Prospect Cemetery, Mansfield, Tioga County, Pennsylvania |
Photo by Joyce M. Tice Formatted & Published by Joyce M. Tice |
Reading a series of obituaries from a single cemetery, as they are presented here, is like reading the multi-generational history of a community. These people were the local populace at a particular time. The people buried here knew each other, were neighbors and relatives. All people are listed in alphabetic order by surname at BIRTH. Women identified by a married alias only and for whom a birth surname can not be identified, are listed on the last page for the cemetery's obituaries. |
- John W. Adams, of Mansfield, Dropped Dead on Monday [SRGP 59377]
John Willard Adams, Esq., aged 63, a prominent and respected citizen of
Mansfield, died very suddenly at his home in that borough about one o'clock
Monday afternoon. Up to that time he had been apparently as well as usual. He
was on the street Monday morning. He was the son of the late William and Ruth
Ann Adams and a grandson of Captain Lyman Adams, deceased, and was born in Tioga
township on February 8, 1843. When about 12 years of age his parents removed to
Mansfield, where he had since resided. He received a good education, studied law
with his father and the late Henry Allen and was admitted to the bar in
November, 1867. On April 27, 1868, he married Marian A. Vincent, who survives
him with their two daughter, Ruth O, wife of Arthur G. Brown, of Pittsburgh,
formerly of Elmira, and Eina(?) Lou, wife of Dr. J. E. Williamson, a Mansfield
dentist. Their third daughter, Edith, died in infancy. Mr. Adams was a
Republican in politics and was a public spirited and progressive citizen, always
taking an active interest in public affairs. He was respected by all who knew
him and had a host of friends throughout the county. He was always actively
interested in the Mansfield Normal School and was a member of the Board
of Trustees of that institutional for several years, as well as a stockholder.
He was a successful lawyer, a shrewd and capable business man and was the
possessor of many sterling qualities. Funeral service will be held tomorrow at
1:30 o'clock, Rev. Theron R. Green, officiating. [Prospect Cemetery] - Wellsboro
Agitator, 21 February 1906
ADAMS [ADAMY] - Mrs. Lulu O'Dell, [04562] widow of Lawrence [?
Verne B.] O'Dell of East Hartford, Conn., died on April 18, 1958 at East
Hartford, Conn. She was a member of the Wesley Memorial Church of East Hartford,
Conn. Surviving are sons, Dr. Harold O'Dell of Rochester, NY, Malcolm J. O'Dell
of Andover, Mass., C. Willard O'Dell of East Hartford, Conn., and Robert N.
O'Dell of Horseheads, NY; sister, Mrs. Myrtle Everett of Alameda, Calif.; five
grandchildren. Funeral service was held at the Shaw & Robena Funeral Home on
Monday at 2:00 p.m. with the Rev. David J. Griffiths officiating. Burial was in
Prospect Cemetery, Mansfield. - Mansfield Advertiser, April 1958
ALDRICH, Leander [SRGP 05223]
buried at Mansfield "last Saturday" [Mansfield Advertiser 1883 14-Mar]
Miss Sallie Aldrich, aged seventy-five years, died Wednesday evening, at the
home of her brother, Joseph Aldrich, in Roseville. The funeral was held in
the Roseville Baptist Church Sunday at 11 a.m., and the interment was in
Prospect cemetery, Mansfield. Rev. Clayton Straw was the officiating
minister. Miss Aldrich is survived by the brother, Joseph Aldrich, of
Roseville. She was a woman of many Christian virtues, and will be greatly
ALMON ALLEN (SRGP 82530) was born in Massachusetts, and died at Mansfield in 1871, aged 73 years. He was a son of Lieutenant Jacob Allen. He married Polly Bates, by whom he had seven children, viz. Prof. Fordyce Almon, Darwin D., Philena, Charles, Almon, Loren Fenton, and George R. He came to Mansfield in 1822, from Cummington, Mass., and went to live with his father. In 1824 he with his brother-in-law, Solon Richards, erected a woolen factory near the northwest corner of Smythe Park, which he sold to John and Peter Drake. The factory was a bold enterprise for those days. It was burned and rebuilt by the Drakes, and this last building, having been removed a few years since, is now occupied by Edward Doane & Co., as a sash and blind factory. Mr. Allen left Mansfield for Ohio, returned to Massachusetts, and afterward lived in Chautauqua county, N.Y., but came here to end his days, as already stated. He was a man of considerable physical and intellectual vigor, and was at one time a captain of militia. [1883 History]
Allen, Clarence d. 1902 [SRGP 82548]
ALLEN - Mr. Clarence E. Allen, aged 55, whose burial took place in Hope
Cemetery, in Mansfield, in the 14th instant, was the eldest son of the late
Professor F.A. Allen, who was principal of the Mansfield Normal School from 1864
to 1869 and from 1877 to 1880. Mr. Clarence Allen was born in Jamestown, NY, but
lived in Mansfield many years and later in Elmira. At the time of his death Mr.
Allen was employed by the International Heater Company, of Utica, NY, and was at
the head of their acetylene gas machine department and had been sent as an
expert to supervise some repairs upon the plant of the Marion Gas Company, at
Marion, Massachusetts. On the morning of July 10th while he and a helper named
Conro were at work a terrific explosion occurred that wrecked part of the
building and so injured the men that both died. Mr. Allen was taken to St.
