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Tri County Clippings- Troy Gazette
Register 1901 - Yesterday's News |
These clippings from ancient
and fragile newspapers stored above the Troy Gazette-Register office are
being typed by Tri-County volunteers for presentation on site. Primarily
we are preserving the neighborhood news columns and the obituary, marriage
and birth information included in them. I intend also to include articles
that show the influences on the lives and attitudes of our local populations
at the time, and I will also illustrate the individual pages with ads from
the era. Nothing is more revealing of lifestyle than the goods and services
The TGR covers the area of all townships surrounding Troy and many neighborhoods have a local column submitted, but not necessarily every week or even every year. Our thanks goes to the staff of the Troy Gazette-Register for giving us access to this valuable old news so that we can share it with you. There is no better way to understand the culture and customs of our old communities than by sifting through these clippings. Even the names of some of these old communities have ceased to exist in today's world, but we have them captured and preserved here. If you do not have the time to enjoy the luxury of sifting through clippings, these will be included in the Partitioned PICO Search Engine which you can reach from current What's New Page of the site. There is a partition just for the TGR Clippings. |
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Lewis W. McDowell.
On Sunday July 76h, at the home of his father, Myron B. McDowell, occurred the death of Lewis W. McDowell aged 30 years. He was a sufferer for about a year and a half with a malignant tumor of cancerous growth on the neck, which medical aid was unable to cope with.
Deceased was born at East Troy March 5th, 1871. On April 26th, 1893 he married May L. Campbell and to them two children were born, Mildred, four years of age, and Fannie, a child of six months, who with his wife, survive him.
His death, coming in the strength of young manhood, taking the dutiful father and husband, is a sad blow to his immediate family and many friends, who sadly miss him.
Funeral services were held from the home Tuesday afternoon, Rev. O. T. Steward officiating.
At the home of his father, M. B. McDowell, Lewis W. McDowell, of cancer, Sunday, July 7th, aged 30 years.
William Shoemaker of Granville of dropsy, July 3rd, aged 84 years.
Twentieth Year, #995, Thursday, July 18, 1901
At Rome, Mrs. Henrietta Atwood, Wednesday, July 10th, of paralysis, aged 68 years. She was the mother of L. M. Atwood of this place.
Enoch Merrill, at Berrytown, July 10th, of general debility, aged 77 years.
Mrs. Henrietta Atwood of Rome.
Mrs. Henrietta Atwood died at her home in Rome borough Wednesday morning of last week of paralysis, with which she was stricken July 3rd. Deceased was born in Springfield township April 3rd, 1833; a daughter of Aaron and Amanda Taylor; the widow of Geo. C. Atwood of Herrick, to whom she was married July 3rd, 1852.
She is survived by nine children: Leon of Troy; Elmer of LeRaysville; Mrs. E. A. Howe of South Hill; Mrs. Wm. Hodson of Bardwell, Pa.; Mrs. Louis Strong of Turin, N.Y.; Rollin of Tonawanda; Mrs. Clem Platt and Will and Fred of Herrick.
Funeral services were held from her late home on Friday at 12 o’clock.
Enoch Merrill.
Enoch Merrill departed this life near Berrytown, Pa., July 10th, 1901, aged 77 years, 6 months and 8 days.
Mr. Merrill’s native place was Cortland, Cortland county, N.Y. April 2nd, 1848, he was married to Electa Berry of Springfield, Pa., daughter of Woodard Berry, Sr. The fruit of this union was three sons and one daughter. Two of the sons died in childhood. Morris, the remaining son, died at the age of 97 years. The wife and daughter, Alice survive.
About 44 years ago Mr. Merrill settled on the place where he died. At that time most of the land, which constitutes the farm, as it now is, was covered with a heavy forest. His industry, coupled with that of his wife and children, converted that forest into a pleasant home, with commodious buildings and fruitful fields.
Mr. Merrill’s death was caused by a combination of painful diseases of a prolonged character, which gradually undermined his strong constitution, and, in the end, made death a welcome messenger. During his sickness he renewed pledges, long since made to the Master, and sought healing for the soul from the Great Physician, who gives freely to those who ask Him.
The funeral was attended by many and was held from the house, the writer of this officiating. The service at the cemetery was performed by Rev. Seymour Barrett. Burial at Checkerville. –T. Mitchell.
Death of William Shoemaker of Granville.
William Shoemaker, of the town of Granville, Pa., departed this life July 3rd, 1901, at the age of 84 years.
Deceased was born in Kingston, Luzerne Co., Pa. His mother was a German and his father an English Quaker. He leaves to mourn his loss four children, two sons and two daughters: Celestia Warren, Lemira Ferguson, Malachi and John Shoemaker. William had yet left of his father’s family, two brothers and one sister: Elizabeth Fenton, who is now very feeble, not able to attend the funeral, Malachi Treat and Abraham Shoemaker, now living at Windfall.
The funeral was largely attended. The seventeen grandchildren were nearly all present and eleven great grandchildren. A strong and earnest soul he possessed. The day before his death, he sang, as he walked from his chair to his bed, one of his favorite hymns.
