October 18, 1912
Serious Typhoid Fever Epidemic—More Than Hundred Ill
We include in this list the names of practically all of the ill in the village. There probably is among them several, let us hope many, who have not typhoid fever:
Joseph Armstrong, R. A. Burr, Susie Borden, Laura Ballard, Frank Barker, Arthur Brown, Ernest Bright, Irene Brown, Mrs. Milton Brown.
Mary Cleaver, John Camp, Myrtle Camp, Foster Carter, Robert Compton, Flora Campbell, Margaret Collins, Belle Carnochan, Ethel Carnochan, Mrs. H. C. Carpenter.
Leora, Leola and Harry Corey.
Madora Flick, Mary Fanning, John Fink, Lela Foote, Belle Foote, D. J. Fanning.
Ernest Guild, Harold Gustin, Judson Gibson, Mrs. Jennie Gates, Lawrence Gustin, Mrs. Howard Grosjean.
Lee Harkness, Llewellyn Hickok, William Hickok, Roy Hackett.
George Jorlaemon, Annie King, Nellie King, J. H. Kelley, Mrs. J. H. Kelley, Geraldine Jones.
Caroline Mann, Fannie McDowell, Mildred McDowell, Edward Morse, Angeanette Morse, Mrs. M. J. McNulty, Sarah McIntyre, Robert Mann, Natalie Mitchell, Hazel, McKee.
Lester Newell, Rita Newell, Helen Newell, George Newell.
Mrs. J. W. Phillips, Ellen Preston, Lottie Preston, Mrs. Orris Pierce, Olive Pierce, Mrs. C. B. Pomeroy, Mrs. D. F. Pomeroy, Charlotte Paine, Winifred Pomeroy, Mrs. T. W. Parsons, Wilber Parsons.
Earl Rolison, Jay Rolison, Isadore Robinson.
Russell Sewell, Laura Sewell, Edward Sewell, Burt Sewell, Francis Smith, E. H. Spencer, Harry Stevens, Maria (Marie) Stanton, Chas. Stanton, Jr., Theo. Sherman, Mrs. Clara Smythe, Mrs. Burt Sewell, Charity Smith, Mrs. Grace Sgrace (sic) Spalding.
E. L. Teeter, Elizabeth Thomas, Austin Taylor, Linn Taylor.
F. E. Van Dyne, Robert VanSyckel.
Mary Woodruff, Mrs. Judson Whittaker.
Typhoid fever is a germ disease.
It enters the system through the process of eating or drinking. It is not breathed in, therefore it is not contagious. The germs pass from one to another through the bodily discharges, and are most often conveyed by drinking water, milk, ice cream and oysters also are conveyors.
Every case presupposes another case.
Last March there was a case of typhoid on the water shed from whence Troy derives its supply. Every precaution was taken to guard against the dissemination of the deadly germs.
Everything from the sick room was disinfected and buried in quick lime. In thirty years there had not been a case of typhoid traceable to the village water system, and no trouble was anticipated after all of these precautions had been taken, but the heavy rains of September must have found and washed down into the water system the germs of typhoid, for Troy has at this time upwards of one hundred cases of varying degrees of severity.
Usually about fourteen days elapse from infection to the active onset of the disease.
The Rev. E. P. Morse and family, more cautious that the rest, used not drinking water from the public system all summer, but three weeks ago began using it. Two weeks later two of their children came down with fever. About the same time began the general development of fever in Troy. The infection, therefore, seems to date back about three weeks.
Through Health Officer James Linderman acting through County Medical Officer Dr. Johnson of Towanda, the State Department of Health was notified last Thursday and Health Commissioner Dr. Dixon at once sent Dr. C. J. Hunt, his chief medical inspector to Troy. With Dr. Hunt came Sanitary Engineer H. E. Moses of the department. They arrived Saturday morning. The investigation which they began at once placed the responsibility on the water. In quick succession the supply from the water shed was cut off, a plant established to sterilize the water already stored and the pump started to keep up the supply from the uncontaminated artisan well. Pumping is being continued.
On recommendation of the department a permanent sterilizing plant will be installed just above the distributing reservoirs. The only remaining danger from the water lies in the distributing system and that will be overcome with as little delay as possible. Until it is pronounced safe not water should be used for domestic purposes or for brushing the teeth, that has not been boiled for twenty minutes. This means exactly what it says. Boil all water from the mains at least twenty minutes.