Luke’s hospital at New Bedford. He regained consciousness and while badly burned
and bruised did not seem to have received fatal injuries. Quite suddenly at two
o’clock on the afternoon of the following day, however, he expired, presumably
from internal hurts. The funeral was held in Mansfield from the Presbyterian
church, of which Mr. Allen was a member. - Wellsboro Agitator, July 23, 1902
- Elizabeth Allen dies July 29 after Lengthy Illness [SRGP 15449] -
Funeral services were held on Saturday morning, July 31 at St. James Episcopal
Church in Mansfield for Miss Elizabeth Allen, age 80, a resident of the Green
Home in Wellsboro. Miss Allen died early Thursday morning, July 29, 1976
following a lengthy illness. The Rev. William F. Murphey, pastor of St. Paul’s
Episcopal Church in Wellsboro officiated at the funeral and burial services in
the absence of the regular Church pastor, the Rev. George Booth. Burial was in
Prospect Cemetery at Mansfield. Miss Allen was born in Mansfield on February 27,
1896 the daughter of Fred and Clara Wentworth Allen. She graduated from High
School at Wooster, Massachusetts where her family resided at that time. Prior to
attending College she worked as an Executive Secretary at the Hanover Trust
Company in New York city and taught a business Course in one of her father’s
Business Colleges at Amsterdam, New York. Miss Allen earned her Bachelor of Arts
Degree at Mansfield State College and a Master’s Degree at Columbia University
in New York city. In addition she took graduate work at the University of
Miami. During the time she attended Columbia, she also taught at the Gardner
School for Girls in New York City. Miss Allen was employed by Mansfield State
College as a Professor of English for 21 years and for several of those years
served as Assistant Dean of Women. She also taught Drama at the College and for
many years ably directed all of the College’s plays. She was later joined in
that Department by Miss Sally Drumm of Mansfield. Following her retirement from
the College, Miss Allen taught High School English for a year before serving for
five years as Editor of the Wellsboro Gazette. She was a Communicant of St.
James Church in Mansfield and a member of the Literary Exchange Club at
Mansfield. She is survived by a niece, Mrs. Margaret Lapp with whom she made her
home prior to entering the “Green Home,” a grand nephew, David Lapp of
Horseheads, and three great grand nieces, Cynthia Jean, Deborah Ann and Pamela
Jo. The family has requested that those wishing to do so, contribute to a Green
Home memorial which has been established in Miss Allen’s name. - Wellsboro
Gazette, August 4, 1976
Wellsboro Gazette, September 1, 1976
The Elizabeth Allen Memorial Fund will be used to purchase a flagpole for the
Green Home. The location of the memorial will be at Central Avenue and Walnut
Street entrance to the facility. Mrs. Peg Lapp has been very instrumental in
bringing about this tribute to Miss Elizabeth Allen.
ALLEN – Elwin Allen [SRGP 86399], aged 72 years, of Canton, died Wednesday. At one time Mr. Allen was the largest dealer in farm produce in Western Bradford County with headquarters at Canton and Granville Summit. He was a native of Mansfield and a former trustee of Mansfield Teachers’ College. He was a member of the Canton IOOF Lodge, served on the Borough Council and was a former burgess and chief of police in Canton. He retired from active business a year ago. He is survived by his widow, a son, Harold, a niece, Mrs. Verna Putnam, of Buffalo. The funeral was held Friday; burial in Prospect cemetery at Mansfield. – Wellsboro Agitator, April 3, 1940, p.8
Fordyce Almon Allen was
born at Cummington, in Massachusetts, on the 10th of July, 1820. When he was
two years old his father removed to this place, bringing little Fordyce all
the way in a wagon. They went to live in a house built by Jacob Allen, Senior
-- dear to the writer of this as the place where he was born. They afterward
lived at other places in the vicinity of Mansfield, and in the year 1824 his
father erected a woolen factory near the northwest corner of what is now the
Smythe Park, which was afterward burned. He was at one time a Captain of
militia, and it may be further said of him that he was the father of seven
children, of whom Fordyce was the oldest. The grandfather, Jacob Allen, who
was a Lieutenant in the war of the Revolution, had preceded the father to
Mansfield, first coming as a peddler of woolen goods, axes, etc. He died here
December 11, 1836, aged 73 years; and here, 35 years afterward, the father,
Almon Allen, died, also aged 73 years. Not long ago, during the present month,
the writer saw on a monument of Scotch granite, in our cemetery, the
inscriptions “Jacob Allen, aged 73,” and “Almon Allen, aged 73,” and he
thought the subject of this sketch was bidding fair to outlive these
ancestors. But, alas, to night he is lying by their side, having perished in
the noon of his usefulness; and it remains for us to inscribe, “Fordyce Allen,
aged 59.” Resolutions of Respect |
ALLEN, Fred M. [SRGP 83278]
ALLEN- Barnes, Genevieve E. [SRGP 86069]
Genevieve E. Barnes, age 82, of Mansfield died Thursday June 25, 1970. Funeral
was Saturday at 1pm, Rev. Harry Sagar officiated. Burial was in Prospect
Cemetery. Survived by husband, Fred Barnes; daughters, Mrs. Lucy Gordon, Mrs.
Hazel Sipes, Union Deposit, Pa., Mrs. Mildred Sowers, Pine City, Mrs. Genevieve
Baker, Delmar, NY; sons, Joseph Barnes, Tyrone, NY, Henry Barnes, Horseheads,
NY, Elmer Barnes, Mansfield, Pa; 26 grandchildren and 23 great grandchildren.
