Colby, Monday evening.
Rev. and Mrs. Crippen, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Straw, Mrs. Donald Kennedy and Mrs. Lewis Seely attended the Tioga Baptist Association, Knoxville, Pa., Wednesday of this week.
Eugene Crippen
Rutland, Pa.
May 9th 1949
For Troy Gazette-Register
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bement and daughter, Karen, Elmira, N.Y., called on friends in town Sunday afternoon.
Rumor has it that some Roseville real estate is about to change ownership.
Mr. and Mrs. John Williams, Rochester, N.Y., spend Friday afternoon calling on friends about town.
Robert Ginrich, who has been spending a few months in Florida, is in town on business, preparatory to investing in a DeLand, Florida, business. We are sorry to lose Bob, but here is wishing him success.
A large number of friends surprised Mrs. Martha Crippen, Monday evening May 23rd. The occasion, her birthday. No, we didn’t ask whether it was the 16th or 60th birthday.
Excuse us for celebrating, but after seven grand daughters the writer of these items at last has a grand son. Orey William Crippen, Jr., born May 12th 1949 in Deland Florida. The young man’s mother was formerly Miss Louise Caracciolo, Mansfield, Pa.
We think we may boast of some kind of a record; among our eight grandchildren are natives of six different states: New York, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Florida, Tennessee and Oklahoma.
Eugene Crippen
Rutland, Pa.
May 23rd 1949
For Troy Gazette-Register
So many people have visited so many other people, in this and other places, during the holiday weekend; to name them all would neither be interesting nor have news value and would clog the pages of our paper. Rather than to omit some of them we are going to name none of them.
Monday while watching the traffic and pondering over the possibility of safely crossing the highway, a recent cartoon came to mind. In this cartoon the fact is mentioned that taken together, all the wars the United States has taken part in, the cost in life has reached a total slightly over eight hundred thousand. That is one cost of our freedom to roam the highways at will. While the British Air Force defended London against Hitler, Winston Churchill said something like this; Never before in history have so many, owed so much, to so few. It might be said, that never before in the world’s history has the sacrifice of so few lives achieved and protected a freedom comparable to the American way of life. One source of information estimates about four hundred million people, including those past on and those still with us, who have enjoyed American freedom. From this base we find about five hundred people have enjoyed our way of life for each life sacrificed. Can we not give one day from our pleasure and existence, to at least say; THANK YOU, in memory of those who gave their lives that we might enjoy our lives more abundantly? Do this peacefully, respectfully and enjoy the day without racing over the highways challenging fate to count us among highway casualties. We go carelessly on, taking our freedom for granted giving little thought to it’s cost. We could better honor those who past freedom to us at so great a cost; by striving to pass it on to coming generations in the same full measure as received.
Eugene Crippen
Rutland, Pa.
May 31st 1949
For Troy Gazette-Register
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stout, Eau Gallie, Florida, are visiting Mr. Stout’s father, J. A. Stout.
Miss Hazel Soper, of Arnot-Ogden Hospital’s nursing staff, is spending a vacation with her sisters, Mrs. Jack Woodworth and Mrs. Charles Cudworth.
Mrs. Olive Cleveland and Mr. Lloyd Wolfe, Austinville, were united in marriage, Saturday evening June 4th at the Baptist parsonage, by Rev. O. E. Crippen. The couple were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Wyle McClure.
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Reynolds with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Straw visited relatives in Yates Co., N.Y., over the weekend.
A company of friends and relatives helped Mrs. Georgia Cook celebrate her birthday Sunday, June 5th.
William McClure, Roseville, became a new manager of the Penn Marlyn Hotel, Mansfield, June 1st.
With apology to the Editor we would add to the editorial in last week’s paper; "Advice to Youth." The following:
Since the days of our own youth, we have felt the public in general has used too much adverse criticism and not enough constructive criticism, of our teenage and High School groups of young people. Up to High School Graduation Day, these young people are, in a large measure, what the influence of their homes and their communities have made them. Now, still young people, many of them will attend college or university. There the influence will shift to the instructions and leaders in those institutions. What is that influence going to be? It augurs nothing encouraging to our American way of life, to fine many communist and fellow travelers and atheist among the instructors in many of our institutions of higher learning. We would advise youth to study well, life in the United States and American Traditions, that have produced the freedom you are accustom too. Compare your findings with traditions of, and life in, any country governed by an "I am". Think long before you forsake the God and the Americanism of those who have woven the fabric of your American way of life.