With so many ill, the need of an emergency hospital was anticipated by Dr. Hunt and his suggestion to the Board of Health Saturday night that one be established was carried into effect Wednesday of this week. It is in the Joseph Joralemon house on Canton street, and within a few hours fifteen were brought in.
The hospital is in charge as nurse of Miss O’Halloran, who is at the head of the State’s staff of about 150 nurses. Yesterday Miss Parsons came also from the State staff.
Seven others of the State staff of health workers, making nine in all are here with Dr. Hunt, including F. H. Snow, Chief of the Engineering Division. Each has his definite work to do and is doing it with a thoroughness that is reassuring.
In arriving at the source of infection Dr. Hunt and his coworkers found that out of 91 cases reported up to Wednesday evening, 53 had eaten ice cream from four different sources of supply; 14 had eaten oysters or other shell fish and the milk supply of only 36 had come from one place, but that 91 out of 91 had use boro water. Some further figures are interesting; Forty-seven out of 91 are under 20 years of age; 37 of these are school children and 81 out of 91 are under 40 years of age.
Hundreds have been inoculated with the typhoid serum. They are doing this on recommendation of their local physicians, reinforced by such physicians as Dr. Hunt, Dr. John Carnochan, of Princeton, Dr. W. A. DeWitt of Blossburg hospital, and Dr. Anna Shaw, of Elmira, all of whom save Dr. Hunt, have relatives or near friends here. It is not urged that vaccination will stop cases about to develop, but that it is a great help towards warding off attacks of the disease.
The serum is furnished free by the state to all who can not afford to pay for it. Apply to your family physician and be vaccinated. It is the wise thing to do, not only for the present but looking forward to the future. The constitutional disturbance is usually not very pronounced and passes off after 48 hours. Vaccination against typhoid is now required by the United States army from which comes our most valuable data on its value as a prevention.
October 25, 1912
No New Cases of Typhoid Since Wednesday
The list below is of cases reported to the authorities since last Thursday:
Mrs. Eva Baldwin, Sidney Boughton, Clarence Beach, Benton Beach.
Mrs. Harry Cornish, Henry Case, Winnie Case, John Cornish, Russell Comfort, Byron Campbell, Mrs. Geo. Case, Mrs. Timothy Conklin.
Mrs. Bert Dewey, Mrs. Hattie Dibble, Jennie Dibble, Mrs. Nancy Dannely.
Florence Fanning, Nellie Fay.
Ray Gilkey, Frances Gallatin.
Walter Johns.
Francis M. Kelley.
Mrs. F. McCormick, Mrs. A. G. Marcellus, Mrs. Harry Mitchell, Ruth McKee, Harvey McKee, William McClelland.
Ruby Palmer, Robert Putman, Margaret Peters, Jane Parsons, Katherine and Joseph Preston, Frank Price.
Mary L. Saltmarsh, Mrs. George Smith, Rachel Smith, Lee Smith, Leslie Smith.
Vincent Vineski, Frances Vineski.
John Walters, Merritt Ward.
Mrs. Bert Sewell, Fannie McDowell, Mildred McDowell, Robert Mann, Carolyne Mann, Myrtle Camp, Lawrence Gustin, Annie King, Nellie King, Bert Sewell, Judson Gibson, J. L. Camp, Jay Rolison, Lee Harkness, Mrs. Clarence Brenchley, Mary Cornish, Irene Brown, Mrs. M. S. Brown, Margaret Peters, John Cornish, Mrs. Danby, Walter Johns, Mrs. John Cornish, Benton Beach, Ray Gilkey, A. W. Flick, Mrs. Hattie Dibble, Genevieve Dibble, Mrs. George Smith, May Keller, Nellie Fay, Richard Wood, Harvey McKeel, and Gordon Case, whose home is on the water shed in Farmers Valley and who was brought in on Wednesday.
Austin Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Taylor, died last Saturday the second fever victim. He was a fine boy of 15. His parents have the sympathy of the whole community. The funeral was held on Monday, the Rev. G. A. Baldwin officiating. Interment was in Granville.