He was buried in the cemetery at Windfall.
Twentieth Year, #996, Thursday, July 25, 1901
Mrs. Cynthia Rose Crediford died at her home in Springfield, Tuesday, from the result of a stroke of paralysis. She was in her 80th year. The funeral was held from her late home Wednesday, burial at Altus.
At. Roseville, Thursday, July 18, Owen Lawrence, at the home of his parents, aged 9 years. Funeral services were held Saturday at the Baptist church in that place.
In Springfield township, July 18th, of cancer, Mrs. Elizabeth Morrison, aged 73 years. Funeral services and burial at Mountain Lake.
In Vermontville, Mich., June 13th, of Bright’s disease, Hiram J. Smith, aged 72 years. He leaves a wife, three sons and three sisters, Mrs. A. W. Bates of Auburn, Ind., Mrs. Stephen Brace of Springfield, and Mrs. R. W. Budd of this place, to mourn his death.
Son Slain at Father’s Side.
John W. Rowley and his 18 year old son were taking in hay during a storm near Lawrenceville Wednesday last week, when a flash of lightning rendered the senior Rowley stone blind for a few minutes, and when he regained his sight he beheld the corpse of his son lying at his feet.
The stroke of lightning that blinded him had killed the boy.
Twentieth Year, #967, (as is) Thursday, August 1, 1901
Mrs. Cynthia Rose Crediford.
Mrs. Cynthia Rose Crediford, a notice of whose death was published in the Register of last week, was born in Columbia, Pa., February 25th, 1822. Her death occurred in Springfield July 22, 1901. Her age, at time of death, was 79 years, 4 months and 27 days.
Mrs. Crediford was the daughter of Asa and Olive Soper Bullock. Mr. Bullock came to his death instantly by the falling of a tree, at the age of 41 years, leaving a wife and eight young children, of whom the subject of this sketch was the oldest. Miss Mary Malinda Bullock is the only member of the family remaining at the present time. The deceased was united in marriage to Mr. Joseph Crediford September 1st, 1839, who died April 28th, 1882, aged 72 years. To them were born six children. One of these died in infancy. Those living are Emerson O. Crediford, Mrs. Byron Guthrey, Mrs. Persol Wolcott, Mrs. Orange Harkness and Miss Alice Crediford. In addition the her five living children, Mrs. Crediford left eleven grandchildren and five great grandchildren in whose memories her virtues will be enshrined while they live.
Six of her grandsons performed the sad service of bearing her remains to the cemetery at Altus, where she was buried by the side of her husband and near those of her ancestors who had gone before her. Her near relatives and especially her daughter Alice, who lived with her and ministered to her wants during her declining years, have our sincere sympathy in the bereavement that has come upon them. Mrs. Crediford was a member of the Springfield Universalist church.
The funeral was held on the 24th inst., from the Universalist meeting house in Springfield. The services were in charge of the writer, assisted by Rev. Philander Reynolds. –T. M.
(Alba News) Mrs. Sperring, daughter of Charles Taylor, died Friday.
Twentieth Year, #968, Thursday, August 8, 1901
William H. Morgan.
William H. Morgan, son of the late William Morgan, died at Rochester Monday, of pneumonia, aged 40 years and was brought to Troy for burial Wednesday afternoon, being met on arrival of 8 o’clock train by his immediate relatives. The body was interred in the family lot in Glenwood cemetery.
"Will," as he was familiarly known, left Troy soon after his mother’s death fifteen years ago, and remained in Elmira a year with his sister, then going to Rochester where he resided until his death.
He leaves a wife, two sisters and one brother. His Troy friends were not apprised of his illness until his death was announced here, having been considered dangerously ill but a few hours.
He was a brother of Frank Morgan and Mrs. Geo. Roosa of this place.
Mrs. Lilley Thompson, Saturday August 3rd, of apoplexy, aged 49 years, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Dorcas Whitehead, at Mountain Lake.
(Col. X Roads News) Our community was saddened last Saturday by the death of Mrs. Lucy Preston Berry. She had been in very poor health for some time but finally the 22nd of July she was taken worse and died the 3rd of August after suffering intense agony and also undergoing an operation. She was very patient through it all. She leaves a husband, two children, the little boy LaDrue who is less than two years old and baby May only 6 months old, a father, a sister and two brothers and a large circle of friends. The funeral was largely attended on Monday. Services conducted by Rev. W. I. Burrell of Sylvania. Her death is the fifth death in the family in less than a year.
Twentieth Year, #970, Thursday, August 22, 1901
Mrs. Elmia P. Greenleaf, widow of the late Daniel G. Greenleaf, departed this life in Alba at the home of her adopted son, Rev. W. H. Porter, August 16th, 1901, at the ripe age of 85 years, 7 months and 21 days.
Mrs. Greenleaf was the daughter of Deacon Wightman Pierce and a sister of Franklin Pierce of Troy, and was born in Homer, Cortland county, N. Y., Dec. 26, 1815.