Eugene Crippen
Rutland, Pa.
June 7th 1949
For Gazette-Register
The Vacation Bible School got underway Monday morning; with the community pastors and Mrs. Cecil Reynolds as instructors.
Walter Harrington, the local Smithfield Farms Plant Manager, has resigned and taken over the management of his farm near Canoe Camp.
The Rutland Sportsmen’s Club has completed a new dam at the old mill pond, thus recreating a good fishing spot. The Club is putting on a ham supper in the Baptist Church dining rooms Friday evening.
While visiting the cemetery one afternoon last week, a car came to a stop near where I stood. A glance showed a very attractive young lady’s face at one of the windows. Not wising to miss anything I took a second look and there were two identical faces. At that I began to question whether it was the heat or the glass of grape juice I had at lunch time. Much to my relief a lady stepped from the car and ask; if I had meet her twin granddaughters. The twins, the Misses Judith and Jannette Furman, were pleasing to meet; greeted me with identical smiles, displaying dark brown hair of the same shade and sparkling brown eyes as like as peas fro the same pod. Wait a minute boys. Their age is two years. These charming little girls are the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Furman. The day I had the pleasure of meeting them they were with Mrs. Fay Brown.
Eugene Crippen
Rutland, Pa.
June 14th 1949
For Troy Gazette-Register.
Monday afternoon’s shower was very thankfully received by the farmers. The village lawns and gardens show their thankfulness by their improved appearance.
Mrs. Incel Tears spent the week end at Camp Unami; attending a Baptist Guild House party.
Mrs. Hattie Hall spent the week end with her niece, Mrs. George Wilson, Austinville.
Clifford Smith, the small son of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Smith, underwent a tonsillectomy one day last week.
Miss Florence Crippen, Matron of the Green Home, Roaring Branch, is spending a vacation with her brother, Rev. Orey E. Crippen.
Owen Cook and Luther Benson have purchased a new plane. They use Benson’s private air field on the hill north of town.
Mrs. Mae Noble, a Barnsboro, Pa., Teacher, is spending the summer vacation with her niece, Mrs. Virginia Palmer.
It is rumored that the Roseville Feed and Supply Company will change managers July lst.
Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Palmer have a new son. Much to the delight of their two year old daughter, Kathy, who insists; "It’s my baby."
The Baptist Pastor assured his flock, Sunday morning, that father is a necessary cog in the human family. Well, well, that makes a soldier out of Dad. If one is to believe the saying we heard from any army man. It ran something like this; "The Marine gets the glory. The Sailor gets the pay. The Soldier does the work." Yes, we are willing for mother to have the glory and the children the new shoes.
Eugene Crippen
Rutland, Pa.
June 21st 1949
Troy Gazette-Register
Mr. and Mrs. John Benson Sunday with Mrs. Benson’s brother, William Sweely and family, at their cottage on Keuka Lake.
Clifford Elliott, Detroit, Michigan, called on friends here one day last week. Clifford spent his boyhood in this community.
The Roseville ball team won from Austinville Sunday afternoon, on the Roseville diamond.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Swain and daughter Ruth, spent Sunday at Taughannock Falls State Park, on Cayuga Lake, near Ithaca, N.Y.
The continued drought has began to effect the water supply in several homes. The few showers we had last week refreshed the lawns and gardens, but had little, if any effect on wells.
The Bradford Baptist Association held at Coryland last week was reported to have been very much of a success. A fact we are pleased to note as our Baptist Pastor is also Pastor of the Coryland Church.
Mrs. Martha Crippen spent Saturday with her daughter, Mrs. Rex. Faulkner, Tioga.
A letter from T/Sgt. Omer Crippen, a former Roseville boy now with the U.S. Air Force stationed on the Island of Okinawa, informs us that his wife and two small daughters have arrived in that far off corner of the world.
It is reported that Smith and Kent, Troy, are soon to open a feed store here.
Miss Lynda Harris is a part time employee of the Westlake store during vacation.