Ernest L. Teeter, proprietor of the Troy Cold Storage, and largely interested in the Troy Creamery and in the Towanda Cold Storage firm of Teeter & Moore, expire(d) at his home in Elmira street Wednesday afternoon. He was one of the first stricken down. For two or three days before the end came his life hung in the balance. Mr. Teeter was 45 years old and a native of Austinville. Besides his wife and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Teeter, he is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Stanley Moore of Towanda, Mrs. Wilmot Knapp of Elmira. Two foster children also survive, Janet and Ethel Carnochan, both of whom are down with the fever. The funeral will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock from the home of his parents in Canton street.
November 1, 1912
Troy Gazette Register
Typhoid Epidemic Abating. Only a Few New Cases
Since last week there have been three more deaths, bringing the total up to seven.
Benton Beach
Mr. Benton Beach died at the hospital Sunday evening, Oct. 27. He was 53 years old. The funeral was held Tuesday at Beaman and Friends’ undertaking rooms. The Rev. Glenn A. Baldwin officiated and interment was in Glenwood.
Lee Harkness
Lee Harkness, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harkness died Monday, Oct. 28, at the emergency hospital. He was 7 years old and the youngest of the sufferers so far to die. The funeral was held from his home in High Street at 1 o’clock Wednesday, the Rev. Glenn A. Baldwin officiating. Interment was at Springfield.
Although new cases may still be reported it is safe to state that the epidemic is abating. This statement is made advisedly and it should be said that the period between the infection, when the germs are taken into the system and the onset of the disease, the time when the person first begins to feel ill is from seven to fourteen days as a rule, although there may be exceptions where the germs lie latent in the system before making he onset.
This period is known as the period of incubation. If the dates when the infection of persons was possible, can be given, it is then easy to predict very closely the length of time during which people may come down with the fiver, and the time when the danger is practically over.
This work is being done by certain of the state officials with satisfactory results.
Dr. Hunt says that there is no change of opinion as to the source of the pollution. Of 190 cases reported up to Wednesday afternoon, including all but two or three of the suspects, all had used Boro water, although some, but only a very few, had used in addition water from springs and wells. The milk supply for these 190 cases had come from 69 different sources, so milk could not have caused it, and for the same reason, the infection could not have arisen from any other source that the Boro water.
Having excluded all other sources of infection but the water it is next necessary to ascertain when the water became polluted and how. The most plausible means of pollution is a heavy rain. Looking back through September we find that on the 15th there fell about one-half inch of water in four hours, while from the 22nd to the 25th approximately two inches fell. This rain was sufficient to pollute the water if there were germs in existence ready to be washed into the water supply of the Boro. As facts have since proven these are the dates of two respective pollutions of the water.
Looking ahead now for the two week from the first pollutions of the water on September 15th we find that the onset of the first case of typhoid was on Sept. 26, there being onsets of nine cases on the 28th, the number in the succeeding nine days subsiding to an average of less that four a day. Most of these cases were probably due to the first pollution of the water. Looking ahead now for two weeks from the second pollution of the water we find beginning with Oct. 8th the number of cases per day increases rapidly, there being 18 on the 8th and 124 in this period of ten days, being an average of over 12 a day.
Beginning the 18th of October gradually diminishes t less that five a day the last onset thus far traceable, being Oct. 23. From this data we see that although new cases may be coming under observation or may be diagnosed as typhoid since over a week ago, the onsets of none of these cases has been found to be after Oct. 25, in every case the patient having felt ill for some days previous to consulting a doctor or to the diagnosing of the case as typhoid. From these facts therefore, it is safe to say that we are fast nearing the end of the cases arising from the original infection due to the two pollutions of the Boro water. There may still be cases of fever however, first cases, where the period of incubation is longer than 14 days, the germs lying latent in the system some time before making an onset, and secondly, secondary cases may arise. These are cases arising from lack of careful sanitation where there is fever.
At present there are 37 cases in the emergency hospital with four more in the annex in the engine house.
Miss O’Halloran, who is in charge of both hospitals reports that the general condition of all is fair.
Only five cases of persons having received the first vaccination are known with a certainty to have developed the disease, and in each case, the onset of temperature began within two to three days of vaccination. All are running a mild course.
The finance relief committee, and the Henrietta McKnight nurse committee are continuing the work of relieving families that are stricken with the disease. The people in the surrounding towns and countryside have responded generously with contributions of provisions, bed linens, etc, as well as with money for which the committee express its heartfelt thanks. This work is being conducted systematically and will, as far as can now be seen, continue well to the first of the year.