Deacon Greenleaf emigrated from the above place to Pennsylvania about 67 years ago and settled in the wilderness in Armenia township where he made a permanent home for the balance of his days. He died August 30, 1881, at the advanced age of 91 years, 1 month and 26 days. Truly it can be said of him that "The memory of the just is blessed."
The subject of this notice became a member of the Alba Baptist church 45 years ago and was the last of the original members of that church at the time of her decease. Mr. Porter, was left an orphan and whom she adopted at the age of twelve weeks, says of her, that she lived a consistent christian life and died in the triumphs of a living faith. She was taken sick last January with la grippe followed by a complication of diseases. During all these months of suffering he said she never murmured nor complained, but said, "It will soon be over," making sure the promise "My grace is sufficient for thee."
The funeral which was largely attended was held from the house on the 18th inst. The writer of this having charge of the religious service assisted by Rev. G. A. Briggs of Canton and the pastor of the Disciple church of Alba. Text chosen for the occasion, John 17 chapter, 24th verse. T.M.
Helen J. Furman.
Helen J. Furman wife of J. C. Furman of Auroara, Ill., died at that place August 17, 1901, aged 65 years, 10 months and 12 days. She was sister of A. L. Smith, of Waverly, Mrs. Eva Gray and Mrs. Ira Parsons of Troy, also Mrs. H. M. VanHorn of Wellsboro who was with her during her last illness, having gone there on a visit several weeks ago.
When quite young she united with the Baptist church in Wells, and through all the trials and vicissitudes of life continued a consistent adherent of that faith. From infancy she had been more or less of a sufferer and during several years past her health had been a source of great anxiety to herself and friends. At last after a severe illness her sufferings ceased and she passed through the dark valley, through which , less than two years ago, her dear sister, Lelia Bullock passed, to meet the many loved ones gone before.
Twentieth Year, #9-7, Thursday, August 27, 1901
John A. Bloom.
John A. Bloom, an old and respected citizen of this section, departed this life on Friday, August 23rd, 1901, at the age of 72 years. The funeral service was held from the home Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock, Rev. Ward Mosher of the M. E. church officiating. The members of G. A. R. attended the services in a body, officiating at the interment services at Glenwood cemetery.
His departure came after an extended illness with diabetes and heart disease, but to within about a year previous to his death he was actively engaged in the work his energetic and willing nature brought to him. Possessing a generous and free hearted disposition, loyal to and serving in his country’s cause in time of conflict, a patriotic and true citizen, the pleasant memories of his life are held dear by relatives and friends and those who felt the influence of his life.
Mr. Bloom was born in Canton twp., August 21st, 1829, a son of Elsha and Bersheba Bloom, deceased. One brother, Geo., of Harvey, Illinois, and two sisters, Mrs. D. D. Merchant, of Ellston, North Dakota, and Mrs. Oakley Lewis of LeRoy, survive him. Three sisters have passed away, Mrs. Betsey Hoagland of Shunk, Pa., Mrs. Dolly Hoagland of East Canton and Mrs. Olive Carpenter, of Capron, Illinois. He was married on August 26th, 1849, to Mary N. Hoagland of Elkland, to whom four children were born; Carpenter of Troy; Rosalie Nancy, died in June, 1876; Olive Ladora died October 14th, 1862, and Lelia Ettania died October 7th, 1862. After the death of his first wife, which occurred on July 8th, 1865, he was again married September 24th, 1865 to Mary A. Leonard, of LeRoy, who survives, widow of Lewis M. Leonard, by whom she had one child, Frances E. Williams. To this second marriage three children were born; Mrs. Alice Conderman, of Hornellsville, N. Y., Elisha L. Bloom of North Cohocton, N. Y., and Mrs. Nellie Owen of Grover.
By Occupation Mr. Bloom was a farmer. His career in his active service in the war of the 60’s was a notable one. On July 25th, 1862, at the age of 33 years, he enlisted at Canton, Pa., in Co. C. 123d Pa. V. I. 2nd Brig., 3d Div., A. C. He was enrolled as Corporal and in due time was made Sergeant, in the 2nd N.Y. Harris Lt. Cav. May 3rd, 1863, he was wounded at Chancellorsville, Va. Slightly, by buck-shot in the right wrist. During this enlistment he took active part in the battles of Antietam, Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville; he was honorably discharged May 24, 1863, at Harrisburg, Pa., at expiration of term and re-enlisted September 17th, 1864 in Avon Livingston Co., N. Y., in Co. K, 2d N. Y. Harris L. C. During his second enlistment he participated in the engagements at Cedar Creek, Mt. Jackson, a Cavalry surprise in the field Charlotteville Columbia Five Forks and Appomattox C. H., receiving his final honorable discharge June 5, 1865, at Alexandria, Va.