ALLEN, George K. d. July 1883 [SRGP 83280]
George Allen - Wellsboro Agitator, December 18, 1883 [SRGP 83280] |
ALLEN, Gertrude [SRGP
79566] - Memorial Service for Mrs.
Gertrude Doane Slated at Mansfield - Memorial Services for Mrs. Gertrude Allen
Doane will be held in the First Baptist Church of Mansfield on Saturday, May 9th
at 11 a.m. Participating clergymen will be the Rev. Benjamin Nevin of Mansfield
and the Rev. Paul Donecker, Rector of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church in
Lewisburg. Mrs. Doane and her husband, Dr. John Horton Doane, were residents of
Mansfield for many years and had been members of the faculty of Mansfield State
College. Dr. Doane was a practicing physician in Mansfield for twenty-two years.
Other members of the Doane and Allen families had been long-time residents of
Mansfield and were active in the life of the College, the Church and community.
Mrs. Doane is survived by three sons: Dr. John H. Doane Jr., Dr. Wilton A.
Doane, and Dr. Joseph C. Doane III, by a daughter, Mrs. Sylvia Doane Milne, by
eleven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. - Wellsboro Gazette, May 6,
ALLEN, Henry [SRGP 68422 ] Mansfield Advertiser - d. Mansfield Jan 4th 1888, age 64 yre., 14 mos., b. E. Smithfield, Pa. Aug 10th 1823, m. 1851-2 Elizabeth Fralic, dau. Of Benjamin of Richmond twp., came to Mansfield 1855. She d. 1858, m. Jean Butts, dau. Of Loren of Mansfield – 1 dau. Mrs. George A. Clark, his brothers E. P. of Athens, Marinus N. of Titusville, W. H. of Waverly, J. W. of Coudersport. ALLEN - Henry Allen, Esq. [SRGP 68422], of Mansfield, died last Wednesday evening of Bright's disease. The funeral was held on Saturday afternoon, and a large number of the members of the bar from this borough attended. Mr. Allen was born at East Smithfield, Bradford county, August 10, 1823. He studied law with Judge Bullock, at Smithfield, and began to practice in 1854. He was District Attorney of this county from 1859 to 1862. In 1884-5 he was a clerk in the Internal Revenue Bureau at Washington, but he resigned on account of poor health. Mr. Allen had been a resident of Mansfield for many years. - Wellsboro Agitator, January 10, 1888 |
ALLEN - Howard W. Allen, [SRGP 83296] age 85, of Mansfield, died at the Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Hospital, Wellsboro, Sunday, August 18, 1974. Funeral services were held at the Kuhl Funeral Home at Mansfield on Wednesday with Rev. Richard Brenneman officiating. Burial in Prospect Cemetery, Mansfield. He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Joseph (Florence) Hall of Silver Bay, Minn.; one stepdaughter, Mrs. Ralph (Agnes) Parks of Monroeton; one sister, Mrs. Charles (Sophie) Maple of Moriah, NY; two grandchildren; one great-grandson. He was a member of the Buffalo Moose Lodge; member of the United Methodist Church of Mansfield. He was born July 3, 1889 in Port Henry, NY, son of Judson and Alice Knight Allen. He was a heavy equipment operator. - Wellsboro Gazette, 22 August 1974
LIEUTENANT JACOB ALLEN [SRGP 82528] was born in 1763, and died in Mansfield December 11, 1836, aged 73 years. He came from Massachusetts in 1818, and located on the place previously owned by Elijah Clark, and since by Rev. Asa Donaldson and Albert Sherwood. He built the house there-the writer's birthplace-in which he and his wife afterward died, and which was torn down a few years since; and he planted the old apple orchard, whose great trees and luscious fruit were dear alike to more than one we might name. Before settling here Lieutenant Allen had been through these parts as a peddler of woolen goods, axes, etc. He was the father of Jacob jr., Almon, Alden, Philena, Susannah, Miranda and Mollie Allen, and grandfather of Professor F. A.Allen. He was a lieutenant in the war of the Revolution, and an aide-de-camp to his father, who was killed in the early part of the war, while the son remained in the service to its close. [1883 History]
Allen, L. Fenton d. 1919
ALLEN - Loring Fenton Allen [SRGP 82542] was born in Mansfield, Pa.,
April 22, 1832, and died in the Blossburg hospital March 6, 1919 at 7:15 a.m. He
was a son of Almon and Polly Bates Allen, being the last survivor in a family of
seven children. Much of his boyhood was spent in the New England states, the
family having moved to Massachusetts soon after his birth. In early manhood he
came to New York state and in August 1856 he married Pherona O. Benson, of
Jamestown, NY, who died at their home in Mansfield in August 1889. A good
portion of his life was spent in Mansfield, where, at different times, he
engaged in various business enterprises. He was steward of the Mansfield State
Normal School during part of his brother’s [F.A. Allen] principal ship, and
later under Dr. Thomas. He was associated with James E. Mathews in the hotel
business in Mansfield and when Mr. Mathews went to take charge of the Harford
Soldiers’ Orphan School he accompanied him, being employed there until the
school was discontinued, when he returned to Mansfield and made his home with
his sister-in-law, the late Mrs. Jane M. Allen. A few years ago he sustained a
fall, fracturing a hip bone, from which he never recovered sufficiently to walk.