We publish below a list of the sufferers who have been taken ill since
our last issue.
Josephine Bird | W. W. Buck | Dorothy Beaman | Hope Crouch |
Janet Carnochan | Carroll Carter | Irvin Comfort | A. M. Flick |
Gordon Case | F. W. Hovey | Helen Joralemon | Cora Kellogg |
M. J. McNulty | Carl Kellogg | John M. Coney | Reinhold Erk |
Hattie McMahon | Mildred Peters | Augusta Palmer | H. J. Pierce |
Paul Rockwell | Harry Rolison | Lena Robinson | Lucy Sherman |
Marion Rexford | Jay Rolison | Eleanor Phillips | Maurice Smith |
V. E. Tomlinson | Richard Wood | F. E. VanKeuren | Monroe Wood |
Chas. E. Stanton, Sr. | Mrs. D. J. Fanning | Francis McConnell | Mrs. Jerry Taylor |
Mrs. Harvey Heald | Margaret Joralemon | J. H. Kelly | Helena Tomlinson |
Edmund Stanton |
November 8, 1912
Troy Gazette Register
While there have been a few cases reported since last week, it is safe to say that the spread of the fever has been checked. All of the cases reported since our last issue are from the original infection, the onset of all falling before October 25th. There have as yet been no secondary cases, and if the instructions regarding sanitation be carefully observed, there should be none.
With the checking of the spread of the fever, the first part of the work of the state officials is well-nigh completed. The work now left is the cleaning up of the watershed of Sugar Creek and its tributaries in order to prevent cases of fever or of other diseases in the future. The state officials are now working upon this phase of the work. This is an important work and should have the hearty support of every citizen in the Boro and the surrounding country.
The notices against the pollution of Sugar Creek are now being served. The plan is to clean this stream of all sewerage. These notices also include the abatement of other nuisances. While the idea in abating these nuisances is to protect the health of the people of Troy, it is also a part of a far larger work, that of protecting the health of the people of a large part of the state of Pennsylvania. The State Health Department is at work cleaning up the watersheds throughout the whole state, and it would only have been a matter of time when the state officials, working up the valley of the Susquehanna River, would have come to Troy to do this very work. The pollution of Sugar Creek means the pollution of the Susquehanna River, for its waters empty into that river, and it is a mistaken idea to suppose that water becomes purer the farther it flows. The health of the inhabitants of all the municipalities on the Susquehanna, as well as of the people here, has been endangered by the pollution of our little stream, and as long as the sewerage of Troy and its vicinity is emptied into it there will be danger. We, in Troy, should take a broad view of the matter and do all in our power to abate nuisances that may endanger the health not only of our own people but also of our fellow-citizens in other parts of the state, many of whom have responded so generously in this, our time of need.
There are at present in the Boro of Troy and in the surrounding neighborhood 201 cases of fever arising from the pollution of our Boro water. Of this number up to the present there have been eleven deaths, a trifle over five per cent.
The following letter, together with a contribution, has been received by the Relief Committee and shows the spirit in which gifts are being made:
"Enclosed please find a widow’s mite. I know it is but a drop in the ocean of human need. It was sent me years ago, but I could not use it for my own pleasure and I give it gladly where it will do a little good.
‘Day by day the manna fell
Oh, to learn the lesson well!
Cast foreboding cares away,
Take the manna of today’
I’m 80 years old"
Troy Gazette Register
November 15. 1912
Epidemic Outlook Much Brighter
Since our last issue conditions in Troy have materially improved. From all sides come reports that those who are ill are improving. Many have normal temperatures and are convalescing and some have discharged their nurses. Miss O’HOLLERAN reports that the hospital patients are doing finely and that some will be discharged, with a few days. The Relief Committee has its work thoroughly organized and no one is suffering on account of lack of care or the comforts of life. With the very generous aid of our many friends we will be able to assist those who are not now self-supporting until health returns. Too much cannot be said in praise of those who have and who are now rendering Troy their assistance, or of those who are giving their time and services in administering the relief funds.
During the first weeks of the epidemic business was at a standstill, but merchants and business men report that trade in increasing. People are learning that they can come here without danger to themselves and are coming daily in greater numbers.
Danger from the first infection is over and the only new cases, which are very few, come from what is known as secondary infection, that is, an infection from those who are already sick. All possible precautions are being taken and people who do not come in contact with typhoid patients and who take ordinary precautions are in no danger whatever.