Mr. Bloom became a member of the Methodist Episcopal church at East Canton about twenty-five years ago always faithfully filling his position in the fellowship of that denomination. He had always resided in Canton twp., near the site of his birth place until the year of 1897, in the month of April when he removed to this place, residing on Elmira street until the spring of 1899, when he completed the building of and moved into the pleasant home on Paine’s Hill.
William H. Harkness.
Wiliam H. Harkness died at the home of his brother Lyman, in Springfield, Pa., August 24th, 1901, aged 48 years, nine months and twenty days.
Mr. Harkness was a son of William Harkness, Jr., and a grandson of William Harkness who, with his brother John, known as Captain John Harkness, were the first settlers in Springfield township coming there March 1st, 1804.
The writer of this, was told by the brother of the deceased, that their families consisted respectively of twelve and thirteen children, most of whom were born previous to their locating in their new home, and that both families spent the first winter in a house 16 by 20 feet.
Some twenty years ago, the subject of this notice, emigrated to Michigan, where he remained until three years since, at which time he returned to his brothers in failing health, where he lived until his decease.
The funeral was held from the home where he died, on the 25th, at 2 o’clock, the writer officiating. Burial in Harkness cemetery. –T. M.
Twentieth Year, #972, Thursday, September 5, 1901
Thomas Barrett, at East Troy, August 31st, of heart trouble, aged 55 years.
Danverse Bourne, at Burlington, Sept. 1st, of apoplexy, aged 84 years.
Mrs. Sam Harkness, Harknessburg, Sept. 2nd, of erysipelas.
Twentieth Year, #973, Thursday, September 12, 1901
(Alba News) Arden Manley’s wife Bertha, died Friday morning September 6th.
Orrin Wolfe McClure, Monday, September 9th, at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dean McClure of Coryland, caused in falling from a tree, aged 5 years. Funeral held Wednesday in the Baptist church.
Jesse Edsall Warner, Saturday, September 7th, at his home in Vitrus aged 54 years. Funeral service held Monday in the Baptist church.
Twentieth Year, #974, Thursday, September 19, 1901
Died in Springfield.
Mary Ellen Voorhess Harkness was born in Springfield, Pa., July 29th, 1835. She was united in marriage with O. P. Harkness on October 17th, 1854. To this union were born four children, Stanley, Leonora, Elmer and Edna, wife of George Wolcott. She was a faithful member of the Springfield Baptist church for the past twenty years.
During a very painful illness over two weeks her family, and her sister, Mrs. Samuel Harkness and her daughter, Anna, were with her constantly to comfort her and administer to her wants. She was a woman who will be greatly missed not only by her own family, but by her neighbors and a large circle of relatives and friends.
She departed this life September 2nd, 1901, aged 66 years, on month and four days. The funeral occurred at her late home, services being conducted by Rev. P. Reynolds, assisted by Rev. E. B. Dwyer.
Twentieth Year, #975, Thursday, September 26, 1901
Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Montgomery of Elmira buried their only child, last Saturday, a son seven years old, who died from the effects of scarlet fever. The body was taken to Granville for burial.
Twentieth Year, #976, Thursday, October 3, 1901
The two months’ old child of Mr. and Mrs. John Bennett of Luther’s Mills, died on Saturday morning. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon.
W. W. Grace died at his home in Wetona Wednesday, October 1st, of general debility, aged 69 years.
Dorr Gayes, at Springfield, Wednesday, October 1st, of typhoid Fever.
Twentieth Year, #977, Thursday, October 10, 1901
Horace Dunning.
Mr. Horace Dunning died last Friday morning at his home on South Main street. Though in his 88th years Mr. Dunning had rarely known a sick day. He was up and dressed the day before his death. He was the last of a prominent New Jersey family of twelve, the last remaining one of which a sister, died about a year ago in her 80th year. Mr. Dunning came to Mansfield about 15 years ago from Wellsboro. Besides his wife, but four months younger than himself, he leaves five children: Mrs. J. S. Sweet, Mrs. Julia Corey and E. J. Dunning of this boro; Mrs. R. J. Lucas of Cortland, and Merritt Dunning of Elmira. The funeral was held on Monday from his late home, Rev. W. G. Hull officiating. The burial was in Hope cemetery.-Mansfield Advertiser.
The death of Mr. Dunning is the first break of his immediate family, his wife and all his children, five, surviving him. He was grandfather of Warren H. Dunning of Troy, who with is wife attended the funeral.
In Granville, October 5th, of Bright’s disease, Derrick Morrison, aged 35 years.
In Troy, October 7th, of brain trouble, Mrs. Edith Eilenberger, aged 23 years.
Twentieth Year, #978, Thursday, October 17, 1901
In Columbia, September 20th, of consumption, Mrs. Kate Quinn Leggett aged 38 years.
Twenty-first Year, #980, Thursday, October 31, 1901
(Alba News) Thomas Ayers died very suddenly last Tuesday night with apoplexy.
(Local News) Obadiah B. Williams, one of Troy’s oldest and most respected residents, died very suddenly in Wellsboro, Wednesday, where he had gone to visit his brother.