His end came peacefully, closing a long and active life. - Wellsboro Agitator,
March 19, 1919
ALLEN - Reuben Z [SRGP 83298]. -died in Richmond, May 23, 1865, son of Zimri & Lucena V. Allen, aged 4 years 10 months 10 days - Wellsboro Agitator, May 1865
ALLEN, Stella – Mrs. Stella Allen Ely [SRGP 85746], 88, died Saturday morning, December 5, 1964 at Horseheads, NY. Until the past year she had been a life-long resident of Mansfield. Born February 29, 1875 in Mansfield, she was the daughter of the late Prof. Fordyce A. & Jane Martin Allen. Her husband was the late Fred L. Ely. She was a member of St. James Episcopal Church, of the parish organization of Episcopal Women, and of the Columbian Literary Exchange. She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Donald Cleveland of Breesport, NY; three grandsons, Allen, Douglas and Roger at home, and a niece, Miss Elizabeth Allen of Mansfield. Services were held Monday afternoon at St. James Church under the auspices of Shaw and Robena Funeral Directors. Interment was in Prospect Cemetery. – Wellsboro Gazette, December 10, 1964
ALLEN - (SRGP 22764) MRS. WILMA ALLEN COLE, 42, was stricken
and died while having dinner with friends at the Park View Hotel at 8:05
Wednesday night, June 15, 1966. The Wellsboro Fire Department was summoned and
gave oxygen. Dr. William H. Bachman pronounced Mrs. Cole dead of an apparent
heart attack. Her husband is a security guard at Mansfield State College.
Mrs. Cole, the former Wilma Allen is survived by husband, Keith Cole; son, Roy
David Cole of Mansfield; brother, Kenneth Allen of Mansfield, RD. She was a
member and past president of Mansfield Firemen’s Auxiliary and a member of the
Free Methodist Church of Painter Run. Funeral was held in Saturday, June 18 at
2:00 pm, the Rev. Orey Crippen officiated. Burial was in Prospect Cemetery.
ALLEN - Wilton W. Allen, [SRGP 79571] aged 69 years, of Mansfield, president of the Board of Trustees of the Mansfield State Teachers’ College, for many years cashier of the First National Bank of Mansfield and one of Tioga county’s best known men, died suddenly at his home Wednesday evening. Mr. Allen had been working about the house during the day apparently in good health. About 10 p.m., he went to his room, complained of feeling ill and died within 10 minutes. He was born in Mansfield, son of Zimri and Lucena Allen. After his graduation from the Mansfield State Normal School he entered the services of Ross & Williams, bankers, remaining with the institution after it became the First National Bank. |
He served as cashier for many years. He served the college as trustee for many years and had been president for some time. He was a member of the Baptist church and for 25 years was superintendent of the Sunday School. He was a member of Friendship Lodge, F.& A.M. Survivors are his widow, Mrs. Myra Baldwin Allen; a daughter, Mrs. John Doane, of Mansfield; a son, Leigh, of Hollywood, Cal.; three grandchildren and a brother, Elwin Allen, of Canton. The funeral was held Saturday. Rev. D.J. Griffiths officiating. - Wellsboro Agitator, April 26, 1933
ALLEN - Mr. Zimri Allen, [SRGP 83281] aged 80, died suddenly last week Tuesday morning at his home in Mansfield. Mr. All was prostrated by illness several days before, but had, apparently, almost recovered. He death was caused by heart disease. On Christmas eve Mr. & Mrs. Allen celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. Mr. Allen was born in New Hampshire and was for many years a successful farmer in Richmond township. He had resided in Mansfield for the past eighteen years. His wife [Lucena Stevens Allen] and two sons, Messrs. W.W. Allen, Cashier of the First National Bank, of Mansfield, and Elwin Allen of Canton; one daughter, Mrs. A.A. Putnam of Buffalo, NY and five grandchildren survive him. The funeral was held at the Mansfield Baptist church on Thursday at 2 p.m. The Advertiser in speaking of the deceased says: “Mr. Allen was highly esteemed by the residents of Mansfield. He was a Christian in all that the word implies, and he carried his Christianity into everyday life. His home was ideal. He was an excellent neighbor, ever ready to do as he would others should do unto him. He was a deacon of the First Baptist church, and for a number of years had been a faithful adherent of that religious faith.” - Wellsboro Agitator, January 15, 1908
ALLIS George W. [SRGP 69420]
George W. Allis, 79, highly respected resident of Lambs Creek, died Thursday,
April 14, 1938, at the home of his son, Adelbert Allis in Lambs Creek, following
an extended sickness. The son of Silas and Sabra Richmond Allis, he was born at
Heath, Mass., May 18, 1858, and came to Lambs Creek when a young man.
December 23, 1876, he married Miss Perlina Cruttenden of Lambs Creek, and two
sons were born to them, Albert, who died when three years of age, and Adelbert,
of Lambs Creek. Mr. Allis resided on a farm at Lambs Creek until after the
death of Mrs. Allis several years ago, since then he has made his home with his
son. Besides his son he is survived by three grandchildren, Leo Allis, Ellsworth
Allis, and Alleene Allis, of Mansfield, and three great-grandchildren. Funeral
services were held Sunday at 2 p.m. at the home, the Rev. Orey Crippen, of the
Tioga Baptist Church, officiating. Burial in Prospect Cemetery. Pall
bearers were Lock Hoyt, Herbert Dyke, O. W. Clark, Samuel Wells, Charles Palmer
and Alfred Warters.