We had hoped to report that a plan for the permanent sanitary improvement of the borough had been adopted, but are informed that while the matter is under way, Dr. DIXON, the State Health Commissioner, has yet been unable to take the matter up with the committee of the borough council appointed
to confer with him.
The people of Troy are working together not only to stamp out this epidemic but to improve the town and we feel assured that we will emerge from this trial prepared to go forward with renewed energy. That our town will be more sanitary and consequently a better and safer place in which to live and that in the years that are to come we will look back at this time as the beginning of a period of substantial prosperity.
Late Fred E. Van Dyne Remembered Employees
The will of the late Frederick E. VanDyne was yesterday admitted to probate. His brother, E. Everitt VanDyne and Dona S. VanDyne, his widow were names as executors. By the terms of the will the bulk of the estate is left to his wife and daughter. The only other bequests were $1,000, which was left to the First Presbyterian church of Troy, and $100 to each employee who had worked for six months for the tanning firm of E. VanDyne’s Sons, of which concern Mr. VanDyne was a partner with his brother, E. Everitt VanDyne.
Frederick E. VanDyne was a man whose life exemplified the best type of citizenship. Possessed of large business interests, he came in contact with all classes, and to all he was a friend and helper. His kind thoughtfulness to those in his employ is expressed in his remembrance to them in his will. But that was an index of the man. He will be greatly missed by all in the stricken community where he lived, but especially so by those closely associated with him who came within the influence of his kindly life. Towanda Review.
Bradford County Boys Hold Annual Meeting
In looking forward to its annual dinner, the Bradford County Society of the City of New York, held it annual business meeting at Cavanaugh’s which seems to be one of the most enthusiastic yet.
President M. L. GRISWOLD called the meeting to order and preceding all other business said he desired to call attention to the situation in Troy and the need of immediate assistance for the victims of the typhoid epidemic there. It was a case which he thought might well be taken up by the Society. The emergency was great and he desired to lay the matter before the meeting for action. The response was prompt. There was no discussion. A resolution was adopted instructing the new officers to at once appeal to the membership for a contribution for the emergency hospital at Troy and already this appeal is being sent out, each member being urged to make such contribution as he can.
The treasurer’s report showed the Society in good financial shape. That is it owed nothing and had nothing.
A letter was read from "UNCLE HARRY" HORTON regretting his inability to attend the meeting but promising to be with the boys at the dinner and then the election of officers was taken up. The appeal on behalf of Troy was put forward as an excuse for electing a Troy man president and HARRY M. CLEAVER was unanimously chosen. Of course it was a complete surprise to Cleaver and he even tried to wiggle out of it, though he has been slated for the place a year. He is a hustler and has been one of the hardest workers in the Society since its organization. As chairman of the executive committee and last year as vice-president he has "made good," and has worked just as hard as a private when some one else has been on the job of holding the "Titles."
THOMAS A. MCGUIRE was the only nominee for secretary and BERT H. BEARDSLEE was unanimously chosen vice-president. Mr. McGuire is a Towanda boy in the real estate line in New York and Mr. Beardslee, who hails from Orwell, is an official of the Sheffield Farms dairy company. PAUL K. DAYTON, of Towanda, was elected treasurer; JOHN SEMON, also a Towandian, was elected chairman of the executive committee. This committee has full charge of all arrangements for the annual dinner and the chairman has to do most of the work and stand for all the kicks if there be any.
N. P. HICKS, who came from out Rome way years ago, was elected chairman of the reception committee, and CRAIG W. GREEN, who always talks of Athens as "Home", was selected as head of the press committee. The full list of committees will be announced later.
The vice-presidents from the county this year are the editors of the Bradford county paper. Mr. Green who made the motion said that this honor he thought might well go to the men who were working for the Old Home County all the time, and who had from the first aided the Bradford County Society in every way and with uniform and unfailing courtesy. He regretted, he said, that few of them had ever attended one of the annual dinners so that the obligation could be in a measure repaid but this was all the more reason why they should be made vice-presidents for the county this year.