Mrs. John V. Ballard, at her home in East Troy, Monday October 28th, of Bright’s disease, aged 60 years.
Twenty-first Year, #981, Thursday, November 7, 1901
Mrs. Louise Ballard.
The many friends and neighbors of learn of her death on Monday, October 28th. Mrs. Ballard was a daughter of S. S. Kellogg, late of West Burlington, was born July 30, 1840, converted at the age of seventeen, and had since been a member of the West Burlington M. E. church. She was married February 26, 1862, to Hollon Swain, who died March 14, 1871. She was again married December 18, 1878, to the late J. V. Ballard of Troy township. She had been in poor health for a number of years and confined to the house for the past six months. Although a great sufferer she bore it patiently and resignedly.
She leaves to mourn her loss two daughters, Mrs. Thomas Brownson and Mrs. E. B. Peters and one son, Clyde H. Swain, also one sister, Mrs. John W. Campbell, and three brothers, John W., C. T., and geo. A. Kellogg, besides many other relatives and friends by whom she will be greatly missed.
Chas Lament, Tuesday, November 5th, at his home in Granville, of general debility.
Harry L. Thompson of Bentley Creek, Thursday, October 31st, aged 28 years. He is survived by his wife and one child.
Mrs. George P. Morse, a native of LeRoy, at her home in Tecumseh, Neb., last week. Interment at LeRoy.
Henry C. Baird, Esp., at his home in Athens, Friday, November 1st, aged 81 years. Mr. Baird was the oldest member of the bar of this county.
Twenty-first Year, #981 (as is), Thursday, November 14, 1901
Miss Mary E. Whalon, of Owego, N.Y., Formerly of Troy, November 11th, 1901, of cerebro spinal meningitis.
Mrs. L. E. Morley, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. A. Montgomery on Elmira street. Monday morning, November 11th, of consumption, aged 73 years.
Charles LaMont.
Charles LaMont, who died November 5th, as noted in last weeks’ Register, was the oldest member of the family, and would have been 82 years old on Jan. 20th next. Mr. LaMont came to Troy from Green county, N. Y., about 70 years ago, and worked for a number of years for Seth Paine, then moving to the farm where he has since lived and died. He leaves five children to mourn his death. The funeral was held under the direction of the I. O. of O. F., of which order Mr. LaMont had been a member for 20 years.
Mrs. L. E. Morley.
Mrs. L. E. Morley died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. A. Montgomery on Elmira street Monday morning, November 11th, of consumption, aged 73 years.
Mrs. Morley was born in Kingston, N. Y., April 11, 1827, a daughter of Matthew and Ann Slator. She was married to Charles H. Morley of Owego, N. Y., April 12, 1840. Nine children were born to them, eight of them surviving her: Mrs. Julia Montgomery of Troy; Mrs. Fannie Chase of Virtus; Mrs. Lillie Haven of West Burlington; Milton M. of West Burlington; Earl C. of Berrytown; Otis H. of Hector, N. Y.; John O. of Athens; Mrs. Mary Eddy of Elmira.
Funeral services were held yesterday at 1 p.m., from the home of her daughter, Rev. O. T. Steward officiating.
Dr. C. F. Paine.
Our citizens are mourning the death of Dr. C. F. Paine, which occurred today, November 14th, about noon, at his home.
Last Friday many were grieved to learn that the Doctor had suffered a stroke of paralysis early that morning. He had been to Philadelphia on a business trip and was on his return home Thursday night. Passing through Watsontown, the first symptoms of illness came to him and he telegraphed for Dr. Rich at Williamsport to meet him there. His condition gradually became worse, and friends at Williamsport telegraphed to Troy to have a conveyance and help ready for him on his arrival here on passenger train No. 9, at 4 o’clock Friday morning. Somewhere between Williamsport and this place he passed into an unconscious state. He was met here by B. A. Long and Frank Beach. Dr. Paine’s family, at the time in Canton, were immediately sent for. His left side was found to be completely paralyzed, and he lay in an unconscious state, only occassionally rousing, until death came. He had been in failing health for some time, but his sudden shock and death was unlooked for.
Funeral services will be held at the late home of the deceased Saturday afternoon at 1:30 o’clock.
Dr. Paine was born in Troy September 12th, 1842. His parents were Mr. and Mrs. Seth Paine, deceased. Early in life he exhibited a talent for music, and spent considerable time when a boy in pursuing musical studies at Carlisle and Towanda. During his young manhood he began the study of medicine, at Kenyon, Gambier College of Ohio, graduating in the classical course. From there he entered the University of Pennsylvania, where he graduated from the medical department. In 1865 he began practice of medicine in this place, of which he has always been a resident. He was married October 21st, 1873, to Bella Colburn, of Troy. Two children were born to them: Louise, who died at the age of four years and Frederica, Mr. Wm. Tripp of Canton.
Besides his wife and daughter, he leave two sisters, Mrs. Anna McCurdy of Clearfield and Mrs. Mary Sayles of Elmira, and two brothers, C. G. Paine of Williamsport, and Edwin Paine of Philadelphia, of his immediate family to mourn his death, together with his innumerable friends gained through his long and extensive practice, his integrity of character and generous nature.