Several Roseville girls are improving their vacation time by taking music in the Mansfield summer classes.
Many farmers are busy at haying, but report the out will be light this season on account of the dry weather.
Eugene Crippen
Rutland, Pa.
June 28th 1949
For Troy Gazette-Register
We had an argument at our house this morning. I argued with myself about the kind of story should be told about the fact that no Roseville letter arrived at the Gazette-Register office last week. After milling over some of the things the minister said in his sermon last Sunday, we decided to tell the truth. The cold blooded facts are; we forgot all about that letter until to late to get it in the mail. If you could have seen the bunch of southern granddaughters along with a few Yankees at our house the Fourth there would not be a word of censure heard. This combination furnishes the ingredients for a perfect Fourth of July Celebration without the necessity of outside interference.
While we are on the subject of celebrations, we might mention an August 6th affair the church ladies are arranging. We believe they call it; "Old Home Day." While these lines are being written the ladies are in a huddle, figuring on something original in the way of entertainment. If you ever lived in Roseville, ever been in the place or even know its approximate location, better call around Aug. 6 1949 and see what is going on. Mrs. Truman Benedict is in charge of arrangements and will be the Master of Ceremonies.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Adams, Geneva, N.Y. were recent visitors in the home of Mrs. Adams’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Argetsinger.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rouse have a new son, born July 3rd.
The remains of an 86 year old former resident of this community, James I. Wilson, were placed at rest in the Roseville Cemetery Friday afternoon.
Richard Kennedy and family have moved to Daggett. Richard is associated with his brother, Raymond Kennedy, in the sand and gravel business.
The Misses Jean and Doris Dierstein have returned to their home, Charlotte, N.C. after spending a vacation with their grandfather, Eugene Crippen.
Rumors are afloat to the effect that we are to have a wet-dry election fall. It would seem as if the past two months would satisfy, even the W.C.T.U.
Eugene Crippen
Rutland, Pa.
July 11th 1949
For Troy Gazette-Register
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Westlake and daughter, Mrs. Verg. Hobart, have returned home from a visit with friends and relatives in Cleveland, Ohio.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Swain Jr. spent the week end with Mr. Swain’s parents.
Mrs. Cora Bastian, Canton, is visiting her sister Mrs. Fritz White.
The Tom Harris family is vacationing in Atlantic City, N.J.
The Ernest Aberle’s entertained guest from Ohio over the week end.
Keith Cole has purchased the Norm Allen place and is making extensive repairs.
Mrs. Grace Welch and daughter, Binghamton, N.Y. are visiting in tow.
Mrs. Incel Tears entertained the State Road Women’s Missionary Circle, Saturday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wood are celebrating the arrival of a daughter, born July 23rd.
The Bulkhead Mills will soon open a feed store in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Rexford Crippen and family with Mr. and Mrs. Fritz White and daughter Lucille, and Mrs. Bastian enjoyed a picnic in Watkins Glen Sunday afternoon.
One of the Old Home Day attractions will be our new street lights. We feel that the lights have added much to the appearance of Roseville; when one is spending an evening in town or even motoring through. Oh yes, Old Home Day is being held on August 6th.
The death of Harry Brace, one of the older life long residents of our community, occurred Monday morning July 25th 1949.
Yes, I remember the Williams Hotel as pictured in last week’s issue. Also have a vivid recollection of a small room on the second floor of the building across the alley from the hotel. When my permanent teeth were only a few months old; one molar began giving trouble. After suffering two days and nights, father took me to that little room where Dr. Kendell held forth. It was before cocaine or other nerve quieting drugs were in general use. I came from the office minus the tooth. To say that gave me an allergy to a dentist chair in an under statement. For years tears came to me eyes when ever reading a dentist sign.
Eugene Crippen
Rutland, Pa.
July 26th 1949
For Troy Gazette-Register
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Stout and sons, Elmira, N.Y. spent the week end with Mr. Stout’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stout.
Fred Stone is having his house sided with asbestos shingles. The new appearance is a marked improvement to his street.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Longwell are vacationing in Canada. During their absence, Mrs. Leo swain is assisting in the store.
Justice of the Peace, Tom Harris and family have returned from a vacation spent in Atlantic City, N.J.