The county vice-presidents are; F. E. VANKEUREN, Gazette Register, Troy; U. G. BAKER, Review, Towanda; FRANK COOK, News, Athens; H. L. WHITMAN, World, Canton, CHARLES HINTON, Gazette, Athens; A. J. COTTON, Times Record, Sayre; FRED NEWELL, Sentinel, Canton; C. F. HEVERLY, Star, Towanda; J. V. KEELER, Times, LeRaysville; C. S. HOLCOMBE, Enterprise, Monroeton; C. H. TURNER, Reporter Journal, Towanda; D. A. KEELER, Rocket, Wyalusing; Miss ANNA PARSONS, Argus, Towanda: and S. B. TAYLOR, Mirror, New Albany.
It was decided to hold the annual dinner the latter part of January and on a Saturday night as most convenient not only for the members but for guests from the County and elsewhere.
Troy Gazette Register
November 22, 1912
Conditions in Troy Steadily Improving
Conditions here are steadily improving. School opened Monday with a good attendance. Mrs. PERCY KING, (nee CYNTHIA DICKINSON) being the only substitute. She is teaching in place of Miss FLORENCE FANNING, who is convalescing in st. Joseph’s Hospital, Elmira. Miss SUSIE BORDEN and MARGARET COLLINS, also teachers are reported much better.
It will be five weeks next Sunday, since the committee commenced collecting supplies for the emergency hospital. Canton helped by responding to the call for more cot beds, and before night five patients were moved in.
We are looking forward to the closing of this hospital in the near future.
The patients are all so much better consequently the demand on the nurses is so much less that two of the nurses, Miss REEVES and Miss LEAMY have gone to their homes.
Many of the private nurses have also gone and their patients are to be seen on the streets.
Since last week’s issue the following patients have been taken back to their homes; JOHN CORNISH, Mrs. MILTON BROWN, IRENE BROWN, Mrs. GEO. SMITH, GEORGE SEWELL, WALTER JOHNS, MAY KELLER and RAY GILKIE.
Health Commissioner Writes Council
November 16th, 1912
To the Burgess and Town Council of Troy Borough, Bradford County, Penna.
It is provided by law, Act. No. 182, 1905, that no person, corporation or municipality shall place or permit to be placed, or discharge, or permit to flow into any of the waters of the State any sewage except as permitted by the Commissioner of Health. Your borough has violated the provisions of this law by permitting sewers to be constructed and they are now emptying into Sugar Creek or it tributaries. There are numerous individual sewers which are discharging either directly or indirectly into the streams and it becomes my duty acting for the interests of the public health, to bring about the discontinuance of the use of these sewers. It is always my policy to prevent wasteful expenditures of money in so far as I am permitted to deal with this phase of the subject. The compelling of the abandonment of the sewers in your town would greatly inconvenience users of the sewers and put them to expenses which I should like to see obviated by he construction of a municipal sewerage system and sewerage disposal works, the cost of which would be equitably distributed and borne by the town and the users of the sewers.
If I am informed correctly, Troy borough is not financially able to build, construct and operate a sewerage system and sewage disposal works, and at the same time to make extensions and improvements to the municipal water works, the latter being imperative. There is way however, in which the said sewerage system and sewage disposal works can be installed and operated under the auspices of the borough. The sewers can be built and the cost thereof assessed upon the abutting properties.
The disposal works can be installed and operated by the company, preferably local citizens who have money to invest under franchise rights granted by the borough, reserving to the borough the right to take over and own the plant at stated intervals. I believe that if you will give this subject careful consideration, that you will be able to evolve a plan of procedure under which a modern sewerage system and sewage disposal works can be constructed, operated and maintained to serve the interests of the public health, and this Department will give you up to the first day of March, 1913, to consider the problem.
On or before the first day of March, 1913, you should submit to the State Department of Health for approval, plans for a system of sewerage and sewage disposal works and after these plans have been approved, modified and amended the borough shall take such steps as may be necessary to bring about the construction thereof. This Department will be glad to advise with you relative to the preparation of the said plans for a comprehensive sewerage system. We shall however, expect you to take some action one way or the other about this proposition at once and to keep this Department informed of the progress that you may be making in the solution of the problem. If nothing whatsoever is done by the authorities of Troy borough, then the Commissioner of Health will be compelled to deal with the individual property owners in Troy Borough rather that the municipality.