Twenty-first Year, #982, Thursday, November 21, 1901
(Alba News) Allen Knights who has been sick for some time died Tuesday morning. The funeral will be held Thursday.
Frank Bullock.
The Many friends of Frank Bullock, lately of this township, were grieved to hear of his sudden death after a brief illness of five weeks of typhoid fever. His funeral took place at the Cross Roads from the M. E. church last Saturday, Nov. 16th, Rev. Amanda Deyo officiating. He had removed to Corning a few years ago where his sons had formed business, and was living there at the time he passed away. He leaves to mourn his loss his widow, Esther M., daughter of William Henry Gernert, and five children: Charles Edgar, the eldest; Walter, Allen, and the daughter Edna, and the youngest Glenn. Edna recently married Charles Frank of Aurora, N.Y.
The large concourse of friends and neighbors felt deeply for the grief of the widow and these fatherless children. His age was 54 years. He was born July 31, 1847, at Columbia X Roads, and married August 22, 1872.
Death Came After Sight Was Restored.
The death of Mrs. Jacob Kniffin of East Smithfield, some two weeks ago, was peculiarly sad, says the Towanda Review, as she had gone to Philadelphia to have cataracts removed from her eyes. The operation had been performed and almost totally blind when she went to the hospital, she had so far recovered her eyesight as to be able to read without glasses when only the day before they intended to send her home, she was taken with pneumonia and only lived a few days. She leaves a husband, one son and two daughters, and other relatives and friends to mourn their loss.
Isaac Wheeler, at Rutland Hill, Tuesday, November 12th, of old age.
Mrs. Emeline E. Wilcox of Troy twp., Thursday, November 14th, of cancer, aged 54 years.
Allen Knights, at Alba, Tuesday, November 19th, aged 54 years.
Mrs. Susan Rose of Roseville, Saturday, November 9th, of consumption. Deceased was the mother of Arnot Rose of this place.
Mrs. Lucy D. Avery, of Gillett, Friday, November 8th, of old age, aged 87 years.
O. J. Hilfiger, died at his home near Austinville, Wednesday, Nov. 13th, of cancer of the stomach, aged 44 years. He leaves a wife, and a brother, O. E. Hilfiger of Troy.
Twenty-first Year, #983, Thursday, November 28, 1901
Ellen Maxwell Hoffman.
Mrs. Ellen Maxwell Hoffman passed away suddenly Sunday morning, at her home in the Troy House, from an apoplectic stroke.
Upon Mrs. Hoffman’s non-appearance at the breakfast table Sunday morning, a friend visited her room shortly after 8 o’clock and found her lying in a partly dressed condition on the floor near the bed in an unconscious state, and her physician, Dr. M. B. Ballard, was summoned. It was found she was suffering with apoplexy, the exact time of the shock not being known, and without gaining consciousness she expired about 1 o’clock.
Funeral services were held at the residence of her nephew, W. P. Maxwell, Tuesday afternoon, at 3 o’clock. The service was in charge of her pastor, Rev. E. P. Morse of the Presbyterian church. He was assisted in the reading of the scripture lesson by Rev. Sidney Winters of the Episcopal church. Further service was held at her former home, Elmira, Wednesday morning at 10:30 o’clock in the Stephens Memorial chapel, at Woodlawn.
Mrs. Hoffman was born in Elmira September 28th, 1827, a daughter of Hector I. Maxwell, formerly connected with the Chemung Canal Bank of that city. She was one of four children; Edward, Thomas and Sarah, all deceased. October 25, 1848, she was married to William Hoffman of Elmira. Four children were born to them: Frederick Hamlin, Sara Irene, Frank Maxwell and William Minier, the three last named dying in childhood. And Fredrick at Englewood, N. Y., in 1895. A few years after her marriage Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman and family moved to Troy, afterward returning to live in Elmira. After Mr. Hoffman’s death in September, 1876, Mrs. Hoffman removed to Troy, and following the marriage of her remaining son, Fredrick, formerly connected with the old Pomeroy & Mitchell bank, to Miss Minnie Grohs of Troy, she lived with them during their residence of three years in Williamsport and five years in Englewood, N. J. Since the death of her son in 1895, she has made her home in Troy. She was an aunt of W. P. Maxwell and Mrs. Fanny Maxwell Long of Troy, and H. N. Hoffman, Maxwell Minier, and George Maxwell of Elmira.
Twenty- first Year, #983, Thursday, November 28, 1901
William Garbrant.
William Garbrant died at his home in Troy township Saturday morning, Nov. 23, of pneumonia, aged 60 years.
Deceased had just moved from Alba to the James Cease farm at the foot of Armenia, when he was suddenly taken sick with pneumonia, causing his death.