Saturday evening Eugene Crippen received telegram from his son, T/Sgt. G. O. Crippen who with his family is on Okinawa, stating that he and family are safe and well. You have learned from the press and radio that about a week ago a devastating typhoon hit Okinawa and is said to have destroyed 75% of the Air Force installations and other buildings.
Must be we are to have an election soon. The politicians are circulating. Odd how those fellows get around on certain times of certain years. Remind some of the gag about women; "God bless the women. We find it tough to get along with them and still more tough to get along without them." The same might be said of politicians.
Louise Borg, the younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Borg, last Thursday evening fell on the lawn and broke her collar bone.
Another car failed to make the curve near the western borough line, some time in the night between Monday and Tuesday, coming to a stop, bottom up, in a corn field.
Eugene Crippen
Rutland, Pa.
August 2nd 1949
For Troy Gazette-Register
A glimpse
By: Eugene Crippen
Old Home Day, Roseville, PA
August 6, 1949
Ladies and Gentlemen; I am at a loss to know what is the proper thing to do in a case like this. Speaking on the same program with a professional, should I have stage fright or should I feel honored? The latter would be the case if it were not from some of the admissions the young lady made when she came to bring me this assignment. She admitted I was her last hope. If I didn’t accept what would she do? She had been to everyone and the excuses were; sunstroke heart stroke nervousness, inability, inefficiency, disinclination or something else, and tears could be seen building up in her eyes. Now I was never one to resist tears in the eyes of a good looking young lady and resistance comes much harder when the color of the lady’s hair matches the beautiful yellow gold of her wrist watch.
The subject was handed out when I suggested to the lady that I didn’t know what to talk about. Soon as the subject was in my hands she made haste to depart, without telling how far back I should go. So am not going farther back than the Indians.
Legend tells us that the Red Men had a trail from the Tioga River up Mill Creek through what is now Bradford County to Sheshequin, an Indian village on the Susquehanna opposite Ulster. When William rose came here he is said to have found several Indian wigwams on the mound back of where the school house now stands. These were built of poles, leaves and pine branches, as if a party had used them as a shelter while weathering out a storm or until the snow settled.
As far as we know the first white man to come to this area was William Rose who settled north of the present highway and eat of where Argetsingers now live, in 1806.
The same year that Rose came to Roseville the establishment of the county of Tioga was authorized, but it was not until Oct. 20, 1808 that an election was held for County Commissioners. The first court was convened in January 1813.
Wellsboro was founded by Benjamin Morris and named for his wife whose maiden name had been Wells. William Wells, Mrs. Morris’ brother, came to Wellsboro bringing with him slaves. Uncle Eben and Aunt Hetty two of them were called, the other two were Silas Spencer and his wife, Maria.
In 1814 William rose was appointed Justice f the Peace for the Township of Tioga, what is now known as Rutland Township was at that time part of Tioga Township.
About 1822 William rose became the first businessman in Roseville, by erecting a building about where Swain’s garage now stands and began operation of a distillery.
A short time later William Rose, Jr., opened the first tavern just north of his father’s distillery.
The first store is said to have been opened by Royal Rose, in 1837. Royal was a son of the first settler.
The Rutland Post Office was established in 1828 with Bethuel Bentley as Postmaster. The office being located in the Bentley home about a mile west of the village on land now owned by Owen Cook. The house stood between the corner by Copps and the creek on the north of the present highway. In 1840 William Rose, Jr., became Postmaster and the office was moved to Roseville. Rutland became a money order office April 7, 1892.
The Rutland Hill M.E. is the oldest church organization and the oldest church building in Rutland or Roseville as it was built in 1842.
The bailey Creek Baptist was the next church, organized in 1859 and the building erected in 1871.
Lawrence Corners M. E. organized 1860 and the building erected in 1865.
The Roseville M.E. organized and building erected in 1870. Burned in the big fire of 1890 and rebuilt at once.
The Rutland First Baptist Church organized in 1872 building dedicated December 1873. The building was struck by lighting June 28, 1912 and burned. This building stood between where the feed mill is and Mrs. Tears’ home. The building on the corner was dedicated September 13, 1914.