AMER, Jacob [SRGP 85909] - The funeral of Jacob Amer, of Mansfield, was held March 6 [1933]; Rev. D.W. Bayliss, of the Methodist church, officiating; burial at Mansfield. Mr. Amer was born in Germany 89 years ago. He is survived by several nephews and nieces. - Wellsboro Agitator, March 15, 1933
ANDERSON - Mrs. Emma Precit - [SRGP 54498] Funeral services were held Monday, January 3, for Mrs. Emma Precit, 85, of Mansfield, formerly of Arnot, who died Friday, December 31, 1971 at the Asa Park Manor Medical Center, Montrose. Surviving are five daughters, Mrs. Sadie Carpenter of Scranton, Mrs. Cora Beckwith of Elmira, NY, Mrs. Agnes Klassner and Mrs. Lucille Carlson, both of Mansfield, and Mrs. Myra Weild of Endwell, NY; two sons, Henry of Endicott, NY, and Robert of Big Flats, NY; 11 grandchildren, and 12 great-grandchildren. - Wellsboro Gazette, January 6, 1972
ANDERSON - Mr. John F. Anderson, of Elmira, son-in-law of Mr. William Holland, of Mansfield, died of consumption last Tuesday. The funeral was held at Mansfield on Thursday. - Wellsboro Agitator, 16 June 1885
ANDREWS, Sarah [SRGP 86731] - Mrs. Sarah Warters, 94, died at 2 a.m. Monday, April 21, 1941, at her home on the River Road. A daughter of Elisha and Peggy Andrews she was born June 5, 1846, at Alba. Oct. 22, 1866, she was married to William Warters and spent the remainder of her life in Mansfield and vicinity. Mr. Warters died in 1905 and a son, Adelbert died May 24, 1934. Mrs. Warters was a devoted member of the Seventh Day Adventist Church, and a sincere Christian. Only a few weeks ago she attended the evangelistic services in the Grange Hall and was honored by being the oldest mother present. Mrs. Warters retained a youthful mind and took an active interest in affairs about her until her death. Surviving are several nephews and nieces. Funeral services were held today [Wednesday] at 2 p.m. at the home. Rev. H.R. Veach officiating. Burial was in Prospect Cemetery. – Mansfield Advertiser, 23 April 1941
ANDRUS Clarinda [SRGP 73895]
Wellsboro Agitator - May 29, 1912
On May 11th occurred the death of Mrs. Clarinda Boyce at her home at Lambs
Creek. She was 63 years old. She is survived by her husband,
Mott Boyce, and a son, Jacob, and a daughter, Dora Boyce Knapp, both of whom
live at home, and four children by a former marriage.
ANGELL, Orlando [SRGP 86575] – Orlando Angell,an esteemed resident of this place for many years, died at his home here Friday, February 5, aged 82 years. He had been in poor health for some time, but had been confined to his bed only about a month. Besides his wife, he is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Carrie Mann, and an adopted daughter, Mrs. George C. Ware, of Elmira. He is survived also by one brother, Mr. George Angell, of Geneva, Ohio. He was a good neighbor, an upright citizen and was highly esteemed by all who knew him. The funeral, which was very largely attended, was held at his late home Monday afternoon, Rev. Thomas Walker conducting the services. The burial was at Mansfield, in Hope cemetery. – Wellsboro Agitator, February 17, 1909, .8
ARGETSINGER Alma Decker [13787]
The funeral of Mrs. George E. Decker, who died in the hospital at Blossburg, where she had been for nearly a year, was held Oct. 31 in the Methodist Episcopal church in Mansfield, of which church Mrs. Decker had been a faithful member for many years. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Argetsinger, and was born in Rutland, September 15, 1866. She attended the Normal School and after leaving that institution taught school for several years. She was a member of the Rebecca lodge and W.C.T.U. and took an active part in the work of these societies until illness compelled her to stop. She is survived by her husband, a daughter Ruth, who is a teacher in the Knoxville schools, and a brother, James Argetsinger, of Elmira. Wellsboro Agitator, 12 November 1919
ARGETSINGER Alma Decker [13787]
Mrs. George Decker, of Mansfield, died last week Tuesday
night at the Blossburg hospital, where she had been ill nearly a year. She
is survived by her husband and daughter, Ruth. The funeral was held Friday
afternoon at one o’clock. Wellsboro Agitator, 5 November 1919.
ARGETSINGER - Miss Kathryn A. Argetsinger (SRGP 13794) died suddenly at the home of her aunt, Mrs George E. Decker, in East Main street early on Wednesday evening last. Mis Argetsinger had been ill of pleurisey for three weeks, but at no time was her condition considered critical. Her passing was in the nature of a distinct shock, not only by the members of her family, but to all Mansfield, where she was so well and favorably known. Miss Argetsinger was an altogether lovely young woman- self sacrificing , of high Christian character and an aspirant to the high ideals in life and profession. Graduated from Mansfield Normal in the class of '05, she had since been a successful teacher. |
She was 23 years old. Miss Argetsinger is survived by her father J. M. Argetsinger, of Mansfield; three brothers, George and Leon of Rochester, N.Y. and Dee of Mansfield; one sister Miss Minnie of Mansfield and her aunt, Mrs Decker. The funeral was largely attended from the home of her aunt on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, the Rev. R. M. Hunsicker, pastor of the First Baptist church, officiating. Burial was in Hope cemetery. There was a wealth of floral tributes, tokens of love and esteem in which Kathryn Argetsinger was held.