Mr. Garbrant was a brother of F. G. Pierce’s first wife and an uncle of Miss Marion Howe and Mrs. M. L. Case of Troy. He is survived by his wife and an adopted daughter. He was an honored member of Canton G. A. R. and the Alba P. O. S. of A. Funeral services were held at his late home Sunday at 1 o’clock, and at the Alba Baptist church at 3 o’clock, Rev. Mr. Lyons officiating.
Henry C. Gernert.
Our people were shocked to learn of the death of Henry C. Gernert at his home at Alparon farm Wednesday morning.
Mr. Gernert had been in poor health for about two years. The only hope for his recovery seemed to be in having an operating performed, which was done Saturday at his home by Dr. Kozer of Wiliamsport. He rallied from the shock, gaining steadily in strength, and appearing in good spirits, his family and friends entertaining hope for his ultimate recovery. Attendants at his bedside noted a steady increase of vigor until Tuesday evening, when his condition suddenly changed for the worse, and at 4 o’clock Wednesday morning his last earthly hour had passed.
Mr. Gernert was born in Columbia township, May 2nd 1837, a son of S. Clay and Harriet Gernert. March 3rd, 1864, he was married to Emma I. Hickok. Two daughters came from this union: Harriet, living at home, and Sarah, (Mrs. Sidney L. Doane) of Brooklyn, N.Y. Deceased is survived by the members of his immediate family, with a brother, Walter B., of Troy, who were all present at the time of his death. One brother, Nelson, died in childhood.
Mr. Gernert passed the greater part of his life farming in Columbia and Springfield. He was also an extensive cattle buyer. In 1885 he moved his family to Troy, living for three years in the Walter B. Gernert house. He next moved to the Herrick farm, and now occupied by L. M. Atwood, where he remained five years. In the spring of 1893 he purchased Alparon farm of Jno. A. Parsons, which has since been his hom. He was a member of the Springfield Baptist church.
Funeral services will be held at his late home at Alparon farm Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock, interment in Oak Hill. The service will be in charge of Rev. Thos. Mitchell, who performed the sacrament of baptism and the marriage rites of the deceased.
Elmina F. Baxter, of Troy township, Saturday, Nov. 23, of kidney trouble, age 81 years.
Jennie V. Lampman, child of Geo. H. Lampman of Burlington, Sunday, Nov. 24 of pneumonia, aged 5 months.
Geo. W. Brown, of Mountain Lake, Monday, Nov. 25, of hernia, aged 59 years.
Twenty-first Year, #984, Thursday, December 5, 1901
Death of Mrs. Riker.
We copy below an account of the funeral of Mrs. Frank Riker, of Binghamton, formerly of Troy, which will be of interest locally as she had many friends in Troy and vicinity:
"This was a beautiful womanhood, a lovely motherhood,:" were among the words spoken by Rev. Dr. Hacy McGeel Waters over the remains of Mrs. Martha Louise Riker yesterday afternoon. The services were held at the family residence, 214 Court street, at 2:30 o’clock. The house was filled with beautiful flowers, the tribute of many in the city to their friend and neighbor.
The funeral sermon was preached by Dr. Waters of the First Congregational church, of which Mrs. Riker was a member. At the close of the services the remains were taken to Spring Forest cemetery for burial. The pall bearers were Fred C. Harding, A. W. Lockwood, Dr. F. P. Hough, Dr. R. L. Lounsberry, George F. O’Neil and Charles L. Pitkin. The flower-bearer was Harry C. Walker.
Among those present were: Mrs. Eva Brooks of New York, Mrs. Reuben Thurston of Elmira, Mrs. A. S. Rennie of Chicago, Mrs. F. S. Coffin of New York and Mrs. P. C. Peterson of Owego.-The Binghamton Leader, Nov. 15.
At Granville, Monday, November 25, Miss Zoa Brundage of consumption.
Mrs. Mary E. Yates, Troy twp., Thursday, November 28, of consumption, aged 22 years. Deceased was a sister of Mrs. Frank Williams of Troy, and a daughter of R. M. Howland of Smithfield.
Myron Beach, West Burlington, Thursday, November 28, of consumption, aged 67 years. Deceased was formerly of Troy, a brother of James Beach of this place.
Twenty-first Year, #985, Thursday, December 12, 1901
Mrs. M. W. Jones.
Mrs. M. W. Jones died at her home in East Troy Thursday evening, December 5th, aged 73 years.
Deceased was the daughter of the late Samuel Allen. *n 1850 she was united in marriage to M. W. Jones, who with five children, survive her: Grant M., John R., and Mary Rathbun of East Troy, Florence Rathbun of Granville, and Sarah Jones of Hoytville, Tioga county. Funeral services were held Monday at 2 o’clock, p.m.
In Springfield, near Col. X Roads, on the 8th inst., Mrs. Addie Smith, wife of Comfort Smith, aged 43 years. The funeral was held from the Troy Baptist church on the 10th inst., Rev. Thos. Mitchell officiating, interment in Glenwood cemetery.
At East Troy, Thursday evening, Dec. 5th, Mrs. M. W. Jones, aged 73 years.