Yours Truly,
Commissioner of Health
It may be further said that H. KENT MITCHELL and WILLIAM DEWITT, the committee appointed by the council to learn what might be done in this matter were in Harrisburg yesterday in conference with Mr. Dixon, and he then issued a decree, whereby the borough must forthwith employ a competent engineer to prepare plans for the installation of a permanent plant to be located at the distributing reservoir near the pumping station for the treatment of the water with chlorinated lime and these plans shall be submitted to the Commissioner of Health for approval and after being approved, modified or commended by him the plant shall be erected and the water treated accordingly. These plans are to be submitted to the Commissioner of Health on or before the 14th day of December, 1912.
In the meantime the water is to be treated as at present by the temporary apparatus now installed.
The borough must also employ a competent expert to examine the water works system and to investigate and additional or new supply of water and in this connection the engineer shall be guided by the suggestions before given relative to the possible development of the ground source, and report plans sand recommendations to the Commissioner of Health for approval within ninety days from the date of the decree. Mr. Dixon says that the State Department will be glad to advise and cooperate with the borough authorities in this matter of selection new supply of water.
Troy Gazette Register
November 29, 1912
Letter from the Ministers of Troy
To the readers of the Troy Gazette Register:
We, the ministers of the several congregations in Troy, feeling a profound interest in all that concerns its welfare, address to you this Thanksgiving letter.
We wish first to express our sense of the gratitude we all owe to Almighty God for his blessing upon the efforts by which the typhoid epidemic has been conquered.
We note with satisfaction the steady progress toward health of the many who have been sick, the restoration of the spirit of hopefulness and confidence in the community, and the general desire to cooperate in everything that will promote the future health and prosperity of our people.
We desire t record our profound appreciation the spirit of Christian kindness manifested by the people of the surrounding country, and neighboring villages and cities, in their generous contributions of money and supplies for the relief of the suffering and the over-burdened; and also to testify our admiration of the self-sacrificing and efficient service rendered by all of those who have ministered in any form professional or otherwise to the sick and the needy.
We sympathize with the business men of our village in the business depression resulting from the epidemic, and express the hope that the people who usually have business and social relations with Troy may speedily regain confidence in regard to conditions here. It seems not to have been clearly understood that the most stringent regulations adopted for checking the epidemic did not interfere in any way with the regular gathering of the people for church services, or place any restrictions upon business or social intercourse here. The prosperity of Troy and the well-being of the country around it depend upon their relations to each other, and we believe that are now no conditions which should restrict such relations, either in business, school or church life.
And we desire t say to the people of the community that it is our profound conviction that we must look for all prosperity to the blessing of God: that His blessing is promised only to those who honor Him and keep His commandments: and that neglected places of worship are as serious a menace to the welfare of a community as poorly patronized places of business. We will gladly join hands with you all in the effort to boost Troy in business, sanitation, education and religion.
Nominated for Boro Offices
Troy, PA
June 1913
M. H. McGlenn made a clean sweep of the fight for nomination as Burgess
and when the polls closed Tuesday evening his name headed all three tickets,
Republican, Democratic and Washington as a matter of fact, Mike didn’t
fight at all, his friends did the fighting for him. Charles N. Greene
was nominated for council by all three parties. R. E. Van Sycle is
the other Republican nominee, Al Budd and John Coney are tied for the other
Democratic nomination and e. F. Lilley completes the Washington nomination.
For school directors, J. C. Blackwell and J. H. Preston head the Republican
slate, Wallace Newell and John Hooley, the Democratic and J. H. Preston
and Dr. G. E. Boyer the Washington Party. The fight for nomination
as tax collector narrowed down to Roy W. Price and Clarence L. Wheeler.
Roy got the Republican nomination, the candidate tied in the Democratic
and Mr. Wheeler received the Washington majority. Cecil Hooker had
the largest number of votes for Judge of Election on each of the three
tickets. Other nominations were as follows:
Jury Commissioner – Arthur Brown, R; John McKay, D.; Jno. B. Connolly,
State Committeeman – Liston Bliss, R.; J. W. Keating, D.; W. F. Palmer,
Inspector of Election – Charles Ludington, R.; F. B. Orcutt, D.; B.
S. Breene, W.
Auditors – W. W. Beaman, R.; R. A. Burr, R.; Earl Stanton, D.; William
Weigester, D.; J. H. Kelley, W.; H. E. Chase, W.
The Prohibition Party had but two nominees, Chas. W. VanSycle for Jury
Commissioner and W. H. S. Hermans for members of the state committee.
For Non-Partisan Judge, Herbert T. Ames of Lycoming Co. received the
largest number of votes.