ARGETSINGER John [SRGP 13784] d. Fri. [30 August] near Mansfield, from a fall, a native of Fulton, N.Y. had res. In Rutland 1 son, James, dau. Mrs. Feo Decker, Fun. Mansfield [Mansfield Advertiser 1901 4-Sep]
ASHLEY, Wells O. (SRGP 04997) Wells O. Ashley died Sunday March 10, 1946 at 1:45 at his home on Elmira Street. Mr. Ashley was born Dec. 2, 1865, in Sullivan Township, a son of Orange and Annliza Ashley. Dec. 13. 1899 he married Miss Mary Wilson and for about 30 years they resided on a farm in Sullivan Township. In 1929 they moved to Mansfield and resided on Extension street until about two weeks before his death, when they sold their home and moved to an apartment in the Randall apartment house on Elmira Street. Surviving are his wife, a daughter, Mrs. Mortimer Briggs, of Middlebury; brother, Sterne Ashley, Mansfield R. D., and three grandchildren, Harold, Benny, and Helen Briggs. Funeral services were held today at 2 p.m. at the Shaw Funeral Home, the Rev. Floyd E. Guiles officiating. Burial was in Prospect Cemetery. |
ATKINSON, Mary Glenwright [SRGP 76426] – Mrs. Mary
Glenwright, a former resident of Mansfield for many years, died on March 5, in
Hornell, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. George Warters. She had been
ill a long time. Mrs. Glenwright was born in England and came to America
in 1881. The family located in Mansfield and lived here until a few years
ago. Mrs. Glenwright was 77 years old and is survived by six children:
William of Philadelphia; Henry of Blossburg; Thomas of Morris Run; Mrs. Thomas
Butcher, of Elmira; Mrs. Charles McConnell, of Canoe camp creek and Mrs. George
Warters, of Hornell. The funeral was held in Mansfield and interment was
in Prospect cemetery. – Advertiser - Wellsboro Agitator, 19 March
Nellie A. Knowlton, 74, of Sherwood Manor, Mansfield, died Friday, Sept. 27,
1991 at Robert Packer Hospital in Sayre. Born April15, 1917 in Mainesburg, she
was a daughter of Roy and Pearle Rose Aumick. She was a member of Canoe Camp
Church of Christ for 52 years, Mansfield 55 Plus Club and Elizabeth Rebekah
Lodge #291 of Mansfield. Preceding her in death were her husband, Harold M.
Knowlton on Sept, 20, 1979; stepmother, Ruth Aumick on Nov 14, 1989. Surviving
are daughter and son-in-law, Marylou and Ed Coolidge of State College; foster
son, David Hor-ton of Addison, N.Y.; two grandsons, Calvin and Gary VanNess;
four brothers, Stanley Aumick of Mansfield, James Aumick, Dennis Aumick and John
Aumick, all of Mainesburg; sisters and brothers-in-law. Essie and Clifford
Thomas, Sarah and Patrick Pfeifer, all of Mainesburg. Friends called at the
Scureman Funeral Home in Mansfield on Monday, Sept. 30. The funeral service was
held there on Tuesday, Oct. 1, with the Rev. Ira Hindman officiating. Burial was
made in Prospect Cemetery, Mansfield.
AUSTIN - Allen B. Austin, [SRGP 84905] 15-year-old son of Mr. &
Mrs. Irwin Austin, of Milan, PA, formerly of Mansfield, was fatally injured when
he was struck by an automobile as he was riding his bicycle to his work. He is
survived by his parents; four brothers, Clinton, Charles, Elvin and Leroy; a
sister, Mrs. Leonard Wood of Ulster; his grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Wood
of Nichols, NY; four uncles, Aaron Wood of Mansfield, Robert Wood of Athens,
Foster and Forrest Wood of Nichols, NY, and Daniel Austin of Nebraska;
also two aunts, Mrs. Laura Brown of Nichols, NY, and Mrs. Harry Gimlin of
Bolivar, NY. - Wellsboro Agitator, May 12, 1926
AUSTIN, Gerald Neil [SRGP 08522] - Killed in Action - Private Gerald Neil Austin, of Mainesburg, Tioga County, was killed in action on June 6 [1918], according to a message received last Monday by his mother, Mrs. Cora Slingerland, of Mainesburg. Private Austin enlisted in November, 1917, at Fort Worth, Texas, and went overseas two months ago. He was a member of Co. E, 30th US Infantry, and was 21 years old. His father resided in Pittsburgh. Prior to enlisting in the army, Private Austin worked in the South and had been in the Southern states about three years before he entered the army. Before he went south he attended school in Mainesburg. Private Austin's name is included in the casualty list from France, received by papers on June 25. - Wellsboro Agitator, July 3, 1918, p.2 [Austin-Cox Post VFW named for Gerald Austin and John Cox]
AUSTIN, Gerald Neil [SRGP 08522] - The body of Gerald Neil Austin, who was killed in France June 8, 1918, was brought to Mansfield on Aug. 27 [1921] for interment in Prospect cemetery. At the request of the mother, Mrs. Cora M. Austin, the funeral was private. Comrades from Austin-Cox Post, The American Legion, acted as pall bearers. - Wellsboro Agitator, September 7, 1921, p.3
AUSTIN - Irwin Austin, [SRGP 02512] aged about 60 years, shot himself August 6 [1945], at his home near Roseville. Surviving are his widow; four sons serving overseas: Cpl. Irwin C.; Cpl. Elwin J.; Seaman LeRoy D.; and Cpl. Charles; one son, Gordon, at home; a daughter, Mrs. Leonard Wood of Mansfield; and a brother in the west. Funeral services were held Thursday; burial in Prospect cemetery at Mansfield. - Wellsboro Agitator, 15 August 1945
AUSTIN - J. Louise Austin [SRGP 85879] died at 2 a.m. Feb. 9 [1943], at her home on Meadow Street in Mansfield. She had been employed as a bookkeeper at the T. W. Judge Co. store. Surviving are two sisters-in-law, Mrs. Kitty Austin of Horseheads, NY; Mrs. Lulu Dodd, of New York; a niece, Mrs. Dodd Watkins, of Minneapolis. The funeral was held Thursday at the Presbyterian church, Rev. Marshall Bartholomew officiating; burial in Prospect cemetery at Mansfield. - Wellsboro Agitator, 17 February 1943 [Identity not determined - Is Austin her own name or married alias?]