In 1863 Myron Mills erected a tannery building above the present Jonah Stout home and for eight or ten years operated a tannery.
For several years in the 1870’s and 1880’s Daniel James manufactured rakes in a building back of him home that stood on the present site of Leo Swain’s home.
The old hotel, now occupied by Georgia Cook, was built by Peter Backer one hundred years ago, in 1849. For forty or more years a hotel was conducted there.
John Hall opened an iron ore mine back of where the Township election hall now stands. For a time he sold ore to a foundry in Mansfield and later installed machinery and manufactured mineral paint.
When I was a small boy there were two shoe repair shops in town, two blacksmith shops, a wagon shop, a harness shop, a planning mill, a grist mill and two millinery shops. Mrs. Argetsinger and Mrs. A. C. Young were milliners. Yes and a cooper shop.
Roseville Borough was organized February 3, 1876, with: S. S. Johns, Burgess; G. W. Sherman, Myron Mills, L. C. Benson, C. L. Strait, John M. Barden, and Daniel Watson, Councilmen.
Daniel Watson and J. D. Longwell, Justices of the Peace. Josephus Stout, Constable and Collector. D. W. Hibbard, Street Commissioner, and Warren Rose, Assessor. It might be interesting to note that Jerome Benson the present Borough Assessor, is a grandson of the first Assessor.
Now having disposed of a few more or less interesting statistics, let us turn to people. By farm the most interesting side of any historical subject, is the people who make the history and the personal or human side of these people.
Do any of you present remember when, Millerton had a Newspaper? At home I have a copy of the Millerton Advocate, published in Millerton, Pa., June 27th 1884. In this paper is found:
Roseville Ripples. Reading as follows;
Everybody is hoeing corn now. Corn promises to be a big crop.
Miss Venie Nye visited her brother, Dr. O.S. Nye in this place last week.
The Fourth of July celebration will doubtless be a success. Extensive are the preparations being made.
Sunday afternoon was very warm. The thermometer indicated 114 degrees in the sun at five o’clock.
Harness making is so prosperous here that Mr. Hall has hired a man from Elmira, a Mr. Kinney to help.
Mr. St James of Perrytown, was hurt last week while peeling bark on Painter Run.
Daniel Horton has purchased a steam thresher.
Mr. Williams, who lost a horse by lightening, has a new horse now, thanks to the kindness of his friends.
H. H. Smith and Rev. C. B. Smith attended the Bradford County Baptist Association last week. Rev. M. Rockwell and wife also attended and are visiting friends in Towanda.
Miss Hattie Shepard is teaching the Van Ness School.
Lafayette Squires, of Sullivan, has a new house well under way.
The Roseville Cornet Band is practicing twice a week. Preparatory to the Fourth.
Selah Frost and John Van Ness are greatly improving the Sammy Wilson farm, recently purchased.
A very nice monument purchased
from Bloss of Mansfield by Mrs. Eliza Watkins will be set at her late husband’s
grave in Roseville Cemetery next week.
A large number of young people gathered at the home of Bert Benson’s mother, to celebrate his 21st birthday.
Rev. Crowther, Mr. Hanyen and family with others from here attended the funeral of Mrs. P. V. Van Ness in Mansfield Sunday.
Mr. Fred Hanyen and family are visiting at Mr. Hanyen’s home here.
The M. E. Ladies Aide Society will meet with Mrs. Arnot Rose Thursday August 5th. Every member must attend, there is business to transact.
Martin Rose is on the sick list.
It is reported that A. H. Benson will move back to the Newberry farm.
The M.E. Ladies Aid Society met at the parsonage for dinner Thursday.
The MacCabees held a dance in the K.O.T.M. Hall Friday night.
The funeral of W. A. McClure was largely attended from the Baptist Church Friday. Rev. C. H. Crowl, of Tioga officiated, assisted by Revs. Smith of the M. E. Church and Burge Gates of the Baptist.
Miss Maud Sweely and her school gave an interesting entertainment in K.O.T.M. Hall Saturday evening.
L. D. Pierce is quite feeble.
The Wilcox mill is being well stocked with logs.
At the sale of Messrs. Davis
good prices were obtained. Cows sold for $40.
