Town of Horseheads Histories |
Horseheads was formed in 1835 from the towns of Elmira
and Chemung.
It was the first township to be formed after Chemung County
was created from its mother Tioga County NY.
Township Postcards & Photos
Post Offices
Elmira Heights Village & PO |
Horseheads Village & PO |
Breesport PO |
Town of Horseheads Census Records |
Town of Horseheads Directories |
Town of Horseheads Tax Records |
Town of Horseheads Cemetery Records |
If You can Provide GOOD Driving Directions or
GPS coordinates for any of our 700 cemeteries, please send to Joyce
65. Bentley's Landing, Slab Town,
Wygant Road, Marsh Cemetery |
69. Lenox Avenue Cemetery, McConnell Cemetery #1 |
Town of Horseheads Schools |
In a message dated 5/29/2008 8:17:35 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
When my grandmother graduated from Horseheads High School in 1902, the
exercises were held in Prichard Hall. I had always assumed that Prichard Hall
was the auditorium in the old brick school. A couple years ago I was sitting in
the car on Hanover Square and noted the front of the old Hibbard Hardware was
repainted and over a doorway next to the store was painted "Prichard Hall". The
hardware is now a lighting and carpet place and I inquired. An accommodating
chap opened a side door that led to the wide stairway up to Prichard Hall. They
use it to store carpet, but otherwise you could still set up chairs and have a
ceremony up on stage. Some time, if you are hanging out in Horseheads, you might
want to take a look.
The attached invitation for the 1899 graduation had no name attached, but the
Prichard Hall venue prompted this email.
Town of Horseheads Business Histories & Photos |
Hotels in Town of Horseheads
Photographers in Townof
Town of Horseheads Organizations |
Town of Horseheads Churches
Histories, Records, Photos |
Town of Horseheads Family Bible Records |
Town of Horseheads Families & Individuals,
Genealogies, Photos |
Township Resident Photo Album
Eugene Zimmerman "Zim" Self Portrait (I'll add more Zim materials
Sent in by Tom Brace
Horseheads Diaries & Letters |
Town of Horseheads Wills, Deeds, Legal Documents |
Town of Horseheads Military Records |
Township Population Statisticss |