Richard Darwin Austin, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Austin, diedat 1:30 a.
m., Saturday, October 20, at the family home, following a two-day's illness of
jaundice. Richard, who was better known as Dickie, was born July 22, 1926, at
Mansfield. He was a bright, lovable boy, a pupil in the second grade of
the Training School, where he will be greatly missed by teachers and
schoolmates. The funeral, which was largely attended, was held in the Baptist
church Monday at 2 p.m., with abundance of beautiful floral offerings.
Rev. Griffiths officiated; interment in Prospect cemetery. The pall
bearers were Ward Austin, Fordyce Hagar, William Orvis and Milton Hagar. He
leaves to mourn his loss, his grief stricken parents, two brothers Lyle and
Dale, two sisters, Caroline and Leona, besides a large circle of relatives and
"Dearest Dickie, thou hast left us,
And our loss we deeply feel;
But thou has gone to live with Jesus.
He will all our sorrows heal."
AUSTIN, Ward L. (SRGP 06563)
AVERY, Albert [SRGP 86655] – The funeral of Mr. Albert H. Avery, who died on the 9th instant of stomachic neuralgia at Lake Lamoka, where he was taking his annual outing, was held from his late home in Mansfield on the 11th instant. He was born in Salisbury Center, NY, in 1835, whence he came in early life to Charleston township, this county, where he remained and married Miss Emma Pratt. In 1873 he removed for Charleston to Mansfield, His wife died in 1887, in 1890 he married Miss Jennie E. Farrer, well known as a successful teacher in the Wellsboro public schools. She survives him. – October 18, 1899, p.5
AVERY - George W. Avery [SRGP 85647], 63, died at his home in Mansfield last Sunday night. Survivors include the widow, Ida Avery; a son, Elwin T. Avery of Monroeton; a step-son Guerdon Ross Hildreth, of Binghamton; a daughter, Mrs. Edith Eichler of Rochester, and two grandchildren. The funeral was held at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday at the late home. Rev. D.W. Bayliss of the Methodist church officiating. Burial in Prospect cemetery. - Wellsboro Gazette, June 23, 1932
AVERY - MARGARET S. AVERY WOOD, (SRGP 01458) age 86, of Sayre House, Sayre, PA, formerly of 208 Clair Blvd., Horseheads, NY, died Sunday, January 26, 1986. Friends may call at the Van Buskirk-Lynch Funeral Home, Mill St. & Grand Central Ave., Horseheads, Tuesday, 2-4 and 7-9 pm. Funeral and Committal Services will be conducted at the Funeral Home, Wednesday, at 11 am, the Rev. Frank P. Snyder officiating. Interment, Prospect Cemetery, Mansfield, PA. She is survived by sons, Roy Wood of Tioga, PA, Gordon Wood of Dansville, NY, Orrin S. Wood Jr. of Horseheads, NY; daughters, Mrs. Celia Sherman of Roseville, PA, Mrs. James (Zondra) Bush of Horseheads, NY; sisters, Mrs. Dorothy Peterson of Horseheads, NY, Mrs. Ethel Field of Rochester, NY; brothers, Merle Avery of Mansfield, PA, Fay Avery of Waverly, NY; several grandchildren; great-grandchildren, nieces and nephews. Mrs. Wood was predeceased by her husband, Orrin S. Wood Sr. who died, September 21, 1981. Mr. and Mrs. Wood had celebrated their 65th Wedding Anniversary on April 10, 1981. Mrs. Wood was born April 7, 1899, the daughter of William and Gertrude Hakes Avery, in Gillett, PA.
AVERY – Willys Avery, [SRGP 89846] prominent Mansfield business man, died suddenly yesterday morning at 9:30 o’clock at his home following a brief illness of pneumonia. He was 67 years of age last December. Although he had been in poor health during the winter Mr. Avery was able to attend to his business at the Marble Works, which he had conducted for many years. An active Odd Fellow and an officer of high order, Mr. Avery marshaled the lodge members in their annual church service held last Sunday at the Mansfield Baptist church. He was also a trustee of the IOOF Children’s Home at Sunbury, and office, which he had held for the past 20 years. He was twice married and is survived by his second wife, Genevieve and a host of friends throughout the county. – Wellsboro Gazette, May 5, 1932 (Son of Albert H. Avery + first wife, Emily E. Pratt, Willys R. Avery b. Dec 1864)
AYRES, Antoinette –
Mrs. Antoinette Lilley, 84, died Wednesday, January 5, 1938, at the home of
her sister, Mrs. Emmet D. Snover, following a paralytic seizure suffered the
previous Thursday. The daughter of Moses and Harriet Ayers, she was born
near Austinville, April 4, 1853. April 17, 1870, she married to D.S. Lilley.