The Lawrence Corners list produces these names; Eula Brace, Gertie Mackle, Blanche Frost, Lillian Lawrence, Muriel Pruyne, Ruth Smith, Cecil Smith, Leon Pruyne, Arland Ide, Colie Smith, Rayburn Smith and Blaine Ide.
The Oldroyd School lists these names; Harry Davis, Will McClure, Mark McClure, Fritz White, Mae McClure, Earl Wilcox, Mary Oldroyd and Eva Oldroyd.
Lottie Walker was teacher of the Van Ness Hill School, Nettie Rice of the Lawrence Corners School and the teacher of Oldroyd School failed to include her name.
This was about the time telephone lines were being built and several items in the paper tell of new lines being staked out. Also in this paper is an account of the murder of Mrs. Payne, who was murdered in her home near Jackson Summit. Some of you older people will recall the excitement at that time.
An item in that Millerton Advocate of 1884 would puzzle some of the younger people, it reads: "The plank road is in its usual miserable condition, yet business booms."
Roseville and Rutland has seen many changes for the better since the turn of the century as well as a few backward steps. In 1900 we had five churches in the Roseville-Rutland area today we have but two. In 1900 Saturday night in Roseville was a big event, streets were crowded. Now we have had to install street lights to see the few who are here. The automobile and the hard surface highways have been blamed for many of these changes but the lack of people is a far greater cause. A village cannot be maintained without people. No business can run without people. Customers make business and people are customers. Old Home Day is enjoyable for many of we older folks it also has its nostalgic moments. Progress is like a mob, one must go with it or be trampled beneath it. May we meet again in 1950.
Thank you.
PLAINFIELD, Waushara Co., Wisconsin,
March 20, ’70
Nearly or quite two-thirds
of the inhabitants of this town were former residents of Tioga county.
Every day or so, I make the acquaintance of some one who came from Tioga.
Right in the village are -–Sheardown, (Druggist and P. M.) J. B. Mitchell,
(merchant) Dr. Joslin, Michael Rozell, Jacob Johnston, Ira Baker, and Rev.
Milton Chester. One-half mile east is H. C. Borden; one hundred rods east
of the village, B. B. Borden; in the third house from him, east, lives
Benoni Bentley’s widow (now Mrs. Youngman). The next if B. B. French; the
next Jesse Bentley’s widow, (Mrs. Dwire). The next is Samuel Bentley. By
the way, he and I were schoolboys together, up at Lawrences’s schoolhouse,
in Rutland. Those were my very first school days; and how well do I remember
them! The guide board said, “Eight miles to Tioga”, “Four to Mansfield,”
and “Three to Roseville” – Roseville, where every other man you met was
intoxicated. (I hope it is not thus these latter years.) Royal Rose kept
store, and sold “Rose-water”; while just across the way, Peter Backer “kept
tavern,” and supplied the traveling public (and the stationary also) with
“Backer juice.” But this was long ago – twenty-three years – and Royal
and Peter have gone to their long home, there to give an account of their
stewardship, and receive their reward, whatever it may be. But I have wandered
from my subject.
Horton Stearns, John Prutsman, Jno Job, Samuel Westbrook, Bethuel Bentley, C. Johnston, E. A. Johnston, Ed. Benton, and a host of others that I do not now call to mind, all good citizens, but not all good farmers, are in this section. Land is very poorly tilled here. If the farmers here would put the labor on their farms that some do in Tioga county, they would get the largest kind of returns. The soil is a black or dark sand, and needs no draining. A good coat of manure will show for ten years. The county is being settled quite rapidly. There were 1000 acres broke in this township last season. There are two things I have almost forgotten since I came here – cars and mudholes. There are fair prospects of seeing the former soon, but the latter never. There has been a bill passed recently at Madison for a railroad running from Columbus to Stevens’s Point, through this place. If I am informed correctly, it is to be built by the Pennsylvania Central.
And now, in closing, I
would say to all those who meditate coming west from old Tioga this season,
“Call and examine, before buying elsewhere.”
Truly yours, Waushara
[Unfortunately the writer did not sign his name]
Note from Joyce - We
know that "the cars" {railroad] went through because in 1880 Joe Holly
visited his brother, William Holly, near Stevens Point.