At Austinville, Mrs. Orr Besley, Tuesday, Dec. 10th, of pneumonia.
Twenty-first Year, #986, Thursday, December 19, 1901
Mrs. Nelson Warner.
Mrs. Nelson Warner died very suddenly at her home near Coryland last Tuesday morning of heart trouble, at the age of 60 years. She was a devoted wife and mother, a member of Columbia and Wells Baptist church for a long period of years. She is survived by her husband and three children: Mrs. Silas G. Stannard of Mainesburg and Bert and Vernia at home. In Warnertown a year ago were three pleasant home of three brothers; J. E. Warner in the old homestead, Alvin and Nelson on adjoining farms. Within the past year death has entered all of these homes. Alvin died last February, suddenly; J. Edsall last September and the last one the subject of this sketch. The funeral of Mrs. Warner was held Thursday at noon at the Baptist church.
Jacob Fletcher.
Jacob Fletcher, one of the oldest settlers and residents of East Smithfield, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. H. J. Olmstead, in Ulster, Thursday afternoon at 1 o’clock of liver trouble, after a sickness of about three weeks.
The deceased was born in East Smithfield 77 years ago and spent his entire life as a resident of that place as a farmer. In his business and social life he was well known throughout that section and was one of the prominent men of the town.
He was a member of the Presbyterian church. His wife died about 17 years ago. To them were born ten children, nine of whom are now living.
They are: C. F. Fletcher of East Smithfield; Mrs. O. Burlingham and Mrs. R. Campbell of Canton; Wilson Fletcher of Burlington; Mrs. H. J. Olmstead and Mrs. D. Higgins of Ulster; Mrs. F. Smith of Athens, and Mrs. L. C. Kitchen and Miss Florence Fletcher of Sayre.
Funeral services were held from the residence of H. J. Olmstead in Ulster on Saturday at 12 o’clock. The remains were taken to East Smithfield for burial.
Donald Barnes, son of Geo. Barnes of Granivlle, Tuesday, Dec. 10th, of pneumonia, aged 14 years.
Leon D. Rockwell, son of Melvin Rockwell of Rome twp., committed suicide Saturday afternoon of last week at his boarding place in Sayre by shooting himself in the head with a revolver.
Abbie Horning of Springfield twp., Sunday, Dec. 15th, of diphtheria, aged 6 years.
Abram Richard and Mrs. Sarah Richart, at Austinville, Saturday, Dec. 14th, by drowning.
Mrs. Phoeb Warner of Columbia Tuesday, Dec. 17th, of heart failure, aged 60 years.
Frank Smith of Vroman Hill, Granville, Sunday, Dec. 8th, aged 86 years.
Mrs. Bertha Besley of Columbia, Thursday, Dec. 13th, of pneumonia, aged 64 years.
Mrs. Lovinia Brooks of Leona, Friday, Dec. 13th of cancer.
Wm. M. Letts of Granville, Saturday, Dec. 14th, of pneumonia, aged 67 years.
Twenty-first Year, #987, Thursday, December 26, 1901
William Letts, at his home in Windfall, Saturday, December 14th.
The infant child of Mrs. George Stotenbur of Windfall, of cholera infantum, Sunday, December 8th.
Miss Mary Ann Morrison at West Franklin, Wednesday, December 18th.
Mrs. Hal. Williams, at Coryland, Saturday, December 21st.
Miss Anna McNamara at Binghamton, Tuesday, December 24th. Remains were brought to Troy for burial Friday.
B. A. Porter, one of the most prominent citizens, merchant and postmaster at Windfall, December 19th, the result of an operation for hernia, aged 62 years.
A body of a son of John Ward of Ralston, was brought to Troy Christmas day for burial in the Catholic cemetery.
Death of Mrs. Hal Wiliams.
Mrs. Hal Williams died at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Daskam, at Coryland, Saturday morning, after a few weeks’ illness, aged 35 years.
Mrs. Williams was formerly a resident of Troy, where she successfully conducted a milliner business for a number of years. She will be sorrowfully missed by friends here. She is survived by her husband and parents.
Remains were taken to Wellsburg, where funeral services were held Tuesday.
Death of Horace W. Rockwell.
Horace W. Rockwell, since 1851 a resident of Monroeton, died at his home in that borough at 9 o’clock Monday evening of last week after an illness of three weeks with diabetes. He was 67 years of age and is survived by his wife and the following children: Mrs. Cola Beach of Mansfield, Mrs. J. M. Prince of Germantown, Harry H. Rockwell of Chicago, Lieutenant Verne LaSalle Rockwell of the United State Army now en route to Manila, and Miss Inez M., who lives at home.
Mr. Rockwell was born on April 30, 1834, in Troy borough, and went to Monroeton in 1851 to learn the trade of foundryman. He worked at Towanda, Athens and Troy until 1864, when he purchased the business at Monroeton, successfully conducted the same for many years. For the past ten years he has lived a retired life. He was prominent in the affairs of his town, was a member of the Presbyterian church, the Masonic fraternity and the G. A. R.