Forty-three years ago the family moved to Mansfield, where Mr. Lilley died
June 22, 1911. Mrs. Lilley was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church
and as long as her health permitted, took an active interest in its work.
During her long residence in Mansfield she made many warm friends, who knew
her as a sincere Christian. Surviving are two sons, Leon Lilley, of
Frederick, MD, and Edgar Lilley, of Elmira; two sisters, Mrs. Emmet D.
Snover and Miss Dora Ayers of Mansfield; 12 grandchildren and 14
great-grandchildren. A son, Carl Lilley, died about two years ago. The
funeral was held Saturday at 2 p.m. at the home in charge of the Rev.
Charles N. Ouderkirk, of the Mansfield Methodist Church, and the Rev. David
J. Griffiths, of the Baptist Church. Burial was in Prospect Cemetery. Pall
bearers were Reuben E. Cleveland, Budd A. Clark, Earl W. Shaw, Albert
Whitehouse, Emmet Bates and Lyman Wilkins. – Mansfield Advertiser, 12
January 1938
AYERS - Mrs. Ellen Snover, (SRGP 79598) aged 81, died Thursday, Nov. 21, at her home in Mansfield. She was born Oct. 25, 1859 in Columbia twp. Daug. Of Moses and Harriet Slade Ayers. She was married Jan. 14. 1888 to Emmett Snover. They lived on a farm in Richmond Twp. Most of their lives. She was a member of the Baptist Church and Philathea Society. She is survived by her husband and a sister, Miss Dora Ayers of Mansfield and two nephews Leon Lilley of Fredrick, Mr. Edgar Lilley of Elmira. Funeral services were held Monday. Rev. David J. Griffiths officiating; burial in Prospect Cemetery, Mansfield. “Wellsboro Agitator,” Nov. 27, 1940.
AYRES, Andrew C. (SRGP 62678) - In his usual good health until a few days ago, Andrew C. Ayres, 88, died at 10 o'clock Friday morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. M. L. Allen, 66 Bridge Street, where he had lived for the past two years. Mr. Ayres was a native of Pennsylvania, born in Canton June 2, 1848. His parents were Abijah and Theresa Ayres. November 27, 1881, he married Miss Junia Sweet, of Coryland, Pa., in Covington, Pa. Four children were born to them. One son, Warren, died at the age of 22 years. After his marriage Mr. Ayres was for many years a successful farmer near Covington. About 20 years ago he retired and moved to Mansfield. He was a charter member of the Disciple Church in Covington, which he helped to build. He was always active and interested in this church and its influence in the community. Mr. Ayres enjoyed conversing and made and retained friends easily. Despite his years, he maintained a keen interest in civic and world events. He will be greatly missed in Mansfield, where his friendliness and his interest in events made him many friends. His abscence of the past two years has been tempered by frequent visits to Mansfield to meet his old friends. Surviving are his widow, two daughters, Mrs. Allen and Mrs. H. D. Wood, Flint avenue; a son, Charles Ayres; a granddaughter, Mrs. Irvin Speer; two grandsons, Warren and Maurice Wood, and two great-grandchildren, Irvin and Juva Ann Speer, all of Corning. The body was taken to the Ryal and Jones Home for funerals. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the home of his daughter, Mrs. M. L. Allen, where he had lived for the past two years. The Rev. Leslie E. Gould, pastor of the North Baptist Church, Corning, officiated. Burial in the family plot in Prospect Cemetery, Mansfield, where commital services were also held. The high esteem of Mr. Ayres' friends for him was manifested by the many beautiful floral offerings. Bearers were Lawrence Perkins, Clarence and Maynard Allen, Fred Adsit, Michael Logue and George Cornell. Submitted by Barbara Conrad
Wellsboro Agitator - December 23, 1936 (SRGP 62678)
Andrew C. Ayres, aged 88 years, died at 10 o'clock Friday morning at the home of
his daughter, Mrs. M. L. Allen, in Corning. He was a native of
Pennsylvania, born in Canton June 2, 1848. His parents were Abijah and
Theresa Ayres. Nov. 27, 1881 he married Junia Sweet, of Corryland, Pa.
Four children were born to them. One son, Warren, died at the age of 22
years. After his marriage Mr. Ayres was for many years a successful farmer
near Covington. About 20 years ago, he retired and moved to Mansfield.
He was a charter member of the Disciple Church in Covington, which he
helped to build. Surviving are his widow, two daughters, Mrs. Allen and
Mrs. H. D. Wood, of Corning; a son, Charles Ayres; a granddaughter, Mrs. Irvin
Speer; two grandsons, Warren and Maurice Speer, and two great grandchildren,
Irvin and Juva Ann Speer, all of Corning. Funeral services were held
Sunday; burial in Prospect cemetery at Mansfield.
Miss Dora Ayres, 82, (SRGP 79599) of Mansfield, died Friday morning, Dec. 4, 1942. Survivors: a nephew, Edgar Lilly of Elmira. She Was a Member of the Baptist Church. Funeral Monday at 2 p.m. at the family home on St. James Street. The Rev. David J. Griffiths. Prospect Cemetery.